BOSCH EE'S SYRUP A Dcji irritation, soothe* atdbeais throat tod lu| inflammation. The constant irritation of i cough keeps the deli cite mucus ?embrmne pf the throat sod hmp Ids congested condition, which BOSOIIII STtUF gently and quickly .beais. For this reason it has been a hvorite.hoascMd remedy for colds, coughs, bronchitis aad especially for long troaMrs hi aiHHonaof homes all over the world for the last fifty seven years, enabling the patient to attain ? r>od night's rent, free from combing with easy expect ontfon in the monting. Yoa can bay BoscuiXl SyMjp wherever BABY GIRL Brought Joy to Home. Mrs. PricStni Health Restored by Lydia E. Pinkham'i Veg?. table Compound Bcoot?c,Pa.? 'Inever f?\t Ilka work ing. and when I would try to do any work Btandingon my lieet, I would JuA drag around all day long. At times 1 would have terrible pains and .would be in bed three or four' days. I waa in thia | condition about a rear when I saw Lydia EX Pinkham'a -Vegetable Conv I pound advertised in Itne paper?. ' I bad ' i, wu good . _-.j, and rdy aunt I help' me aa it had ~ I took the Vegetable I and it brought things right, _. _ in good shape before 1 became I pother again. 1 believe it help* at t l, too, as with both my other babies Tered a great deal more than with t one. I thank you a thou Rand' times Tie good your medicine haa genome. i Lockhaven, Pa. rn * recent c< ? J chasers of L/_ ?table Compound, 08 out I rf report tJhey were Ijenaflted hf J i ~ X?/ ^s-X I SPRINGLFSS StiADtSj l ast L onj?t'i\_J_onk Bct'ty Waited Wofd?^Sp , Johnson- mlfceed ?ls>tlrnlri- the other - evening, so hp weilt td have- ills Ratr I'Tl t . When Vi n i.u _ s ? . ? 'i w uoic- u xa iitur cut. When, he entered the haulier's he . was In a quarrelsome frame ;of tnlnd. "Out It, without c^veijmtloti," 'he growled, jm he took nls ^luee jn the r it. without convention."' , _.v..?I,ns he took' Bla.plate ,ln tne chair. "Don't Want re#?ffer*< ' Ab regards thg weathe?V-" Here a customer nudged Johnson's elbow. "You'll have to write; ft dowii on his ftate, mister," fie said, "If o* of Doan's cured me." DOAN'S *55* g^^aggsgg Clear Your Complexion with This Old Reliable Remedy? .COCK SulphurCompound For rta) pics, black-hudt. freckles. blotches, indtm as wstlss foe mare serious faca, scalp and body eruptions, hives, ecsema, etc, use tkls scientific compound of sulphur. As a lo* Uoo. It soothes aad heals; takea Internally? a few drops la a glass of waters-It gets af the root of the trouble and purtftcs the blood. Physicians sgree that sulphur Is ons of ths moO effective blood purifiers known. Re rn ember, a good complexion Isn't ski* deep ?It's hasltli das pw Be Birr to ask fee HANCOCK SULPHUR COMPOUND. It has bean used wtth uU. factory results over 25 years. 60c and $120 the bottle at your drugalst's. If he can't supply you. tend his iaat aad the price la stamps aad ws wtU send yea a bottle direct. HANCOC^^TOSULPHUR Bsltiaon. Md. Bmntk Stlpltr CentmJ Om t% 4 tnr~jm *Jt anet ' '? "T ? ' ? rr?7? " ? . . ? / Fire Fighters Perish in Chicago Blaze s r*"* ' ' . * ? 4 . ... | . At least, seven Bremen and one civilian were killed and a score we're Injured In Chleugn..wlien an explpslon In o burning building caused a wall to fait burying the men. Above are seen firemen senrcBlng" for the bodies of thel^ comrades, and F&ther Ed A. Jones, who made his w.ny Into the ruins ^o administer the Inst rites of the church to the. dying. ; ' i . \ ? ' \ t \ ? _*>, -,y' i ? ? i* ' ?* ' ? ? < Making the Sitakes Feel at Home f: ?' -raui tierzei, nature artist, at work painting a domicile for reptiles In Bronx park,' thus giving the snakes a welcome change of scenery. Fire-Fighting Railway Train ' ? : Here 1* the new Masonic Temi?le quite it skyscraper In comparUrai w|_ the Philippine*. It stand* ot\ the ban ICaroUa. the principal ?treet. le 1th nk load train In- regular service Is this, put ?lroad. It Is kept tn constant readiness Kst fires which so often sweep the Mgti I, geared for pumping, draws tank cars pitlnnous work. . . -.1 THIS WON'T BE BOBBED > . Mrs: EJ. Stayder of "Hamlet, N. C., re garded ae one of the beauties of her state, has hair thafc. measures 64 Inches long, and j?he has no Intention of ad hering.#? the- present day styles so far '48 bobbed hulrls concerned. I UR; PATRICK RESIGNS Dr. Mary Mills I'atrlcIC founder of the ConstnntlDople Wotrifcn's college and Ws president for tha^last thirty four years, who has resigned her post, declaring her desire to -Vetlre from active work. IN CAPITAL SOqSETY Mr*. W. Atle?' Edwards, wife ot CommnlKler Edwards, nldp to Se< re tary of the Navy Curtis P. Wllliur with hrr pot Pekinese. Mrs. Edwnrdi Is one of thi> most popular women L Washington society. -Y Entire forged steel oonstruotion ? auto matic variable feed ?t any speed ? turns with one finger? autoinatlo oiling? . strong and sturdy ? 690 lbs. per hour capacity ? gets AT.T. the cream. . ? ,'f j -i '? ? 30 Days' Free Trial 12 Months to Pay This 1b your opportunity to try a 8HARPLE8 Allsteel Cream Sepa rator ? to ? try the very latent - SHARPLE8 Improved Separator. The term* of ^he trial are bo fair ? bo b 1 m p 1 &? bo convenient ? that evei-y farmer now operating *n old fashioned machine s may try ' this wonderful new SHARPLES: All yoji have to do is write and tett us you would like to try out on your farm the ? ; ' * J SHARPIES AUSTEEL CREAM SEPARATOR - ' ^ ?? aqd one will be shipped to yon? ?H express chaises prepaid. You try It ? use it for a month and if, for any reason, you do not want I to keep it, simply return, charges collect. ? .. . SEND NO MONEY Big Allowance Given . for Old Separator We take all the risk ? and abide by your decision. Write, poW folr detail ? of the Free Trial Offer. ' _ The Sharpies Separator Company West Chester, Pa. Origin of Lloydt Lloyd's, an. association of marine un . derwrlters, Reived ' Its name 'from ' n coffee house kept In tlifc .Seventeenth cefctpry by Edward Lloyd ' '? \ ' A Lady of Distinction > la recognised by the delicate, fascinat ing Influence of the perfume shp uses. A bath with Cutlcnra Soap and hot water to thoroughly cleanse the pores followed by a dusting with Outlcura Talcum powder usually mea$s a clear, sweet, healthy skin.? Advertisement. . >r ?? : ? ? ' Most excuses are not worth the mak ing. ' V \ < ? ?' Sliding Down thm Icing "Will you Join our party In the Jam preserves?" asked the first fly. "No," said the second fly, "the lady of our house has baked a cake with V Icing on It. We're going In for win ter sports." ? Louisville Courier-Jour nal. ' 1 f:i Bora eye#, blood-shot eyes, watery eye*, sticky ayes, all healed promptly with nightly applications of Romeo Eye Balsam. Ad*. The Golden Age was never the pre* ent age. *?' . . v < A cutting remark : "The lawn need| mowing." ? ? ?r?' ? ? " " ? ASK your local dealer Jo rec ommend a practica] dec larator. If yon are unable to ?secure one you can do thom? bobbed 'hair. :? The Louisville friend had about come to the conclusion that her ad vice had been wasted when she re ceived this laconic message : ' "They're out ; It's off ? and I'm glad." ? Indianapolis News. Depends Rastus-^GwIne have a garden? Kufus ? Yes, " deed, if mah wife's back gits better. ? Life. ? ? j* What, Indeed! , . > V. > JJm, Shelton, prominent Houston Ya< surancfe man, is sponsor for this oi\ef Jim overheard an Insurance agent trying to convince a prospective cus-, - i gorier of the merits In life Insurance^ 1 m kept right at him. At one stage of the battle, the agent used this argument : "Why," He said. Insurance. Is the greatest thing In the world. No man should be without It. I even carry a $50,000 policy, payable to my wife." "It's too much," sajd the harassed prospect. "What excuse can you give l^er for living?" ? Houston Post. / The hatred of knaves Is preferable :o their company. ASK YOUR DEALER . if you want long wear and good look s in your Overalls, Shirts, One-Piece Garments and Women's Dresses, look for the Stifel Boot Shaped Trade Mark stamped on the back of the cloth. Insist on work clothes made of Stifel'a Indigo Cloth. J. L. STIFEL & SONS Indigo Dyers and Printers Wheeling, W. V?.