1 the schools of Los' Angeles fornia,' the^pupfls are being fht how mfijm j&mhv- tn suck"? Effective witf. that other ' cities : taking up their plans. In nine' tth*j $400,000 Vbs " deposited 1 in banks of Los Angeles by pupils tr eleven 7?afa of ?s?r wioet mt ? m never had bank accounts be lt v> Even to 'SiS^.^jiowa*^ this i can be carried Olit. if the -Panics co-operate with the schools. i ; to interesting. to not* how the tol] children of Lo?Angel?rware iced to?start -4 banking account raa brought /about by treating children with the fain* respect idalts, and the youngster* were waged .not to open accounts of rj^ny-by-pei^ varWy^luit ,t? p . the standard of saving to- a dol , Futhermore, they were encour | to die the depositing themselves |W^nf the' matter.' t? the - par Y is mi fooMMrly the caae. ough this pei^n^L contract with tbanks they ))i?cinnd .BMro and ? interested iii saying trip tq Ihe movies, la order to ?se his bSA* JK??^.-is ?*eve^ r splendid material to wltJvrtito^ rtoto of Ufa. FTEZV x years to come," bankers say, influent* ' of savings to . certain arry on' beyond days.; ^-TOJKmftmet l^^fn^Tue^ V '"If ' *?*> beet) i us was attend* * passing upon bills (twiiMti ik, i-* v. , t i passed modifying, olations along .. sitfJe Pr*toCo'?: fw?t on ?75m etf Mm* UA Targe oak bwtfk.to wi& . .HI farWdden rito >>speci^ . pwrk ttphj-KWane mifr Hpt-Alpr* (?: TRANSYLVANIA PROGRESSIVE ? ? 1 ? COMMISSIONERS SIGN CON. TRACT FOR T. B. ERADI- , CATION A big; boost to our ? beef, dafry, and Tourist .business. Costs Coun ty Only one thousand dollars, State and Federal Governments standing rest of expense, estimated at six thousand dollars. A mighty good buy for us< Dr. Ballade of the state Vetenary Division has been working in this county for some days, 'feeling out the people on a county wide test for Tuberculosis test, for cleaning ,up the County. He placed his pro position before the 7 Commissioners offering' to do thtf'work if the Coun ty would put-up one . thousand dol lars; same to be all'our expenses in the* work. ^ ' ':'4f After a free discussion, and learn Ing that we are about., hemmed in by other COuntias and States, and that forty two counties are now done and farther that the. Legisla ture promised that when half of the Counties were in, they would make it State wide', and att a consider able greater cost to the Counties; the CoimftiAsioners felt it best to/feet in early and save money. BENEFITS' When we are testjed and free, we can ship > cream- to' Asheville. The Packers promise ten per* cent more for our hogs and cattle, as one out of every twenty' nine are condemed for T. B. at slautering hpases. This is not true of oyr cattle, 'but is the average of the U. S. A. Forty per cent of all children under twel ve having T. B. have tha cattle va riety, coming from milk. We will have the pleasure of knowing that we are making it safe for our child ren. It will be a good boost for our tourttt 'trade. The State and Government will pay' fifty dollars for' grade*, , qnd one hundred dollars for purebred animals condemned and- killed. The Work will start July l?t. and aftkr ?hat date' ill cattle coming in to tjfe County Will Kara to bo tasted. Cattle in joining State and Coun tiei, that are liable to cross our borders in ' graxlng will be tested -by tne Federal Department , ? Thi> Jtvork will take about five' months kn'd an ^ onl . wanting to shipouF'mHy have their cattle test ed jnst before shipping if not alrea- i dy done by that time. And if any! one wishes to go,, into some' other'; County and bring- in while the men', are her*; they aim bring them to] border and have, them, tested and then bring tMm In. Tha Government is doing every thing in its; power to stamp out Tur berculosis, and now we are to join them and clean' up our corner. 4 5 - ? ? ? CLEAN-UP-OAY WILL BE WED NESDAY, JUNB VITHL " \ w ______ ^ Let every one , have their rubbish | out where the draymen can get Prizes of 11.00 will be given for largest rubbish pil? on the fol lowing streets. Main, Broad, ?* Cald well, Wiitmtre, and Cotton Mill f^reftr.a|so!,inxoiored town. Everyone must remember a beau tiful town, is a clean town. /. N I NOTICE TO OUR SUBSCRIBERS Beginning with July 1st,.' 1924; tt^e price ^of the Brevard News Will be tt.90 par year, IL26 for ?ix months sod 76 eentts for - three months? strictly I cents per copy ^ 'Owing to the increased octet of all printing material, overhead ex penses, etc. .which have more than doubled* during tha past year, , we ifind H absointely necessary to make itfcia change. i. Ail3*Hlate weekly papers are from three to five dollors per year. Anyone m*y renew or subscribe during tha month of June at the <Uinti) of adyiae Ukjm der ftp Uji/T)^vn fax rcawia uiuwia. sum w Is the .yeicrif ' Mod s'trvrtly " erf or aw ~ the ; wst^r rerdtatioris' by, ^ttjng1s||f aB e^v jC liii of "^etlnqueiU " pjeUk ; vrfll appear In next wfeicV 'New*, which of corftfs', means *dded ^oet to tax AV ' friWrig ' alrrariv.t been 'sent oat no further aobcea j HIGH SCHOOL COMMENCEMENT The most successful session of the Brevard High School has closed. Commencement exercises began on Friday evening with the recital; of the music department. ? The choruses Were sung ^rith spi rit and accuracy. ? s;>. The piano solos were given \yith remarkable finish and feeling,' Those appearing on this program, were: Martha Osborne, Adelaide Silversteen, Katerine Moffet, Annie Yongue, Lorene Payne, Beulah May Zachai-y, Ellen English, Kathleen Lyon, Elizabeth Shipman, Rojvena Orr, Anna Jenkins, Pauline Sitton, Na"ncy Macfie, Helen Sitton, Roberta Bryant, Katherine Lowe.. At the close of the musical pro grarh the Seventh grade diplomas were presented by County Superin tendent ,T. C. Henderson^ The medals offered by ' the Daugh ters of the American Revolution for ? the best grade made in United Sta- j tes History were presented by Mrs. I J. S, Silversteen, regent of the local i chapter, to Mordecia Salts and Mc Grogan. , An interesting feature not on the printed program was the awarding Of certificates for perfect attend ance to the following pupilBi Elizabeth Wood, La Salle Lance, Louise' Wood, Richard Lance, Glen Shipman, Ashe Macfie, Clarence Bow'en, Flora Allison, Nell Johnson, Eloiae Byrd, Clifford Gravely, ( Badie Mull, Edith Mull, Harold Kilpatrick, Mitchell ^King, Mordeda Saltz, Lo rene Payne, .Spenecr ^Macfie, Valry Carter, Ruth Snelson,' Warren Scr uggs, Alexander Lance, Letishe Fos ter, Annie Sitton. Sunday, Hay, 26th, 11:15 the Baccalaureate sermon was preached at the Baptist Church. To the prelude, "Mhrche Pontifl cale," the faculty entered and oc cupied seats in the reserved 'section. To tbe stirring processional, "The Son of . God Goes 'Forth ;*? W4*/! the high school -entered and with much dignity* and ease took their places on the plaform. They re mained standing until the Senior^ entering from the main door, had found their plaees on the front of the platf oris. ' V: After the invocation by Mr, Hay and scripture by Mr. Seagle all join ed In singing "May Jesus' Christ Be Praised." 1 "The Hallelujah Chorus," direct ed by Mrs. H. R. Walker, was sung by the entire high school in a most impressive way. ' ? The Seniors* sang a beautiful an them, "No Shadows Yonder," from "The Holy City." The sermon by Dr. O. J. Chandler of Asheville was a product of .mas terly thinking. From the first to the last word the .crowded house was breathlessly attentive. The congregation Joined in sing ing "All Hail The Towef of Jesus Name," after Which Mr, Welch pro nounced the benediction. All jremainfed standing until the high school and faculty to the re cessional, "Jubilate; Deo" proceeded from the church. The ushers were, L?wia Osborne, Good* Ltftis, Branch Pax ton, Ed wafrds .Bteosp.'. ^ / 'Monday night was the gala occa sion, when the largest class in the tkUtory eehool was graduated. T tysrp. were twepty-flre of our finest boa and gfirb in this class. Aa they truly aald in their 8ong of Hits, "The like yon never ?aw be fore." . * ' The program waa opened with t chorus, The Kerry Dance, which was beautifully .rendered. Then oame .th? original play by the Senior daps, "Contented Fame" The time of/the play waa 1984. The 'place *be splendid new school building. * The pccaaion? the reunion of tie class of 19S4.' ?' Thfse of the class who remained in the old home town were a com mittee on arrangements and the first tfet' showed them * basily preparing. T6?!the wtinion hwauet.'^. '.l^ : .wm <t?c*fc4 thft ffth guest ^ the ban quet should wears. costume typical of hip, ox ,hf r profession ;.th$ result was-most e%ctiy$/jss the curtain rose upon the blshijuet scene. ' Into thlsli<lay Were woven the class -H ie tcry. hy "Eloiso'Lerwisj -claas. will, hy. Leonr English} -clues, pnophacy by .Marjr.fGjMlefflsyhiand the class ippem by MDdr^d T|twtha?^?John.Whit4f Was; toaatmSstar. at the banquet. j If space p?mi?t?d wa would be glad-. *t? telt everything ?a*d and de*e hyj th?te bright yonng people. \ * (Centinaed on another Page) I OUR RAL1EGH COMMUNICATION ' s Raleigh, N. C., Juno 2j ? As the gubernatorial campaign draws to a close the supported of both Bailey and McLean^claim victory for their favorite. Bailey adherents contend that he will win hands down -? and that "it is all over But the shout ing." The McLean folk appear con jfldent that he will "go over the top" by a safe majority. Both can didates have speaking engagements which carry them through/-the .final day of the contest. Eastern Caro lina has .come to be - the battle ground and the fight in "fast and furious." . Many speakers are out on the huntings boosting their respec tive favorite and ' oratory will be "the order of the day" until the curtain is lowered on Friday night, June 6th. Aspirants for minor positions on State ticket are viewing the situa-, tion philosophically. They realize (that the contest for the / governor ship overshadows that of any other office and are trusting their inter ests to , friends who .attend the poll ing places on election day; Twenty.' one names appear on ,the ticket for State offices and there ajre from two to four contestants v for^ each position to be filled. N Incumbents expect their records to be sustained and are endeavoring to let the folks' have an account- of their "steward-' ship" by mail and through the newspapers. j These primary campaigns are' tot pensive luxuries. The candidates have already reported expenditures 1 aggregating $22,000 to the ' Secre tary of State in their preliminary' Btatments. A /final accounting must be made within ten days after the primary. Mr. Bailey leads With an expenditure of $8,880.64 and Mr. McLfean is a close second with $3, 618.18. Latham, for Commissioner of Agriculture, comes, nexj witljh irer pert of having "parted" with nearly l?00v f> dollars; Graham, $181.24. The, others reports amounts ranging: from $116 to a thousand and up wards. Three million ballots have been mailed out to the counties, except^ hig< the thirteen which operate un-; der #he Australian ballot system, by the State- Bpard of 'jJections. Thrte all to trucks' yrerm loaded ,T$th tick-, eta and' the Raleigh port office did "a land office buriM"*" for a ltftlfe' while wken these trucks -dumped their cargoes into the back door of the Federal building. A greitt* number of tickets' for the primary will be needed this year than usual in order to .accomodate the women voters who are, for the first time, to. participate ii) the nomination' of candidates. ?. Blanks hive gone to the chairman of each county board of Sections for returns on the actual cost r of the primary to each and every coun ty. With a tabulation of these ex penses tha cost of holding a primary the State can bfc aecarttfely ' de termined. It is estimated that the cOst to the taxpayerm"'for the privi lege of Voting in" the primary ' next Saturday, after deductingentrwirt fees, will "approximate l-' $40, W6; , Under tie' convention - system of making' nominations no tickets were required there were no official to be 1*d for houdhtg an election. 226,000 democratic ballots were cast for Corporation Commissioner atnd AAsrfate Justice of the Supreme Court in 1922. It is nof'balieVed that the total caat In next Saturdajrs primary will exceed that number. Farmers are more concerned abont working their ' crops than they _ are ia naming candidates for office right n ow. They may become more in terested as election"* day approaches' and that Is not far away. The Sur. iday morning papers will "isnrf " the news of the bkttle of ballota th* day Democracy will have 'Selected ? ledger, pr^ous^'aind , thfc?s Win drop back fco porteafcy- again.' -'u / . .. :> -'i* - '*? vi * ? LITTLE RIVER NEWS ' v> ' "c- ? fi'tiw Jf . ^ i,, Quite a number of "people at this place attended the ill day ringing kat Glady Branch Strtidiy.;' M?M Elsie, Ray Is expected home' tooi' after attending sehodt" at 'H*n 'rfertonviUe N. C. ? 1 Mlsa Nellie Nicholson has rt turn ed to tjrsenrflle S. C. aftw h- visit with her parents Mr. and Mr i.'ft. T: Nicholson.' ! ' ' Mist Jess i? Ray Is visiting friends ftftencftWivflle C.' " .' ?tit ' ? ? ? : ? . ? Mr. and Mrs. JF. 'H. Case 6f Swmn ill4 ^ u?e guaat el iira, Case's kioth* T, j 8. Weod, ' I Chamber commerce ADVERTISES BREVARDS ADVANTAGES PUB LISHED BY NORTH CAROLINA MAGAZINE ! The following article appears in the current number pf The North Carolina Bankers Association month iy: BREVARD, "In the land of Waterfalls," is situated' upon a beautiful mountain-gir^ plateau and occupies a strategic position the pleasure seeker will quickly appreci ate and approve. At the gateway of Pisgah National Forest and The Beautiful Sapphire Country, it meets the fastidious demand for modern conveniences and luxuries and at the same time, it is located where a few minuteB drive - ? ? in various directions ? will place one in the depths of mountain and forest>ap parently far from civilization. Nature has* wonderfully endowed Western North Carolina with natur al bpauty of mountain and valley scenery, which is as attractive as any to be found in any. section of the world. With the Blue Ridge on ? the East, the Smoky Mountains on the West, the numerous cross ranges, , and the foothills approach* Ing the rjdgc on the east, there is a regirfn known far and wide for its beautiful sccnery, healthful climate, ' pure : water, and wonderful natural resources. ^ Its- mountains are soft in conj^ui? with wooded slopes - to their tops. Its plateaus and culti vated vallfjp are ..restful' to the eye. tier# is am abundance #f rug ged scenery, and one can' 'enjoy the ' wilfc granduar to the utmost. The" section immediately surrounding Bwfsrd lias , an unusual number of waterfalls, cascades and rapids-no. two anything ^aUke. "except that' an are water? which givti the ''. widely known name pf "The Latid of Water falls."' The forests abound with J?d. turkey, :ruffed *rou^, duck, deer, quail and other game. The streams .Uam. with .apackla* and J rainbow trout. The forests yield vast quantities of timber of many "^,'many 'timber products Tto atreaips, have almost limitlfess ?. waterpowet^aa yet undeveloped. ? ? S^Jese fire natures 1 own ituritatlons to and op Brevard, on . the Southern Rall wa^ t^e iounty site of Transylvanlfc County, .has well paved streets, mag nific^ht water and 'dralha^'ijntfcks well cquiped and extensive teleph one aid electric ll^ht 1 and poWer systems, banks, " business V houses*, and, aui)ierous{ 'hotels, *.?. boarding houses' camps camp . sdhoolfi, cot- ' ' ? ? During" the stimnier season, the population !W mWt mora than doub- 1 led, and, this visiters" arifc welt cared for.' ' This "is well shown liy the fact ' ! that a lar^'^MrcspUg^. of the Visit ors returtf 'Vwir ''after '" year,' lit evar increasing htimbaitf /and'bnng thtelr friends with tSekbl a More than two -thirds of the camp schools of Wei^TO North .Carplina tare 4u ^ ^rarayivanf* County-,"" and rear firevard, and these bring hun dreds and hundreds of both boys and * girls to the 'mountain^ .jvery' summer, Thesj combine the advan tages of a wonderful summer oflt-: ipg. in the moupUlaa and e^cellen; facilities for study,; axar'^se fn. repygati^n, . Ths educational.^'-"., ties cover the prep' school* w&rk' tfjp ipto the first and. second year col leg? ?rorir, The athletic*, reationa in elude boating, bathing, swimming, horse hack .riding, Ws<?; ball, tennis basket ball, track work' and much more. ' . Xransylyania County , has 2ot>r ?SeftJtrV ? Connection*! with Sputh P^rplina" t&orgia ' Tpnp State lifghway syjt art* of North Car with the Dixie Highway, and thence oonnectiona to the, south and Middle West. 5 .1Che_ Same eonnec sort and for It* wonde^ul 'acpnfc tiTe^a; for generations; the' line running 'wesij 'rnnp np tbe Prench Broad VMUefrj through {he Toxa-, way an?T Sapphire Country Cashiers' Valley, Hlghlah&, etc., '?Ath * $pn nect^on# south,' into South Ca rdflnaj and Georgia; The Pbgah .flighya'y, from Brevard through t>ifK*h Nat- ! lonal Forest, oyer MbttTjt'lWsga^. t^ , ; to Buncombe County, lit * short , .connection -to AshcviUe as uc" u I (Continued on another ^age) i DR. wAlUS'S HEALTH ARTICLE Am I My Brother'. Keeper? This question asked centuries ago i? f?w u ach'eVed ?> bad eminence in that he is the first himicide of tlnZ T ^VC any record' * a? Per tinent to day as at any time In the W ? ?i mftn- 0ur 8Ctlon? relat ng to others are either direct or indirect. We sin by omission or cpmmission Each individual is an t?S j 0r, .a, "f t? the communi ty in which he dwells. "No man t0^lm8elf or <?eth to himself" To the State the health and well being of its citizens is the highest consideration. Our State has i? self wftV'T df.cadea c<">cerned it. t>T mm educat,on ot to chief cro, the children who must shortly ' as- . sume the duty of citizenship. U in ,f? ,CarC ?< ita lia-bili " he halt, the maimed, those who form ahy cause are not able to , ' care for themselves. It is largely concerned with any and all mel that will promote the health of all ?L- ? ?f *U 8ortfi an'd condi , ' j|e citizen Who cares prop erly f?r hta own heaUh * *55 ?' hl: <? **. tSZ": nlitl ? benefits himself and eighbors. Disease, and death the "JX-y- many cases be avoided, the last ijj inevitable have no favor! rtes invading with impartiality the tion 68 t ,ih?ae in Wgh and ata- . on. It i? a matter of record that ' a daughter of Sir Robert Peel, a1 ^^ H 8ter ?f Great BritW ;,; tw !f * ca8e 9* scarlet fev? thai ??ded fatally from ; a drew # m*<je for her In a home in which were.some cases 6f th*tdisease,at - the time: the dress waa being *?? proving conclusively the. depending ?f etrery condition of men. upon the welfare of othert. ? /. The lives of men are so bofud to 5m , * all jBffar, government was Rinded probably with a largo con sideeation for, ? the : right* of tl^^iw dividual, hut when the fadWdual for any reason becomes a to other*, , it i8 time .to curb whst that individaS , Thfr indhridual suffex ng, with a communicable or conta* ious disease ia.ata?naceto his com be SSES to Jock the stable *ftor the horao Is stolen. Prndence would lock it prior to. a?<* an wcperience. . ... We wo, to an .age when .thing* moye. swiftly, along1 all lines of en- . deavor. ? Because of rapid tranaict tho.world ia-growing smaller. Coon ^ that were difficult . of &c cess ?*??&. meSlft 1Ws3#A maW Points Of view benefiei al.^.^but it canioi, with>ft W' ^ ,?f; i9.t|?9dppit}g disease hith microbes,^ g^t. {.A. boy is said to microbes to halp ^ to:.hi-..?j&2n#ifi.b?^tt^ h?>** been told they multiplied so fisL.' W*PX< dV?MI with afi| gr?i2S' : vigilance jBome things may ratutt - the n??t. rigid precautions, available. " wje now.havo, . fortunately control . of -setae maladies that fcitYt to *ht-V I^eau^^any ,des#hs . and.'^K* sitfort#*., ; Tfc ; wo^d ap}^ ' ? good Judgment to Avad ' oqrMlree KC9ntiWd on ?noo^';gS5^' ' ' " I TAXING YOU* DEKBAT GRACEn h "'Wlllt.fi. ' , ? . . OtttMinia will hive the opportnni- ' )y.?' nomfftitlag' fkilr :feand!d*ter' nixt Norember,- (of Wmary wfll U run on ^ f^ir basis.) . <?v ; .? m*t?Ti*l avilfabli^''- ; ^ . cheerful smij. U^2?U) [I ,Wo in1Irr0lT- ^^1. *a>phatfc J . Mon day Wday. irtS " ^,o ?CD?- ft, 5clnij Umply because H fa ^ v"

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