EMPIRE", NATURAL RESOURCES FOR LOCATING INDUSTRIES? 2,237 FEET A0OVE;SEA LEVEL " "EXPONENT OF . ? TRANSYLVANIA COUNTY" ' 1 ? i wfc INDEPENDENT 'AY, JUNE 27TH., 1924, Hia ^eeU the e^ beneath her V And the heart In her dumh breast > flatten- and sings, ; w?"d'""i "" L~-? ?*?*??$*? ? Spirit of Chfjft consecrate the 'scenes amidst mJch we move, con secrate the. hill -top where our son! | communee *hh;iUttir*. liCpnsecrata art riot courted to temples * made with trtByijL nor lart Ilura limited to the s*crament of bread and wine. Reveal to ua the- holiness of common thJhrfga, teach us the aacrednees - f 1 r* v ** K; : ? ? CANDIDATE FOJt RENOMINA TION AS COMMISSIONER OF LA BOR AND PRINTING j ? fin the Second Democratic Primary July Stfc., 1N4. _ ? . ? J LEADING HIS NEAREST OPPON ENT BY APPROXIMATELY 12, doo Votes in the first pri MARY-! AND LEb IN SEVEN CONGRESSIONAL DISTRICTS AND SEVENTY* FIV& COUN TIES.' 5 - OFFICIAL RECORD The work of the Department of Labor and Printing haa doubled sev eral times since Mr. Shopman's con nection' with it: the, directftp of the cooperative Federal and Stfte free employment ' service, with Ideal offi ces in Asheville, Charlotte, ^Winston Salem, Greensboro, Wilmington; '^n'd Raleigh, has been added to the dut ies of the Commissioner; a new '"bu reau of the Department for the help, of our deaf population, created by act' of ' the last Legislature, is func tioning nicely; the gatherihg and comilation of) facts and statistics re lative to farming and labor, manu facturing, mining, water-powers, etc entail greater labor each year. Thousands of dollars (morie than the operating cost of the Depart ment)^ are saved ahniially to the State by the careful supervision at the public printing and approved business methods thsit have been in_ troduced in handling this important *tem of government expense; thou sands of the unemployed, including hundreds of former service men have found positions through the em ployment division; m&ny of the deaf have been ' directed to situations whicV have enabled them to estab lish themselves iji life since the de velopment of -the bureau tbr the defcf. under the Supervision; of . the Deportment; yet but a beginning has been made - Auditing' "experts Employed fa check the records of State depart ments and introduce improved me thods failed to find any- errors in the records and could suggest no- im provement id the system, in vogue in this Department. These experts stated th?t> the Department of La bor and Printing was easily one of the most efficient and most economi cally administered of all the State departments. V;' - ? , This department is conducted on strictly business principles, in the interests of the taxpayers of the State. |t is a tax-saving rather than a "tax-eating" department. In so many ways and by so many different methods has ifr. Shipman increased the efficiency of his depart ment that to enumerate them all here would be quite unnecessary. Suffice jt to repeat, th?n, that the General Assembly has properly rec ognized his efficiency and the vastly increased importance of the Depart ment to the State, and that this effi ciency has been attained during the .time Mf1; Shipman has served the people. , HUS SERVICE RECORD Hitherto the friends of Mr. Ship man have refrained from placing emphasis on his record of service to veterans of the World Wai* because he , felt it would be improper for a candidate for office/ to boost his cause on account of affiliations of' that character. But in justice to him we feel that attention should be called to these facts;-' 1. Tbfct tvhile he was too old to bear arms in the war, he did every thing to help win it, spent months in the campaigns for the siie of Liberty Bonds and War Savings Stamps and Red.C^oss and Y. M. C. A. work, besides contributing his full share at every turn of the way 2. When the conflict had been con cluded and the Federal Government abandoned the Employment Service Mr. Shipman took It over in 'North Carolina without additional compen sation for no other purpose in the world than to give aid to the retum_ i ing soldiers by securing positions j for those who were not restored to I their former positions or for any I reason were seeking positions. Se curing the cooperation of chambers I of commerce 'and local authorities I in the larger cities of the State, he ! succeeded in keeping six offices in J operation untH the General Assem i bly, on his recommendation, came I to the rescue with an appropriation j to establish the service as a perma j nent institution. . 3, Cn his returr. from tK-< servic. {?Mr. Shipman gave the most desirable (Continued on Local Pag*) CHAMBER OF COMMERCE NOTES The advance guards of the tour ists are arriving daily, and the un precedented demand for booklets, ?ad vertising matter and information as [ to houses, cottages, hotels, boarding i houses, camp sites, etc., would seem I to indicate an unusually heavy summer season, ' A number of cottages and houses rented for the season. Correspon dence as to many n\.ore. Those with houses,- cottages or apartments would do well to see the secretary. The directors of the camp schools are on the grounds putting on the "final touches," ready for opening next week. Prospects are good for all the camp schools, and, this time next week the girls from Rochbrook, Illah, Keystone arid Brevard, and the boys from Sapphire, French BroadH- Transylvania and Carolina Will be much in evidence. Visjtow to Brevard this week, for the first, time in a number tof years, are' bewailing the fact that the roads leading to Maidenhair Falls,. Triple Falls and Bridal Veil Falls are either abandoned or so^much neglected that it is very difficult to visit them. There are doubtless other- points of interest whose approaches need at tention. The taxi and public ser vice men would be ireatly benefitted by the improvement of these roads; it would also increase the v^lue of the property owners along the roadB; and' would re-open many points of beauty and interest to the tourists. As we advertise the land of the .waterfalls we should -give the visi tors fulT opportunity to see? all of the waterfalls without undue exer tion or expanse. The Secretary Would .be glad to assist as much ''as possible in gettitlg the. road ai^thori_ ties, the property" owners, and the, public service drivers, to co-operat ing- In' this work. The proprietors of hptels and boarding houses would do "well to tell their guests of the public Hilary Oil the square. Many thousand volumes, with a variety to suit all tastes. ? f ? . Regular bus line is now running from Brevard to Xake Toxaway. V A number of fishermen have visi ted us, stating that they are hunting the fellow to Jerry Jerome's , RAjn bow trout that was on exhibition in Asheville a few days ago. The numerous waterfalls and won derful views that are eas'.ly reached by auto, will take a visitor at least a month to see. A little work in re opening trails would make more than twice as many points of inter est easily accessible. Our best ad. is "a well pleased tourist who has spent a month,'* A still better ad. would be "a better pleased tourist who has spent two or more months." As the town and surrounding coun try fills up with visitors, it will ma terially assist the arriving visitors, if the hotels and boarding houses' would . keep the secretary informed of the amount of space they still have available; One . minute at the phone In the morning may save the visitors and the secretary much time and trouble, and, better still, may | fill up "that last available room.'-' If you wish information, phone 121. If you have information, phone 121. -J Secretary. THE DUTY OF A HOSTESS It is the duty of every hostess to notify the Brevard News about their visitors. It ik simply etiquette and it is impossible for, the News to know about all the' flittings to and fro of* the traveling public unless we are notified. AUXILIARY MEETING There will be a meeting of The I American Legion Auxiliary Tuesday July 1st., at +?8>0 p. m. in the Build ing and Loan Office. Mrs. W. E.- Breese, Secretary.'" THE OPENING BALL Dr. B. B. Todd announces the Orand Opening Ball at The Frank lin for Friday niprht, June 27. Tho Atlanta Foot Warmers, a ten pioce orchestra, will furnish the mu sic. The price will be two dollar? for each couple on the floor. i : . -Mr;. Zioth left cr. Tues day for New York to visit Mr. Booth who is in a hospital there, . W ' aad METHODISTS PROGRESS .'! ? A long stride forward in Sunday School work has been made in the new Methodist building. They qre now equipped with classrooms. Tha Sunday School auditorium has been reseated with chairs and is made a part of the church, auditorium to ac commodate the large congregation. Passing out from the auditorium, on the right hand is a classroom for young women; the corner room facing you is the "Mary Henning" room, the meeting place Of the va_ rioue organizations. This room has been furnished in^ memory of Mrs. E. T. Henning who was a charter member of the Missionary Society and one of its most faithful mem bers. There ia a bronze tabj&v,to mark the .room. On the waly&re photographs of several former pas tors. The room is furnished as k living room ? and is v delightfully "homey." ' The next room, with folding doors between it and the "Mary '.Henning Room,'.' is occupied by the. class taurht by Mr. Eugene Allison. < Next la Mrs. D. P. Kilpatrick'a class room made attractive by its, rose bud girls. ? 1 Next is the Epworth League room. These active, earnest young people 1 have spent money, time and labor, | to make their room attractive; they have bought a piano, among other' , things. I The room at the end of the cor i-ridor is occupied by 'Mrs. H. A. I Plummet's class of boys from ten to;, '.fourteen years of age. ThiB is an* other attractive, homey room. Down stairs the first room is oc cupied by Mr. George W. Hayes and his class of boys. This is a real man and boy room. Then comes a lovely room done in ivory, blue and gray. Unmistakably a girls room. Miss Elizabeth Z a chary is the. teaches here, i / , ' Than there is tha primary room, -I vqry large. Although this room lis in the basement it is an east room, flooded with Sunshine fvom its long row of windows. Miss Bertie Bal lard ik in charge here. This large ropm will alBO. be used for get together meetings; opening out from it is a kkchenette. The remaining space ia occupied | by a furhace room and other neces-. sary adjuncts, S ?'?.(j/'i). A ST. PHILIP'S CHURCH ADVAN CES At D'Arlington, on the evening of j Friday last the pariahonars. d?- St. | Philip's with sopw of their friends,, collected f or, *a "get-together" sap* per and for the purpose of father ing the long talked of project of the 't new Parish Hoiue. 1 After partaking of B bourttiful meal, deftly served by somd of the younger members of ' the church, telling speeches, showing the bene fits to be gained for St. Philip V through the possession of a Pariah House, were made by Mr. Silver steen, My. Breese, Mrs. Carrier, Mr. Bromfteld, Mrs. Erwin and others. | Those of- St. Philip's there pre- f sent were then invited to atate how much each would pledge toward the , cost of the new building. The re sponses were so generous that the j success of the plan seem- assure'', , The hope is to put up betwec-i the Rectory and the church, a ba:!J- > ing of brick or atone to be used by the Sunday School claases, aa a " meeting place for the varioua church societiea, and for such social gather- , ings as may be held by and for St. Philip's. i : ^|iH ? I B1LLMANS MEET WITH AUTO ACCIDENT Mr. and Mrs. D. E, Billman and children of St. Petersburg, Fla., who i have spent several summers here ! and have made many friends, met last week with a serious auto acci- , dent. v . I ?The Billmans had started for Brevard. At Tifton, Georgia, their | car was -wrecked. Mrs. Billman was j unconscious for two hours, Mr. 1 Billman's hip was injured. The ' children escaped unhurt. As soon as they are able to travel the Billmans will continue their trip to Brevard. Their many fri ends here are ftlad the accident was jio worse. The Baptists are still improving their already handsome property. They have just finished a fine con c?v tc u r.r. ' ?;*;*? ' . - n? -':or\ the street to the front veranda of the Paatorimn. . , ? - FOURTH OF JULY Vrrrj CELEBRATION ; ARE YOU PATRIOTIC? : ii The Brevard Gun Club, with con.- / mendable patriotism, has taken the lead , in arranging for a grand cele bration of Independence Day. Let every man, won! an and child do their part toward making a great success of, this occasion. The idea is to have an old time picnic. pack a b}g' basket with a ham, sever . nl fried chickens, pies, cakes, home baked loavep of bread, pickles, sand_ wiches, deviled eggB and other good things, - There will be a comgnlttae of la dles antf gentlemen on hand ^o re ceive the baskets and spread the- m fiast. L TvLa- ? j_ -V ' picnic^' A number of new people have come into our midst; meet and wel come fheml Let's have a big . get together; we all need it, DecltuN) your freedom from work and cat* one flay. Help the other fellow to have 'a good time and you'll be sure }o, it. . The place .selected is ideal for the purpose. Tbere ia a shady grove where dinner will bp spread ; an open meadow* for the race track and the target shooting. e patriotic in peace. WEDNESDAY EVENING SERVI CES AT M. E.' CHURCH 4 ? - ? : An interesting feature has been introduced into the mid-week servi ces at the Methodist church. Last Wednesday evening the Senior Ep_ worth League had charge - of tie service/ The prayers and talks wero^ short, pithy, pointed. . j Young and old took part. /This : week the Men's" Bible class will have charge. Next Week the Women's -? ,*j Bible Class will conduct the service, ' . and so on through the various orga n:zritions of the church. The pastor, Rev. E. R, Welch dosent believe in stifling, somolent, sameness. ' % ' ? ' ? J -T ? THE PROFESSIONAL' AND BUSI NESS Men OF BREVARD AND, THEIR CHAMBER OF V COMMERCE ~1< ' How often do we hear the prof essional and business man say "why should I belong to the Chomber of' - ?, Commerce. It may be of benefit to. t some but l?>w will it help me.?" Let us first ask what the Chambir1 of Commerce is striving to do?" It.v. is working for a better and bigger ' Brevard and Transylvania County, v Every professional and business man will agree that that is what it should ?. do and that the Chamber of Com* merce is an asset to the town and. county, then why should he not :yA his share towards supporting it? Owei A Debt To The Town And* County, Anyone 'who claims a place as hir home ?Hid makes a living there is in- ? , debted to that place. He owes it his efforts towards making it a bet- ?" ter place to live in. The> Brevrrd Cramb^r of Commerce Offers these men an opportunity ? -to do their shnre in develop:ns the community which he calls h's home: it gives them the opportunity of working together and ni'sing and * o becom ing acquainted with 'he men with whom he expects to deal; it helps advertise Brevard and County which means that he will be better known J, r la'-yr ?er-),prv *?.d th->t nor* yfy #.-f ""r v :v. sc'.: to i-.'m. "?ot >husiscca ' and professional services "* A ' pfc.' J* |