ttOMANCE NOT FOR GIRL WITH GLASSES - ? ^ i SkmUighted Maiden B aaeanf Unhappy Fate. Xm V..'? *?? Bult pieces of glass, a gold MAp? oi ? thin chain stand between ?? tM tlx greatest thing In u girl's 'Rbn vnfeappy fnte that enrolled mm m '?wfcer of the "glg-lamp" brl "A Short-Sighted Ulrp laments A* Uc Washington Post. My glasses tmtm mm look highbrow, sensible, prlpo, ?M? liHih. and even dowdy, whereas ? la*e K/e, laughter, absurd talk and Js?y Hathee Imagine a bespectacled flM ?? taffy clothe* I? and I yearn for - of the romance that might mine had I not been short ahrays seem frightened of me. )<?*? out/with anotlier girl and it mm of her men friends they eewpletely when tbey are ta rt l? me. "Oh, Lord t" I can aee IkW thinking. , Ihqr Ask* my hand moat politely, aab V i am well? a brutal question, / Hr Ibe wht ? and discuss the weattfer, liil n. m the political outlook. AH :Wm m IT I despised the glorious chat Mr aboat lannls, dancing, film stars fblngsl rse, 1 cannot blame them. Ir ao denying that, on a girl, ' j> 0m*tm nromantlc. Nothing could aaniTishlng 4hi>n a shy glance ?mack ? doubte pebble 1 And who VMli sympathize with' b gift's tears 11*7 were ? magnified threefold ?r ?a ?**) oi glass? If home expert. naM bbb Were to kiss me suddenly ?? ??rtl p*>bnb)y knock my glasses *B in tie si tempt, and my embryonic mm* wvoM be shattered with my ^?anWil* flour. A gjri may be as fragile as a hot lm> f)ui, but so long as she fs tiaye a" host of admir als. TM a small 'and unimportant eye MmWk. ?MH necessitates the wear lag a# passes, destroys all my chance man's ndmlratlon. ) . ' ' M Iwi* a 'writer I Would produce w.yym ?irijV about u girl who wore ^mMsl I would make her wonder MipPnpi'i i,i ilng and sweet. I would wm/km tbe Cashing hero tall In love ?> jMt after a jrllnt of sun, re % bet glasses had shone In . - Bat who would want to m " , ; j 1 long to |throw those .'.'gJhaMaai mine on the floor! and Jump em flam. But I know I must not If . V 4M ] weald only have to buy Another | New /f? Worse In. Blank Is a /very nervous worn mss^Mk ?o that at times she quite , ?a Bunk's nerves. At first all '* "* Wag she Imagined she could aasbnfly moving 'about down .. Kr?*?. time a window rattled ?r 4 J1ti> creaked she would wake ??'BaMfcia< and say: there are burglars down Deal you hear them? Oh, we dor . last Blank hlt?on-an txlen . be thought wootd compose hla j he said, "you can rest ,t these noises are not Burglars work In nbsolute Tea never hear a sound from - <$Tv." V-'*V '? "* '?? ' mm Mrs. Blank goes Into a and wakes her husband up there* no noise. ? Pittsburgh " iph. 1 _ From Sugar Cane , TJiry are offering great claims >for Wte arm artificial litfnber made of the ? waste Sber of suprf cane. Mills near. Mi a (Means are already turning., out ?' kdi ?ITMoo feet of this lumber every '/ Jk bawse built of this material. It Is | sisauKd by the Lincoln Journal, will : . 'It nd t> samroer. and warm In win tat' largely sound-proof. The lum kr ?aafi oat of the mill In boards hit wide and of tndqf nlte length <V' aUA'ni be (tit to meet any needs, Oai **Ttn? much labor. ?ng as cane sugar Is consumed ?B be plenty of raw material M* this lumber. If cornstalks be employed in the same way, a ' does not seem impossible, f need not be "concerned peaatttle timber famine. V , .w*? Treasure Found l?rd Byron, who a century ago was iitoa baaaaa* guest of AMI Pasha, stern, taller of Albania, frequent ?d the; splendor of his homo ?leh plunder he had accumu Slnce A 1 1 1 Pasha's death attempts have been made to Us treasures but all have failed reeeotly Greek archeologlsts, about the grounds where Ids palace and cnstle. un a ralnnble. Interesting rem ut them. Among the spoils fonnd ? bases of gold coins ? Egyptian ?? ?onwroua gold ornaments and Ortental rugs, worth altogether tbaa $100,000.000 ?Pathfinder Acc ording to Rule Tlcitor tin county Jail)? What ten ' ^ Mr rrimf has this man committed? Varrira ? He didn't commit any tda? at alt. He was going down the ' gau a fnr days ugo nnd saw one mmm stoc.? another, and he Is held as a material wttnew. THlar ? Ami where Is the man who eS tW mardcrT . Vardrn ? Oh. he I* out on bail. '^Baata ^arbsra News Handsome 1 rophieg for Airplane Race Winners b , _ Liberty bonds worth $50,000, together with silver trophies, bronze meduls, plaques hntl other awards were made to the pilots who finished first In the 12 events of the international air races at Wilbur Wright Held, Puytou, Ohio, October 2, 3 and 4. Some of the trophies are shown above. I ?. i MAY BE ON SAAR BOARD Miss Sarah NVanibaugh, daughter of Brof. Eugene Wnmbaugh of llarvnrd university. Is being strongly urged for an appointment on th* governing com mission of the Sa'nr vnlley. Recom mendations for her appointment have reached the council of the League of Nations. The vacancy was cftused by the death of the Spanish niemher. Miss Wambaugh Is a doctor of laws and Is said to know more about pleb-, Iscltes than any living person. ' She lias written an important book on the itlijecr. VENUSES TAKE NOTICE r 1 SIIsk Mxrjjitretii Volinni?in, one or1 ? the favorites of Stockholm. Is In lint' for the world's most perfe.-t Venus Recently she won first priju- In n con test, unil afterward* expre*?fed the desire to enter In an Int-.-rn-.tloniil contest for the most perfect tlK'.ire. Why Both Wcre-Thcre Two men met nt :i cluh Said one : "How ??< Jt you nren't nt homo !hfe ?venlns*." ' I "My wife 1? 'in lind l.iiwnr," was the eply. "Sho hail ?company arrive an?l ? he wasn't How al?o:it your Tlrr" ? " ' "i\ my wife'* mml, t.*>. >She c >t ??ndv for company and they didn'* ] .'ome " ? New Haven Remitter. | He Is Making Invisible Wire ... . 1 . ? ? ?? ' ? ? i ? - ? ? .1 ? ? ? ? r? m What Is probably riie tlpewt uire in existence has been made by George Tnylor, u physicist In the Department jot Agriculture. The wire Is so stender that It cannot be seen with the naked eye, yet Is strong enough to suspend objects easily seen. It may be used Ip very fine surgical Instruments und may prove of lnvuluable uid In many fields of yclence. Science Uses Champion's Skeleton ? ?t ' l - ? - - - ? :? ' ? Here Is the skeleton of Sojtlile XIX. the world's champion butter-producing cow. It lias been permanently lnatullcil 1tt the bureau of dairying "f the United States Department of Agriculture.'- This cow, which yielded G.000 pounds of liutterfHt In seven years, was recently slaughtered and her b'6Uy dedicated to science. M. H. Fob r man of the bureau of dairying Irf shown usln^ a new Instrument which gives the relation of the form of a cow to her ability to give milk anil butter. With the Spanish in Morocco S|.: n -I. ..n th. :r r, IU>vt? ?f tll(1 i,.lirr^o;ls !hat has . j be.- I ,i\ r.'.>i>tu<iti? llirr tribesmen of Morocco. V MEMPHIS MAN GAINS 40 LBS. ON TANLAC .J Jenkins Gives Medicine' Credit for Recovery. "Tunlae knocked out ray troubles and gave me such a flue appetite and digestion that I have put on 40 lbs. of good, solid weight," declared W. A. Jenkins, popular street railway con ductor, 1007 Klrkland St., Memphis, Tenn, ; ? ? "For several years stomach trouble, mularlat nervousness, dlzey spells and sick headaches kept me all out of. gear. I couldn't eat right, my sleep V / - ?</. was all broken and It wa? all I could do to keop oil the Job. "Since talcing Tanlac I eat every thing, Bleep ftood ur.? feel fine all the time. I have found rranlac Is the v^ry ' thing for keeping my system touAil up and in trim. Tanlac has Also rev lleved my mother of stomach troubled, <?. It's the best ever In the way or^Bf medicine." Tunlac Is for sale by all good drug gists. Accept no substitute. Over 40 million bottles sold. Tanluc Vegetable Pills for constipa tion ; made and recommended by the manufacturers of Tanlac. i^very upurt seezna to be followed by un uplift in the tuxes. Wiyslca! culture Is rather imper ative on the farm. . . .\ SAY "BAYER ASPIRIN" and INSIST! Unless you see the "Bayer Cross" bn tablets you are ?not getting the genuine Bayer Aspirin proved safe- - ' ' by millions and prescribed by physicians 24 years for A Colds Pain Toothache Neuritis Headache Neuralgia. i Lumbago " riuJm Rheumatism ' ?? -7^- ^,v2!a5>'' ? V..- 1 1 A ? Accept only 'iB.ayer" package which contains proven diredioii* . . s Handy "Bayer" boxes of 12 tablita ? AIbo bottles of 24 and lOO^-Druggiata. Aspirin Hi tho trad? raurk of Bay** Manufacture of lfoaoac*tlcacid?flter of fe*lkyl)e*s}4 ? ? : >'* i W'*'v ? ' ' ? ? ?' ; ? - ? ? ? J? '' The Rma*on. Annette ? llulpli told me laat night that 'he's n* woman titter. Nanette? Is he bfroke again?? Judge . ? V . Y*i, Oncm ' r , > Irate Employer? Late again; hav? you ever done anything -on time? i Clerk ? I brought a car.? Judge* tVCRV INCRCD1ENT OFFICIALLY APPROVCO CI* U S fOOO AUTHOR C/l spooilfllj of Davis ^oes as far as a spoonful of any other highliade baking powder ami costs much less - y ? v% * V" Bake it BEST with ? * \ . . ; . . ^ I ? - 5^. I ?? BAKING POWDER y v ? . . ' 4 ' Y\.' ' - -V *. .. * . i ? v . ... amis and Children all ages of s '?! Colic and Diarrhea; allaying ? ^ * Feverishness arising" therefrom, and, by regulating the Stomach '? and Bowels, aids the assimilation of Fo?d; giving natural sleeps , To avoid imitations, always look for the signature of Absolutely Harmless - No Opiates. Physicians everywhere recommend It, v .

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