OCAL ITEMS e has been rtb ^(^vtainment vurd that has moie en joyed than this barbftbue and Mr. arid Mrp. Allison sk$;:t giving this splendid form of en : ?ji' terlainment. ? Sam Allison knows g^od beef and /' al w?yp has it in his marktt and ho Ei f also knows how to barbecue it. . | E'J . If a vote could have been taken, v., < it; would l>uve been unanimously ? : > ft $f: Mr. F; S. Hendricks, one tff the most prominent and prosperous clti-, K^fiv jiens of Pickens County, South Car j.-~ olina, paid a visit to his brother Mr. Crocket Hendricks during the first of the week. ' ,*? '? Miss Marion Yongufe returned' on Thursday from a motor trip .through the 1 Jieumo>r& settidn of Nprth and ^ < So\lth Caro.iha,.' While away Miss ?? Marion took in the Fair- ahd Horse f '? Races at Shelby and the Exposition 1 , ' at Greenviye. i ' The 'friaiicis of Mrs. Ruch Whit- . miie Vrill be glad to leaVn that > she ' has so f^r recovered from her re i cent*" illness and expects to return bR'^a. home in "a tew days. , iffy.. - ' vf ?' '? ? &|h _ . The descendants of ' Solomon Jqncs of -Cedar Mountain, Transyl vania County, N, C. ijre cordially in ?vited to attend a reunion 'or the . I- Jones family o be held-, at Cedar" j'*'-1 Mountain Church the fourth Sunday ' * in October, iho same being'the 26th. : ? ' ' ' 'V The ladie3 of the Brevard Better ment Association Cordially invite the 'v-/ mothers of all the,- children at the \ . -ferevard public school to ' be present at a sociable to be. given iti the High Pi 'School .auditorium on Monday after noon. Aug. 27th at 3:30 P. -M, , This is the regular meeting 'of the . Bettermen Association and it is earnestly hoped tjiat all the -mothers will be present at this time. ? Mr. Norwood l?ft on Monday for iBt.' Petersburg, Fla. on a* visit to his J broth fer and may spend the Winter B there. The Ladies Ald~and Bible 1 Study Class of the Methodist Church were entertained by Mr. Not*ood on Wednesday afternoon, at- her home. , } ' ? . ? ? V Mrs. Ernest Davis of Passiac, N.. J. is spending the Winter' at the er Norwood, . at the Norwood Hcuse isf returning home next Tuesday. r i mfc,: ? ? . i\. v ,, ? ft/,';, Mr^ and Mrs. Aiken and son Lic-nei returned last- wegk from a visit to Mrs. Aiken's parents ih the EJustern part of the State. While gone they_ stopped t over several days in Raleigh and took ine th' State fair. Mr. Aiken .is t,- . bee of 'the best cattle men ia,(. the . State and he says that, he. has. been ?fc ' v'l'o njeny Fairs but has never seen- as *';> fine an ^exhibition of, cattle as- he in Raieigh this yeas.' ; ?i> We hope to haye a full account in ; a fatter issue Of what they say while away. ~ ' : The ladies of the Presbyterian K' ' Church of Brevard- gave a delight- ? [V fill cKicken supper to the men of the Church and their guests on last Tuesday night at* "The Hut." % TheN supper was more than en Jg joyed by all "those present and the 4 meeting was not only one of Church business, but also of a social nature '?and several pleasant, talks were ] r made by the. guests,. present. J> It seems that BrCvard Church was the first to start this ctwtOTn of hay- ; lng suppers for, the ni^n of their J - Church and it has spread through ^ several Presbj'teries tof the Presby terian Church, and has proven a ^wonderful factor in Arousing in- 1 tercst in Chunsh work..7 The lunch- I k > eon clubs in the business world have ' , proven a great success and it seems frfw from th?' evidence of tho Presby terians that the "Supper Clubs" of %" their church are likewise going to be powerful factors in the building up \ * of their splendid Church. * Mr. John Sunimey returned Tues day from a business trip to Georgia. Mrs. Summey accompanied her hus band. Mrs. L. M. Hart and daughter, Polly, have returned to Brevard for the Winter and will :. Wall j hcusc. Mrs. Chas; V ' ? -? / ? - ' *.? - Mr. and Mrs, Sam F. Allison en tailed the. Bible (Jiuss of the First Baptist Church of Brevard and many "other trienos with u ueligni 1 ul Uurbece tu their home ? '11111 crest" on Friday night last, 'there were 'over a honored anil fifteen guests present and the grounds were beautifully, illuminai ed and decorated. On the hillside was a large bun lire or rucuer a large log-neap sur lounucil by bcnciies ana chairs ana iKue the g-ucBts sut .until the barbe cue was ready. While waiting for the feast many speeches wt|e muue py prominent guesis present and , and- there were many songs inter spersed along with the speeches. Among' the speakers were lion. Win. M. Henry, R. L. Oash, Siayton Neiil, Professor Wilson, Rev. iiartseli anj (Jlurencc Yongue; Vhere was no doubt but what tlie . speuuing would have lasted longer iiuu not the apetizing groma from tne barbecue drifted over from tne pit where tne beef and mutton were cooking, and wnen it ft&s aunuunvoa tnat tne feast was ready, Rev. l^artsell asked the blessing and the guests . pi'oceedd to march around tue long table where each received L plate of hot delicipus barbecued beei and mutton and a generous helping of delicious stew, and with that \Vent some of Mr. Allison's own baking of corn bread. Coffee was also served. Many of the guests re turned two and three timps to the able o have heir plates refilled for the barbecue was delicious and ap pending and one could eat a great deal of t without danger of any in digestion. . After the . 'barbecu^, there was fe course of apple and oth er home-made pies and caks wbd af ter sill "had .finished several 'hymns! wefe sung. \ '"V. ! ? ' ?-o uie great enjoyment and alap' >.0 tl.e surprise of many, the Brevard Band made its lirst public appecr unee,; ana we Wish to-say that this organization deserves the greatest credit l'or the wonderful progress it Ofui. made.- , ' , ?' ; "^CNr-'SsMrtrao- tijte' Ba^id-did. .j?6t atjr.-. IcmpSr to render any difficult selec but the pieces they played tnoated great, study and were sweet ' wild melodious." ; . . , 10 wind up, ail the guests joined hands and formed a big ring and tlien marched around therbohfii'e. ' . ' "AA'A" n. tt. tt. Another automobile . accident oc cufed lri3 'Friday when, an automobile containing Judge J. A. Forsytlie and Mr. Moore and son Alvin ai^ 'driven by jutfge Forsythe's grandson Adger Fbr^ythe, became unmanageable and ran into the parapet of .thesbridge at Davidson River.. . Judge ? Forsythe and We .ara having services at 10 A. M. end >a6. 7 :30 P. M. These serv ices -have been well attended especially at night. I would say to the members of our church, who do not get out to the morning serv ices, that you are missing the very sweetest part of the meeting. Don't let anything hinder your coming. We should take time to feed our souls. The greatest need of peopl? today is to get the man put back in Humanity. The church is the great est means on the earth for that purpose. Every one who can do so is cordially invito 3 to attend and hear these gospei se?mons. The Baptist association that was h-.?ld with tho Ch'srcfc at Little Riv r was a great success. Every one enjoyed it. Tho hospitnlity of the Little' River people was unbounded. The next Session will be held with the church at Lake Toxaway in Oc tober of 1925. A large number attended the sinRinrr at Boilston Sunday evening everyone eemed to enjoy the oc casion. Our Blantyte school is progress inpr nicety and we well please ? ? k _ 1 -\ THE BAND AGAIN"? In last week's issue we had a short article; on the Brevard Band, but that wis written without having had an opportunity to hear the Band play and since th&t time, we had had the opportunity of listening to their efforts and we wish ? to con- I gratuiace their effortg^ and^we wish t?\ congratulate the "BarnP and" the* members of same, and also Prof.] -ion. the splendid show made by" this Organization. It was largely 'due to the untir- | ing efcOrts of our good friend, Hume | Harris, that ynr were able to get the band started and then by the gen erottS contributions of many of our citizens a sufficient fund was col lected to buy the instruments and then to this was added our good fortune in seouring the services of Professor Cutter who a Band master of long experience. Professor Cutter f^ivea marfy members of the Band private in structions, and that coupled with the general instructions given at each meeting of the entire membership of the Band, has made it forga r'.ta'i very rr.pidly. We again wish to congratulate tlic leaders' and members of the Bnd fov their splendid and ^aithfui work and* hope that hext " fciuaimer wxs. v/ill finj the Bond able to ?ive regular concerts in the Band stand on the square; for, the benefit of our citizens and of tho visitors in our community. - 'i - > ' RESOLUTIONS Whereas, an all wise Providence has taken from our midst our dear friend and brother, George W. Wood ward j < V . And whereas, he was faithful, up right, kind and considerate of all of us and was so interested in the work of ttyj Sunday School as a whole and especially the Men's Bi ble Class erf which he was an honored member: Be it resolved, that we bow in humble submission to the Will of Him whom our friend loved and obeyed ; That we try t6 emulate the vir tues tha made our brother one of the out-standing men of this ?or.i monity; , That we sprend the ' mantle of 1 charity over any fault that may ha' e 'been hi*; That we exten 1 to the bereaved family the deep sympathy which the entire class feels in the pasinc of thir. pood man. Tha; a copy of these resolutions be printed in the Brevard News. a:v: ! a copy sent to the family of our ?:;*vr 1 ? t1" \." the numbers u? '.he \\V.I rht-tiil Av l e-y *-ha;:trr,, Cau "i s of the A'' eiicar Revolution, resolved that thi i ex*)ns.-i >n nf Mir sympathy be sen* to Mrs \Y r .d - v.* "'.---a -opy printed ir the R-ev N'ew* and entered in the minutes cf our organization. Annie Jean Gash, Chair. Kli?.abe:h Mount Silver, teen Mary _>reeat* A. I Mr*. Ij. K. "O.-h^rr.e. and ?.^r j ? . Jr. returned to tV \r hi '? t ? ce.i r.i'.f *e v^ral . v - I A.'-.Jt.t . -.I- rw ' * i1' LOUL ITEMS ' Mr. and Mrs. William Duckworth of Brevard, N. C. were hosts at din ?r on last Monday evening October 1 1:1th Ji)24 in honor of Mr, and Mrs. W. W. Duckworth whose marriage has Just taken place. , Covtera were laid fur thirty and a delighUul live course dinner wii's reived. Among those present were : Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Duckworth, Mr. and Mrs. Joe I'ickeltiimer, Mr. atulMra. A. II. Hur ris, Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Hartscil, ^lr. and Mrs. Jess Pickesime:*, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Fisher, Mr. and Mrs. A. 'K. Hampton, Mrs. Chas. Pickel siiner, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Dod.s worth, Mr. and Mrs. Lewis 15;. mi In, Mrs. E. S. Engiish, Mrs. Clarence Duckuo.i!M jhi,. whyt.le, hZi-z Coin Leigh Tynor, Miss Annie Wester, Miss Biaylock. \ ? Rev. J. C. Senile the Rector of St. Philips Church in Urevard left on Wednesday for an extended trip throOgh Florida. The many friends of Mr. Seattle will regrc-at to learn that he has re signed as ''.cictor of his Church on account of Mrs. Seagle's health and is going tV accept a <;all in Florida. Mr. Scaglc hr.s endeared himself to the heats of the people of this com munity irrespective of denomina tion ?nd i.as given his time and me a ! to assi^tag the needy of this community. L.'wis O.-borne returned to Rock inghm where he is attending school, after spending the Week end with his parents Mr. and Mrs. L. IC. Of Borne. L) L. -"o.ii the popular pro prietor' of $he Franklin Hotel left onu!n>* ut Agant of the Southern Railway -.v.-.s '-.i Brevard cn business for a couple of days. Messrs Anchcll I. Gould and E. A. Lajrero.uist of Otcen were io Brevard on Thursday in 1>. half of the 4*f>r get-me-not" Drive for disabled War Vct^rr.as. Th'? is r. n r':ot-r i- rot *" >n the store: in ? Brevard ar.d ji*'-: that they cop.- I tribute as much as -the; * car. to t':> Vcteri.n* viiu are unMe to lie'.;' ( themselves. CARD OF THANKS Wo drsire to extend to all our heartfelt thanks for the rnank km!-1 nesses shown and sympathy oxter. 1 c.i during the i'.ir.e/? ?-f '??nVnr.d and fit he," ad win. h hr ? ..; :'???! I H on nl:. Mrs. C. V. W i ILI-5J LiilUoiV' TO AID $ Speeds Nearly Four Millions in Year to Lessen Burdens of ' Disabled Soldiers. SEftVES 63,700 IN HOSPITALS Every Ca?? Is Given Individual Service ? Assists Families of These Men Everywhere. $ 1 t:-! I " is it men, comfoi-ks iheui.-hilps to lighten the te diiir.i- of their physical reconstruction, and in thetf hoaxes lifts "koine of tha burdens from their ''own people."' ''Work in Communities increased '1 The hoai? serv'co of thi RiS Cross! was the most pressing dWjy of. 2,009/''" Chapters, an ineruase 'of ' J82 eomtuimi- ' ti-.i whore problems affecttid by thd war veteran's condition required Vo-s !"tion through immediate and iittelli Bent assistance. T'\a Chapters alone expended some ?2,000.000 in this v;o(it. < The transient disabled soldier, usxi aily suffering from disability or tuber culn3<3, is almo3t everywhere a gravel prc'qjom. . From national fund's the1 ;.ast year $173,076.30 was expended in1 helping* the Chapters to care for these; w imlcrin? men. According to government report (ViOre ?ri? 4.S00 veterans in civilian ia-j s*.i:uik>ns, and in the national homes Tor soldiers the complications ye in-4 oreasia/f. The lKrge groups of pa.-] (lent: whose claims have been tiisal lo" d. of veterans of foreign wars, nd tha great number of men pcrma ur.;:U> ' resident in these Institutions call lor itod Cro^s work which can-] not bo avoided nor denied. Definite Servi<;o to- 73,700 Of a tola] cf Si,500 ex-service men' hospitals f.nd other institutions 73.-] "00 ??vera rcndcrod a despite and spo lized service by tha Red- Cross. In a single month 4.1S5 new carnsi were presented and a totr.l of 2C.!25] was acted uron ? figures which serve to Illustrate the magnitude of lluf in-i j fo.iv.ation and claims service engaG-l in,; tho attention of i'.i d Cross work ers >:? w veteran l^.tir'.ation amend ing the War Kisk art which exVn'fs many additional rights to disabled e'r service men will reopen thousands of c: ?os and require still greater Red Cross service. j When Conrress granted a charter to the American R?rt Cross it chr rged the organization with tli" duty to ae\ as "the medium of ?:o-nirvmirat'on f>.; j tween the American people and Ik :.t Army and Navy." C.iis responsibiiiiy to the enlisted men -i::d their f.-.m '-a is. met every year without restrictie*^ Serves Men on Activc Service The extent of this Ked Crc-racei n [ total of cases. There were 36.S35 separate soldiers' and sali.HS' c!a::;.s; 20.316 investigations nf hi ,.vi conditio!*.^; 11,421 ' ascs r> laterl f <, I charges, furloughs, etc. As was given in S0.??] : ir.'.es and K ? s:cic ' ' I -It. rs (!,?*' itf!. >4 ? , , turn,' : hor to re'afn JVt v 7