[ HE COUNTY PAPER - '' 1 . Business i. sensitive.' It ?oe. wjwr* ft U invitad and stay* Wh.r. it i. well treated. Let tu keep our'.' in TrajMylvatoia County Friday, November 28, 1924 iUdERCULOSIS CHRISTMAS *JS&f -r ? v . * ,: '* ? 1 V* i : jESWK? |KE?p.< 'On Novembe r 28th, the day 'after Thanksgiving, the ? Annual '" Tuberculosis Seal . Sale will begin. The pommittee hopes' to raise a , goodly- /jvnp. They believe in pre vention and therefore are /work' ng ?with the children, Thef Modern Health Crygade has been started in JPf, some achoolli./ It is planned to have gi-' % it in every school. Fund* will also 'be used to provide food and proper ctothing for children 'in need. , ' A" fund is also kept on hand Jo V pid in treating ca^es. cents win De Kept nere ,,ior tne work outlined ftbove, fifteen cents. ? goes to ? the State Tub^rcuVoqis As "\ sociatioh.-and* ten c6nts to the Ifk1 "tional Association. All the W^men's Cluba'.and other organizations (n town, ' will aid in the sale of teals. 4 The teachers of the county are ' being asked to . help. : Miss Ada Walker will co-operate through the Girls (acrid* Women's Clubs. .{, There has; been confusion in the minds of some wjth regard to the; ?'v'' the Red Cross and the Tuberculosis Association/ The following agreem |yV. Reached between1 "th?f AmericaW Red Cross and 7 the Naticnaal Tu berculo3is Association : i. 1. That tlie American "Red Cross and the National Tuberculosis As . sociatioh would endeavor insofar as war practicable <<*>? prevent un necessary overlapping: . ? , > 2. That the Chapters and affil iated associations would again be v ?' .Advised .'thfet' there was no official connection between the. Christmas seal sale campaign of the \ National , Tuberculosis Association and the Roll Call of <fho American- Red Cross. v 3. That fo* -the year 1924 the -AmVrlMm Red Cross Roll Call would be held -from Armistice Day J Tuberculosis Seal sale, would not -^begin until , November 28. , ? 4. Thjrt the Red Cross in ita puh-! licity h'n^ . instructions "to local.; Chapters' would call attention spe . ciffcally to *the fact that the' Roll Call would end Thanksgiving p*y.v 6. .That the National Tubercu losis 'Association tfduld 'again. call to the attention of -its affiliated as sociationa *he' imjtortance of not v launching the deaf" sale prior to Thanksgiving Day and " that it would endeavor to prevent* its af-> . s filiated associations from equally Selling seals prior to Thanksgiving Day. . ; *' ??? That tKe American Red Crpss r%obld,.g^in.^ ll to the attention of j tts Chapters ; the importance of not ' carrying . on : their campaign ..'after Thanksgiving _D^y and that it '? w;ould endeavor to prevent the carrying out oi a Roll Call driving December. ? ? * " 7. That the, National Tub/rcu fe* - losis Association would urge its 1" affiliated associations to advise vol unteer workers ''of. the difference between "the Red Cross Roll Call and the' Tuberculosis Christmas Seal campaign aand that the Seal i should alwayi'be referred to as'.thb ? Tuberculosis Christinas Seal. _ Bp ' ' 8. That the National Tubercu 'losis Association . would . advise %" newspap^tg and photographers that - i the National Tuberculosis ; Associa tion is engaged in selling a Tuber ' culosfg 'Christmas Seal and tHat this .?seal is not a Red Cross seal. ? L 9. That both ti)e American Red I Cross and the NatWnal Tuberculos is Association" would naturally car ry on an extensive Educational cam paigii from time to time throughout the year and * the' National Tuber*, culosis Association would, use /ev ery effort to prevent tHe sale, of Seals {>rior to Thanksgiving; that i the National Tuberculosis , Associa* tion would send out material for If,, publicity prior to Thanksgiving, I although the National Association k could not always controj the date \of the release of this material; that the affiliated associations might in some instances mail Seals prior to v. Thanksgiving, but that no general P campaign for the sale of Seals sh&Uld be undertaken until ' after ?? Thanksgiving. The sign of . the Tuberculosis seal is the dopMfe, cross. Some impecunious people feel that *hey take no risk in buying an automobile on borrowed money. ???? ? , ? ** ?' * BREVARD NEWS WANTS ? CORRESPONDENTS * * (t if the desire of the ' * management "of the Brevard ?; *, N?wi to malce this a real * * County paper. We are * * neither omniscient nor om- * * nipresent so ^re cannot pub- * * lUh news from all section* * * utaleis It 'is sent t6 us. * * Publicity will Kelp your * * Community. The .News has * * subscribars in twenty-six * * states, the District . of (Jo- * * lumbia and some foreign * * countries. I" * A Isn't (here something in * * ? your community you are so * * proud of you would be glad * * to "tell the world" about * * it? *' * We want not only per- * * sonals but \farm news, club'* " news, huntings and Ashing * ' trips, . news ..'of everything * * doing to make ' your com- ? * ,munity a good place to live. * * We vfill. ,?ayj~ liberally for * * your ^ time ' j And ? trouble. * *? Write us fo* ' terms, or Hbt- * * i.|?r. (till, come and see us. , ? * ? * ' *, ' ' * \ ' * ?* ; I j DEATH OF MRS. J. R. OWEN i v. ? ' ' ? ' -H J Mrs. J. H. Owen,, age 42, of Mnrs Hill, ; died at the '""French^ Broad Hospital in -Ashevillej at 12:40- o'clbck Monday afternoon following1'1 an illness of several weeks. She is survived by her hus band," who is" a member' of the Mars.' Hill College faculty. ? Funeral services were held on Wednesday ? afternoon at ,8 o'clock from Mars kilt" Baptist '.church,' conducted by Rev. Dr; J. RV Bate man, jjaetor of the First Baptist church, of Asheville. Interment was made at Mart Hill. M^s. Owen had hosts of friends in Brevard, who will grieve for her pacing. ^V:, ^ Tha bereaved husband is a na tive of this county and was the beloved pastor of the, Brevard Baptist church for . several years. Mrs. Oweri Was , a true helpmate to him in his work and . will never be forgotten here. ? ? ? , ' ? - ; ' \ THE MESSAGE OF THE CROSS , ^ One of the. ihost beautiful and ' impressive stagje productions ever witnessed in Brevard was th^- sac- ' rod pageant,' The Messagfe. of the Cross, giv^n *<; : the City An^litor Jum. The audience on Wednesday night was. so. pleased- that the di rectors, Mrs. Vera Little-. Goode and Mr. B. W. Wayland, were in duced to give a matinee Thursday. The strife between | Righteous ness; and Sin was strikingly de picted. The young women repre senting the vices Were selected for their beauty and charm, that- the strength -of temptation might be made plain and, \hey- acted *well their part. * Where all did . so well it is .hard .to make, individual "mention. But some ' characters were particularly outstanding. Mrs. H. R. Walker as the Spirit of song, sang with feeling and im pressiveness to touch a stone. Thfe strength and serenity of Mrs. W. H. ]Harris as Church, driv ing away evil, putting her pro tecting arm about the weak was es pecially good. , Mrs. Welch Galloway as Mother, touched the" hearts of her audience .as she plead' fop her wandering girls. . ' Mrs. C. P. White's portrayal of grief was perfect. . ttte, was nejEonified in every loflf e <Aur^?El ; ton e of Mrs. J. . S. ijSil verste^^Tw^ ' Ward's impersonation of Chrtefian was very fine. Th# <iuet of Miss Dorothy Mc- 1 Kee and Mrs. Kay King as they stood under the cross was magnif icent. . HOW ABOUT IT? We have received a card show ing a picture of the Municipal Golf Club. Jacksonville. Fla., and asking iL Brevard will have links next sRson. We pas? the inquiry on to the Chamber of C otnmerce. HELP THE GIRL SCOUTS A rule of the Girl Scout organ- l ization^ prohibits them soliciting funds on the street in any- ftannei'. whatever, therefore, 'there will . be no ticket' sellers on ^jhe street to remiiiji you of the entertainment which the girls will give at tho High School Auditorium on ? Friday night, November 28. \ The proceeds of this entertain ment will be used to enable the girls to curry on their work rand study in the "great out doors." ; It is not tnecessary to repeat the meaning -of Scout work for^ either girls or boys. It is a; recognized factor in the upbuilding of the nation. , v' - Folowing 'are the haipes of ' the names of the energetic members of J thip organization : [Annie .Yprfgue, Nancy Macfie, . Elizabeth Shipman, * Opal Montgomery, Adelaide Sit Versteen, ? Louise Hugliefe, JAnry Johnson. Edna King, v Catherine Os- 1 borne, Christine' Snelson. J MRS. D. L. SMATHERS ; DIES AT CLYDE, N. C. Mra. M attic Killian Smathers ^ passed ' ' away .at her 1 ? home ] Noyember 24, after a year's illness | 6f -Ih^art trouble.' She was. the ] daughter of the fate Capt. J. Vf. Killian of 'this .cotonty/. ?? t' ' ;Mt?. ^Smpthers will he romem- , bered Here, by jirindrpd and old friends. ? Each year she ? paid a visit to her old Home. ?>he was bofn ai(d reared at the 'Mills plape .near iPis gah '"Forest, and was the aunt, of , C. P- Osborne and J. K. Mills. ( "Atfnt Muttie'' ' as she; was known, ( tfas a beautiful Christian charac ter, an$ loved by Isil. who IcneW hei;.' ( Her husband and ' four. / children ? survive her at Clyde, .three broth- ; ers, D.; M. Killian, at Waynesville, j John and James 'Killian, at Deri- ^ Ver, 'Col,, and one sister, Mrs. J. Mills at Montrg?e,^Col. j. , ROSMANNks ' ? t Mrs;- W. H: "Edens was a (jailer ?' at' Mrs. JLSS. Reec'e's Sunday. Dr. English was removed to 1 ( the hospital in Asheville Saturday ' morning, his condition , is, reported . serious: , * A Mrs. A. D, Kitchen, Miss Wilkin- ( soii, and Mrs: C. J. Eldridge nio tored to Brertrard* to see "The Mes- ^ sage of the Cross." They reported ( Uie play excellent, and from there. ^ tb Mrs. E^liza Shipman's, yrHere ( sandwiches, .cake and coffee were served. i' ' . Friends here sympathize with Mr. W. M. Gillespie and family i ov^r their great loss, for when you , lose mother it seems ' like all is i lost, but still the family can have one consolation and that is strive to meet her ,on the other -shore. t Miss Bird Jamison and Miss God frey, of BrevaVd, motored to Ashe- | ville Tuesday night, reporting a de lightful trip. , ' Mr. and Mrs. Jess Galloway have i as their guests, Mr. and Mrs. Ken ney Kraft, of Pennsylvania. THANKSGIVING SERVICE AT ST. PHILLIPS The congregations of all the , churches will unite in Thanksgiving service at St. Phillip's church. A'll ministers, except Rev. E. I? Welch, who ? i^ in the hospital, will take part in the service. The ser mon will be prc'ached by Rev John R. Hay. There will be special music. Mrs. C. P. White will sing a solo. The offertory will be the Inter cessory Hymn, given by a joint choir from all the churches. The church will be decorated with the fruits of the harvest. BIG THINGS ' When our Big Band is complete we will begin to plan for other big thine*. ? A Big Meet ? Band Coneert. .Community Singinp. Games, a 'ceneral good time. A. Big Fourth of July celebra tion. A BIG FAIR MARRIAGE OF MISS , MARY SLEDGE TO ! MR. ROY KANIPE | A beautiful wedding wns sol- ' omnizod In thfr Methodist church ' Saturday at high noon when Miss j Mary Sledge became the bride of ? Mr. Roy Kanipe, of Marion. All the aVi'angenie^nts were marked by simplicity, but every detail was beautiful and ;impres siy^. The church was decorated with ferns and chrysanthemums and gleaming candelabra. The colors scheme. being green and yellow. The attendants /wreVe Mrs. Wal ter Duckworth, matron of honor and Mr. Howard. Hoover, of Mar-, ion, who wtis best man. Dorothy Pecker Kanipp, flower girl. Ushers J* M. Coldwell, Dean Tiaintfer, ; Arthur Bradford, of Marion^ ? and Francis SSedge, of Greenville,- S. C.', brother of the bride. _ ; ? ? Miss Marguerite Robertson pre sided at the organ.. , Miss Dorothy .McKefe. sang "Be cause" -just before the entrance ofihe i bridal xjparty. A chorus t :om posed of ;Mrs. J.V ' M. Allison,) IVIrs, J. S. Sjlversteen, Mrs. D. G. I Ward, . Mrs> fi'arry Patton, Mrs. H. R. Waker, Mrs.- C. P. White, Misses Nell Aiken, Jories, and Amelia Gal lowaw, ; Messrs. Shiprnan. Hay, Dods, worth, and Jolii\ White* pfe cedied' ftHe bridal par^y ;down ithe lisle and entered the choir loft singing Lothengrln's Bridal* Chorus. The ushers' came ne^t and were j followed * by thie matron of honor, i gowned ,in -brown cfaarmcusoj ?uv trimmed, hat .and accesories 'to natch, carrying an arm . boquet )f ? yellatv chrysanthemums. Then lame ths* fairy-like little flower i prl; Dorothy ' Decker Kanipe, niece >f th? groom. . The bride entered on the*. arm if her father, who gave hfir away, wd was met at the altar by the ?room and his best man. / The marriage service was 'read the bride's pastoi^^HpHaWfiiH's ' -tvedding narch was used for the recessional. The bride was beautifully gowii id in m.n ensemble suit of brown sued? cloth and brocaded faille ?vich hat and accessories to match ?nd carried an armful of white :hrysanthemums. ?. , Mr. and Mrs. Kanipe left at jnce to spend their hpneymoon in. the South. Upon their - return :hey will reside at Marion. Mrs, Kanipe is the only daugh ter of Mr. and, 'Mrs. ? Francis j. Peterson Sledge and is one of tbe i loveliest and most popular mem- 1 bersi of the younger sot in Bre- ; vard. / Mr. Kanipe. i? the son of Mr. ind Mrs. D. R. Kanipe, of- Marion, &nd is a promising young man. He is connected with the State High way Commission. ' : Out of town ? guests included:' Mr. and Mrs. Avery Gibbs, Miss 'Mae McCurry, Messrs. Bob Mc Curry, J. M. Coldwell, Dean Tainter, Arthur' Bradford and Hqward Hpover, of Marion; Mr. ?nd Mrs. J. 'Ed. Kanipe and Miss Dproth'y Decker ' Kanipe, of Asheville. A large array of beautiful gifts attesteft the popularity of this young couple. A BACHELOR'S HONEYMOON On last Thursday nirht a crowd ed house greeted the musical com pdy staged t h'v the National Pro ducing Co., of Charlotte, under the auspices of the High School. The entertainment was well planned, war. sr.-.frfng and thor oughly enjoyable hut in our opinion was not quite up to the standard of High ? School productions. Miss Jones as Onhelia Higgins was inimitable ? every tone and pasture was perfect. ' Miss Ballard was indeed a win some maid, most perfectly at home in her assumed position of "first lady of the house." The \\-onder was that Denny didn't fro drift, and become beligerant oftener under the complicated situation. The choruses were well trained, the girls were beautiful and grace ful. Charles Band was a fine little fisherman. Miss Marguerite Rohrrt-nr. at the piano. added irueh to the suc-( ? ess i.f t li<- evening. ' The plav was Vcpoated Friday I ???.r,,t " fr. r ?izei! nudicnce. WESTERN NORTH ? CAROLINA INC COMMUNITY WORK Wstern North Carolina, Inc., is i striving for a Western North Car-i olina community whose enlightened public opinion will demand effic ient government of its several counties, cities and towns; churches that will send out men. and wo men with ideals of service to all; ' schools that will teach citizenship and use of hands as well as a de sire for knowledge and all .that qiak.es for a richer individual Intl conununity life; a park and play ground system w*hich will provide for whQl^setne and healthy recrea tion fo$ children and adults; and a public opinion that will stress the value of real architectural designs in public and private buildings; the cultural value of museums of art and jifierjee, And the value of com-, munity ind social service. A regional planning is desired that will consider, Western North Carolina as a "whole, and that will give t b each community, town and city the best advice and sugges tions for plans; of exp&nsionv which will .result in the several develop ments blending and harmonizing with each other, and witlv the spleiidid natural beauties of moun tains, jijlls, valleys, and woodlands with, which "Western North Caroli na is so richly endowed.' Western, North , Carolina, Inc., wishes to bring . to this section ( a man who :a. nationally known as a" master of Regional planning. In order lhat ' such "an undertaking can be successfully carried ' out without prohibitive cost to any one ' community, it will be necessary, that several towns or. cities co-op eratfe in: contracting for his ser vices. If you arc interested in en^ taring into such a plan %we will thank you to advise us. In Visiting the j several section)! of Western North Carolina it has been found, that, ^many > of the eit- * ijes, towns, an'd rural communities ' are being > confronted .with prob lems relating to theij^ water supply, sewerage, zoning, and general de- ' velopment. It has deemed to our directors jthat it was possible for Western North -Carolina, Inc., to offer assistance: along these lines to the several cities, towns, and com mfijfities in the 25 counties of Western' North Carolina. . Our communities and, institu tions are growing, so fast that they are beginning to outstrip their \i conveniences. In many places the water supply h&s become inade- ; quate, sewerage ' problems " are growing serious, and there are housing, traffic, and stiteet . prob lems which have increased by reas- j on of lack of a proper plan for the , expansion of the town. It has -been found that other towns not now favored with these conveniences wish to .consider pro- j viding themselves with water, sew-' erage, lights, etc. Western North Carolina, Inc., " rs ! also very much interested in the 1 preservation of trees along our ' streets and highways and 1 in our I parks, and this office is in a posi tion to BiVc considerable informa tion on this subject.' Some towns seem to have the ; idea that the only way to indicate , growth and to present the appear- ' ance of a city is to cut down all | the trees on the main street?. In some instances very grave mistakes have been made along this line j which will take years to remedy, i* Streets and highways lined with trees, and parks and open spac?s in ou~ cities and to^s Well planted with trees and shrubs are a very valuable asset. It ?cS :>.-.t Wenterr North Carolina, Inc., is in a position to offer material advice and sugges tions regarding the proper way to solve some of these problems. This organization includes in its per sonnel men of wide experience, who ?re capable of giving such ad vice and suggestions, and this ser- ? vice should ho one of the functions of Western North Carolina, Inc. There is a great deal of infor mation available /rom Westorn j North Carolina. Inc., relating to : water powers in the western coun- ' tie?. Several members of the or- 1 ganization are familiar \frith the river surveys and stream flow "stud ies made by the tTnited States and North Carolina Geological Surveys, and this information is at the dis- i po?al of those who desire it. >nv who h-!v.-> water powers to d:?:<o,e "of. r?T wl.o . ish to knew of THE PRAYER CORNER x T^E BIRD OF TIME ! t 7 ?? !' ffl . . ' . \' Time is like a .great bird, flying , ever onward to his nest anions the > ,r , Mpuntaips of Eternity. The little < :i .mihut^s make the .soft whjt^ down '\j on his breast, the countless busy 1 minutes that . rest not while ithey are closely folded under the wings v of . Time to be borne away into the / ; v trackless past. The days and .'weeks . r <! and years gather about him; they, > form bis plumage, and each and ev ery one is eager for flight. What are you giving into Time's , V' keeping to bear away forever? /What you give will never return. '$? Let it bd something sweet and beautiful, that shall be put .Uway for' safe keeping, under the Wings of "the' Eternal Years. "The Bird pf Time has but, a. < little way to flutter and, the Biyd. >V > is on the wing." "How slowly and how silently tloth time float on hi*, starry journeyl Still he goes and goes, and goes, and doth not paap ?? , away. He rises with the golden j-; mortii^g, ? calmly, and - with, the / moon at night. Methinke I. see ' , him stretching wide abroad his mighty- wingfs, . floating- forever be'er^f' the crowds of _ mep, like a high vul- \ ture with it's" prey beneath. Lrf! I ^ v am here, and time seems passing on: toraorrowr I shall be a , breath less thulg ? yet he .'will be here ; and the blue hours will laugh as gaily on the busy world as though I. < . ' were alive tb welcome them." . "PHQCTOR." ? Diyir heart, 'tKou art' " hot for saken.. .Solitude and Pteace ate round about - thee, atad God over all. Like ,& pure white dove with folded wing. His . sweet, mes senger ? "Peace" ? 'is waiting^ near -v/.; thqe. Thou ;hearest a Voice 'speak* ing tenderly to thy soul. It i& *'th?: -.'v( whisper of the', JJterrial, , ,biddingj thee cast all thy. cpres upon Him/ Through the Idng Winter days may His P?ac? abide with, thee' and ' thin l-'. ' ' i ? : ' 1 v A PRAYER ... .. JS ?ti._ n_j t~. i c* '? - The God of Time- apd Et'erpity.1 O Thou God of Tiipe and ' off Eternity. Thou hast been our Dwel- ' ling Place in all generations, be fore the -mountains werfc brought ? forth, or even Thiou hads\ formed - ' the earth and world,, even from .ev- , erlasting to everlasting TJum art' ;; God,, the onlyv true Resting Pl?ee for the human spirit. ;In Thee alone '' ,</? c$n we find rest andVpeace., , ' S "teach us to number our days . , that we may come to be wise, for- > our hearts le^rn Wisdom, ...when Thou, God, teaches us and we must. ' always , be", at school, we learning; a'nd Thou teaching. ' Satisfy ns, and that loon iif and' with Thy mercy, that pur souls may find how good it is to serve- Thpe; ' that' we may rejc"ce find be glad .v.j ^U' our days whether few or many. Yes! make us glad, after the sor rows of the past, the defe.ats we- Z have encountered. Lei the^e: be the measure of our , new. gladness. '?? Lot the Day of Life improve ,as.it lengthens. Let the sunset -be beauti ful and calm. Let the gloom of the past be only the background out of '* which light shall shine on to the v end. _ . : - f ""Let Thy w ork and Thy gloryap- - J ' pear unto Thy servants and their y y children. Let our work bo not only .J ours but Thy work, and. may our children partake of Thy work, ahd > see Thy glory. ' -'V .And let the Beauty of the Lord , our God,- be i^pon us. And what is Thy Beauty? Is it not Holiness. Let that beauty be upon us, and ? upcrrt -j, our children and tho praise shall be given to Thee, Father, Son .and Spirit, now and evdr, A'men. ? ,C. D. C. . ATTENTION, BOYS Mrs. C. S. Shuford has some fine ground for growing oolery. Mrs. Shuford is interested in de veloping and educating boys as well as in soul development. Mrs. Shuford will donate the use of this land next year to any boy who will raise celery on it and use the proceeds towards an edu cation. ?? ? ? tho location of water powers, or who arc interested in municipal water supplies, should feel free to call upon Western North Carolina, Inc. Very truly yours, ? ? Jo.leph Hyrtr Pratt. President. vSr"

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