Bu.im... i. ..P..UU.. It ?<>?* whore it U invited and ?*?*? where it 1. well treated. Let us keep our** in T*?n?Jf|TanU ? ?> County v '? 'y k- .. .'.-A- juSJtli VOL. XXIX ? THURSDAY, DECEMBER 4, 1924 UAKU OUR CHILDREN cent accident In fron,t pf the school house, when a ?l}ild was | . knocked 'down and injur^-by, an ! automobile, emphasises '?n4w the necessity of protecting t^a lives of xpir school dhildren v from street/ ;r traffic. Evidently school-zone signs, warning cars to, go slowly, are not enough. A petition to close the street in front of the school house during those hours when the children are ion the street was circulated recant ly .by parents anxious to : ^afe % guard their children,, butf was with drawn when it was, loarned that to close the street would be 'illegal. Protective measures cun be taken, however, and Mr. Waterd, Chairman of the 8treet commit tee, is encouraging in his belief that the authorities will act in the matter, "y . Perhaps the best plan, will be to reduce the flpeed-Urait on ,the streets adjacent to the school, .arid Jto detail an officer to see thdt the ruling js^ rigidly enforced. .Jfcre'Vard, with its 'rapid growth and new de velopments has new responpibili | tie? as well, and among these none ,v is more important than that of HK; safeguarding; the lives of our fu // tar citizens. Bfev-. * ? ft : ' -'? - ????? EAST l-fl PR. . I Rev. J. c. pichardBon will preach, at East Fork , M. E. church Sunday afternoon., i ? 1 Mr. and Mrs, Tqm Gillespie, of Lancaster, Qhio, were visitors a few weeks ago, to Mr. Gillespie's \v brothers, S. H., J. A., and B. A. Gillespie,- of this section. ! H. E. Whitmire and Charlie Gil lespie made a trip; to Duncan, 3. C., last week to move Kile Whl| rhire to that plkce. Van Whitmiro i nhd ' family > ha ^xn^vfed to South Carolina. For several days 'the forest fires rom South Carolina have been ?, coming this way arid -Sunday thoy camc on, the North Carolina side. W. C. Gravely, the forest wardefi, lor this t'ownsftfp, is' trying to kjqep it off the forests on his, terri tory; so far he hps; saved several thousand a eras from being Burned. The cold days made the farmers think of i hog killing in time fpr Thanksgiving. W. W. Gravely, Sr., killed ohe that weighed BOO poundx Mr. and Mrs. Jack Heath , of Ashoville,' spent Saturday night and Sunday with Mrs. Heath's ents, Mr. and Mrs. B. A., Gillfts Mra. Martha E. Gillespie is $p?nch'ng a few , months ' with ' her daughter, Mrs. W. W. Gravely, Sr. Vj! ' Mr. and Mrs. LouisjA Nova went. RBr.to Brevard Saturday! J Messrs. Will' and Jim Gravely have bought a saw mill, and are sawing' some cross ti^s on T. E. Batson's plac$. - Mr. I^elon Gillespie and ' Mr. Waldrop, of Liberty, S. G., were is East I^ork last week; to .purchase a load of prpdufce, of apples and cabbage. ; Mr.' and Mrs. Jess Matthews, of Brevard, were visitors Sunday of l^st week at the home of Mrs. Mat thew's aunt, Mrs. W. M. Gravely, Sr. Mr. and Mrte. Builey Head and Hubert Summey went to eld to the singing conven tion and report a nice .time. Robert Gravely spent ^Sunday with his cousin, Jack Gillespie. I' JEROME - PUSHELL'S TURKEY GOBBLER Much interest has been manifest ed in the turkey which for some time adorned the show window of Jerome & Pushell. He was a beauty, and naturally many people wanted him. Miss Willie Mae Neely was pre sented with the turkey, which would make a sumptous Thanks giving dinner for any family. , These enterprising young men are using brains in their business and are building up a splendid trade. Their coming Jiei^e haa added much to the commercial prosperity of Brevard. V MEETING OF COUNTY I COMMISSIONERS! NEW OFIICEBS TAKE QATH The meeting of the County Comv missioners Monday, was a very busy and very Important ohe. The clerk of ? the court, N, A." Miller, administered the oath* of office to the commisisoners, ' G. F. Lyday, W. S. Ashworth and L. V. Sigmon. '' , Thfi bw it} of^ the register i of deeds was examined and approved and he waft sworn ifl, , . The board proceeded to organize by .electing G. T. Lyday chairman. Mr. Lyday then appointed W. -S. Astyvoifth committee on Gounty Home and Farm,' L. V. Sigmon committeo on- Financial Records. | Tt? inducting the register of deeds into office the 1 fact was stressed that he is now on a salary and all fees go to the county. It is therefore 'necessary that he collect these fees when papers are pre sented fo? registration. All trans actions will have to be cash as no man's credit, is good with the county, . The bonds ?Ik Sheriff-Elect B. J. Sitton, Treasurer T E. Patton .and 'Constable I). R. Holliday of Boyd, and J. P. Whitmire of Cathey's Creek were examined and approved Bijd these officers sworn in. County Attorney T. . Coleman Galloway, met with the , hoard ai}d assisted in examining bonds. 3-. N. Whitmire was re-elected superintendent of the ' County Homo fpr the ensuing two years and his borid was later approved. The tax bond of 'W. -E. Shipmrfn ?was : examined and approved. , ? The, report of L: A. Amnion, farm agent, was read and also the report ? ; of Home Demonstrator, Miss Afla Walker. \ These' officers we^re re-slccted. ' The pauper list was revised! ' Several applicants for present relief wefa op/ hand and were as sisted- , as-.; -Jar as possible. This iB one of the hardest tasks of the .commissioners. Each case seems so urgent, but the funds are limited arid, tfie'se /three | men are sworn to ?guard, the interest of all the people. The l^roat'er ' number of 'th^ bills presented at this meeting > were in cortnction with the recent election. I was found that the election had cost the county about $2,500.00. ,Dr. A. J2n Lyday who was fleeted coroner declined to qualify and Dr. G."B. Lynch was appointed to fill the 'vacancy. ' T. Coleman Galloway was re-ap pointed county attorney. > T.- B- Reid, surveyor-elect, asked for . ah -extension of time in wKich to qualify. The v following were appointed Register of Vital Statistics for the several townships: ' Brevard ? -Mrs. E. F., Gillespie. Boyd? Mrs. W. A. Williams. Cathey's Creek ? Mrs. C. R. Sharpe. ' . * ? Dunn's i Rock ? Miss Frances ' Landreth. ' . f i Eastatoe? tM-^s. A. M. Paxton. Gloucester ? Mrs. J. H. House, i Hogback ? Mrs. Lee F. Norton. ' Little River ? Mrs. Charles Ash worth. " ? . ' ' These ladies will assume the du j ties of their office on the first of ; January. They are we believe the fir^t" women whom the board has appointed to office. 1 Commissioner Lyday will have especial oversight of Boyd, Dunn's Rock, and Little Rivor townships; Ashworth of Brevard and Cathey's Creek; Sigr^on of Eastatoe, Glou cester and Hogback. ; \ The new member of the board, Mr. Sigmoij, took hold at once of the woak and will make a valuable and efficient officer. Messrs. Lyday and Ashworth have been .tried and theii? worth proved. T. B. Stamey was appointed janitor of the jail and court house. TRANSYLVANIA END OF PICKENS ROAD COMPLETE It will be good news both to the people here and in South Carolina to know that the Transylvania end of the Pickens road has been com pleted. On Tuesday representatives of the State Highway Commission, the Transylvania Road Commissioners and the County Commissioners in spected the roadway, approved and accepted it, and released the con tractor, Mr. F.. A. Hudson. It is expected the Pickens end of the road will be completed before next sumper. This will prove a pop ular route for the people of the South who come to the mountains. Watch Brevard grow when this road is finished. HEALTH] (Mstmas '924 A WORK OF ART ? ; . -:<r ? I . ; ? ?> ' v ? ?' ? .??- - This year's Christmas Seals hpve just been received by Miss Florence Kern, chairman for this ^ounty. The !1924 seal is the most artis | tic evpr produced in all the 17 years during which the annual Seal | Sale has become 2 recognized 'and ; popular institution. It is done in ! beautiful shades of red, bliie, and gold. It is printed on better paper than ever before. The adhesive ma terial on the back is more efficient ; and ithe Seals are guaranteed to ' stick where put: Th^ color process is a perfect li?l)ographing job. The Seals are so artistic as to be the equal of lany -commercial? Seal J ever put on the' market and adver- ! Rising experts declare 'that they should sell readily merely for their j decorative value. : ..J I ~ * ' * * J* 1 ^ 1 1 The design contains the words ! "Health, Christmas, 1924." The i red double barred cross on a white j 'shield bordered in red symbolizes the world wide movement for the i prevention . of tubjyrculosis in whieh are enrolled the international Un ion against Tuberculosis, jthc Na tional Tuberculosis Association, state associations, and about 2, 000 local associations. This cam paign has resulted in a saving of millions of lives throughout the world, and in the United States alone has effected a reduction of the death rate in the past 15 years frotri 202 per hundred thousand to 97. Tljia -13 th'o greatest life-saving Work in which the local association is a participant. At' the left of the Seal 'there "is a Roman's fipuro clad in gold drap ery holding aloft a torch which swmbolrees the hope that has been brought to mankind through the successful efforts * of the public health movement ? a message to the ill that tuberculosis can ' be cured and to the < well that it .can be prevented. The word "Health" . op the Sesl indicates the enlargement of the tuberculosis "Movement into* a r gen eral work for the betterment of jftibic .health '.in. all. directions. Th? 'health; program is' ba^e^f^-On the theory that r.ny iducatjgnnl effort ?at" sanitary measure thwr tends to improve the general health con ditions or to prevent any form of disease, lends to the eradication of tuberculosis. i'\The i qhota of Seals for North 'Carolina, 15 million, which is be iP? d^'T^buted to county an-1 local \ by the North Carolina "tuberculosis Association, if placed aide by side would extend from ^hevillo to Ralgigh. BLANTYRE BREEZES Mi3s Mary Bell Orr visitd Mr*." J. L. Justus last Sunday. Mr. Hyman brought the B. Y. P. ' U., of Enon down here and ?" they gave a program. Miss A 7.1 pc Justus attended the singing at Blantyre Sunday. ^ Miss Julia .Hamilton Visited her sister, Mrs. Thalia, Shuf<(rd, last Sunday. Rev. Wm. Morris anjd C. E. iBlythe atn running a j'ovival at Pleasant Grove this week. Mr. John Powel is moving to A^hcvills for the winter. ? , Mr. Herman and ' Clyde Brown are going to Florida this week for the winter. I Mr. Clfind" C1n7ener of Raliegh, ' ~->ent Thanksgiving with homo ' folks. 1 Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Reece and Miss Kitt'e Batson spent Friday shopping in Asheville. Mrs. Shorty Hale is on the sick list. The Misses Wilkinson, Kitchin, i r.nd Davics. enjoyed a candv mak- ; :-<r at the home of Mrs. Eldridge Saturday cveninc. We are glad Mr. and Mrs. Hon- ; . akcr have decided to stay with ur. ; | Mr. and , Mrs. Gus Glazener, ' , Miss Jamison and Mrs. Bartheson l ! attended the singing at Cherryfi?ld ' Sunday. MARRIAGE LICENSES T. R. Drake. Hendersonville. to ' Lottie N. Ball, Hendcrronville. J. P. Valreath. Rosman, to Bcr- 1 tha Summey, Rosman. Alda Hall. Ijike Toxawny, to' I Cynthia Owen, Lake Toxaway. SEEODIST SUNDAY ' SCHOOL NEWS A new high record of 203 pres ent, last Sunday shows the fluccer,3 ful results of the membership campaign now in full sway. The Men<s Bible Class ha^ tlie largest enrollment in its history ? J. M. Allison, the enthusiastic clan*: booster, says they will have 75 present vby January 1st. It is really worth an admission fee to hear Welch Galloway teaCh the class. / First class equipment for the Primary jdepartment has been or dered and is being installed as re ceived. The clas3 roorfis arc wrrm, bright and comfc.-table and with two capable teccher3, Mrs. Star rette and Miss Bertie Balllard, the parents of the , little ?ihiidren enn feel confident -that their" interest will be protected. Dr. Zachary,' the "live , wire" superintendent says he intends " to make the Sunday School the most interesting and attractive place in town on Sundays. Thr- music i* ex ceptionally good, lead by an or ganized choir of male and fsmal" voices and a male quartette la :io'" being formed to render special so lections each Sunday morning. The Christmas entertainr:" en: committee is now hard at work or: a special program for Christmas Eve night. A real Sar.ta f'lau.- will be present for the on-asion nm! will have presents for each c.f the l-.ttle folks. I'AC.E Tin: CHAMBER OK COM M ERC'K. A mitter of v;ta: import ance to tK welfa-?- o' "h:s com munity h.ir.g-.r.g :.r.% waiting for the Chamber of Comraenp to meet ar i endorse the proposition. COUNTY BOARD , OF EDUCATION The Transylvania county Board of Education mot in regular session on Monday^of this week. The Board is conip.osed of C. K. Osborne, chairman ; J. M. Galloway, Edwin Poor, A. E. England and B. A. Gillespie. All members were pres ent at the meeting. An order was passed by tho Board that ' the occupant of the "teacherajja" at Quebec school va cate the building by January 1 j 1925, as tho building is needed for the use of the school and the com munity clubs. The November budget, which had been prepared by the county super intendent, was examined and ap proved by the Board. Purchase was made, from the W, E. Bishop Co., of tile for draining ditches on Brevard High School grounds. This tile will be laid and the ditches covered {it an early date. DRAMATIC ENTERTAINMENT The Girl Scouts are to be com- 1 mended for the evening of whole- i some fun and entertainment which I they, provided for the public last Friday at the High School Audi-! torium. Their efforts were deserving ! of a larger audience than greeted them. However, so wall pleased 1 werethose present thpt if the Laur el Troop Girl Scouts should favor . U3 with another entertainment we . predict.-for them a crowded house. The first play "The Honors of the Class,'! was typical- of schoolgirl life and spirit. The characters were:, Miss Carter, ? teacher, Mary Johnson; Gwendolyn, . elected | queen, Edna ICing; Evelyn, class president, Catherine Osborne; Le I nore, Christine Snelson; Mildred, Nancy Macfie; Alice,, ? Op31 Mont gomery; Carol,. Annie Yongue; Theodore, Louise Hughes; Edith, Adelaide Silversteen. The song by sunny Italy's chil dren in costume was one lof the i biggest hits of the Evening. The ! singers were Adelaide Silversteen and Annie Yongue. j Our Aunt from California with 1 i its complications of mistaken identity was very funny. The girls threw themselves wholeheartedly into the play and the acting would have done credit to professionals, i The lightning change of "Sallie," Annie Yongue, brought roars of laughter from the audience. In ; fact, from beginning to end, Miss Yongue proved herself a comedi enne of rare talent. Felicia, the serious fninded was also particular . iy well taken by Opal Montgom ery , ? All the parts were so well taken that it seems hardly right to dis criminate. The other characters were: Rosalie Needy, Nancy Macfie; Mrs. Muntoburn, Mary Johnson, Mrs. Needy, Louise /Iughes; Miss Willcox, Christine Snelson; maid, Edna King; The third part was an original flay showing something of the work of the Scouta. The setting was very effective. The history of I.aurel Trco", which was written by Mary Jeh-.'o-i r.nd read by Miss "achary \v:n bo found elsewhere in . this r-ar^- Tr? pla^ was the ivjri^ of Ar-ie Yongto/fcf> s OYSTPP r-UPPf-R TO BS <- GIVEN AT. UTTLE RIVE?. -STn $ * . , On rr"-iirria - nisriit. PorWiber f., Ithe Baptist Woman's Missionary Union will have an ent?rtiiinment at the Little River School 'liuse. There will be old fashioned , fames and music, fun for old and young,,. Then the rats ? Those Little River tnople kr.ow ho'v to fix i then-.. Thfrr wi'S be oysters and all', - ; r for. i th:ng.-. n. T fir.-ot the time. Saturday T> , er.'bcr 6. CARD OF THANKS Little Monroe Ray is recovering] f-cn a lor.? illness, and we wish to thank the people of Brevard for their kindness and also the K. K. K . who furnished fuel and wood during the little fellow's illness It was greatly appreciated. ? Mr. r.r.d Mr.-. Carl P. ay?; . . I T- -J .. THE PRAYER CORNER . . pj y Docertibcr ? .its emblem, the hol ly, its motto ? cheerfulness. "The holly! the holly I oh twine it with bay ? ? Come, g>ve the holly a sOng;^ A For it help& to drive stern winter away,! With his garments 30 sombre and long. i >' It peeps through tho trees with its berries red, When the flowprs and fruits hrfvo long been dead, And not eyen the daisy is seen." Christmas is Coming, . There is one day in the month so supreme in importance, so over towering in dignity that we in stinctively follow the lead of our christian forefathers, and call it "The Holy Month.'1 and with the \ Teutons, "Christ Month." \ :? i The day consecrates the month; the month suggests the day; 1 "Christmas 13 coming," is the at mosphere in which every child,, up to three score years and ten lives from the first' of December. And if some Gabriel Grub "denies it, Why the stores prove it." ? Q. E. D. But what is the root reason _ of it all? Is it not that, as. Campbell says "coming ^vents cast their shadows before," and that no event I in the history of the world can for a moment compare in historical or human importance with the Birth of the Christ Child? It is still the central time> point of every one of the twelve months of the year . As Rome had its V golden milestone jn Vhe Forum, from which all roads started artd all distances wero measured, so Bethlehem has its golden milestone in the Manger, and all events are important or unimportant accord |ing to their relative distances A. D. or B. C. , . V Birth registers, Baptismal regis ters, marriage registers- ? their { en- ? tries are all measured., as so many years, months and days, from, the Great Census Dfy when Joseph reg istered the Holy Family in the rec ords of the City of David. , "His name is still the Prince , at Peace, 1 He comes our joy to be, And birthdays bright owe all their v light . j 1 To His nativity." 1 1 A PRAYER FOR DECEMBER *" ''V'",. I 1 ? Most merciful and gracious Father, Thou hast made this month of December* "The Holiest Month of the Year" for in' it was born that Holy Thing of the Virgin Mary, called "The Son of God." It is said that coming events ,cast their shadows before and we know i of no event in history that has such human importance as the birth j of the Christ Child. .Help us to make it the central time point of every one of the twelve months of the year; for as | Rome had its golden milestone in : the Forum, from which all roads started, and all distances wiro " . 1 measured, so let us make Beth lehem, with its golden milestone in I the Manger, the road from which ' nil our roads start and; all our distances are measured, and every J event in our lives, important' or ? unimportant, according to its rola itive distance from that time when I "unto us a Child was born, urto , U-. a Son was given, and the gov- / Icrnancnt upon Ilis shoulder whose name is ctillcd Wonderful, Counsel lor, The Mighty God, The Ever lasting Father, The Prince of .*?' peace." Blessing and glery and wisdom Wdr; thjrtiksfrivitfg, honor and power and might be unto our \ God and $ Father forever and?evei?,* for .His most precious gift to us. Amen. V , <^4, ? ? C. D. C. THE LINK MAKES THIRD APPEARANCE F-.'.ll of school spirit and with those characteristics which "ko it a link between school and hotr.e "The I. ink" has r*. ni1 e its th'.-d .vi pearance. The paper Uat'.'d monthly hy the rtudent.i of Brevard High School gives news which is of in terest to everyone in school, for mer graduates and those people at hon-.o. ? A school newspaper full of pep from first page to last is the ob jective of the editors of The I.ink and they are doing all in? their power to n rke it so.

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