Hu?|ne?? wlioro it where .->iUnanji will JSFVJr l? ft ?me time Bingo thei] At this church and a argQ cpngregatl ly Bros., have move ... flaw rnill'Jrom F. V. Batspn^ ace to Jim Grjvojy's. -~W%*ferd has moved ? ffbm'l o.i Creek section tp East Wiving attWWiick Lance place. HMrs. Harriet K?crofT, formerly of reenville, S. Q,f has purchased the Lambert place ' and -lias already moved'- in. Mr. and Mrs, W. M. Galloway fjf'e also living there. Our school has a yacatiorf for u few days, TheteacheVs,.Mr. Mrs-> L. A. Nava, are spending the holi days in' Marion, S. C., with Mrs. Nova?# mother, Mrs. Brown. Edith and Robert Gravely spent Sunday afternoon with ' Jack and Mary Gillespie. ^ ' Mrs. J^ A. Gillespie spent Sunday of last week at the home of her son, Elmer .Gtylespfe. Clyde Jones was in Brevard last I Thursday. . [ Jim Gravely visited his sister, Mrs. DQmar Mauldin." . Messrs. Fooler and Shelby of Piedmont, 8. C. were at the home of W. W. Gravely, Sr., last, Saturday end bought a load of apples. W. C. aifil ^Robert Gravely were in Brevard Mpnday. * ? M*. and lktrs. Jack Heath have :;old their home to W. E. Shipman, of Brevard. Leon Gillespie and sojl Russell, of Asheyille, spent Synday ' night* at the home of J. A. Gillespie. Supt. T. C. Henderson, and spifjjj James, were At X. A. pMlespie's Sun day afternoon. Jule Reynold? ;^Sj]par3 Hill section ] was in our, settlement Sunday. W. fVf. Gravelin^pent Sunday I afternoon is at tSeK , ' Lance. _J perwood Surappiy . afteibioon with "Wallis Gillespie. .ft a AN OPEN LETTER TO THE PUBLIC | We have come to the citizenship] of North Carolina for funds to fi nance our work for 1925. ?#?? Our record for year now closing, is 201 homeless children placed in approved homes. . We appeal for sufffclettt donations | to save 230 children in 1925. . We raceive no financial aid from the rtite, and perform Service for qVery county i in North Carolina Whon called upon. ; Signed, , Children's Home Society of North Carolina, Greensboro, N. C. ' Xs T. E. L. CLASS OF BAPTIST CHURCH ELEC-ftft^FFICERS I The T. E. L. Class of "th|>>4Jsptist Sunday School jr\et with ? ? Mrs. DeLong on "the third Tuesday in December. As this "was the time f.or the election of officers for the com ing year, nor program was rendered. TW following officers were elected : Mrs, W. M. Henry, president; Mrs. W. H. Duckworth, vice-presidertt; Mrs. Dennis. Scruggs, secretary; Mrs. Lewis Hamlin, treasurer; Mrs. Frank Beasley, chairman of pro gram committee. v Mrs. S; B. Sterling and Mrs. D. P. Moore, reporters. ' Mrs. A. E, Hampton, teacher. The work of the class was dis rasaed after which a social hour was onjoyed and delicious refreshments were served. NORTH CAROLINA PRODUCTS ARE CONSIDERED AMONG BEST j ? ? A letter has recently come to the ] Commissioner of Agriculture, W. A. Graham, which says: , r"A few days ago one large com mission merchant in New York City telling me of the rapid strides state was making in the pack it its produce for the markets, ip part, 'A few years ago arolina sent the worst Jot of arket of all the state ship now it is one of the bcstV nsformation has undoubt about through the educa Dfork^of the State Dopart of?A?ieulture's Division of ?ta, which has sought to im the necessity of more rigid U>K,_ or teaktng good packs and " "sl$ncnt of brands which me recognized for thelr iV ? ! of North Carolina j ery effort not on reputation, but the qualfty of and higher . .??? ? -W,r7,W|TBy-.' ."7?,T ? ? ? ? "r W '? *rr# (Hhrtatwan y ?*?????*?** jN?w? Iiri in it* * to wj*b everybody, every e, (A McrryClirUtmaa. tru?t thKt in tbis ? Tho * * Season of the Soul ? when our * V bdfttor nature* are at t!?ir * ' * that joy^ and ^liappineis it radiat- * * ing in every heart. ^And wjj, J^n'* * appreciation of g^ood will ' * and co-o^e^atio? of,, all Local Alumni ? of Trinity College are in favor of changing the name of the college and becoming Duke University In order to secure the six million dollars offered by James Suchanan Duke for the expansion -* tV /?ollr-e ' into a university th: name shall be changed to Duke^euiversity. The Alumni here in elude Rgg. E. R. Welch, Dr. T.' J. Summey,j?jj)^t "^Attorney Eu gene Allison. All over tbf the al{fm?ni asso ciations ha^e met and endorsed the ofjiw.^Tha Alumni secretary is re*jd-| infe the forces fo rthe acceptance tie gift and cKange of name. . There is' probably Some opposl jioiy but it does not seem to be ol ganlzed. Mr. Duke in speaking ofhis plan for training specialists as leaders the great State Of North Carolir ->uts first prcachers; second, teac| ;rs; third, engineers that th-' rious fields of industry may be dl Volopcd; fourth, lawyer3, that tSc scales of justice may be held ever.P fifth, doctors that the healfl ocord may attract people to til State. * . The idea is to have a university so richly endowed tbat much i search wofrk may be done in each the college* belonging to the u:| versity. '?.*> T *' ity already ranks high. P. Pew, the pr^ e educators of ;e National | jrhc T ? +he ; , & EVER TOJL/^ * * ? * * *?- , . V, " ' > ' ?? " The av/eetest story ever told, Tho beauties Heaven dlH unfold, The Story tMWKpf Jesus' birth,. C And how a Savior . The wise men gifts on Him be stowed ; So in a manger He was laid, Th Even '4, mail who "doeqn't KWCw |wlat t/j BtrtS- wouldn't make a mis tale iri "ClopJent's jewelry store, ev nithing is so" beautiful and in su:h I si *; fcjfttc. W ? - ... 15:' ?* <-n racr's Supply Co., his n thing* in ?.nirmered coppcr. J i - vania . . roducc Store at- 1 ?nrti He children with its Red i P. dir.g Hood diJnlay. 3 CHRISTMAS PROGRAM AT BAPTIST CHURC . . - There will be a chrintinwy pt ? t . . i ? -M RIMANffiWS ?> be ? 111 w 8tr?Pened In (iavs in Rosmah connecting. IP1 PirkeflB Highway atl M Y &A Miss O^iui Mo re hui^ ncc^tcd a position in the (.louce.ster^tto. store.] The) High School play, Dubbs'^was given at the sclioolau^ [ditorium, Wednesday night, Dec 17. The sum of sixty dollars was I realized from admission fee. y, A prize was offered to the h%h' [school girl, or boy selling the mogt tickets for the play, Mamie Tolly being the winner. ,, . ? Mr. and Mrs. Craft, Mrs. J.'C. Galloway and Children mdto'redfo Ashwjnllc Friday. y ftfessra, Welch GaflOway,'_ McKay Colling, and Miss Otha Moore' visitod at the homo of Birdie Jamison Sun day.. night. Mr. and Mrjt>Dan Glazener and children were ip Brevard shopping i Saturday night. 1 Mr. R.. H. Morgan, our former j druggist, how, traveling for T. C. | Smith Drug Co., of Asheville, spent the week-end in Ragman. Mr. and Mrs. V. E. Wessinger left | Saturday for Columbia to spend ' the holidays with relatives. Mr. R. ]l.: Hogged and family eft1-' joyed the radio concert at ther home of Mr. J. W. Glazener Sunday, nigtys Mr- Glazener recently purchased a DeForest, is very much pleased with It. I Messrs. Theodore Reid, Alvin Owen, Misses Daniel and Jones at tended the .high school play and pageant last Wednesday and Thurs day night. 'I Claude Glazener an\i William Watkins, who are attending college ? . t Ijtatu College, at Raleigh, are i'iotpe for the holidays. There was a prize given by the Lyceum committee for the girl sell ing the highest number of tickets, Carrie Lee Watkins being the win ner. Mrs. J. W. Chadwick of Saluda, S. C., is visiting her mother, Mrs. M. J. Owenby. Migg Virginia Powell, wh ois at tending,^ college at Greensboro, is home for the holidays. Mr. J. C. Galloway, our hustling cafe manager has installed an elec tric piano for the pleasure of his customers during the Yuletide sea son. " ^ PRIZES OFFERED FOR ESSAYS ON W. N. C. The Chamber of Commerce of Asheville . is offering cash prizes for the best essays on the Land of the Sky. The essays are to be written by school' children outside of Asheville in any State. One requirement is that descriptive matter sent out by the Chamber of Commerce* be useti<< by the esgayists. The. first entries are Massachusetts, West, Virginia, Ohio, Kanas, Illinois, Kentucky and Ldui sana. , The contest is to be monthly |and will run on indefinitely. Each month a first prize of $10" "will be j awarded for the best essay and a : second prize of $5 for the second^ best. FIRE AT R0CKBR00K I1 *7 ' ? Son? that who3ocver believed in Hhn should not perish, but have eternal/life." "The inas gospel teaches us that; impulse of human love and hood is the re-cxpressiohj l.ove of God which came rew and beautiful,