1 ? Chicago boy scouts on a pilgrimage to the tomb of Lincoln in Springfield. III. i!? Fleet submarine \<& pno tographed just after her launching at Portsmouth navy yard, where Mrs. D. E. Dismukes christened her. 3 ? Mrs. F. A. Wellman and her two daughters, of Monrclair, X. J., ice-boating near the Lake I'lacid club in the Adiron daeks. NEWS REVIEW OF CURRENT EVENTS Uncle Sam Lets France Know He Won't Stand for War Debt Repudiation. By EDWARD W. PICKARD THERE was considerable excitement in government circles In Washing ton vrhon the publication of the I' reiieh budget revealed the fact that it did not Include France's war debt to tin* I nlt ed States. A spokesman for the ad ministration stated in rather blunt language that this country expects France to recognize the debt and to make immediate' arrangements to fund it. pointing out that repudiation would seriously affect international credit, lie said the position of this government is that, while we do not wish t<> be ojh pressive. we recognize no grounds in law or equity why the debt should be reduced or canceled. On the question of the validity of the debt, the. ?gov ernment spokesman pointed out tli.it $1.(KI0,C0 of the loan had been turned over to France nfrer the war was over and that $40rt.0U>.0i*? more had been credited to France for the purchase of war surplus supplies. In both the senate and the house the matter came.' up ami die supposed atti tude of France was severely criticised. Senator Reed of Pennsylvania, speak ing for Secretary Mellon, chairman of the war deh: funding commission.- set forth the necessity of collection of the debt from France to relieve American taxpayers of that portion of their bur den. asserting that repudiation would destroy French credit and intimating that the French attitude would put an end to French borrowings of American bankers. The French embassy in Washington promptly issued h statement explain ing that the American debt was not in cluded in the budget because the law j does not permit the Inclusion of inde terminable items for payment of which no revenue is provided: and both there and in Paris it was reiterated that France had never Intimated that she would repudiate the obligation, itiis was not enough, however, and Ambas sador Herri ck conferred with Premier Herriot and Finance Minister Clctnen tel. both of whom repeated the expla nation and the assurance that trances intentions were honest, and telegraphed this assurance also to the l.ritlsh go\ ernment. The truth appears to be that the Herriot government is glad thus to have the French people disabused of the prevalent idea that the dent will be either canceled or materially reduced. In this both political and financial con . slderations weigh largely, for. until ^he French public is brought to realize that the American and ISritish debts must be paid, any government that under ~ takes to pay them will be politically dead: and. in addition. American cred it and American tourist trade mean a tremendous lot to I* ranee. According to Washington dbAtches, the administration leaders i^Pmgress are formulating a plan by whiter I' ranee will be given about thirty days to dem onstrate her intention : 00.000 for prohibition enforcement; $"0,000.(100 for the coast guard service, of .which half will be available' .during the coming year to check liquor smug-' 'glin;:; .$",()( to.ono for Hit* transebnti I ncntal air mail service ; $1<>,(?."(>,"00 for the customs service and .?!).10H,101 for the public health. . service. -The Ivouse at the close of the week was consid ering the army appropriation measure. Senator N orris,- chairman of the ag ricultural committee. introduced a resolution directing the federal trade commission to conduct an 'inquiry into the doings of the "power trust," which, lie charged, is attempting to dictate disposal of the Kuscle Shoals prop erty. NOTABLE among the deaths of the week were those of Leon Bakst. celebrated Russian painter and stage scenery designer, who succumbed to pneumonia in I'aris; William Archer, the veteran English dramatic critic i and' author, and A. Henry Savage-Lan dor. famous artist and explorer, whose sensational experiences in Tibet were related in his book. "The Forbidden Land." NOTRE DAME .adversity made good its claim to the intercol legiate football championship by de feating Leland Stanford at I'asadena, I Cal.. on New Year's day. the score ! being -7 to 10. The University i California eleven beat the University of Pennsylvania by a score of 1<1 to o, the game being played at Berkeley. Both contests were witnessed by im [ Cl'UVt (Is. NEWS BRIEFIYTOLD 0I8PATCHES OF IMPORTANT HAP. PENINGS GATHERED FROM OVER THE WORLD. FOR THE JO READER fhe Occurrence Of Seven Days Qlve? In An Epitomized Farm For Quick Reading Foreign ? A despatch from Honolulu says that the Red Star Liny was fined $400 for tranporting Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. Buteler, of New York between two American ports. Berta Kuebbler, Gemany"s oldest woman, is dead at Walberbcrg, Rhine land, at the age of 106 years and three months. The Havana university football team defeated the Florida All-stars by a score of 13 to 6. at Havana. Premier Mussolini of Italy, has tight ened the noose of censorship about the opposition press and Italy is virt ually without newspapers exccpt those that approve or the Fascist govern ment. / Leon Trotzky, Soviet war minister, who was reported under arrest and confined in the Kremlin in Moscow, is in the Crimea, far to the south, more than a thousand miles from the Rus sion capital. Trotzky went to a Cri mean resort to recover from the ill ness which attacked bim in Novem ber. It is understood that Rajah Sir Hari Singh, named as the victim in the re cent London Robinson blackmailing case, has been asked by the govern ment to go to England in connection with legal proceedings against the al leged instigators of the plot. Cardinal Creste Giorgi died of pneu monia at his residence in the Palazzo Aitempts in Rome, in his 09th year. He was born in Valmonte, Italy, and was created a cardinal December 4, 1916. He held the office of grand pen itentiary of the Holy Roman Catholic church. Editions of all the principal opposi tion newspapers in Italy have been seized by carbineers by order of Pre mier Benito Mussolini, Fascist com mander-in-chief. Thousands of black-shirted Fascist! stirred to feverish heat by the exhor tations of their leaders recently con verged Florence, Italy, defying cor dons of carbineers and sacking the plant of an opposition newspaper, the Nuvo Giornale. The p< ?;e recently gave private aud ience to the Rt. Rev. Edward P. Allen, bishop of Mobile, Ala., who pre sented a report of the diocese. The bishop expects to remain in Rome for the beginning of the jubilee year. the name of Christiana, Norway, has been changed to Oslo, which was the name of that city in the middle ages. Washington ? A bill to permit S. M. Adams of Iva, Anderson county, South Carolina, to construct a bridge across the Savan nah river near Sander's ferry or Craft ferry between Iva. S. C., and Elberton, Ga., has been introduce! by Represen tative Dominick, Democrat, South Car olina. As a climax to the recent bints of a miniature Teapot Dome scandal in volving the alleged use of money to aid the postal employees' pay-increase bill, six responsible postoffice officials in as many different cities have been suspended until further notice. The bill to convert the military res-y ervation at Camp Benning, Ga., into a national forest, has been passed by the senate without objection. Rear Admiral Henry J. Ziegmeier has been detached from command of the Norfolk navy yard and assigned to command battleship division three in the Pacific. His successor has not been decided upon. Urging more unprejudiced co-opera tion in scientific and religious study. Dr. Edward L. Rice, retiring vice pres ! ident of the zoological section of the ' American Association for the Ad ! vancement of Science, in a paper pre pared for the meeting of that section recently, characterized the views of William J. Bryan on evolution as "dogmatic and dangerous to re ligion." A bill granting a pension of five thousand dollars annually to Mrs. Edith Boiling Wilson, widow of the late war president, has been passed by the senate, and has been sent to the house. The future of the American navy has taken on a new aspect with simul taneous expressions of opinion from both the white house and the house naval committee as to what should be the first step in -that direction. Inhabitants of Mars are either cave dwellers, or they hibernate in winter l'ke polar bears, in the opinion of Dr. W. W. Coblentz, physicist of the bu reau of standards, expressed in a pa per recently read to the American Physical association. The bill of Senator Smith, Demo crat, South Carolina, to require the director of the census to include in the cotton ginning reports the names of the owners of sinn^ries with the quantity of cotton ginned at each ginnery was passed by the senate ? Itlicut o' jccticn. An agreement has been reached by the Joint congressional postoffice sub committee to recommend ihat provi sions of the administration bill In creasing postal rates and salaries be effective for one veai- onl\ * ending further hearings. John A. Johnston ias l? r-n nominat ed by President Coolidg-j i ? . be post j master at Petersburg, Va. The future of Americanism in the United States will be safeguarded un der the provisions of existing immigra tion laws according to findings of a third biological study of thir. question made by Dr. Harry H. Laugh n of the Carnegie Institute. Announcement of a gnu:; of $350, 000 to the American As- . at ion for the Advancement of So t.- vancenient of Science r They propose cutting tl thirteen months of 28 stituto a he same d by the the Ad on here. ? up into each. Domestic ? vizard ,x Klan. hospital ?s an at' of the n nit Ste. ?i. whose ?<".va river i Decem of eight j. is home i railway ill, d by ?r brake Springs, rnv York, .oral fin a bandit Dr. H. W. Evam i: of the Knights of t }?? i> underwent an operation in Dyesburg, Tenn foil* tack of acute append io", Hary J. Colweel on : Minneapolis. St. Pari ai Marie railway pass -nc- r rear coach fell in* tin; Sn near Shippewa Fa. p. \VJ ber 20, resulting in the ki pesons, commited s- iwiil - in Minneapolis, Minn Albert C. Sides, a So ?? brakeman, was shot nm! Charles L. AbernatJiy, an man. in a fight in f'onr. N. C. Mrs. William J. Fox - started the new yea: wit1 gers badly lacerated ?i bit the rings from he f. Rupert Hughes, novolis. and motion picture director, and Mi"- ""lizibeth Paterson Dial, were rn.- r-.-.J in Loa Angeles, California. William Newborn f ? J., was elected hon >r ?r rior of the Phi Ep^;lon at the closing of its ami: in Philadelphia, Penn. was selected as the no 1925 convention. In Chicago squadf o ? the city in a vain Accadio, wanted - connection with tl .wm., of Russell Dieko;- n> ? :?> Chicago and Nor Ir^ s'-r was shot during an.: :<-i by a robber a:, ihe t'rar cago. Four killings, one nr> shooting, only fvn arr-s' enness. packed hotel d cabarets and res'aunu ands of private limi the birth of the nc -,v >?? :i Fighting their way thr storm borne on the wing tain gale, fiv? intrepid oil j. the heights of Pike's Po. k the tradition of the Adam organization which for ye. ebrated the coming of ea< by staging a display of fire the brow of the pepk. say from Colorado Sprint' Rupert Hughes. novlist picture director, and fame was recently married *o both Patterson, known or at Patterson Dial, t.t Lo. Calif. They immedi:- .:ei> to New York on their ho:. The New York World that its price has been r cents. It has been setlii. cents. Thomas N. Harris, forme of the United States Vetera In Atlanta, Ga.. wa- re cot cd in Memphis, Tern.. charging him with the th ords from the bureau, but released on a thousand He was working in Meinph: ? dry wagon driver at tho arrest. Approximately four ini'lio:. treos were in the Missouri s; ?*if December IS and su?f> r damage and destruction. th. public utility information mates. The Kr.w Valley State b City, Kan., was held up :;:n of $7 1 .(.GO the other day by tltf-o men They just missed getting thv Armotu payroll which had been mad ? up r few minutes before their entrance and taken away by messengers, Tho ban dits got away. I The toll of dead from acoiatt. 70 Eighteen others had been overcome several of whom are still in hospitals The Maryland public service com mission declares that the Chesap and Potomac Telephone company's ro quest for increased telephone rat?r is unjust and unreasonable and would constitute an unfair burden upon th* telephone users of the state, and or ders that existing rates be maintain ed in the future. At Milwaukee, Wis., a warrant has been issued against Joe Jackscr.. far.v ous baseball player, and formerly s member cf the Chicago White Sox ol the American League, charging hin r;ith oeriurv fi' Id, N. Lini supe fr. ornty ? ntion mi a. Ga., pla e for ? so nired >: Angolo ng in to death i on a : iin who t holdup red Chi ve fatal r drunk ropms, .1 thous h raided a ehicago. h a snow >f a moun ? rs scaled to uphold i c'mb, an 1 has eel new year rks from dosnatch ? Silo. ,d mot lot agnostic ? iss Eliza he screei Ang jlea lbernated moon, nnouncei cod to ; for tw( mpioyet bureau arrest warrani l of rec as lat?ii ar bond i.s a latin e of his orchard :m am llfl'.V} ? Iis^our ill ? est i > ansa! robbed / r SICK 3 YEARS WITHOUT BELIEF finally Found Health by Tak ing Lydia E. Pinkham'a *? Vegetable Compound Colombia, S. C. ? "Your medicine has done me bo much good that I feel likeA^ owe my life to it. three years I wassick and was treated by physicians, but they didn't seem to help me any. Then I took Lvdia E. Pinkham'e Vegetable Com pound and got strong enough do my housework, where before I was hardly able to be up. I have also taken the Vege table Compound during the Change of Life and it has left mo in good health. I recommend it as the best medicine for women in the Change of Life and you can use these facts as a testimonial. Mrs. S. A. IIoixey, R. F. D. No. 4, Columbia, South Carolina. Why suffer for vcars with backache, nervousness, painful times and other ail ments common to women from early life to middle af/o, when Lydia EL Pink ham's Vegetable Compound will bring relief? Take it when annoying symp toms first appear and avoid years of suffering. 6 Bell-ans ' 1 Hot water v y Sure Relief .25$ AND 75