where it is invited and stays v-here it is well treated. Let us keep our's in Transylvania County fHE COUNTY PAPER VOL. XXX THURSDAY, JANUARY 22, 1925 No. 4 |M ?! m Seeds and Fertilizers The first quotations on seed, puts ' red clover at .'?S cents per pound. o birds. They are located on the Reservation and have an ideal location. Mrs. O'Keliey is a hard worker- and we predict a success for . the project-. ' Mr. Whitmire, of Chc.rrytieid, an other recent graduate in poultry, is building houses and expects a thous and pullets next fall. Wo understand that Pr. Stokes has the "incubator fever," and may put in a real hatchery. The doctor be lieves in poultry. The Farmers Federation of Ashe ' villi will buy and store egggs during the spring, so as to have a supply daring the summer aiuW fall. This Oii ghi '.o hold tiie price up some dur ing tiv heavy lay of spring. The' i 'oa'r.ty Agent says he has re ceived- . vera! inquiries from people in Northern Staces in regard to poultry raising in this County. He farther slates that he was pleased '?>>? tell them that we have the best to be ha i in the I". S. A. A good cli mate a: :?! two high prices, per year, in.*. can el one. We understand that he. stealing of chickens in the lower end of the County sias put a damper on the. business, unless the oil icers oi the law ce.n :e;- : - ens. t!:e best of which i? heaiiefi by one of the best roos(c:rs in in;.-- part of the Steite. *' '">:?? one to two ca- loads .of cgg? be the goal >>t" those now go! :o ihe business. The Ccw The County Agent wishes to ru n.md those who have cows ; h: : ! hos sie haw her usual amount ?f e : v : ; ; .water., or con-* '. .iat:o 1 ? 5 ' I will resii!'. ' Keep a mixture of two par' and o.ne part woo j ashes whiri ;i: cow can help he:- !f. an. I ar: in. u;* in the lot each daw !'~ not over two quarts of cotton per day ami as much bran as you wis::. He sure bossie !v. rough or coarse feed to til! her. paunch. Keep ; 'U.;d of salt:: on Inn j ? at iirst'signs of not eating or pa 'ion. give 'hem. Ftans for 19S5 The C -unty Agent tells t; ? ! now w rki::g on the plans of work ! ? I tor ll>2->. am: tfcat ne sees . it ,? poultry, club work; livestock and soii bu'iding will be che major topjc<. with building of better soils as.j most important. ! The 1 ext important, and in aim ? j cases c'.< ely linked with > tier will ' be thv ; eftion of marketing. Titer..- j will be :. meeting in Asheville later j on to work on the marketing proh- , Kin of Western North C.-.-olba. ar.d at this meeting will b. farmers; ?from all ('(iunties ami the County' Agents. It is a big problem and they have a five year program in view. If we- have an early spring, truck- j ing will be pushed, but :t the spring is as late as it was las year, the emrasis will be reduced. potato Market The County Agent informs us that potato*." shipped in car lots to Souther t: points are bringing $2.75 per bag of 2 1-2 bushels. New crop ppt.atoes aw- beginning to move from Florida now, arid the mice is low, 0(> per bag. VANITY BOOSTS TAX PAYMENTS TO NATION Xew York. Jan. 21.? Since -the publication of income tax returns some bustr ??.-?? men in thi - city haven deliberate!; increased their payments out of all proportion to their actual incomes, solely to boost their credit, according ?> Harry Herkowitz, who is co.-acc - .! with the bureau of in- j tertial -revenue here. He revealed the I fae-t in a speech before the Xew York' Creel.': 'i'e Association last night. SCOUT MEETING AT METHODIST CHURCH A meeting in behalf of the Boy Scout movement was held at. the Methodist church Sunday afternoon. All-. R. H. Morrow, the newy ap pointed Scout Commissioner, presid ed. In teres- ine: and instructive talks ? :? the -snbiect were {riven by Mr, Morrow. i\ev. May, Mr: A. II-. Stew art, Dist I Scout Executive, and John AVhi'.e, one of the Scouts. A al discussion then followed to the best ineihcids' of organizing new troops. it was decided to adopt 'the tdan or the Xntionn) organisation, ? hieh fa\ors the Scout movement heinir sponsored by the chrurches. A division, therefore, was made into Ihree troops ope troop to he spon sored by the Methodist church, o lie by the Baptist, and the third by the ;Ve.-.'oytcrhii and Episcopal jointly, r.y this plan each church has. its troop Committee, whose duty it is to elect its own leader - APT1STS HOLD GET TOGETHER MEETING The members of the Baptist church hv! I a business and social meeting: combined, at the church Monday ni^rht. Rev. IlavtscH presided over the business meeing. A campaign was launched to provide a budget to pay off all financial- obligations of the church within one year. Mr. R. ii. :*7>;-row was present in the in.tc.v~t of '0 Boy Scout move f ; r . and lie presented th?? 'Matte'- of ' ?. organizing t Scouts into church ? ?o'>os. A troop committee was ap- i \ointed representing- the Baptist ?hu;"h. this commilte being in structed to select its troop leader. Following the busin-ess, meeting, a pleasant social- time was enjoyed, during which linit a delightful salad course was served. j COLLEGE WORKERS ENTER THE PECAN CAMPAIGN Raleigh. X. t'.. Jan. 21. -Among il-.-' subjects' which received special attention at the annual meeting of e >unty- agents which closed at Stat* (.'oilege on Jan. 11. Was the plant :u. of pec:':: trceis in the State. A p;cii:; section was attended hv many <>i the agents. During (the rer.-c 1 . I.. McLendoii. c.oun.y av.ent of Dublin county, told how h~ had' stimulated interest in pecans in hi.- county by holding: meetings at \ nrious schools and by urg?n.a ? u.i cii ild'.'v n to get permission of Jiei: ?;arents to plant at least one tree on ihek" home . ground's. As a result ai ? 'lis campaign last ins one week, there v.ili 'ct* planted iH Dahlia county th i.? : ?i-i m v; . considerably mo?c than a .hoii. .nd pecan trees. - - r>~v?iV r, n .. ^ .? .li. ?-?? -? ? -~ Me.i'ir tr-msportation has been on ? ? tar.d't ill for several days, lhe ?vads h ive been in an un-ettled con ditio::. owing to recent freezing and , A l ord about as useful a.'. | low sh'ws ia Florida. . , We have new business enterprise { i.i:r community! ?" Mr. I', .Johnson opened a store in the old J. P. , ; inkle stand, near the school house. Otir school, the ?! T.tvale. is n:ak '. v- i DISPLAY H-ERn. The slit?1 ot ! .'_>'ge- black beat killed bv Mess ? I. ia ror.ee and Obed. . Owen, and Van -de!, ail. was on. (lis- ( play in Bn va:-a V. me-uiay. . Mr. Owen says the bear weighed , about 450 poun ,s. it was killed neat ^ Balsam Grove, about 1 weeks past. . . ? i LAYMAN MEETING TO BE ; HELD IN ASKEVILLLE; An important Layman meeting j , of the Methodist church will be held at he Imperial Theatre, in Asheville, Sunday afernoon at three o'clock. It is hoped that at least fifty men from , Brevard will be in attendance at j this meeting. i [feting Held Relative To Gloucester Road A ir. : ethig of the County Commis sioners and the Road Commissioner:: ol Transylvania County was held in the Court House last Tuesday to discuss the location of the proposed road to Gloucester. Mr. T. H. Ship man, chairman of the County Road Commissioners, presided. Many prominent men of the town and County were present, and lively discussions were engaged in .regard ing? the most direct and economical route, to Gloucester. After a lengthy controversy, pro and coil, a motion was made and carried to the offer that a disinterested and expert en gineer be employed tomake an accur ate survey of each proposed route and determine the cost of construc tion of same and report to the Hoard. The meeting; then adjourned pend ing further investigations. NEW BOOKS AT U. D. C. LIBRARY The North Carolina Geological j and Kconomical Survey, at Raleigh, , has donated to the U. D. C. Library; a set of sixty-eight periodicals deal ing with the rich and varied natural resources of North Carolina. There is also being sent by the same survey the latest and most accurate map of North Carolina. This should most cer tainly be used by the public, as there is no better way to set acquainted j with the State as a whole than by ' We h( ;ir a great deal at the pros- I i nt time about knowing North Caro lina.' No better way is afforded North Carolinians to become acquainted with) their own State than by taking advantage of the opportunit to study the contents of these valuable publications. They an open to the nubiic. and frequent use of them is urged by the librarian. BILTMORE TO HAVE HORSE SHOW ASSOCIATION Mi-S, Edith Va-iderbilt, T. W. Raouh J. F. A. Cecil and .1. G. Adam?, all of 1>U tni6.ro, are among (he incorporators named in a certifi cate of ( Orporatien i-: by Secre tary of State W. N. Kven It. The cor roraiJon wili be known as the Bill." J more Forest Horses Show Associa tion and is a non-stock or ganizai oii. The object of the corporation, ac cording to the charter, is to promote; j and fosicr i.tieri i in hoi-. < s and conduct horse, show in .West North Carolina. The 'charter i. grafi I'd l".?r an unlimited period and the corporation will be operated < : a non-profitable basis, the net 'is-, t'ome of tlu association to be used in | Furthering the purposes of the asso ciation. 1 Ash'jville Times. BR! EERY O*7 7HF. STATES President Coolidgf. in . dise'i .-sin the budget, attacked the system of congress giving federal aid to states, conditioned upon the state legislator- ? or the people voting as much more. money for the project. Ho pointed (tut that estimates vv<-re called for more than $109, 000.- 1 f> 00 for highways, bo'its. naval art- , harbor imnrovements; naval has -s ; fi'id eve:' fortifications, providing. the , states raised as mtich more money. ; As a matter of fact, no more per nicious system of doubling up. ap pvonvitii and burdening the peo ple with high faxes and bond issues. Iia< eve" been invented. I* !>?? employed, extensively in franv ii"- so 'tilled urlift legislation, agri cultural college and sat;; untversrfy extension work, giving so much to each state or county if the state or county will raise as much more. It is it system that, once, inaug urated, leaves the states and their!' subdivisions helpless against the; pressure and demands of paternalis tic officialim that wants to spend the money. President Coolidge spoke of thi system of f< deral subsidies whi!" !>?'h'er'. authorities use stronger terms such as "bribery" and "political hi jacking." Under one of these laws, the federal government sent the governor |i of Maine $5,000 to -spend on mate:--' liity ct:v? in one city r>nd he prompi ? renoe-i the check with a letter hat is a classic. Massachu.se ts refused similar ap "rorriations from the federal govern ment iJio-Wing that for every dollar n eived, it took $!8 additional taxes., Jut of the people; ?The Manufacturer. Tom Tarheel says if corn will be L -heap next fall and hogs high, ho in- ' tends to keep ail his brood sows and liaye some pigs to eat the cheap ccrr. r i*rt? luton V (Cy M. L. Snipman) Represcniaive Galloway has introduced a bti! to establsh the office of la?; Collector fcr Transylvania County and to provide the compensation for such offcc. A b:II allowing the Commis sioners cf the County to abclisli the. chnn gap? and dispose of prisoners scrvn tiinr throon and property belonging thereto. A bill to tin-.end Chapter 477, Public Local Laws of 1919 rel ative to drainage of lands in Transylvania County. A bill prescrib-ng the time for h&'iding t'le court cf the 18th J uclicirj District in so far as the same relates to Transyl vania County. Abill to repeal Local Public Law of 1923 , relative to the Board cf Education of Transyl vania County. I TUBERCULOSIS A SUFFICIENT REASON" FOR COMMITTING SUiCIDE? The daily press of January 14th. reports that a hank official in a prominent town in this State eom mited suicide that day, and gives a the cause the fact that lie had tuber- 1 culosis and was afraid of transmit- j c.ng the oisr-ase io his wife and chil- j dren. This report brings forcefully to. the attention of our peopl ? th" question at the head of this article. In some instances I believe question could be answered in the mat v.-; for example: An intelli gent man has a. wife, and four < hi! dren. !!;? and his wife have been looking forward to the time when their children would lie large enough j to enter college, an ! have planned to j give each one of them a college ed ucation. Against that day, ilvey began j early -to be ceopOmir:d, arid out of ; every month's salary, except ?viv a j there Was sickrie.-s in the family, | they laid by a small part lor this particular purpoe. Likely,' 100. ! some o? ii*.i j-avings .v. .. ie b. j phie'ed in Building and Loan, and j perhaps' some -in 1 i i* e inisyra ice, ' ai<| help provide for the family in case of accident, and to help toward . otv Jie children. Possibly, .hey. had a littl ? home wiih a mp:., !_T?i : till j>!a. t ^re.I on it for oeraa,1 the la-; one or twb paj au ?tsj Av.d now before he had gotten /.el! . ..i; . cd <>') bis plan, he , finds that he has tuberculosis. lie knows that in all likelihood, lie must stun - work for a year, ma\be two or three years, at the l)e..t. i?< sees his income stopped, iiis life in surance forfeited, his saving e.? ( up, debts accumulated, ins home : sold under mortgage. Wh'.k\ it hc.j died quickly, (and the truth | tubeVvu'iosi:- does not kill quickly i like diptheria, typhoid fever, and 1 pneumonia makes it. the most cxper.- j sive disease there is; i.i fact more e.\- ! pensive than all other preventable < diseases put together) the insurai;<-? j Would become available, probacy enabling the wife to pay oti tin mortgage bn the home, and witii ..he savings pull herself together, go to work, and raise her family. Is there any greater tragedy than this? The fact that the bank cashier committed suicide makes this part: ular tragedy ''news as the news pr.pers s.-.v. but the greater tr.-'ge iy still is that it is liappsining every day ? in our State, and some times several | times a day. There is one bright j side to this tragedy. and only one.! to wit: With the small amount of j : money being spent in the fight against j tuberculosis in North C arolina, only ; one-half as many tragedies of this j L-haractir are occurring today :is oc curred eleven years ago when the ( State began feebly to do active woik | in the fight against tuberculosis. . Surely tragedies of this kind I DUirht to be sufficient to cause the i poop! : i.r our' state, through fb? j legii-la'-t". e now sitting, to multiply ' many times the amount of money be- J ir.fr so well used in the light against ;ubereulosis. ' , ? N, C. TUBERCULOSIS ASSO. ' y.R. SELDOM JO'A'ES SHOT 1 ACCIDENTALLY BY FRIEND \ Mr. Seldon Jones, of near Cedar j. Viountain, was accidentally shot last I ? " I Saturday- afternoon by Mr. Judge i B'sh.op, while they wire squirrel j muting. Mr. Jones is getting along nicely '.nd it is though that he will be able \ o be cut in a few days. [ MJSS KERN OFFERS TO DONATE LOT FOR WOMAN'S BUILDING Miss Florence Kern has very gen erously offered to give :i lot to the women and girls of Brevard, provid ed they will r;i i:;e sufficient funds to erect a Woman's II u i !< I i n u". This is in deed a most liberal and public spirited offer on the part of Miss Kern, and is greatly appreciated as such. The lot is in a very desirable location on Morgan stre< t, directly oiv.osile the old High School build i n.tr. Ail executive committee. com pose- 1 of the presid ::t > of rious women's and girls* orgaiii>;a- j tions of Brevard, met last v lot take the initial steps toward f u i * - ti 1 1 vr plans whereby t!:e erection of Woiiian';} Building may he made a , possibility. Such a building will mean much, , not. only to the women and jrirls of Brevard, hut also to the entire com-! munity. In order to carry the project | through to completion, it will benec- j essary to have the hearty co-opera- I lion of ail our citizens. MR. EDWIN SALTZ ACCEPTS POSITION ! N FLORIDA! 1 Mr. Edwin Salt/, left a few days;' a pro for St. Petersburg, Fla.. to ' spend live remainder of the winter and to recuperate from a slight at- r tack of rheumatism. He has many x friends there, and has accepted a 1 splendid position as bookkeeper with one o-? the lead inn: business firms .???:? Battery Co.. is iroinsr to install a new modern and up-to-date < Inrg ing: machine. ! This machine is capable of charg ing one hund:\ t ami il'ty bat ? very. 2.4 hours. This is a gr<*r:tc*r number thrn he is cidlad on to charge :it one time now, but with Hi ward ' and the surrounding community growing at the rate it is. he will be able to handle all the trade that will com." to this sc-tion. ' \\" i t Ii the installation of this new 1 machine, the B:'evard Battc'-y Co. I will be better equipped than any other Battery Station in Wester:: 1 North Carolina. if not in the ciitir.* State. 0AE MB MEWS Born, to Mr. and Mrs. (Ju> Matheson, Jan. la. a daugh'..'.' Billy-Jo. Mrs. T. B. Reid has th ? sympath of this community it! the loss tit" In r si. 'tor, Mrs. Owenbv. ( Miss Edith Pickiesinior i ; ?retlin,r < along fine with the Oakland school.. Mrs. T. S. Sanders has been qui!" ^ ill, but is improving. The whole community was ii'.-.H o. !m- t house. We are sorry to lose W. Fislie ? j ( ;ind family from our community. !t THE ECLIPSE THIS WEEK. v v i si I II On Saturday o fthis week will o. v rur an eclipse of the sun. which wii' ( l>e total over a section beginning at C i point ill Minnesota, where the a iiand of darkness will l?<*tri?i. it wi" race eastward at 150 miles per hou: widening to almost 200 mile- i-i lour, leaving the mainland at Lon island to be lost in the Atlantic. tl The phenomenon will he visivie , i partial eclipse as far so-iih :t -? l\ lica. but the day Vill be blotted ou' T my in the strip described. In {hi if, land' thousands of scientists, equii; )ed with every invention of .he tinu vi 11 record the details surrouniiin; he most spectacular exhibition of na ,ure. Eighty-three farm agents e:r iloyed by the State College cxten :c:: rervie, retvvned to their home tat ions last week refreshed and in 'igoi'hiod by ten days of study and da.iaiag for the coming yrar. HI MAYER CORNER A NEW YEAR S'JGGi STION Ol!0 of ill V ( - fll!!"" h'tiers f* ron ; ,i verv :i" f. a-rd, say ! ?r. Dowiinir. roi. 'ined : ? ! .liMed COpy Of 'til (?". ' ?!.'! !? Illlc IMM'III, Hill' of the mo t b-aufifid I haw ever read. The .v's i : i do rrot know; ami when I i | that poem. ! SJiirl. this sha'1 lie nr. mer-sat';', am! I will mid ,i ; one imr,. 'Ion ?.f my o v. i>. i I ere : ? t.h< i ? tn : ? 't-'v Mi ii ; rt. |ii'i- ? t| a st;iir Ini *? ' 'i day Ii: ' ?? ? , rl he ??(? u ri i ?- < I in a .-rent! ?. ; ( i 1 i 1 1 LT ; The bird sorii-- e< . <| with dis cordant r i i : j . \ lid a h :rl war In . ? y am! ad." % Only a sind'*, yef tt cart :i je 1 1 ')vcr thi- sky which had )<< ?n o J-";IV ; The rain mad*- mii-dc wherever it. fell; The wind samr tin- sows <.f in 'TiaL'i Im'II \n<| a heart was happy and "ay." An I In re i? the riiv.i'.-si ion : Snj - lose you and I commit this poem to * iiemory, and then. ? i: h?*r disvi:.: ? ti.< [t? ill watches of the or va kin.tr dawn repeat i: i>> ( 1: i- " "Two men bailed < 11 . '? ale nianufaeiurer. earne-tiy it ?ied every working hour of ii.e nay. lie head of his firm in N -w ,l . it y. "A little thin !"' The ?>" 1 ? vorthwhde t hilars :!i i iV ar. I:t:i< liii-tr. ? t !?.ink thai over. And ?->' may thi.-; 1 ? y>J' ?ours, a very ilajip ^ ??sit'l II t * ii' \VO:'' ! S 4 > t I ' ' *' I . ' I . ' - I 1 1 : 1 ?v. r the ( in".-' r.Ki:- ? ; : 1 1 n ? ? t" : ' ? - ' - de-< us evciy one."' \ PR AY". P. PGR A VERV l.'APPY NEW YE/MI A.lmitrh'y ?i ??reif t1 ore. n whose hands ar" nil Jr.. ye;,,v . i;:1, J 1 < I ? e|:i'l' : up I'.efoi'e i V.!tll "ill it-: lossibilit ivs. iis u:i;- ?' "ears, i' hopes, it; love-. M a: ions, avd it.: joys. What any day may LIUK.V ..iijy to Thee. :;:olli:h I'liee. and throu.-h Tiv' ' HTWitted to i.'n' 1 1 lie imniort.-'.l ble: s'ttvs ef . lie ivinu. ?ut we dw thai it m.?. irove a ;rali v t ? i a i. > . Vath. () T!t"it 'iratdfii. '' >> ' .? ? > ? i > i . i'i u ; a. *.ve vtay. la... ... ? ?" jiiii keiie !. h !?* i r.nctitied and life eon-e.-ia' 1 a o Thy sri vie*:, to the u| !.?;;;! 'anv I'iiy t';ui in tin' world. '-'???' ulller realization of ice ? ! ? ' uiti. n our oua souls. The-, . h;.!l its days I ?? < f -v..;-. - . io; oaly t . oi!>'S"!v d-.out u helpful lei e. ; leari , \ e er'i o -{ . ? .'?? i i : 1 i ?? .. . Shin ? o it 'i liy I i' . ? . . . ? s ?aeh one . :' us Th\ i fe.. 0 !iai v. ? a. ay ' y < is ian.*., ,.::t iir: .-;.i . i'Oi'k. t'ol! . ! : ? i) . i . .. ? 1 v iii ?r. so a - ;?! a i;- I .if.-, irdkir.e ? i way i J : leth^emr.r.e an<: la ... .ii ver in the faii!i > .\ .11 ! . ?! a-' l.-o to tin .Mo: I i 1 :? ? ; .'lien v.a shall he wi'.'i !!.i: L'i> I I'ee 1 It) I . i' i.l 'i s am! ai idi v. it i- n :???-! . . : : lie Sile :S!r.;.; e. : '? :: .. ' v.'f s;:e..-:. i;.. ' i. Ii.-.ii !:e ;. :;r h - It u.. ;? .???. ti ? a." him.' Owe i j i;\ . .. ; 'a. ', j Th'-f o\::i Hu rra! i a!; ' .??? sk be i*".!' loVv'.-. ;...l:e. A . :. iENDEP.SC: : I. AS SO CCUMTY CC,iO: