flrtRO PF.ESffiV^ SMOKED MEAT tastes better and Keeps better If you have never used Figaro for smoking meat you have never tasted the sweetest, most delici ous hams and bacon in the world. Figaro is pure wood smoke condensed and put in bottles? with burnt sugar added. It smokes your meat just as thoro ughly and just as perfectly as any smoke-house fire. But what a difference in time and work. Figaro takes 20 to 30 minutes ? smoke-house fire takes 20 to 30 days. And Figaro makes youi; meat sweeter, more tasty and more delicious. It absolute ly keeps out skippers and keeps meat from becoming strong or rancid. "I guarantee you will like Figaro ?moked meats? a SI. 50 jar smokes over 500 lbs. Go to your local dealer to buy Figaro but send the coupon below NOW tor interesting inform , FIGARO [/}q^uui Smoke] | Dallas, Terras. ! Please send me. without obli | gation, full information about Figaro. Name R. F. D. 5*0 oeen used successfully for fifty years% "What more ??uld v e ,0 -J t asked; Long Time in Asylum There is in a lunatic asylum near Paris a woman one hundred am! ri^ht years of a;ie. who has probably beaten al! world records for a Ion:; sojourn in an asylum for the insane. The woman became inssme when she was eighteen :>nd Iras bee ft confined in the asylum for the last 00 years. Build Up Your fcl?)d! Gastonia, X. C. ? "After an attack of the 'flu' my blood was so poor that the least scratch or cut would not heal My stomach was all out of order and I could not retain what 1 had eaten. 1 felt mean and all rundown. My wife suggested that I try Dr.. Pierce's Golden Medical Discov ery, and I want to give it credit for entirely changing my physical coudv tion. As a tonic and blood medicinc I believe it has no equal." ? G. D Small. 405 South Dalton St. Al! dealers. Liquid or tablet form. Send 10c tc Dr. Pierce, Buffalo, Si. Y., for tria! packajie tablets. Chicago's Drainage System Crippled by Decision Chicago is alarmed over the decision of the United States Supreme court tlint the sanitary district may not divert from Lake Michigan more than 4.107 cubic feet of water a second. The engineers say 10,000 feet a second Is necessary for disposal of the sewage. The illustration shows t lie dam at Lock port. 111., which controls the level ol water in the drainage canal. " ' *- * r ~ I ~V&' Pretty Dance, but How About Their Feet? I . "... ' : Till'Sp Ji i f i tngtou, e.\pr< rls ni" he Ctiroliiif M< Kinlvy <];ui snow before tin- Lincoln Memorial in Wu.-li ?s.;?. i'iinl U. lieyl, physicist at '.lie l.'hhVd States bureau of standards. !??> .s ; decided ro weigh the ejirlh. ihe.sya. nimn and slurs, lie is making his i^'st s | i:t a dark cave :?r? feet ln?n<-at ii. 1 1- 0 basement of i lie bureau of standards. lie ? has s!iS]K>ii<|ed iv.'o accurately weighed jrold balls from the end of an aluminum i (kit. .which in turn is suspended uy a light wire- that allows tlie apparatus tc , rot a re. Tims the balls follow ji circular course much like llic orbit of I lie I e:'ri!i in its rotaton around the sun. The apparatus is being operated by I)r. | Hey! from another. room in order not to affect the experiment l?y the heat from I the body. I BEACH CROSS-WORDS i Naturally the eross-worf 1VM'r Smith? the coming that would con demn her to a life of secrA misery. It must he seeret, she told liersell. If she had to make the sacrifice, she would make it bravely. The world should never know what It cost '"'r She would flaunt her chains until lb" , world envied her, believing her happy. ] Happy' Happy! I The bell tinkled ; sin- ran t" lb" . glass to powder her face, lest the tlaine ill it should betray to Peter how she j loathed- him. Then, abruptly, for the first time ; since she had promised her brother | Fred Hint she would save him and had telephoned to Peter to come to her at once, she remembered that she bad to do more than merely to accept Peter's proposal. She had to ask him to 'o Heavens! How could she ask him such a thing? Peter might guess that she was sell ing herself and might refuse.? Oh. No! No*. He would never refuse for such a cause as that. If he refused at nil It would be because he was too stingy to ? Abruptly the stairs seemed to fly up hp.} repel her, stuuiblingly she took n *t'op forward, then Peter caught her. Knd she realized that she had reached the bottom of the stairs. "Tha ? thank you !" she gasped. But Peter ignored this. "You're not hurt?" he gasped. _ t "No! No! Thanks to you 1 You re awfully kind ? " she went on. "Kind ! Pd spaml mv life in being kind to you if yon'U only let me'. Say you will. Sny you will. Oh, say you will!" Promptly she twisted in Peter's arms nnd looked up rouglshly into bis face. "Let you be kind to me?" she bubbled. "Of course I will. Please lend me ti^e hundred dollars." Peter laughed back. "Fi.'e hundred? Sure thing," he promise:!. "How II yoti have it? In gold? Kight away?" His tone frightened Alice. Abruptly she stiffened. "I'm not joking." sli? said, coldly. "Not joking?" The smile vanished from Peter's' lips. The elnt.-h of his arms slackened. "No! I'm not joking," she replied. "I'm ill earnest. What's live hundred dollars? I'm worth a lot more than that. I'm worth all yc.u've ^ot." Peter's face cleared slightly; from his pocket he took a check I and a pen. "Make it to you?" be inquired, pois ing the pen. "Yes! Please!" The words came faintly. Alice had won. but she was n >t happy. Peter tilled in the name slowly. Then suddenly lie looked up. ll?s puzzlement had vanished. "Who is this money really for?" he asked quietly. "Mil course ii > ii"t f"r yourself. Is it perhaps f->r il.at broth er of yours?" "No! No!" "Kvideinly it is." Del' 1? rat eh I'.ter put checkbook and pen baek nito bis pocket. "Yon gave me a l>. -1 scare." he went on, in tones that Alice had never heard him use In fore. "\V hat's j- Ted been doing? I wouldn't have he bMved him capable of putting v?-u up to this. What's lie done? Bobbed the hr-.nk?" Peter's voice was kindly but compelling. Somehow Alice knew that she was poping the real Peter for the lirst time nr-d that he was very different from what she had thought". Slowly she n--dded. "They've found him oyt? given him r chance to pay back the money?" de manded Peter. "They would of course! Well ! I?on't trouble yourself about it any more. I'll straighten things out at the bank. Send Fred to my oflice to morrow morning, and I'll see that he pet?? a chance to earn en ] :? cr a zp Ot -m irb has .1 :r.g. our i'. lags far .} .It-. The highways 11 ?? single r.: '.way of cessity. It is : luxury for t'v per cent of business. Because c? 1 ern paved i.i become an eco." cessity. Yet although t: Concrete Rojds v . been gteadiiy : :i - ? highway system t.- : behind the autcr, great major'.ty cf c-. are a-3 cut of i!.)'" :i track, narrou gji. lilty years ago. Such acon.Ltu" : i-: only seri ously handicap) t ! .?? progress of the automohie as a v u; !ortable, profitable mear.s ri ?r.iii'.porta tion, but also ho!!* l .:.k com mercial, industria tural advancen:r!. every section of th costing taxpayers ? lars annual] ?. Highway bu:! continued and ? : Your highw ,t. ready to carry en this great puhi:, must have you 1 ? them you are nv< more and wider t ways now. PORTLAND CT'MENT ASSOCIA I ION 111 West Wash :r^u>n Street CHICU.) oA National Organ';* and Extend the L >? Ofticc! !n . ' i i agricul 1:: practically . . '.'.ntry. It IS :*oidoi * Will redi: "e Inflamed, Strained, Swollen Ten dons, Ligaments, or Moscles. St' ps the laraeneFs and pain 1;. m a Splint, Side Bone 01 l?one Spavin. No blister, no hair gone and horse can be used. $2.50 bot tle at drupcists or delivered. Describe your ci.se for epeclnl In structions nr.ii Interesting horse Eooit 2 A free. F. YOUNG, Inc., 510 L?irrn Cf . 5*nnjf:?U, Mua. Quick Relief! A pleasant effective syrup. 35c and 6Cc si:e* And externally, use I'lSO'S Throat and Che?: Si.lvc. .15c