Business is sensitive. It goes where it is invited and stays where it is well treated. Let us keep our's in Transylvania County VOL XXX THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 5, 1925 , FARM NESS LIME AND FERTILIZER ^ By I- A. Amnion The State Soil Specialist will spend Thursday. Friilay and Saturday with the County Agent. Meetings wdl be hed ovu-r the County so farmers who have problems can com out and hear and tisk questions. Meetings will be held as follows: Thursday. 10:30. a.m.. Hlaniyre Store; 2:00 p.m.. Penrose, W. L. 'ial ley Store, and Friday night; 4:00 p. I m.. Little Uivcr Store, also at night. J Friday. :00 a.m.. Selica Station; 11:00 a.m.. Clurrylieid Store; 1:00 p.m.. Rosman Station; S:?0 p.m.. Lake Toxaway. McNvely Store. : We expect to. have equipment l?ri. testing soils for acid, and if you will bring along -about a pint of soil the test will' be made and you will be told how m ien lime per acre you. will in ed. rd-b the price lime will cost YOU. Since fertilizers are so high, some j are talking of leaving off the. fertii r/xv for ore year ami use lime in-] stead. The .^ve::?ist will be aide to! grve you some idea of what you may' expect bv doing same. Mr. Sims, o i Turkey Creek will', open a kiln. of lime Monday, Feb. S. The County Agent is trying to in terest a number of people in tobac co. Especially those far. away Irom ? towns. One year's tobacco crop van be delivered at station at one load.; Burley tobacco, which is air-cured, if the varivty that is being pushed. ; Hurley tobacco grows tine on, creek iu.ttem lands, but grow* too. tWavy fit ?? cluy >oils. The for to?acco is j and the price der.ends on the amount ! grown*. lUirrclU for shipping are fu.% j nished by 'the warehouses free of ; cost. The is auct-oncd off on j their tl<-< and they charge 2 !?'- r ?. cent for .'"11 t!:vir troul/e. Tohacr- se.-d .-hoi:lti be so ..'n from j the* l~>{h*i?' 2?'th of b c : ! . U- 1 ? i>Ui!f| the gl'oaiM r'tcugh to kill vv.jed - |. dig U!?; Uvei and - ow. hi .March .If.- , bed must be covered with cheese J cloth t<"> te- o out th. tl.e b;?.'tle ami ; ? . ? ? :;:T! f V ' tU f.'Ofrt. The bfi's "ire u-ually .nade six I eel j wide am! a* long as you want. Six . ? . v-if make plants enough for an a? iv or nivre 0:\ snuHl tlilmbie full of seed will, seed tea sqti:U-e lC'e>- ,,r bed. '?Settttar in fit Id ???>* In done from ? the :;!idd'..of May to . the tenth oi OT i June. T---na;vo ???? crop we. do not gray, rha. oil- ; ? --te and steady mitrki .. The Crunty Agent V.T.S "ai? -d "Si . j .? 'i will be glad :o:k:.c" : ? '? .. fn t' V who Wish- t ; . ?'^l\ \ * l." ' , * gr??v: to bait1" - i'idiur i-: planning er. ::.VJ i". the Old To -.away / rahdttg K-ts ef . . nfi'Iil;.' ?vi K start rhvw. Mr. F ? 1 i ? ves* ' jv*k ta.'.v is .a* He is buildieg [ ? m; the cie: t'" ?l * * ? '- '* . J. Ian a l hoiii ? \\ him vv K ?.ru-.i-.-e. Mr. A - -, . ratl> -weii av ii j .. .. X. t". V. :? V i h - ' I j. ?t Tds. ami aeiojow i lark - :u( ? :v. which look- like an j V.jcr ^ (_> }? * ? rr?M). Ill uiv J -?ain atwi ha y . yoar, a | r-.[i i>vt vi'tu!-". i?ui * - i i:?^ peon it' t?j C:?Vv.* | ?r ou ' o\v - . 4 ^ ?; , l 1*: ?* >. iv. ' \ li ^ !r' : ? V4? ?? oar;\ ? ? Wl'-i . :: ?' ifoOu * \ * . '? si c:.. -y ? - ! ' per \ to t C t war. '?yiv: -i's coaip*.^' ! , those c >''ii st-dks thiit h. ttcr gei it deiie HoW out of the way >f the ,>.i. T!ie valley v.?uld look j'uring the v in tec if the .-??t- . at in. curly fall. ? V*. Coo'l: ?? m. the District Agncui- j is sic'.:. v-*'d the meeting ! ? week for i-'ebVau.'; 12-1'!. si.- beer ended etl. i? . : I 1 I" It " tW' . v* a xi r. ' . u: r~,' ' : : leacu." .w.wouij . CONTEST | k w? ! : r.-t ;? ? ...V, x.ta'TU'* of the M.e+:**. i i ..' s : - l-.'iiU'1"" rentes*' fv->,; od:' C ' .I '? '??r'r ? ...- '.s th' ir t ;arii , 1 ? Ji: Nellie Miller, ?.-prox-n.i'-.-j . a id Mr... Lawi^neo | if..-- ?*,. ????({; Th s cipntesi; will ? j ... .1 r.t. ? th- ? r-.u S.ttndays, ;?t- ,v..e_ < . 1- A ti;., lr. - ' ? wdl CM- ' ..Lit lev n ? ^ ?vinMiVtg -?' voang peond c; >.e ciHa-ch av. invited v, altcul.tho Su^hy evening j Ep*?v::fth league meeting-s a. sn.- j foriv-five. ' BREVARD C;RL ON ROLL OF HONOR AT CHAPEL HILL The naine of Mary E. Ve:-ner, Brevard, appears on the Chapel Hill roll of honor for the last quarter. Miss Mary was one of twenty-six on a special list to make a grade of "A" on all sub- J ' * ? t 1 ? . jects. GOVERNOR MORRISON TO SEEK NEW AUDIT OF BOOKS j Former Governor Cameron Mor- 1 rison is reported to be in Raleigh, seeking a new audit of the State's books. Mi'. Morrison's plans, as ro'\o?*ti' are to go before the finance commit tees of the Legislature and ask for a re-audit of the Safe's books in an effort to show that t he reported de ficit in State Funds is not as large as reported and that it was not incurred during his-. administration. The for mer is said to contend that that a change in periods of bookkeeping will show thai his administration met expenses instead of running | behind. MR. T. H. SHIPMAN IS IN ASHEVLLLE HOSPITAL Mr. T. 51. Shipman left Tuesday for Asheville where he underwent an operation at Mission Hospital. It is hoped that the operation will prove only a minor one and that Mr. Ship man will be able to return to Brevard within a few days. CHAMBER OF COMMERCE HOLDS BUSINESS MEET A short business session of the i Cbamner of %'oiniiiei'ce was held in the ou'kc Tue day night, at which time fir. Warren, of Greenville, S. C., v? : nx'sept . An iuteiview was held wit': Mr. Warren ai this meeting rel ative io .Mr. Warren assuming the duties as ?-.-civtary of the Brevard ?' !i . ? . \er "l < n.i. ir.'trrce. Mr. Warren i< ::t p-vscn; K-trint secretary of the G ??'cnviile Chamber of Commerce. NOTICE TO CORRESPONDENTS: Ai! correspondence must be in the . Vv. i; Tuesday night to Ue i in' TiA. .ay V paper. iO 1' ' .c .j-.-i-evaru Doy is Honored ! V A J h !i W. r-syle. the young son of .i? and. M " . C M. Doyle, former of i?r. but of Port V.*> In: - distinguished him -oif he , an of ^dcsiilansh'p. ? ? ! .y ii ia ly icetis.. .} -'i: : vi ait* ?:!:ergetif ? ? i mavav.iiie.' of the I'liVK ?' py* thi'.:' ?ing ' t-> njefaVr.slup in The ?jf- the P'Jrl is ^alcsm-.n. "i i::. o-Ter: four degrees to !: . the si! 1 ? requirements ?riiis with cnch dcgr'ei-.. Young i - i " i. Promoted fiom one j ? i -if jv.'xt higher until- fiowl hid i . t,lie highest -degrie ? .".".-red by I . \ ? !? t. of Master degree.! ih;u he : .. .iied. the. j'e :i r-!i .iu. ii.'' i i1 i uhcrs for the ? : ii'a.i'a^ ucs. ? tr.i c.;d" i;'twin Fort Worth ' . ' ? - r fili-.e ' n -? Autsi :-v degree.1 N.e . - aoie to iiwiaii; ihir, honor only ?' o i - It . ?' :e.-t :(.; i. ; iog the t-i.ii ? of. chav on "i dependability. I i .. I . ;:::< ht\:v.? dy. together i! ?i 1 > i.i?' tt?t ai .'y_ t.ltee" f.ui ititd bUfli^y ... * . ? " '< >? ..osition. . V r.W Cr I? " SVARD I 7 '."Z'ZFi ???' 5?SI"~V*LLE GitlZEfj l The A:-hevil;e Cili:',e;i . of January .".?I iv. n a ii- ??.i'---c.vy. vi: w of Bre ? v: as :' o',.' kh air. t'he photo ? ;r ?: ? . - .v,u!i by Lieutenant M. A. ('. Johnson. J '1. var.d is described as being one i ' \Ves?>Tn y o'th f'nrolina's finest re j w t towns, and ?: great future is pre ? ??'' ed for be- iitifu] spot nestled i.he l :>uiu: r:s of t hts Land of tile Sky.. ' . ' ' ? ^ ' ' ' l-iHUT. Li.- -A. C. . jO;-;?-!SCN . INVENTS SHOCK ABSORBER Licjutenan'. ."ti. *? . Johnsoir, who well hnow: it. iJrev ird and has re ciutiy mam ! a Brevard girl, has ret.i'e-..' to-- ? jj'Steiit for a sltoek ??li": ?. i;. r invented by himself and ii. ('.. Fishy", both of Asheville. Thse two y:;ii!jg men, lmving been in the air sv.-vic., conceived the idea the > ' .v from their experi ence ' with' plant--:. Tests, have been sunda of t.'iis shock absorber and it is led, (bit it wiii prove all the in- j vontors Iiored. , -? i r ? : \ ?' J i * ?; Big Improvement Program Under way at Caesar's Head Extensive developments are now j under way at Caesar's licad, which should put the famous resort com munity into excellent shape by late spring, it was learned Monday from Sam 11. Zimmerman, president, of the , Paris Mountain-Caesar's Mosul com pany. owners of the large tract. "We have just unloaded at lire- j yard/' '"?i i 4 1 ]VIr. /jjiunH*rniwr lb" coiliniuaitv. Sufficient waterfall exists on the. property to develop a considerable amount of power. "We are making a number of im provements to the old Caesars Head hotel." said - Mr. Zimmerman, When reworked, repainted and otherwise improved, we will have by late spring i a commodious .comfortable 75-roo,?n. hotel, wl vli we feel Co indent will be] filled during most of the resort sea son. The company has subdivided , a large portion of the Caesar's Head tract and many lots have been pur-] chased by persons living in Green ville. as well as a c distant point. . These will be u.-ed for building snm mer homes, a number of which have already been erected. The company i will itself erect something-- 'ike a score cottages at the Head. The Paris Mountain-Caesar's Head company plans to build a large re sort hotel at the Head just as soon a - coiidiiion: warrant such a move. As yet plan's nr. indefinite but it is con sidered very likely that within the next f"\v yia-s t he' point shoului !>?? conic o:u .f the best known resori; places 'hi. th'1 southern -Hue d'.tge hi; "hl.iitnlSi . or j'.*. year.t > v(- - .a , i'.' Lee:; a nate.1 ; ? ,-vV ..'a. '?.?!, if iee ?and arres.v ???.:? Miy ' v r : .1 ?) y j ?i. r. Z if.iill ?' fi'iaii 'j company JVofil th--*_ iu.iiPti. ..(if ' Irnr'e- w.v ? j 'viaiyv sity. The la'iul had .come k'.lo p'osstn? ?? on of the M'-iy.i.l ,.h rough a b t .an st j.iauy years age (JironviHc News MAR??',' G?. LICENSE ISSUED '. lipid i ? ?. - ! ii .- > i . a* 1 1 , t :-:;!. v'iv.;.:i;. just i\i V';v j- t-. *? ?? *?-? ? /Or- T TT ' r,t The i fox i ii' net': b.fiS" ai . Ko/k''' Hi!) -".lar'flsiv. ^.iV- ?; ?>.?;; ! \Y. W. n..,"/.;. h ' charmed 're ; i . yi- ' ??'" .unjiinH ? v.* a!.!.:. i.'a: -,v ';?! : i \ '?{ i rained -'aes, th chase onK j.?rovcd. fair. The fox after bciag turned loose, seenied to have inn only a hort dis tance until )ie s'o|ie.ed. When the dogs were turned loo -e they picked np the trail at once and soon over , (iolv Jfb, . *.v'vc .^rocerdad 'to shov.' a; ??.}*?*??' na;- of her! -- in ? "r-ig.1. var;*,. bat \V .* i ^ soi?.> ,,c * ? i \ v " ... -J * * . as the T-a:' ; ' ttSo:? y?-! of a bvs<;u:d r nulled dog loose a to . :v ? hir fro - -.,ve pa *:: Ti-: co'.'tlr'Vcd Lwo h. wh, ;? the f vv s th;- '. his e.h ! w ? toot; rci ttge ai the ??he<:.:.?t' ???" M: -. S ? ?u,e who bv ing in tlr - y' sav. ;hn fox enter her ehaaon ya;/d and h;gir hun'ilii1: for r tj: .. to / hid;'.. Mrs. St'rugg.-. says . . . I . 'with pleading eyo". asked for. ; a- i trar.ce ihto a wall wire i-oe.;j. j acting eh impulse, she opened, the debr, and let him in, thus kiv'iiig him from the close pursuing pack and guaranteeing a future race. I u^horfc Course for the Rural Women-State College this Summer Raleigh, Feb. 4. ? Club girls have been given a short course of instruc tion by home, demonstration workers of i ho State Colluege extension ser vice each year, but their mothers have been overlooked and now Mrs. Jane S. McKimmon plans that these mother;; shall have the opportunity which is rightly theirs. So, Mrs. McKhymon and her co WoMiars in the home demonstration division have planned a short course for rural women to be held at the College during the . summer school. The course will deal with family meals, costume planning, millinery j and household furnishings. Work with poultry and the home dairy will also be featured for the woman wanting information on these subjects. Mrs. McKimmon is now prep; :ng for ih'--' corps of 'instructor wis will give this work. "1 want ten women from each | county to attend this course,'' says Mrs. McKimmon. "The prospective student may arrive at the College on Monday mornfng, register and be ready for work. Monday afternoon. She may return home Saturday after noon and most any woman can af ford to be away from /home for -at' least this time. No woman will be al- : lowed to take over two subjects, as j we want time for ( and | recreation. "The cost will be moderate. Meals, | lodging and iaboratorj; fees will only : amount to one dollar and fifty cent ;. An extra dollar will be needed if the student takes clothing work and ibis | means that the whole course will cos: less than ten dollars. "We have received many requests from i ll al women for a short course | of this kind that we plan to begin the work this summer and any farm we- | snail wiio wishes to tak. p: rt in th ? . ? tirse. s1ku.1i' wril.o nn in can- of Mate Coll at Rale.;; a .tolling >? iiist v.hat suliject' shv wishes to lake , up," ?T-r'' or E/vk-M 'H\J LC A-' ~\J AL i Or Tu- ? jr.y. ; R'Jii "'.ary -7, ? '..'it" ' ... . :!r ! r:- of th ji'igjran Bsfh'jc K-eW ti ? ;.r j:irnu?l hieeliiig in the ? .!- : :;:*i1or< Vflioin of 1!:.' ba.'k. Fob. . ?v-'.kiti!; ??c; in 'iirv 0/ {h< i?* tou:\:i y fji*. . . H l.]-! .Sln.'killlicv'i .? i-'I t hJv \i t- 1 : wi ll plea/.', d v. i'. ;. gro-wt li the bank ami ,]ie iatava/. ii; basil-.. ;; iui.i.l.-.d In the hist ye*. I'll' 1 ; evciu . r [."ition iif :iiis b'u i.- dpe t'<> ;he t-.Ticiont ..nanngcmi of :.jv. is :i "V 1: . ! : 1: . ci-*ir;\ :.r." of t!r.- ob'ieo iijitj .-'in ctors ek'ctetj : I'-! ?;?,!<*. it'. l'ick. Isiim r ; vice ?pi'i'j-idei'.t, ' ni-iy Davis; -iicnd yi(< - :n, 'V. iv. CroUrhorii; cas h it - 1'.' UiilVibn ^ !.-.? Scf.i Sale, w .. . lasted. f:'o:n Yhasvksgiv'.vg io <"??* i nVaJ ilavv i-?! >he k" uittee ehitTge cf ! ;s as i 'illews. To'';*! v-tir.e >?' Seat;' s' !*l . . . . 5? . ? enti re due Stale Asso. $ I : . Perceni "?.*.?.? ?.i ? 1 ? - Tiiin-yl \ ais ia County ........ $5(1. > 1 The orgaiiization iveeiving iirst . ? *0 ? *!;(* iari-'esi sale of Seai* j gnt- ? A. R., -> ilh thu total j iiaiit'? r.l . ; 1 honors, v ^h the to'.al ! sales :'or a;.- lay aniou . ng'lo 1 . 1 !i. i i ' o-r:v>ittve iti cliivi'ge ol tiie ? io ^hank .the follow- ' i ?! ;?? !? J viit 1 and or;; in'-.ations ' i' ' acir. as:':;- .ce and loya1. support in! ?hi;- -worth ' -au.-a;: Mary "Jtihnson, Roberta Itryari ; Susie, Kmma ikavei. Mis Polly 'la 1 i, Mrs. T. R. Summoy, U. ' L>. C., 1). .A. li., Music Lovers Club Fortnight! Club, (ii?i Srouts. County U'liclu vs. oP;Tty Postmasters, Pro vard Pcstoli'ice staff, with especial mention of Mrs. A. H. Harris. Miss Florence Kern, Chairman Mrs. J. \V. Smith, Vice-chairman I Miss Alma Trowbridge, Sec-treas. ? EDGAR A. GUEST COMING TO ASHEVILLE Edgar A. Guest v/i!J appeas in a lecture-recital at t!ie Auditor ium in Asheville, February I2th. Edgar A. Guest is known and loved fn thousands of American homes through the reading of his verses of children, of everyday joys and sorrows, and of num berless things regarding the af fections and .sentiment of life. DAME NATURE PRODUCES A VARIETY OF WEATHER j i Had Ihe r:>I?!?? put in :s r* anee the first of I;: siiiirh easily have bscn deceived it lievinj? spring had cor.:'', s> :ni! ! f ? spring was followed !>y a d:iy or two j of rain, sleet and ic--. The week eon lu'1, ??!, however, wi!li delightfully ' !);. i-]. T. r?.- a surprise pariy Tue.-d :y n'urh; in ; h" nai are of ;i "pouiwanjr.' These- friend.- sp.-ni i:e evenia very pleasantly M ih" bo; :*? and .Mrs. Raims in sochl convvr lion and ,<;;ames. COUNTY CCMMIS'-- '"Ti-; T Monday. ;*::^r:jary zm The ( ounty Co' ami:- : ? retrulv r se ' ica artcd. intend:::;. I:;, n.. . . : Ikt bill~. Lanre I mv? re :c. s?: t _ n r . : 1 Aft i'/i. ?..? - - * ?? Brevard r.oW !i:. mail trass':* each !.. the usual .*ifte:ii-:o;i .i br'turinjr ? i . : ? 5 ! . the ? ?' ? > > 1 : ? t . i y ? ..if.r local r i ] ^ c ? now le-ir. ? mail. This local ..' vi w - ic K-\*. . itbuut leu-thir^y ; Yh ? :? a> <]-. i i i:i .be oiU-.r-iinj m.'nl. BOYS* CLUE CM-T. A:-, i/.L:> (In Wed'H-.-day t V.'i l.e : B !(' va I " I.?j\ > nu L il'i M . * '? i:i; he ' Su).d:;y ia ? ? Jih :!iot!'.:' eh.ii! i *? fr?rjsa y. '.'.z J' * ? ' " Aftvr pravf- '??? the elei'tior. o. ? h phitee . ' '. at'ah h-'.v-- . . ' . Cay ???? ' ](??!;! V. :~:i \ !.?}C" ||j rh O''. : v.*. J>-.. ? I iiy 'm>\; ?. i1.' :i::; ]'*.* r"i ;*i \\ : j' ,? t i ? J.liCS, ??? t; i;:a* ti: i ' * ' !"? ; r . ?? U i'.'i'V a ? tut ! La iiii'.' ; ' / JCi> i. , . bi.u'.-i : . . jCOwT LTADER;' AT C;*i. JLV :Cv ' A?'t*s. ii. >? 'iy ?\v. Alec K i:".: . .i ' - \'0O(i. I ilV.': ;h'' ; Wii r . .'? * 'hi-, rail: ijtsl : .a! .. . >.v ;. ? .-. Scout 1( ('.CIS i': at-:. i:' C'Si\:ri ;ht .*!?'?! /.eUct'oa at' an a>:a. " < ? ? i. j? cts, ibt '? ! a i lriiyhi .aa'1-::;^. ro-f co.i aa(' lanioUfla^e i:.. .a.!. .a. Th'.< proved hi ihL ,ui; t ? ^sfi't | ar.a wi'l be follow d ? :. x-L . r >:}?' j in a few months. ? riHf r^m. CORNEA febuuar v ? -T! ; Amt >.vl;.n "A day of l)''l ;t fl ?'i* all it is 'lilt* helvwens (hat i > ? ; ? k ? ? ii|> (la'iy I vi'H ? 'Jic Ij< 1 ? ?-r thi'ijfs ' crefj) ii! our ? 1 ;n i?*:- ami -li viarl:'.va:' ? i i'?i the K.'viv. Like I'V?ru.?r.\, we too, arc ii'-lwccn ilit* now - ?>f i pa-t ami tlir hi" - ?!( I; : ???! .'Olll"t il >-?' ! Ii o ii'.,.c {'ur. Take a little time to?lay for it exaniitial ton. What at - you m.iasf with your life? lias it li< "ti wiiat .'.oil intcmlcr] ^ shouhl In V Arc liack'.viir'l or forw.inl ! ila.c jnu tlirmd it slia 'lo *.\ a - > I ? ? u : ? - 1 : : : i ? ? with your Is. (i|iy :ic;. ft i i! ; ? m hai'c \ ?.j j M . .1 ? ' . ? I-'| '? i '? In- ... . ? U ,A ::i I. i! ? f )*?'.' ui in tin same ?.'irc ei ioa a.i i ... hy the s.itiie l>re<"/.,' ; aii'l T I . ? ? -ie; oties are of1 it rati t.l wa 't'.o .cm' away ! > v the ian/cr ma/. 'I ? ??*?">!.-? j 1 1 . 4 k i ;? tcouti'c, a' _. iId not ;'!'.'ci i: Iiraw !" y*ii it. . i tic we.'. am' .-twa.; aiin'it io. ! <1 ? our ot '> r tiM ?! you alt Slot i.t: you < c ? voij- j ? < : j : ? 1 1 c ? i 1 1 . 1 ' ? s :r ii: ? ? ? ? i ? ? a yri-f?: ! ov. ??\v ? - I ? .s-;i! el !!i< ... ' vei la'., a.', i ? * wind of ;;-om: natun away. I.oo!. the or.1. V ii!iil;c y.?ur life a hi' ? un "So t i'-v !jo?iic .\iii| ii. j.laci- i?: ii:; i.ii'i: for lii-r, A?til ;rr. e her ;i:r.e ? ? ?.?. . a i i~ ri>:s !.. r; Th'.-n '..til ? i ? -i i !? ?. : i 1 1 ' : o ? h Wh i ' ar: .. . ? i.. : ()? ' " / ' " i la : I! ' ,io-. i, pp v vr O ?' 1 k . ? s ? W ?% ):;? V e ,;v. ; 111- HI:..-. - I f' * Jin