i Nothing Gentle About Practice of Ju-Jutsu Ju-jutsu originated several hundred years ago. before the time of gunpow der, and its purpose was the elimi nation of an opponent. As it was con sidered to he used only in a deadly combat, .there were no fouls. K very thing went with a view to removing the danger to one's life, no matter what position or predicament he he in. The idea was not to lay an opponent s"Jfcthe mar. but to disable him or kill h?' lis the circumstances required. Later, when 'he use of gunpowder made hand t" hand l-ighting in battle uprohaide. >1 : : ji'isit I;;psed into ob vioti for some years. from which It was dually dra l-oiI, dressed lip. re paired aid ufrerc.d suit :!>e require-, incuts of r 1 : ; ? .lapni.c-e aristo. racy. Ju-jutsu (??::! ! .' roughly divided into three c!:iVm?*? ! tricks !. r ho.d ing : second. r\ l\- for throwli.:.- : and third; trick -i for dNuh'.ilig er killing :>Q em my by. in.:: ?? ? ?!' blows t.r kicks.. The ratter . -- ? I : it* r : s S est i;ce oi the. art. It i. maiiy approYimates "ht* old a:-; ihiii'i cirlri'i* 1 1 ? * * t'llitT ?two ItRll ?rises. i ho lir^t two. n> tallg 't today, d.' ? ,cr i.i'e.uly ftvni i-he science as j . t ' i 1 cat* !. as ? :iic': iv.n work. 'K\atnp:cs : tricks; our Uutnmerio,;; shuiiuT otie .?[ their holding tr kv !': ? t sir, i.:'o t?:ir head cham f : v si: ipod d? v. press llU. tilt* -\:l : 1~' "* ''I';' C. Throwiiu JifitS: ?? 'ur mace, varied In thr? w: ys ;(",<] ?*:;?!?.sS s cue :l:in^ :k-4 ?' * ~e .vp-p .id ! rent the sice 'ii ? . w .1 ? !*..*. nit ii'" arm ov > t: ?? t ;? mg Mare,. ??;?- Ii".; r* sj w re>: n r vv;i ai Slli'.sl a [\N .:> ? ? >" CJIlgllt. S:rlki;:_ :-! tr.L: ? : Knee tv opt 'Oii ei 1 1 v t;. Si'tiii1 ..ii, i-r ' l*i in ?oo! wo'-.; c,.\,';'> a ,i.:b w Ir!: ? : lie si if reaed Adau.'s apple.-' A. II. I'. < it; . i?. :l:ure Maga. title. Terrible Bluff Soph e Iv. ' .?? !'"Mdlsr. said to 8 reporter a- <..?? ieiarded i!.e Maure tania for a Hare; trip: "I writ.- f..r Irvine. Writers . who write for' i- : s sake j.i\e me a pain." Then, w.'h a rather b.tter laugh she wrt.i >? ?' "These a." f or rt s sake writers -are terrible M ::?>"? :'.s it rule. ?-r.c < f thctu. k r'rvo \c.*s" ; ^:ivc ;i ri*< vf'-i .* t he other ia.v. At the height ef the reception.' ??' ?? was surrounded . t*y ;!:??? ri.:"T".atit of J:cr a pretty lit: ? :?? -y k vehet suit iiiiiie i:p and ^:< It! :? I ?r lu a h>ud voice: " '.Miss p,i;i: u. i think > eu are a won derful genius' "K\e.rybiv;. ii.uglicd and applaUticd. At.li- file ? ?. .. , Ss'ed tlie pre'tv i.tiie ? rc.y and asi\ti,i : -m "W:.\ i say That,* dear?' " 'I'.e I t- p! pet], '\( U told me to.' " ? Fish Taken in Suarms Shove) In:; -! ?? from tiie river is the event of the wint?-r ft r the farmers close to t he i'owlit?. river. Washir.g ti-n. U'ti. :t ? e snieit start running, farmers shoVei them up by the scoop ful. tiili::,' barrels ami boxes; women ;.se lace ? tt nets at the end of portiere p-les: boys ami girls tHke father's i! ?;*?> ' v'ovf r f< ? r a seine, anti The prttfessl.'ijal tish'er employs his linell thread i.e's.." These tish, about seven t '> nine inches long, run in scl.eols. .otter. ? I " I i n i." tiie river from bank to bank. They go up stream to spawn, .it't.-r which tiie staeit return 1 1 * the w'eatt ?inni, like the fur seal, spend a ft - per;. id far -from human eyes. The value of the smelt is what m-ak. s I: -so .attractive, being; eannoif ir. - iurs. pickled iri spices, salted atv: dried. in No Harry to Buy Wh::' w : the Uroadw ay j.jotor. s::lt-sti:;it: ?: ? ! i, s ii-sc w|..< h :? typical e: .? Ita rtiit t!.;.t t ?? w< ;:!?? eji . coin.!' !' t.li. i every i;av in the' ? ?ri'T.t V U ? ? ? . May asks, tr; Asia. Magazine. A fru nd of f :;t!e wa" tr.v v.i* r>. I a ir.' ' ? : :? *? 4: I:.- Ii.r. tt !'e|:,|. Th" ? att'er Bt\.' Jr.. i y evens. - f'.-r lo ' 'pur ??hasitc.-. r. -? ! e \\:i< ii y : .a nJ; .f. _ r. at'ititde ? f "walt'lifiil waiting." T*. : riec had I fit. I'.et'-iieetJ already s ?? . t i 'i he salesman assurfi i.;:: " :?* l'^ck ! ? ttoiu had I ??en reached. I'" ;. -r. : fu r'.' t-r re.;;;c^:>'n woi;id . I- ?'? r at leas' a The Intlian a: e^r. plied, w l:!i a a- ani of r ri ?; ii. f ? : - it' lie had fl? k.^ his adv. sv.iry 1 ; ? ?.??l-o.?i::g s*?--rc* r Pge! ".At.. ::'t that ease I si.;.ij- wait f ? ? ? - : : '!' , is ] ieiit.v of time Mc zhe.i by Fate >jB:' l't r; ;:it- tm .'are f> r a family ir. !? ?" A .s 'la. P.e lev ing hiin S"it' to. i.. . .hy a.i;;.Mi:. j. a tiiil.i tary o'irct r .> i.ied w ltii hi- \v;fe to kill t i:efi:->-1 - iid their two ci.iitireil at fi t if vil'a there. The servants "2a we."- s- f'i i .e theit'l. and retia tie.l "ate at i'r.d the villa in' dark ness. They ti.seovoivd the husband poN'-m d a; s wife. Soil, ami daugh ter shot d'-ad. The baltV. Peter. WjiS sleeping '.:il a "mad. The faini'.v were of Kngiisii i '["gin. A formal n- r !i a tiott an inheritant'o of ms> (.sji'it >.t h h i) , j-'i eased by the Knglish courts after a long dispute, arrived ht the villa for the captain the day after the tragedy. New Disease "They say he's awful sick." a wom an was lieaittl to remark to her com panion when walking along Washing ton street. -- "Is that so? What's the matter with him?" asked the other. "I believe they call it the inten tional llu." "What's that?" "I don't know ? this new disease. 1 vflose."? Indianapolis News. I ? ? ? ? - Coffee Blossoms and Berries. ,j r r ? l?v lfc?* So-. , ,-r Wa?hitt8i<-n. ' 1 1 ' Cos .! I J whose ri'Si^ii:ili"R from ?!?. |.o:is;iio "f Sm t'bniS bas hM heeti jiiip . 'tim-t <1. f u ruij-Ji. -s "iio "I tl'V 'u's: /i? m.in-sr r;itiv-:is t" be found thv ropuMiVs of the- Now . wr'.d that a country's 4ev jieopraphy and coo n- ?!!.:? s. ? ? ? : M. v: . Uif other l.aiit. A/mvnoan i u-iii! rif- '.v.!-.' l.uilr wp "it the bash of !:.'!?? !? "f iaf.UO llllllll't ! S .'1 Uil" tiWs. : : i n i w.lli this assist a-U'-e they ?::;\e Zed or.si.iorable alVaS Cost a has haii to depend since colonial ? ! .- largely . on i'hv nf i,s i'f Ku.-opcan descent, nnii '.lie f!<'\ i'.' f *t. ;< -tvt "f il>t* oonniry b;t> I ?? ???fi initii i> ? ill .a n-;ri.c;:<''l territory, ?jj, ??: Hie 'other l.atin American ' cons'; r:t s there lias boon a very t :arki "1 admixture ofr the hl-oO'ii ;!|k' Sj, ?n?T|}l'TS ? i*h tlutt "1 tit"' '>:i* tivi' Indians. I'll.! isiliii' n|i>Sl "' 'lM? s in .'lie 1'iiri t'"sta Ki?a settled by the Spaniard* were exterminated at nil r: r.y ?]:it relative!;. lilik "' 'heir blood' was absorbed l?y tin' immigrant*, iir -l ri..- )...|.,iia:i"ti of the republic .has retained a European . Iin ra.-t ?-r I" a. ? extent than the populations of some ?.f ;s- neighbors. Tlif eoutury is put free fr?in mixed bloods. i" 1'" 61 ire. !iv the oiitlyim: district* peasants. ciiLelly -'f Indian ancestry. lire nant Vii Iliii yilhipe i if" and. muiiy have . made their. way t ? "f ;; . s< ? [ ll t . ? ? n f"T it . 1* M I i? pe riod. Cms! a Ul*:?i in niaay ways frMit i-s.'ru-^'iil-rs. Tin* n-pnMi.* ?&' ? . i'ta'i t ?'!???? Ii'*' si'/J* "1 l-i'i^inill . ;:i.j.ro\iti)ate!j e.|i?:?l in l" \\ , Mivir.ia. !???!;. i.iM'-ii'-ally tlx . J,: ;> ilia.; ' !ii?* l i'Uifii ...p u?. \;..:aiif t'rin^t-.l |'ia:?-au ij, :i:?' U"t trurli , ,, r !? '"> a ? es smian . The jjfceid jvr it.v' i.V l.a.V :iiiiii"U iniial-iia^is li-.f Oi. : '.is Siuali J lat? ail. iv a;.' i: art* tlie Ms*t ions \v:,a'!!. ??? iitlv ?? !:,i'ai 'an-a. u tnaUe H i.:: :T"W I ? a : ? ? I aoross ? : !?"???? "f.nt:"> A;. Km'I'i !i,i> I't'i! ' 5 .1 -u .a: 5? 'i: ? -on-iiuit' ?- liaril)}' a 'of sVh' ai't'a il tii** : .'.r::.wi-st . ami Pannm/i 'U* s..;,:: ? ? are'Viiiiost iminhai ?:* ?mI ?-\ cf|.f !"!' 1 1 j 1 ? few ln 1 i\ liiu Cojntry cf Small Farms. i\.s:a !li'-a has alw ay > |.???\ii :? ??_? tiiif . ry of "iiltie la'iwlers" as o??::r.istod with tin' . t-antrU's ' >' buj;o estates il.oin i:. Ti e early. :..ni>;- irail a it. ust (!;.!V.'-i: : lina- nc.Kiii- a . i ^ 1 1 - in tin ir position. 'i'ti?-y vvi i.'o > ut ,.;Y fpoiii .'oin:i!o"<-iMi. ina,:v"iirse witlv :!u' AtiaUiic by the l"v\ laia! j'ni !?> tin- Siorltoasr.-'flnU les# etteetuai.lj by ? nioiiMta.i.s anil Uj'ianil plains li"in the l'h.'M:.-. tlicj ? hail. R.\ pToitUi-ls sulli i-ietitlv valuable t. ?-x i>i i! e\en if r"iM: uu-r.-iar ciiaiiRcls bad l-een avaiiahlr. It was Rive ssary t" live al.ni"st wholly on their pnniiiets. 1 hey heoaino puvorty strirkon ; ami li.a* iisitne^'ofia liira. wl-.ifh iiti-ans "Ivieh Coast, ranie to he ropirileil a> a jofee Tlu> introiliH'tiiMi' of I'offi'e early in the Niiioieeiitli. i'entiiry ha'l inneli to da with ht'ttcrin^ the reuntry s prosperitj. A i-art road ff"iii the plateau to a l'a.itic port was ronstrurtod in Is 1,; jin.i i-oiTee exports ?rew steadily. The Central plateau heraine more and niore densely populated and now almost every sipiare foot of it is devoieil to small farms. A iiiftli percentage "f Costa Means i'1"0 landowners. Natural ly. this has 'made for comparative sta bility in government, and Costa Kily sit u:? 1 ?? all points in the interior. Most of t!io> developed land is east and west of it. tin' territory hurt h and south being much less utilized. Good Harbors Are Few. Although tile coast js lacking In j good iiiirliors. that n: I'ort l.imo'nt on '?thi' Atlantic side. has been ci diverted into H satisfactory port of entry. The Pacific j .< >rt of entry. I'unta I reuas. is still lacking in. wharfage fa i ci lilies.' I'lit is wejl protect oil 1 1 y its situation on the broad Gulf of Nivoya. one of three great Inde.ntatien'i which miikc the republic conspicuous oh any map. f;?*!o\v ihe (Julf of S'ieov'a, which runs up ."?? miles to the broad plain of Guana ii-ste, where Stock grazing- is the prin cipal industry, is the Go-Ifo lutlce. a large inlet into a region which is still undeveloped. There are no lakes of any size within ; the republic. Navigable rivers are non j existent, save ft. r some tidal .streams | along the coast that play an important I part in the transport of bananas to the point of shipment.. The streams of- the country are mere mountain torrents, j in some places deep enough for canoe i travel, hut more valuable as sources ? i>f power. Costa I lien's banana industry iias been created l?y an American fruit com pany. which has a monopoly, The ! ranklv fertile soil of the coast has heen j : | cleared of nat-nr.'il growth and piantn i lions extended year hy year, principally | to tiie north of. I'ort Union. while light j railways bring the crop to tidewater, : where it is loaded on barges and taken : to IV, rt I.inion for transshipment. in tiie i eojivpany's own steamers. The- replil'li'' >eiifls the United States niiyy l.'nfta.hasj than any other . country- fro:u t.?m ki.i.kki to ? i.i m m ?.? km ? 1 hunches, a year aJid they are of high quality. As the induct r\ represents ft I foreign investment and operation. It j ;> not 'of such vital Interest to the peO I pie as is l uffee. A failure of the banana crop affects the profits of the fruit eompari'v : a failure of the coffee ! crop affects ever*' l>ahk in J'osta- 1 1 i?-a, and mil} e\cn threaten the Stability of tiie 'administration : lien in power, since I Voters do . not always reason closely ; from cause to effect, in times of finan ! ciai si riiiL'i'iK'y, Beautiful Coffee Country. Surely, not even Japan in cherry blossom time can' he more h.eautifal than the coffee country, occupying val leys at an. elevation of from- to r?.i Kilt feet, when the. sriew of the hios j soi i.i s han^s like a mantle over the I land, and their perfume subdues the ! strong scents oi the forests. i'lanta tions are mostly small, peasant propri ' worship being the rule, and each - lias I its one room house with a tiie or cor rugated iron .roof covering a hetero geneous assort iiiein of men, women and children, monkeys, parrots and dogs. i'.ut the industry can be belter studied on a larger flnca say of "?0 i :l, r,,s- , , ? I A visitor inspecting such a planta tion during tiie picking season' Would lind himself walking between rows of bushes, six feet high and colored with ? the deep but vivid red of rope berries, j Such trees are live years old' and just > beginning to bear profitably..' They ! are kept two years in a nursery ami then transplanted to the orchard, where it requires three years to bring them to maturity. They will then bear for five or six years, when they Cease to he profitable and are cut down. New trees are planted every year in the place of old ones, ami thus the planta tion Is kept at the highest point of hearing efficiency. Bananas are planted among the trees for shade, which the coffee tree requires constantly, espe cially when young. - MOTHER! ? Child's Best Laxative is "California Fig Syrup" ITnrry Mothof! A. I < ?; i s| ?ii f m 1 ? ?r ?Va.liforhln I S.vi"ii|i" now will t !m ?:* .?uglily ilean the little icnvels and in :i few iionrs ynuhaye a w**!!. jilsiyful eliild iifaiii. KV.en if < rr full of <-liil<|rcn love its pleasant I ;i.-l f. Tell your ilru^L'ist you want only the ? irennine "i "aliforuia Kit: Syrup" wliieh : lias diree.i inns f??r hahii-s and ehildn-n i (if all atcc's pritrii'd on hottll'. .Mother, j vnu must say "California." Ki'fuso I any imitation. XV ali Whitman on Thrift Wall Whitman -aid : ."The habit ? ?f ih.rifl .proves \oin power |o nilf ymir mm self. Von ;ire ;ilil>' I ? ? lake oare nf yorir.-i'li" ainl then ?.?ill of I !i<* exee-s uf. your streiiutl.1 ,i'|" produee a siir plus. "I Ii us vnu are nni only aMe in rake fare of \niirself. I?ut ye nf w ife, eliilil. fa I Iter ainl mother. in lend a lialld III siel; people, old people, llllfor j 1 1 1 1 la 1 1 - people. Tins is In live. The j ina ii who i-aiinni earn a liviti:; for j hlniselJ' is so'me'i iuies less than a man. , The man vvljo ean i.iarely ;:??! a living ' ainl n(i more is liule heller than a barbarian or a savaire." Tf vour o.vm nro H'?ir?nn nnlsam.'. Applv it ?i{ niirht nn>l vou nr? by jnnrnlntr ::7C TVarl St.. X T Adv Insects Called " Camels " There is an insect in the I Inly [.and i .Iviinwii as i he "i-ainel." A eiinsi_'iiiiieiii nf "I'aiuel.s"' arrived ai the l.omlon zoo ? a few w ei'ks aim- males and femah's. I All arrived alive, wliieh in it self was , regarded 'a'? feijiarkalile ?im*e ii is a ? liahii ? if ? i he females in. devour ihe ] niales; I'.y some r.ililleal -l udeui s llie.V. 1 and nni the hiir tpiadrupeds. are he liev.i d I" I i|ive I leeii referred to in lie yi'r-i' "Y '?? blind Uiyiles wlii'ii sirain at 1 a unat and swallow ;i i-atiiH." Every Horse Owner and Dairyman sIinuM: "kniiH H inhTfl's I'sil- nn nf Myrth. ! line h'r.ti'.tlls, Ctfts, Sort's. Ciikrd Idilcrs. ! Lnr^e si;:e 1 ?f eriii';:il;;iiial\>is nf (lie hnuie. Miss .Van Hurt Messeiy' formerly nf ihe | . sm inln^y department nf ihe l.iiiversity , e! W'i.-i'oie-'in. is direelor of I |,C eiilil'se. | .Miss Mi "?'mt h.is lieeii ? 1 1 j | jis say au 1 1 : a ' tin1 troubles of Anierieaii . home li.'e. lal I into two main ? ati?- | ' u ??r i ? s ; ??'I'lio helii f on ihe pari of the | ' liindeili yiiini-.' wnmaii thai slie Is in- ; dilferi IT! In the ril-s nf InVe : ill d hoiiii'. " | ai d "ihn .in-l.lll-i' ieliey of till- home il ? j soli, i:> nil -il'i'Valisai and iliuhiliU lri'1 lltei-I- I he needs of llie pres. -lit da\ III: 11. W ? t II : 1 1 1 and i-iilhi." Australian Progress 1 V'Mi ml f..r reh-jiliniins and postal fa?'ilj!ie* In Australia 'ar lieyond e\i?vi niiion thai -ihe i >i ima i ?? of .SIS. i ? , f . J. J (Miiict'iM i',,j- Uii> i h ii'i ? veil r pr-<:!uai,tfl?-;:rr of :? . The County Fair "Wlieiv \\ ill ! !"::?! : .! ? | ?!??!? I< "-l" "i ?\cr it; ilif I 111.- An Green's August Flower The reinedv villi :i r.-eord til : v oight years of surpassing e\-. ? ? J !? -n? . . All \\1m ? SlllT?. iii?! ? >ii stomach. ]ial|iitai ion ;? r. ? ! other i tions of digestive disorder. wiil tin* 1 <;i:i:i:.\ S AlfJI'ST Il.nWKU an fective. ami eflicjent remedy. For lifty- eight years this medicine lias been successfully usee I in millions of 1 households all over tin- civilized world. Hccnuso of its merit ami llliiritv fiKKKN'S AI'CI ST I l.uWKlt is found today wherever medicines are Bold. .'HI and 1 M ? cent bottles. Adv. A new sto:i?.-el|f till-' lii.H l ;!'e i? said to iln all the. work' tliat iv ij. , ;:t linn l>er with a circular >aw. i Fr-r oronnniy'j: pnlco v;hv r.rf ) jp- n v*?r Ittifutr'- whfoh ?*xpHS* Worms ? r Tajrus-rm with n sjntrl^ rlosr-? f?r F? ? rv'.?. " I I Shnf dors !f. ?'2 ponrl F: . N Y A*iv. We liitterly recent tin failuie (lattery tn make ail iin|?r**~??i? >n. oar ' Health is Your Best Asset Raleigh, N. C? "Aftci cpe'l of bilious fever, I ! was ? iia* ::;g a tecamc thin, extremely ntrvciis, and weak, with no strength or am hit ion. It j si s t seemed impos sible for me to gain any strength until I began to take I >r. 1'irrre's Favorite 1' r c - srrijttion. Then I soon ruTumenced to feel stronger, my nervous sys and by the time the ' I'rescrip I gained in weight, ten i became normal I had finished taking tion' 1 felt as well am? ever felt in my life." Simon. 31 S. Swain St. Obtain this "I'resrription ' of vc nearest dealer Tablets or Ixjtiid Mr. n; Mrs. F. \ I for Constipation 5colhinq and He&!irut Promotes Ski?! He&ifh Crow Hair On Your Bald Head Ynii hrivr many rr-n?r k'lMb. llisrc'X (.'Itt'iiiiQi Works. I*at?'h? -jr'ji . M. V. M?n:**v t.'ick witlii't;* ? if II l* NT'S SAI/. K f.w ' i. li.6 tn*;i!m? lit of IT' 'II. K' /KM A, It I N? i \V< ) H M ,T KI I I : . > r ? . : . 'T it' liiiiff i*Uiti ?i ?>*??&?? s. I'r.te TTtf r t <2 r'.j.'t' .? * . iT''.. ?*rt ' .n ' A B R criardi tfedlc'ne Cc. Sfeman T it Cabbage Plant "Pr'.*Jt pMii f." Ail 1< a?!.r.ir \ i 1 to 4 ??* ?? ;t? || .r | i f I . ??r? n n . r ut $! p- r 1 ( . :] |o N* . r i ? li:c!i . I. , ' i*. I*r"iript IjhlplTKOt Sufi' iirriv;,: tr. ?? I. "II# *.% to t'an* for a ? ? t. Atrcnt* want ? ?!. It Kl MIA ICIiT I'l.XNT COMPANY. Hoi U. ASIIIH !CN. <.KOfi<;iA. ACHIMENESE A !:. '1 f ).;???: ' ?: r f * ? i j r <:? . ? r. t?r 5 Mrs. Osr;ir 'I'lick. \\ r>(Miin?li r. ?*. ( lt:ircaiiiv. Kudio. Ilarycains ? . . I tjl ?? w ? i ' . .1. U' ? r ? ? i j"o|i?- 1 r A f Mag !!l I.XKIM.N Ir-i inii.^rh it., ! ? il W T F fl Younq Men in 1 rjrn SlMiT! i iLiJI IhcOARBLW I HA II I: Br.st roll?v<* iti tho Smth. .!? J-.w a-AaU:::;- .r ^ra*ii;at?->> Cbarlofle Burbrr ( ulit-ye, Charlolif. N. O. THF. . 1 IMPROVED fgnj WELL FIXTURE WR rv-itirrv t . r 1 is i LTif riLi'Nnwr *1 I | "-p. IM k !.l. . LAKE SAW iiSiLLS ar.ti HOE SAWS ere tk' standard t >1 jri f wuy. i\x j t" ? ;?r:a'r. il. ii/i : "? : .*.r for!..' ?f?k. i. 5yiieor Pop & WcilCo r V7. N. U.. CHARLOTTE. NO 3 HMB V- ?^l" ' ' ' OPEN-FORMULA FERTILIZERS f? ? Ci"?? ANTC?P A-"\l'i'5 ?fl 3 3 ^OO JODACCO AMMO* ? ? JIM. ecoo |(t?N??? IO lor* ... cic POTASH '' - ? ? 300'< (UlPM?T| 1 . ? 3 t>e"? MANUFACTURED by N.B. J05EV GUANO Is* WILMINGTON, N. C. 8- 3* 3 FOR TOBACCO These mixtures C V nore popular then any Tobaccc fertilizer sold in the Carol 'mas of which r.e know tt is reatfy a wonderful mixture and you win ' ike ir Mode with Su/phote of Po ~ tcsh or S u/phate -Magnesium. /f you hove sand -drown trouble use the Sulpha te Ata/fn esium Pc fash til so made io ^3 3-4- and Q-JS There is a salesman in every Pag of Josey's Fer ti/izers . For sale by feeding mer chants in o//r>ost every town / f we Pave no deal er in your city, ivr/te us To- day. c-l v OPEN-FORMULA, I MANUFACTURED BY 1 N.B. JOSEY CUANO E. WILMINGTON. N. C. 1