if! ?-> f*f R3S. AND MRS. F. E. GALLOWAY ENTERTAIN ' Mr. ?ui,i Mrs. I-'. E. (iaiiowuy de liuhLfuii." entertained a number of the'.r Cra-ads at ihe homo of Mr. and j Mrs. i'. ii. (Jailoway wiih a Valen tino tK: Friday eveniig. Feb. 13> A . T : room- were beautifully dec otated. Ik Ui'iaus punch was served during tin- e.-rly part of 'the even u Mrs. v.. i. t>osse presiding at t. ? punch ti*)vvl. j The evening \v;i> pleasantly spent j if \a\:" i'.iucs and solv;:i? pax Rev Wallace Hartseli and Mr*. : \\ . K. y winning the pare. At,.un-t i'drty ice creain- was served with hearl-^haned cakes, after winch a nrc.grim of radio music was en joyed. Those present were ? .Misses hi.:.. : \;y:;.e Barnt tt, Odeii Nicha en. Nan Kripairick. Clara King. Polly Hart. Thcima Krwin ; M.essrs. A. A. T'-aiwhmw. A. B. Owen. .1. P. I>urant. ? rry -ierorv.e. Philip Price, Jason-; Orr ami P. P. Hart-el!: Rev. at}*!' Mrs. \\ : SI. Ha; . sell. Mr. ami Mrs. ;??. Unmsev. Mr. and Mi's. S. t'. \ ntcs. A:-. M ??-. W. S. Price and Mr. and P.. V. I'elong. Mki OSBORNE SONOR^O J! vs. -las. i\. Mills entertained on arday in honor < f her moiuer. ;,ivs. W. K. Osborne, with a sW' pri>e birthday dinner. Tile, ine:-.s-.ui- ? hi nat' lit r ei.-aiiei.li o:rthd..\ .t.ni: vi ^ Jar e cake, which 'wr>. an idd-.".. -acd cu:<> , e.eaui I d!. iced , at while arid having in .i.e e. i- ? 4 1 \ *jr?, fo 'i> '?i a Wr y.. Uv lr.U-.ive ; ad eriVvTivi. iV'i., , ? After ? a music a a. I rc-v.co ? iviiri ?- of '? I ft?iv the "si .ties" .v. ry. tlijoyod. . ? Tne ch'rUiret: present were Mrs Pi\ Lyd.iv. Mi''. A. X. Poele. Mr. C. ! S. : ? and Mrs. .Mill*.- Other . ?? bceasioui were Mr. and ? K. 1' Play ton of Pavidson 1 .. ? Mrs. A, ii. King. . . LONG MAS BIRTHDAY ] PARTY \;V;! fi'dl Lena {Cowd a. ^ 'iltU* h'^U> i-*? hi \ ; ; l :? .. when she ccU-bra.. .-:s:a I - :;????> with a party a; ..ae par. h:V. Mr. and M.-s. : : i. ' i^. i'ri M.i.a stive;. '11;,. .-iui.aea mid .a m -rry li.n- in :: * ? "..'?Si. v<-ilich con-dsted " oiihii- . ,;..h .hiid turn, the ?; , :t.e- 'a:'.: tW;!'.? one Ua . . ; ..0. .? h-.l i , s.i.aihv;.' a'lK'? ?'?' \ ! < ; ,:e i:r?.-cv -d.-c. von .. a:ia;a-. v-v - i- -? ; v i.'v-e. sej.eta! *v! !., oajot. in .-ipet; *-a>.- la.c , le c ? . ii a 'a ca!?e we v* .-el ? . , . v.-.i la 1 L?? ;K4.ts ot ;aa!d\ v. elf na- , Tj; '? ? ; ..?ie t 'l-'. ei'.jov e<i tai- ? 1 ??.?.. ?? lei', alien wall Or: He*!'.. vl>i.\ZR P/.Ki'i AT TH-: 3R ? AN 1 .\iijts. Karlv.-nf i'-ar. iextev v. u? a-?l e - r?) ..iv-.er !?ar:.y j-sv. - at Trie. ? Bryant. IVtday evening in a ;,r v ra , Miss Hall, a member ot . 1' a-sil era ; ; "acuity. . ... ? . i-: J-'.aa'wia.^ 'ail eUiDora'.e. dumei. . St :-cet?. by the Misses Shipmaii. the.' ?vuests enjoyed a short social unm. m ?r r.e P'-yar,; parba-'S. I he cfenii ,-i t--i ioviarnt was conciudeu ay a m.ov pr ure party at the Auditorium. ; Tiif invileil quests were Misses Hall. Taylor. Ome, aa.l Mrs. Staii-j ' ford. ? ;?'] MRS O. H. CRR ENTERTAINS INSTITUTE FACULTY Mrs. 0. H. Orr was hostess Tues- ! day evt-niiiiLr at her home on ('.aid- J weii street to the ladies of Brevard ) i :siitu;e faculty. A ver\ pleasant social time was en- 1 -\ed l.'.v all present. During the ev- j cniau: the hostess serve. i a delightful 1 repast of fruit with whipped cream, j t .live ami corfee. BREVARD WEDNESDAY CLUB 5lr . J. S. Silver.-teen deli^htiully oatra ,'neti the Wednesday Club' at he ho'n.e, un the afternoon of Feb ruary Uith. Mrs. Lynch was unanimously i-iected a mvinbc v of the Club. Kacn menioer re."p?)m!ed at roll call v.i:h an interesting current event. Mr.>. D. G. Ward had charge of the entice program. She presented tile subject of Bolivia in a most in teresting- 'maimer, telling of Sucre and Lapaza, the sunken city, and of many strange and amusing customs anions the Indians. Most delectable refreshments were served by the hostess during the so cial hour. The next meeting of the club ?will be held with Mrs. T1 H. Shipman, March 11th. M. G. F. iS ENTERTAINED Misses Lona Walker and Annette Fatton entertained the M. G. F. Sun day School Class 011 Saturday even ing at Norwood House. About twenty-live members were present ond aa aleresiinfjj patriotic contest was enjoyed by ail. A delicious ice course was served. PRESBYTERIAN LAD'iEJ E J YERTAEN MiSSlOUAZlZ lUi.-- .iui-.ee, a returned missiona from Airita," vicJiycied it uiosi,. i.t esi..ii;.; 11. Ijij ialii anoti. , cu iii.. jaisiipiiai'y \vi '!? tl ??lc .Vii'lvi..! pCOpiVy ^''1 . i* ; i\. . v . ';-h;a.*eh on Tiuuva..,. afteinoon. Kc |;reseniauves Cron; ih.e varinii> churches were pre. eat lo hear this enthusiasfic missionary ?speaker. Fui.o\vii!.'; -.the ieciure, those pves rfi'c ? .! ? .* v * *? ;iU:u4 tia:e. din iiv.; which the ladies of the I'resby : c r-ian church, in a most lios-l itabie and gracious nuinner, served j tea 'and wafers . ARTHUR ORa HAS BIRTHDAY PARTY "... !ur Orr celebrated hi., twelfth i : r ? J \ by entertaining; quite a iiU;..- 1 I'.- ? i ' iiciii friends Saturday ' : i\t i i. . , he home ?f his patv 1 and Mis. David (Irr, on j /v li-Uiiu e slryi t. The ,-hiltiivn enjoyed the after-; I'.i 'o.'v witii fun and merriment in va : . .. s uuioor ..la a i *'S. 1'ii' id/ liie afternoon the guesisj v.i'f - iiiv.tvd into the dining roo.u ? b.?. h v ;. * jiri ?:! ily decorated stigge-' ior ? suitable to the oecasa.;. f uf iboisfe Wasaiatrlon's bir! Inlay. ' iaMe was attractive with little ! paj . haf ciiet ? li; ;i wi ii ? "I'd. \ ! . i... ;? ?;.! blue . ribbon, ami v.iih \\ < large .! hthda\ cake 0:1 whit Iiv:;; ;J twelve little white cainHes ; in" 'dainty i i-andie holders. The children en- ( i. ? ; .iH ii.d'ey tluir refreshment:: ire'iisi-tirij: 'it hot chocolate, with ? !v?siii":)'::!l>.iws and whipped cream, ] f ..iiey iittle- cakes; atid candy ( lU'UI'i >. Th;:o children were present lo en- ( joy ;his happy afternoon with Arthur. JO; T BIRTHDAY TARTY 1.! -.I. Sarafi KJ'/.alvlh and Mastt . > . a ! i Teauuc jointly celebrated bi'r:hday anuivt rsary ? M.onday s : . .a the home <>i" .in;ir t :iaiHipa:en;s, Mr. a*nl .Mrs. -.i. ??i. oil Whit mi re s?cre'ct; It ? .'.a . the occasion of ftarah Elizabeth's , i b'l ia!a.v and Marshall's sixJi. * ? ? ? . .1 \ v 'aiea . enjoy. -I Llwmselvos ( 0 fullest extent in outdoor U.'lii TiKl. I'.urinjt the at'lt riHum the\ were it.i I-: . the diui- >r . 0011?. . which { .v..- mo ;t at tract ivy.ly decoraud, | .. iaj. out tiie pi::k am! whit. . ?d.?r. . inc. C ' ri .he prettily decorated ?v. iv two larjjt \\ ':it'. bii-thda. ' hayinjr five liftb j>i n?c . lighted j : ..a one cake* a:ai 'ix candlc.- j : :?.? t.her. Tiie chihiien ha i :rr , ' )<\ i 1 m'\ injr to blow out the j .Tiie.des; ^ . . y ? 1 ? e! : am, cake and candies were ( <cFV?:d. Thirty-live little tots were v ?. v ?cni to enjoy this happy oceasron. ^ i> D-iLiGHTvUL SOCIAL gathering ,1* \ Mr-. .!. F. Zachary and Mrs. .J. S. i XieiieNon were joint hostesses Tues- < (!av aftentotm at the heme of ? Mrs. ( ?- ? I /'.??.chary, on Caldwell street, lo ) h"ao. .Mrs. J. R. liamlin, of Ashe- , ; ville. ? ? " ? ' ";'??? ! . .v most pleasant social time was ] enjoyed by all. Mrs. Hamlin -do- , Ue'hted -.hose present with several ; vocal, .a I'fi.oiis, which were rend- ] ered ? usual pleasing and ac- , Cumplisiieti iiiai-rer. Mrs. W. 0. K. . K'lU'i. in her accustomed gifted way. : . c aipanied Mrs. Hamlin. Mrs. Hamlin, as honor guest, was pivser.teJ by the hostesses, a beauti ful hand embroidered handkerchief. A dainty salad course was served by the hostesses. i'rtseiit to enjoy this social event j were: .Mrs. J. R. Hamlin. Mrs. Ed j Loftis. Mrs. ft. Y. Neel, Mrs. Z. W. : A'ichok;'-. Mrs. R. Welch, Mrs. H. j A. Plummet, Mrs. M. M. King, Mrs. 1 W. 0. K. King, Mrs. J. E. Waters, Mv?. F. A. Starrette. and Miss Alma Trowbridge. BLANTON MITCHELL MAKES GOOD RECORD While in attendance at the Mich igan State Automobile School. Blan ton Mitchell is making a splendid record for himself. During rcent ex aminations held in that school, Blan ton passed all his tests with very, creditable marks. He averaged 100 on all but one subject and made a mark of 80 on that one. Blanton expects to complete his I course of study and return to .Bre-1 vard in April. PEMiiALS Mrs. J. E. Loft is and children spent Sunday in Asheydie with Mrs., Lof lis, parent.-;., Mr. and Mr.-;. Rice. ; Mr;-.. Laura Miller ha:? 0011 quite ill I i'Oi lioir.e tihivv.# but is now recovering-. j Ciupu T. G. Hendcrsooii' is: still co.iiiiiK'd to his home on account of . . Linked illness. , ;.i\.n i aj ?W" "lupvi'-d \\ eu:). s i rota Air. . ?Velch C>.'.iio\va.\ sami v.... .ji uia.ve her homo with KlqiyiU ;? AC.il. ? . i. j L ii.ii.! iy of \V ' . a Vi / ' i ??<? J. :!, u?e ?v;*e.-.-eiUi in !?? *???'?'? v.im nt'i' parciit.;, and - *' ? ? ? -? *'> King.; / ... i. ' i.u iii)}?? ;'?? the . efficient book l.C'ope ? at li ward in.;t)uiU\ has beta ill with a severe cold, hut is now rc- \ covt r i nj*. . ;(?. iv. Hart spoilt Sunday ::i Greenville, S. C. it. . oi'Viff, of i'assif ern, Hemier .ville, delivered an excellent ser muii iu i>i! a.ipiv.c.ativ e ??ud**. are ? S.umsay at he Presbyterian ehure.it. Those who attended the i). *v. *i Gcoigo ? Washington 'lea last.- ??Satur day aiU nioon enjoyed ;i pleasant so cial time, a., well as a delightfid past. Mr. and Mrs; 1'. 1'. Price and chil dren, ol I ';im toil. N. ?('., spent Sunday with M.r. -ami Airs. J. E. \'i Utcrs; Mrs. i'. li. Gr.liowaj an;! --on. Ech"! loft 'i uesilay fo" Florida,. where they vvili spend two we'eKs visiting rehir iii'yVa i:?jd friends. Krv. Iv. li. \\ e.ieh, pa. lor o 1 Jh ? -i church, drew seme ju-ipfai !!??;' . ?. Ctiihvy night- HV; hiJ ? ' of Floyd Collins, OF til Man in |Jk Cavt? i . .r ;. A. M. Faison, Q.i v::-re \ve-A-eii?l' u'.Mr. and M";- Sin^eltnry. sit The. liryaiYl. Polly Mart, sper." i\:v- week ? 1 1 < i with her sister in Gr"::nv.He. Mrs. Welch Galloway returnc 1 Fuesday from a l we week s stay : : \ale!;:h with her husband, Uep. :!alli)way. Mrs. .1. W. Smith spent . several j lays last week in ('harlotte. Mr. and, Mrs. 0. M. Coston. Missj losephine Nichols, Miss. Mamie viiroat and Mr. Arnold. Stradie'. , e! vshevilie, r.iot<?red to Lrevsrd Siiu h-iy u.) visit Mr. and M?s, Z. >V. sichols. Mrs. P-rock, of Asiieville. sjiein j I ,c\ era I days, last week >Vltli iier p.av- [ ifcl Mir. aitifl Mr-, -l.ee Dillon: j ? Mrs. . ii.il p?i r '- her i:eli;'hl cully ? ertaimd tlH" BfitHic t .uo, it'iernoon. Mr. ami ?:>. -i- !'? .a:- '! hiidi'en, ft VT Ost A-h:'\ ille. *|p.[ ? .. ew-ral da; s thi> week wall Mr. :.-i . ' Kd l.eflis. ' Mr. and Vdrs. .1. lV rickeisinu-r me- ] ..red to Ashe\ille Sunday tu ,spe':.i hi. day with the latter's parents, .llr.. Hid Mrs. Mice. Miss Hall, <?f Fapsifern, H-ender i.mviile. 'spent the week-en<1 W|?? diss Taylor, at the Institute. Mrs. B. K. Nicholvon has remv ? red from taiite a severe atuick oij he flu. Mr. T. il. Shipman returned Satin lay fioni the Alission Hospital. Ashe ?ille, 'ami'. expects to tio to Florid; "or a two month's stay as soon as he able to make the trip. NOTICE Having ijuaiified as Ailministratrix if the estate of William L. Ilipjw lecease.l, late of Transyivaida Cnun y, .North Carolina, this is to notify ill persons having claims a;;ain.st the) ;aid estate of said deceased, William L. Hipps, to exhibit them to the un ler signed at the olf ice of W . E. iJreese, on or before the Gth day of Feb. or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to s.iij! estate will please make ininndiate payment. This 5th day of Feb. 1925. i MARY HIPPS, administratrix of W; L. Hipps, deceased. 4t, 5,12,'iy,2(>c all kinds of Done Promptly and Carefully REPAIR WORK A SPECIALTY Harold Norwood Phone- 1 33 Tv. o Ri.~gs Brevard, N. C. ?luflCF 115 J ALL FASTORS ARE INVITED TO | USE THIS COLUMN baptist church Rev. Wallace Ilart'-cfl, pastor, '^idrnj-vr vrorrh'p at 11:00 o'clock; even i ng ? \voi>hi p . at 7 :'!(). S; !ir<.l 1)':45. Ivi iij.tc b. p. li. at 2:30. I'ri n. Y.- I . at 7:-'?0, Mon i v.' ling. I r.i.M'i- S.'. v.'ediiesday cvcu V, at i :?*0, i iie pi: I si. c is coitiiaii.V iav.'icd to j "i any or all of the:-- service*. j you are ;; an 1 liv in I hi. j o a;, n: unity, you owe it to yourself j ? i : 1 1 . h ? cau.ic to line up with t!k '?.arch.- ("omc and he at home wiia us. SiKTUOlliKT ; 'i i i . :;'"i i ?;: v. i-'. ii. Vt deli, pa tor. -Morning J . i I :<iu o'clock; everting - j vices at 7:15. Evening Subject: Floyd < 'oil i it < ? T!i?s Mar. in the Cave. , Sunday. M'hool al !) : 15. 9 KjAvoith League at i'fayt r meeting, Wednesday even jig at 7 :15. U'e hav ? a live and i'^enrstii!* Sunday School, and puv iwearhirtg [ I'viit-i arc well attended ar.d en- j Ihusiasiic. Memhers "urged to attend. 1 All si laagers most cordiall; invited. ; The pa. tor oli'i rs his personal servic 1 io one and all. riSCAII FOREST, BAPTIST Rev. S. 1). Tipton, .pastor. Preaching services every iirst and. third' Sc.miays. .Morning . ? at j: i ! :0D o'clock; evening .ervices at 7:15. Sunday School every Sunday morn ing. I'.ver'.ho'lv i." invited lo atl- , ... /.'?*' ? ? . . *? ?; he.se services; If you are a > liri.-i ian ; .ve net d you. if you are i:o.. y.'ui ? iced us. EAST FORK BAPTIST Key. II. K. i i'linan, pa ;tor. j 'reaching every -itii Sunday a: I ! :()(> A. M. CARSON CREEK BAPTIST < ' i Rev. li. R. Pitman, pastor. Piva'chiilg 2nd Saturday night ii. he nionfli at > :00 P. Al. ; 2h.1 Sunday at M :"U a.m. You are iavit'ed t:> conic and wo; - i J =h i !>. at both hese churches and rj ;clp Injild up T|he Work. "'s ' ? . . v> ' ? ? I j U. !?:. CHURCli. iiOSM AX CJIiCUITjj Rev. iv. (': RichaNlson, pastor. \asl Fork isi Sunday ! I a.m. 'ouesstee 1st Sunday 2 :.">0 '? p.iu. losnian 2nd and !th Sunday li a.m.jj iosmaii 2nd a:id 1th Sunday i :?!(? p.;u 2nd amjliii Sunday 1! a. '.i. Mlica 2nd and lih Sunday 2': i0 p.r. .. , j .ake Toxawav *? ft 1 Siiiifia\ l i a.m. ! ?.ii r > i j i - ? ? ? I I < :^<(i p.m. I I I ,\1T. MORlAii. Rev. W. 11. > J'raclun'g serv lays. Morning si f:,t f:l KRUVKIKi'I) icholsoii. pastor, ces 1st and -!rd Sun rvice 1 1 :00 ; evening, j NOTICE OF LAND SALt North Carolina: Transylvania County: Whereas! on February !M h, 1 DUH, th:* undersigned Trustee . Id t ho land hereinafter described under the lei iii:; and condition:' of the deed in trust herein named, and as tin reto Yore advertised: and whereas the bid for which .said property was sold, co with the sum of $2:15.00, has, within tiie. time prescribed ny law, bet s! raised 1(! per cent, or to the sum of and whereas the Clerk of ihe Superior Court, of Transylvania County, N. has ordered and di rected a republication ami sale of the said, with the bid therefor to commence with $258. 50. Xow, thereto! , the undersigned Trustee under and by virtue ?>f the power of sale contained in a certain Deed in Trust, executed on . April lltit. 1PI7, by Nancy Osteon. (wi;i ow), to ('has. 15. Denver, Trustee, lo isecure the imlebtedness thereiii named to the Brevard Building ?Loan Association, \v ii ! ? b said Deed in Trust is duly recorded in the of lice of the itegister c. f Deeds of Transylvania County, X. C.. ?!. '?), at I 'age If 1 7 of the llecori. '.Deeds in Trust. and def::.;ii been n::ule of both prim-ipai and ???. >i/.est, a'J in said Deed ii, Trust pro vided; and upon appbc;-! Inn . ad de mand of the Brevard Buil; -i" i.oan Association, after due no; ice ; ? ihe del it fir In make good !rv d.faul. . i hi' undersigned Truste? \\ d b o .'I ?ii;.rcii i 15th, 1 i I lir? . ;ti | if o'clock j M.. :;t the Court House d*?;?r, in 1I'! vard, N. C., oiler lor sale to 'n* highest bidder foi* cash follow- , ihjs piece of land lying u: Brevard Township and described as follows: In Brevard Township, State an ! Count . aforesaid, and b: iijg all of I. of Xo. J, .oi' the .Mr?-\an, Shipniau, Vi'i'i Whit::: re I.: his ? ' sur veye:! ..ad p!;i:.v! by \. . I. Nov . i ihe said jdat i> registered in 1 ' < ? ? > .-. ?? at l.h;> Deed kec;: <;! i !"! y County, N. C. The :::iii! !:?: >r j: <? uf land being described n; toli 'W. : i Ik^innin^' at a s! :tk:* in the North margin of the road which i' ..as west ward from the public rosul mar .M.\s. (i. ('. WhitllJcre's reside!! < rossifltf the railroad, corner of l.< U \os. ! and 2 and runs SoiiUi i . t <in feet to a stake; thence .Willi Ea.sl 1-10 feet 10 a stake, -orw-r 01 Lot I and -1 ; thence N'o.'th ?!<; I -U , West of) fet t to a stake, corner l"i . 1 and 2, in the line of l.ol ?! ; thence South li'.l West ! fee! to the beginning, Said sale made fur the purpose of 'paving said indebtedness and co -Is of [ sale. This February Ihiii, ( has. u. di;a\ m:. Ti ust (*:?. V'r, .?. NOTICE OF SKR V OF SL'Vi<VJOi\S M i'Ji.i. .'ATION North Caro.ina, TramySv.'sifi.i County, in the Superior U < ? t ? r ? Joseph A. .iohn. ? ji. .?!. \V. : ??! ' ? ? '? . < >. II. .lollll lie ? A' . ?! and huslinn*! ' " ? . . i ? I ? \ - ? ! . aiel I. ui a .!? ? ! - ? (i. I.. .? t.h in. i'. A. .!??'?: . . !\. ti llOil .I'.iiH Klj: ll . I i . i . ' .(olnii'i.M, i .? l ? .join, o i. ? ,ii ? oi, : ; *?'?!' I j . ? ? . 'I i.i ??.!>'. ' . I* t:i.<e !' ,< ? ?i: * ill i ? J a ; o \ i ? i ? . . . ? ; ' ... . :: . ?; -> ' ? i u, i ; .. c -r'-.ii: I; .?! ? . . < ? fi; '. ' i?e ... .. of )?.. : '.f p i. v ? ti.--, V. tlJ; *! i ' ??'.! .? p'-.i; . t ? - -i i.-. ?! !' ? '? ?:< . . . ? >i ..I ? U ; ? I 1 1. ... 1 ?: ' Mi:.. ii ? ''ii ? . ; a. .1 . :.. . . eriiirt 'i to * ;.i of I h>- I "! i ? j-;. of ? ),? S ip -;- < a > ? of Tran - yivania < ' ? ? i : i , : . a; ???'":? . in t lie Court ilon < . a' lirevard. ?>\. ..ii Saturday tin 7 1 !i day of March, i'f ! : . : V. I . 4 . | 'I I. ? ? . a. . 1 i 1 1 ( It-!';. K. !.. -i : a. . t i : ? < EiSiffyEPy " fciKK -- iAx ?t2?'; "^3 I II rv> sj L. S 19 i' S^Kn ii ?lb^ Kl8PS|1!Bffl KlilSirefi vat t<i u k a it b U i 't.-F it 3 fel U "a e ^ I ? <??? u ?3 a 3 * ?&#?.&&? rpm a ?:??? .: i i :'i v. ?i t r xt K 0 V si ;:.: JyTid, wsmmss^ssmr- .i'^Ln 1IU, a. F. J. CUTTER, Director <iBzr7?.? -{$T 'W ' %tff {SJT/ ? ^.;j ???*.?? W'V ; i i ? C '9 .r.f' fUs* ! I ' . < ?.V 1 i ?, v?yte&\ ,-\, * hi .fetji ? r-T . <\ ? " s .' ' i ? ?' ' *. J , - -yTX * i i ! w. '.n v'A '' ' ?, ?" .? c* ?m i' r* i/: .s, Irfifkw ( ||/ V', ? . .? ' -jf ) /"? N ^ \_ " * >, " * ' , y ^ ?!' . 1 (O < i l) if ^ i / ) f/ fi l^vVW> v i v I ~t v;? t ; ^;.Tk<*r.- ?ay af c/V t I I* ? ' ' * i ? \ !, V ?*? m i' / | ? | s-i I Fv'!1, M j s r- k v v< >y?V;vijf/ V-V.v ? t ??> " f L.k/ ?' !I?i [2^ ( r< v> b s in i j i * rV i ij . - a*. r-A / &? MMra.* ,W <7. : ^ , i c. ?_ _ ? Best Drilled Best Costumes and the Best Home Talent ever put together featuring v> S~>\ A.%^ V'. rantaiift ? Tamjbo and Bones t Quarrelsome Coons School Auditorium Brevard, N. C. March 13th, arid 14th. % Benefit Brevard Municipal Band Admission: 25 and 50 Cents I Reserve Seats on Sale at Macfie Drug Store Bring your sweetheart ? Tell your friends and don't forget tfce date iFriday and Saturday, March 13tli, and 14th.

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