Devoted to the upbuilding of Brevard and Transylvania County 1 r eva r d. THURSDAY, MARCH 12, 1925 News ' ?* No. J1 _ Our Advertisers make the Town and County prosperous. Patronize THEM FARM NEWS By L. A. AMMON I * 1 Mr. John Wilson is building a nice eleven-room t'orm home on the hill i facipg Enon school. Mr. Wade Lyday has completed a large barn, and is terracing his land and expects to have a real farm in the future. ; C. V. Shuford has pulled more stumps tins year than ail the rest of the County. Mr. Snuford allows that fanners uo more have time to plow around stumps, let alone set on tin in. Four cars of lime. were unloaded last week and three for this. l?et clover follow the lime and you get twice as much value from your lime. .Miss Julia Deaver is planning a corn and clover rotation on iier place in oriier to keep the land up. Who : will be next? A number of peopie will try a .-mall ; amount of celery this year, with the idea of getting familiar with its cul ture. L)r. Castieberry is having a \uca-j tioii; due .>? thv' State's funds running ; short. While he waits to do genera! j veterinary woiui u r. Castieberry has | finished ali but Gloucester anil iia found only thirteen head of T. B.. j cattle. This is less than three-tenths i of one percent, which will give us a certificate of freedom for three years, l.'p North they feel proud when they lind as low as twenty-five perct nt. Vermont went forty-live pcTCy' lit. The unusual cold snap did not do m-uch damage to fruit as estimated fro.:; j resent observations. Eaily cabbage plants and baby chickens are rushing the mails com ing into Brevard these days. Mrs. Joinv Kngland lists herself among the commercial poultry rais ers for next year by planning on over two-hundred. She prefers the brown leghorns. To. notch fat cattle are bringing eight cerus in nearby Counties. Fertilizer prices have not broken yet. The cheapest way to buy is to buy rich geods and send cash with order. Let m gnbors make up carlo, orders and make the" dealers bid. It has reduced the price lo two dollars, per ton already. Don't ask for time prices from th - companies, you cannot afford to their rate of interest when some in dividual or. your bank will loan you the money for half the interest. Grass seed and oats should be in the ground in ten days. The early oat dodges the rust. Carpet Grass Since Prof. Newman's article in I the Progressive Farmer on carpi . | grass and lespedza came out. 1 haw had many inquiries about these two crops. Carpet grass is not supposed j to live w!k.c the thermometer drops to ten above or lower in winter. The lespedesa will do quite well here a. a pasture clover or for soil building. ? Cost of seeding with these is higher than with our other common grasses and clovers. Carpet grass weighs IS pounds p.-rbushei and the present price is around fifty cents per pound. It tyke< a bushel per acre. Japan clover weighs -o pounds l>er bushel; a bushel per acre, and costs around 30 cents per pound. Received a nice letter from the Postoffue Department saying that they had sent an inspector to look over the Hrevard-to-Greenville mail route, and that they hoped to gL' the farmers service on this road. Mr. Warren, the new secretary o the Chamber of Commerce, is a sure friend of the farmer, so drop in and talk with him when in town. Did you know that you can get blue print plans of .most any kind of a house the farmer ever builds from the County Agent. Drop in on Saturdays and he will explain. The farm homes are planning on feeding yet more of our summer tourists. A few more water lines, a : few more bath tubs, electric lights, ' and bette r gardens are some of the j preparations that are being made, j What are you town boarding houses j going to do? Fresh vegetables front' your own County will be the best thing you can do. Have some farmer grow your vegetables for you by j contract or some how. The worst thing in the County is < the feeling that the farmers have, in ! that local handlers of produce Had! rather buy outside at greater cost to consumer, than to buy from local producers. This seems quite true at times, but there must be a reason. I hsvc seen enough to know that lack of pack and quality is the big reason Let's put our goods on the market in best qual'ty and in the same pack as >v . ..<? BREVARD BANKING CO. TO MOVE INTO NEW BUILDING MONDAY On Monday morning, March 1G, the Brevard Banking Company win open lor business in its new home, lacated on the corner of Main am. Caldwe.I streets. The new building is one of tin most handsome- and commodious banking houses in the state for town anywhere near the size bl' Bre vard. The structure is built 01 stec! and brick with a handsome limiestom trout, arid the exterior walls of bull colored pressed brick. Outside dinicu. sions are oi> by 100 feel, aproxnn aiely 40 Uei high. Gray marble',, with bronze grills and walnut woodwork form th.~ in terior finish w.'ih light admitleu through tail windows equipped w.tft Meei n?ii. i he electric lighting fix tures-' are of modern and pleasing de sign. f lic ouilumg contains one story, with a balcony and a basement'- 111 winch, is located the healing plant, and a large storage vault. O.n the mam floor are the work ing rooms of the bank s force of eni i'ieyees, che oil ice of the executives, a ia-iies room, and the main safe and; a large vault containing nearly -iOU individual safety-deposit vaults, 't he uirniiurc is all new, handsome ma-, hbgaiiy with heavy bronze liltmgs. ; ihe ?" structure was designed by Earl (j. istuweli, of ? Hendersonville, ?'! as architect, anu the construction was in ciiaige 01 J. M. and K. P. Kil j.a;nvk, 01 wrevard, as general con-1 i. actors,. iuinuure and fixtures were' by ,j. i\ Wonlack and Com pany ot Atlanta, G'a. I Omy i he tines, I materials obtain-' auc v. ere used in tiie building, which wncii completed ' will represent an ii'i ve.stmen; ul aproximately ijtf 5,000. ine III cvaru Banking Company is! one of the imiesc ami st-rongesi linan- " .. U'stiauioiis in Western Worm i a. . ilma. with a capital stock ot ?,-> i ..'i .ii(<0, a sa.'pius oi $4y,(H)y, ue . ?. o'l ;ai? total resources of iiioie ..v UO.OOO. It wa> organized in 1. iS 1> 1 ' . Thomas ' . .i.j.u.aa is j.'iesaient and m ao- ! i.i\e cuage of the operations oi iiie : Jos. o. i!uvc?*?.-ioen is vice- pres- ' "ie.nt, ,i'?. L>. Lyon is cashier, ?vnh , A:.. ?lie i... Sinpman as assistant cash-' ier. The board of directors includes | Tli.-s. li. Shipman, Jos. S. Silverstee.i, i W. S. Ashwyrih, C. C. Vongue, li. Vv. Everett, C. E. Orr and U . Ai. ' Henry. Through times of financial st re. ? ' the Brevard Banking 'Company has jrto'.id as a bulwark, serving iraiisyi vania County and the busines inter-' c.-t-s of Brevard. I'he officers of the 1 bank are among th_- .most popuiar, and . I'espeeivd citizens of the com- j ui unify, and the institution numbers'. among its customers a large number of farmers, business men in aH lines] as well as individuals of moderate means. In erecting a new building to' house its activities, the Brevard Banking Company did so with the de ire to render even better service to j its many customers, as weil as to- on- j tain mure commodiqus quarters in j which to house its constantly growing ? -I business. The fact that -this hand-; some bulidmg has been erected in the ! heart of the business district of Bre vard is ample evidence of the confi dence which the officers and direc- ^ tors o'l" the institution feel in the fu-' tare of Brevard and Transylvania : County. ? Organized by and closely affiliated with the Brevard Banking Company is the Brevard Building and Loan Association, which has done much to promote home ownership and home building in Brevard and Transylvania County. This, association is among the strongest of its kind in the en tire State, and is growing steadily and surely. LAND SALES The following land sales were transacted from March 1 to the pres ent date: Ollie J. Perry to Mt. Moriah\ church; Roy Long and wife to Emily Cooley Wessinger; Board of Educa tion to Rufus McCall; E. R. Welch and wife to Emily Cooley Wessinger. the other fellow and try that. The [ best salesmen of farm produce in this i County are those who take what seems to mosot, unreasonable pains in having everything just so. They sell along other tracks. If it pays a few it will pay all. Courage and pa tience to do it is what we need to Dray for. Complete Facts On Street Issue Set Forth By C. of C. Directory * "? . v.- : > Tlu- board of directors of the Bre vard Chamber of Commerce, at iti meeting on Tuesday evening, adopted the following resolution and ordered that it be published in the Brevard News, for the information of all concerned. The directors made it quite plain at the riieetinng thai, the organization was not offering or expressing any opinion, in the mat ter whatsoever, but simply wanted j the facts brought out so that all cit izens may see just what the present status is in regard to the bond issue for street improvements: Whereas the ? Brevard Chamber oi' Commerce initiated the movement for a bond issue of $100,000 to pro vide for street and sidewalk im provements and Whereas it was principally through the efforts of the Brevard Chamber of Commerce that Transylvania Countys Representative in the Gen eral Assembly of North Carolina in troduced, and secured the passage oi an act to permit the "own of Brevard to issue the said $100,000 worth of street improvement I oiids and Whereas there seeiaa to be some misunderstanding among ihe citizen.: oi Brevard as to the details of this movement and as to the sale of the said bonds by the Board of Aldermen of the Town of Brevard and as to the details oi a contract entered into between the Town of Brevard and Gilbert &. While and Co., by the terms of which tile said Gilbert E. White and Co., will furnish engineer ing services to the Town oi iiiv.vaiu in the planning and construction ox tne improvement* provided for in tot axOi esaul Uoiiii issue NOW Iherefore, be it resolved by the Board oi Directors oi the L>.:. va. ?. Chamber oi Coiuine.ce mat ?.no .sec retary opieatl upon the mifiuies Oi this meeting the above resolution and preamble, >Mid i urtner liiat the secretary in conjunction syj-li tne town tie.u-. i ! the i own oi brevard, snail prepaid alia ?cause Vo be published ..t Brevard News to be issued 'i ijlursJa;' Aiarcn 12th, this resolution together wuh suen facts pertaining ku ili.s bona issue and to any contracts en tered n:to py the Board pC Aldermen ot the. T.jwn oi Brevard in pursuance of tins bond issue anil oi tne o.ijevts of tiiia boii.l .issae, as may 'appear o record.- j Ai;(i Further <.:)a. the .>c ert tary v toiij unction ivith i;ie iuV... cicru Brevara prepare and include in are publication aioi'esaid inl .ii.- ures . aim tables relative to wn- . u.?iou the taxable property w: aid in such manner as lo.siii/v jj..t now the money to pay tl'.e nitoie.a and prin cipa; sum as provided lor in the is suance of the aiorcsaid bonds w.ii be secured and paid. And be it fiii't lie r resolve 1 that ii is the sense of this meeting that the Board of Aidermen of the Town oi Brevara has handled the transaction involved in the sale of the afo esaul bond issue in a creditable manner and for the best interest of the tax pay ers of the Town of Brevard. And it is further understood that this resolution is solely for the pur pose of stating the facts m connec tion therewith and information for the public. Feb. 18, 1925. TO : Board of Mayor and Aldermen, Brevard, North Carolina. Gentlemen: For One Hundred Thousand ($100,000.00) Dollars Town of Bre vard, North Carolina, 5 3-1 percent I Bonds,; dated March 1st., 1925, ma- J turing without option prior payment serially from five to thirty years, from date, said serial arrangements to be in accordance with the Act au thorizing same; Principal and semi annually interest payable at some bank in New York, we will pay you j par plus accrude interest to date of delivery and a premium of $1500.00 upon delivery of the bonds to us at Nashville, Tennesee. This contract is void only upon said price being raised by Braun Bosworth and Co., otherwise to be in full force and ef fect. We will pay all expenses of printing and attorneys opinion. This offer is conditioned upon said bonds being properly authorized and upon their receiving the unqualified approval of our Attorneys as to le- j gality of issue and sale and the suf *>dent tax and taxing to pay principal and v.' tVu I to furnish certified transcript. We hand you herewith our certified good faith cheek No for $2, 000.00 to be held by you un cashcd, and to be forfeited as liq uidated damages, if we fail to comul j , with the terms of chi3 agreement;! Otherwise, io be returned to us cC ? * delivery ot bonds, 01 if our Attorneys' : decline to approve the bonds. j Respectfully submitted, CALDWELL &. COMPANY, j By Vv . In. iisee. Accepted this listh day of February, lDiio by liesoiution T. M. MITCHELL, Mayor. ALEX 11. ivi/.iMi., Ciiy Clerk Durham, N. C., Feb. S.i, l'J2o. TO: 'l iie Mayor and Board of Aldermen of the Town of Brevard, N. C. We hereby propose and agree to serve as your Consulting Engineers in the design and supervision of the proposed street improvements for the Town of Brevard, N. C., and to fur nish all the engineering services on the work necessary to carry forward the work of construction to comple tion, all as set forth more specific ally as follows: (a.) Make all the necessary studies, investigations, and collect by transit and ievi 1 surveys ail data necessary in planning the work; pre pare profiles of all streets which it is proposed to pave or otherwise im- j prow ; design the storm drainage ant: prepare plans thcrfor to cover ai. the streets proposed for paving, ' make all necessary drawings in com plete and proper form for letting the i work of construction advantageous^. ' to contract. (b. ) Prepare and furnish speci-, iications in detail covering the con struction of the work and the mater ials that enter into the same; prepare an estimate of the cost of the works as a guide to secure prdper priete.? for furnishing of materials ami io. tile uctio;i ; ptepaire and fur nish form of pro'po.-?:l- 1 and insi.. ac tions to bidders, under which i?id.: . hali be .received; 'prepare and fur nish form of contract under whir., materials shall lie furnished an I lii, work of construction executed, 't hree copies of specifications and form oi certrait shall be furnished. (c.) Assist and advise you in ad vertising for and' receiving bids an.: in. awarding contracts for material and construction. (th) Direct the v.'ork as ConsuL ing Engineers and make visits to Liu work during the construction, an., guard and protect the best intcre. t. of the Town of Brevard to the bos; of our ability throughout the employ ment.' Furnish on the work at our own cost, an experienced assistant en gineer as Resident Engineer during the construction, ami such, other, as sistants as may be necessary to sur vey for lines and grades and to in spect on the ground. \e.) For concrete and sheet as phalt paving: After the contract t'.'a.; been made and when the contractor is ready to start work we will make the- customary tests of materials nec essary to determine their suitability for use in the work; that is samples of sand, asp-halt, asphalt filler and Portland Cement. We will furnish an inspector equipped with necessary apparatus for making such tests at the paving mixture plant that he may i intelligently direct the manufacture of the pavment. This inspector will be in attendance while the work is car ried on, and will make tests fre quently in order to secure as near as practical uniformity of product.; At the end of each day he will make ' a detailed report on the day's work. 1 ;f.) Once each month we will mak j up estimates of the total i amount of work done during the pre-j ced:ng, together with the to-! tal cost thereof itemized ? and these ; estimates will be approved for the purpose of making payment to the contractor. Upon completion of the contract! we Will make up final estimates of the entire amount of work done, with itemized costs, and approve same for final settlement with the contractor. Records will be made and furnish ed to the Town showing the loca tion of all gas, water, and sewer mains laid under our supervision. (g.) Upon the completion of the paving in any district we will work out the assessments again: t each (Continued on Editorial CALLED ktETiM) OF BREVARD MERCHANTS A meeting of all retail merchant/, automobile dealers, and others in th? retail trades in Brevard has been j called for Thursday night at 7 :S(? ' o'clock in the Chamber of Commerce ; offices. The purpose of the meeting Thurs day night will be to organize a re tail Merchants Bureau of th" Cham ber of Commerce. The hoard of di rectors of the Chamber of Commerce | at its meeting Tuesday, au thorized and directed that this bu reau will be elected at the meeting Thursday night, and other matter, o: business will be taken up. It \va. stated that no additional membership fee will be required of member.? 01 the Retail Merchant's Hureau, pt their membership in the Chamber of Commerce. Other bureaus authorized by the board of directors include ;i Woman'. I Bureau, a Real Estate Hureau and ai: ] Agricultural Bureau. These three will be organized at once. REVENUE OFFICERS CAPTURE LARGE UNDERGROUND STILL The most complete underground i distillery ever found in this .section of the country was captured in the early hours of Wednesday morning [ some twenty miles from Brevard in Jackson County by a party of Feder al officers headed by United States Deputy Marshal! Swann and Chief Field Officer V'. E. Grant. Jasper Owen, f>r>, and his son Balconib Owen, St), were arreste:! and brought before United State^ Commissioner A. E. Hampton of Brevard, charged with violation of the Federal Prohibition Laws. Fol lowing a preliminary hearing, boiu men were committed to jail in de fault of bond, $i,o0() being re quired of the faher and $.">00 of tht son. The distillery alleged to have been owned and operated by ihe Owe.: Was one of the huge ', ami certainly the most elaborately fitted up ol' any discovered in Western North Caro lina in many years, according to Deputy Marshall Swann. The cop pfer still with a capacity of !>o gailor.s, with all the necessary equipment fol ks operation was concealed in a large room, built underground. Water pipes were run into the underground room by pipes from a stream several hundred feet away, while smoke Iron: the distillery was curried several hundred feet in the other direction before being allowed to discharge into the air. Grass and fruit trees were planted in the earth covering the room, and every art of the land scape gardner wire used to conceal the whereabouts of the outfit. Several gallons of corn whiskey, and about 700 gallons of beer were found by the officers. Those assisting in the raid were, in addition to Deputy Marshal: Swann, and t hief Field Agon; Gran.. I W. S. Hutchinson, C. M. Jervis. V\ . j Vv. Owens, ;;'l Federal Prohibition Agents, arid Charles Jamison, a ci izen deputi;:eo to as.;ist the officers. CREDIT UNION LAW AMENDE!. Raleigh, N". C., March 11. ? ( red: J Unions will in the iututv b> know: 1 as "Saving and Loan Associations.' i according to a recent amendment to ! the law, states George Ross, chief of, the State Division of Markets. The amendment also increases the powei of thes$ local organizations to ho. row money, reduces the- reserve to hi kept on deposit in banks, provides for the guaranty of contract and- maker provision for a strong centrai organ, ization. Recent marketing activity by the Division will help the poultry farmcrr! of the State in disposing of Fneit , eggf at a profit. The Division has ad- \ ded an assistant to V". W. Lewis, i livestock marketing specialist, a : efforts are being rr.arie to secure eoid storage facilities fo u:-p!y ; eg-.-. 1 Two carloads of "urpHis eggs h " I been sold by ihe J . irion in the las few days. Some boetlcgg-j". j w:ll get a b:. namp: r ' "y ran ? 0:i:> IKE PRAYER CORNER OUR TOMORROWS Our Tomorrow;.! What, heart would be without them? In childhood they arc* a.; ro:;y-hucd :ts tin* dawn, an! wc run to -meet thvm oiir . . t ? 1 young feel as swift as iiioii.di 011 soaring wind's. Care fin* and ha; : y, we close our sleepy eyes at ni.eul, our last fond thought of the <?.?!:? ::if day, our golden cli an..; mad:* bright, by thai one sweet hope tomotr. .. in lifes giave prime, we look ! t ward with less eagerness to tin dawn of our tomorrows. Time has become a reality, and the earnest n< ss of living and being fills us with ;m awed curiosity, as we think of ? h coming day. Contact with the world has rold.< d us of some of our childish faith. 1 grieve to say, hut a c.ilm !*n:ir..;'i: posseses u , and We >*, i in. 1:1 i. resolution to meet tomorrow bravely, l?e it what it may, and when the y? ar* have gathered on our h?*ads. .. >1 have left, their silver threads ab**\e our brows, the eager hope.-: i?f \ ?? ti I ? i , the courage of our older years, ami all that made us long for brigh: .?< morrows, shall nit rge in.<> a re *. .! peace ? The 'Waiting Time of I.ifi when we shall listen for our l.ord softly call, "Dear, tired hc.-.ii. '? up and see The Dawn, "lis < i ? ?? i To morrow." A PRAYER FOR OUR TOMORROWS O Lord of Today and Tomorrow, waken in us once more, our i i. i ! hood thoughts about tomorrow-!. Ta!-.. us back again to those day.- wia.. care free and happy, v.e ?*i ? - - ? i <? : eyes at night, our last fond tinaigr ' of the coming day, oui gold ? dreams made bright by 1 1 ? ; * ? > ? sweet hope "Tomorrow.' In life's grave prime, when . reach it, we look forwa:d w:.i: !. eagerness to the dawn of . o;i:<<i r< v. for time has become a r? :*. i . : ... the earnestne. of iivr.g '?? fills us with an awed cm ; . ? ! hink <d' ea-h < ouiiv.g day. Contact with the win', i t.a . ???n.?d us. or will i ei> us of .. childish faith, but graat 'hat cal. i courage may possess us, and ii"lp as to go forth with a re.-'oluiioii tomorrow bravely, o<- it what it And when the years have ;.t h ered on our lu-ads. a r ?< i !*?'. I ..i -d ver theads above our brow.-, h.-n, dear Lord, may the eager nop. of years, ami all that made us lone our faith, the courage <-i ...ii ?? 'ie:* years, and all .that made u - ion;.. ' bright tomorrows, merge in-" a rest ful peace ? The Waiting Ti:.v- oi . .!>? ? when we shall listen to;- I h-.-e Lord of Today and I oin?-; . > ?? . ? > softly call, "Dear tired !???;. :*:. ujj and see the Dawn ? i is bo.! . : morrow." (IraM it to u-:, i^ur !' a.h.-r. for the Dear Savior's sake. A,:;... ? C. D. BREVAftD BAND PRESENTS MINSTREL The Sunshine Alius. rels ami Hand Concert wf! ! be presented :.t the High School Auditorium Fri my a.:d Saturday nights of this week. 'lids is st/icily a he u -...! a production, and is for the beneiit f the Brevard Municipal Hand i > rala* motley for the purciisse of unsfu . is for the band boys. Mr. F. .1. Cutter, bandmaster is the director, a: I a pleasant surprise is in stole fur a'! who come out to see the wotide ! id work he i- d.dng wi.h ?>ur boys. No belter opportunity i. afforded the people of Brevard to show their appreciation ami i ncourageire \ n the splendid efforts of Mr. Cutl-.-rard our own boys than to come c.r .i full force with capacity houses i>.?.h nights. AUTOMOBILE COLLiSiON' ON MAIN STREET SUNDAY Two automobiles colided Sunday afternoon on Main street in from of Harris Machine Shop. One car was driven by Mr. Duke i oo!e a i l tin* other by Mr. William/on of Xar.'i Brevard. All of the occupants i scaped with minor injuries, and the damage to both ears w;'.0 est-r ate.i at about fifty doliars. Mr. llolu-ri Bird, beer, among the r~*: ?? ??? bilt Hole*, V. !i . .'ii: . i'revar.!. iias ; . . ... u . ?' "s or. e V ali (if . -

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