Devoted to the upbuilding of Brevard jmd Transylvania County New Our Advertisers make the Town and County prosperous. Patror.ize THEM VOL. XXX FARM NEWS By L. A. AMMON Lettuce The California lettuce plants that were a week old .-too J the cold snap out in the open. From thia one can feet in garden ur field" as soon as. freezes that crust the ground are over. Such ; was the experience at Trvon, X.- C. j last year. Potatoes The. prospects for the coming year are much brighter for white potatoes than last year. According to govern ment reports, the early crop ot the; South is only half and the iii'.endcJ ! acreage of the North less than last year. Not too iate for the dormant spray for apples yet. but. is for peaches. Sixteen pounds ox lime-sulphur to an "gallons o* wate, is cne proper mix ture tor the dormant spray. Alter ' this spray use iotir pounds .o liity gallons oi water. The scconu. or pin:, spray, conies j list a- over hail o? tin aopic bloom show pit:;:. but .;o-. open. Caubagc Seed 1 ne .os.- v ;? cao; age; iro..;.. two disea. v . i:; L - * it:* v.a> i-a.i: ::u.i.-. j The trick .hat prevents most oi ih.s j ' loss is to- treat your seed >?? Aie sowing, as follows; (cut it oat < Take one tahlespo.-'ifui ??' P. - ! cent. formaldehyde ami put in oite j ' pint of water, l ie your seen ;n <. j : small ciotii bag or poxe. at?.c. < ! ' in thv solution i.r exactly tea utes. take out and my or ;-.??? ;.i ? once. At means nisuie .;ai. ' a.i J ' hour. I :us ? mauacia ;.?r io.i.a !" to i?o-.-.d :s good insurance. iiaby Chicks Peep. peep, and ali up Udiia.i I ? t 1 1 and you .*a\ i uai.e uian?. ? i :a or .. common ceid. more likely the 'a' Lei . j Most co?as are caused by iack oi u1..- 1 tilation .aad too waiaa ami liivil ;. ehara at the air. Quickly cooled ana1 you Have .i.v trouoie. iiave a- tew a; ?" a buncu .-s po>>:bie, ami as soon as ? you g.-; iacat staii. on otuter miiuj feeds, and give plenty oi nc. ti air. I; i ei e<..;-\' ail" irom day to day til; ? you have iheia tempered up by a; weex ??!?-. i ne Iron air. and :t out m the sun. has proven ijest here .x ss of some bulletins -and !>oor..-. Sunlight or. t->d liver, oil, or tomatoe. .".as keen pivWu necessary it:.' stye ? :g chick. n>. i i NEW DEVELOPMENTS AT THE TOURIST CAMP '< ?the reu- i.-i. t amp, owned aao op traced by ..'and S. i'. Alwso'u. ^ i? oiK o. J 'e .iu'd'S gie.;.ic.-i a SCu* > a. ill il. a ?v. !??*," n'-! 1 I' d J.S ?"!t a DialU.lui I'. C.iLiUli i*: * i>i L'Vai'li, Oil I iK ? i r. i 'gZ way and v. i^Juts easy a. res.- it ad ;lu Activities of Brevard. rota* two-room co.iages ale now on tne pi- rdi-es, and two more cot tage are soea t<> be en eteu. One- or 1 tiiv >?.? t.o i>c a ti v'c.-i'U'.'d., o>tr.Vii~ * i v* . ? .1' C ? ? Li 1 %? . U a ?* ? i v. .*? ?. 1 viC." lUl'O, Kxl'ni UK: *. Kr . . i i, iiiv s 1 5 .V;;:-. l*; f'J'L. ?, ^ v> ; lililli. - ' 1' t'-i.*.'- ? i > I, II;*- ri t'J. 'v.* Jpv'U.v.' A ?aw HOW ih .)u??vi I:* . ?? ? .file ??i ? uW '1 ti*t* sli.'ii.uv. i. - ,x% il i'-'. . m.' ? ?JLi S Ot. ti ? v?i?uWlL' i'/i Ol i. ik* ^ jiamy Ly the early -summer. ^ in adaitii-n :o these frame struc- , ta;-e> i'-ie premises, th-.-re :.- j ptXiVftle.; a in pit :,pav e ior .ie cv. v liOii >:1 {.0:?C-":? U;!U V.' VV V" L*''l :v i?\ ^ ar.t.'it' cou.-ist. .V AVt.;.! [ r ... \ ? ftloVc. . . . . ;C >.y v'OOa: . r.i. .. 1 :'i J ? . I i v! i I ** !.*? *i; :*;? . ;v .^.j . roriiiv-c..v?i or: l.iu*. ])';?? *c ai--j ford.* !)nth i"? ;uiu othvrj ? ui'CC > J l'l OS. The c. rounds have been htauiiiiedl I ' t.v .:!ar. i'ltr oi saiubberv. *. . ? ' i an:; viuvvi.ii s> arui by c*. j ? o: . drive .-.-a; .- add walk.-. The bai aj *" OV" .1;^ it' 1. ! ' ?r iuO.v x> ? i .thvi-iim.; .. aud rosslcio. t ? be /done to pat the surr(;undiii%q:^ in \ , an a urf *./ l vi v c* St'iiiU) r,'. aiis! c.o;ui i?i t* | ?? tin' purpose of roorganizi tion Tuesday, March to, in the oil'Lc of Dr. T. J. Suhuney. Previous ui this time. the organization had noi ! met since 1917. The election of officers for the en- ; suing year was first in order, the j election resulting as follows: Dr. E. S. English, president; Dr. G. E. Lynch, vice-president; Dr. T. SummOy. secretary-treasurer. Dr. Sununcy was elected delegate to the State Medical Society, which con vent.; in i'lnehurst, in April. This rec-gar.izod society displayed .n us meeting great e;.lhu.-i asm. and n is- the. intention of the dec. ?i to meet together at least ??: ice a nioiah in tiie future. Tlie l m:uj doctors present at thi. ..Uv'ting Doctors E. S. Eng iisii, E. Lynch, T. ?}. Nummey, \V. ;C. I..- Stokes, VS. M. l.yday, .'!! of il.i v;trd. ami Dr. A. ?. I.yday, ? !' Penrose. Tiie following visiting iiuctor. from outside the County were aisu ii'esent: Dr. Honoycutl, t :..!:iso:ior . Orii .'Di-sti ii't Mcdicai So l . . t v . ? i . .it; '.icivai , Dr.- i h .mp.-o. iTa/.ie . and i)r. Scruggs, all ui' Aslievillv. ? Tin- haisylvariia Medical -'Society is one of hundreds of such orjiahis u iotis o; erasing in North ( aroiira. ;-aui i : a oranch oi the. Suite .uu(k ... s. ?-?ii.t; . "i tie purpose "ot tile local or , -j' :.i.r [y 10 ili.-c'iss medical prob \ ? t ; i ? \ . . ^ iiVUiii'' Ci)Oki .%-i k >vo'l af?:,< c.itg tiie medical profes oa . : i ge.nerai. iiu of Brevard and Tran ?ylva.-.ia County thus manifest a tle ?i.t i>> act i.i kepiiig .villi civic pro along vther lines now so evi . hiv.ara, by enabling them : '.d . greatest olficiency hi [????: i; to imliv'uu.ils and u> ..e ci^::Ji... ? t? .11 UU':. C. f'i3H?R-JQN ES A -narriiige thai', comes as a great urpi to ti.'o ?people of Brevard n ?. 1 .. County is that of Mr. \ - iii't", of Asheville, ant! Avj-.rc-e Jones, pT Saluda, which t -..i place ''uesday. March -17, a! {(>> I as- toucher at I'ox.iv.a.. . r v.hi- h she am! !Ur. sisi v. . bt ; home 'to :!i ir' many ' ; ir! \ -he-. i!ie. Xi&r r. r. tTz-z . v ' 5 ? p j , ; '. u "if-s iv1 1 u ??V :--.Tf5 ? ! y f > !'? 'v. ' VfKA -I * Forty odd members of the retail rude, oj Brevji ?.! have ovgji.w... he iietj'.il }.;erchi!nts Dmc.iu of th-..' h:un v ; i>!' C a.i merce. with A. E. :Iampton as president, C. C. Yongue1 is vicc-pres:.ieiU, and an execut'.c ?oh:mit\e ei.^' o' the:-.- :?> t th'; :'el'.'ow-!-:g ' hiVt-a : ?? D.*. 4 vi.-.cjie, \. Morris, and ,i. S. Brc.a- ' leUl. .1: M o ??chan ts liar, ? til. id y m.'ihi Ii; every ;ncnth j: ?K' date of *ts vei-aiar ?>ie; tir.jj., The f. ; i - Li":;.' ? ??OH, JiS <)U:> iii .-d at Monday Hi.: ht "s me. -ting, .o pr-jalc-re clo.ter'at.p . ion - the mei!:'.- .rs ci" die ivu'.:i iiavies oi inv . and- .! rausvlv^n..;. '.'ouruy. and to di.senss and endetreoi* to .v./Lvy .i ih< I'iiitRy v, x?:Vy : . ^OloiiiH o t ;iu retail inerchandisi::,';, profession. Oju ( i.i . i'.ttiieiiU' jo ii;.- ' br-Jtrgiit i'.-'-r.'c tilt-- i'.ieet \va. it'.'.u ui Ircigiit . aU i t^? i-:*e?ard, ,;.:id Brevard> and au- r so;>.e discnss'-n. ? it was decided to take, the matter up with an expert ^r.itiic.e m::n, and see if some rc<.djii.-:nien: ?? cammt be se cured. It hs yiso; ptor.r;! to v;o ? I: . a plac vber e.')y all l'r 'ighv. bill:: hiemfcers ihe bureau \vi!l be iient t.i e 'lit. ai ir .'"?'ic bi';eaa f^r.-a-udi: i ar-i -;.d i;ist.?icn; . Ev *? t;ii.:iime:ti. oi a .' ho'-.: -e .. ,\..-er' Si. i:. ? ir. Iu -vrt ;??.!- i.- j'.n.Oibc oria'sit u?.-!"': !g -wliieli will bo : re:..-.- a: ? "f ''ioial:? 1 1 V:V.> t'iir.i .':ai a. ::*-ee:^e::: !^e I . Ut Dix-vr.rd within ti few months. ASSOCIATIONAL RALLY DAY HELD AT BAPTIST CHURCH Associational Rally Day was ob ' served at the Baptist church Tuesday, j March 1.7. I This day ts observed in like man ner ui the various churches through out' the State, and 'is ior ine purpose oi in '.piraiK-n and information' a'io;ig* aii il.leS 1- i'V tit. u 1 . . g It* ^Vii^iUU v'' ] i;j put ?:euh?t% Leing*' lev .the bent lit of the iiaptist Association. Mr. A. C. Hanlby, association sic. retary of missions, and Mr. A. 1. .Jus tus, connected with enlistment work, were present a: id took active part n. the meting. Prominent 'speakois lVo. . Brevard and the County were al>*< ' heard. This was in the nature of an all -da meeting, and dinner was serVetJ - ? i the ladies on the church gi'omu . Five pastors were present'-, ,ogeuu . i with other representatives liciii trie j Aat ious churches oi iiic town u.i.? j County. BOX SUPPER AT PENROSE SCHOOL FRIDAY NIGHT There will be a box supper at Pen- J rose School House, Friday Jlarch 20, at 8:01). The procct.. will be used to purchase equipir.ciii. for the- Girl's Deinonstartion Club room. Girls, come and bring. a box ? Boys, don't forget your money. BREVARD GIRLS RECEiVE APPOINTMENTS A t' wE/.VE^ -%"? . - , ? i' . . ... , .! At a.receiu iutiUig t I n'.e Lp?vo.' h ' League Count1 u o; Veavi s C K'.v ? the following officers wore elected for the College Sunday School for the ensuing term: Supt., Mr.. Zeb Williams; asst-supt., Mr. Iloyie Broome; secretary, Mr. Paul Butt; treasurer, Miss Naomi Guthrie; audi-, toi\ Miss Blake Howell; chorister j Miss Lillian King; pianist. Miss Edna 1 Orr. Miss Lillian King's many friend;; in Brevard, v.'ish ?or. her success* in .-.?i* t .'\*:.y appointed position a.- an oil'ie. :* of the Sunday School. Miss 1 Edna On' hn.; man.* ft ietuN ill Brc- j card. she. being a former student and j graduate of Brevard Institute. TRANSYLVANIA SINGING CONVENTION TO BE HELD AT CATHEY'S CREEK The fourth sesion of the Transyl vania County Singing Convention will meet at lire Cathey's Creek Bap tist church, March 2!>, the iifth Sun day. At :,"0 devotional exercises wiii Le leu by Rev. Nicholson. This w;li be followed by !;.ingi;ig by the variou from 10 to 12, after \yhi ii Hon. 'Welch Galloway will make a short adress. At 12:150 the conventioi will adjourn for dinner, and again at 1:30 the devotional cxereisc.; w.n be led by Rev. E. R. Welch, t li n jr i ; will again be in order from 2 to ., after which the convention wiii ;.. organizer of. the eot'egv or. :ra | mem in . of tii.. .. 'sleet ha!.' and t. ..n teams, iict i ye ? n dramatics .ail.! th. j various religious activities of the college und vor.:iniin!iy. A-- ii u? all the.ZiZ .^L J? ii-y.- Jpy. s '7V7-'' ?. ? .. The -Southern Railway i- svatkOrUy . vi|' i nc statca v . .. wiui.- ii t Hit- peo-ale Vno .vii.'ijt} . v.-iv .:t .< ? ? . period i n WVstera ? .'\b?.h Ca'vol'.na. ' ihiw, at ie;:>t 25,000 uiose vv ? ? i !!?>: .; hero I ho first sunniier *he!V are rx< to care f them: aa.i that is only the ire;:. r. -li'accoiti can by a. : .'. < . r? a;..l i 'if a- oocpio ai> i it.?i tie.-* s;-e:uL:nir. their va!.-..f';bij hero. satisfied yvith'. the a-Voniiiiodat:dn:i ;.a a l ft:: a.i vv- .i-: eV ?<u. In t nrol.aa : \ :k aiicn^lS ; v.*:ii i yea.:! ir !?*??.. |)i' 1 ! ! I V] ! lea - ?' thai, i.i' i he fararer .vi: i:nov.> he h:":' a productive ar:.o eon^eqa -at'.y \ , ab! niei'e u; iaad av:'.! al'ioV/i. .t a> fallow. | '!>.?? ijitii ; ii'.iT .he .nu.-: Ibai'.'ie:. i '?* . . .1 , i 1 r ^ t it V .? * i. t hi . ? ' iJl', \ l.'. .1 ? ~ acev.iaiVJvlauo.!:' ; Who W'tittiii coic e il re .".n ?ub th; hundreds 01 till) uSfilids ot dollars til CilCJUiOil i.-ts \vo\:id leave here en...- ? We specifically 01 iliv, 'ia.^ier, I) - cause ii is. in lar^c aita.-u.-: hl's op portunity that :s o'eisij; l-jst. ;i 0; as anL 'people in the cjtiSs .? ;i eii* afi'ovd _>> l?ve in h:y . ' prieul hotelr. ThwUfan is . ; a. tivtilary -ao... \vi!a eliil-i .... ? . cai\ ???;? fhe lift- o>' 'the ' ) . - ? ' L ? f I 1 t . . . . -vhciesome, or variely a:.:?i ?>. ; cooked. ? Western 'iortii CaroJiria, ? :h-.v j h.TaUji'ai iers I.i A.?l ?vi!lc, v.a j organ to serw: aii. -.he peoples of; this section of our S.taty. Its exo-. a- j live viiiiimittec and officers are < on iiuciit ..t ..;u in natural .sccnic b;;vi-:y anil '-iiivijfoi utii a'cquanu the people, pai\-iciil..irj:.; . i.hoiv who acvusiosnvd to ta;u a regular >un.:iK',i' or fail miration, v. iih the xi:-e:>.:'bilii.y, (.harms ,ai; -? hcaith-.uivinp: attributes of 'tha \ \ ( (Jll iJllt'i O.i Uiii' t'utiV, iiji' . it; induce -th* ni to conic here ami by , so tiohi#, ? U: provide an a.i !'?>. xoi?:xi of it'coine forth*: fa:?iu' tvb.s is pi'o^lv . ; e ciioiv. ,\i 1 ? - iv^.iba that 'lie} ease in inco-iie wii1 a. id > j well-; ann thai. of hi.; Ca.?.a,v. : There ;ro ; huiks. r.-. ' i that .iiiea';!.; an added comfort a..'. ? liK .? -i .: : :.r J) r v'c .S. JL> \\ Y: V/tvU/n Ao. l.i (,'aroi.. a, inc., i - a. in ? ;.::pi'b:tr I.'i. ?' "i *(' t'le' ill iVJj'.lp I .. 1 tr.i* list. West ra North C'a'.oii ? , - ? i ii'.Ci. have .ne a.=. r urate f profciv. *;ivi f; :-j.; ;.?> eve:. >? t;U: .tv,;:Ve c-.ant.c ?. 'ih.-t i i v,.'... ' v.; t;?-* j ?? ? V.V ? :Ci. :J w.. .if ; thb. . O.r, it:- ... :. I y. . ? :.i?.;n:e i;V t'.' :e.s. \v ; a .? . . i t'.t'.i '? ? iii .... . ! til- * t -3.1 1 1 tf.-u n?chv : : ? a , -.'t';". .!????? .. ? j rhiUuri.t'ah ..naa-iat -I "j,}W:S h.a; ...e-,. ! i.dd'.t-al t jr ?fa-ni boardia.:, tj.n > ; i :i"i n ?; a'i; to Wtys, latatipjjfi : ; i'.a ! v/:: iht'ii, 'f the reply I. e . a., j facial . . ii; : till faria h.-.i s aid e; n ? b. a a vacation h?-r-;c t:? l torii'. of iho?i' twenty-five th.iu-- rC j people ,vh?. seek to 'e':i?te iv. i\ . Sit ta;wn it aae v rit? * ou-- ' 1 .let ? ! rteiinv .1, to: Wesfcoru i\orth Caioiina, Ine., i .'J Govc-vnnient st., A.sheville, N. C. tU UI'nKTTRFI S MM' [am OVERP' ' 81 SI D tiji crowded houses rday nights, tin Appearing before last Friday and Satt^ Brevard Band and Sunshine Min strels surpassed the highest expert.', lions of the most critical sped;;.; present. 1 he program opencu vV.tii a !).;? conceit, consisting of several txr.-. lently rendered selections liy the ; municipal band, of wiiich the peopl ? j of Brevard are duly appreciative ami | justly proud. '] he nun !, u m. .? (icient leadership of Prof. J. F. ( ui- , I tor, has Oeen in operation K-.-s its.', six months, and the rendition ol tin J various selections was indeed :e linarkablc and almost unbelievable t ? ? | those hearing the band .er tin* .'u . time. The band is composed of . I . ? people, 15 of whom are childr. n ? >. school age, using instruments of v;i i rious kinds, commoii to any nrst < in. J musical organization of iik<- cii.u acter. Following this well-received ami dciighliui eomert, the n i i : i . iv; ? ap peart- i i:i a three-jiari pr><;;i am. j Lamar (tailoway, as inte:-jo;.-Uim?, ! earned well his part ami mam- . I "Boss" in his elegantly a;?- ; ? pointed costume. The two end men.] Philip I'nce, as Tair.ho, ami i.u.j JHanliii, as liom-.-i, y.vre emni.e.t! ?.*. j ' the ia. t word, both in cosaime !3 clever retort. '1 hey v.vre Wvi! -im-e . | ' ii.r tile le'a ese::U:(.:ve ??hi.aei. r.- i... . ' kept u.e autiienee in almo.-i e..n-i,t:. uproar. lied Miller, as "Sun^ime, ?j it* Oi i v ' ? i j as iSi?ippv 1' i ..iii. . .'.I j ViiC'Ce, liS !l '-il' ? . ' '? i i ll.. - I i I 1*1 lj llv I. th a m, as i4j .as.--ts, ami V>a? worth, as **iTap]j^ olue Liiwjuii, . . ; did Lull io uieir ?? pcvlA i- , parts Xvitii t he: r witty remark.:, their ludricrous acting, and then clet -.-??? songs. J ? i The eight gills appearing on Lb- j stage wiih die ini.isiie.s an. I a.-si- - , ? ng in the choruses were: .^:... Nartvy Mactie, Ad'-.auh Mildred C layton, Margaret '.y?-ji; . ? J Agnes tdayton, i..-:; .* i)tic ii*.t*. . Annie j ongue, ai. ... .i i . 1 ? aim appropriately vo, eu v. specialty ao.> aliU inetiilii i, iii Hie ui:ii.-ii ei. ? i.e !o:i<>>ving i.i, t j. sccji/v',} ::iiu il t i.. \\\ iv ?..!iv;. iv ? I steea ami Mttured CSaj i?u ; ii .ivng : j Sic.nogntpner, atui ov. r suite ? J loid ilie that \ 1.1 u biti - A at !. ?\ e ?; | T by Annie Vo-.g.v a:?-j ..i,. . -- i ? am) j'.loliy, ui.u it ; . 1 tile >-J:H i VVcliit, i i iliii! .itiC'il U i. V ?l. l't.i, i hM jian -.?i liK* pi'tijXi'i.iii t/u*.- j O.UUod Vf.liil it it* . . . i ' k, . ; ; iv ... .j' v5iioy/, i).\ < ai i i.:.. .. 1 IV'j ii.uiU! u |)i"? allCCvi i? . liic.iv* it * .* UJ (l:? t;i". * . t<* . . L i* ami c-AicvAi^ja lvsiujIu*. i* ?l'lii! C Veil .if; ; :? ia)iu .Uil ?. i tii ii !?? i! ?' i ' t V . S ill C ? j)l\'t v" v . i ? ' C ? ? i I ; i Ol. V 4. ? I/Ovn'l' , ;1,.! i,. .I#, MX. Hi. ..1. Cli-.- a ui the eh... . ; ! -I. M. -Vat." ' . I The entire ix-n^rmanee \va w Ulti liUU Oiii. oi t-iC l-'w-i l ? < # ? . < ? ?? ' t ? ' 1 ciudio.JJ ol :Ul c-Vi p. r: . , ... t : B.t'Vui'i. > i;j i .'edit hci.ig ,' rr?r: C?.ti r !-?- v eP-. ? k' :: i ^ o . .i;:.'*i c!i;.r?.ct - * .* I. .: ycd i . :i A.:! vi..< -i . ? ?: i ii'1.!. 1 h,. ::'jg ? h'.il.ed, .11 - o. ^.. .V:it .: s-j.-Hv'. T!k .'ai! .? !-.. h hi ...hi. t<' ?l to til- jii?;:.i.a. ... o: r. . . lei: lid ids ? ?/.. .. . . i . .' .1 : i-.! .,n .: a,): ; . v . .:..n on .he | .. t!:-e i conic, o* Ii .' .? -.ill II! i,,o)i Inn ami . Will # 1 1 1 1 ? t . : i^.< ' .. i . a i ii 1 1 1 1 . ? j t w 1 1 , ? i i ? ? iiij^' why In- hi. - ->j few reai i r: ??> i < .. Ami ta?' mail Win * pa.^es ?<> ;.ti?hed i , u l don I |ia,?s ,< l)? ;,;"hijOl ity wdlxlli . i . ? r i ; ? Jj.ji you cannot ;s ?!?.:- j ij In- di roic i ci ? ' onic out o! \ourscll and -ton*:. rr> like a snail, if y>u a:-* a p: ?< a profe.-our; i,ti me c>: .In a.t.. !. ? , < ? . liasii aloiij; like a me** ? if ? < * . : ; I > i; ? * sell ? i c : ! i - it i. I'liili ; ..i. hear your w.n chouse or hank ? : ? your should' i.. When "ii tin- 1 1? you art "i I y a ; nui aii. ":> ? . People don t care i; a.; much ; you a'.'e, as what on ait ; if \ ?.>i . i-ordiiil in your ? n- ii.; . ... I i'r'-ott in your manner, it -.cii! ito ;ii.- .mr, ! :?ooi! ii you i >:i . ? I > ; ? ? : ? : : %r. " Oil if : I ; : ? il i':l. .V ii>. A 1 ihey lose \\ \vo'.;i:I they not * ? ! i< I < :.???? . endure To tii-- 1 ..if. ii': :.> >h ?? ..... ! I ill'., wl-i Ii: v.\ .:. ?.:!'? i employs l:i making others happy. \ PRAYER ON ft'. A*. I KG OY'.i.s'j HAi'FV 0 Thou S-.iU'ci iii' ::!i l!. , lelp tt^ to leaae *>> i.a,i|i; . enow in be ' > ? ? ? i ? liippv. i.-. ; he . t a., i j> ? icjiv.* in I'fi . i ci !< ? it t . ; inc. o '?< " -a.i. ?! i1 . i ??? i . i.'i'i J' iii' .*. ' otti ii.-s ?. iii-.-. i ? .' ' ! ? i . . iict. ji'ei 1 : : ??? r?. ivoin .-uaii ; "'i .. ij.i:ie yr.'t. . . i tiion. ? . ? tsf)irf life, otic : ' i , . ? XT> r* 7 * \ ^ i- j 'Is ; Is . i i* r * i V X - ? t S=l * 'i 5 ' ? i SkL ? A ii.cei liijr o! i.n:. !? 1! il*. e?::i. !!'.*? } :.l . ? ot I ile ,o>Vil. i ii J j i ' .. : .ii> J i w . cj r.A.D t/;.. tC i'. T- 'l i n I Jr. I . i.\t ? ? i.ic, . . . I ?C'.C. i ll j. !??!.?. ' i ? ? ??'. . i v 1 5 ... SUV. ? .. t'Vi < :: i... ? . ; ' n ? . y. h.s i" . .. . ' . li-.'.tv ? :? ii.iid i:c;i:r:i:!i . r;. jctts- ? >.? *ttw. ? * . v.- r-r j. :: sun1 of .Oi? *.v., < I ' alir.ed. wi'i V.' : i i he used in ilie a./'t ir... c t-i !i il -..'l iii.-i for tik* iitcsn crs ox th>. ha iii1..