Cevoied to the upbuilding of Brevard . a.od? _ Transylvania County VOL. XXX THURSDAY, APRIL 23, 1925 Our Advertisers" make the Town and Couiity prosperous. Patronize TH?M No. 17 By L. A. AMMON Beet Cattle Iviovtng A Richmond man was here this ? ^ week and bought up the live tars ol steers that have been fed t>0 to 1 10 days, i he price runs from seven one-hail to et^nl ccins per pound, .vtosi. ot Lite lecvU-rs have been keep ing books aud results i tnoir worn will* be given iatei i.oo.ts good. Ot the two cats snipp*. -i i ae.-a.t.? , the County Agei... . ta..u-neo. e.g... head. the eight head cost $1^1.00 last fall. They wire .ed for iOi days and sold i or y-ii-t.OO. an .yverage i vf each, ii was - a good j vestment, as only $110.00 was spent for teed, the rest coming irom mc farm, mostly nubbins.' and soybean hay. Water, the County Farm for good farming. The Farmer; Federation truciv that made the County last. Friday, picKeti up over one hundred dollars worth (it poultry, iin short notice. 1 am now working on a taa/i to have them come certain days i-ach month, so *\e will know without sending out cards. Look for word in next week s paper. Sick Cows A-P!enty Watch the condition ot the vows bowels before giving her a chance at the grass. Was called to seven j places to give advice becau>e ot. in- ] digestion due to too much grass <-t ? the first start. Toxawav gets another car of tune : for pasture work. . Mr. Ralph Fisher ; has launched out into tame pasture.; for Mis tine herd of Angus. 1 he open range is better than nothing, but very poor for growing cattle in! a way to make a protit. lake? a . vear .longer to make tne same weight. Some samples of the lime rock; Turkey Creek Lime Good i from Sir. Si nun's lime quarry weie sent in to Raleigh through Extension j Specialist Blair. He used his good office to get an analysis maue. Ihe , report shows it to oe richer in lime j than the Fietcner limes, ami is about! iojxv percent olue lime or Magnt^- , ium lime. Why not a crusher at home'.' Last year close to 15,000 baby | chickens were orueved and placed :ii , brootters in this county, i ms yea"; the eWauate runs -i-r.OUo. I his is J close to the record that made .. County in- Georgia xaniout. I .is tue days waim up you will noeu ^ to give' more gram and less nii.s.i i> the cnickens mat are a tew week old. The more grain the less mash they will eat. is the way to v\oik it. Keep the mash before ?.nem at a., times. From last years res-uu.-, the mash that is rich witn meat scraps tends to sour or. their stomachs, as ' it were, while the grain does ilot. A ten percent meat scrap mash am. plenty ot niak is most too much for warm weather. Cut rate of meat : scraps instead of the milk. About time to think of marketing! vour wool. Sir. Williams, the State Sheep Specialist, writes me that he will come to the Mountains about the first of June to grade wool, and . has arrangement made to buy tor cash at his coming. If any wish to pool their wool for selling to him or : shipping to some other market, they j can mail or freight their wool to me; and tell me what they wish done, or j 1 .vih let it go to the place that j makes the best price. Up to the lif- i teenth. the price was fifty cents pel j pound in grease. This is ten ceiu.- j above last year. The market is j quiet at present. The third spray for apples will j start the last of this week uito oi;- j tinue for a week or more. Add at ; least one pound paris green or ar- 1 senate of lead to the fifty gallons-, as this spray is the best of all to con trol worms. About time, for the bean beetle and ail manner of insects to .start their work. Are you prepared with J a spraying outfit or 'dust gun. There is not much use of putting oil the necessity of equipping your place j with one of these two articles. There . is not a great difference in ; the two, but the spray -outfit is use- j able in more places. Have an exten sion rod three feet long and curved up at the end so you can shoot the spray up under the leaves of the crops. Calcium arsenate as used last year is still the best dope for tne bean beetle. Blackleaf 40 is good, especially for the young larva stage. One pound of calcium arsenate, one pound sulpnur, and three to four pounds slacked lime is the latest mixture for the dust gun. The Brevard High School cora mencomen'. will be held 111 the liew building;, May as the auditor ium is to be completed with seats arui stage scenery installed ? by that .time. j Dr. Walter N. Johnson, former 5 liuMi.i1. at W ake Forest College, and | now of tiasumia* will preacn ti'-e ! commencement sermon on Sunday ! morning, A lay, J4, at 1 1 :tH> o'-'loei\. ill'-.' address to the graduates or Monday evening,' May will be made by Mr, Eugene Alley, a prom inent lawyer of \V aynesville, N. C. The annual play wiii be presented on Tuesday evening, May lit!. The one chosen for this year is, "Miss Somebody Else ' by Marion Short ? a. Royalty play. 1 wo piano recitals will be given the. weei< preceding the regular com mencement exercises. rOMSlMM, APRIL It-Mi 3 IX PROCLAIMING American Forest Week, 1 desire to bring to the at tention of all our people the danger that comes from the neglect of our forests. For several years the Nation has observed Forest Protection Week. It is fitting that this observance be enlarged. We have too freely spent the rich and magnificent gift that na ture bestowed on us. In our eager ness to use that gift we have strip ped our forests; we have permitted fires to lay waste and devour them; we have all too often destroyed the young growth and the seed from which new forests might spring. And iliuUgh we already feel the first grip of timber shortage, we have barely begun to save and restore. We have passed the pioneer stage and are no longer excusable for con tinuing this unwise dissipation of a great resource. To the Nation it means the lack of an elemental ne cessity and the waste of keeping idle ( or only partly productive nearly one fourth nf our soil, 'lo our foresc using industries it means unstable in vestments, the depletion of lores, capital, the disbanding of established enterprises, and the decline of one of nut' most important industrial groups. Our forests ought to be put to work and kept at work. I do no, minimize the obstacles that have to be met. .nor the difficulty of changing old ideas and practices. We must nil put our hands to this common ta.ik. It is not enough that the Federal, State, anil local governments take the ! lead. There must be a change in our National attitude. Our indus- ' tries, our landowners, our fanners, all our citizens must learn to treat our forests as crops, to he used but also to be renewed. We must learn to treat our forests as crops, to be used but also to be renewed. W c must learn to tend our woodlands as carefully as we tend our farms. Let us apply to this creative task the boundless energy and skill we have so long spent in harvesting the free gift of nature. The forests of the future must be started today. Our children are dependent on our course. We are bound by a solemn obligation from which no evasion and no subterfuge will relieve us. Un less we fulill our sacred responsibil ity to unborn generations, unless we use with gratitude and with restraint the generous and kindly gifts of Di vine Providence, we shall prove our selves unworthy guardians of a her itage we hold in trust. NOW. THEREFORE, I, CALVIN COOLIDGE, President of the United States, do recommend to the Govern ors of the various States to desig nate and set apart the week of April ! 27? May 3,' inclusive, 1925, a '? | American Forest Week, and wher i ever practicable and not ir. conflict with State law or accepted customs, to celebrate Arbor Day within that week.. And I urge public officials, public and business associations, in dustrial leaders, forest owners, edi tors, educators, and all patriotic citi zens to unite in the common task of forest conservation and renewal. In witness whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of I the United States to be affixed. ?CALVIN COOLIDGE. BREVARD'S PRIMARY ELECTION IS AROUSING MUCH INTEREST 1 Mucli interest is aroused in the j coming Primary Election l'yr City I offices. J. wo Democrats are out ior Mayor, and one Republican, with ceil ivt'ii'ioivats aspirin^ lor tile ?i lices of Aidermen ami five Republi can:-. J or the same oil'iees. Names .Tiled are a- follows: Democratic Jichel, 1' or iViayor : J. S. lironu'icld, T. \V . Whitnurc. V . For Aldermen: W. :?i . lienry, A. A. ii. P. kiipaiiick, K. 11. ilOlTQW, W. 1.. Mull, . T. 1.. bnefson, C. 0. iiOUiiison, l>. \v; liaiunam, J. iv aiers, Di. J. I'. Zaehary, Republican Ticket., For Mayor: D. JL. English. For Aldermen : J. \\. Loobk , L. P. Hamlin, Judsun AxeCrary, is. r.,. Nicholson, J. H. iinsley. i he primary will be held April 27 th to select the ticket to be platen on the ballot i'or tiie ?geiieral election to be held May 5th. MEN'S iiitiLE CLASS POSTPONE SHELBY TRii" ? * " '.'J / ? "? V ? '.*v * V*. * Owing to unforseeii conditions, I which will be explained to the class Sunday, the trip to Shelby has been, postponed. PLUMMER-COBBLE BUY FIRST STAMPS UNDER NEW RATES riummer-Cobble Department Store bought the first stamps sold under the new postal rates here, which went into effect April 15. They pur chased at one time 1,500 one and one-half cent stamps. 4 j NOTICE TO ALL VOTERS The Registration Books will be open until Saturday night. As a citizen, it is your duty to register, hi order that you may vote in ihe. i'v-. mary election to be held Monday, April 2 7. PAvi'G COfi'iMCT LETlO^SfiE ViLLE ilil jiiM'ANii WORK TO BEGIN IMMEDIATELY Contract has been let for approx imately twenty-five thousand yards of paving with sidewalks on each street to be paved, to the Ashcviile Paying Company, of Ashcviile, who made the lowest bid out of nine concerns bidding on the work. The amount of their bid was $10D, 042.0(1. The Asheville Paving Company ex pects to begin work within the next two weeks and will finish the amount of the present contract some time in September. The type of paving to be placed is similar to ~that already in use in Brevard. The base will be 5 inch concrete with top coating of hot mixed asphalt. This is considered the best type of paving that can be made. Only those streets petitioned by property owners will be considered for paving. D. P. KILPATRICK TO OPEN NEW FILLING STATION SOOA Mr. D. P. Kilpatrick is now erect ing and will, soon have ready for bus iness a new filling station located o . the lot adjoining his home in North Brevard. This is a handsome structure of natural stone and is to consist c? three roems and an attractive drive way in front. The large room in the front is to be used for supplies, with a smaller room to the rear for gen eral purposes, and another room on the opposite side is to be comfortably and attractively equipped as a ladies rest room, containing a lavatory and other coveniences. COUNTY MEDICAL SOCIETY SETS NEW FEE SCALE The Transylvania County Medical i Society. hold its regular monthly j meeting on April I lth. It was voted I unanimously to have a fixed fee I scale, realizing that it costs as much money to practice medicine in Tran s> i van i;. County as it does in Mender-' i son and - Buncombe. i'ee'iiiir ti'.'ai. i. :!? | medical profession in this County is i oil a 'par with thai os adjoining Coun | tics, it was decided u.iunimously t>. J arrange a tee scale similar to the one | in the adjoining Counties. The fee scale which is to go into el/eci ?>j; .way im, is as iollows: Day caiis within tity limits, iji.i.ou ; night tails between tiie hours .01 u-. p.m., and (j ,a.m., fr.OU-; obsteti lea. xees, minimum, #25,00; out-oi' '-town calls, $1.00 per mile during day, double at iiisdit. olnce calls, $1.00 m $2.00. ECK SIMMS HAS VERY PKOSi-tROUS WEER / J)uiing the past week, Eck Simms, Rural 1 oiieeman, with tne assislaiicv of soine of the other oil icers, :>t;c ceeued in capturing i>. stills, 7 men, one automobile, (>;> gallons of i\iiis iu y, o,000 gallons ol bee. and sever a. "nui.-iiuigvS reauy lor the v-un. Ah of these were captured near Rosnia.i, all being- oil or near the main iii.au way. / BREVARD CASH GROCERY Or'E i Wn>i oU?Ji> BUSINESS The jkrevard ( asi. wi ocery, owned and .managed by ( . V. ration, opin ed lor Business ia.-i Saturday morn ing. Mr. x'atton has a compatv. 1111c of staple and fancy groceries, and says that' taking his lust Vevv days business as a guu.e, that he will1 have a very prbspeious business. AT THE METHODIST CHURCH "Would You Have Cut the Rope?" j This subject will be used by the pas ! to; Sunuay nigiit. At the close 01' the I service,- a vote 'will be taken a> w.? 1 wlie tlier vou would -have clk til. | rope or not. A real thrilling e taken from tin! old standby of our parents . . : 1 < t grand parents, nameiy, Websui's liiur Lack Spelling liooi.. These spelling Ihw La c ;d.\:.\ pr<> veil of great intercut to our pco pie, and not only ailoid much amu.-e liient, hut really lias aa c.iac;.iiOii.i. influence. and it is hop; <1 lhal a mrgi crowd will l>c out. The entertainment is gi en tunic, the auspices m' tile Maiiiat;..-:an < lui>. which in itself, i^ sdifici' :i* to guar a il tee that e.\ c ryoiic win he sure of ; splendid entertainment. The following are the rules of tlu contest: All words given out shall he taker from WeOster's old Idtu -k.cs. -|?cn i.;g he ok, beginning with pap' Ail. words shall he spoiled ;i.; sa.n are sr.ciigjl in said spelling book am. no oiin. r authority v. ill lie ron.-idi-n .1. Each contestant siiaii spell the word but once and shall do so slowr. and distinctly, no s? eond or thiro trial wiil be allowed any one. Any contestant shall be allowed, befoi e they attempt to spell the work, to ask its meaning, nut niii 1 1 1 ?"i j i .it i:. ' i ill' peace hi (i?iil tViiM'.i j ; cIiw.m' \v x ??> i i?t v i ? j j i : t ? I ? * no J ???? Vi.iOl: Jill llll! lit I'd.) ? ? ! II. I l*?l.,i J#.l f| \ . I iflli li%\ iiiu i* Uli-# ? i < i \ i * I ? i &1 i : ? I i ? i itai fail * ll.it. i 1 I Wiui i ? : * i i i ill i : . ? ? # i i ? m * . I iil'tii L| 4 f 1 1 ? ? iii? lii..... I i*i. i?J u| i o|ji | IlllMI ii4Mv:>. I ".^u, ii .s III llii* Mli-nii vw If ?iMi i;n LsCl'll'l l?u I ill 4 III V\ III.- 1 14 | ul 4 1 1 :? I hrff/f , ami in Jili l in ,..44. ;? i ..* | MJii lltl.S i?i lilf Wo. i 1 i 1 1 -.'a 4.51 1 1 if * v. .1. 1 In iia.s made." "Oil liii- lllii.-ide II. ill- I.eaiciUl valley, ny i.'ie J : i i \v . 1 1 ? ? . ? - i.iki^ -n rivi i', wo have -t?*. |ii l ? ?ur ? u I .n ills loveliness ai!u mif n lr in. said to us, "l.i-t imi your m '?> ? irouuled,' ami llis pi.ii> n.- ,i,.\-.i in the Micrameiits ol nai uiv. nas i ?? 1 - leu upo hour imui'lfi ii? ,.rt. a.?'i compelled it to lit- .-ml. "And at tin; last it .-liall Willi untroubled heart becau.-e t li? ? vi.-ioii is clear ? that we shall l:e Mown in perfect peace, with laces turned in wards tlie City where there .hall !?? no more pain, and God shall wipe aw.iy ail icars from our i-,. i-s. A PRAYER FOR THE SECRET OF PEACE (.) Thou (iod of Peace, grant 11 Thy Peace?tile peace liun pa -c;i: all understanding. Teach ;i: iha. iin ; best preparation tor tin daily v.ir lies la- a heart at peace witn I liecr and that the social circle in co:n:u??j life is enriched oy those who .ia time beforehand lo be sliil in i .'?> presence, ami who can carry i nee with then, in the peace ol ;iui-' heart into the trivial round oni mon tasks. Help us to learn in th?' silence, lii secret of peace. So shall i!ie ililTii ul lies of jirayi r jrrow less, a> in th< silence we learn lo talk with I'lee. ami hear Thee tail; to us. and in the calm and quiet beaut*, of nature learn to re? ojjni/ie 1 It y voice in whispers of the breeze ami in all tin murmuring sound - <>f ;n u.nld n.-.ai tiful which Thou ha.-; iiml . On the lull .-inc. ai.d in n.e peac? ful valley, by the st.ii wate ol .ake or river, we shall steep oi;. -oul in Thy loveliness. ari:l i ? 'i .:??? say us, "Let not your hea; l l?c .i ubled and Thy peace be:-t"Wi d in ie -;e ramentj of nature, sliali :.iii upoi our troul)Ie?l heaits and eoiiip;'! it ti be still. So, at the last, it shall In with ai. untroubled heart ? hecause the vi io: is clcart, hat we shall lie down in per feet peace, with faces turned to wards tile City where iliere ...iall be no more pain, and Thou. O Ci.nl > i i'catje, shall wipe away all liars from our eyes. In i I is name ive : . \\ he is the Prince of I'eace. our lile.-seii Christ Who died for our sins, aad rose a^aiu for our justification. Amen. ? C. 1). C. UNION MEETING TO BEGIN MERE FIRST SUNDAY IN MAY Union tent meetings, participated in by the pastors ami members uf the various churches in Hivvanl. will be conducted, beginning May i>. and continuing three weeks. Lev. J. H. Stanbury, of Mars Hili, will do the preaching. Tin song leader has not yet been definitely decided upon. Preparatory the revival services, it is expected to hold cottage prayer meetings next week in various pari? of town. It is the intention of those in charge to erect the big tent on ihe vacant lot adjoining the post office.