Devoted to the upbuilding of Brevard and_ ' Transylvania County Brevard Our Advertisers make the Town and County prosperous. Patronize THEM VOL. XXX THURSDAY, MAY 14, 1925 No. 20 FARM NEWS By L. A. AMMON Chicken Day Friday, May the fifteenth, the Fed eration truck will make the County buying all kinds of poultry. The prices for this week are: hens, 20c tb ; broilers, 38e lb ; roosters, 8c lb ; eggs in cases 23c dozen. The truck will reach Rosman about 10 o'clock and pass through Brevard at noon, then on down the line. The time of reaching a place depends on the amount of chickens to handle. Wool Market Mr. G. . P. Williams, our Statu sheep specialist, writes me that wool is bad low now, and he is quite sure that it will go up considerably by August. The Elkin Co., offers 45 cents per pound for May. Protein Poison in Chickens About time for trouble with broiler size chickens if you are feed ing them more than ten percent meat : scraps, and perhaps some milk with it. The dead ones usually show a dark comb, and some people call the trouble black comb. The best of the bunch and especially those that hang around the mash hopper, are the ones that die. In one flock last year, I advised giving a dose of saltz. We learned a lesson, as every sick chicken was dead in an hour after taking tiu saltz. It is in a large sense append icitis, due to slow movement ot the fine smooth feed passing through the bowels, setting up an irritation. The best thing we found last year was to give not over a live percent meat scrap mash and give more grain. The trouble soon let up. Five drops of carbolic acid to the quart of drinking water should be good. Fairs The Home and Farm Agent will start work on fairs soon, and the present plan is for several sectional and community fairs and perhaps a County Fair. Much depends on the support given by all concerned. If j meetings are announced you can j show your interest by being at the ? meetings and taking part in the plan ning of the fair machinery. ESCAPED CONVICTS STILL AT LARGE; REWARD IS OFFERED FOR CAPTURE,' The five men who sawed their way to freedom last week from the County chain-gang are still at iarge. although a diligent search has been kept up by the sheriffs department. The men were serving sentences ranging from ten to eighteen months each, and had served from one to three months of their sentences. They are: Chester Moffett. Charlie Parton, Marvin Kilby, Loyd Ledford. and Cecil Hensley. A reward of fifty dollars is offered for the arrest of Hensley, and twenty-five dollars each for the other four. CHAW CAMPAIGN IS VERY SUCCESSFUL The clean-up campaign of May G, which was sponsored by the Better ment. proved most successful in ev ery respect. A committee of compe tent judges from the Betterment awarded the following prizes for the largest rubbish piles: Main street. Tommy Hampton; Broad street. Dwight Moffit: Caldwell street. Joe Duckworth; Jordan street. Fowler Lyon.; Whitmire street, Paul Rick man. A prize of SI. 00 was awarded each one of thtse young boys for having the largest rubbish piles on their respective streets. The streets of Brevard assumed an 7 altogether different aspect following the completion of the clean-up cam paign. Vacant lots, premises and public buildings also showed the re sults of clean-up week, all of which, in their gratifying results, demon strated the necessity for such a cam paign. The- ladies in charge of this campaign, as well as all others con cerned, are well aware of the fact that, in order for any clean-up cam paign to be at all permanent in its good effects, it must be eternally kept up. The committee in charge wishes to thank all' who contributed in any way ?with their hearty co-operation in making the clean-up campaign a de cided success. FLORIDA PEOPLE VISIT BREVARD; TO LOCATE HERE A motor party consisting of Dr. and Mrs. Pearce and son, John, and W. L. Tillinghast, of St. Petresburg, Fla., reached Brevard last Tuesday, and stopped at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Saltz. These gentlemen are prosperous business men of Flor ida, and came through the moun tains of Western North Carolina by way of Murphy, looking for a beau tiful location for summer homes, and finally decided upon Brevard as the most desirable location. After reaching Brevard, Mrs. Saltz accompanied them on a trip to Lake Toxaway, Connesstee, Caesar's Head, and various falls, camps and places of interest. These gentlemen were delighted with the charm and beauty of this local section of the "Land of the Sky.'* expressing the opinion that this was the most beautiful mountain scenery they had yet seen. On their way to Brevard, the party stopped at Murphy and had decided to invest several thousand dollars in a summer home near that city. On arriving at Brevard, how ever. and being convinced of the su perior beauties and advantages of this immediate section, they decided to buy property here and locate their summer homes in the neighbor hood of Brevard rather than at Murphy. Both are greatly enthused over their wonderful discovery, and are of the opinion that many of their friends will also decide to invest in ! summer homes in this locality, after learning of their own splendid good fortune. ? J. Z. STROUP DIES AT ROSMAN J. Z. Stroup, formerly a deputy [ sheriff in Henderson County and for several years chief of police of Ros man, died at his home in Rosnian on I Wednesday of last week, following a stroke of paralysis which he suffered on the preceding Tuesday night. He was in his sixty-fifth year. Funeral services were conducted Friday at Moores Grove. Mr. Stroup had suffered a previous stroke some two years ago, and had j not. been able to work since. On [ Tuesday he suffered a second stroke and did not speak afterwards. The deceased was twice married, i His first wife was Miss Corrie Rus | sell. His second wife, who was j Miss Minnie Edney, still survive/, ! with several sons and daughters. REV. VERNON A. CRAWFORD ASSUMES PASTORATE OF PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH | Rev. Vernon A. Crawford, of Co]-' : umbia, S. C., has asumed his duties j as pastor of the Brevard Presbyter- ! 1 ian church, having preached his first I sermon in that capacity last Sunday,! i May 10. i . ' Rev. Crawford has only recently j completed his theological course at the Prcsbytcria;: Theological Semin ary in Columbia, S. C. He does no. ! come to Brevard as a stranger ,sincv ! he has been holding services in the ' local church on alternate Sundays ! for the past several months, and has ! already endeared himself to the hearts of his people. The entire community extends to him a hearty welcome and wishes for him the greatest success in his church and' community activities. Rev. Mr. Crawford is now board ing at the Manse with Mrs. H. E. Perkins and son. EVANGELISTIC MEETING BEGINS AT ROSMAN ON THURSDAY OF THIS WEEK Rev. M. E. Summey, of Tryon, and Rev. J. H. McCarlester, of Clifton, S. C., will begin a fifteen days evan gelistic campaign in Rosman, start ing Thursday evening, May 14, at 8 o'clock, in a tent on Main street. Everybody is invited to attend, and all Christians are especially asked by those in charge to pray for a great meeting. $1,500,000 in schools equalizing funds will be divided here on June 1 ? among the Counties of the State, it is announced by Superintendent of Public Instruction Allen. Sixty seven Count:es will participate in the funds. HEADS STATE BANKERS Thomas II. bh.pmau. i'ostaJ 'banker arid n:an, who was elevated from vice-president of the North Carolina Bankers' Association to president. Three New Business Houses Are Now in Process Of Erection Fred Harris is erecting an addition of brick and concrete to his present machine shop on Main street. It is to be a one-floor structure, 25 by 38 feet, facing Main street. The new 1 building will be used as an Oldsmo bile show room. It wi 1 be ready for occupancy within thirty days. The present building will continue to be used as a repair shop. D. M. Orr has charge of the con struction work. The Hendrix Stable, operated by ; J. C. Hendrix, will in trie near future move its quarters Iroirji the present location on Main street to the new : building being erected on Cascade Avenue. This is a wood structure, 40 Dy 80 feet, and will accomodate Lwenty-tive horses, xi is expeclcd lo be ready for occupancy by the first of June. Mr. Jamison has charge of i he construction worK. S. F. Allison is eroding a garage and filling station on the lot adjoin- ' ing his store, the City Market, in ; North Brevard. It is a one-floor j wood structure, 30 by 10 feer, iaCr j ing the highway. An attractive and 1 convenient driveway leading unv.-- j from the highway, will be an addi. . | feature. Mr. Cathey has . supervis- 1 ion of the construction work, and L. j C. Loftis is doing the electrical wi; - ^ ing. The building will be /eady .h-- j latter part of this week. L. I). Mar- , tin will be manager of this establish ment. WILL DEMONSTRATE DUSTING COTTON WITH AIRPLANE *? Scotland Neck, N. C. May 0th. ? Arrangements have been completed with a commercial airplane company to give a cotton dusting demonstra tion to control the bol! weevil on the the farm of J. A. Kitchen of this, county on Friday May 1 r>th. accord ing to information released by County Agent C. E. Littlejohn of Halifax County. Mr. Littlejohn siates that the de monstration will be held on a field of young cotton on Mr. Kitchen's farm about two and one-half mil'.*.* from Scotland Neck, on the Hogback road. The company will have two airplanes and wiil actually lay a dust cloud of calcium arsenate from the air. The cotton will be too young and the boll weevils too few for the dusting to be actually effective in control, but the idea is to prove that airplane ducting is practical and ef I f ective. k /? :Y ' . ' ??? ? v ' ; ? ; ' -? J. R. YAWN The many friends of Miss Mar guerite YaWn, of Greenville, S. C<; will regret to learn of the death of her father, J. R. Yawn, which oc curred in a Greenville hospital, April 25. Miss Yawn will be remembered as a Brevard Institute student, graduat ing in the class of '24. .She was. a young lady of charming personality, and made a host of friends in Bre vard, all of whom will deeply sympa thize with her in this time of be ; reavement. Tom Tarheel sa the life of an expert must bf - ~ i o->e bo-ausA he is always c-'tv. ' to make some b% change. Aero Shock Absorber Company T o Begin Production Soon; Production of Aero Shock Ab sorbers, manufactured by the Aero i Shock Absorber Company, Inc., of Brevard, will begin within the next thirty days. Plans are now formu- 1 lated for the manufacturing of be- j tween five and eight thousand of ' these shock absorbers during the! i year. With an authorized capital of $50,000, the company was organized j last week and W. W. Croushorn of ' Pisgah. Forest, was elected president, with M. A. 0?- Johnson secretary treasurer and general manager. The Aero Shock Absorber is the invention of M. A. C. Johnson, of Brevard and 11. C. Fisher of Ashe ville, who received their patent .March 2G, 1925. ! ARCHDEACON GRIFFITH ;C SEIiV:CES AT LHCOi'AL CHURCH SUNDAY Archdeacon Griffith, of Ashcville, v. iii conduct services at St. Philps church, Sunday morning, May 1 i. at 11 o'clock. A fuil attendance is de sired. The State College Summer School begins on June 15 and closes July 24. The announcement of courses has been published and may be se cured by those wishing to attend. BOY SCOUT TROOP COMMITTEE HCLl>S lwEl^ i l;iu IOlSu'i. The troop committee of the Tox I away district, Daniel Boone Council, held a meeting here May 12, wan A. H. Stewart, jr., and A. W. Allen, o. Asheville present. Scout Commis sioner R. 11. Morrow gave a -vpo. \ , on the Toxaway district. I\lr. Moi ! i c'j)Ui\cvi ii io,uJ oi siXty-e^gir^ oCouis in Brevard and twenty-live Rosman. A Court ol' Honor was appointee, by Chairman O. K. Orr. This commit tee will consist of Dr. T. J. bunime., , Alex H. Kizer, R. II. Morrow, C. K. Or:- ahd ii. L>. Lyon. Mr. Allen spoke to the committee joir. v liuiig Iiu; Daniel Boone Camp. He showed thai the camp was id?:..' for scout work and will be a great advantage to all troops. The camp is expected to be finished July 15. The cost of attending will be very small, estimated at six dollars a week. Brevard will be allowed to send one boy to the Patrol Leaders Conference to be held at the University of North Carolina from June 17 through 10. Til.: boy will be selected by the Scout Ma;?v._ and the Scout Commissioner and i.i.: c .;]Ki'.ses will be paid by the troop~~cc.::,:r.;tiee. A Civic Good Turn Committee was appointed to co-operate with the iocai organizations in planning civic wo.', for the scouts. The committee gave a vote of :;p preciation to Mr. Allen and Mr. Stew art for their work in organizing the Brevard troops. Some farmers are reporting a ser ious shortage of tobacco plants. A number of growers in Nash County state that th ey are getting only fifty percent of a stand. TENT MEEI m& - ARE INCREASING IN ATTENDANCE The second week of the union re vival meetings at the big tent is showing marked increase both in in terest and attendance. Last Sunday night it was estimated that more than 2,000 were in attendance, with the seating capacity of the tent taxed to the utmost and standing room at a premium. The amount of incidental expenses for the meeting was raise the first week. This amounted to approximately $700, and speaks well for the liberality of the community. Rev. Stan bury continues to preach the plain Gospel truths, and is reach ing the hearts of hardened sinners and causing the renewal of the Christian experiences of backsliders | as has not been witnessed in Bre Ivard for many years. 127 converts ihave been reported up to the present time. The spirit of unity among the Christian forces is most commend able. In additon to Rev. Stanbury, who is endearing himself to the hearts of his hearers by his consecrated and earnest Christian life, should be men tioned also Mrs. Stanbury, who is a successful personal worker and a great influence for good. Mention should not be omitted of Mr. Beall, the song leader, who holds an im portant part of each service and is j touching the hearts of many through his gift of song. Mr. Colville, the official personal worker of the party, is exerting a wonderful power for good through his personal contact] with the unsaved. ] Many people from all sections of the County attend these services, arid representatives from Hendersonvilk1, Asheville and South Carolina have been present on several occasions, it is a noticeable fact that a surpris ing large number of men, both young and old, are in attendance at every service. Hours of service are 1 1 a.m., and 8:00 p.m. The meeting will close the last of next week. Let everyone co operate to make this a memorab!' time in Transylvania County. LAMAR GALLOWAY OPENS LAW OFFICE IN ASHEVILLE ; Lamar Galloway wil! open a law : office in the Legal iluihling. Pack Square, Asheville, the latter part of this week. ."(ir. Galloway completed his law course at the State University the past January, and soon afterward successfully stood the State Law Examination, thus entitling him to the honor of a licensed North Caro lina lawyer. He niadc an enviable record for himself throughout his en tire college and law course, eomplet : ing the course in record breaking time and leaving behind hftn a most j creditable record in every respect. Following the attainment of his li cense, Mr. Galloway returned to his home town where he was associated for several months with his lathe Hon. Welch Galloway. Young Gal loway is a Brevard hoy, who aspirv . to higher realms and will, without doubt, make good in his chosen pro fession. COMMENCEMENT PROGRAM BREVAku jMSTiTUIE WILL CONTINUE FOUR uAYb FRIDAY, .UAY 22 8:15 p.m., Music Kecual and Ehibit -SATURDAY 9:00 a.m., Last Chapel Exercise 2:30 p.m., Athletic Contest 8:15 p.m., Class Night SUNDAY 10:00 a.m., Baccalaurate Sermon by Rev. \V. A. Stanbury, pastor Eden ton Methodist church, Raleigh 0:30 p.m., Epworth League, con ducted by the Seniors MONDAY 9:30 a.m., Faculty Meeting 3:00 p.m., Commencement Concert 8:15 p.m., Literary Society Contest TUESDAY I 9:30 a.m., Athletic Contest 3:00 p.m., Alumni Meeting 8:15 p.m., Commencement Exercises. Address to the Graduates by Rev. W. E. Poovey, pastor Methodist church, Marion. One experiment station kept a rec ord for three years on a garden plot, one-twentieth of an acre in size. The average net profit was $47.38. THE PRAYER CORNER KNOWING CHRIST "Have I been so long time with you, and yet hast tliou not known Me, Philip?" There is a pathos in the Lord's question," says A. V. Magee, "we arc so slow in coming to KNOW HLM, and at the end, like ilim, we shall wonder at the slowness.' When clear from mirage t<> mir age, shall bloom the landscape of the past, we shall he astonished at our incapacity to realize the Fatherhood, to see in the Companion Whom we ought to have known and did not, the express image of llis person. "If ye had known .\le," so He bids us learn of Him m prayer and pa tience. It is vain to cry with I'hilip, "Show us the Father! ' for here in tile in carnate life, Fatherhood has been re vealed. "He that hath seen Me hath seen the Father, how sayest thou then 'Show us the Father'? ' So often do we ask a sign, a super natural token, that shall compel faith, and remove doubt. Uut no sign shall be given than those tokens which day by day He is ever giving in prayer, and praise and sacrament; in nature and in grace, liil the day break and the shadows flee away. "He that hath si en nie, seen the Father. ' Christ hath not left the world. He is here, always, and every win re, ami He has never failed them that seek Him. A PRAYER FOR KNOWING CHRIST 0 Thou Kver-1' resell i Christ, whom to know aright is life and pea?v, help us to know 1 nee a* "ire The Trutn, and The Life," and that no man cumetii unto the Fatn? r i >ui by Thee, for there is none < .t - name under heaven given anions lill'i), Wih .'i'ljy \V . ?u- - % i i/Li . Thy Name, who art the Brightness of the Father's Glory and the hxpre Image of His Person, for al" 1 t.y Name every siia:l bow of thing in heaven, and tilings on ea.'in, and things under Lhf earth, and e?erj tongue shall confess tiia; I <i >u a.; Lord, lo tile Gioiy inns in* i .iii:e'. j Grant mat we a>a^ line i anu tiie power oi iny 1 et ,io.i and the conformable unto .ieaui; that Thou mayest dwell ..i "J." iieaiis by faith; mat we hi ing roi.u a grounded in love may i<e aole :>?> I'Oilipl i 'helid Willi ali S.;.lii,> . the and length a:.?i ?lepta and heighth, and ? <? know i n.? L?-ve which passeth knowledge liia.. we may be lilled with all the fulness . l t ;??<!. ? Teach us tiiat no s.g:i .-nail be given us, than those token:- ?\!iieh day by day Thou art evi .* g. i:.g in prayer and praise and saeiau.t ..i, ;.i nature and in grace, "till me day break and the shadows liee away, i Thou iiast never leu Hie world. Thou art here always an-, every where. And Thou has never i ailed j those that seek Thee; "lie ma? nam ( seen Thee hath seen the r. tiler,' j Amen. Thou Ever-s'ieseni ' hrist, Amen. I-. C Doll Music Festival Brevard High School Friday A iter no on, i5 i j The first of the two recitals to be : given by the Music ? of j the Brevard High School m;- v.e. k ?and next, will Ik presented in the I 1 ifori.v of a Doll Musical ??'. .:v :! in the High School on Fri day afternoon, May 1 at 1:'!0 o clock. The second recital will be a mis cellaneous program by members of the Music Department on \e\t Thursday night at 8:00 oVIoo;. All the patrons are most i-ord ally invited to these recitals; also, to the other exercises of the commence ment, May 2-i-2(j. Further an nouncements will be made in next week's paper. SITTON AND FiSHUR f.IAKf. TWO MORE HAULS LAST WEEK Sheriff Sitton and Deputy Fisher captured two more stills last week, one near East Fork being probably the largest steamer outfit ever taken in this County. The boiler of this complete and up-to-date piant meas ured five feet in diameter and six feet deep. Seven stands of beer, each measuring 4x4xG feet were also destroyed.

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