Devoted to the upbuilding of Brevard and Transylvania County VOL. XXX THURSDAY, JUNE 25, 1925 TT-iL .fiTT-.i' rmuz^rm vma Our Advertisers make \ the Town and Ccunly prosperous. Patron. ze 1 HEM No. 2o FARM NEWS By L. A. AMMON Seed Closer ami ? ea sts -seed are >ky ? Ci? and the quality none tun _ The Scai*hi*lt- Cinnprmy- who pui- out >n? of the ui'a\K- iv the piled State, s, Ween sold ? ' tlu-ir (HV.ii for months. Aftvr con -iiitiVv-_r -various >eWi ^ ' . panio ?>f ??thor Siat.>. aii.l \i .u. . the Asnvville he..: rlu* Fvdi-ra'Mo.<l ? , -iiiak* > pip a ,pra;e. ? ceiu . what, the . Uv. . e?.? ? :> i? : ?"i ? a t ??. laid down pi'k jfi. 'the .tiHuwjji^ v.'-; l>t* ;h, ,1'i. c ? 'ini. sreii iuat -tlV. hv'v. :V; ?V .'Hardware. . .J>i??'re :?v . S:i:.ur- i . / / nTiUM ?fUw.Kh i?r- pay for' ha*:. \. oUi.ver o.V c*::.t - - ' i> .?><?;.. .ii- h. 01 , ? sapliti;,.- .si'.cvias: ' !-.-j ; .??? ?. '..: ? i - . J re?i ' vents; ":L:i:j lii_ ?~v; ;eeit;>v I.'ix-har?:' -I <ri-> ?-. ? / " ; " son elover. 11 ;Ve>>.t> : .Jail" nu-.uiovvj fa: s.:ra.-'s.' i Those :.iv .!-'<V.k . IV'tUoay" - p'r.-i Jin !*:? a '. . ..i - . iny: ' vt-r>. -tftt!.- . ti.v d *?&.'. but j v el v 7 {>.??? h j fs . fartweX* "t ?tKv'J '-.jfaivit'r ' }?\: ? v ' rS^Vv ? ; vprwd .f*>T)r 'ifri ' ? ???.?- ..*?;"? j Rotrs of Seeding 3 ^ X|Hv ' I'll' ; !>a v* - ? "1 ? V.'.I ??vV uhv'H'- .> . iv-is^saUv;' Y - ? . . *. .i * - . " ' ti - I x*-y ; X ; ?*.? * Vip. -ti . _ "Hlhl ? "? * ? i . .'Of. ?* :j;i 4 witb ;? ?. ? ?'-Ji- :;,A / ? ykv.u M fp'rw' " ? '><> i> lie i-.v-- .-jn :: !? r > Ii'.*.- ttiar.. A'b>vvr.J *??'?'. r.'t-.iaWofv." ? y ? ' ?'.*> ? i>- titi.! i "a - 'at ? < ii.t- *tc. <ii?v an?( . J'.-*.' ' ? . . -?? miitSM-e- nj': [ > . ' ? r - . ? * -J,.-, V .. ... ". ?* J, ? . .oT 'C-'i ? ' . V^^w'**'' w^!:> " : b f ?.P> - Ti'- va ji | - .-. : -r -ii'vui-MV-; ? ? i'.'j;. -ii/.-.-s. ,? "M" tftv . . : ?? i Japan . >-er' .??I'.uv'i.- ????.'. a<Te. ? " v; *l! l-'v ?? ! t-:vu ? ? . V '' Jill Y?? " ?? ilvx >'V !'Ur ?< :.a?l .- 'i'.'.. .ate??'> ?itsett Vy .i-.- that way: . ; ; Lfp ' ;;? t - li^arV . '*??> . or.- ? rj^ v . A ?> i k*?> ' '-'v. v ,v' -Siinti; , ;-a^ ? l,\ :'o? '-faiivntfY tcvoVrj' ;3'?y( but >.r. -. IcvV .w 0 - . ? lau^r . vri!! . i^-ar'n l.hij.'yi :r!i;h, ?i- .. Th< t-.i-et :*.?? h.:. a i iuin iU? . |?f a: ijdt > ^oinjr :.tb- y -'tts ?'-.?! ?. Xn'i-a^. <iea-r>; ? >. 'iJI up , <>:;.*?(. or ?> ? ' '-i^ioe. ; Th?-' '. Ifi'dv ; VJLT- -aiui ju'v i hil . . <1f * "t'l.' -j.' : n* i!9!iiu^i i<> rhv ? ;.:ur iejsegi ? .f ? x]u- ,V..'i?e? 'tie. ? ? 'i av.e yf itwiu> .. ?'* -.. .;? v* ? ? ? ' <;?:?. .?: <<{' c-:ei<^. is ? ? V ' b;trr" i- '? t- ty j?ii Ki- '?! -red.-* ? in. u .^R?jt?r V: ?; ?V*h-.a?''.at ? isie- ? '? fo?arth !)Jort? ?-. ?? : l"e.e?J. ? stitck.M jtvsiut .. > . ; . ' W :h. i i; i '? fts a:: |:br*-iik .uf . k v?i| -Ttirki y ' ' - A.t:-''- . -liv'-ps' vh>- vac-* ? :. "V irv ???? ha:; :., jft all tintVs for ?*? ttiihvi*: :? ?? . . ?* ' ". .T ? >v. b.-i- iivu ier. oh. and. ^ ? Bu'.tv.ofijN' ;ii: :*:-?? ;va? "a .ill ?. c-r<>ps. ... - NEW BAND STAND C.\ COURT HOUSE LAWN COMPLETED . A -R<'W 2*1 "fj'ei A'<iaa Tf" ?Ka<i b?-v"-* . or<V:;- i ' . _:!>;? ??. J V-ur; S f ;if >Tisf-- * ? > >t r Tn?: -? *:. !! " \v ,.r h-, sea* ~. f?*?r a .'baml'.jtivi ' : ?;< lowt-r part . irtwi.i. - ? n-Oj'rt'?.'.y:;.l?'.e . tor rt-Nt'. :hUi f? c'n'Wv.<>:i ? "fo*r*; *.thi' jien'e:.-:?. public. an?u:id the 'siruct-uv.* add;- tn app?-.aJ's..M.vr ?.?' andvattr;:;. - tivejjr ? s Th?r !ny^ruVtiou w" ?rk: wa- j":- -olyirs* of R. ft ? Kiipatri >?.. . of Brevard: . . r . ThV* ' erect i ..?! I,', this band sT::.?R?! >:.v but atj.-ther- f f Kreva:' !'.- :u'i>- 1 ' a:.<r C-Wnfcws* :? '? niiu-h-.' ? r.eedif.'1 ' as *.v*-U. -i>. $iraaj?ehtj?! :uWi tion to rh.> imprweineHt^ of t-he town. The Jl;i : -taa?l : w;is ir.ade p<?>\4Me hy th? . ^??rn'rositv . . i?f "... th'e-i Tuwr .ConS*h'Tsi.<cH- ers. tHrvn'tr'i rfc?; s f f.'.rts >f the Wonui.V.- u. |;h - Chamber. ?>f CViini: .' -cv-. ^ i PUBLIC LIBRARY REPORT * WEEK ENDING JUNE 20 Sine ? !;:b'ran: h?S . h?t*r , . : . ' t^" -,th^ /J>tlblie ' tbniurlirtui' c:?i*h" : ' - . a y*.e;i<{_i: . int.-iyac" ' w e'-'f-ulatJen-. of bi id:s i;S - / : Durinjr t'h- :.a-t xlTfek-' enuih^ SatUFdav". l?in nr. att-^ndanct of 1 ">2 'orport* ?,'. v/ith 1 t.'J h<H?ks ',:i cfccqlj t:on. A. ge.ner/iius: gift <>f , ; ? l>o*>k- wa.- d" .." rated th? past w . k by*. Ch*a-V\' .?V-*- . Hant.- :. " ? . .? - i 'Pinnix Land Company ! ! Opens Brevard Office^ r :?>, ?" ? :v:v . ? 1 ?i.-l Brevard a' a d Transylvania County hid rair io equal, if not cxcel, any scction of Wes.crn N.rth in development ano in >11/ with tourists and : 'V* ' i<-rs within c vt-v SW'?' t'lnr. a?corO!ni; to Hi:?:h t?tnr.t\, president, treasurer and r. n'eval (nana, er of the Pinnix Land Compeny, which opened {&' business in the former bank ' inif rcotns of the Brevard Bank ; inj'.- Company oa Monday of this w?ek. ."I am thoroughly sold 011 Etrva'd n . u I rainsyhama Cor.n t- , ' .(.<-Uarfo Air. I'irii.ix. "In alf tr . '.lor .\pffr:ence a* :? real eiia!- devciopar and operator i I befie\? that I have never seen ! any locality, which oners the wealth of natural advan!) fjes anc! almost unlimited poss i bi ii t.cs for high class developments , ?ir : sa.c s as are found in and near Brevard. In addition tc the superb scenic beauties to be f.tund a" aroundthis Count y . the clicv.te is such as to hoid a | .. Iroilg and tasting anncai to tiio'usnds o-f rjeoalc who are seck.^ij ideal locations . fcr ' homes, and arir such that shi'xiwb investors w-i' ??nd.o^btedly real ?le thai here are to be found soid-'n opportunities for pi*ofit:,. vany- Bt <%via I : T" ? wt>..vfc* <ti -? i (K'<! I -linn*: of till- ; ?? "Ui'i.'t ... ii. tUt'l M'ht V\U; 1 .1 .]- .. . ?>. -;i;m . rs i?j ?u>u- j j ? -.Oni? j ? ? ? vi- 'Vttu: 1 -had heard by: ? f .ihViJtJi i-r- *ie:;u! :t>s ; an 1 j (t5";iji\s*srf ' ' tftis : . svetion. l.'pwo'.j OvJ v'al , v \ai'>: the ? ?tTivials yf 1 ii-Vev: .-1/ ? 'Kl lnIxT il l' .O'niVnelV.i; j >; si. i-. ? i>w 'ID 'bauij ' a'id'V."'; ii'>h>i } ?f.nuvti l4 i n;i?i usrJi: :i: u-.-'v j fh? V- ? i a.usiatn:; b>i;i !r! ? . Krev.i-.t ' ! 1 ? - an iuuasa.i!. di;- ' ?*.'* v.'. Al V ????' sj 1 ?? twb'liayj. wuh | 1 !*e < "ham be'r < \i;Mi?ufc? ?/. I- ...r.s'->?Cw ^ Int* : fur ?: :>;?? .><.pera?ivri^' .'?"f .* iv.- i ?; rjr:i\.. T.-a;>*. .<?;?>'?? pany f or. ?:? w t: 1 j It-";' ;n- ?.v\pt;::v i??i i f. \i : <?. i .* an. st:' v t i will' ?> ? ? Ji'.y i-t''-> in':.. .I'.ani; <. > ?i>i: !.U? TV; '.tx Iji'r't! OonVpii rs it?,-; ?'?? " .i ajitj u ktN'.wy ? ? ! and'' iyp&fe ?> .) ' h - stat.o; ()v;;ar .1 M't.'-.t'. ti !v 5* a;>V;in ? "VI T1* : ^ v>.? ?. i> j; ? its "| . . ;V.'' to "f 1 > t * ?tl.ii.t. "tfl ; lit, ir-v-.'- ?" .V;th. u' : 11 J .,c\ -.f ' J: f.ill.t. ??'!. ; y,'. ??? | inatlj* -i; ii^r' b?:; t ;.u -sh rhitt- fiv- ; oiv.?>any -,h.?s : . .<??./!! . .. .it. ; Is $ ] tMt.i>i?0'.. fjit.ltal . iundury ?' .Dtt: ujj? mv t^a.n-. . -iVW, yvarS 'in .<?' iM-.tyr.y- 1 tl lilfttd will: it>a:"kV<i - - ?... jtt 1 ? ?: V-'. an.i* sa-U-s ? r. ?' SoRtb I'aroHhii. ' 1 n*i>c 'ar 'l Kl? I yt-iicral rytd ^' j !>?:, ...( ???!. i.ii '.-it .hi '1)1 ajiviu-y ?1 I'l't.ipany hiuidlt* ? bu..ttYeA.i . t ??. / ? . ?;. jesidrruial j)r<w> ? . tit '."' !i'p;, ia:;,;;. ai;U iVoaj -hiffhr t'-;- vli-. " ?-'"I'- ;.ni>tsiyfsiji>:;,s;. -to .<uWiviifHit).<' ' v.-ir. ii ;.h< iwt . V'F-:;t very nrtitivra- ? ? j'rict's; ? < . i-e: fjii? ."'ii.Oi <>i R. ii. Bi n not%4 a-vvvj-fi.-Iiitr ar,.|- Office 4'ir -.1 he e?in?j;nr v.; :j];:i>s are. now be ifjjf h:iii ti> pus : ' u;t jm'' Wi'B'/vtf ? iid ?\ tisin.r ea;n-p:Vr;:n in ".fhiv- iOtwltnur "f X'>nh ( ar? Una ;;h<I SoutJi < ;:n>Uv:t. r:irr.;:::y ,u the thousands 3af r aders of iii-'se nape;-^ th:; .<t??tT Of ;?r<-Ya'-<r.> '.v?:?.iot fill ipo^bilitii's. ?and 'of hvr .-;>!<? -trlid jrru'V'i a >1 :>??*?' urf ss. Hand -.?)ne 'and '?ifertivf h<n>kiet.- are beint; prepared by \ he t'.??mpany and will lie mail <1 it. ?><?? i. than two thoussyid individuals fhyottrhou: T:h?s i^otith. v ?* Whilv no (ictinito ainiouiHcments t. >',;??)!?. ;diaje p'-nrrrahv has beer aathr. r::;ed d?v : !> ? ? >inpar.y, it is on-. ile:v*t.M>ii }>v- ? . lie.sf in tout'! ?vi'.n. thi.'. dir -f*. 'i; .lifdd. 'of ? rl?e or "irar'zati n thai - Iv.r^t- . a;al ven it'ifh e" :: >*-. *?-n ? ;;il -; 'i.:ior', wh.t-ii v/iii. -'"'.lf' V i-noijH'dt* Vvefy* :t\-. - < ry '? ?n -the highest .clitif ; ? t i'1*f?] ,-f rt :;?> .'Is'.nvhor '. .-will h > pu*. ??n .ii. Biv v.-.-i}' w J *."i j ;? :h ? near fa* ture. ? . ; Jioaii/iiii' 'he Ca'vtf that thousand 1 >.'f J-'lot-'l: pt-"pio .i!i dre ?d i ake in vot-n: ?? *s: 'in Wt'-u-r) \>rth (vro-. | li.Ra. Mr I'Vp:;.: deelared that his j '-omonnj ' -v-'ujd e^nd'tct a special j campaign *.> -rin<r Fkirida investors MEMORIAL HALF DOLLARS ON SALE AT BREVARD BANKING COMPANY] The Brevard Banking Com pst-ny announces that they have I a of "Con . edcrate M..k- j Moriai Half Dollars" and will supply any< m* wishing- to purchase s'-jhv,'. woman's Missionary union TO MEET AT ?NON JULY ; I Tfte Annus! tif 'h? X : n >vivaina Woman's A'..; -i ?n?iv ' Ov.;;' | will be hei<lvat ' Kn . ??hu. on -Uli\ i st. Tin* \-il! ti(rr yi:i .it !<? a;ni. Pir.m'r wiil l> . ?crvi-:.i by the. 'ladies. uf Kilo church. A .-pit r ptv ;? a; '-as I>; ranged for tin- day. .Miss' T ??>rnth:. ' Ki-i'1 ?.<!. ' "Teade . !' yojipvy ,.??? ! pie. wili !>e Ihvre and inaki a; address. Mr. and Mrs A. I!. ri.ii !>s. missionaries >b WuvtHiii:.. also e-Vjivoti'd t ? ? *u ??: pn v<_'T:wii ain . will .1. it W t he work ;i .Smith V*\ .iv - io'a. .Mnr.y otlivi" t'iKj'j.- of in*"rv?}. will; taK<\ place, such as rfk'Wffcr.ra 1 tioiis Iry some of th-.- local y <ii!i?r. ' pt'i'vple. Thus\: in charge of tin I'ivo;) a. ?<:""<pv the largest alH": : sue "hat ivas heen noted at an an-aia ? of* the women in t !-> ? < ? ly. and ur?:v that as nK.:iy .? . ? !??. present.'.' ur V. W, ?. i 9P36 AT RW88SK The national .-'ivy/;" ? r-, r . .f t.rv [ lU'p.'trt'it .of < I il l Fit ? ?rv.cs-.'o;- ' h - x. < . A, opeifc-i \\ "dr.?'Mh:y "'Ko?-.k.t ?k Camp for a . H'jnt 'lay .?y; n ??</>.. v'. Th< > i::f? iuv 'in. ??sv>???n. -is. t In* vi-nr CotiiY i cf Di v ision, !:?<!)! I'loi da. >!'?'.? ?.?it. * l:\ ii'ihcs. : >Vcuth ('arolha. S.V .r". h ' 'iua. Tonjio- VI- C . ?jixt Jft $?>.t ?* li'ijinijjki. ;ja. .- work ?Cs- -..'}?y . .h ro?'?- ??'!'? ? Vi.. ? > -i ' f}v .',i : ' * i .V ?... ii . ??? .? s\ orlii i ril.i ws!ii \ . . . v A .'ii'- ?; ' i'!:0 I/. ' .Th?^. f.t'r.^'Kici inrluy; ?' 'oVuishc ! p* 'i'sofiiajcri's.' ti i ?l' v !io?: :;j;o ?v.)ti-'d it advr.- i.r i i.v, ? . i pjij.".im*ats 1 ? f -j i ia ' '. Nfbijn. ?? v-.- > :? ??City, hatii.sial t-;:;:;y. for Y; -'.V (\ A. < ' :*ft!vrcn?-v:;v is i-^.-op .r, I ' M is- Ki'!kth:i {'i-lj do. "f. N'.'V.. ! V.-rk ?'t-'ity..' is. of !,I'.r. K w . M. ' r.ofke p oil." ! iat!-; . .'"!?? ; ? lis host, s ? Mi-s "k.r\ ?*t? ?'?a!; ?i Mis': 1 <:,ktr :s in . ??? S; II. |5 'f' i. of i.i: Th ? ' . ii?V ? ;a.rf' discus.doh. . v.inup i r ; ] Miss I.vJh IJo'iv; - ?.)!!. ' '?<< . ? },! ; i ii'Wi-31. .Miss Mi. j Ma. it' tirovvi*. ?dis ?; '.Eljj Iv' r.sciiv. Tht>v - :iiv 22.r, iir aii-niinncv ' at this ' into this- .^'ctiiin and to sell ' ti- a; : prop rty. !'.>th. A. -d uir. : . proved, in Brt vard a:: l T.a. syh. - iti;> Coiiaty. i .Y;it PilK.ix !.:;>!?!. :)????:*? " v.-. j to H'vvani v'ith .i th Few days. a force .?f nv re th :o :r dozen hiirh e'Jass salesmen, Ian a <-ai;i. eiV" :on. ? - vol".*nv.;nt expiTts. who dui'iau tia? pas: few years have handled j imately sewnty-tiw subdivisr4"^, ; with saies running '.o :r.o!*o tluin million ;d'ejlars each v. ar. Th. van-, cnar ! lot this force Ivi- "ii \ ;:dy a ? j ;-ivd and Iritinir of ?' . -i ' - 1 are h<-i ??t -tak-n daily. . Meniiyers uf the tiff#} n Wist^pa, > .have already -arrived in H rt. vai.i ;? [ Hutfli Pinnix. presitii^i. - :ind general manager. K fi . Benn ?; : advertjsin<r anil office fiana * " ? H. Pinnix. salesman and co-ifv:ret , man, 0. B. Caruthvrs - s: ? tpt ent of develojnneiVt, Juhi: S* ? . y. landscape^ and Miss RuUy : Glenn, office Secretarv. O'l y$ ^ ' Housing Organization to Alleviate Shortage ? ? ? ? BREV ARD'S NEW AMERICAN LAFRANCE FIRE TRUCK ARRRIVES WEDNESDAY The new American La-France truck, brocr^d some lime past, arrivcti Wednesday. Tl:is truck is equipped with a pump which forces a stream of water 140 feet at tile rate of 7S0 gallons per minute. LOCAL OfMCEFvS MAKE TWO HAULS LAST WE11: On Thu ;;ilay ??>' h, -t v. ? uty Fisher; aeoiKp;.:.i;d ii\ A. llampton ai\d l'< iu - ii. .;i Sinis i tured a 4.>-vaJ!ons s'ill. i oini>! -i { alontr with S frailrms oi \v'<.- . ???<? r> mc.'^rall-'Vn? Scf !'-v v:ne. t hi; blisnriess. The still wa- <;i t!v i VV. Wliiunire property on ( Creek. 1 lit 'i: in ;'ve '.v?*ek, SheritV | aeionipa.Med bjr Stta^ i*u ilown 'a <op:i>)< '<* r.ij-pvr ? ?ilt t . OI?i To\a\v.ay Hu.v:' on tho K. ;?! ShufjirU ?!?'<? ty'r'ty. ihe xfi'i uv viatji.r.- and > nlv* ;i: ? :i?.\v Avine \vrifi ??!!!?. {!(?.?' siiiV GREENSBORO PRESBYTERIANS MEET AT CAMP SAPPHt-r .??A group x?f- a^Hi v'der fruir !???.????>. i ? :a'tt hi;r< ;i. <" -v-:j \. t i. ftveil'; M-^roJi'iy . for- :? " ' ?an:j?ae'"..i at Canip Sapvhi'f;*. Ea< I -Vi It . If U'i itil w J - ?are'sj-iiflii: ei'ii- -c. s.^r I'rlij; . :VM!ii?4a;t:<i{jat ? Thiv ..ft?y-" ISjftOflS &?1* r I'J /> -t rr rt riouf arid The ? w. in* .. .M . Oil " w ?7. \ f O H i M ? |y > .pi ' I ' * >? t)y fofiii I I ? o ' :.:r , ? o' ' u ?*( ;<?nd, speaks i'ayh nivrttj.'; :ri : and. ' ? ?.?as'ii i-\v.ii-i^ .? 'v.V;Jotilv. These- aye ?i ihe ii: :;\ -i ;i: . . ?> >-!i, I Kyv/yli ? j ' . ????I ." .v ..... ; ;3.:a t!pv eyvt;.'n^--riv;\a;i(ii: : ?? iv.i. Mt V. S.:i . .. . i ' 4; :is liivf ?; r \ 1112)1 t?'v f ;-j h<. nwiv' ! :>v',vi a rt<{ w<:nictv ff.i i . i ' "c ? "iili'.'t'tl ' :: v.r>. . iiv ihi ?hvj'cirtt.te!.' ;.1* t.;" ~ . ^"ily. : The > !:tirc ;s i:i ? ;r; ' f Rev. K. i.. '"ahiAVell. ? : Ch-eehsboru. MRS. N V. BRYANT DIES IN BREVARD HOSPITAL Ai :v.' N. \ . I5ry;.n* ? i i? ?1 Thur ? i in tlii' Ij e.vavd llusait;'. !V<1 \\ . ' t '1!<-V^i;r <J.:jy . . ' -ithey'c- ?. r.'? k oi'iiu-tery. f;:: . ; rvi. ;ijt;i "r -d .by VI \ 'yt < 1 ? the Htyyarc ?'reVoytt chiir* h. .Vuv. i: -.i a . i'rjjr illt.K -if v.-;vi! nj.'.iithj.' 1.: '! ,a<i utvii ii-rii -Usriy -ill ?:; :?b'out:t*i? :a\;s prt'Vi-'U.- tc. her <!eatb. ' ' tu. ^S'var.i r??i .til 1 rai.t*a .i i:.>t (fi/d \v::hjTi ;i n . .njim i ; fi-.i.' the u|ituaiH'ii be per fi>r!!ied. S Frvaiij i-? survive*! by beV hilshaiitl aiiil one son . Kli'ier. i 'yard. >er mother. Mrs. KI1 " S; five SP&tf ?Irs, W. r^, i'.ishen i:u? ."vir^. - .A r<. t)f Brevard. Mrs. K. i:h::-<?n and Mrs. K.. S. >' '..-.-ieyi S. Mis. (i. I.. ,I<?h -s . i iir.'. F'a.. at <i f -nr b^odit ii -v. A. ,!. Corn, of Br:,,v; i-d. K. H K.v iuai \\ .M. (%ia t. ..>i if ^ r * Carolina; MISS PAULINE COOPER SINGS AT BREVARD CHURCHES Miss Pauline ? J '??oner, the attra -* ;v ? ?'*' Jitlfe 1!:: I'iHter "... ?. ' ' per, of (,>t \ 2. :>V ".?! 7-- ? ?. ?' tvo ,i'ut it ul ? ' . . lie Aleth vitst S.::; '.. ? Kf-n> .'! ' Sunday in< it: . -. aj.'ain the e%v?if;^ ?? v-' e ; > ,:it 'the Wod?-'.': erih-jr ) sevvi.ev. ac !he K.:>\ . t-hu?*:?hv'_ Sh;? ! ?>?? thv i?.i' by her i ter. Mis^ !. . ? ' ? f'r.-'Mc*-. Miss' Pauline ha ? :: voir-. ' ?* rare sv:< et'ies:? a:id cleanies-; for . sq youhy, and v 111 110 doubt !i" fip'rui-li h:-rself in the mti'ien! v rlii a ; a in<rer of jrreat abil'" The rendition of tli? >e .^do< zr< delitfhte<l the . Brevar ! audi neec. ? ' > An organization to alleviate th< housing shortage in Brevard and to (Uoliiote home ownership was i > ... i ? . ? at a meeting of a sci?re ?>F jirdpui < fit citizen* held in the '<??.?: t Ufa!.-. Monday ?veiving. 'l he p'tcir: <>i ?nuani -ai a i> ?: s. iiuit . tjf' a co-bpcti-atvye ?.?it - vhich eavh .' shi'r.v hoJd.r wi'ii na i) e?iual An in}' .1 WUl ll'.VII.ll'i ltH'l ?!?<? I i.> i>y the share holde: s ami : J" le paid cavil li ? ! : : : : months. T ehnioney \v i F! ix u < iui -y a lt'Aahd I?uiJd h iti c i?i. iatcly. As so'iji a- the fi?it is cu.i.jA'ted it v.'ili he si-id : : ? : utru'r ? hoi!<o baiit,- v\.;,h .? jirolits luay he made or, the ah ??t; the linUs;* I ?> ? i ; i ad-ic i to the U' : ?1:1} revolving fund ?ii* -1 : ? to L*. used for vhp j.wi'posc ?... I - - - k *? ' '*? ? ? ? *> ' ; prdit Will !>?-..!: ri ???u*. . V>i ! i-(>in'i>;iii y .-before January i -l-, I - | Fifty local ci: iz> r.s will !>,? a k.e I to I'viiH' into t.,c i?rj*o:'at :? ? ? .- I ?{i:iev in '-ril* r ? ili.ti fltuVh', .???:. ?' ?is.' p i ? ? nVi;;ru he made :t . i i ? ] :.?nnu"ii't".tely For the ? re< ? I reeded h?..:-< itl ? Br. j\ !, l'. A pri;:e of ?Tv.mi i it it' ?!< i - ! i ojTYred i'n ? the ? i: >-'h (>'. j who sui-ii>;t- the b(*kt th i vjhV n.vh'.'.'iv so ?' * ?i .j-adg. Hv '.??>. i'.'d ,11.1 ? 1. cli : 1 ?' JWVmfe seUeJcj by ih B> a ? 1 jYot:' t'tP> ?!>?' -e ? l! !>1J : ii'to ?!. t<y on<- is iir- > '1 to -end in pant v I 'hi'- i ??ill. ' 1 ? i . t-n b?-i;P : ? ? it-, i,- nrimariiy r.-r *n ? t-u'-.- | Of -viio." -? ? ? ? ; ' ' vlv. ? ":;.j U:u:.ity. S;;-n.; . ali to !.:Avpv -t&rttW'V a;-y ^.r'rsiovnt. r; : ~ s> i ? * \ ^ '? tar '~" ?f ?' l-J 9 ft. - ?'?' ? >.?: a 7 vitk* -i ? Ip^i p 1 F V7*" i c i'i# i *2 t , .Vi:ry iljij nyV'le'.o!! iu'- ' ;i?' . ; <-i oubii?\- athU'tie - i ? : a:v! ? tj.'u;. -^r.< . t: tl.e t'uV"cv .oZ .r>i? a?i ?in.J . tvi t ts: o. ntbe l.e^/^U'oininvf iiix- i>.. j tis{ ehuix-h. r '"Rtp lot h:!'- '?'??' I 1 hv ' t k;. Sports. Council - i i.n ' : v".<tnm<'r?e fur the jntvji.ire iif , \ ] .iiiii tennis cj tiPCS; " 1" ; ? v t ? ? hoVse shoe pil< h.ii u et?iirsiv, cii ?? 1. 1 j tables.' and oth< .\ :':!--il:'.i'-.- for r? ' . eat: -in and enjoyn.. ::t. :uid i- to ;':-JacCi| at 'the disposal or v.-:'.or: t Brevard for. tht i:m:..e " Ti'.c Spoi-ts '( fty.iU'li.': l??r of (Vimmcnt is v-.w bud 1::*. rirst class .ten: .'oiwts ? n *.*? ground an<l j-Ust ? as wmn a- thtvu courts are cpnutieied ail o:>. 'tennis' tournament vvll !? ? hej<; .' a v.'hie!: all local tent;:- playc ?vi>!t:"*.- who a: e. >r will he invited to cinpet. . Following the. a i'.ni- t'.?t;: tiai:i i :-e Sports v'oure il >v : * ? " ' ! :h? setij'on ?? "tiuieer ? :.:hl- f. event, to i! e ndc ?fii?e. ; :teiMT:C te ii. ;. bv heid .July lfi, md F^. a vtly ir.^r tournament a*id horst- < .?uly 2."). an .arelif -y toUrh?ht?;!U ? \ -.i.wUF? 1, che-' e. . >1,15"'.::::!'. ? " A'l; Ui t ? .a eliT^ ;."v ' f .lea:*t:ume?:.;. .;iru>*" ' "? "! ? ?I--. ' ?v: . A " 1 ? - ' .. l othc:1 ? F;nh: ; T- jr::',.,; ? on t: t ST: 2-S an-' -'?) .> i-*.:- ? vntf. niv* 4 J hv b>"d o*J a ? ?letemrned. This . *:rnpr:; w .v 5? ? .'?? tk' S;v.irts ji'ii i.n-:!, :?r?tv;-'? a -? .rii'.? .v>f ? ? *' a!:'-- in:.- '?'?;? t::res:;><iy^hK;-I^Ts *iit- <>f ; the i'J r^? .:t tb .s-."' flh;; All and : s to r. ?? i - 1 ihvit"d ;'??? '.take ? -v: in any e', : a ?' f = ? :: } " ' ? IFiods*: ">? rrrt?V.- V 'v:ll !??;? :"V. ? ? ti.-> wi:iA( in Ahe coii-;,-i . ? . tiii ? .. r* . ? '* u h * * ' A'rv ? vv;:*/ "?"* - ii-' var i w.iM ' full " ?' ttV jvfaCtliityj ^*r?redv . ? Th.. vv'n-.r pr, voIe> v. -ri a vS ? ' Hy (Jtiv. ? . :ir Mel.e: :1 ? - ? t I > : ' R? ??<.?? ??* '?'Iroaiu < :>t-oho #:a..yer. Cu:.n!,'er?: G Idi** .cn::rne. '.i i.\Vle?t>urjr'; Arthur iKtr'iv. Vyjlke:; liiV y ? | Fr.'n]; 'A..- l)nv d-- >n: !?.>?{? ' .1 - r (??-. anr.bear.'s for execa? : *;ve ? y wiv de.-lin; d. IKE PRAM CORNER THE DEAD LEVEL OF EVERY CAY LJFL "Sonu* ji- -< ?}?!?? fjiiil ii i to i Will) 1 (if L' Vei o! ;l'::y I. ff< -ays Dufii Katvmab ?? 'author of *' I i ? - 'vj'in-: ;!?' t . "Kvaii whin Uuy^ "a;.- m , - ;r i iaaitli. ? : h fwiri'1 that [xvhic-K iv u-!.? - i.? ^ i ; i?; [u^ l.u'i ... ? ??< .^htlll! | If! .tili ? .. .. ? ! 1. \. ? i>.. Kv til..-, af'f. ;i y? a. <.. ,;r:a aial t . . iis ; ui; ?- .. i'i v ? ? u I ? ? ? 1 1 ? ? i : r.u : ?! v^.i *?' i..*: Uii'U it has : j.': ,!#ti 1(1!' ? Irit.lV t' .'t r. ? ' Hi th'' , avor .iiiy v. . h . t h? ?> -I. !r! i ; ii'ti'rful ai.<! ..'!?? ? .? .1 i-, \ <-i !!.?'?? tin- I ,i'. tire V . :: I )ia| yy .heart . .-I'his i i <-..'1 y?j.ui; jror : tb? t :: :h< y ; ih <?. yi'ttia- aai':1 ? ' 'i rii . t !it 'j. "hr f? !:?;'? v hu ; "... ' < ?ii *. k.:i! iiiio a < a - ? . u"'j? (it- l> ? r. ? : T- 1 . . i ; V '?'>? ?ti?? l'? ' ? 1.. Why ;afi't W" aiw;.v- : v. t-H? ? ? >a.i y ??'ta'i.'.y ijv.ii ! ?'? hri:i;. ,U:th:nu v. . v. . an.i w .-i ? -itit- V ? ? J-c ? * r* ? v ' f - iii' -.hau. ii'iN . iiii"' U-- .>;< i i.- <i? : t'Jj !i 1 ii V"K J v.i ??"?** i<#US . - V ? t V . ? V. C' i v* - ?' .?*??! ? ?* fry day, (huu^-'h wo . ; ??. .1* V ?' ? .? i ; '* ' ? i . it \ ?. K; : {*} ; t . . I. ;j ? i i \ ? i i ? ? ? I a : . . if ? ;???: ? i ? ? i: . l i . . . v. . : . ? . . . . . . . f tu ca ';y i:t'* ??!? it>- ...? ii.ti ;!??'.? i - ? whi-.-h. vvi?* ? .??? M I;, a. .. witi i alln'v - hii i." -!t ' thi- ar-' a!.-* ... wani 1: t<.'. A ?K A V E R FOR LVERY JAY L?r . ?.<). Thou liiliiiit*? i." ? ?. ' ? i ? ?o'r.Uft tha: ? - -Vt l?y. fa:;i;?.t :'a;.! . W. h.irtnful ?. i; ? i- . ? tAjieitaUl. ili'iu-r. j.; . : ? ?-??r: >? I'plHfHO U>. jl'l !.??*. ..: ;? Is" ? ami co.:iji'K-<ii y. u'ii : it" it shield, li-- i".-:. Sr. a. r . . lvluni. ;?V'i t-if-t ; :: '? u ? 1 ? vv 'It i: tsi?* . .. i !iai "? niuj .bring "? au-i v ut'tlflli iii) ? ? v. . ? ! ? ? ? v. *.* ..i . . . ?? ? i . ? - - \w i:i:?y i ii; CO l..v . . a \vh -a Jit'U !!aj?-.'\ i: VVl' l" Vt*!' vriisU JMUtU. 'v y t-ai> iiici va.-<-. tor v.n 5?u?"*sch tiivni will !'?? lc.?-sv?ivd a<.'l to-- l? : thai ? ; vi r i i i ? >?mi ?? H*aa ! ixito lii'i ci'ilJiwV Iii ?* ? ? ? i cast out by the ha-uiai.'ii: >?! la 1 ? | feet I.ife. ? Kh:i oil- a." to WitKi iii-!*;. :s.. v. I the y that : v.- i..\ v. ? britiir soaa thir.i; ni'W. ;t's?i v -. I j and wvli-icta-. Thy i '.-'i u ? i J - | i?i ulU.-. l> (n>i. is in. < ? ''ic. a ! wv 'i'hy *U-ar <*:> :!?? ! . ai. i a-'; .. j sumj ik*h 1 tiv jii'i'Vi- - v. r illv : t t ' . lii.iV I il* ? ? i' (.; t! ! i, t<<r l'\ ?-< ?? i i> : .'iii at-ov :!'(?? ? j fi-'OiR - 'l : ;?? . ?{?'athtjf i!" :j! ??n' ;u-.a-::y jwtioa. -;ir.a i-ai >?. (i ! ? i Ialir." I i; u -- i l.?rVv. c tu i.. ... . .. I ?.:? li'Av. .iic!; : v. \ v h? T; I I >. .... . wai.t t- ?- ;? i . I'i": iT .*.?? i?'<Uk . . ?*!' . th:> - -a M?(i ;.l ' .. ?. I*. i!* ? ??.v; u ? i" ? arr\ . . ? y- -n ? a-. ?' ? j . si* : i u. . ? i'i J ??;nr.j- iii.-. i?.. fa;! ..? I in a; i ; ii .. t .-?? i N-. j yi . . : j... 'a;. .ii.tM-vcr, < i i ..." I ai. I -t. . . - \ . A::. ?V. I'. < . ? CAtCXJ SINCI.V'G V. .bi V/H.I. APPEAR MONE.i Y FV?N.i" Z '! 1. - -. '' t I' fl >? 1 ?. ? 1 T>h ? ;T| -jj'VC V 'T i;; {? ? }!???;; > ii-' ?! .Vvi'sii ?... .SS-i" : ... rV.Ni;:o:. .?Ui?0 21' ;h*. v'.. i- ? ? I nVfi at Ike ?'< ? wt?- -i ' . j .' ? i'* >;"i! nil! i" .: " i.'i o. pi ".5 vr ft} -titii. t'i ; : ? i I. f >urtw > ? ' ?: ? ? ; m i.ts:- .s.r.Tiin i. ! !;.-<? ? :y vv I : .. .... | /?' ? i * ; s ? t . Vrt"-' rv.-.* ? ??- ? ; ; ; Tecitsltioi" . i a;, ivr eretta. which is the > a ; ii turo of the i' -.en ' ??it'.'-t1. inent.

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