PERSONALS Rev. Rufus Roof and Mrs. Roof and daughter. Annie Leo. and son, ] Dan. of Bradenton. F!a.. were recent j quests of Rev. and Mrs. S. (.'. Morris ' at I'onnesstee Cove Canip. Messrs. Kitchen and Lamar Gal loway. of Asheville. s;wnt the week- , end \vi?h Mr. and Mr--. Welch Gal lowav. Mr. .and Mrs. R. A .Johnson, of | Easley. Si C..? ar.d Mr. and Mrss. K. M. Coi-n. of. Xorris. S. L'.V attended ? ftt?e fu. eral ,? Kasley. S. thi?' ?Mrs-. Fen, of A-lv\ ili'e. wa>.a ' *\v. t,'k-evd guest of 2. W. NvhoN. " ? '.?' ??'?'. ,::*?d Mrs. i\.Ml : "j?m:ij"hiv ?*?? '._? ? ' ' ! ' AsheViJle. spent-.' r-he.-v"-- A-erd." JtH * Brevard '.with Mr-. Smatiier"- pai i-!.--.. \jN . a:: ! Mr?. Tl ?$.. Wii't'i.'.ii ' . Mi.-.- King, who a-ti v. ; . V ?? -vs. i.'iUise' riiiWl :.t*av.!hie ? 5<-;fV Monday ? ? f ?'>'?? -:.hviri: ho ; t;!y. Mviiie.; -s. r..;. peru,':^ ' .'?WeeltS -with- Mr ; i?i. )V/. ,T. y ? ;:Wiv^ire;' ;'; y; : ' ? ' ; - ' -y ' : ; ? , ard Mi -. -S Kt^v^ot'v" T- ? . v?. re jh&st $.? the -pa>;. . ' ' 4 1. ?:'? '.Ai v".-' MV-. \V .F-. Kai?iSv'V. ? ?; c . A ;:ii- F ? i'..:!.. ' j- i 'pp.vng v\"ith,- Z. U . NicUoi ? : ????" 's-^'ie ? t.iutV<... .. . '* .- " Mr. a ?' M;;-. W?d^h Ma'!!o.way anVi; ? Vrivlia ( i : l! 1 < ' ^ .- .-?*' ' i -? " '."V ? h'-: wi;ek- u ;h*- .:r?;&t.:weV .'.^??^..^-C'tVrs-Vn.v.iHe- V.-'. ? 1 :? .;.ia . ir . ? vt vi-r.".'-. Ways w;ri: h:- .-U"- ? .niii?.. 'M:';. ?:;<| t . ?..Bl ; ! Mi -. =d. Minnie, jirt ?. ' * K-:v. S. "aiV . - Ki".;. V .'.iie N-'-.Vxor, ?. 'T.;ai.''r.' ' . ? i - - :. ;it; ? M.- ?' . ; '.i r.-'. '.W"' ' W'- " ? ajvi - ' t ?.:? . ? ?' v.'.ent-' i ' ? -?y ? J nt*-.*. v ; I ";M;d* "^h!: -v.' : V r i= ? ;. Viastouial'; /.vy-re . w<.;ek'-;\7.d : '?? -iif'-Mvi, ??Mn.-irapc! ' iv.;. Seiner. V *? Jfifs.v M:". :i ;S-i t* > ; * i ar?'t. n- -V. c. ,:.i; . ?vj'ek frojji Mr.-:'- . >\ ? Sv ..e *bv..Rdarurd i . r i 'l ?? ?' VA'~-> Eilrth AVar.! Beam." i&f: ~Sy\\ . ? !? ".. . v >i. T. -.h. r !; >? ? '.V ^>-.^eere--tV aK-r.::.; ten-- d;i\v. . ':???? 'he'-- i-.v.:hv:\ A'v- P.' ^ ?y. > -r . fii-./rriiVci;. !. ;? ? >'.? .-veils'. fi-.W-.-vriLy : -thi-. vyfcel. vH i 2i": T - / ai'd aV *:>? '..V '? he?Av<>i:. ii-.; . Bt". We*T^r^ ? - ? R;. ie^trh' -w ? ? I-: ???.; r - ; \ 5 ? -? ; : ?df.-s ^*r..;h' 5:'.vei>ti. v-.r:. i;.: '? a t : v \i-. v. < .- -. . frier:-.;!- B'.ThviR^r.r.^v'. .. " t i:. - Wl ?'?'!' i: ; :* -?*.*"?/ -.A 2 U : > pi* U i- ."fc v(JTU* .*.y' Vli;''Wi i i; A'y. - F: " ......:y '" . Ai?s'-> rM:.:V-I- K -? - r*::k?-. ?:???*'" ,V* ?;. ? ; :i-r- '? ;.-?> ? ,- 1j: ?' .X.'.-iva":. . ..?? - : ? \-:p f\l '.U I* * -.*? yV,i ?Vi- :yia'Ot*V. I'w . Mr. 'ivi . M^' : . - . ' ' ? x..::y ..Wig^s, and". . -Lm?.::* '* , .fe.tiip;^;^ '/rhtu^jiay '.v ' y \ ? Hitiei^h. " aher. s?t 'ivting : f.wfv' /;v-'?; .. - v.-'ri:. ' ?. ;i.,:.'i. Mr- Mnrofd v , Mj"> -'Tall. KV ntvUrky'. .? v. ?. ? : .- "* ?! _ - .-otj.e tinVc ' wiijh. Afrs. ?' H. - ?' /-w /ik ?: . '? ' Mr. ar. :. Mrs. W \V. iVu ? - . \ ' ; ; -''.V,-. !>USf;:-.-S'1/ t?; /. '-Ashevii.--; '? 'i: ? . . .- We';;;/ a?U'. ' a'tended - ;rie ? -. t..;v tJftejF,1 -K. ;B- -CaiTv'; pf ?'<. ' : " ? '. ? u-ah F'j re's t. ' /..? . ' . ? .M a:Vi . Mini. F; ;.:ik -t'alton. " , "? .-. ? y." ?iaVrie'd in r /ida on ;f:-> i.ji-'t..- arV r >-pe:>d?:j.; s.u;.i;.hn'-.r ? - ?:i< alv 4p^ -/iirirtsie.r si-h-ol- A>ih'.>. ' ?, '. - r; ? ".vet k-.-iiii vvitji her rai ? - " ? ? ? " " "... . .M:'-. K'l'i-rt Denv-r/ ."- ? . : '.V-':. y. V. di >k> and - M W ' - ? [.?M'l.Vrd ^K>.l<>red ;o Asheville, S;.:.: ? ? f *r ^ ; V." \ V. .? ? : i ? . - V ? * . +*' * s '.* * *' ;? l>r. Lajiii" aml -jSiTty. -...*>!? At: r-" t . ... . . - - -? * " ' ..r . . . S". are v'r..'''yiJig >a canvtd^g. tour on the campus at Duvi i^ n ? ? ?Jli-v.e'-. ??. ?? . . * Mi-. Roy PfekeNirner has goj-'-. t?> Ravens Ford to join-, her husband. " Air. Andrew K. Orr. Mr. Ed Oib ., >n and Mr. I^.wrt?flce Warren, ot Asheville. were Brevard vi-s?tors. ? ; . - i? in day. . Miss Marguerite Robertson is tudying the Kinscella class method in piano at the University of Norih Carolina. under Hazel 'Gertr'ud.' Kinseella. of the University School >f Music, Lincoln, Nebraska. Barn to Mr. and Mrs. T. Zack Os teon, Friday, May 21), a son, Philip F ranklin. Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Cooper were weekend guests of Mr. .and Mrs. Will Parris, near Henderson ville. A parly of young petlple enjoyed a picnic trip to Caesar's Head. Sun- j day Til.)-- - enjoying this pa : i \ were. Misses Edith and Lora K:;ri: ; .>u. Kuriire and Mae Cunningham, ; Messrs. Cloryon Bku'kwetl. Joe-:S u ? iyqK Bob Merrell, Charles CUnilingr i i a in. ?? ? ? v ?' P ; ? ML"" Louise Townsend. of Lum ber:. ti; is visiting Mrs. C. M. ' on is; im;* <>vint. nieejy after an operation for ap ,it a , i. at ilu-vani llospJtal, on M, morning. Jerome Suiiard accompanied. hi* t: * v ? 1 t* 1 1 i to eav ? l'\ lli . > by wav of A she\ ii;'o. ' as a .birthda f ! . .?) .-.fn:' Mr. Siiia. d A fi a t W'.j . black ? hvvriiel\an?! | t ?lUl^tv1 j ,? M'\ j'ird Mrs. James Sin > i;;.f 1 -2; a daughter. . ..\ . AU>. :i irold Haidjn .'and ! .,!? ihv\r. .Ka^erine. <>f Con-;. i ' '"X, M'?ii ; >:'"ehl thv , wet-k-end - ? :il .pa.ivnts,-^ Mt.: am.* y l\ ?> iu.wi't'r! ?" . -.j ? . iiji-at for. J ?? -h*!? 't: t. M; . t, il I' ? ' a?M : \ rent Sunday ???}. ??h-' latter' par ri'.s. Mr: and ! !'? ?* ?? V- ('>!?!'? h'a> y<-ry if) f .? -a . -V :t i days. i > ... . i (>-r. dr.. attended tJiie. !>oy ? ; I, ( "onvei tid.n in . ?? ? uv-k. payid (> <; ? ? \ ? locid Boy *S i." - ut t r ? h .Vc *; A., W. Baniett spent sfVi-raii ::r. paVt . Wf.'k Hj d< ' Iff ' y. Mr- 1). M. Orr and two. *??? l>yvi<{ < f Arthur. Motoi-id to ; Tix?J*dav. and a-Kend ; Sl'< : i I i'f .J. !.). W Mi*s Ann. i 'tc Cuice- has retUfneti i i er h"hi'.' i j v < oiuriibia. i". ' _ ??seVend;' day- \yifli y-. a-'d Mr*. Dayid Orr. jtti .*. Mc I.' ? ???:! Spf!'.: I hi v-vek-v.-iij w.u'h ti ii-nds k. low n:i\ ' sv.? stit.ibuiy and ""Pat :vilu; ai'v- iM.-t. iuct-ing revrviii .-or - ? ? - at Quebec. X. C. ?Ai: .Viiriam ' Silv'-'i'sicen .?e-tun: id . week from N\-w \ "ti. r. ' .w:1 she lia;* bee'n studying ". r Lily i'ast several month.-, at -;Ct?i> ?nia t ni' er-itv: Aliss iria lii - s: - t ti. l?h ; sununei vacation with -. Mr. ... i Mr.-.. -I. S. Su . \V. . il.. A.;i:- -:. h?S a: . < r \ .... ail 'of her chiltiruti and graiiu . : : ot at her in me. "t>eer I 'ai K, ' : air. .-.i\, Mr. and ' Mrs. Karl l!oyti. of VV :.t ox. ' Arizona, who are here for ? ?(.'? -uiimver ; Mr.- and. Mrs. Tom l>i Kel. of iiopewell. Va., who are indefinite ? visit;;' r. and ii r . and -inali son, f Wa ton, D. < u'ho wdl i t - ..'iji h---: .*eveial weeks. Uigether v Mv .and Mrs. Eutr ne Allison and- thret- children, who a/e perma ' . i' resilient.* tif "Deer ParK Home." 'Mtis liose Sneisoiy i.-> visiting h'Sfer . ?. Mr*. H. Ci, Ro-vrs, at La^> t ,xaway MRS. CRR'S SUNDAY SCHOOL CLASS ENJOYS PICNIC T;.e young boys of Mrs. I'?. M. Sunday Sthool class enjoyed a ? ? ii- ai.ti hike t(j the "cave" Mon al 'a i noun ami evening. Many P..U1H-* were engaged in such as tie light littie boys, and all had a merry time. The picnic lunch was greatly ertjoyed as well. The following bovs were in at 'tendaji'ce: Lionel Aiken, Jack Aiken, Walter Clayton. Edward Clayton, Douglas Stone, David Norton. Mark Taylor Orr, Arthur Orr. accompan ied by Mrs. D. M. Orr and Miss An nette Guice, of Columbia,: S. C. MISS DOROTHY FETZER ENTERTAINS AT SAPPHIRE Miss Dorothy Fetzer was a charm ing hostess to quite a number of the younger set Friday evetiing,; June ID, at 'Camp Sapphire. Dancing was the main feature of the even ing's enjoyment, excellent music being furnished hy two violinists, Sshmetty and Scotty, acompanied by Mrs. C. M. Cook'c at th ? piano-, Punch was served during the even ing. About .JO young people enjoyed this delightful social event. MRS. MILLS ENTERTAINS T. E. L. Mrs. Jas. K. Mills was histc -to the T. il: . I.. Class of ti:e i>.;p'i^L Sunday School last Thursday after : < ? . {?. -Aft r the. business meeting, tt deUghtfu' p-ogram was enjoyed. Sw.M-t v raj* anil Dorothy 1 erki* - ? t ? ? 'veil'*. i*S"d' a.s decorations aid the ? color? ;:!so u-?i:u;d out in li; rt fre-!ua.'"t- *.% hi -h. weiv sorvct. dufipg th.- mh >al hiui r. Thirty member.- were present at 'hi- meeting with Mrs. Win. W. !> borne :uid M rs. Ralph Osbiinic a. s|k*c!al .. guests, fin* the occasion. MISS BREESE ENTERTAINS Miss M.a' th:: Breese most delight fully vnt. rtawRii Tuesday evening, with a dancing party at. rile home. ii' iabje w.-se :no-t eif.< i live vi:h t i.ieii' att rat ?? ileOOFatioiis. ? R. W, Kve. and Mrs; W. K Breose pri'sid d 'a? 'ho punch bowl. Music was .fuViii' by Miss KUa Zuchary at the piano, .lohii White, saxophonist.-.. Scknictty mid Scott y violinists.-;- \ : About, tifty. quests. : ? hichivi; qiii'ti 'a t:ui!.;>t,r of v.istoi\s at. ilu- ?. .. lious caijips, enjoyed the gracious INTERMEDIATE BOYS OF BAPTIST CHURCHMEN JOY PICNIC AT CAESARS HEAD The boys of the Intermediate! Class of the Haptist Sunday School ' enjoyed an all-day trip to Caesar's Head and Little River, Tuesday of last week. The boys, accompanied by their t earlier, Mri Jason Muggins, spent :? most enjoyable day. and returned late in the evening with a feeling of j '??ttire satisfaction over the trip. Twelve voun^ boys were members of this jolly picnic party. BOX SUPPER AT CONNESSTEE There will be a b-.x supper at | Co'ies.'cee School House, Friday "v [ ening. June 26. at 7 :.'?(! o'clock. j Tli" proceeds will be Used to fuv- 1 I ni-h t hi- irirls' Home Demonstration j club room. Germany has produce 1 a pump ( that renders a ship unsinkable. I She should apply it at once to hevj j statesmanship. -!- OLD TIME -i- I AR BE CUE AT Hillcrest Tourist Camp JULY 4th. 75c I PLATE CALL i m ALLISON nd Make Your Reservations NOW Your "Confederate Memorial Half Collar" Is Here Waiting For You The Brevard Banking Company is proud to participate in one of t'he most outstanding patriotic -events in Dixit; during recent years the issue of the Stone Mountain Memorial Coins honoring "the valor of thv Soldier o'i the South." These half dollars, especially minted by the t'niteci States < lovernment. are now ready fo? distribution. The coin itself, apart from being a souvenir be treasured. is legal tender, worth fifty cents. The added fifty cents Charged for jt wiil go ? as you doubtless already know ? toward com piling ihe Siont Mountain Memorial. 0;:r tellers will take pieasuiv in supplying yon and the members of your family, and you are urged t?? seen !*e them at once. . THE BANK OF PERSONAL SE?A'1C? RESOURCES OVER $1,000,000.00 Regular Caps For Regular Boys Topkis Cooling and Convincing Underwear comfort is a matter of vital interest to ever/ man, especially during ^ thw summer months. Here's a collection of full cut, roomy garments, tailored from thinly cool materials ? summ:r comfort personified. Each and every Cap included in this display is made from a high grade, all-wool fabric. Hand tailoring and shaping add to the at tractiveness of their appearance.. Standard Clothing Company l E. HAMPTON, Manager "HEADQUARTERS FOR DAD AND SON"