Y Devoted to the upbuilding of Brevard and, Transylvania County Our Advertisers make the Town and County prosperous. Patronize' THEM VOL. XXX THURSDAY, JULY 2, 1925 No. 27 Governor of South Carolina May CcmeHere Next Week FARM NEWS By L. A. AMMON The rye crop is short, corn is. early, and. much seed will be needed soon. Push your threshing, so a$ to have seed lor home and seed > o- >el?. in August to the Southern buyers. $wo seed houses' have already promised to send men here to. pick out the seed rye and prevent turn ing down at. their end of the lint-. In an effort to establish a price for our un-re.cleaned rye. I have talked with many of the flowers, and rind that nothing undu > 1 -:>0 will satisfy the majority. T.... ^rk* is in line with J.".>t years pricvs eun siderjng the Chicago prices for the two times. So I am writing a num ber of houses that wc will sell nto>i of our crop at S l.<)0 and ??tcirt furnish the bag-, or lor Sl.t?.u and w? furnish tiie uags.. -iiiaciileaf .uU is Deing i larva of the- beun beet .?? Vs *t- are not ready, for a n n<>rr .yin ; matter.- .? The Camp Creek b break seems t<> be shut all cattle on till1- Creek ??.. I ciivaint " ? Mam- head -'of , been lost in that sectioi ' disease, and same coui prevented bv vaccina ttt was a rack >>i knowlv.df* . Travelers ii.om tar i us vredit fur tin; best i '???'/? have seen. Have yt?u v hum us .n the. .-oil rtas e during the' dry weathei ' ilost - part> Of the I ? ing enough rain r??W gleaf damage. but t - needs. :n uch ram. yet ? ? ?< * . * . 1 ? ??? ' "? " Reports from * faf si sections of South C; that they will. be. on must all; the ur truck weathei. ha* cat tnen - yield's. ?' Thv. i>:cKeiis ?total'. Joss .-y t.ar. AdyWe .fro?n -"the xh~i'' we oan' exp? .niSri ulir markets ? ; ? poor cattle. as the d\ ...'. ? them t? feed. now : et iV.a poor on* . >< ? to nol.i you i' cattu '. -b ebruary .for ^e.-t ' : rst'iiie extra laa- in.. . feed.-. ? V ? ? * ' - ? " Thv appie ViVvs : ittV-'i '-NVlt'h. UcK': O ?* : ?/siuai'I po?. .-{ ' . --jjjrv-. ci'U'sed *!?*: . .-hi '?.? .' . ;"'f fckf'V v?t.- ,'&? pt. ? . ifbU :t v- Ulu... ; ?>'.- ? ' . ? ?! ij-ti . k#? ( hri>tau-fc.. .'The' -ittark< excellent t.o:;tittH . lop.. .Tti:- is- - -- . report. i be .? u ? iH't" be >o ;avorii " .rail* ;s??i;..e 'jliv.si*: h J.b '?? 'yevyr c .> > p .du and., tile supply ' ,e ? t'-l-'.iiv \v-!l*i-e* lai'C' ' ' ? ? (Jnfi :ifi our ^w ?.?; irymi ii ha.- an \ . ;ng. .\ir. ,T> b v . ?;'s the man. I>r. Stoke- ciai he has the h..nor, largest bunch of .'broiler farm, in t . Sia",--. ili;' .-'*!d t. v?f broilers at on ?Coups ? 4?f - hens. 1 ku, .iiid br..'Ught l>r. Stbk<-.s %v;!l h? crates of roosters The chicken tru? * during the. ' tourist "unless we" rim: u i ? thickens for ; he ir tx-uUryv t'< -ell let Will try an i puy v V. ?. ii" by ite .or iiy . i" ije.l: ' ?':tv l\Vi. cm ii.riv ? V n'F ir; mi' sv i;- ihe a.iul eavel, V r?.t; ?. ? 5?0 : T . -i' i?v|l fi! .' .1 . hie. jl tr yea', v . H; Ii.'.-'.' ?'?Ii A ? :? ? n .::ay ?vy hU (tv : ;-he .; ". y . ? eV . U- 'lit)' ;.:'e .'i.'i3; . . irn !??*-ui-7 ?uliet - t'f . - ! . ''ii.' .?i J iw ? ' ii a'ti .. Teiiyye lg .U a ;.o.. >f lilt: C'i'ip,, iiiree tIMCV. more ? ?' back . .-..n ad of laving >.?? : i .1 and I buyers heiv at hoi ter prues thaii th prices. This - wee: . .s jU.'ceiits ar.il fri? These are prices - :T fujfnishingr canip. pends on ({uaiity nave. 1 have heard ? for sale. ? >me sh? .; Seej are now a: ware, and our pri- ? - considering the qt... find. Let your wa so we caii .ke* p p : seed are ?care arnd th- i . not get any. nr ai -n with v.bet le'sale hens ?c-etit?.. those h de ; '? - >"UU Cow ken Hard good, i wiii : * soo:i. id. as * - ?i may rood. Governor McLean To , Addres Forestry Meet Governor A. W. McLean will be the tkrincijial speaker at the Annual meeting of the North Carolina For e-try Association which will be held at Asheville on July I Oth. and 1 Ith. according: to announcement made by John 1- Cobbs, Jr., secre tary of the Association. A number of other prominent, persons who are active in State and National Forestry have also been invited to address the meeting. These include Senator Jos. K. Kansdell of Louisiana. An Mln C. Goodyear. president of the Great Southern Lumber Company of Bogalusa and 0. M. Butler, secretary of the American Forestry Associa tion. Field trips on which various results of the practice of forestry will be demonstrated will be an im portant and unique feature of the meeting. STANBURY MEETING AT QUEBEC IS INCREASING IN INTEREST; MAixY CONVEX 11 . t ? The revival meeting, which nas lu-en in progress at Quebec for the j past two weeks, conducted by Kev. Harvey Stanbury and "Fat" Col viUe. continues to increase in interest and attendance. Approximately . converts were reported the iirst week, with an increasing number joining the Fold each night. Rev. Stanbury; in his eon\ .r.cing and at tractive manner. reaches the hearts t?f these people as no one else could, . and through his untiring effo.v many hardened sinni.rs are accepting Christ. People from all sections of the County are in attendance, many . even walking for nules with then families to hear this earnest- gt>spc?l' speaker." That section of the V out: ?f is being religiously revived a- 1 never U'lorv. ami ju?a:;y. ?? biock.?..?:'. it (,f jfo'hg stamiinjr aire giving u-i j their o?-upaUons- a.itd turning to Gsui. j l he uieeiijre.; w.iil probably cio.- | ? at .the -end. of week. . - ? ? ? "? ; j brevara to Hold L?aia Ceieoracioii on Juiyroui ch Juiv- 4th v...it ;; gala day v. B ;v;.i ? ac t >.y .-v. iC; Hampton. pite-v ; uent of tne "Retail Merchant s tt?u rV au of tue- (. has.Sp.ef ?f t oflptUiirtv.. which i rganikatlun is fostering ihe'j celebration ol ? Independence Day, ;.:h i National t)<*fense Day. The official celebration of the, day w iU take placi- vn the pubt'ie reel ea tmn ground, .at' the corner of Broad and Jordan streets. beginning at o'clock, The Brevard Munici pal Band will render a concert com - posed largely of patriotic airs f lowing which there will be an au . by Col. jP> K. McKully. voi'Aiandih.i- officer of the ^ ? 7th In-, tantry, S2nd Div Organised Keser.i . . S. Army. Col. McKully is one ot >outh Carolina's heroes *-'f the woric war and is living now in Greenvih. He is a very tine speaker and :enr. sent*, the finest type of citizen soldier." Following a short address by Coi. McKully on the subject of National Defense Test today and its real meaning to patriotic Americans, there will be a delightful entertain ment program which will include an exhibition of a very tine collection ? if native reptiles and several othc wild birds and wild animals of this section of the country. "Shorty" Hale of Rosman. who is well known in these parts as a showman after the pattern of the late P. T. Barnuni will have charge of the show and of the races which will follow the 1 show. I Potato races, three legged . races, a race after a greased pig. climbing a- greased pple. a contest to decide the winner pf a prize being offered for the ugliest man present, a run ning high jump, and other events will take place in rapid succession. Tht public is cordially invited to attend these events and others which are being planned for the same day. Chief Executive of Palmetto State Invited to Press Asso. [at urbanization u? rtainment of the plans for an . in : hr Yisito ?'.< |l ulv Hth at live Fine Program Plans Complete Tor July if, 9, 10 Governor Thomas G. McLeod, of ?South Carolina, will in all probabil ity be anions those present at the forthcoming convention of the Soutii Carolina Press A.ssoc.ation, which will h* hold in Brevard July 6. U, and 10th. according to advices .e ceived yesterday by the Chamber of Commerce from J. Rion McKissick. president of the' S. C. P. A. Mr. McKissick, who is a close firend of the Governor of South Carolina, said in his letter that His Excellency had been extended an in vitation to be the guest 0f t|,e ;C(,i)L vention, and that he had intimated his intention of ficcepting the invita tiofn, provided no pressing business of state intervened. The presence of Governor McLeod at th? convention will be a distinct compliment to Brevard, and will be an added fea ture of the convention. It is likely that if Governor McLeod comes to Brevard he will be one of th.- princi pal speakers, on the program. * Definite plans for the entertain ment of the distinguished gathering of editors and publishers from the Palmetto State, as well as the mem ber.^ of the \. ('. Press Association, which will hold a joint session with their South Carolina brethern on July 9th. have virtually been com pleted by the program committee of the Chamber of Commerce, of which W. E. Breese is chairman, ably assis ted by Mayor T \V. \\#!tmire. R. G. Ward, John W. Smith and Mrs. (,). 1.. Erwin A committee from the woman's bureau, 'appointed at the last 'meeting of tl assist in the ent visitors has made formal rcce.p.t ion the e'yt'R.::'t? < Hotel. Tlie prog ar.: ot" eii'ertainme:.: a.? give:i a bow- was uanmiously anut to the membership of the ?*.i : at ion' by Secretary >! 1 ('. R?H)k? r, of < ixnbia... giving high l>:va:.-v to the peoph Brevard f?;:' urK?!iguig -this program. More than one South Carolina I |. v>r ha.- c< ;in-i< : J au f.- vor.tbc. both in its editorial and news coi ttmnii; tS\r Holding the convention i Iircvarel tor di.iner. li.O 0 t.. 10:00 p..~s. Reception in pu..ors of hotsi by Woman's tiu.eau to delt -ates. ? Friday, July iU 9:G0 to 10: p.:r:. Reception in ^ tei in charjc of Brovard Citi zens for F:ckcn . County lino, where delegates will be re leased to Pic.:ens cit.zcns. LIBRARY REPORT FOR >|VEEK ENDING SATURDAY, JUNE 27 The- attendance at the Tublic L: ..rary lor the past week ending iun. | J'." is reported as being 17.;. with !1 .t.iiKs iii circulation. There we .li.v ru-w membership cards is'ai ... .:ig tile week ami two renew:; ' t.rds. and one book, "Yoianda, ' >t.. au-d by Airs. Nita Norton. Sumnier visitors are cspec::.., .elcome at .the Library either to . .. a the reading room or to Ptco... . aduig members. The o>;... from :> aaiv., to 12 j. .. : l. 'ii: 2. .'?!() to p.m. . . .1ITE WAY CONS TRUCTION GOING STEADILY FOR WAR The construction work on the new White Way is steadily going forwart. under the efficient crew of wor>: men. This modern system of orn:. mental lighting will extend for to?. ! blocks, in Main street from E:ig land to Gaston, and from Main an., t Broad on Broad street to Jordan. The equipment includes thirty Westinghouse units of *500 candle power each, which will be placed ' along the curb line, one hundred feet apart and directly across the street from each other. All wiring and conduits are placed underground an. I the standards set in concrete, i 1 1 Brevard's White Way system came as a direct result of a resolution adopted by the- Retail Merchants Bu- j reau of the Chamber of Commerce. I : ? i; ' " _? : -.v.' ?. ' The construction work is in charge of Harold Norwood,, electrical con tractor. and it is hoped that the work j will be com pie ed within thirty days. Woman's Bureau Hold An Important Meeting A special meeting of the Woman's ! Bureau of the Chamber of merce was called Monday afternoon at the Chamber of ( ommerce I The main point of discussion was the I reception to be given in 'honor <> I the South Carolina Press Associatio j at the Franklin Hotel on the even ing of July y. at which time tin. distinguished body of men will nice in anual session in Brevard. ^ Mor. definite arangements concerning t hi eventful social occasion were made, a motion being: made and carried t< the effect that all members of th Chamber of Commerce and all mem bers of the Woman's Bureau of the Chamber of Commerce be include): k ?l ? ? ^ J i. i w ???* *. v ^ 1't t - . . 1 The president, Mrs. O. L. Erwin, ap pointed necessary committee.- anion the women to assure the success of this social function. All women of the town are urge<: to co-operate most heartily in an\ efforts put forth for the hospitable entertainment erf these eminent m< who Will be our gue^t.- for three May. next. week. It is the plan for one lady to accompany the driver in ea one of the fifty cars that will b< sent to Caesar's Head Wednesda. afternoon to meet these quests an . escort them to Brevard. Fift. ladies of the town are thus earnestij. requested to volunteer their servic to this extent, each one being wi! ling to do her part in extending royal welcome to these friends < ours from the sister State. J. A CALLOWAY DIES AT HOME HOME OF SON IN BERVARD I J. A. "Chief" Calloway died a. the home of his son. Coleman Calk way, early Monday morning. Jur e 2it. following a Jir.gfc'ring iilr.es.-. Fuiural services were conducted th" home Monday afternoon. R '? Wallace Hart- II. p:i? t ? ? r of :!)?? Bt' vard Baptist church, officiating. In terrnent was oiade at Oak Crov cemetery in. charge of the W. O. W. The surviving children are. on son. Coleman, and three daughte: . Mrs. Bumgarnvr, of Whitesides Mtn.. Mrs. Barrett, of Pickens, is. ami Mrs. Chuppeli. of Pickens. Mr. Cai lowj'.y was preceded to the grave '?;? his wife just two weeks :igo. A'! County Sunday | 1 Schools W ill Meet At Davids Dn River - Workers from all Sunday School.- I l in the County are expected to j tend the annual Convention of vhe j Transylvania < ouiity Sun>i;i svho . . Association, \v.-?icii h.?s been at. nounced for Tuesday and edne day. July 28 and l:D. at the I'a.iii son River Presbyterian church. I', gau Forest. Representing the .North Caroiim Sunday School Association in tin convention will be K W. Sims, g. . oral superintendent, with Mr. S.:> will be Miss Freda Bose, New <>? leans, La., educational supei ini. :.o cut *?; New Orb a:i.; Sunday Sci:>?. Council o J* K. iigious Etiuca . .<0. These speakers are well i.n? .. . the Sunday School world, having iua \eari of practical experience iri .r work with Sunday Schools, both large a'nd small. There will also be on the program a number of promin ent pastors, superintendents am. other Sunday School workers in th County. Plans and program for the conven tion ar? being \v? w?d out by Mr. T. C. Henderson, president, ami Mr. 0. H. Orr. secretary of the County Sun day School Association. These ui ficers have announced tha airain | this year, a pynnant wi!i be presented to the Sunday School in the County, having present in the convention the largest number of representative^ sixteen years of age, and over, ac cording to the number of miles trav eled. Any Sunday School in th'-. County is eligible to compete fo ; the pennant except the Sunday j 'School with which the convention meets. It is expected that there will be much friendly competition among the Sunday Schools for the pennant. THE PRAYM CORNfcR OUR BELOVED COUNTRY How can u't- besl serve the inter ests of our Beloved Country? upholding the cause of true religion, ?* and working and praying for per sonal and civic nghteousnes . \V hat, our country needs most is True Christianity. As Dr. Martenson wrote, "The ,n most and deepest interest of human ity can neither he delivered from t limitations. -nor come to a true knowledge of itx-il without < ni.> tianity. Moreover every notion of humanity which is not the Christ:. in on, is more or iess affected with falsehood. Hence the true human. s tic state is one and the same with tile Christian state.' In ati address before ihe >>?*' York Historical Society, a gic.ii American statesman -said, "If we and our posterity, shall be true to the Christian "feligior., if we and they shall live always in the Tear of Cod. and shaii respect fhc Command ments, if we and they shall maintain" just moral .-enta'iu nt< arid .-ucn c??.j acientious convictions of duty, as shall control the heart and iif;*. may have the highest hopus of tne future fortunes <*?f <>ur country, and if we maintain those institution.- 'if government, and that political union try furnishes materials for a thou exceeding all praise, as much as it s&eeds all former examples of pol itical associations, we may be >u.e of one thing ? that while our coun sand masters of the historic art. :i will- be no topie. for a Gibbon. it will have no decline or fall. It will go on prospering and to prosper. But if we and our posterity reject re ligion and authority, voilate the rules of eternal justice. trifle vvitn the injunctions of morality, and recklessly destroy the political con stitution thai hold u> togellu ?. wo iiuiii c*j*n tclt -i;uw zi cjitu? phe may overwhelm us. that .-h..ll bury all our glory ii: profound ? scurity. * A A PRAYER FOR OUR BELOVED COUNTRY Our Got! and Father. Th::te is :i" Kinirdom. and ble.-.-e.i the nat. n whose Gojj i> the Lord; we be.. that Thy hand has been in the founding and fortunes'.; of i-'- -;i We do homage to i'. f-'t" its lit.- pr.nciples." ii..- ::???. :? cor.: > of niarty s for liberty .?:.u num.. We iow :.nd cherish it oU? ii> mnd our shrine, but .we hallow it. ? ?* stand ir. awe of it the scene t Thy special activity, the instrur.:.-.: of Tiiy holy uurpo-e. it> vi-;>'r. never pas. may *."?? jclou'i.- that hajig ovc: :t be di.-pe. < i by tit1 . 'ear -shining "f ti.e sur. "f jrightei uri'.ess and i? .may dream of freedom w:tr. f 'litem. ly e r?.ali/.?-.: here, even her.- upon t:ie.-e [ shares. Mav we say. with full hearts, each "i: