: __ ?"/ ? - uNSLEY COMPANY HAS GOOD MONTH Real estate hits beeo.aotive enoujrh ? 'tu-trh the oftuv of -J. .H. rinsh'y Seat; Company for Juno, ?vhv-i* is. the ;uonth of this new n.Tiiv. Duvitijr the. month sewn ? <v;i: :: wi-jji throiurh this tirni, *?/> *? of rUn: already r?vj>orti'<!. the i-sUSfest bemjf >hc Stt\vrst?:eu- Ash 'V ? : h lot t'oi S'J&OOCI, The tot:?l of . tr:in>aoti?vtiv runs.. :iroiirj,t $?>?),? >ut( if oronert y wintft cftu.n>:?'d : ;? *J:; M. ' ' R JI. *?'. who ?. ?? ? i.Tt ? ' S* i ihf .?wSif. ?*;?!?' ? . jiiah^ tract of -l9.\9-l-0 ? a? r? s on Cfev \*S Xiiitii Bt'. vai.i. ruiirinr 'V. fX'-i t hi': riiilrwii't i'<; HT'-JS ? >\ V ? >. .. h i* ? v !????? !, />?>?.? '.-hi. -a "f. ; i :i'-o v-.r ?? -.hhj'riwny .with . a - vu-ff ; ? <? I ? \ t.-"! < ? '???.'*. iif.- ;? ? ' hiirh-vhiss re<v?Ienet' ? ;i? i ? i :i i??>i ????' v'. ... ,v\ ; :V ;i . ??!>!al'! Jaiv.c .vvi.r'h Mr. r: i '. -vf' "Viv. ?7;* ; ' ? tr :>?l v ? v :>r.J !*:.!?'?*.? rur*i;v\:. \W$?i ? w elJ -k:.i>v\ ?; hero ji -r I who had part in the Caesar's Head I construction. Both these men with their families will perhaps spend the summer in Brevard, the former al ready being here. "The outlook for a jrood active summer, was never better.' 'said one ??>f this firm. "(>sir pvndi deal - iiiid' real prosper';-. iiVdicuiv- .thai/ y' ;>f the' K tenia tr.ulv ;. <? eou?'n<r here.: ?!i 1. intv n-st m ;fet tract - ? ire .water novwrs. Vaum had , ?nvouituiiu Hmkic-s :< jU!U kyen.'' M.f. ?Thisley. w :!<<>"?? i>! t-J .-liters ?.?f . a !.UM). acre* . t ;.?i ?.v!-.-tije K:-tL ?. t, -:!?'?? M- ??:?!?? and | . > :u't INia . La rut-' tVwpnny.- h ; iniii 'atior; <?>?' ji^iy H?* '? ' ? t;i- 1 ? ? '. : : TJv's deal , did tun. vT-<\ ? . y ' ?tT iv.'. ? ' . ''.I A LEVEL-HEADED STATEMENT j ' ' ?tjmm ? address v Hich deal*' 1 with yar iMis MvMtMn- ?.?titvr .??!)?? ? lunjtter iml.u tr\ the peri.H'tiiativ: ->1 mi : timbiJr supply and conservation j or. ?>ur wauir.rd resouro-s. Joljn W.| 'B: . nta?V a", fcev 'note' stat'eriieW . ppr^'l-re.'-Tr*'.;:?; <?ur. wlt/de-. ?" J ..y Verbal/ and. i ':d'J- A ? i.i j- u re ' ? K h*:'>}i:W: ' v , ? ' j Speck! Notxe Cj^3>rv JWCj -*^n.jaegur-V w ad? iat? Bff^ytTtovu'#' ***^ r-v.;.-- 1 ? ?:v> f.~';> ch".4 .v.- cor!d jjjfct ft any lo cation; is 3rw^;'c tci$ Suborner that was s~.l:s factory, wc are going to. offer vou the privilege cf hi: . :- Fyrniture at Spartanburg' ? prices, EREJGHT PREPAID to 3revard, N. C.. & i aU ^uttfWx to Lake Toxaway, NOTfc PRICES : " BELOW? - 2- Inch oost, 3-olece Metal Beds, 7-8 fillers, W isii Bone Springs ?t $Io.CJ. The sanrv- Bed as above except small liners tor ? i 512.75. -'i-p T.r..r: Ccf ~n Mattress, fui! . wri "i ick, ? ?'? ss.so: . ?" ?/.;? V%'ish n ; ? ?*' ,S?ringi, for Iron Beds, ; $5.75, ' ' . ' ? /. //:. V ' ? High B~se Oak rers, 3 Drawers, .20x24 ?Plate M?r;*or $?>50' Low BaiO D;e. ser. 2 Drawers, IS::30 Plate Mirror, $17.50. " 5-piece Mahoganv Finish, Chase Leather Par lor Suites, $38.50. vlap'e Chairs, Double Cane Seat, $1.G0 with other goods only. ALL T-:E A30VF GOODS ARE NEW AND FIRST CLASS We mak. a specialty of furnishing Hotels and 3oarding Houses at special prices, and DO NOT advertise what we haven't got. The Furniture Exchange 137 MAGNOLIA ST; ? PHONE 507 Sps.lanturg, S, 0, ArfiiiirKilpatrick and W. 0. Templeton i ' The urgent need today is for a uni fied, comprehensive, and consistent public policy toward our natural re sources. Such a policy must repre sent both the Federal government arid the States, and should be formul ated in cooperation with the best thought of the .iitdustrics enig^riti ii: their utilization, These urdiistriv .should no: h. prevented or h.imp> ?T'e*- . by unsoutvd interpretation or by un^ wise application of the la as gmvrh irig business organizations. The trouble today is in the application of these Jaws to an industry; the invest igation is usually made by nun of m knowledge of the genera'!. conditions which may make . ni'i>nop.ly' in that in dustry an. litter iriipo ssrbility. - ii '? i ..i? . I >J\v N LUJ; LD^R At:r:< ul: ur. . s-.iid Herbert. Hoove.-, the other da\ . is a bi tier tow builder th.'tr industry.' The rein:v' 'is- "?*'-??*? -'ihat <li'V"-i'v?'s n;ore ihaiv-pa. ? i >.* notice.- The chamber oi com merce in nine ou'. Of every ten ; w ? . . .f. i iii 1 "liited &;aie; houJd" haVt Jiis ? \ e i'\ fai t drilled into iik'ir systems. ?' r majority of the American t ? \\ fiS which.' ri'?w are staining their SU>peti?le-rs it: an effort, to pull fac te r:i^s in in -T diiet lioii will make ;.. >ie iiea:'" lit'.:! pi-ogres- 'if. they fo.r fet the factories and extend a coopeiv :'.at.:ye hand to the farmer, . 'i'^frivul^ire: is th.v Ve.; \i>on- of lht ' vrage ' striall town, bat tin- ' 'vi '. a?e ' i' . i .1 1 lie* ( I to forget. this : %L They.\taFu>v uiuk V :;lii n't'. . ..? Lf^gi -i. - ' ! t0X ''.^o:irw; ;; >> g-ertoWn ah.i .thai' bitnei;. of t>. r ?tfoii!d ;;-plve ti. -ir : roll! Ti.' goodwill aiid the- wri'de-hearled .-u. ? l-iVrt 'IfP. \hv thilit'' .*?. ? * ? :?.< it* ti "i 't arc va>'t|; i.ove ?i - ;.n?e. t han .factories for ihw '? ave-rajfc . t ':is y"<?>)4'-? i! ::ri.d this U.'-i , i'i?nt will- !.i; , um'e u j invited, -The boosting of a vo.mnyn agriculture v. ill -he bread- va^t it'p I.i. i;Ve. W.:ie:-J4. ? Th'.; tow:; \vVt; : ? ???res.-.' wUF.-t::' b\" !<-.'}}::?? yt.su?k? . ( . , t'ot ton, . ?.... TIME TO TAKE STOCK i'e'iodicaily the managers of every ;Hiiv4'.<>f ul business . umst check their -I :t- al.d their lmbiities to k.ioW I .where the. stand. W hat is good - ? ?for a business i.~ in>y?-j !-??? a goveri. i nient. * ?- * 5 . " -l.^ivatv- busir.fsv miist ;'Ooi>-;ai> be mi. the alert to prevent ba<i ac . vou.'.it.- ai'\ uri? fllatihg' uV: . its iioo.ks. Failure ; >? tfo till- (:a.-. vvivr'ked i;:ariy b V 'J'.!, f.iviiiir- I'ljiiUiijons; ' Ti;- peu'pje :of this vouixtry ?ma.-t be ? liliger.:. to keep bad at founts till advise.. legislation, exorbitant ta\ ntioi:. rubi:c offieials arui legislator? VVi'tSi hid/fa!.- :in<l vi-i..::aiy ...J'-.isi from ele.'rgfiig "i de~'t:-nyin? 'he tna : .:bjr-:-y of . eoVei nniei'i. .lust a .ui.jj . jlt'tiS'' ivil .A'rn'k a business, >* * w:l!.'e\'.>rtt)tatr, ;:i\at:"ri. radical 1 < - lt ! - latK?n ;;iid unbalance i j 'iblu officials }Wrex'k vevn metvt. . . . It is wvli. to Tak- -;'?c'k of ...iirsclv six month- afrvr the last pK-sid^ntial flection. Excitement of the political [canipaiVh pa-sed ;u:.! all new pub I'.hV t'ieials .ire iii office; The nation Never Before a Value Like This The Super-Six principle exclu sive to Hudson and Essex, is responsible for the largest sell ing f>-cylindcr cars in the world* because it gives results in smooth, brilliant action, reli ability and economy never attained by any other type. This Essex, in all ways, is the finest ever built- Easier riding and driving, more flexible in performance, handsomer in line and finish, it is also lower in price than ever before. ESSE X C O AC H $850 Freight and Tux Extra HUDSON -ESSEX WORLD'S LARGEST SELLING 6-CYLINDER CARS < McCRARY MOTOR CO. has actually settled down to the first normal period of activity since the first gun was fired in the World War eleven years ago. We have what every other nation in the world is striving to secure, namely, sound domestic and financial condition under a stable form of government. Yet we have in this nation today, public >lFici;i!s, teachers and profes; ional levtunns who would, if they "md. u.nbnn.nc the basis . .. b Ave- an- operating a'iif substitute .n its. place ?)bstruc.tive- and dt -true u v, nb-as. which have d.. troyed the stability, safety: and progress of some of the world.; leading nations. That the people of this nation d< ? w t>* m i any t*xpeHj:iei?::I.pri> r.?m -d 'W:t.? njadc \?- "* y t-yi ? ?' it tlir i-a J elation. '!' l( the Work if silt- agitator 'never ct-a.-es. Ib-nce, >ur public officials and private f t tzeiis-, must be ever on their gmnd t-. pre "it liabilities ac; umubiting i:i ? he atfjt'irs of our-g oernment ju t the managers of private . b.u.-i:ic.-.- ifX^ constantly *>? their .guard t<. pre . en liabilities creeping into the affairs <>f private enterprise. What a- "-great thing it Woui i be ifi ? when oiir national GbngteiS ,v?o. venes, it would devote itself m^ve lar-i-ly >n the affairs of gotvrn-i. \'i i>-.- t.iiL' a f fails of j : . W .. - : Zens and private business .than it | has .during re?<-nt year.-. ? i. Never lii fi>rc v ??! he ' * i : i "<?*?'' St.itei lias the 1 a ! ? ? ? ? In ? i in such h beidiiiv condition. Hour.- an reasonable' and wages are good. We have -I ?gi-dation coVe.iiog pract ically every phase of bu-.n ess activ ity. The Vorkman i- protei U !. The public is prdtect' d. Industries arc protected fmm unfair compeli t io ii. lUibor and capital ;are. actually ' working in close harmony-, and work men through the pun-has.' < f the stocks and securities of the indust ries which employ them are sharing in th<- profits or i?>sses of such enter . prises. ?' ? Who is to l>e benifited by any 'pfog'uin which would tend t" .lnsi'l tle such a satisfactory status? The people of this '.nation, as a u: libuld demand that government : :n -> be |H-rmitted to continue i.aloijg. af.i- Sane and nbrtnol lin1-^ j witliou- tlu- disturbing influence ?>f ! urie.ilJed (or- experimental mea-uiv i and ,.p> ! : -it s which if n<i Iti destroy -v-rfect balance whi- h this coun . ? -is maintaLninur today .in.it.s iK' i : r<datinns. ' An inventory of our national af fairs will show that we are in a sound condition and with proper manage ment we should continue in th< same situation for ail indefinite period into the future. .NOTICE OF SUMMONS BY PUB LIGATION NORTH CAROLINA, TRANSYLVANIA COUNTY. IN THE SUPERIOR COURT, BE FORE THE CLERK i>, E. Greenwood, v*. I rank Maclccy, Henry Marl.cy, .^.obi rt L Slilc; \ al. The defendants, Frank .Mai::;"; Henry Mai ki y and Robert [,. S; ahavc* i!iJi?ed will take ;t. Special -PrM'.ecWlin^ a.- above i n.. . . ha.* been instituted in the Sui t . 1 ourt of Transylvania Couaty fcpr. the iar;io e of llinir ???* rt real t -:v< i?- ~i r-. }.???! ivthe ;r ' j Uy d ,-i t": r:s ':*!USi;., >? which' real >? tate the plaint iff ?111,1 l'r.e d<.-fend:;a; :.re ' in i-ri>iini<)ii. 1 he defendants will further take notioc th.-.i ;h -y re required !?? ?p pear at the office of the Clerk of the Superior Court of Transylvania County, N. C., on the 25th day of .July, 1925, at 10 o'clock a.m. ami then and there answer or demur to the complaint of the plaintiff, or tin relief demanded in the complaint or petition will be granted. N. A. Ml LI. Kit, Clerk <>f the Superior ' ourt. ? Tr:in#.ylya::ia County, N. ' . Tni> June 1 1: h. 1!>25. ?lie ft--'/, i ?- 1 :> I'r-iperly fi* 1 j#'jl l?-* will more than ; t.v f<.r th>- ? t.?* iikI extra feed by greater etrg {?"??(i'jrtion next winter. ?y poultry ??if'ensiuf! worker.-. '? ' aiili is the one bi*.' j; liiiii. a:nl i ft:. pr< ion. ay I. Ve -to. k Wirki : of the Stale <"olle?re f\*e, on. ?li vi^iin. The ban., ca. ati'i all u'en.-ils used in handling nir' .-.nd (" an! -hould be clean ;f rh- bt ; . ' ;iii is * ? i h.- produced Keep V'liir drinking water dean and pule by building a concrete Well curb ar.'i platform. AUDITOR] TM S vn HDAV .ilLV^Ith. J \\]\yr\WW\ tl R WOOD'S. ! WiOl > j I. ?HARKK: SOIS oi KAZAN v. n ii \M'i \ >TI \\ ARD \M) DON ALD Ki;i i I I - A tMjifipjj ku>ry <>i' tHe ro ? mance of a girl ream! i: } ? among u.t- v::st f < t s an ( l s n i > v; e o v e i ? t < i { 1 1 ; ti } ; s cf i ';<? n/>rt 1 . A l;'.- nc-vo tiow ah'i a !>ijr man'.s: V>ve. ( nMKin: COTTON " <111 >Vj S: ? \T 1:00. 2: ! ">. 1 7 \\l) 9 ADMISSION: ' ( > A: : ( K N TS "in YOUR DEPARTMENT STORE USE IT" 3rd.-- Anniversary Sale- 3rd. SPECIALS 1 BEDIMING !0C YD. 2 WORK SHIRTS 49CEA. 3 BATHING SUITS 89c EA. 4 LADIES' SILK HOSE 29c PR. 5 LADIES' SPRING COATS 1-2 PRICE 6 LADiES' LOW SHOES $1.00 PR. 7 SUITCASES 98? EA. 8 CURTAIN SCRIM 5CYD. 9 GINGHAM 10' YD. 10 MEN'S DRESS SKIRTS 5SC5A. 11 ALARM OOCKS 95CEA. 12 REMNANT BUNDLES 79? EA. Open July

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