W E L CO M E South Carolina Press Association BREVARD The Mecca Of Tourists vol. xxx THURSDAY, JULY 9, 1925 No. 28 South Carolina Press Association Convenes Here i FARM NEWS By L. A. AMMON tiood rains with a minimum ot dsniatt? ? f-iwiH wind a-nd hail inftkv> the crops look good and a t?rua?i. ~ : l i : 1 * acii OSS in." tarmei s. ,faces. Farmers :rom tStaer t'uuiuu- ami utat'i' States. Souaw.' :^c?i to u-v? llUlt. Wi' ? liiiVt* ? iH tti liWttt'tl in way or other by the ToWers that be, in - mat we\ naw sucn m?v.. crop.-. When told that we have t>e<n Very short- Vm '-am tiiey -V.ui naruiy be heVe it, ?s-'.our Vrops do not show it half *o hJUth as other pin ts. There must 'W some reason. the weatt.c r mhr:.>eiuym nas any pet, ?yv*. ? h? ? U ;i> 1 i : it, wa> that thv ?a:i> >Prill?' \irv. porm.t * :., ie .w^rK trvati uai, ami c.-i :-.^ v?s -mm* . . ^ jt'XUU ?J I seed beds. -/A Wcoibl n :s tnat^ l'iy weather n.is .feet* eiu^a .to ie< ^eedtf. but with, t?e ?oo<i Uva"e?o.ttv,n. ?t.a.h-;tO>vep us./.^J "'?YsS .a ;?:.???? ?S ? tnat. yi--u?'J ^jruUHu l'k. ? w. itte '""V V ' :ne ^ uuU: '.ai> .:..v o 'A'-'-u ' -o. U.y . tft* ?aU-i :ew:. ;:i .Uiv vaii-ey. ^ :oi.ai'.y i:e.u v??r ioo d u*Jr?V.c?: y . " jrougn.t. ? Tne V. II.. M'lxseii. Js*>-u *.-? vhiu-i.sC.v.. &* tu; -ne :?i;- tiAii '.?.? ? tne s u>e $ kifJ- Vl<] U-oK ,o\e. C.x.wa -"vcti .iiv ilf fast, - ami- vyU ? ar.v go?-*>: large qua. p?ea.-e. ^ ":u. u,:-;v '.o; u.w-v . . v. ;,t" \\ iv.iv 'biVAViJ l Jit'.; C.fcKlT. >.?>.> a?! vv l|uv .-orn down and j.tvvei;-.tn^ ? \. fof&ttg v.".sio .-iow ,as .rVse:.: V ? ?C?#' \wUid *"1 ?>ee:<i iA'e.i -. ' ; So|Vi?;V<0!-P''avi tHrOail.-. ? ;v A^e.nt ?lU.: A'il" -m'escV alio . sa-.c ..I: V'd.'Wj '.v;ii hia-.: 'ttiv letti ^ oii -"M ;^..r yo.u. . will .>?*.e i?w?t Uis" -My '.':,u^ -uch. . - 'i hv.v; " >hHV]Hi!ir w\ioi. jh i^r'i -? m - ** c| ?;m :,e made . ai.?vs> > I ? tiioA? ;-h . uisc. .[itijAbCiriioyii .i'o-op "? ; -ueh <r in?j wju-re they, caiij ,<ee.S lisiiV the pnce>. : UV- l. .-. . .. ii.t :- al ??>.?- xatJ an be done, mil so iulij l uunty A_'i : i has to i!o V ie can >"l ' .at.e many dehrJ ?S suk ... .::. a i.- have no rej ~yst^?h? The \ "aiity, Agent has nl ' .r?:M'de :u*?. the Ma'rr ef r.is nv-w witise <>n the sUin ad ?' ?' a.: sd tap wft. J ?not i? y. t, ? ' .\.,'.v - thifc lime t'> hJ trees.' Souie work v\il) bd various. '-par. s oi the t. oun the farmer.-* .the. hiethod usu The whidesale price of -tays at the sa;ue as it is : W , N. ?; marketj "at.; . present.. til- retail friers in A^i.eviiJe is 45 per pound; "-Anytime. ' you want c'hic nie anu I w.ii tv.il you who The turnover of real esl b"ij; topic ?.>' Vaik amonc t^ just now. ami the way th spreading, wv w-.il soon al; pame. Set ms to me that third of the higher mou ha- change : :.;;nds Hurinj yeiur, inciU.hn^ -.yhat ha the Reserv.it ion.. Mr.! Li-wit. the mar| -writes me i h- it at>.>ut the the month hX^will have v a plan that he'.' thinks wil f , r our poultry growers suier. As soon "as this is ; injr will oe called. a mm.? BAND GIVES CONCER T The Municipal Band ren- ?;.-vi i most enjoyable qoncert SitTirda evening, initiating the hew* '.-'barii stand. The boys surpasses; the' ? ei-ves ? in previous -cnterta ?n. ; * w ".h tKi-ir excellent se'vetio - EIGHT CAMPS OPEN ENROIiING OVER ONE THOUSAND DIRECTORS EXPECT FINEST SEASON IN HISTORY The- various camps situated in the ? immediate vicinity Of Brevaru haw all :<?|M rved for the 1825 season, with aprcxinvateiy i.iUHi campers in at tendance. The iarj,-v?t numbers are from Southern States, though all sec tions of the country are represented and sonic from foreign countries are imiijij: Uie vast throng of hoys and cainps were complete ^jd _ opened July 2. *?? u approximately 8<? trials. The > directors are Mrs. F. 0. Mc n and .Miss Fannie Holt. Key e, is the pioiK-er girl > camp in vanl. now pnteriojr upon its tenth ?' M>n. A commodious gymn^smns. recreation building* has bctn re tly constructed', and other im " ?ve;ne:;ts made, 'o- fit the camp df nds year "by ar. The councilors (Contiued on Editorial Page) ONE HUNDRED PALMETTO Q PUBLISHERS ARRIVE FOR THREE DAY MEET Carolinas' Press Bodies Meet Jointly Thurs. The South Carolina Press Asso ciation, one hundred stronjr. repre senting the leading newspapers of the Palmetto State, and headed by J. Rion McKissick. editor an<l pub lisher of the Greenville Piedmont, arrived in Brevard Wednesday after noon for the annual convent ion of the association, which will come to a close here Friday morninjr. This is the first time in the history of the association, that it has held its convention outside of South Car olina,. , On Thursday, at 11:3(1 o'clock, the members of the North Carolina Press Association, in convention at AsheVille, will arrive in Brevard for a joint session in Erevan! There will be approximately one hundr >d North Carolina delejiates at the meeting-. The CKa Tiber of (Vmnicrcc ha arramred a delightful and impr^siv-" program of entertainment for the visitors, the ..first event of whi.-h will lVe .a barbecue tendered the delegates wt Glenn Cannon Falls on Wednes day afternoon. A . dance at :b ? JKnmklin Hotel, to be given by th hotel- nianairemorn. will be the cl?>; - in event of Wednesday. On Thurs day the a. -i/'.'ition will hold a bus* ine,<s meeting durintf- the forenoon, and at 1!':.'?0, o'clock will hold th joint session with the North -Carolina Pre- ; . - , ' . ' WALHALLA CONCERT BAND ME .'ING AT R^ASONOVER Canip Reasonover. th? recently es tablished camp at Cedii? M-ppntaiij. is the encampment place, t i> week' for the Walh.dly Concert Bjjj.'ld. The Camp i.- ow'ne."; by. the .Victor - Moiiaghan Co. -of Greenville, and is ir. charge of ?). I.. Courlev. Kadi week a different group coincs to can) p. The operatives from the Apalache. Mill af (Iieer. S. t'.. were the fir-r to coine to Reasonov .-. Governor Spends Week In Western N. Carolina (By M. L. SillPMAN) Kaleigh, July ii. ? The throe-tor o, (Statu affairs has been taking to var ious organizations meeting in Ashe vijtt' during the week and has en gagements to address the Newspaper Publishers Association and the North Carolina Press Association in the same city this week. Bui his ab sence from the capita! an,! . has not hunk-red the progress ol an- - ministration affairs. The vacation period has taken some departmental heads and many State employee out of the city. Inn there is "no le or hindrance" in the sale of special license or the collection of speciai taxes. Governor Doughten will tell you that if you ask him. The State's new fiscal policy be gan to operate on Wednesday, July 1. The system involves an executive budget law, a budgetary accounting system and a daily deposit law. 1: gives the Gov Thor power to exam ine under uaih a..y ofTit ?-r or head of any department or institution, and any clerk >r employee a.::?l re quires (iepartm tits and institution. to live Within lii-Mr incomes-. The law provides for an assistant to the > ? " Governor. or. director <?f the budget. The .chairmen of the House and .'Senate 'commit' v ; oh fihahce ami appropriations and two other .persons appointed by the (iovenior believes the new system will be popular when it is better ,un<ie!*stood, > * "'Th' t? .- S enVi" A nniiai r~ if^e^>tjinjr ..of ..the' 'St-aie !'o:j;-i: of Agriculture will be l,i!d , i:i the. office of ( ?ommisisi.mT C^fti'.afn ?beg.ilj'hittg-.oti: W.dtie day o' this u< ek. The neu members oi the: Board appointed l>y G over no .' .Md.ea ir ::VV- K. til ? v.e j: Robei >'or . ? if Buneamhe. .??a'",i.eedire Mrs Ei'jitly Ya.nderi ilt ; '!". J. Finch, of Randolph, succeed ;'-hg C. Wright, of W dice F. 1*. Latham and I'r. c larence Poe v.erc h-appoimeill It is announce'^ that the principal busin.-s w.ll be consideration' of the budget for the new fiscal year, .V. number of livid agent- will be appointed, but fe\v (Ccntinued on Editorial Page) f i LtrL-i Or ' S C?J ^ ^ Z itLLi SHOW LARGE li The increased activity in v . ? tale transfer.- i> wry clearly ,-ti > w r: in the increased number oi sales re corded in June over, the previous liionth. I'. E. Lance and wife to W. E. Breese, ?>!' 1-li acres 011 H oy;.- ?<! Creek. ?J. X- Henderson and wife to Daisy Henderson. l.'J 1-2 acres in Boyd township. E. .1. Ewbank ami .wife to Roland Owen. 48 acres in Dunn's Ruck township. ,? R. E. Lawrence to Roland Ow^i:, 100 acres in Dunn's Rock township, f Frank D. Clement to J. S.' Silver steen and T . H. Shipman. lot on Main street. J. W. Cobble to W. E. Shipman and Thos. II. Shipman, lot on West Main street X. A. Miller and wife to I.. C. ChappelL of Fla., 3 lots adjoining lands of J. L. Bell. Dunn's Rock Building Co.. to T. p. Allen and wife and S.'E. Green wood. tract of land on Broad -street. J. J. Minor's corner. Thos. H. Shipman and wife to Lewis P. Hamlin, tract in County. J. W. Brooks to L. G. Chapjxd!. of Fla., tract adjoining W: H. Grogan. A. 0. Kitchen and wife to J. \V? Glazener and wife and W. E. Ship man and wife, 7 acres in Eastfltoe township. J ..S. Allison to Thos. S. Woo I Jr., tract adjoining H. N. Carrier. R. E. Aiken and wife ami R. S. Allison and wife to Thos. S. Wood, Jr., tract in Dunn's Rock township. Milton Allison rind wife to Thos. S. Wood. Jr.. tract adjoininv >1. X. Carrier.. J. K. Ock'-bnai) arid' wife to .1. A. Glazener ami wife, lol betu.e. JJ'r aadnd Cod.icshnl shrdlu tmfvvy. Broad and Caldwell .streets. A 0; Galloway* to J. li. Galloway, tract adjoipinjj Whitmire Motor Co. T. S. Wood and wife to Tlulnia U Fisher. 100 acres adjoining H. N. farrier. J. E. Clayton and wife to V. J. McCrary .and T. II. Case, tract on -\. Caldwell street. T. H. Galloway and wife to New ton L. Heath, tract adjoining T. F. Man- and Hawkins. Laura J. Wilson to W. R. Wilson, il 00. acres >n County. T. S. McKinna to U. A. Gray, tract A. E. I.y.iay. W. F. Garren and wife to S. M. Macfie, tract adjoining R. P.Kil patrick on Railroad street. L. M. Kuykendall to E. S. Eng Jis:h, 1). L. English, Lewis I'. Hamlin and J. S. Nicholson, two tracts on Cat hey V Creek. S. ('. Morris and wife to L). R. Jtoof. <f Florida, two tracts i:? Dunn's Ruck Township. C. E. 1 .a nee t" J- W. Burns, tract Clvde Jones and wife to W. P. Kimscv. tract in Eastatoe town ship. J. E. Glafccner to J. E. I.oftis. acres. D. I . English, trustee, to V. A. Gray, tract in Boyd township. 11. L. Wilson ai d wife to- Ralph Fisher utV> I G. H. I'axtoii, .1-0 interest in >!t lir.i Building. T. W. Whitmire- and wife and John O'Doinel! to T. B. Allen and John Ev.-banks. trad at Main and Gaston streets. TOURISTS FROM ALL j PARTS OF GLOBE ARRIVING DAILY HOTELS REPORT MORE GUESTS IN E. REVARD THAN AT THIS TIME IN PREVIOUS YEARS Accojdinjr to the register of the Chamber of Commerce and repor cominir in from hotels and tin* v.-: rious boarding houses, the sun inn-, influx of visitors is rapidly arriving. Tho host of strange fares on th. streets in another self-evident fact of the increased population. An ui. precedented number of visitors is decidedly in evidence for this time 111 ti?c SeuSol). a.*, noted from practically every South ern State, as well as many from th north and east, and even Cuba, and South Africa are represented b. dist i n;ru ished quests. We;\.-rn North Carolina could an-i would become the mecca for thou. ands of wealthy Cubans. if thi section were known in that island, according to (i. A. Tonieu, wealthy lawyer, and professor of law at the University of Mavanna, who i Spending sonk weeks at tin !? rank Jin Hotel. ..i Hrevard. 1" or years i have been going t Xptliorn .\o\\ t ot?k ami New rhiji.a.i . resorts in tin- summer. * said .Mr. Tonu u. ".Kit this year a teacher a private school in Havana told my joung ?..-:ou about ' t:..- Wonderful summer camps to be found arouau Hrevard, so 1 canu here; . 1 this st rtiori of ihe o.ui.i, , lightful. ano 1 am -ure tha; a' Cu bans kin w about W estern Noi\. ji aii.ima. tiii?e ?>t* k jj', ? l.v:: _ y would come here by th- th-. . in the suinm, r: \Y . N..r;i i t .. ? olina is so jsraVn e;. .e'r ana .iiiu'r. pleasant to reach than imrthi-rn at. eastern resort points, and 1 find scener\ and fi'tnati- j ,c. ;; pivt.: aide to that of other ;>iac? > tilt: States which 1 have visited:' Mr. To me u :va.- sent a <]Ua!itii of \\ estel n .M-hn < ':u <.:.i!a lilt l.il:.. to his friend- in Havana; and u.'-v . that \\ ester: i North- ?? at j>o.. ... advertise in. i uhit t>?r next scarou. .Mr. I onieu is accomparied by .-.i : . '1 onieti. their s .? .'.'and .Vliss Estniia l.amar. ail. ul Havana. An<i.iK-r ??. - .a^ui.-iK i our midst i.? Mt>. Sam wai./i. 1 al'e loWX Sou.i: AtVua. w?o ? .. I i % ? 1 1 1 St . v. i I.. 4VcCA*j ?lv Lii-' i\ . g a . ,t.: l , :iri .?? . ^ .w.\i xyiis : >! a nuiiiVci/ ??. ii V JJj .VI v.' a. ?? ,.i. . flvl iiuit i li) ?v Ui.Mi n.. ? i i n xt.. lu.-ieed 'jv-ar- mic nas :Kei. ... this country since .\o\vii.:., and spent the greau-r. jiiiri oj umii ju.w lur molncr ;n i eie?.-.#ur}r, i a, X:>. Waish tf,. pi esse.- ihtmmi a.- uelijrnicd wiiu this section ol the coum0 and .v... lea, an ? Ul v;t|iiuj io: tlille; -Hr. Walsh foreign i cprc.-c... ti\e tor ihoi?i?s Kaomsuj, j,. >,u: i-id., 0f hntiaii.i, blUMers ..i iiou and Woo. 4 .vo.-.i... ^.a^.o. rv' ile rej.resint, uos iw.i. ,n ApuJ, i'ldia. opain an : .vi.xub. Air. and . .Mis. .... ;,S. U, ",J^'?'^.y hi tile Nigeria, one ,L,.^uiL-r i.;. . land, and their vdun^t si .-.i?n,' .. i. ?'I six years, is m Brev'aro witn his mother. Mr. ju>|| (| wife ami voun^ son in this c?unti.. at some future date. Bre\ard has also been hij;h!>. hon ored the past week in having num bered on its jruest list :i,e name o. Dr. Howard Kelly, oi liainmoie. a s>urjre^n of world-wide reputation, an author of standard works in /ur jfety and medicine, ami of nundini. oj articles in inedical j. uinais. Ai: a brilliant carter as , i*nessu: ,>; Gynecoiopy at Johns flopKias 1 . \er.- ty, he is givijjjf . special research while . oii.in:;-!:- : Emeritus rro/essor a Woiins iJo}>ki... and c> nductiii^r his personal prac tice. With many oh'ic ai and tut:: t.:u}:y c.<>::neete t a:,.. . ..4, seVetai aniversit es, Keilv iiv.. bie'n honored by scitutiiic socrcttv. throughout the eiviiitied worM. is an authority <ju ir.ci.jiii, and a;i ardent ai.d enthusinstii; student of the theoiy of ev ;lu;:or.. He has studied THE PRAYER CORNER AMERICA, THE HOPE OF THE WORLD "We, here in America," said '-'-e of our srrcat I'n i<l< ?. i , ii hands the hupc uf the world, tr;e fate of the coming year.-. A:i<J shame and disgrace will i>r our f in our eyes the li^ht of his resolve is dimmed, if we trail in the dust, the golden hopes of men. if on this new continent we merely hu;!.d another country" of , jrreat but ur; justly divided materia! prosperity, we shail have done nothing, and w? shall do little, it we .-hall mvr? y set the greed of envy against ? ???t greed of arrogance, and therebj stroy the well Oeinir of all of u.-. T i turn this government either ? government by a piuio?"ra?:y or <o ernment by a moh. wouli! he to re peat on a la ore scale. the iamentabl** failures of the world that is ?ie:;d.'' We stan. I against all tyranny by the few or by the i atr. \V. ;, J for the rule ??of the mai.y in the .n terest of all of us. for *he ruie 'f the many in a >pir * o: . o jraf . < f common sense <.r hiyh pur,/?.i- , above all in a spiri; <>f kii.dly jj tice towards e'-cry man ano ? ?.- ? woman. We not :;n rely ; imit. ' - insist that there mu-- b?- .'-If c:,r trol on the part ? f th- people. they must keenly pen-.- : ? ;r duties as well as the riirh:- <>f t: . but We also i: sis' that .h ? pi - can do nothing unle-- tiiey Rut ? ly have.- but exercise 1" ti.e ft: 1 .their own rights. The worth of ouv ?- "???J ment depends upon in r;ir in _'?>? i faith, an experiai- " r ~ t ha- ever !.?-??: ? ? ? .<? <j> ...? ?? racy, '1!1 the -cab- 1< l a euntOK-llt, .o.'j ;i scale as v;:-' a- th ? h.yh----; pil es of the ( ?ld- World. Sure!; is worth while to >>!* ?? ..n !e;. ' ? which it is worth while ;? -atr.: ?? much for our idea! :he rule ? f a!! the people in a spirit of fri- -ms! <? brotherhood toward each and ? ??? ? ry one of the people. PRAYER FOR AMERICA. THE HOPE OF THE WORLD (iud of our f:.'hv ?- bv -vhose V mighty fb::d ott.* rath'-- \v -r ? -d into this gr-.-ajt !??:;<?. ? 1 . .i>, ?? hi ? descendants. to remember that we hold in our hands the hope >'f th* world, the fate of the coining year Lei the light of- hi/;; ?Iv. be dimmed in our ey e.-._r ur the v'" den hope- of ni. trailed ii. ire ilUst. (jive us (Trace build '???: th:> .v continent. a c ur.try w::< i* 1'he Lord. Jiay we stand again?!, all tyranny in t h ? - few or the many, stand- for the rule of the many ii the inter-: -t of al!; f-r the rule <f the many in a spirit of courage. <.t common sense. of high purpose, above all in a - nirit i f khidly justice: tovvanU every man and every wo man. Enable us to insist that there must be self control on the par: of the people, that they must keenly perceive their own dutie.-. as well as the rights of others, never forgetting that we. the people -can do nothing, unless we not merely have, but exer cise to the full, our own rights. Open our eyes to see tint 'he worth of our great experiment de pends upon its being-in good faith, an experiment in true democracy or. the s'-ale of a continent. .>n a scale as vast as the mightiest empires of the Old World. Reveal to us what a noble ideal il is. an idea! for which it is worth while to sv.-ve an idea! for which it is worth while to sacrifice miich. for it is the rr.le of all the people in a spirit of friend liest brotherhood towa.-ds each and ' every one of the poopU*. And unto Thee. God of our fathers and our ! (iod. -hall be all the prai-e throujrh' i Jesus Chris'., our Lord. Amen1-. ? C. D. C. .the Uible by scientific methods, and believes the whole Book, setting fc.r i his authoritative views of same in his recent book. "A Scientific Man And The Bible." Dr. Kelly has returned to Balti more after honoring Brevar i with his presence for several days. He (Coniluej on Editorial Page)

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