THURSDAY, JULY 2, 19Za THE BREVARD NEWS THURSDAY. JULY 9, 1925 Published: ? every Thursday and en tered at iPosJtotfice at Brevard as aetondhrhn matter. W. E. BREESE - ? ? Owner. STARKETTK jj STERLING Editors MISS ALMA TROWBRIDGE News Editor Telchonc*: office, 7; residence, 189 f . . SvBSClUrTH>N tiATEUi-;-i'-. . (Payable in A ivaiice. ) On.- year . $2.0tr S;\ in. rttb<- ? - . . .!..... . . 1.25 T'irtv :uuni:is - . ... .75 Two a:Ont hs ? - - . ... ? ........ . . .GO ADVERTISING KATES: l>:sphi\ . per- column im.h ......30c lii-a?ii: ^ .;.ot:c? si per line ..... 10c V- ant > .>Jcnifi Notices, -? per - \V".riI. '? v' No ? U.aot . 'Ails- taken for less ? ; ,25c. v. ? i .! \r w ' ,s ui;t.i. *u publish let-.' ::i?t to.--.- lOfiii; ?< . matters. '. "J>f ' u.; . st: _ l>?t ? com- j r.-.-Jt . .cat. '-i.s ? !MU>1 !> c accompanied b;> -tJw &. at .uarae-, of. t-h?*:" writer,.. ? .-?? fi! v. .u-:; t.ln-y ant ttt bg .published 1 over a h??isr ?A- piutftet The '-'News.' of.,1 coy: . .. re. ?-s- chv r.iriit ' reject | .??: y a ft- offered 'for the- Voice of ) . People.- v -. ; ?/ \j ?WELCOME, FOURTH ESTATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA ? ? ' 1 ? > t he ??membyrs-.o't- South C ar- ' :i'%l Press A^sociarh'ti i'u conve'n Lo? . a'?semb1i-d " a'T ? Bvwar': . 1 he : w-s .vjj bfhal.1 ol *('.?- ;**nt;re cit i'ien- j s'iin of this. Community ... etfteinls ^ a 1 :ii Wr'diiii/iind .-.inv^re vu lcomi . We "fce.L that .in" honoCIJliP; Ure vani :ir.c -T n?.nsylv?Ht>ia '? ?.*-*?u:*ry> \yil::' their -e.'ioe.- the (lie?:! be;"'.' ?<?'! this -'?]*?-? ? ?? ''.^u^shed . body ria've v\hii>ited- eS tvlieT.t. taste .ahd'" >!&#"? ' ? ::t. The beaut es anil attractive-. ? -- ?t* this section are amply dis . vv>i on cv ery ? side, therefore. of these things wc feei it. is not. '.'neves- -, . ??.'ry to speak- .. \\ c fee: also that the-, w.-ivotne extended to -.the numbers of this .Association expresses in. no rl;?>ree the genuihe pleasure' .whin- the citizens .jf Brevard feel .(. oK'teriatrt .tie ;he rneinbers. of- the. Estnt<- of South, t'aroliha. ;-Nvt in'itny- yt?;ir:-', . we. think, has thi.- voiiiJiHumty been -host to a more .distinguished body of public . .st*r '*Utsts;'-'-iieVer',.- we. art* sure, has the. ?<omjy,Unf;y Ibweti triOre sincerely jrladi t<- v.flconie dity body "f;. visitor?. " The fsu-.t that the South Carulina t'tes- A>-oviatioh has crossed the St.,:.- V?i>undary into North Carolina i -U'H; its . convention, argUes well t'j.:' ;he /.cord.iyi Te?.-hui: ??I >roodrWil{ ' iVh-K h exists by-t wi t -he irrand . old . >.T.?rih State and- 'her s,ster common v ealth- to . tiie Soiith. . North and c\oyth Carolina have marched hand hand fur n? ore; thai* 200 years, i cr yon.S ' ligiicir.t: -nie by side .w;.th: u;.stiniruishe.i' gallantry on every ? ? . J. ? ? .. ? / ? :? ?: American battle lieLl froin the ram- J paV't-Voi t^ueOec the sands of lieoi^ia, the eloquc-nt wi.-uom of her -.iaiesTineu rtsuunoi;.^ j?v- brotherly 'accord frum the halls of CohjfressV ?' ?bf vBajnmjg the sante .-pirit of. free- ' . doin and the same ? ideals of Godly ami unselnsh -' which are i equally by the citizens of thi'.se two sovereign Stapes.. '? X he- history of South Carolina,, as iuvil as the history <.?!-' North Caro lina. records by no- group or profes- 1 .-ion >f men more listiniraished pub he service than that, which, has been j rendered by the members of the! Fourth . Estate. in every crisis of j -Community and political life in the commonwealth, the n.embers of this association and their predecessors m editorial chairs Lav'e stood four ? : . j* ' /' M * i fcjuare for 'honor and faith ami a; - . f> ? ?? : ? . - - ? : j - ? '. | sure intent.' Therefore, in' welcoming the del- i v-sate- and members of the South Carolina Press Association . to Bre- , " ? . I yard, Tlie New's tee is that it speaks; fox- the citizens of this community and for the press of North Carolina when it extends to these gentlemen and their ladies the right hand of fellowship and a hearty wis^ for a moit su.---es.sf a! convention. GOVERNOR SPENDS WEEK IN WESTERN N. CAROLINA (Continued from Page One) changes in them is expected. B. X. Duke, tobacco magnate, gives $1-5.000. to the North Carolina Orthopedic Hospital at Gastonia for the erection of a ward ? for negro hildren. Mrs. Kate Burr Johnson. Commissioner of Public Welfaio. who took the matter up with Mr. Duke in person says that the amount voVured is sufficient to er*ct a 1:0-. U-d ward ami operate it until the ie.xl. (??;:: *ral Assembly c:. > make novisio". ? for. its maintenance. Mr. i>uke is $ brother to J. B. Duke. who: .gently -established" Duke Univer sity over the remains of Trinity Col CoMector of Internal Revenue.. Gil iam C.^om. is authority for the ;tateii < l\t that North Carolina paid (MMi .000 in Federal taxes du? nc -h- ??-ca! ye ..- ended ? June -nth, the collections for last 1 .^.ooo.noo. Mr. 'Iris .m a'- s it cost- h;s office between (i a,:,)* l-J cents per $H'0 to make ?allec-ion*. Also, that t,his ^ a very i , ,w rate; in comparison with the The St;;'" I' "'.irtmi-nt "f Rc',enuo' ? > v. ?;W\.\v:U-ct.ioiv*dufir.^' ihe ^,.,1 war to be jft.-24iV.8- 16.20. \ ntch :.-.proV..nately. $::?0.000 les? -t r. i- .-..?lb ct !<>>.* for the year. , ir is said. Tax collections .rfvi: ' Inc'otVie. ' ?' $::,7*1 <349.2?: i>, :T":. iw :. ? ; schedule V:.'^ * hedule r. fl ?: i ra ? >'?? (for three months! i()T '?< ) lv4 *? : b'.!> ( for three months' bu> permits i on- . lvotith ? .,T:er .'?? ba! i'Ces. -<S.?;:;0.2S, lit : i- !'Usy in the effort'^.. ''"i-Vvtrvtn th- ' pr-'-ei:! size . ??f .the.-, r-aecumulatriir" 'deficit.. Treasurer > ,y :d ,-r our *?' t>* funds ?; v the HI. v- , 1 ? <. .lli ..; V... ,?'.t ? li.' . v. Hi1!. * *? ; ;iy u ivdera of the o Id Cununocfc Mines ? 4 hathuYi. tVuhty-. .report?- for the Department' <rf CaW a::d Printing ?a. blow-out she I. possibly .de fective. powiier.. care) es?i less in no., pro; criy | i:;ir the .-hot;. ' or bla?f are- the -''p'rodabl.- 'causes ?>t the o>.in> d-saster at Coal Glen. May 2 ah. :f a'iiu-3 the li'-'es of miners were sniffed .'.out and 79 children made fatherless. Mr. Hill suggests many *pi ecaUt:-"!!s wh.i ii shouid b'e taken in i.mne operations to prevent accidents. ? vniie the commissioner ventures the -.hat the 'explosion furnishe ,.r. a.v-in-.env t-r tk. e nactment of a v.- ,rkn;an-s coi!ipen.-a;:oi; law for the State. I. M Bailey, assistant to Commis sioner Maxwell. in' the supervision ot ?an- "Blue >!>>" act ha* issued a '.waging .against : ;hc purchase of ?>.hurv> in the- Ford Motor Company of I ."anada wit ho tit thorough investi gate the corp.. ration in question having tailed to respond to the re quest tat the rarities in question hv qualified under the Capital issues l;tw enacted by the General Assem ?tVly of 1925: . D Avtort eys for Jesse \\ vatt. Ka iemi: detective .charjred 'with the kill in- of S. S. Holt. Smithtield attor ? ~v. -w.ral weeks a^'o. made the point of an illegally drawn jury when the ease was called in the \VaK? sUjH-rior court during the week. It developed that the ^rand jury returning the indictment for murder against Wyatt had bee-i drawn by a boy over ten years of aire and Judge Daniel ordered an- 1 ?.ther jury drawn, rather than take chances on a technicality. Solicitor ] ?Ev'a<;- ar.nounces. that the case will surely in- taken up later in the ! imoiith. . ? :j The automobile license bureau ot the Department of Revenue report^ the collection of $10.109'.2;>.J.26 dur ing the fiscal year ended June 30th. Tax on jrasoline, $5,277,113.41; au tomobile license tags. $4,710,234.S7., automobile title registration fees. $121.yu4.,.?8. and the end is not yet. BAPTIST W. M. U. MEETS WITH ENON CHURCH On the first day of July the an nual meeting of the Woman's Mis sionary .Union of Transylvania was held with the Enon Baptist church There was a large attendance ami many ^ood speeches. Among the number of speakers present wa. Miss Dorothy Kellam, leader of the vbung people of North Carolina. Mrs A.- R. Philips, misionary to Argentina. S. A., and Rev. A. C. Hamby. associate secretary of mis sion-in North Carolina. These ad dresses were enjoyed by all who were privileged to hear them. Dinner was furnished by the ladies of the. Enon Missionary Society. In the afternoon there Was a splendid program rendered by the young people of Brevard Baptist church. The next meeting Will be held on July first, 1926. with Oak Grove church, near Toxaway. HUNDREDS ARRIVE i FOR SUMMER (Continued from Page One) was the guest uf Mrs. A. B. Michael and family during his stay here. I Other prominent visitors' regis- { tered at Brevard hotels this week include G. Al. Heitman, Airs, licit-! man, and their son, of Fort Meyers, j j Fla., Air. lleitman is a wealthy banker, merchant, realty operator and fruit grower of the City of Palms. 1U? expressed himself as be ing much enthused over the pros I pects of Western North .Carolina."' Mr. Heitman declared that in his opinion Western N. C. would within the next few years become the tour list resort of America for the spring, resort of America for the spring, fall and summer months. I)r. Noah Jackson, prominent phy- . sician of iWest Palm Beach, Fla.. L. D. Bolton, of Georgia, William G. Roaul, of Lookout Mountain. Tenn., and 11. M. Hampton and children, of Georgia, are other vis itor*. iiRu i/Aid) CAivIP SEASON OPENS (Continued from Page One) represent an able body of women, and a lew iii.-ii. from various sec tions of the Southland. ( amp Illahi'e opened July U with giil>. Air. apd Airs. Hint on AL Leod are directors, being associated with a capable corps of twenty coun cilors, who assis; - in the various ac tivities of camp life, lmprovem nts are jvaile year by year to meet demands of the increasing number, of girls. The girls come from va rious Southern States. Tennessee. W. Virginia, Louisiana, Alabama. Florida, Georgia;, South and North Carolina beiritr represented: Brevard opened ,! jIv 1st; with girls. Airs. Joiner, of Mer idian. Miss;, is ill diu .'t . -. . wlr.VMi are a <oi ;atcd.. I ;tfr< y . of Chase City. Va.. Paul W: Ip. a re cent graduate of Virginia -I * n i v< ? i - sity. director of all sports, assisted by Mr. Beckett, of Chase City. Mis> Lucije ;Snellgi??ve. director of ;. v. thetic and folk dancing and of plays and '..pageant's. Other councilors are .Miss Erni:*. Jackson. Aliss Florence Philips and Aliss Helen Hopkins. j ROAD WORK Sealed Proposals will he received by the Board of Road Commission ers of T i a n sy h a n i a County at their Office is; the County Court House .in" Brevard. N. C., until 2 o'clock, p.m.; of .Monday. July li?th. for the construction of approximately four mile.- of road from Cedar .Mountain to the Aloj.aghan Mills Camp. Instructions to Bidders. Proposal Forins, plans and .Specifications are on iile in the Office of the Road. Commissioners. Bidders are expected to inspect the location of- the w >;!; and inform themselves regarding all local e on ditions. ? ! The right is reserved to reject any and all bids or to award Contract in whole or in part to the best in terest of the County. CHAS. E. ORR, Secretary R. H. AJORRROW. Engineer. SOCIETY'NEWS MISSIONARY MEETING ' ? '? .. < '??? 'I . j The Woman's Alijsionary Society of the .Methodist church held an in teresting meeting in the Woman's parlor on Thursday afternoon, July second. There was a good attendance in spite of the busy season. An inspiring program had been arranged by Airs. D. L. English. The first number was given by Airs. York, the subject being, "God's Flower Children." This article stressed the importance of work for neglected children. Mrs. Loftis read a paper telling of the work done by , Institutional Church, Kansas City. Missionary News from the Bulle * tin was given by Miss Kern. Mrs. Setzer had charge of the de votional exercises and made an ex cellent talk. The presence of Mrs. S. Walsh, a visitor from Cape Town, South Africa, was a rare treat. Mrs. j Walsh read a scripture lesson and, made an inspirational talk. She also | told something of the far away land in which she lives and witnesses for J Christ. Mrs. Orr reported that the young ; folks, under the superintendence of Miss Alma Trowbridge, have already raised the full amount of their pledge. Mrs. George W. Woodard told of the needs and encouragements of the field as gleaned from the Mis sionary Voice. The Social Service Committee of which Mrs. David Orr is chairman, was appointed and a meeting was called for Tuesday afternoon. WOMAN'S MISSIONARY SOCIETY HOLDS MEETING The Woman's Misionary Society the Baptist church held their regu- j lar meeting at the church, Tuesday ? afternoon. The transaction of bus iness was followed by a most inter esting program led by Mrs. John Ashworth, after which a short time of social intercourse was enjoyed. j STANBERRY-SHUFORD Corning as a great surprise to their many friends was the marriage of Miss Yvonne Shu ford to Mr. Gene Stanberry, which took place Sunday j morningv^July f>. in the office of tiv j Transylvania Tanning Co. Rev. K. j R. Welch, pastor of the Brevai'd Methodist church, performed the ceremony. Mrs. Stanberry, mother of the groom, was the only witness ing party. Mr. and Mrs. Stanberry ar;* now on. a short .-?honeymoon trip. MISS TRANTHAM'S S. S. CLASS | ENJOYS PICNIC The members of Miss Mildred j Trantham's Sunday School class | met for a ocial gathering in the recreation rooms of the Methodist] church, Tuesday evening. The young girls enjoyed a jolly time with games and contests of various sorts. Refreshments wer ? served during I evening. About eighteen young giris were present. A CORRECTION Throujrh misunderstandinir. a mis -tateineiit was made in last week's vd iion of the News in Regard to the Baptist Sunday Sc'li-mi notes, which correction the News is glad to make. Instead of "a recor i-hr.-aking at tendance." the statement should j have read "a low-water mark atten<U a:ice." :^0W MANY IS A LOAD FOR A FORD TOURING CAR? The question: "How many is a I load for a Ford?" is well answered by Sheriff Sitton whe n he says "Eighteen." One day last Week. Sheriff Sitton and Deputy Fisher, acting on infor mation received from AsheviHe. ar rested 145 !K*nroes; 12 men and four! \v<v .n. fo ralleged theft. The ar rest taking place near Selica. Be ing in doubt as to just how to '>ring them in without loss by reason of nimbleness of feet, he loaded the whole bunch into ( or near I his Ford touring car and with Deputy Fisher making a total of eighteen, on the care came to town- ? arriving with out having changed gears. r'lQfl For Dental Gold \Afa?3IJ Platinum, Silver. Dia monds, Magneto points, false teeth, jewelry, any valuables. Mail today. Cash by return mail. Hoke S. & R. Co., Ostego, Mich. AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZIN< $200,000.00 OF STREET IMPROVJ M."NT BONDS BY THE TOWN Oi BREVARD, NORTH CAROLINA. BE IT ORDAINED by the Mayoj and Hoard of Aldermen of the Towi of Brevard, North Carolina, as fol| lows: Section 1. That there shall be isl sued by the Town of Brevard. N. CJ $200,000.00 of Street Improvement Bonds, of which at least one-fourtl of the cost, exclusive of the cost o| paving street intersections, hal been or is to be specifically assesset the proceeds of the sale of whic are to be used for the purpose o constructing and re-constructing th surface of the streets of the Towi of Brevard, whether including o| not including grading, contemporai eous construction or reconstructioi of sidewalks, curbs, gutters o drains, and whether including o not including grading, such surfaci to be constructed either of bricks blocks, sheet asphalt, bitulithic oj bituminous concrete laid on a solid foundation, or of concrdete. The said bonds shall draw interest at not exceeding six per cent per an num, payable semi-anually, and shall be in such denomination aifd form, and the principal and interest payable at such plai*e as the Board of Aldermen of said Town of Bre vard may by resolution determine'. Section 2. That the maximum, aggregate, principal amount of said bonds, to be issued under this or inance is $200,000.00. Section ?'{. That a tax sufficient to pay the principal and interest of said bonds shall be annually levied and collected. V Section 1. That a 'statement of the debt of said municipality has been filed with the Clerk, and is open to public inspection. Section That thi-v ordinance shall take effect upon its passage, and shall not be submitted to the voters. The foregoing ordinance wa> ! passed on the 17th, day of lune, j J-U25. and was first published on the j itth day of July, Any action; or proceedings <iuestioning l iie val- ! idity of said urdinan must be coit n.enc<^ within thirty' day- aftc. it's first publication. H. H. PATTON. Clerk of the Town of Brevard. I X. C. ^ DIVERSIFIED ADS FOR RENT? FIVE KOOM Cjttagc. Furnished for camping; no linen or silver. Mrs. A. C. MeCALL. Valley View Farm, Brevard, N. C. FOR SALE Small place, 2 miles of 1! evard. 200 yards of State il ighway, with public road 50 feet from door, and also Railroad running through place. Suitable for Chicken Farm, o Sumrncr Home. New seven-room1 house, 2 porches, Hani-wood floor.-. ::i acres land, 2 good /ar <l?-fi 2 chicken houses, 1 baru< small orchard WILL SKI. I. ALL OR PART MALI- ''ASH- SEE ME BEFORE BUYING ' R. K. BALLARD Brevard, N. C. II ?r FOR RENT flood Store Room for rent. clos? to Depot Cheap.. Sim* FRANK JENKINS 5-1 J:fc FOR SALE ? Improved Sweet Po tato plants, all varieties $1.00 per 1.000, 50(10 lots 75c per 1000. Prompt Shipments. DORRIS PLANT CO.. VALDOSTA, GA. !? 'M 1-7-2 I. ? CABBAGE PLANTS frr Sale 20c per h vi ? i r ?-d< John C. Titislev. Brevard, N. C. 2tp?i-2."> FOR SALE Three Room House just outside City limits. Electric Litrhts. private water line in house Lot Ion foot front, 120 deep, shade" trees, 3 apple trees. 2 grape vines Heii^e in front. tare ROSE CAFE ?i-4tfc Smiths BaiberShopI ( >I K TWI-.NTV VI-: \RS ? KXI'KUiKXCK IN THI 1>.\ K TRA!?K -AS ST V I S Vol' SATIS FACTION. o imitbs Parber Shop ?AL ESTATE AT AUCION? Our Specialty. We pet results. Our experience should justify y-ur confidence. Address us either Ra leigh or Asheville. tINCE REALTY CO. 2tp7-i?-D> )R RENT? EDGEWOOD CAMP. Located next dour to Dr. Hunt' Boarding House. Write "X" care of News. 1 MONEY TO LOAN ? on improved farm land- at six per cent." for long' or short term, in amounts from three to fifty thousand dol lars preferred,"' however one thousand dollar loans will be ac cepted. |F. MITCHELL, Atty 4H8-25-2-9 ?????? ? ? ? ?? ?? SOUTHERN lAILWAY SYSTEM SPECIAL EXCURSIONS TO ATLANTIC CITY AND OTHER NEW JERSEY RESORTS Jay excursion tickets to Atlantic '[ and other seashore resorts will sold from Asheville on the- f"l np dates: IA SOUTHERN RAILWAY T<> SHINGTON AND PEXNSYL JIA R. R.: June 23, July 7 and August 4 and 18; and Septem lst. IIA SOUTHERN RAILWAY TO SHINGTON AND B. & 0. R. R.: 1, 15 and -29; August 12 and |and September 9th. Round Trip To Atlantic City ^ eville $24.10 ' Toxaway 26.45 trard 25.65 dersonville 24.90 Rock 24.90 I ida 24.90 rnetville 25715 topovers on return journey Will llowed within final limit of tick It Philadelphia, Wilmington, Bal pre and Washington. lrounh sleeping cars Asheville Washington. iMake Pullman reservations rough your local Agent, or write the undersigned, J. H. WOOD, Division Passenger Agent, ASHEVILLE, N. C. The wealth of the United States is estimated at $3,200 per capita. We have the last two figures now >f our per capita.

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