i TRANSYLVANIA America* s - Garden Spot BREVARD The Mecca Of T ourists VOL. XXX THURSDAY, JULY 16, 1925 No. 29 Brevard's First Horse Show ? Will Be Held July 25th tl Cavalry Troop To Give Exhibition At Event FARM NEWS By L. A. AMMON Beans : Th? k;t' up o?t tll?; bean i>v? ;.v , the; k*.x :"u,r jc.yen U is stimulat in*r planting ot iate i.k .. ... and for this yet*: 1 ?ia: .1 rva-o. : wh\ ? i>mI\ .' ThV \v:?i be ' w.?j . t>i>e . ' . JWv-ticii? : -Vfu' m ' thi u.:, V> l.: . ? Shipped. ."t ' ( :iiy part will dv my '?e>t to :k.c?:: 1 ?? u,-n vito' axUz? . ? ket> ti.nd he.1.- ?: ? y-mppjiiyi - HaV . st-y'oKii. oil rs '? t'r* -.pi Aslis-viili' y'.ta i>ur tiOiik.', ?lay M.ofvtlaV ! ... ? quoted- nine-' < JPyC js?ul<.d. ?h?v.u'_'ir.- .v.-jk . ? ? T.'uvi* '?;t/ calls. Vt-.' ;>.??;? ?" ?/ ? 'p??tluds . .r.vi . -tt'aM-ji .^yuivv make Vo :~'.r ' uitMWl. " I ii-;^.-;V.v ' . V an** are h;t;t<iii\j tv(w :>n-.iur-. . in- y I't-avh r.iv ? '"'r. -w; i'r "o \iv . ruitj ;fu ?. . '"iX'taU-'. nfiiN' > ' '>vr ' (?'??iltvtj.' . -'TW ..late-. S* ???? . ' ii w?- -k ?.*' .? t'i.K'ai. .'??;??!> * '? . ??ti.ij'Auii'Jj*. -*:1k ;.?? rassfc'j J v., vv Wrt! Jjav*'. a;'!at?* -halL- I *?; the V .?.i I .. .'VII ,p<M J 'v. or; k;:*.;':. " lv>'i- ? ; in- l'i.;u..r. yOr?-.? j ' ati.-i ;la t'.r.r.:. x*,!;a f, ?o??d a ^ . . i>tr .and \ t Iftoi . jk>Q ir'* S**|ar w.il >*v.'? . ? '.-.v. ..'. ri ? ?? i~' yqorr- 1;'. v?i/ ? cn-}>s .;:S vWl> to V". put ?1$ " .'c.'tiiae..' It vV<U ;y;: .'y f;: >*:U A'i ' ' !?;? i?.-; t_ aii] wort ?rfn/ ? ' ? ' <if ? tin, utat ??; . :h C,k?V|> ; :Hi > ;"? v: t ?' yS " ii-'ix- ' *C\V i --.. yu- ? jilil . <tp 1 :tev . -Push th?; ?:.'r.u=. of -?:yv >?>; ?:??? " catf. :n ..a . icqtrC- at'fsio > u.r vtt : a'. ' i.? >*:" .takiV . 1 ? .wha.: wiv lUiii at xv?v?. i>? i. ;t<rX"ac '?'-i,-' i";' -i .?it Jif'L"- "...rlii >'.9V Iv ' HaVf ; .A"n rui.'-o.-" ynl v. v. ? - ?i*ytt ' .anil !?>?.???. 1>UJ- . :? . . ? Atvu.' ?.: va: : > >v ? ...< ! ;. " -:V *. .*?. 2;.. ? : ? 06i?t. '????? i ^ . t: . '1 ,)v!\ .. ;i.!u ... ,.;\V . .. <hirk!jf..~s which ?t.v..: OwtVatV* }.?:;;?? W . (( <. | ..-in :V?. '??>??? ?? ' .saK* -iJo- 00 -v. !?> ??c ;'V;-. v ??' Ail ??4;'..'. ?>. JiflH i ytrii-rv 4 t . : ? . ' . 1> ? . ,.?u>t -bp ? u i : . *?- ? -? '-Vo.v- :*{s,y w.v ?_ lat.?.'V ,r?;\v (.??>" . VtUe.j ? v tci VJiiC'.-ta*': ?/i'iat- 'w'iin.-ii- poor . -.'w/: - yT siaistly "iir. "? ->ui:*ejrsi: ' :-.aa v, ' u iari t ;ii? ' ana^ hoaii s as ~1<>ntv ^a.*" 'W.!!; <1j?. I'O ?iiL. ' Ait;- v'Tyct%>~'/-i I i-'or !?ush -i ?ti -car ..." Idiitt l.l?t - i I'l ;??? a:i'y for. ,?amv. .:.*i <!;iU N't !??>.; niyci] . -f .?ufc; x try .'iru y . ? :krv. ?:* a?i. i>u:: -ut-is "o t?? thty. an- i'u.i . ???!. W ill '!ia\y tnurv <ieli'Hite tin > his -;v. jttoin:" ? .yvv:;. ?. ...' y~ ? ? ? ' ; . Lai vr ykm ?. -V: ? otm-r". rr t?>. mix iji !/>?: ? "i.r;i(.*: r.artii 'xv . .will. W nioviov ,:vv'iHin: .fi.ke" years' . Sti're \v><ua: - -yri .u rf this papfr ? \vv!V. t>> t 'tionii* >0 wt? ?vejry ' iuipvji.tai:? ? . j't- t?:? Kit.: ? ?;<??: tvli? . TH.s s?.)u.-'t" bit* ire cya <1? our best/"'. 4 WOMAN'S BUREAU TENDERS RECEPTION TO S. C P. A. i ? TV. U : fau of thf f ? '????> the ? dvieiratv's *'? thv' South Carolina Pn ss. Assci iatioii, which ' body was .-tKi'ti'-in- ' y:*x Btt-var.!. with a rvv: utioii. Th'urstiay evening. Juiy. I'th. from i-itrh. ?:iir;y to ten-thirty, it" the. Franklm Ttotcl. The r.rceiv'Kjr line was composed of the member? ? ? f the Woman's Bureau. Punch ami Cake were served during th evening. Mrs. F'. P. AIcCov a'l'l Mrs. Philip Warreh presided at the punch bowl. In ad dition 1 0 the vi.-itin" delegates, the jruc^t list included the- members of the fhamher of Commerce and the Woman's Bureau of the Chamber of Commerce. The Brevard Band de lUfhteu the on'*, hundred and liftv or mor? jjaests present with numerous b'electivrls during the evening:. EVERETT ESTATE AFFORDS AN EXCELLENT FIELD ivrtvaid s: iii;sk I i ? ji-s*.* Show ?an i i w iit which Jkviii heyea-fier be held ;in;majly-d?vill open at J p.m.. Sat- j urilajs ? i ul V 'I "??. < m.o m-. >fi h ? . ;>!end-.' ;ft. t'pv'ii '--liejds oft th^ Everett y state 4 a;. : l';iv:.1sr.n Riv. r. : ?'?; ?? . I , l : HMiu at I??ns arc that ??nroi.t' ' ?'t.ha.-i- uiix h*?ix?- wid be e!:U:?<d <1.1 ! : -T-C ?' I I it! .-.'tiic ' c-JaVvJ* In* shown aiuj] .e'\ eiv elf ,?ri . . -'is be.tntr' made-' U> 't hi; .; ?? ?? *" ;? " ; ??&" 1.' . * .-'?; . '.:?; i tViKuyoi" i>1 ' .?mmercir i ohinmfoe ui . :ii i!wi^ >? t ih'is ti> inaKc i! - V .??:*? .of .the best and -must inte/oiuij: : Mivws liehi i:i \\ esterii .Vi?i .?? .. 'o.hhu tins se:Vs?*i.. i; '..iMo*., ' <>r tr II ? V <??'.. \vhlch n.i'.,.' t)fClt f.IUl'IV.1, l-Jio viiix''"- ?' ;mim\v .? \v;u ' ?' ' 1 . / ? ' ?>t a., tnt An. <jut.-<t:uj(^iV^ ? feature . ol t.?V. i-hi.) v. "v. . 1 1 'Ik- tile: < whiouion ? .<i:tV'. ?. i :?'.><> p h Iowa- t ary." tiiy. i-.viVi' i; 'f j-ijuaii tiic <f. Se'ffctfuitt Itticjic'- \\\ tiiv.? the cUtkv frt?/p vyiii be p:v?'i-:,t; at t?ic ,>lmvy ami wiij !.? in 1?K ? a) .1 .<iar:n.i;; th?i day- >?f \he- -5lii>>v. t tfs>. c?u'u'iiu< nu.r.tf-* ? ? 1 1* . 1 1 ? . ? <>: t f.?* '-v> "i . ...... ?Ju-j.-Oii i hit '??".l/.i . .-in >\v ' ? cy iHf.fi t'iv v., tnC't IH; ,.\V 1.' t If ,!):? li lift . , vi I . i' v' L h.t tr?'Op \VlV.I V :V.'-. '? ..i. : > Silni, ; i : ?. ' ? 1 1 . il ? 1 4 ?t ' . i* v " v V. lit; ? t 'Hitvrvst,. ,. iiaV -.Uvi'v'. ? i-.'r ii-t-.j io< ;:.l ' 'arm' iV>>aa?ti ,C-*! it ' ?- * ii:.t. Vf-ii:" svh ???;.< ... iH- tt:*- . '.C ?> rtl it ' ault.bi;!;' ?./ * vv; y . . h'trsvs.. > A ?..?.uuvr? . ;id: * it.;;; '???.? v. j ? a (it- . hi; JlOiVf a<* ? \. 4 . ! i!. *l? a I*. ? V y ;i .. ' -f.il. l't> j.' r? 'lU/1 ; k iii-wt' o ' . i -t a.l'i l'.t'V I J" ; _ '? ? ? i w . ' t _>."I " . 1 1 J \ " HtMjl'.' t lit'-;.-. .-iu St iM> i'tyr it-ai'ii-.t.-' . u(:>i ciiiup"' lU'5>| .;>t-v:ioK... Thy a! v:-it :;. ?, .vii:j :?? ??; a' tao" .;.ytr.;!?'U . : -cuiiv pav .5; . ai u< irjUi? a>'. i ' i va:'i;: r:at..y ,?Yf '.tHv.'".>i?rn],iK ?: .- .it .-' iTi'.-a-jy iiiu'ix si. i :;r . i:t>. l?al k ' ,? liirij^.'. ? '? ; >?. vti'aJtbv ?sj)j?rV>i:;>'i j < .i r"; c : ? y :i,<% ? Aa.ht'vult','. ' 11 ?. i'.ji ; iio.r.'i. 'K..". : . :ii..;. oh;>:. h'ia'uk? a':. - y u, tjva.ii ? 1 3 \i ;u t>.'ilaoir' ' | ? 'ii'.-pjufS wjll lw. a'A-y.-:-] ? J \v iki r? uf : h%- \ iwinj ?? i, i.: .'.? U)0 ' .-hovy;. inc!u?: ;i._- .'a p - ?itl t iiy'.ttV .t>i? rtied. v?i chf tarsi, r. , f vp .-stfMiili'jr aiiy.'^Lpi,..'>- t;iiii>T>,";--i ' i >tcux'i . .Thc.tv ^\\iH {-&>' \?i-aotbty r'i.: i?oy.!< t-ainp.-* ai'.ii -t?*-! hif . . al>v Ik- irivivj | tv ibis iMass. MRS. LENA FiCktLSiMER DIES AT HOME LN LITTLE RIVER . . 3frs> .' Lf i^i !!ioky: .-iinvr. ajrcui- . (* V; jvitloW; ?>f; I.uthiT . T-'.jokL'^int'fi-, ;it iu-r home in J-init Rivoi*. VVYdric.? li.ty muriiinir, July Stb, r un.i-ral scr v.ifV-'- wv:>; ai'tirti ' at ' I.iltlc lUv?ir.'-yh.urrti. r riiiay a/tt .?'.?'.by.. :.'??>. Waliaci^ Hariswl. . pa>t.>r of' iW-j'var.j Baptist rhu.'Vh. . ai..i! Ki-v. ll.t'iinian, pvtstor of Littk- Btiv*r iburch. Tin* bo<*y was laid tt? rest :m Lite' t* River cenntcry. Mr. . J'ic-kylsijm-c is . sorvtveo hy four vhiliJron, ?.?n< ' . dau^h'tvr. aii>. i\ H. Mt< "all. of Charlotte, ;a?id three sons. To;?. Jvha and; Dudhry Fit'kelr yiifivr. of < "le^-elan.i. Ohio. .M.'s. Mv-CaH' was the only one of the t hildren who was able to be present a.: the funeral services. MRS. ELLEN CORN DIES AT HOiV2E IN SOUTH CAROLINA Mrs. EH-n Corn died at her home, in Cent al. Si CM Thursday July iHh. arid tier body was brought to Brevard the folh.wim: Saturday, where funeral services weiv held at (,'athey s Creek c hurch Saturday af tefnoon. conducted by Rev. Wallace Hartsell, pastor of Brevard Bap tist church. Interm <it was made in C^.tiiey's Creek cemetery. . Mrs. Corn is survived hy two ,' daajrhters living in Brevard. Mrs. \V. E. Bishop and Mrs. J. A. Bishop, and. on son in Brevard, Rev. A. J. Corn, besides ?.th< " <o.rh and daughters living: in Sou't hCarolir.n and Fjoru jH - \ '/?. ^ NEW RECREATION I PARK OPENS TODAY ? ? ? : , - -'v. i The new recent ion park anil ath letic grounds at the corner of Broad and Jordan streets opens to* thy pub lic Thursday of this week. Tvrin.Lv courts. cht'rkcr boards ami horse shot*; pit rhinji- a!T<rd the chief ! f?n tares of amui-ement. ('iietk<r board ciubv and horse shoe pitchii.^ j rluhs an- bein-r orjfahize?l? member ship to e:icb requiring. a very small [fie. A fir. ati will h.- in charge of the grounds at ail ttnre$, who will re x\-i\ ? any . applications for .nen>b?r J*hi'p. Brevard has received a chii!? lenjre: from He ml?4>ony ilit* Horse ?Shot' l I trb ' for a tournament, ami ncwo'.iat jojis art; als< > mi foot for tournament with the Asluvllle (. lub. ? ?? Thi^ most desirably located co; ijer. lot affords a:: <-\< eJb iU. -'rte for tin public athktre v >unvU. an t Sports Cou.m '1 if ih.- ("l:...r.'i ? ? t'ohimerce is to 'be conurnluiato. upon it,- successful adventure of placing before the public >uvh, vn uabb* icei'iatjonal facilities. A cor dial invitation is extended to all !o V'4-t. irVlf- ;ir.:V-v;.;-I tti ' li.'-li o >* *: of the athletic irrouiids at an.: time. HARDY K!LP ATR'CK INJURED I'fuvdy Kilpatrirk; while ..yuttivv wood Wednesday niornin<>, ;::ffei;e:s a painful awident When the a.\c he was asirijr' cut., his foot ?juite -e- ' \ erelV. ? . .. > ? lb . s at ohce : #*;n?? ved to lie :,e v'iii pitai. oh i r.ibiirfo A\ . v.in .c Dr. Sunnm-v attended to' h* f. injuriiv \v . -v ;... ' S. S. ASSOCIATION MEETS NEXT WEEK QlFicers of Transylvania County J Sunday School Association are of tlu- opinion that oni of the most interesting and iieipful , as well a j one of the most -largely attended. ! Sunday School meetings, ever, held in tin- County will be the antiuhi ' County Sunday School Convention at | ! hividson River Presbyterian ehurch. Pistrah Forest. on Tuesday ai.-.l Wednesday. July 'JS and lil>. Fro- i J; rams of the convention have been ? : I tli : !! -onstor.' and .Sunday School superintendent#' in the Coun ty. with special invitations to attend the convention themselves, and r? questing thai they try to get all of their Sunday School U achers arid of titers to attend. Tile rotm ntion . pfrojiram add !(?<?(?- and coljferenC - on lir .1 tit-ally :.il ph. -s of t.he I.. T-Jl . s?. . ... .. ... . ... . ing the program, the small ' Sunday School was given much aiteinioi . I>uiiiijr the convention there v. Si! !. (piestion and discussion period when those present will have oppor tunity to gjve ana yet informaiio, , conrerr.ihir any Sunday School proi lehi. . ?" f; '? \ The Ti'an.-yivania County Sundry School .\.<soeiatioii is on:- oj ih ? units of -he North.- Carolina Suiwlay School Association, iij which 'Symlay School workers of all i va-pgeli.al de nomination participst . . At ' ttv time nilf:;i'y-? "v. lit- ;h:- li'tU* hv.ndj ? uuhVK'S :t th. State ;.i" ? >rn;? : ' . : into i '.v.-it . S'.t;. iay Sc ??<.! \ tiotrs;: V.'iuoh a. ? 'e. ... piete-ly -organised and ?i? .irjjr ti . ; work. NORWOOD hSsT IS LEASED FiiH (hlu? YhAHS :T!u' Ni'i.wi'x-i iioiisc ...? i'i ? .bar' .VVy iift vi*.;.'' iv-.*:.-: ? ' : Tviiy-; J". i.A-vu: .'. ;uid feu \ . ? , J i ' / u 1 1 :t i ><i i'i >41. a,;- :i> j it' .It' pU! I^1'. t ' * . . ' t Ili .; ?i | ? i';:. iiM-- |?it . a.'..! ? ha.-. 'been ? ' to t fii- puti..- ?i ;;vin^ liii': Avvk- J. . 1 ? ? : h ? 'mi !i :t! . iuuuy ' 'inv>: Jehu.ag; ^L-iaiiVi ;?? ;?i:> i ? T. >U::'i.:i;y. YY '. .1 i..yii:;V. (t .. >ch. K. >, ilntr. ;.-h. AY...1Y W:.;ji.-, <>l iii'e var;l.;':i,i?}.. i.. ;U. WiJ kpH:- t?i> ^ f. .X. K, Ly<ia;\'. Y'ari Kp:-. of bii rs. Ato.ss Lillian l-ioicunibe. a gradua.e -iJr.-i- i>; Bill 133 V.? !*t ' . i.1 14 S)ijw,6ii tnii i i\* . ' \\ ( . v ? . h ; ; Sy seyured ;;jt sUiH.rh'teiMt-r'1 . A >.Ujrjff.vnt ?*?.;r is of ivjri.-\erv ;! nUr'se ? \v:ll ;L?iv M-i urt'ti; : This ii'-w' i-bitvrj rise .- wii] in- i. jtt-r ated [u.s ?a -Invp.iaj.'. ' .iici!.;; ? o; l'ij for the u.-e *?f a)] diKtor-- i: Trarifyiva^i t Ouain-y. The- 1 > u 1 1 : :i lv is ;i t1!r<*i*-sii>ry, stoaii--b-.-at.vt tare. aa.-l most desirably jojauio within. out- block of ihc bu. inot <_??? n ter of the- town. Sever::] alteration are being; made in the intcrk'r ar rangement of file rooms and modern equipment installed, uiakinir it a tir-t class hospital in every respect. Ae eonnntidafii ?ns are now made f > ? twenty patient.';-. The third story will be completely rearranged, elevating t.be roof uj .the lniu.se, driving ample space far oper ating room and sterilizing e<fbip ment. There wii] be a large sky light ir. the roof ami tile floor for the operating room. An elevator .wii] aJso be installed. When presen. i plans ace earned out the hospital will have as irood an operating roo.n as ran be found in the State. Spe cial equipment will be added from time to time. SUNDAY SCHOOL PICNIC 3Ir. Philip Warren's Sunday School class of young boys enjoyed ! an Over-night camping trip to the Pink Beds Saturday niirht and Sun day. Three cars took the boys to their destination, where a deliphtful tiiiic was . pent in frames and sports and .] a general tihiv of merriment. A most enjoyable feature of the outimr was the cooking of the meals over a camp lire, and the later consumption ; of same. SevVnteeri boys,. a> vonifian iid by Mr. Warren, were In the party. i M. A C JOF-N'SON SNAPS BREVARD FROM AZRPLANi. \I . A. C. JohiiMip, iiii'Vui <l's ex }?? ru airplane ' fho\ .. :apiiVr<? ; ..n I fiiU;. ?;? i Um '? Shot k A in-; . .. ' liiuvh 'or iiut ? :tt:riaJ v ! : ? \v.-' Btv.srd ;?n?J ???? iate vicinity >>:. Monday, Th?- JW tu:v.- include vi .v/ of ill] of l'.iv vardV Su:;;:.'.!' scviral <?. llicvani the French. Brn;;-i \" diey. -Carr Lumber i 'onipany. a:i<. others of va.i'iyd inter The palu:\ ????<?? .ji K-rfu !.: distinct. . a :i i .?oauui'ul, ' .,jj i\J>< r: VVO i. i both nil.. ;:iul a l tractive ' ' \>i ThV. minut' - ilt i.'iiJ i-r < te:,rly sh'<\v.. in each. - ; ^ !:;c vi^aiv- , tvemely va:v.;i ??!<? '?.? -.vi-IJ a., of wide spread. itu,j:v>t. . HOME Dn?.-C-i" '?Tr.A i ,0.\ WORK SCHEDULE GlVli The Ari'uwiiic M-hcdujf of h iAiv ? . .T vV', ~ ? ' derhorist ryl.oi: work ton the week of lu!y I'll, is by Miss Ada < Walker, hoi,,i d.-ilionstratiun agent: Monday. Rosman? -de iin>ustrat.b.: in coo|<.n?: and .serving a dinner, at i?:I50; I Tuesday, Blantyre? : demon- t straiioli in : vrjiTii?}r, at -:0U p.m.: Wednesday. I)avidson River, l):oo a.m., sto:all ?iris, .2:0 ) p.m.. !aru - tfirJs and women. demonstration itinainjr; Thur.-day. !*:^u a.m., dem onstration in canning and cakes, ;J:i;o p.m.. Women. eannin*r; Friday, Que bec. 9:}>0 a.m., demonstration yta . breads; 2:00 p.m.. Lake Toxa-.yay poukry and clotninir. TEN COMMANDMENTS TO BE SHOWN HERE NEXT MOTiDAY AND TUESDAY The I). A. R. wiil sponsor the won derfu! picture. Ten Commandments to be shown at the Auditorium. Mon day and Tuesday of next week. This is a picture of unusual value and is worth while in every re.-. c for both ybunir and old. Owing i.-> the fact that it has not before in ?. i released in the smaller towns. will be necessary to chanre a ly advanced price. The people of Brevard and Tran sylvania County are indeed fortun ate to have shown here as superior and first class a picture as th:s. and it is honed that ail people of the town and County will appreciate it as such, and attend in large numbers. County's Crops Repor^d Best in North Caroiir a Climate In Transylvania Is Most Favorable INFORMATION SECURED THRU COUNTY AGiiNT AMMON exic-Hcii' Again . ? ? - Our observation \vits_ that yiv ha>. 1 a mighty good edrn crop, a hi aft? ?; consulting visitors; crop rc;><" ? ' ? 1 ? the County Agent, we (in?i tir.w ?? < stand at the head ?>f the list in ..i U. S. in general condition -i:'*; leading crop. This is sayilig . but the fact.- go to P'??ve ii.; Slid the only strong competitor Vt' iU?v heard of is Haywoorl County of tr, State. We claim it over them. This same fact was true last : -:.r irg' ii n- told and the en-p rep . t "us" u;:, : ' There must he a reason. A . <'|Ue.-' ?oi to the Farm Agent ifj-ve* u right; H<- believes it largt ly due to cliinate and good seen he.!-. < ' : doe- its best wh- M nights are f... cool, and days warm, such fc have had this Spring. Just why ? : we noi suffer with drought a }!??? the o.t!.--r sections. we k '? ' ' ply. was 'that we liiivc :i ground suppiv of water as e i<! -lie by ?4 many springs. which f<??M ;1 " soil. "id b"-t of al!. the $***#&* J d owed e&r'.V an/I \ep. .1 ?; ?, , ,.,i--rvc the nv,;-tMre. ? f.ira! votifiiU??h- and uo-?d ivm..:.. takt J? nvea-n th?- reason ? f?." "? (i.tn croj*. we notice large J i ? ? I > ? with heavy h<- 'id -. W e. are That it isj practically all. the fa ? Abru/.7.i i>>- that ?'l'- f. r film double arc ' j$% the South. We ' that tw seed houses ar- planning ? visiting the County to buy up t}& ,!*' W.V . Crop repl?Vts ' ' '???? " l yields alnio-l i-wive the a.< . Vv the U. ? S.. '? . j ? Again We :.otivc 1-a } tjelds of potatoes. \vr??-e vines ar. !arure ami gre? n. and ir'.b- ->mi.. i|f dvease. W, a-..-. ?' . 1 : .\-.rtn; riboiit yiebi>. r.r.d he rl at. we , an produev . ?!iU4t?'ivd bu-lvl- per we to use aror.: id r r j "" j; good fertilizer per ; climated seed. /v, tie^. fop ?n^ i -Pper at^e.-t:ou. ."This 1 "k- ?i" wc remarked. "Vi-. tic repliedvj "bu* it has been .do::- ' fo:1." ."How is the mirJtei white potatoV?"' ' we; : !. ?? ? >ear ?; was very poor, due to I ti&C SijiiS&tt aril 'V? r ! !?' S? ??t '/s, jbiii * rj - , I ? ?? Vrt-cn offered $1.50 per b.-siu-i car jteis. f*T ihif week. Ti e mi ft(?- this Fall is very good, as ' North-rn ea:Iy cro" is sm:.!' a more damaged by drought tha.? ours." ..'-.Taking the road to the Uv.\ Hirer section we saw a ileld of ? beans on the Everett Far-n -b"' simply beat anything we ever a in 5ov beans. They ou-bt ?" JTo iry tons of hay per a .-re. as Umr : nion in this County, yfe Then we. saw thirty acr-^ of we. looked like -ood sov bear- - ?it> I farm of Frank Shufonl. We "??? informed that the-e <K< Vv "turned un 1- improve the On up the r; . cr ? corn. and. v.v noti.e.l fields of cabb-ig \ A feir ;n.- - ? ijbout the cabbag" -crop v - ' -o ;" this County it :u? ' tnc:;s: : !:? ' ? grow and *??!.' ? :<bnT.*. W e n.et ? truck from Sou" * Carelirn. tali load of early cabbage to tlreenv.: and learn that th;- is a cbra?vo? ? ptw tice, and .'ill " 'i have the tow anil cities south of us depe" ..r.g our climate and "aimers f"" ilv cabbage. The ''l) ih's year pro?n ises to be lar . -'Ut the 'it ? a month ahna! ?f us?ia' ; strong. Returning, r French Broad V?r < ? ? reaper cuttir .i tire - ' of This field of ? ft ' : - " ?? r.< unct'd the ' -'.o. . ? b. . in the State, 'i- a- 'h tyt - T? I-*" v. . a field of cbr that ' ^ ?. jupt long en? for '1" '? tittg to cover ' J*' ' 1 - It would bo " ? ' heaven" for ? >'f g- ;>d 0 were inform- ? ?'* ' :/$??'-*? s?x ii;,list gav? )? ,>?d 5r<t h -?ors the State. Mi*. En !;-h is very (Ccntiuc.J *r Hdilorial ?a?:c) THE PRAYER CORNER GOD S PRESENCE Ii wa.- Ju l feetly natural i"i 1 to say. ".A- lir- Lord (?mi. of i l i.veth l?et'??re Aiiuin i taiid couid not sec <ioii an;. iiiotv th.. , fail, but he had lived in -u- li ? slant communi-ii vvilii 1 1 1 in tiij.t :? ?> presence wa.- iuh :t but the one Ueality * ii. 1 his is wit hiu uur reach too. caii form the habit of lettim: tlu >? riienibrance md'xi In* crowded by \4>ibif tiiiiiv- M ?. ?!ui o. '?*' car. fiiViu illy iiatfk of r aii.',:.i; ;? ? i. r. :i . .'a ; :;j ? When l hi* i?ands ar?- nu.-\ ?>ve' i wash tub. the iicarr <.i.. r.-- m ? ... t osji.i-iU'iiioii vv ;"ii an U. i1'.' t 1 aivv* ti.e ji * t*> * ; ? ? t ii<* pati ui l %.*) ?K*.. ilc?| ? ;. si'aile trci- i.. i ;i.d_ ' \ o(i Wit: i.i, <1 litUi .t ...-.? r ?up the iiea/. v? ? '? ' I '.'?;i <. i\vh in tile Ii*j . .Vrhajjr V i/U :?: ? if .! ii:u' that V"u want .!?? thiu^s f.-r in- \\ ???}?!. .-jin ;.i f !'-:?? . :>y (ni? :. ,? ?' y t/f duta-s. that <!? rtii.ou; to . j. ythinif i i i c? .i ili ;jr!H perhaps i- I)e'. e!i-Jer? 1 . :u-.| by it i." .t ^iorioUs |?ri'. .!? -? :?* : ? - tiu .'iiiorrt ii ijjll Ciod filo ? .. ;\v i-.v and i ?.tii'i. ir. li;- f >? i- a womierfiil thlr?*r i be t !-l b.. l!.. : t'> .-v. a i "? ' a tliat : ? Miiv.". *? A I" . . AY h. i" i).-l oC U S ^ PKESEsC? 'I riiou ' Mi[>re.-i-i:t vii ? " - 1 ? ? Til. > ' ' V i ! : ? i I i'il e i i.. . * ? ' ? 1 i* !>!?" it'.' ! !???!* ? ? ? I i i .1 * I ? 1 1 '1* i? I ? . . . i ? ? ??- ? ? ? 'i' i art :r> re. if i .u/i.e hi;. ? ;; S;Veo!. behijlti Thoj 'e. i i tn.^e t!h'- wii>;4> ot tr.e ' u.y. a:ci ?hveil in t !: ? utternie : .. <w -r 1 1 i:. eVe': >hail Tr.y in" ! lea i mi . anil 1 '.y *' ? ???? h... . :.?e. I "hank '!'!?<?? T'f : :.i t v vor a:-!- :?i !; -i;i ..; be with Tliee. i.it Us ever fun.; til' let the ineiiil ran. <? of I'ttee ?? c*: i v. !--i! out by visible J 'is'i-.-- aruund lis.' ? ut f?>r. ii the ftah:'. of via!:"i!rv: Tl; .' nrer-en e -:.'i every whittle!" We are ijei!:-. !..?> M?? hear > rise in yla.i . -immi!. : ,?i Th- e. our I'm-ocm I-'ri. ii i '.hi ",,.er Ave 'eat "'r .!i'i"k, Op "TV .' rv lio. iuip tv <io _alj i -??iiyv> (Jive Us Ui afe trt : s?v . . ?' i"!.U to . - irrvat -iiiair> f<?:* a"1' ar<' iVreWl by cir.u.i. petty ro'.'iii of trifi::ii: : to a h:- uiit t- Wi" are e.sl!e;l ! h**<'. i * "The trivial round ? til^K Will furnish ail we - : ? Hm-.UU to <:??!;;/ otii ?>' ' -a-. To l?r i Mir tiaily tv ..r i- ' . Al-ovt all. unhblt?" u> t.- vvva: a ;rloriou.- |'.r:vile^e ' ? Ivvve rheo. the nn?s: ilijrh (loci, t'li "' - ?" .v.'i'K and position i:i life. at"i w.. woti derful tl'.in; it is to !>.? io'-: i T'ne?* wiiat Tji on woulilst h:i ?' >b Ami whatsoever we ii-< ? i or ?lee. I. help lis to tlo nil i:: ?' lanie of the I.ot-1 Jesus. irivirv_ Clod, the Father, tiiro-.--! In'. Amen. C. p. LIBRARY REPORT F07 WEEK-ENDING JULY 11 Durinjr the past w. k ;h I ?' .?: > repoi an increase i:? ? >hip of S. with an attendance < ?" ?'?: am! 177 books in circu'atb ti Three were donated as follows- I' N'vo. by Joseph Lincoln, d< n;;' '< ? Mrs. C. M: Cooke: When 7? ? re Be gins. by C. Morley, dona* ' ' Mrs. MeMinrt ; the Lorinjr .M si ?? * f frey Farnol, donated by >i=-s ?. J. Gash. These weekly donation; are jrreatJy anpreriaieii b\ ti; ' '-''ary authoritref. All visiu.>"- : - ?? end ed a cordial welcome to any or all library privileges.

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