STATE FIRE LOSS TAKES BIG JUMP FIRE LOSS IN FIRST HALF 1925 AHEAD OF LOSS IN SAME PERIOD 1924. . . Raleigh. Fire- loss i-n North Carolina during *ne past six months was J:i,f .V.5.1 4? \r an increase of inotv than $$0*uwo fver the loss during- the- .first. s:x Months of . 1^24 xliich \\as I -S;V .ic-cOrding to a rvi'T! n)ad<* public v Slate Insurant t ;<Vriihii>sii?n?'r. ? Sfai ?'?>. W Wadi* At. t-l|o *:)m" 7tv- nuni-hf^i'f fires . fl?r< rea.s? d :rom :.24T in nv .n. ;-,.Vv.'v. " Hi. re- v* i.-n ;f\v ;ir,nK ksv<; i-.:-:nu. tfi?- -;rt>\ .niot:':hs.-c.? : a -it. a; ???i* lo?s\..vf *fi:Y s.?iu,i-r fH'"io.J^;.a A-.i.-h T^taS" a'.: ^orr't ??.'>7o>'na. n .fuive - it'; . J. \ 7* y\ :i:, ?i.rt'Ap^r-i .v. ?&* ."$?MSS- H'ii inlf-'. "tpy'Mf r;:^ ? r : 3& v. ??: f\ ?? ? ft .. at ?jl? ; ' ?h?* ^amV ? :i? ' j"-"* jaVV*'". . ? ;*sn> .i . ir:- . ?'irh; n . ' v:; v. > 1 . >.!'.""? <ly ? i -? its. . s ' i" t *'."4 1 I'TI 'i*|V iljll;' .r.ltlf *.Jf\ . ? f; *v?'v ?; n W.n ?."St.'vlr ^aVt?: . >-:r.r' aiuT ? r<\e n ? ?*..:? ?? ... ;!? i. ?' ?' w-- ?' ivr: ?? *!nv-': ? :':\ ? rir-.;- ?': ?\c.< ."r - - V'. ;:jn v. ', - ; . : . ? . : vy /.??}.??: ,.a?fd tcr >f.:nui , .iV'tJu-JT. r ,';pq thi ' ;Vau :: tt? " !???? V itfev ';,'X fi4 . ? v?f- the ' toial --nijjfc^ho*.*'.. liT'.'S". .5?' * '--re- urban r>r<-i .-i- *?>ta5. c.iinia'Jiv u'f 71' ;i-n.! .vi-i,.? ;-s r-?: ?! '.?? : h ?-V 2??1' "U: Nti ? ?h?:' Koarh ;n 'h?' X??How. tic :\>>vris Bry f .'H rity. Krcm, ::: >!.<. ? ' I'i.n ?i-n ^Bulon. Iv- "nor~vi!I#> ~rin??r<>ps. rrankj.r.:. n Wt av-rv !!v -y.: Airy-., on. o7<], J, A - : Alwt1 ?? hfrtv:" ??ritx.*)^n'?;hcrs:; ^lif! A3 .? rssrv : Many Counties Want N?vv Leans. 1pti>r.rrtai f r \ j<?;i*isv ? - .inr:nir - tq ??ji.Vr | bt>vn-..!*?a]rt^ liy ? ? -m ft s ir+ajj ^>!T*>w. frot"' * ";W' f(f j " >??>? ?"*!). ; s?-hi.uii feniuiai's f-an.i; i? -.vir: :. it< - a\a:-?ai'>K' ? i>n .1 .. :: 1 Wflfc: jt ? ...?rin'rt* a. ?> y AlU-a. 9iu:*- . of I'n ?-t.rtiction. ; ? .Tiiii " i! Mr. . A':-.*n, af<?s a 'fx %' i'cu?-<i >>n ;iif par* of'jjjt- ' uiin*;i's \>:<:on?:nqV ;cv vtork -of r.;raj <\ baildiBf '?V-alie tht* atttotjnt ;nji:r:imlh u^koj ?or s o'.t-r- Sl<- or: ?? ;. ; h* ? .(!r<war-: of :%*>' U>iiti -;:;i t: ??Vri2f.-?l. ?7?srr'.yTions - iKhDvif ^tbtVui' t fi ?? Sjraial a; i" ns Mf ill y : liom." :H? a;<1 "')? ' <*'? -it* v?-fi ? < ould' be- ??.' MiSisfai'TCiriJy.' 'rtisiril> .>i as :!i? <" vv? ? wh ? h -.<? . i 1 ho .HU: ;::t>'r:cy fr> ?n: :his: -firnd: i .fiif prtinv'^'^i- Will 'i i lan':"''- 'j .'?or a of pi ?.,% ;!)?- sani> ?Tate , of >^}ory?t ,:hv ; S-: r.? pay-. J?.?r. rbre lrontis: - Census, of Highway Traffjc. . FTrom . A.-ii-.'yj;;*-. ?. *h?.? T: ;> of rile Hiue RkisrV i a Hv i - H1. ami :roni Ka '?iffli to .Thti "I>;rri ?:;. : oim'y ? i : n ? - un. '.-'.^our0 .l'l ISfc-tVd ?.f h.-av-: ; . .?? >; ;ra.ff; ' a^-a." *:?'* >'a'.> H'cb ? wiy f',.'a>'-i,r;l'isg. ui -a traffuv! ; vi'^.y i' >h?s; Stater*] i1;!tbway ^'oafiS iA kfl-'aji tl yvhi- b --was .. (>n. t:if rca?i >v.r A>h?' v .ll6 4 :::2 : ? v^{i:V}^ < a. >'f ,:hf - . ? ?hi!r- on roa.; n?*ar Ha-.. " - .- ' .A .. .. . "> .. ' ; i ?' ?...! '"/<? *4rh :>;4T:? . u.^vrvWi Tbe 'i-cn-u* .f-t'T-- - .>.? '.rirgv a:(mjbe*r' <?f puinf-v. 2.21 -.vii'.-h - of fh*. n.n? .hi^h-. .S*ay dfsfTii-rs ? ; In . 't.urfh Uistru-ti i. vrhii-h Ralf:?h 's si?uat?pil; . 42^182- , ywh'i\4.^s xc*T*i >?-!?>?- v--t; .?\a '.tlit c^ti^as -The-, Totals- -for .*h?v oMi?-r h:s;v ' ? *aj distri'V. ? wore ; &"t ;na?I? avail-'-; ? -. | ?' ?i ?- no!. ri^: Tourist ?r. ffk- were (>?)>?- rye (1 ?>n Route 2;>: :witw?*.n Hen(!frv>nv:;;-K A-=h.; ;?.Mcw horse d.ra wn vefiieJes i n on U..U.T 211. Commissioners See Roads Oiled. H.khway Connn.-^.i.n'-rs- J K1 wo. >d ' Co* and A. M Kisiier ;rtide with their < Frank .. Cape, over many niileK >xf th?- asphalt .<? <V:i. roads of: Lw and Mo<>re ? < untie- ami tat- three v-oaid almost that' the state -. highway '(.?oniai.s^on :ia.- !iMjnd rhe t?ondar>' road for North' Carulina. ?'. ; The coromissioa :$ huildiax quite a few miles in these two counties. AVhen the Page ; Pa?-kard leaped ffom the concrete stretch l?et ween San ford , and Carthage, it bet^ame almost nec essary to stop, the chariot and intro duce the fellow commissioners to the! -. . * - . - - - \ smelly road flow lieing oiled. ?t No Pay for More Thran 48 Drills. ? No Federal payment will be made for the fiscal year begin ning- July 1. *1925, for any armory drills in excess of 24 drills per . unit in the first half ' of -the year, and 12 drills per unit in eac?i of the third and fourth quar ter*. or a total of 48 drills per unit for the year, according to an order1 Issued from tie office of the adju- ' tant general. J. Van B. Metts. The | annual armory insp-x:tion is included ; in the 48 drills. These orders are is- j sued pursuant to instructions from t&e Militia Bureau. [ Hydrophobia Cases on Increase. ! Number persons treated for ra llies. or hydrophobia, in North Caro lina has jumped from 157 patients in 1909 to 1,2S 8 patients in 1924. accord ing to Dr. A. C. llulla. head of the Wake County Department of Health, who has personally administered the Pasteur preventative treatment to ten persons in Wake county during the past twelve moniths and who states: "If such an increase continues <ve will reavh a point where people will become sufficiently alarmed to put a stop to this useless disease and the ! increasing number of people treated. The 1.2SS patients treated do not rep resent air persons who were probably bitten.' The tact remains rliat it is on the in fease and but little is being d"ne t\? prevent it."" ' ... : l>r Hull* lays the blame tor tho 'i sp>ivad: ?>(?' ?? hi d":s?;a.-??'.- wb:<ft is incur ? ..??Me uuc< -it de\i>l.!ps, squarely on the -"T; 1- : ? "lie .'yiithvrirn Me.' de ; "i.irids . !; ?' in. " -on s "be required to ''k- -ib'gs under their >u;?ei vis u .and xu ? u>rr> iha.': irvcny officer ?>f die. ".iw she 'ud liaye'the .rijht t^?* kill ?;r.'.{!i? . v- ry derg vr rn'nhUu at Ji.i'x;'- \v:j-h.->ip .. iYf oAvner. { ?rt ..'aie a- person' i.<I-jt?';.l?y-- W-.rd;>g ' ? !. ???' ;a . - 'IV iidlowhig. . ? . r."t?: rl. kiii' d ;'mil. have ji- v r tied- and if traces of j'eab . <v.d take ,'t-hv J!as e ? h : ? . ' 'i[' ui." '?) . it s a \-;?.es,' In. pie ; an.m. i; ;s ;. >? . ujtiui . d. k ' ? '?) f .j: ji4- ht /my w a\ ? ' | >f > ed vvn>?ii;l\v j|H,e.k:il-. . 1 - ' ?: initmal' and.- the . x;i;i .iv..-- > ;r :-;ii< ???..en .'thongu n ? . ? ? a'.', a ;.i . pi". J? ' to :)u> risk y.-iii. a-r.j .<kiiig iv oVev'.'':?i-?t!?t es 'M value ' id' :':h"-ai; ?;?? he- ?-a til, - :'V . to P ic Up Debts. Till s'.e >n -iiiuvrd an operat ?ijbg deficit e.f vn.i'i as of June '.0. rCa. 'liotiipa : <?l w.*h an estimated de j ri i. ? : ' ? repoF* d. to ;he 1 92.V general1 as > (if ia'lS.IUlMS, The: prison de : nVi; w i< announced by Stat" \m?r?>r Haxt'-r Dlr.l am Th :s deti< : t ? ? . ' li j state rl. does- net incl'udc an ? xpJ-ndi -are from the genera) fund "of *112. 2!* fur- permanent improvement at ' ?he ;st"ate. pris-wi. yyhi.h was funded by , *he seii? ra>- asS< mblv A i'i.ior rin'rhjtii- afiso repi'r-ted a d? - j tii .t e; by- the -Appala .h:an I Train': nc ? Seb':.'-; S7,'f?7t? 13 ?. i*y.. trie. - ??>?. -n' r..-. fe-i T.;ait.:r.u:' ? Scayu?iv ril.v -t l-> ? .?>. ?!?:>.' -Ca-svv- '! Traili ng Si htioi: : >.*??? 't?>? by ? t'he "?Industrial.. S. !.< .? Vs. ?!!:..? . and iih'ii v? >v t :hr .?Morr;.-.-n- T"a tJ'.n-.' School; . . i v her n^' :? n' I'!) - !b(iwev< r. ?".??p?.rt ? rj au.ifi d .ippropviation^ totaling. ' > ! -.J'L'S w:;-,i n reVe.yii'd tf) : ae ;' fl i <:?*: Ivtia ? ? " - j Many .Meter Trucks Used in Schools. r-'.iiiljv ?a it's port a lion. v>t scljjool chil-* ?ire-, ha - been. rh?- sti'npec't of on ex Ha;.:us*-:v? :iLy. niade hy VV. H.; I'iti r. .a: > :' th- '-'?ate. department .of public '.inst'rtii -jon. who has made public his f;njd:ngs Snt h- transportation reports Mr. 1" rrman w,is first tindertak'.n at <..'ra'>vs County farm Life school a: V.,:;. . bote, in 1M2-L1.". Th# next ' y> r -Kd'c ..?.mbe"-t'i?'nnt-y; b. gain- trail1 ; ? un a* t .e l-.esg'ipt^ (^insolidajenl - .';???' "r.g . three-, hor^e drawn ao-. ?/. I ' /? ' ? ? ' .\i :? . ri'.vVuan u.vos trgui' > io. show li'it- ? !r>v."-'i'Joii>' ' .^nefea-se s':i the public ?;-an?.wiFtiiiion of school!; children dur ! :i.u : he .past ; few years. "Alt ? early ?'.ranspo^ia-r.on .was llotie by wagons."' he said.' -"The first motor truck fo: Tatlspe; ??? . n : -ch-?o: children was ;:*rrj3t.. -d hV. i'arnjico ? >nnty. in An g-:;?r." The same yviar fcid^econtiVe onti: ? \ ??'?hased- a trtn.'k.- '. There is -??n'te d -ag-e-.-menJ be' vv.-.-n 'the super n'-ndv-.n- - as -o which m:ih k vas fir ft : - e(i -n ?iVa uiing..? htldren. to schoo" At i :i -? ; ru'e. both counties u-ed moL>:r rtli k> fnat ye'a'r for. th** firs' ?intt% and aesv -were i.hf first twa ??otiuties in 'No-fJi': . rar?d;n.t using au:o:i>iiiivt transportat ion. ?'The stave supervisor' ?.??? elctifnta-y sehcok r.eiK?rted six vehicles in !f?l * "1 *?. w hich ? ransporfed ; 1J?- i hildt < n." Mr Pirtman <aid. "In 1920. !l\e years utter .there were 130- vehie'es trans ?por' ng 7."9fi pupils. 'Itiiere w is at: in rease of 144 vehicles in five years and an increase of 7.8S9 in tn ? nuniaer af children transport ed. "No figures are tiVailahle. a<J to the number of. vohtcie'! used; nor as to the i number of (hiidren ted in . I:92'.r-2IV Mnt mued Mr. I'ir man. ; . "In 1922 tiiree w. re -..52S vehicles used daily to transport* 20.^.'?9 s(-h(U)l chil: t drem This sfiows an 'increase in t wo year? of J75> \ eludes and 12.42:5 .<ih:i- j' dr?.n. The increase iin the number uif vehicles represents 252 per cent and the' increase in the number of chil dren hauled represents 157 per ,vnc. "Jn 19211-24. ninety three of the 100 counties in the state were transport- j ing children to the public schools, j 'ilhese ninety-three counties used 1.318 j ?conveyances, mostly motor trucks, and transported 4vS.251 children to and i from school. Labor Stiuation in State is Good. The general employment outlook In North Carolina for this period of the year is considered satisfactory, ac cording to a report made public by the Employment Service of (|he United States Department of Labor. The report states that in Raleigh with the exception of one closed cot ton mill affecting about 225 workers, all industries are operating. The general report for the State shows that although some plants are operating part tim? most Industrie* ?re active. \ T 3 : fli-arh i /?- u--'.' ' I? ?? r.,- ' > .i !}< - :? ? ; ? - . ( ?'' ? , rr,. a UKJ Ml i!ic AljiTiiji'!. v-it. ilii- rii'.v [Milan a iiUits'SHii.r !'-> >i ? ?. _ '!????? \? 1 .'?iVli'M. ' ) ??* ? ? rl ; -r 11.2 ? <? i in !'.:??? i. ' ! I... ? .iil'i ruiiriJ-."-.. ' '??? tin- six !?? >? ha? NEWS REVIEW OF CURRENT EVENTS German Note Gives Hope of Restoration of Friendly Peace in Europe. Bv EDWARD W. PICKARD GfcK.M-.VNVS : ??*? "f src'urijv-pact.. in t' ttv?y ?;4ni?>i? ' t ??*!:? ialKu i'i 'I'f.-MKt k < bnpUt tin* "UtK-'-n f?T;in.;i<v in tlx- "id worM.. r >'*;?< ni ? ' - ijoJ-e delivered to !i forejpu was ? ibi.ii . lii fltctory. u X>trii< .?* I'i of lt>?* i.capini '?! ? N.- t'.rttis . ? '*< t -XI 4 Tit ; 1 1! ' W ?' .V '*i ? ? '! : 1}?I <* r ?? iiri-iiV . >Im j -it* VI thrush' ,'t.? < ? <??>?> .?;??!*? ? tr.Jll- '<? ?{? -.the. ? :|v ;1 ;i' Vs*. "> ?? Vt-iiiliyvt/iiv -Sir : t ??<- ' . ? ? ^ t. : H ? t i li : n ? ? 1 ?;i ictiV ; V.'jvi..-' !i.S l-'htn- f ' itiul. ?it. v. it- > -w-'ijtinc- !?? '-?"i t ?!,?!? n.vV'J-v; . hut, mi:!.. 1,1 ?fn, t-ii;t? u rt 1 ? Hi 1 > i-\'> ? ' V'l-M !??:? V. ? "I:. exj iaii.v: i? *n .1 ? r" ! ab'ur !'?> ? cdujvi) *.ri ' M-.jrW.';.}:? i:i-r. . ? ? daiiiftiif'. thatVai 1 ?? ;* <: < .<?11 : r;i a?? in.! LcauUe ,jf .N at . 0I1S - * 15 y,. i ^a I ? 1 ? ? ' 1 . an,; >;;rr" 'i!"'iv<4 !'.v, j .V.iverl'u ";y . 'ar-u lieiphhf -J.! :n flit* ?rii": r of K.'.ir??p>* hit v : :?ir in the. ?*,our>e: of 1. s!i.rv- as An* theater -<?>; warv w***irid be ilr;iv. 11 ini*' coii-tli t> b*'*we?n :]?::<! -tales. " .-??!.! nine- the; rj . > : . * ;ti <-vj-r?- ? ; " !??? ' '??-nii;i?i> f?s.?-r ?f v-lr: ?iir the a-flgt'f of i^u ? |i:i 1'J L??!jtlt)Xk Fn;.n< e !<? .aid I *? > i .t 11 ? J , Article to 'theoretically gives France, the !?? ^pl troops #nd; sUppLe a, '<> tin- aid "t ff-t'ii- l.'it :? .itiii' kf(i I'j K':>>ia. :?*K In I*:ir s it 1- tlivi.: !'???. ii" 1 (Jv'V prniii<'h ul?|'-tl<ink ?>f .vntlini t r?'??ps t).r*'tu'ti : ' i?'i'lu;tii> ? ? mtujji 11 v ? s, In l-lic 1 ??'!?' t! .it ii KHiilil ji? t ! ...? v ?? ci|ii.ii ns :i t>?-r ?!;??. 'ivii^ilc \Uf. il .its f?'VM 'Ti.v arin.i :i:? .- follow v.c. Ny iIjs nnii.'iun'iir. It; iiiiy i lir vii.r i > 'ii. <>f tn iair N' ..ti.v* ?.?**.- ? but. "A; ;b?'- titsu'v -It f??r ' pv.1l!;. .. . > '.<? nil!-'. HO! <-\ f i ;()<? ? .1- x ? ' ; J t y <>f' :i?i:i|''Tiii* |n~ t i> 'I'lit" tnirii. '.ii-ii. ilis. us-.mJ in .;the. Bn!ii ,v !}j-|? r'lii' "f l riiii' ?? :i -U;i r ant' r ? ? ? -fw - u r?- .vri-itraiii'ii trvulii-s l><-- 1 'tut**-:: 1 ???rn::i;.>i ? jiIkI v.- c\ akui to tin* i?rivil?-^.' tn i]. ?{?? wiin *1 ! ?? ni'tir rlja! this ritfh-t h?; fo.'.a <li^iu!?-ri;s';i-ti i'<i\v?*r. the c?>nrjl.;?ir th?v I-v.-i-ik- of Nafii'trs. M ; I'.rjjiixi. Tn-n< ti foreign minister: s:t ; ii.: In : t : > i'?*cst?'iral opinion 'here Is nothing in tlu* (!#TJiiiin ? U?.te vv!:!r:i >tand,? in ii?* way of n <at lMa'-T?'r.v si t tli-UH-nt." Later In* aj> priseil Fr?*n?-h tjijUomatii- ri-pro-i-nra tiv?>> in ?<tln r countries of nnnierouji rf*seha;iohs vvhirh the note rails tor on the jKirt of I'raniM*. especially eon-.: cernin^ tlie- interjiretation of article 10 of t!io' < ovenanr'. The i'aris pivsk on BPfond tlinti^lit m not like the <!er-. man rvj-ih -?> ?eil. noting thai it opens a debate oil !!??? revision of tile peaft treat Addressing tin* r<*hlista^. Horr Stresemanti urged the nation and 'the III lies to hack the peace plan. He said, however, t here were still suinc itlir ; port ant points outstanding, especially with respect to arbitral ion treaties and the position C.eroiany u to take within the Leo pue of Nations. The minister was confident that fiir- j tlier (liscussion w'ouid , lead to i>ositive results. Ho expressed preat satisfac tion at the pood will shown by both Fnin'-e and Helpium in completely evacuatinp the Kuhr before Au'pust 1(5. and the French premier's declaration that Puesseldorf, I'uisburp, and Ruh- ( rort also shortly would be evacuated, within t lie time set by the treaty. France was doing her part, as Strese cnann said, by hastening tlie evacua tion. Her troops were moving out of the German cities rapidly, at night so as to avoid clashes with the citizens. An explanation of the improved re lations between France and Germany, current in diplomatic circles, was that Benjamin Strong, president of the United States Federal Reserve Bank w^-bad ? HK'\iv-!-iiiJ:j^ii>':Hsr,s,','iii,'1; '" n'; ? ,'. ? ....-, .. , ;,.,]i:!s .j-<* *1"'- ' ' ? y v' v ? 'fe>v u-!- wv,: .?X !?<.: ' lV.;:nir"- " >il :-' . . , , ?? ... ?i iir? nt 'Ti w ill i..- ;! <.?! tiiMMt'Tl! vr ^ .tM- r: :uid: :l: h;JS : s.iv-V,'^r .\1. ? ..iU^uv \V''f ? '? ?'? '?"?'* I"!V.!<'<i f" ?;,rr;,n!f,\ i tiu, r :',(?!! ??nv If. the A' i ? $ ? ,1 o ' \ 1 #R i :?? ?.!?? so.' ? 1 '.akl'.ii Bouillon ? I ready Ho* (1 . hair-nan of \\y I r.-M. U 'i , .? ;.r* :v ? r .?i>n!iriiM ?! !-?" r''!"'rt iL' ? ' 1 ":?W wi.tiid seeW-ft 1-an . ... ? U'.:!-' -r ?*"'<- ;;fUT th'' ?? , .. (] }>.'?, -h :i- "????<* I i-< jfcX. T; ,'!>5 ijJi'K ?> 1' "on. T?*nn.. J-'"?V .? "1. ^ :? i ? ? f" ? ? vt '"jit ?'? v f* ? rlw-I < 1 Ltvir' ? H U, ' I4*' 1 - * ? ! ? ? .**? ' ; . ; ' : I, a!i'l > ;i< t-H'ed . A..> . ????? v*u-i"n N"' . , .. hi'i'i iriv'iV a3>?l s !?-" t- j ^r'ii.;a ? tn*?ina? ^ ; v. ?;??}:<?*. iir.f.'iiin.iil'Iy *]** ?s"' | 'j' **S ?S!:,r,'vxri-U.i ,|? . ? ? til*' : >?' w# U i 7"- : \ .;?? ? , iv . ?>.?.! .< i i ? S 1 1 1 ? ^ ti 11 ? v if \<-V} =' i ? V t !l?' j ....U..;-.- n-k v. :Uu-^ in - ! .'.J,;., ;r t^ini a i-i.i' w..ul?t *'<? i-i-' in 1 all ;V?loral fr?m in j s, ... ? > ?>) W'tji'li -til*' <1"<' r|l !.e VV.. u*,.-r. i- tauiflH. p., S> a- ?"I"n ?* | ' x.)u- wor k ?rrj'risinsly ;J>tU William. .1 -t'.ifi.l. ?'5U? ???"'I ? in ?' ',l" ' I,--.,'.-- ;t?<l an>A?*r. Wh.'!: j i r . f \\ :l- -a. IiialUT >?!' '??>?;. ? , ... . . . H-wrvr. nry;,h was i :v i iinu! timt ia 9 oni^ in^tari.-.'S. | ? ?>? . ?? 4 <-.?int m : !??? ? S?4i.i in . Ser*n t!;,. w^ pt ? >"?' ! !??? r<'P<?"i iili'Kill) . TV- <? ? J?,t . ,.f ' \<1;iiii :Vinl Kvf. ?'f '?**' j fo*V( ?? b'-.. ? ' . l ali'.i 4 '<? .wMia'''- ^!I?' ! ar?- !il orally ;ru*-. . S'!.?-a^:r,-- ^i;n?*ra'lly a-s-rwl : . "1 "' . . "v ' _ ??? ? '?:Vy.:'!?c. ?W a.. <$is l.ii i ; _? ? i.?-i v\ ?'?-m Bo an anil I ':irh>.v >!?v(ii.i ; ru:? 'i ?"i;- "'-'I 1"' W lit ll:};:;. "put I'arniw ?.n il ^;aii'l.. s,. r 4- . sm' wcitt t4? tin- .Vary, whi' h iuoiii-.; W: f-? i'linui.-- t? ???*? i, \4T : > ' suijty. kckkTahy ok a? ?i\i< ri.'n itK O IAKI'iKk Vi:t> I spf-niiinu *\*e& ti-arin^ Mi.- VVr^t. an?i ,,n ! .> ;( ri:rn V- Wasliinv".'-" n'vwwed the ai:ri4 a rural situation as \\r TI < r<- ?> a return ?'f i? <>l:Hii?'in:v, ?'?' laniK-rs ;|r?? <4j" tlx- "si .ol.'U *?f liaiikrui'l' .? ? t tntrr ?i)l 1"' jrn-at d.-ian. l,.r farther f. 1 rin !.^islau..? :?n.i Uiar ?!?. :ara.:- ih.'i:,s.-lv.-s an- <fOiii|?ot??nt .0 tl.tiir ...wn i?n>hHitis. Man> of tl:,- larnu-rs will. t:ilk.-d told thin^'> were Mr. .lardino r<* tx'ttor off 1 i 111 t<> "let it a|<'nc. n? atoiif: pretty well:' rolitiriiud : ? ? ? "".'siSMe ami Jh?s Ineii tlmii tliey, llave heeii s?n?v and L ilidfi f w any slteep tneit down at t1a* inmitk If- tile w}U>at men are careful in niarketinc tlioir erops they will pet jpood iLri'.es and t hoy are learning not to tl< 4.d tlie markets. "Conditions in the eorh belt are re- ' versed fn>m what the.v were a year | ago, when hogs were still cheap and corn a poor and expensive crop. Indi cations are for h large cotton crop and a favorable income in the belt." ACCORDING to tjgures just made public by the department'- of Ag riculture. the fanners of the raited States received a gross income of$lL\ l.SC.OtHMHK) from agricultural produc tion for the year ending June .'{() last, 11s ? otupared with f l 1.^88. tMK>.OUO for the previous year. In arriving at the gross income the department deducts cost of feed, seed, and waste from the value of produc tion. According to the department's experts, the increase over last year, amounting to about T'/i per cent, was due almost entirely to higher returns \ l?r!v. .?;'????:?*? V.^V^ , to o!hfvr :.r!i ? - ttir r; "N ??;.- S" TTT a- HHHpaMNl I tS ??.'csiK*MHt tn jWS?; I ??"?: ?'",1 fuel .?</ Mftil ? ijotfniii/'rt ? < ' * H M * * V fjrhitSr w ??" '.**??? * ? ? ? ' ? ... ? \ noi.KNri-'-iiu^-i^..v.v' ? V ? < -i r '??' I 'r?-i. : lines sib. ftp 'tin-' |Mi?r-a posts. ucrc abttftijolied. :>n<: ?' r ports . M?-r. < <-an ?. tnbe*ii..-n . failing ba' k :he e?*teV ' i'iit1y {?r<'i*;ir.liiL* com-'-nva'e ? W efforts on' fliT- .with '? *- ,. ' :;,kin'ir ilif ;4.nt '4,w"v 1 ;,z*' and giMS- '. !'. r. t iv > Mlioiit ' tifilos -a.M am: nortHwest .-t r : < for the Krvircli. together wit* the : ri a ?'f ' jeneral "J* ; 1K!w ??..iNinanii'-r >n ^ , f 1 ' fum- aii'l & ?#?*! V-r:,in. "i\?-n renew ? ? -nli? !? n? *' 'i-- Ao.'i r'< ' Krim Av;n,\..v <i?tvat-?'d. 1 ' v:!''' -e;oiy for ?f Th?- nat r.- ? \<'x% - ' . tvr? - : :;V* l'*T!V "''?'r' d ,,n" ' I'Tamr am: >i;a'*- i', -in sii; i,r'" ?t tiiii :???*# w:,r xv,,""! br-ak u i* 'in. a the l-'ejigfien rio'T* :'"'1 I---' " < liekiang |ir<-> iii* which were ins: near tfce .v\ a.ol ".t- ??" V ...ran. '!?!??? , in:.-rna:i..i1:.i ai,-: l"n-m h , ot-< rt,'r'' \"'W ] ,.,t \\ t H Ntr).v?l- wir. M ?n fr"" ? " ;l n..i^k..i.u 4'Stnw Tltat ??- n:.tiiP anui- were pr^ j*unnir f??r - siii ,''1 1 . 4 u.n uiiilv lit fowi^Ti jti|?to!iia: s !n l't k.R^ w. 'v ^ i T* tlif* "hI'I 1 1*4 ' 'lrt'W n\> j*i * 1 *,,r ,,4V ,.f th.? "U!v. v ??:>:.'?? THf port an, of an-: r,vnv?M ation ? f tin- <'MRfs.' ' Uston^ rovM<Mi reiif ffi'iii'*' w;:li a niitilmui" ..f tj.'la> an<l roar:.<>n "f ;? Hn.imiission <n?|u'in* ini?. <-\:rau-irit).rial ?iaUor<. a, n flat'* v'ijl Il,.f. n !)-.? ? .f M.- ni^iion of ro snonsiMlity f- r in th" ro , cm Shanjrhai :o a Ju<H' ia! in. nuirv. Wirli :?>?? < 'hiti'-o governflW* :l"i af: -"V?'n,:il,,n:v tM.uMl al i.lo l.y ?';?? - rSTKAl-LX N'S '!l<> Amori'-nn A |l<-o, ij|?roari?v.!- w.4(o?.os a' M.-1 l.ounio iind S> ?iiif.v. win- !?' w, r'* vj>itod la-! VV<??rK ??>' SO.ii..JI- of T'o <livhlo.l 1I-. t. T U* Plf ??".rro.l from all> of iiu' eoiinrry to> ; In. arrival of tin- jrray wa Wu|?#. w?-ro mail v sjioo' lu-s of ?,n iniiw^siw aorial deiiionstrauoiis. A<1 uiiral HoUinsoii; < ouiuiaiol.-r of iln ??? J [on. ua- at Sy?!uoy. \\l..-r?; 1m- r?"?-ivo(l , ?h1uio of ~.-v?-nro.-n nnidf orti- _ Ha! ,;.liv r.-vi.-w.-.l a fine pnrad ,.f men from i?i-< ti-sscIs,: Sir PudU'j 1 ic.-liair, ^.v.-r-.-r of N>w South W al.-s. standing by U KNKY KOlU'.'S bid for thi> fleet of XI unsorvi<-t-al'i?- of tin* I nitcnl Stall's >lilpi?uiK board has be?-n held tip for the present; objection* to It having been raised by unsurressful bid ders under' the first advertisement. There is n <M?an. e that the sale of the ships for .tonkins may '?? prevented enrire'y. f"r ;h'' point that this may be violation of ,he m.-n liai.t marine a- 1. It was an nounced fh'airii??'n <><-?i")r had asked for a ruling by the Attorney p-nera!. Till" Van S^eringen Nickel l'late railrojwl merger project was still before the interstate rommenv eotn mission la^t week, and the most inter esting incident was a ho, exchange be tween <?. I*. Van Sweringen and If. ? Anderson, counsel for protesting mi nority stockholders, concerning pro gpective profits for the promoters of the deal Anderson presented a tabulation of original costs and potential values as a profit summarization, which \ an Sweringen declared led to false con elusions. HSAKINC.S on postal rateB were begun by the congressional com mission. and as a starter Postmaster General New told the body that postal revenues, under the new rates, which went into effect April 15, were only $4,131. or .0091 per cent greater In May of this year than in >May. 1924. | The postmaster general made it clear ; that Insufficient time had elapsed to i Judge accurately the result of th? j changes. WILLIAM J. M DIES IN DAYTON DISCOVERED DEAD IN BED AFTE F EATING HEARTY NOON MEAL. - i ? r?;?> T? ii *|V nn J < i,n :.:c. Uryjtn li. iniuv-i i;ii n'.Ti n?*ss at r;if- irr.iTir party .?r. kn<>wn tli'- nvi r f ??r i: <1 < if li< r? ;t tli< fji of Til.' '?Utf ruuir 'A it: ? ')l<- fi.'tat -3 A .1 - .-.I a : ? | : ; : ? ?wl. h* I-!"- i.jii.- ?f> aji'iji!' \y H<: - <'i r< : j; ? <) t < . j i ^ i'oiimi -ii'ii" y ij"'T ? ? ill" i<i t! ? !ilt* r '?* '.i!.' a ?.??!-* Mr- i-ayii s.-n/-th l - ? U .. - r til rj ? J) '! ; ... .1 i , ? li.' . j-". "rh^ni i !t:?l * l.?r. A - Hr\ .... !i- i ? ? . J ? i- ' '?* ' > ;s ?: ? j ' a. . .: : 4.". " Portrait o* William Jennings E->_a made during, trial in Tennessee. f.. i :'n r^d- i.r?' ? !:?? "f. Ri'J-v ?: !log?- r.? h H??d 5?- - .;?;?? . ' 'i; r -'ay -r . 'Mr f:r> ? ,?wv "U th? ? ? ?f aliV'ii'r i i-' !.?? :i . i ; ..inn- }?'< <;i?ry iw :'??:?< the . > n ) ?;>!*- i ;'>;iviv ::: ?!? in if- r?'H ? < >1 i;. !m;. : >n . i'- r h.?. rip ? <Jr. ??<???, :t? J. i -p.-r :i -i \\ *;? h- - Tr-ni:<-?sf ? . r.?{ irf'-tr hay .nj " .. :i.' n: > f??r *ii>- ? i-' .? !'<? '? t;< n ??f. -;>? ??? !i >va~ to ' ?? . ? r.iade :n ? ng t h?* t~ia! John T Mini rvr*Btly was f> ?;;nd uu. of ?? - -n* ? ti? r. law Dc.-pi';. -h* -T"n'i pp.umrr. Bryan had been follow :ne a? a tu ber of ?:]'??? pro-sot";! ion s' iff in * ? Si opi - ' ;is? and as lemier of t iitr I ir. dam?'hta';>*> h. appeared in ? v ? i ? health. Short: v f Mr. Bryan ent.*" i his room *o r->t hv t >!d !::? wife had- n> v. r > :???*???? in his -Old was r? .us n : i before the . oun*n * wag? - ti/at :n behalf of f^sdar.. * tal:sm A: ;-; 4 o'. k Mr* Bryan ? 1 <du r hu.'iun i had slepr ;-ng pr.viiKii. ' v> she. ?<-nr *he ?'hauff' :r who a>" was hi# personal att'-ndayr to ?.iio i;:m M< ''ur'nev shook M Brayn ?*;.?* iefore he not ? <?d w.-.- h*>t bre;rh::ng The ph eifc? and \ B Andrews. a neigh;, v then wen- - Kt.moued finrrv'Ny . Mrs - Bryan :CV*i*e'pt?>d . sr. ?'* bravely .md r-matned ? a!:n. "I a.:ii h.iri '"-if tny In;-, ;nd* ! withe.- -::ff-- ..u and :n p?-a?*?\" -r? >a'(! .Mr' I'rayr. -e/.>:;ed a messa::' :'r her f n \V:.:..:m Jonnisuts Hry.i?. ! 'statins h?? was NMvinc Ann*"* imn;>'-<i;.itf> > for rhi? fa-f. Mrs. ftry?.i st a rod -h'- would !nfo,rm him < f rho a : : .ti:s;t in-:i' < for the funerai *-r. rout" .Mrs . Bryan wa.s pr?*par;Re t > >a*.< Dayton n the next day or so for Id ilK whrrr- she-oxpp'cted 'o spond :h" s'.:rr. mer w :h ht-r son. Mr. Bryan was to leave Dayton Tuesday for Knoxv:!; where ho would deliver 'wm ?peeche rhen Co to Nashville for a s:rn engagement, before ^oing to Florida He txpei rci! jo: si Mrs Bryan in the fall, j" Flo w.i? taken to Dayton Sunda" morn. nc by \ \V I.essiy. owner of Ross hotel, and- they rearhed th^r?? about '?> :?<? a. in.. Mr. Bryan stay : art home durmti the morning and ? arrstngements for the speei-h to be de livered at the eourt -bouse :n Dayr >n. Another engagement of importance was one at the Hotel Aqua when ne wouid meet with the Progressive Day ton flub and lay plans "for the Bryan college a movement w.h:ch was- to o<* definitely launched with the d;nn> r meeting He had planned to leave Tuesday morning for Knoxville. Cleveland Flags Fly at Half Mast. Cleveland. ?Flags on all municipal building* here will fly at half mast :n honor of William Jennings Bryan until after his funeral. , This announce ment was made by William J. Murphii secretary of City Manager William II. Hopkins, in the absence from the city of Mr. Hopkins and Mayor C. C Townes. ^ The country has lost its leader in politics and religious movements. New ton D. Baker, former secretary of war. declared wtien informed of the death o t William Jennings Bryan. w

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