THURSDAY, JULY 30, 1925 THE BREVARD NEWS 6 THURSDAY, JULY 23, 1925 I'tdished every Thursday and en od at Postotficc at Brevard as iiiiiuli.hjM m?tf>r- ' U E. BREESE . . ...... . . . Owner STARKETTE ^ STERLING E.i:t??rs MiSS ALMA TROWBRIDGE Neuo Editor T-f phones: office, 7; residence, 189 SLBSClMPTtOX RATES: ? Payable." in Advance) ? j) .<'? year . . $'4.00 / St . ?* a?\Hi{h's ; V. 1.25 !? iv". .-iaouthr- ............. .75 Ilv o muiutis ..}?:? ?. . BRE'.ARDS HORaE SHOW }?,<., :i,v .Ti- B^cvanl -arc- to be ? ???? c:' j, ^ ? :'!U" . . ; t ! - . ?iv?v pi TtHittcrd^ the .pr ivileKe " . .. . ?->:>.? ? tiu ;'r historical rei ... ; |vf' t-rvt annual i. , i\. , h v.. i.- att occurrence .=' : =S.i;u:;ia>. Jul*. nm the out-, of Btfe^arjk. Th? Nvws irif sc-:u;merit?; ?if :n::uiy ,? in , . the. Sports 1 "utu il *>f V uii-./Si-y : t.(- J'oni'nierce ? Up?>h its attfiupt to .-ccure for V J: \ -vert; . ' of >uch pruniin c ; , \ a; uc. and upon ; it's piani ?f,.. . ilv, to put it .through in such i' c roiiit ithlt* ir.aniifi . niptiutr t??. jvlact- bvf.oiv , .Kie-.ari. and- Transyl J -i a: !,."itT'. facili ?j\v 'he ~-.r.i *:>. tH>- I'JiamK i* of i .,!.vVvr: ;;.iTw;!;i;nyariyli.auil -? vi'r i ' ii j):<'irr;;ni^.Vf v-yi'nt>. tiny ? tif'st ?' o?rie of: which $?? tH* *.-. -ho,W. rlu'st- hV^.W- far ~.f ,'h ;?:.:.ii iivw yii-luable this yvent . ' ;Wi 'its future; his ... j -.tuques: ? -liable ' crr<|V>'ti>, M..j T..vv t? titna'ed. 'The. jrrvafc . .'j T* -.U'Ttv derived therefty. -how;* ' \ ?? at ?ietviable. Ary ~jtu>r-?e ? V .: ?. -V\;,;.ab.-t>i-lhe ; n ; ' e'vt-- 'Vj ui' -]>Br*'vard :.vant.< r iu-iv ij it v futun- Citizens. >e thus atvr?lcthd v-of ITI lailfi' Hum >k r* " ' ' 1 of v.h t; V 'Us '."v> -'psaise. . , ?***. * ; ?" yl ^ ? oveijt th^?. .? i: - b.-lrA's " ol.^ this ? -. V :-;\ ,.f the .-ri'trii-s at. the ? -r ?? ?vhi'V.;' \wro :rnaT-V- 'BrcvariT . Those di&m-' V(ii ;:t (fd'" m'<'Utiy. de-! red people. i *. j itcvjUH:nted. Avith .the aiirfUtff- an?i'. attractions 'offered favorably 'impressed ?? VI ;uiie. \viil ?. in - all probability, V v >f: tin-::;. deVi.Te- to lmriitc here el'.tiv ? Oi I" i:.;ve:-t their molU'V .. ? to a- certain extent". This on* v- it i>;: .the seasoi. alon'v .will un ? v>tcdly, theiyfore. mean thous ot 'i?>lla! "u: the w.ay of adver "n'. ; ??w:r?t for- Br'-vard. . thv out" of. town pcopU itter'suit.ce the-' horse , vv" last k -e-'l . t '.oniselves iiv the ?? _ ???*.??! terjn- iff ora;.-e of Brevard s i * .= ? , " * " " ? ? . - . . c. ? ,>li( .?:* ? .veliture with its rirst 'iai -ho: .-iiy.o fy(i: un ikln^ ' uch a feature on it> v- -.Main of -ummer entertainment, ,?ro^>abfy no o.ther town of it> ui W.-tern North Carolina \ ? .rtj- u? ui'rt;: s.e. We . aspitin. 'talfe- 1 ..-at e In. congratulating the ( ham T ..? ( onirrt ! ? ??. with' ; -particular j -. hi fiu.V- t-he efficient and Joya! . -utiyt-' s'-vretary. Philip Warren. -..."''--ar ee -.-fuMy',;piittinjr overt this -m -tatid.ini; feature j'?, ?? Brevard'* '.' r!s-.r?iry .'.'V ' " . J : , ' f.T MYERS PEOPLE ENJOY BARBECUE AT GLEN CANON The vVitinir. Fbwiciians from Ft. | ;\i ' >m > t-rijoy'ed a picnic and barbecue i-n Cannon Falls on Sunday^ Jul 1ft. with about, forty people f?" > ti Ft. Syejs in attendance. The f.?J'ovyin>r account of the event is t>.k -n from the Fort Myers Tropica! N undfr date of July 23: ?'H. Case of the Palm City Brick ;tnVl Tile company returned to Fort Myvr- yesterday with word of * lKg suiniwr outing: of Fort Myers people held Sunday at Brevard. N. C. "There is. a bitr City of Palms! .sun nier colony at Brevard. Last Su ?lay some 40 of them got to- 1 eet?c! .?n,1 held a picnic at .Glenn Jannon Falls. With S. C. Kelly as I naster of ceremonies and ' L. M. itroup and Mr. Case as assistants, a :ig time was had. Mr. Stroup bar becued a pig and fried the chickens ? hile his assistants prepared the .'ixinV Speechmaking was banned, so .lose in attendance found nothing to iar. the perfect pleasure of the day, Ir. Case said. One of the principal vents, he reports, was a wading ontest. led by "Papa" Stroup. . i tei wards the young people went ; bathing while the elders enjoyed trctmous pastime of com .i>ig notes on their vacation ex : efimentij.v X y 1 .. ? I'he picnic will be made an an ual event; Mr. ( 'ase said. Brevard becoming increasingly popular th K'TtMyt r.- people and it is ex acted that next year's event will be ttertded b\ at least H'O. " 'Brevard is attracting the at trition ?>f development experts." aid Mr.. Case, -and no doubt will be wade into a tremendously popular -?(?sort. 1; has an ideal .??summer cli ar.' and is in the midst of some beautiful mountain scenery.' . "Near Brevard there are a number f summer camps for boys and girls, V>tnV I. "idi' youngsters being there for the suinmer.. Many of them are from Florida. This year the camps, were . for red to turn down many ap plicants on account of lack of ac -;ofnodatiinis.*'' NO FISHING IN NATIONAL FOREST DURING: AUGUST ! Supervisor Rhodes of the ? PiSgah National. Forest ami Game Preserve ! has staled ..that, 'owing io adverse. ' .veut her conditions, there will he no : h i r ; ir allow -u on" Pisgaa National'* , forest Game "Preserve ? dy.nrig the l-R;""tii of- August.- 1 ' f 17 ! C 5 IT *T R V D c ^ A ! LF D " TUESDA-Y MORNING ?Kiviuhc Irani, Extra 107 SouLh, ; wu- 'deraiivd about o^e ""?ile. '?; south 1 f Bn vjiiii ..ari.v' : .morning:'. v1:h two'"li-a. It is " claimed' tlv?t the J " "? . . ? .. -c'dfrtt was i^u?' to .?"f -th ?' ,<.4i"e j ,:"?vck': sic Sot- ?? ?:der ibje. damftge was dolie !" tT'u- eouip '! and -eoah.wsls po0re.,(..otlt in "(he h.-ttftjA'ay. FoilutilHelv* .?*?. member.^ t the Crew, revejtfvfa: jit.ury.'_ ;. * Numtyy?'- :'.\v . passenp r tra: - . -ready ' "for passage. Passengers ;or -nojatV s?.u; ivof . .Rrvtrfrd"; .u cr< ? v ?* ?? ,* . . ?*' ; y auto;r.o-. tnie.**. J; ,v =?? ?' ;**,'?* r ' ?;?' . ; .. ;'v l rv a'c.e-.jrr.r rv.?.vc'-i, i*i ? oox^er ble ; itH'jvs" N. sumuier people. ill that m:iny oi them had the opporttin^ seJin.. the op -rat, on. of the ?leair; der- if v. , This nja^hine I -x.wvrfiil enough tit take hob.v and' : -Wdi-fy. sw!i e any of tK- - ars into the :i:r. This, is the second de-aiimeni ? " ? ? * . : ? ot any seruju.s nature whatever' in i ( lie , na^t. ien years. ? i ? INDIAN EVANGELIST TO CONDUCT SERVICES AT CHERR YF1ELD NEXT. WEEK ? A, S: l.oikee. an Indian e\"a j:ge ! St . will' hob: a series of yya'Ugi'lh?ie ftveet in its at. Mr. Moriah Baptist church, Cheirvrielti. beginning next Sunday. August' ''.2. and cont nuiirig ! for ten day.-. ? Ail people from the j town an.i fettt jnty are in\ite?i *o at-1 tend these services. BRYAN MEMORIAL SERVICES > | TO BE HELD AT FRANKLIN , HOTEL SOME TIME FRIDAY Memorial services lor W iiiiam '.Jertri jng?. Bryan will 'be held ?>n the ^ia.-: pia.v./.a . ?::d lawn of the }? rank iii1 Hotel during the hour of ser vices at Washington, the . hour of vvh'ich can W obtained from the daily papers. The follow injf order of services will be carried out. a> arrange i by the local copimittee in charge:! Hymn? ' America ' Invocation? -Kev. V. A. Crawford, pastor of Brevard Presbyterian church Sony? Lead Kindly Light ? (Totr Scripture ? -Rev. E. R. Welch pastor of Brevard Methodist chtircr Song: ? -Rock of Ages Cornet Solo? Prof. Cutter Eulo try?Rev. Wallace Hart.- oil. pas tor of Bievard Baptist cr urch Songr? Nearer My Cod To ? hoe Resolutions of Sympathy ? Mayor Whitmire in behalf of the citizens of Brevard Benediction? Rev. Harry Perry, rec tor St. Philips Episcopal church. This service is open to the gen eral public and it is hoped that a large number of the citizens and vis iting friends will be present to pay their respects to the memory of this great man. The choir will be com posed of members of the various churches. HORSE SHOW IS DECIDED SUCCESS (Continued from Page One) Biltmorc Forest, judged in" the Camp claw. Mr. Everett, in commenting on the show, declared that it was, fn his opinion, a most credjtable exhibition. "I believe," declared Mr. Everett, .hat the Chamber of Commerce is v-ertainly to be congratulated fror putting on surh a show as was giver .iere Saturday. 1 have seen horse hows in all parts of the country anc 1 think that 1 have never seen show, which, considering the size ol he community in which it was hell ind considering the tshort time i vhic h it was promoted and stager .vas more creditable to those wh promoted the exhibition. 1 am sur hat this horse show will mean thoud .,ds of dollars ii| advertising anl publicity for . Brejvard, which wij rihK to this community year afti .ear a large number of prominet tad wealthy people. The very faf animal.- which were exhibit* here Saturday, is a marvel in itsell Numbers' of people who brougf horses for the show Saturday eoij in.Mited to me on this fact, and have heard nothing but compliment anil praise for the show. 1 certainl hope that the Chamber of ComnierJ ?will make this horse show ah anni event and will cheerfully and at] quately support the Sports in having a bigger and better sh?J han ever each year, because it uj mean that Brevard Will thereby ga a very decided advantage and d unction over other towns in thi~ s^ tion'." ." ?> A letter from .Mr. John B. Oadsi of Summerville. S. ('.. comments the- show .as' -follows} ""Dear Mr, Warren: -? I am leaving in the morning all i most delightful visit in your tovj Mrevat'd is no ne.w place to* inc. I have been coming he'te oil and "i ,th? last six years. I.ast yeai| mised, my usiUd visit, and have bt astonished at. the wonderful improj that have been." made, in yij town during the past two years, note especially the wonderful s tem of sewerage' and wateij that V re putting in., to me <>ne .of the nn .essential features in any eomniuni i could, possibly cxte'iui - my" re mar as to the improvements " in . Brejv;i| ia a long letter, but the object this '7s siniply "to^thank you . for tl honor: you tfxtejidetf^tWme in tin- 1 .lecti<>iv. a.- a judge "in* your Air -how. it.-\va> \rujeed a .ulc asure- 1 excellent an -exhibition- and tote tH'e high class and character the horses, entered. This.-byinii vol shot. '{{>. speak, a.r a borP :lv*w. I consider. i-t a wonderful Vxll Kitjoir. and I an\ quite sine, (hat wi ?he .experjencij ~you have '? obtain i his. year, that your successive- sho' will be secoVni lo ?? tlolte in t eountr*. ' ? T; >"y u." fi.i? your courtijsij extended. t?? me while here. I am 'Cordially . yoUrs, "JOHN B. CA'ttSKN." VISITORS TO BE ENTERTAIN1 The Woman's Missionary .'Socie of the Methodist church will entc tain all visiting Methodist ladi who are ii> town Thursday. Augu sixth, from four to six in the ladi parlor. There AviH be an interesting pi-J grarii. at the cl<>.-e of which refresf men is will be served and a soci hour enjoyed. Every woman in the congregatij is urged to be present to greet oj guests and -how them how welcoij they are in our midst. Cramped and Suffered "My back and head would ache, and I had to go to bed," saya Mrs. W. L. Ennis. of Worthvllle. K y. "I juat could not Btay up, for I would cramp and suffer ao. I was very nervous. My children would 'get on my nerve#.-' It wasn't a pleasure for me to try to go anywhere* I felt so bad. "My mother had taken CARDUI For Female Troubles at on* time, ao she Insisted that I try It. I took four bot tles of Cardul. and if one should see me now they wouldn't think I had ever been sick. "I;]' have gained twenty pounds, and my cheeks are roajr. I. feel Just fine. I am regular and haven't the pain. "Life is a pleasure. I can do my work with ease. I give Cardul the praise." Cardul has relieved many thousac 1a of cases of pain and female trouble, and should help yon, too. Take Cardul At All Druggists' _ LINEN SHOWER TO, BE GIVEN AT NEW HOSPITAL A linen shower and reception will be hold at the new hospital on Pro baitu avenue, Friday afternoon, July 31. from three to six o'clock. A cordial invitation is extended to the general public and all visiting | friends. c F 4 R. W. EVERETT EXPERIENCES THRILLING ADVENTURES Mr. R. W. Everett experienced j some thrilling adventures on his re- ; cent hunting trip in Northern Alaska. He succeeded in killing three bear, one of which was an ex ceptionally large one, and the other ; somewhat smaller. The largest bear measured 21 inches across the head between the ears, and 17 inches from toes to heel, and three men were required to carry the hide alone, back to camp. This bear had been a much coveted prize for years as many shots by various ex pert hunters had been made at him, but without success. Mr. Everett is, therefore, deserving of the high est praise and congratulations for thus honoring himself and Transyl ania County. He succeeded in kill ing the bear after the third ' trial, ?n<| the fatal shot hit the animal at he base of the brain. NOTICE OF LAND SALE BY COMMISSIONER 1 Having been appointed a special ?mmissioner by the -Court in a sj?e ial proceeding entitled S. K. Gtee.n I'ood against Frank Mackey an ' ;hers pending in the Supei iot < .hi Transylvania ('o-.-ity b ?{<>?' le Clerk. to .-ell certair. ind> described in the pe ;ion filed in said proceedings', thi ^dersigned commissioner will -???!} '.<> le highest bidder for cash, at tin ourt House door in the Town 2 poles t' water oak; North S7 degrees Has: .'!8 poles to a stake in Scrugu ine; then with same South pole. o their corner; then with Scrugg' ine East >?0 poles to a maple in a iwamp; then South 4u poles :?> tin leginning, containing 100 acres. SECOND TRACT: Lying on Boil ?ton Creek. BEGINNING on th< Northeast corner on a sourwood an> ipanish oak. near a branch, and runs West 127 poles to a stake; then South 127 poles to a stake; the East 127 pole.- to a stake; the; North 127 poles to the beginning. Said sale made for the purpose o dividing the proceeds among the va rious tenants in common according j to their interest therein. This July 29. 192a. WELCH GALLOW.W. Commissioner. ltc7.'{(Uo8-20 BAND CONCERT TO BE GIVEN TWICE A WEEK The band boys will give free con certs t\v oevenings each week, Tues day and Saturday, in the new hand stand on the Court House lawn, the concerts beginning at eight-fifteen. A cordial invitation is extended the general public to come out and enjoy these concerts, and at the same time encourage the hoys in their good, work by giving tlu-m a large atendance. SOUTHERN RArLWAY COMPANY SPECIAL EXCURSIONS TO NIAGARA FALLS, N. Y. O Sperial Excursion tickets will be sold to Niagara Kalis on dates named below : Via SOUTHERN" K All. WAY AND BALTIMORE & OHIO R R.: July 1 ?"> & 21* ; August l'J ; September & 23 Via SOUTHERN RAILWAY- AND I'K N N S Y L V AN I A RAILROAD: July s & 22; August .*> A: 1'.'; September 2. HI & ?'!') Tickets limit.-d to IS days including date of n South-in Riilv.ays, except Nos. ::7 and :s K'rcs.'ent Limited, i Tilt' following rat.-s will apply from station- naii.<*d below: ASHEVILLE $33.95 FLAT ROCK 34.75 LAKE TOXAWAY 36 30 BREVARD . 35.55 HENDERSON VI LLE 34 75 SALUDA ... 34 45 WAYNESVILLE 35.00 Through Sleeping Car- leave. Ashe vi He 4 :i!0 p.m., arrive Washington 7 :4."> following morning. STOP-OVERS RETURNING: On the return journey stopover^ will be allowed not to -exceed J" days, within final limit ticket, a: Buffalo. Harrisburg, Philadelphia. ! Wilmington, RaltuVfoii- and Wash i lUKton. PROPORTIONATELY LOW FARES FROM STATIONS NOT - SHOWN ABOVE CALL ON LOCAL TICKET AGENTS OR ADDRESS J - THE UNDERSIGNED " J. H. W O O D, DIVISION PASSENGER AGT. ASHEVILLE, N. C. H Gluten Bread S> MADE BY SPECIAL ORDERS Phone your order new For GOOD BREAD, CAKES, PIES " AND PASTRIES :b?. ? Phone 24 Philipp's Bakery BREVARD, North Carolina - If It's Shoe Or Hat Wotk You want*** bring them to Brevard Hat and Shoe Hospital and get it done like you want it. . Our boot black stand is now installed and at your service. Ladies' shoes out Specialty. Try us and be convinced of our good shoe shining department, PHONE US OR MAIL IT .. > PHONE 168 Brevard, N. C. IflO n ADD AM? New Whitmire Bldg. Main Street """? "DnHlflO opposite Courthouse