Attend [The Poultry Growers Meet, August 13, at Court House Brevard veal Estate ? A Safe .nvestment for Y our Last'Dollar VOL. XXX THURSDAY, AUGUST 6, 1925 No. 32 FARM NEWS By L. A. AMMON Fire and real tMatt1 men ? are playing havgv with our poultrju The -burning of Mr. Stowers' Unrest house ami several thousand chickens is a real' loss, and every one has real sympathy for Mr. Stowers. As for the real estate men buying the Or. Stokes farm, here is hoping the neM uwner will till the houses with good birds, and that Or. Stokes will buy another place more suitable to his time and business. He is on to the poultry game and we sure would hate to think, of him dropping out at this Stage of our ; development. - Meeting of Poultrymen On Thursday. August 13, at the t> Court House at 7:30 p.m., there will be a meeting of all those inter- ? esed in poultry and a poultry hatch erv, buying of feeds, mixed or un mixed, and marketing of the eggs and poultry. It is hoped that an as- i sociation can be formed at this . time and. work 0*1 some project be gun before long. I ? Mr. Glazcner. our High School Agriculture teacher, will be with us and promises, to take an active part in the work for the future. Weather conditions are such that we have reasonable hope for rain in. 1 the near future. The ground was wet in parts of Henderson County on : Tuesday. The cool nights and : cloudy days have materially reduced the damage of the drought during the past week. Potato Price# 7** , From what people tell me. ped- 1 dlers have been around in some side ' roads offering only one dollar for good potatoes, with sad market 1 stories to- tell. Spread the news that no one should take less thaa ' $1:50 per bushel at home until fur- 1 ther notice, as- X was urged to load ] a car at $ 1 . 7f>. We have not a car j in any trtie -ectipn ready to dig yet.] Rye Market Have r.-o n< -t"wr, for your loss -and your rieighb r's also. BRYAN MEMORIAL SERVICES HELD AT FRANKLIN HOTEL "f .??;< :? ' service held for Willi-m ? -irs Bryan at the .' Vru: ? ii on Friday afternoon. ?? luiy a -II atten'deil and of- a ver\ nature. Represents : :ve.- *" j various churches uuij; l ' ? ? ?'?>>r. which ably as- , c-i'sti ' ? Mr -ing of a numhe hose? rf.rid appropriate - Baptist church.;, was e-xici?' ;>od. Resolutions of resp- c. ? ? Bryan were read by W: K.. Bre.osV. ? : Th. rtSulul oris. as read are as .fr.i loWs: ? ?? Wr- v.. ?. A iiam Jenhipgs Br\ CoriLTt? -man. vmtime Secretary of State i.f United States of Amer ica-. sometime candidate and . nom nei- of th? ? 1> -noeratic Party for the ' - offiee . of Pre'>iii?fnt of the United States, a no for .more than a 'juarter of a ventiary. a dominant figure in the public ' I ! of America. J. he au thor Ot' m<.r than; thirty treaties of peace entered into between the United ^States; ^ ^ . :v^??K ??''-her MMn, world- im<*m ' both Mr. Sims and- Miss. Bose were said to be of a hij^h order, thoroughly practical and very helpful. ' , The invitation extended bv the ? ? ? Macedonia Baptist Sun'day School to hold the County Convention with that Sunday School next year was unanimously accepted. The officers elected for the ensuing year are as follows: Presidentj, T .C. Hender son. Brevard ; vice-president. J. W. Smith, Brevard; secretary-treasurer. Miss Amelia Galloway, Brevard. Township Presidents elected: Bre vard. A. E. Hampton. Brevard; Boyd. Mr. Bovd, Penrose; Catheys Creek. Prof. V. E. Wessinjjer. Ros man; Dunn's Rock. Prof. S. P. Verner, Brevard. Route 1 ; Glou cester. Vance. Galloway. l>ake Toxa way. Lake Toxaway. .Rome 1: Hog back. Otice Alexander. Oakland; Lit tle River. Mrs. Ed Mackey. Pearson. Ccunty Commissioners Buy 8.C. of C. Shares The Board of County Commission ers met in regular session. Monday.. August and two resolutions of importance to Brevard were nnssed upon. An order was niade to the effect that the County donate' eieht shares in membership fe?.s l?. the Ch.amber.of Commerce. s::Voe v< bf .ti- eii for the. upbuilding i f Tr: ^ sylvahia County. This >uin .amounts to >200. 00. A sucond resolution was. passed and unanimously adopted to extend an in v Nation t< the Atlanta- Journal motorcade to visit . Transylvania county and Brevard oh 'the return j'v?armty -back to Atlanta. Th,> ? is to 1< v? Atlanta some J time ;t: S*tptejnher. going via Murphy Waynesiille and other points. arid {trifat benefits, will .-thereby he derived by "this town and community in cav the County Comriiisione: V invita tion is accepted.. *. ? ' i ; " ? MARRIAGE CERTIFICATES ISSUED >N JULY According to official records.: Cupid has been working sum'ewha? slowly in thin vicinity of late. Only four marriage certificates were isued during the month of July, which, are as follows: Gene W. Stanberry and Yvonne Shuford. both of Brevard, July 1 Dillard Dtigg":r:s. Brevard; an?f Jennie Mathews. Wolf Moun tain, July ljv; R. C, Fletcher. Hen-. der-onvil!e. and Blanche Blythe Henderson ville. July 30; John Pon der and Christine Dorzan ( colore d.t . b?;*h of Brevard. July I.":. MRS. I- A. FALLS IS IN SHELBY I!OSplTAL The many friendsj of Mrs. L. A. Falls, who is so well known in this vicinity, will be interest*, 1 to krow that; sh is recuperating from an ? 'Delation in a hospita. in Shelby. X. C. Sine the recent death of her husband. Mev. Falls, s.'ie has been in Shelby with her sister, and it is hoped that she will soon be able to leave the hospital. deeply and sincerely in sympathy with the bereaved family of William Jennings Bryan, and prays that God will cOmfort them in their sorrow. And Be I* Further Resolved, that a copy of these resolutions be dis patched forthwith to the widow of William Jennings Bryan, and that i copy hereof be published in the Bre vard News in its r if t ? .season. VOCATIONAL AGRICULTURE AT- BREVARD HIGH SCHOQL As this, is the iirst rime, vocationa! agriculture is to he given- in any <>! the schools .of Transyh ni.'t County it ?eVn,is that the people would lil: to know the aint <>r p ' ;lo -.;rhe> . Ac: o the Fedora' Vovatidnai l^!u.-ai-i?: Act describes it as follows? 1. Tile trolling purpose of such education' shall .be to tit for useful employment. '1. That such education diall he of less than college urad ' . 3. That such, education shall be designed to meet the needs of perr sons over 14 years of age who have entered upon or who an preparing to enter upon the WOnt of the farm. This definition shows that voca tional education is to serve* twe grbups of persons. First those \vhc have .'already- entered upon a voca tion and second - those who are pre paring for a vocation. In the firs; group arc the farmers who are al ready. Part time and evening in struction will be given to help solve their needs. The second group in cluded the high school bovs Who are preparing for a vocation. They will receive their preparation through the regular course of study offerd in the hitrb school and their practical work and supervised practices on the farm. It is the object of vocational agri culture to teach the boys to be more efficient farmers and business men I and how to live a happier and more i useful life on the farm, therein I making the country a better place ir ; which to live. The cooperation anc ? good will of the citizens of Transyl F vania County are earnestly sought I for such we mUst have make th< - work a success. J. A. GLAZENER Agricultural Instructor Aldermen Decide to Extend Streets F vera! npw streets arc to be made throughout various sections of the town, some of which are at. present under construction and others are to be under way at once. Resolutions- to this effect were passe I upon and unanimously adopted by the Board of Aldermen at their re cent meeting. and construction of the new roads will he pushed through to completion at an c:. date. An extension of Oakdale Avenue is to be made between Caldwell and Broad, this street to open in front of the new High School building. o'i Broad street. R. L. Gash will open three new streets in his property ly ing between Broad and Maple, and the town will take these over and maintain them. In the new T. B. Allen sub-division in the Western section ?- the of a great lttyral !,.a*d?-r. a religion i rusadei while still ethers moiirne the passing of a great political leader. On Saturday, State Auditor Ba\ ?tyr' Durham issued . -latement a* the request of former Governor Mo rison showing the State deficit in th general fund to be 1 23,:{20 on the "acerual basis under which th .Morrjson administration operate,.' This compared With a deficit figure of more than nine millions which was- shown on the "Vash" system adopted by Governor McLean. A significant ' feature- of the auditor': statement was that, he said there was provision in the law for namin; the. deficit or. the "accrual" ba is though this had been ne^lectev when Governor McLea'n's first1 stat went was issued.. Governor Morri son asked for'' the statement. In said. to show the people of the State that the deficit charge against hin administration by the McLean ad ministration was greatly exaggerated and, could be largely accounted for by the change in methods of financ ing. Governor McLean had nothing . to say with reference to the state ment. Friday. Governor McLean issued a statement in which he said detract ors of his administration were trying to brittle his efforts and intimating that progress va being slowed lip by false reports. STANBURY'S LAST SERMON Rew Harvey Stanbury has closed his revival campaign in T rtsvlvania ' County and wii v '? last ser mon for some time to ?*'? me at the Methodist church next c iday morn ' ing. His subject v be "The ' Branch Workers of esus." The ' public is most cord:*?" nvited. At the even:'"-' - e, 8:15, Rev. * H. C. Sprinkle, ?h -esiding elder, will preach. Af*r he sen'ice the * i- >rence will be hold. RECORD LAND SALES FOR MONTH OF JULY The month of July has been,*1 record o.eaker for land sales it Brevard. More property has chang ed hand.-- within the past thirty day than possioly any previous month i the history of Brevard. It is estim. ed that the value of land sales dur ing July just past is approxima j $800,000. The proceeds of register ing deeds and deeds in trust is record breaker in itself. sam< amounting to $336.20 for the month of July. This almost doubles the amount -received for the same pur pose in jtiis previous . me/.th. I . :1. neighborhood of 200 land deals were recorded during* the month. Brevard is without doubt coming into its own at last and is rapid! j making itself -known as a profitable place for safe investments. Men ? sound ijudjrment and bload visio> are buying property here in larg< t proportions, with an eye ever oner to Brevard's unquestionable growth and future prosperity. The under able beauties and possibilities of this immediate section ar? being f< ciblv brought before the public, ne:. and abroad, 'with the consequent re sult that wise speculators are vision ing the great future for Brevard and are accordingly investing heavily in real estate here. The genera! concensus of opinion apparently i that Brevard is just in the making and that its present real osiap boon is destined to be a permanent, sub stantial nature. NOTED MUSIC COMPOSER TO BE PERMANENT RESIDENT A. B. Carter, of Clearwater. Fin. : has recently purchased of Ralph Fisher a tract of land on Pro barte Road, and will erect ther. o in the early fall a seven room hotis to. be used as a residence and -ale room for music, which Mr. Cart< publishes and sells. This fs but ar ?ther step in the forward 'march o Brevard, and will prove of gr. a benefit to Western North C arolina. Mr. Carter has composed over si* hundred piece.1- of music and expect to promote his own composition. Hi music is now played ; all quarter will t- ? Brevard citizen' arid will "re i> > n?-rt* ';h'. year around. It been . Mr Carter's privilege ? . . .-.four. 'he world, and ! ? ? : France. Caiiforn'"'. Mor i - After seeing the w->.i . :i *;t charms, his choice n ?' . !'?>> vard the beautiful, ? Waterfalls".** LIBRARY REPORT. .' OR MCNTH OF JUl.7 July has been a ..ha:: * month .u the public library, wit!: decided in crease over previous niimths u; b??:l interest and attendance. Tie- : ' a attendance for the mouth wa ??.'? rish. jand "The White Flag", hy (Jem Stratton Porter, both donated i Mrs. Woodbridge. Also a new book entitled, "Stammering, Its Calls. and Cure", has been added to the collection of information on the library shelves. This hook is written by Benjamin Nathaniel Bogue. a re cognized authority on tht subject of stammering and the an* ? ?t several volumes dealing wit-, in:, fections of speech. The autho. himself, a former stammerer, tells of his own cure of the stammering a fliction and relates facts based upo his personal contact with thousand - thus afflicted. The book i- full . , Whose years- are at the brim. Bent low with sickrvv-, t are .t . ! pain ; Go thou and comfort hnn. Thy neighbor? To the heart be re" Of every earthly gem. Widow and orphan, helpless left; Go thou anil shelter them. Where'er thou meets't a human li Less favored than thine '.own; He is thy neighbor in the. strife. Thy brother, thy son. ' Oh, pass not. pass not heodles.- by Perhaps thou canst redeem The breaking heart from "misery ? Or share thy lot with Him. A PRAYER FOR NEIGH BORLINFSS O Thou Great -'Helper uf"the help less, and Friend of the friendless, help us to answer the quest on, Wfcvi Is Our Neighbor? It is he whom wt have power to aid and bless. Help us the soothing hand t>. pre?, th?. aching heart or burning brow, Ti^ the fainting poor, whose eye with want is dim. Give u> to succor them. 'Tis the weary ones, \vh- ? via:-*, are at the brim, bent low with sick ness. care and pair. ; help us to cum fort them. 'Tis the he-arts bereft - f* ever} earthly gem, widow and orpha helpless left ? Oh grant u> t shelter them. Where'er, we meet, human lives less favored than our oWy. :hey are our neighbors in the t r f < - Oh, let us not pa-- them heedle.-s by. By Thy help we may redeem the break;:.*, heart from misery, or -har-. our lot with them. So .shall we hear Thee -aying ti us on that Great Day wii n Thoi shalt sit or. the Throne f T>r Glory, and all the rati ? 'all bt gathered before The . "'Vmc v? blessed of :r.v Fathe; ri: th kingdom prepared for v m tn*. foundation of the world ?? i wa hun;rry an'.i ye ?raw :n?- -,? - at, was thirtsj . and Ve c: v.- . ilk, wa< a - stranger ? and me in, naked ami. .e clothed me, I aus sicf and ye Visited me. il wa :.risoa and ye came ti.'<-. ! ? ???h ye did it ur*.j one .'of t.-.- my brethren, even these lea,-;. ? na .? u?it{i me." for Thou ami ;'?? Tnv hreth.v are one. Help u.-. help us ? -???aii THAT now md here. ? ? - be among t blessed of in that 'Day. and Tiu< - ...? ? e the honor . <" glory. tiov ..a 1W ever. Amer. * . -j ECK SIMS GETS 53 GALLC OF BOOZE AND BUIC*. CA* On Tues : afternoon. K rural police: ^.r., halted roadster f< -needing. K.r. < ocupied by ( .The Lamb ur Foster of. A.-hevil'.e. who to. ? fei timber. Afc r a speedy ,ehr.? . b ' was caught. Cpon iiivt-:^. >'A one-galon ' - of liquor w? - in the car. Lamb \vu< i ? '.t 'jail and the -ficers expect hend Foster -hortly. The street along the r.? . ? < ! ness thoroug '. fares al e in . ? >>'? i table and ur.tcempt conditiv v. 'Ii ; papers and trash of ewry i;? tion scatter d about. ..ot clean up before Sunday? FALSE REPO*^" A rumor being >cait> ! -ifeut "town that there are cases of ia paralysis in : jwn, but this '? .. false rumor, as r.o ease's have L> ? n re ported.