LIGHTER TYPE OF LUNCH FOR PICNICS A Picnic Undsr a Big Shade Trie. Prtpirtd >jr r-nrif^t ^ . >f 4^'ku>*. *i ? Pli nlcs jrea't vxlmt tli.'v usHit to ? be They're t>?>'t?-r. Tfu-r** Vvjsr u tfiu* 'when- ???> rtru.-h ??(Tor! >*.is rt? quintl to g*?t. thw typical !un<-h ?rt'Hiiy Thut rn .t!??*r an>t ?h*- ? ?t li?-rs wlu? bu.l n >' ;> t*nji'v. Ihfe oiii'.'ntj. -But. n*?w rhf lnip??rtan'>? of! r?^ rvat'. 'u ???';???. pr***-** JNi?y .?v??r rft?* %t th.?? turn h t?nski>ri' anil I:i ? Utt-Qmnv '>?? \i"?>r lias :tnpr..v?i.|; |%.t . ??{??? ;.!::??.; ."?liii - ? aoJ I '(:' ?> j:j Vti ii It>1 vni aian> ? ?jitv* .;?:?>% m rj."! 5K>!i;vii;.i<1v . '?????*>?? < Vri-iil:;! - 5 :,?*c?V ai?; (H.r ;.s.T?4. ? ..'A ! *? ' > 1 ' } ? - ?"*??a.t:?r^rs a:i-1- .-i [? bi- ?' :f r >? ??;. - a'fi ? '? >!*?? I i . : r'r ?. ? ?*??>'"! .iP, 1 ti I >mV t - v. ;??? '?r* "?J"Vv !?* *> .j ' . *!' .. . ('!!?> ? ' .'???. ?i' ?? r??l ? f>ak ' lighter type of .lunch' whirh la trior* >uitable for the h/t weather when ev'erygcie appreciates a r?*ireat to a shady. .biwsy spot. A well bal.ancpd picnic lun?h with plenty of fruit and ; ? crisp ^ulad materials is. easier to * i'ches r a-y well be taken with ..HttJe.' in'rtitf preparation and put : t f f??h.u. tinier !I:h sIiuiIh of a trot* "ufior" [family has ?v.y.leii' >>ff.".i.)n?* :? iw ti. thermos ;*b??l-U<.*s ?r- a .therihus - an lisid:sp'??ii>(:ih!.t? ass,-.-i for sum ?to r .otii jYirt e.ther at (ioiiio or ou flits A rov iviy.'. 'ilrihk... niailt? of _'r.;pe ;?!lbv, 'iJth'C^r t ?*. Io'|io:t' illlotf. ?dljjt-j.'y suro-'.fh^d "''Ms new ? pep into ?w. :!???! hutii'i:.t.!-> .:i llii' stu/i-mer time SWISS CHARD MOST VALUABLE FOR FOOD PoHtable Source of Calcium and Iron. "*>y. ' .1* * "? ' * . W' ' ? ? -* lit? . >*4' :':r* ?' , 1 1 1 a i urwu* i-'lj.i r ? ..! <:? ..!?? n'vi-r many ot?>?:r. .>; r?*inj ;i.i :??;>. :>??>? ! , .'rani gr,;- trtd j . . v 'fie 'eaves, ."grow .-*? i i . S >;i? ? v i ci4t 'iii-n-1- a .w i;f ij ? wth-r ' "'* **'?! < . ...I i y ? vs s 4 k;u** ' . i??r?rc?C. . '.aii-' upr <*r ilio'Wivir.' T he iva ves .?!??? ? ?*r> arj- and' '>r< !wt. ' mil do '"'ii dov\ a ?as uian> t.'ur a smaller -quuarity of -.a>-*>>?>ked ? :i;irl :?-u\?*s * Unserve ?>*? sam* aunif>rf- of peopte us j>vd the. leafy ;iprtions -jhouhl t>e shipped from them. 1 twy should be -at .?ross? is* !at? Inch or. bail-Inch lengths jntl. t oil*! ia -:a water from 10 fo'j." minutes. 1'tie *ater should he. boiled 1'>vvn rap "idiy at rhe and- may he used Tor s?ap or vege?t*bl?j- sto-k _? . If the leaves .ire ><** served with rhe stuiks. five .attcr Jth'otrd he rooked ? from 3 to minutes before the eaves are ad i?~l A simple seasoa,ng >f butter and salt !* usually sufficient .'? the chard la prim** ? ??ndltlwi. Boiled chard stalks may he used ilk* ?-elery. !u s<-aii??ps >>r stews, In-hit-sh or otherwise with meats." W1M? dlewt carrots: peas, string t>eans, <>r nay ?oavenlent vt^?tal?Ie . The stalks may ais<> l>e "'tiwfccif whr with :ae!'e-! t>uttf-r ? .? >f. ti?urse-. wh?*n ?iae prej>ar?4i Htrjer >ralk* <>r I<*:ivks ? >aly. the. other shouM- he s^'rve?l at; :iaothe?r meaf. . Important Protein Foods Meat; poul'ry flsh. milk, soy beaajj. and.- peanuts. S:?ys the l"nite which must be .lepended m>on f<* r |>ro(eiu that raa he us?vl to spe?-ial advantage by .the body ' Milk is one of the he>t foods ifor youag and old. 3iid ? ai?not ? he satisfactorily replaced by any ofher fdod in the diet '.tf growing children. Some of I lies.- fiw.ds are r!?:h in min eral suSstaa<-e: for example, meats and eyg yolks la lrott. u?!k ta <-al cium. and peaouts In phosphorus. Many of thes?? protein foods, especially milk and yolks, are valuable sources of vitamins A aad B. QUITE POPULAR USE FOR WHIPPED CREAM Favored as Sauce or Garnish for Desserts . by ' : ? ! S .w i '? ? . p ?o I -i-r >V ?? i'V:-?* a-*f ; a.t -t'Jit* "..??I; ;'(tl ? t?i?? ,i Vr- Fa K. ^ h . *!i ? K. i>r ? ? ? "i- '? *r !:?!:? ? ifrvsxSj U;>;.vv.itt j I : a :?a(!^r .i? .Tact, ..'a iwr Uai :i t ! V\ !*;V> . ???!?.?? *??. iiV (tie :: ??'?.'t. '.ut .;:iv I .uit?*U Stat?*s ? ! ;i ! ??r AilO ? tlliijv. A jV|- :i >r ?>*??. >v !?};>;??->{ .'is ? * :t , n, -.r, .!?>? ]iV;( '.;V.T\ ?.* ? .'dilr!'*' 1 >/f{ .jjvhiJ ill. ?; ? 0?a. ;rk>- v.'?:: .'???J. Ire ly: ? fr'Ss* ?!. "TtvMv fi >:1> '"ii:, . - J -1 v:if If Ulil tjjjt i if"; rijv.w' i s . \ y r. .? .iai' lr??Vjjr. u.'li 4?;rk>'"?,.vi w'jth ? i'- ::: . -1 ' i i ' t t;; *1 ' < r ? rif . n! '*.1 V -<'!>?' 1- -* A '?'* " *Tj t'< i SvJiji'.'I *?vi' . 3.- li a : ' >' ' : i?\ | "V (W*'. iiUfi"* -? ' :r :ik>'; ,-\h-aV ?#>\ -ul-:T'-.IIU is ill:.: .>?> >?-.{ i'i> t . r> ir-lavs .?iff s'twla Beaten Into Mayonnaise. Dressing. *aifr or to top off a sundae xlvuriau ?Team Is a ?oinljuiatl'.'n of custjrd and whipped > reuiii StiffefMtd* with . ge>a t in. ..and flavored with v ftnitya. -coffee, pineapple, ^-hoculate or ytifer flavors,'1 accenting to Individual pre??rt*hre, _ A spoonful of unsweetened" whipped ??ream on chicken or other light soups . often- sn'rye* to tempt an invalid or I'upfiou.s Ta.ste. lYfain or. cotiage <-heese '-an he blended .with unsweet ened whipped cream, nuts and pimen tos and st! fferied with gelatin to make an unusual lunch dish;- whippet cream f-an he htHr>e. any raw . creum used should he ..f high sanitary quality. Pasteurized ??ream '"an l>e whipped as well, If slightly higher in butter fat; but homo genized '-re.-titi will not whip nearly : us Hell. If": homogenized cream Ihas ) ui-o. Iieen pasteurized Its whipping I tjuaiitv is further reduced. ! . ? Children Like Rice and ^/~j Cherries as a Dessert Mere is a dessert the children will i like. The rice can be cooked at any j time, and rouihlned with the cherries and cream in time to be well chilled. The United, States I?epartnient of Ag riculture suggests using ! I. cupful rrfjim. rice (ultrd) tv^iiil- 1 cupful ? cherries. { la and dash jf cut in half salt' I cupful powdered i 1 cupful woked sugar t'ook the rice so t lie grains will be large; dry. and Ituffy. Add the sugar, the f resit fruit, and the whipped cream Chill thoroughly before serving. OOOOOOOOOOOOOOCXXOOOCXXXXJO HOW TO KEEP WELL DR. FREDERICK R. GREEN Editor of "HEALTH CXXXXXXXXX5CKXOCXXXXXXXXXX50 * VVnMfin NVw^pj^prr I ??i??n.) CONCERNING FLEAS PIMM V 1 1 K.Vl ? \Vli.St?\ s:riil that a celt aili ai'Miiini ot th-as are good fur h ii'1?- i !? him ft otn tturi ) in over Pie l:in i 1 human brings. l-'Ieas arc "lie 'I ili?* m'osi ronmioli unit annoying *'i ir'V'l pests. soine p*ir>.?iis v\ ho arc especially sus<-ept ibie. lli, -ir biles ajv.-nni "iiiy irritating but alsii actually poisot'.oii.s. an experl tiicnr "ii .-mlii | i > there was 111 lie or iu> irritation in s>*eu. white in the ? eighth j te i>< ? 1 1 ( lit* ' bites \van.-e caused by their hii.-s. i'ftfrif iliMvji* of late years been j.ied as i-arriers of several "ih'jes. prit?. ipally buhoiiii- plauue, tlie I'.lacU I 'cat If. which has repeal fil ly swept iii?- carih. 1 ?nr;rtss the I'otir teent h cent.ury . an *- in hurope one iourth ,h** l"M">hliion. Tlo- ?r.:u plague in London ln nearly wiped out that great vit.V and was <>ni> -topped ''-v Hreal\ v\ 1 1 i ? ? i i burned mi iu?iiy ;??!?! (hwi^ :,n'' ?'kitl.-.l so many rats that the dl*W#? was after all other methods ; of cotiTollinC It failed. N<> "tie 'hen Sti>|>?-1,M| tlie rats Htfl their itftWj# in all yrcal epi- ; ,|.-::iiv - this disease it had hern no II, ,.,1 'h-tYus died l'.\ II"* thousands ' I !.,? rii' lh\a i> tin* most datip-rous. l.ui' wilt ii"! a ' !..n'k man nn:;ii most of it?i- "ra!-? li.iv . '>.M-ti killed. The th-a which liK'st r"i'UI1l"Mly atTacks 111:1 " 's ihe ii&g tc'a. si s-.. jr.^jaeiiily t' oil ? MfSv T , . ' ? fj A .1". i^Wfed wiili rtea> n,n on-v *4 ?at tW#t iiv.- tleas-.hut ? a-s.W. ?he >\[iicli t!" flea's, lay a at w :in* nifi : !:?. !???Vs o? j :.ia;iUl.-t-s'. atUi. ' \}\ . a'""" t . w.-eks'. S i'.no tiii'; i;:-"vvti- tl?*a>-. sviii, !. a: ; . ;;t !.???!???? .Hiy'iV^elvi'S. .'My at?). . a!;a W ?.?,?'?!??< J . . -T* S'thrls ;a:i-i ;!>f. ,i 'l"A a.; ' at. 'of a l.tanati : i '** :;C ? ; ?fi.'-'a i .A-'t' .l?'l'ltl I < ?*'?: ] ,i , '? :l w iU s,r"n ri,..i a' rr;v. "i si.i?iji.,i>' uf ... ,-,0 V ^...n| .:??!' .I"CS i"l! ir.-t; f'* .Its 1--A ?anH'-;iii:iy . -iW : 4}... ? :v"Mn ?'>' aii-i j ? '"I ,ii'-f ? 1 .. Jl ' >? ! ? ? 1; t il .'?? ?' ' ' ' iit.. a ! I ii iiv iV'iriN :??vj i, ? . . r .? "i' ?U?? '1 1 c ?!"' i" ' - !?? .??*! J*- ?; 0 , ; i'.'i DOES ALCOHOL SHORTEN LIFE? Pj;. 'KA I'll V- !i;; i-'ii y* ^ra> S ii is :ii:,?'"> %,l s.> a;i:^li. . a ? ?'! . jssti,-, a *?!?, ?' ?1iivt.iT; Maf.y. in. ;i -f ? wirS :n:n;l> I'avf 'iitJOfij ,i;!.it"ro:n: ia-\.<;V.;i ;iir- var:v?i> ? r-aci.-s j.:- -sfHi.-.i ? ?' ? ? , ? ,* ? i in : 1 : - ani l -Si ' lvn< ?* "n h"''1 ?? IrtxpWrjiVeniuUy, . is *?I pii;?.-i s Aji! rotiiafii a *"?!;>' or a hale an'Vl li?*afv> ool tpaii has bra!?'i| His -,!i ? lVtitKlre Mr. l>ooley wonhl say What Is the irtjlh? IMIute askeil The same question two thousand y,.?rs a?" and it has never heen an sw.-r.'il, I'.ii; if y.'it want the opinion of the business world, that looks at all ques tions (r.'hi a '-"hi. pra.-ti.-aJ vie.vpoint. \oii i-an ^e|- ,| very positive answer, X,, railto'id will eiupl'ii or retain an engineer *^r ,-,?tiilii<'|or who .It inks even ??loileraieh i Hie of our greatest rail road-S has notified its employees that any en-: ne.'r who even ,*nters a sji (if there are any left t?> enter!' will l.e hsrharued. Scientists and re ^ fOrtners ail. I p.diii?-ians and e\e? uUves and -i.tial workers ami atho<-at<*s of %... ial liberty ran %'o on ilis. us^iii!; the "many questions involved as hum as rhev like. Ilard heailed husine-s men. whose money is invested in the man atfvment of hi j; enterprises, don't want any ma n a round who drinks. Life insnrahre .oinjiaiiies nr?* not generally regarded as seiu Iment al Thirty year-, a^o i S "t ra? insuranee .oiiipany ileeided Mi:' t drinkers niiiM pay a higher pteniium than noudrink ers. Keeping tlie two. i-ttissys of pol icy ho'ders separate it t?as l.een found tliat the death rate of evvn moderate .lrinkers is per i.eiit higher llian total abstainers. Four other coiupa nles liave foiint] that deaths aiuon? drinkers are from "J!* lo 4I? per iir:i<-iil;irl\ proml "I :i tti eraMliiig slowly about iii\ cage- in the y.o?? as you an* doing 'Is i ?i.ii a position ni which lo be proud "My dear lied Win.: said the "you are ?\\ . \ oil don't uij dersi>nd.". "?"anion me. my dear said t lie Uetl NVingeiJ l.o< usi, "Ihji you are thinking of my di.staiii relalhes, the ?mails. "That is. the> are not htv near rei alives. and I am not really stirn that tlie.v are r.-tafives at all. "tn fai'l. e-nire to think of it. I ilon't !ielie\e they, are rel at i>es at all** "My dear Mr. ICed Winded I.o.-u-i.'* said Mr. i'.i-etle, "why do^'l you think I it* tore you sjieai;'? "That's an old. i -Id saying, older Iliaii you are ,.r than I am. "I' .* old"!' Ih. in most !?? 1ie\ e. "i'.iil it "> a good o I > i SUilltf." "V. ?'?!." adthil !."1 Mr l,iK'?t>t, slow ly; ' I . :;l.i:| v ?? ; though! iVi-t'oiv I kpol;.* ??|'.lit the snails. I M-:pji,?>e d?> Ijeloti*: ?t.O' I'll*- tt.'^efl '?'!:is^. U?)*J >o. do. I. at? } real tiren, I just the :i Ked Wit se. I Led slloilld so .1m Vni|. T'l.fVi* must of .1 ' !M!ly : ?*! .4 f o!| ship "Nil more thru: tl:-M'e - and L-;rl? ? ?[ eni.iiviy dittV f.(*.soni,e s. i ie'\.t I "!l ii< ireilt laaiil l?rt V s ? \ ? ? ? he D ? d M ' tl >.up;d. its? ? !) 1 *1 i- t f ti i'-i h s i,l. * ! ' i:: i>. * s;i\. I A I i' ? ! '? ??*!??? i'-' ;t:iJ , j> ?'fi-' r-- ttoi ?i ? "U Xii'l VI:- ?V'.t W . ?: : ' - .V'H !? J 'V I -? n \, "i.:! I I . ';? '? i.;l -lu't v ?*\\ !i? Mi' . !V.?i Vh> . n ? ' j'Vrt'l ?. -Him , ^vU, :CU.'l- ?????' ,*J K">l U 4 : i ' C !l?i ,'?i ? 14 t.' J H- t >'??;'!> i > <> li't ' ^ ,iS .* \ . * , ' ? . fv ! ?* . . .\ ?' !s ,."i' ' ? iifi-i .r.' ! ? :!'??;?_> ??? M r: I : . - ? l vv : Ij ;>?<; i .k n-i "I " yon ????mi** fr m.'ji ih>* Sourh," ?-??.?um? ;?,i*l Mr '?mi I from >iili furihei Sti'.iili "I i-oute fr.<>:n Si >u I ;i Atuer.?\t, .rii< I I; IV whole- name- i> Mr. ll.'Tril ? Ile.tle. I .v.: l:'M " I .*1 til named : i i - r i ::i a n >f ;i n?'i?*t ! [ faille vvli.i Wtrt; * v l?ra\.* .tad -who <1 :? I ; very WOtjderful ! hillSJS.'" ?*\VeH.' vvclJ. well." ?*.!: ) Mr. Ited [ WliycWl Loi'USi, "I . : in ?;ljid you 4 -t so I inurji joy 1 nit >>f i hat . I?ii| for: iny ' pari . 1 would rai lier he iMtue'l J retl w in:;etl ! io<;)tst: . sis' ' 'ml' ' sounds' >0 fcajr .? 11 ? I ruynl aiiI ! 1 1 : 11 1 1 ? 1 afifr niie ??!si- wlio tin?* suitl Itrinf. aftil all tJ.sit .sort or ihini;." | "KsifJi to lii* ovvn tasli?," sa.itl Mr li?*rrii)?*s ' lVel li\ n> lit* iT.i u )?? .1 i r?*a;tj!v f;in t rawl Wliifli. after all. i* 1 ??> very ti:if. as trawling is not j 'lofty ??? laoviii^ ultoui . Stiil Sir. . Il.'.-il.- 'li'l liis I' ' "... '? ? < _Y Father's Knowledge Mfiitoii wa> Iirs|?si'ti'; Mtaith * fat.'r-r l.innv " "lioiti t*v?'r'tli::i^' liirt *1 V? I * w a? ny sit all stiiv I li:/f !;>? .I:tl, lit* foiiiit "r^nit'iiiltft. -ii'vt*ral tim<*s 1 ulu*n tu* hytl answt*rt*i| ri^lit strai^lit to sititit) t|iif> lion **VV.??1I. rt?ally. "I*?*tl. I'ui Mire I "lon't l;n*?w." I'm In* wanifd to tf'ai: 0:1 ( is father loo, Hitl so lie sat'l : .''Well, my father ..|oe>n't Vnow every tliin'. Iutt we ijot a tllt'Jioirry that Utious the rest." , Would Be a Man Stt/.atiiie's iMOther t ^lejiht?rie?l Tetl that she was s;??it:i{ 'o let her tmne oyer and |t!ay with him. When tie came from the phoiie he sail! : "i)h. mother. Sji/anue is vomin" oImt. Qnieki take my r>'tnV *rs oiV an. I put on my sijIi.* "eatrae I T tiiovei! iievt door. iuatu^i4.* / IMPROVED IHtlFOMi WTEMATWNA Sunday School ' Lesson ' ?Bv KKV r H F IT/. W A IKK l/l?. !>*?? j of f h* Evening ?Jfhwi; Hib!? !? ?? it o* ?* nf Ch ^ r > f 7" IISS VfirvAf ir>#f >n ) Lesson for August 16 TEMPERANCE LESSON I.KSSON TKXT? ?;? I >13 21 (if >1.1 * KM T KXT n.r 4^lv??: G?d iy rn>t f..r ?h:its??v-r * n.Mfi ?i?w?(h, ihitl shall U" ^l-<< < in I '. 7 PJMMAItY TOPli? A f'U*rur? of * 'J^md f.lfi* ll'.vli ?l.t Ti'tf'lv"- ? < ;>.il f;<4 Cr nil* INTKKA1KM A TK AM' SKNI< >P. T- >V l?" I?ru?k?-tiri?.?.? ?n?l Kiii'Jr.--! Ivviljt ? iroi N.; VK'it't.K ASH AM I.:" T"P Ttlr AKHIIo* ' " ? Spirit. flavins; shown In ?eim{>f?*rs .'?! itnl 4 of- this ?-|?i --f ' ?? r ti:? r the !>-i;?*v?r free from the Ihw us a nve;in-? oi ' I *jt ul tuiikes pra<'ti<;il i ?1 1 rafioii ?f this I. Christian Freedom (w, 1, If fs N<>( uii Oivii> !?? fii* "FMi." (v. !:;i. I.iliertv r? riot T'te notion rti:i t wh-ii: one M f?re?* from the U\w he Is free from < i.Msf r iinf. is wi.'ke.lly nrruheoiis I.N'ense of tli.v ;!?-str mean* riot there!) the iinlul -if the tt.ish In ii ?-(?.-( I material alt;*. .h:ir in rhe ex pression tis; i-'lirtetians I* an ex ample fl?*-r. ??f. : i'.\ b?v>; S Tvin.' One Another (v i::> froiu i }i?- UnSJlIr fciw means . sl.'O ''O t" the I i w of ! jv ??. "'I'.1* ?? iii?*r_ri n ^ fr<>m f ?r.i? ' ? t.'ir ? i^ii ' '( "is' Hi- spll'^re 'if Hi wiii.'h ? all* the powers " ?>????'. i< 2. u 1 under the ( - T':t- in. . ?Ii?w/-- M T- ifi. II. Walking in the Sp-rit (v I ^ )?> 'llii% 1 1 1 ? ' ! ..*???? til" *"?*' ..lift4, of srr\ i> o. u ri' it *'?' ti.vwt t-rtlif:^ iTt ' !.???? :i tv?*l i>*\ l.? t!i>* M'.; S;..r,:. \V :1 Ik - t in t fi?- >r.irrf ilt< -in .] . l.ovi.'i^ ?? !?? ("I'-i '."n / ^ \ ' ?? I i I'? 1"> |'.y tl??- rT. ?- '| ' l< r:W,tn-! ??...?rt'.f n.i!ur?* "f ? "? r?Mlui of . J Ti-1 ?-It I !(>? riijiJi tw.. !??? .v?", a '???? !i tii?>r.t:'if > ^" fi- "f- ' <'i'rMi:in apiiM ? ;hifT>y u ? ! ;in*l ? ? \ ? I . -AVlvji ti>- >? ? f fu> | | * ? ;i :;?! !:ry i> s:tr?* . ' ?ti ? 1 . III. Th? Works- of t"1-? F esh fw ii? -'tv.: . l'.\ "ikM&k " .? ?' W # >f r':?- i 1 nHf* Iri . , : ]ir? ?" * :.':rtiJ*V;ki;| f'ij-1!. : i !>?.!, j ?" ?'?I?** r,r;"' Ti- .? In S '? ' "" ,t: ' i ! i ? K.i'rri m' tS'Tt.' '"! >*? v "r-i **:??! :lf ? fti 'iOu'iu'if t< ( .*'!??. 1 1 1 : ? : t J - r.'l I :?WH?SSJ 'i !. - -sB" ill) ^t-n>u.i: j ? ? ? * i r?"i. <>r ?'?'???"I. <;:> | .as. ivto'^ri- -> T'iS nir:in? f??* uiiTit.'rt r.-. k!.'-- in In >liHiii> ru! "* t!i?? tiv'ti. Irri-liiri.'rr * w?ir^ i?l"!> CJt \Viti*l|.T:i ft S.?r.-.?-v Tin* riic'im* nil ?i?*alin^ with f!tf ??>*> ~ '* >u. h nia?i? :il iri>. ?. :v sins; ?f -the T.-nif.'f fw 'i hf >>* isikf ' yi-H'V :t? sj>hft*? y (-1) W'mtli htifsf ?> i>f psirs. ' 4. Sin* *if M\i*?"?s (v. 2!). (1> 1 rriiiikvnriess. This tnoam In flu I ii?*n ? in lnf.?\lvafin^ li^'i^rs. | ('_?) :u't> of ili-sij.jirlon nndt-r tlie inrhifniv of lntoxir?inr<. IV. The Fruit of the Spirit (\. ?2 IV Tills ini? ?f ; vvlint Co, I tins ilon.* lVrtiv with lioil :i n< 1 Mlownian 4. I.i?hjsn(T??ring. faking insult sinH Inlury without nmrtiiHrln^. fl; Ontlfiic^s. kfiuiitw* to nt'ifTS. Comlni'ss. d.iin-4 ~ooil :?> oih. rs. 7 Faith, hflievi'ns Coil liiul .?oitiinit tlnp nil to Mini . 5. M?*Vkti?"ss. Siihrtiisslon to Ho.J. . 9 Tcnipt'riinw. self -con ( rol. in all tfjlnffs. Asainst sueh/hi'tv Is no law. ? Man's Sorrows Man's sorrow s are a mystery, hut , that sinners shonl.l no> h;ive sorrows I itVtV a sa.hh'r mystvry still. ? A 11(1 t.otlj ph'iiil^ with u- all not to l.>s?? thf j of our i>\jti'ii?,liri,s of th?* Mtt.-rn.-s> of i sin hy our Irvitv or ?ur Mitiiln.^s to j their im'iinitius ? AI.'X in.l.T MaHiin-u. Do It Today Th?'r?* are a lot of 'jHsiple who tii'v^f put off till tomorrow what thov can 4t*t sohii'Ihm|\ to today.? \N fsti-rn Christian AdvtK-ate. WELL ONE DAY IN BED THREE That Was the Life of Mrs. Hollister Until ?he Began Taking Lydia EL Pinkham's Vegetable Compound Wyandotte, Michigan. ? "After 017 baby wa3 born I did not do ray own wor* for six months and^jB could hardly take "T care of my own bah y. I always had a pain in ray right side and ^ it was so bad I was fetting round shoul- "y ers. I would feel well one day and then feel so bad for three or four days that I would be in bed. One Sunday my mother came to see how I was, and she said a friend told her to tell me to try Lydia E. Pinkham's Veg etable Compound. So the next day I f)t a bottle and before it was half taken got relief. After I was well again I went to the doctor and he asked me how I was getting along. I told him I was taking Lydia E. Hnkham's Vegetable Compound, and be said it did not hurt any one to take it I am always recom mending the Vegetable G-irr. pound to others and I always have a bottle of it on hand."? Mrs." Henry Hollister, R. i .1). No. 1, Box 7, Wyandotte, Mich. I.ydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com pound is a dependable medicine for all women. For aale by drugpiits every where. Take Healing j ; r> Sulphur baths ll ?: ! W V \ Ht home r -r rlicuni: :l "r 9 1tSv?*.v. li??th t.? ' ?'?? ???: ?: ? fn* j'j. r. I .suiphur ?>.?:? ? ' Y'rti ''an cnj'jy t!i?- n--.'. it',; -uiph'ir;* r * i . ! 1 .)[!? :r -rt- J !?k :i hva!:t:tf rrr ??ntili'jUy i ' ?< 1: ?* '? '??*?? II! > - L ?-?' i Ai ?? u ?? ?' .iv-rrmliy an-J 1. . ' n 0:1 .trS-' j-.trTs. t- .1 i! 'JiJ y ? ;r 'iruv'k'' ' ??? I- !i" - ?? ? . !J. s?*i. i hi.v naj.v .11: 1 *!. - i't " " ;?* ?4! 1 we v. ;.i y >*i j r** HaSC. .? K ! I.l.-'t ! ?',r It I'tjM/.l'.V ? Jit.*..' Mr**, .Mar"' *?.*. l Ha ?? a r.*.! , ; - .< ' . ?? 1. J ' . V ??< i < Japs Rebuilding Shrines ! .-#? . >' 'i ? ^ [ ' ? 1 1 : ? -< ? i ? > ? ? ? . . . in- .?? ??lr ; ? .??n ? ?? ::?????? ' f ' 1 1 .r I ' : . ~ ?- ?!??** ? . c. .? ! . ft' ? ??iirt I :v .???? - ? ! i >?? : t ?f ll :*?*! ? t*> ?? ?i !:: i ?? .1* i v' < "i II I J V ? ??' ??- ' ..:!?? .v -li- ? i* ^ | r? ? \ ? ? ' ! . I ? ? I" . i ? f * T t ? ? ? ?* ?oii? il \ |\ ? for !i?t '.if ~ ? - ;.;TVr-ui '.villi .1 ?,ff|n . * ? ? SICK BABIES Respond instantly to a short treatment ot Dr. Thornton's EASY TEETHER Ask Your Druggist RESINOL 5oolhinq and He.\!in