KEEP OUR STREETS CLEAN KEEP OUR STREETS CLEAN No. 34 ? ? ? ? ? ? i ? ? Ml . . ? FARM NEWS By I A. AMMON Thanks for the good showers in *uch a critical time. Many spots are yet to be reached. Twenty Wiys and girls of ;lu Clubs had their ouf,?ng from Thurs day to Saturday. A sane and ?x- j eellerrt time was enjoyed. The. mint specialist of the Vicks ? Chemical tympany will be here on , the to look over our mint) demonstration, and s<?il jn^itwiw in ." general. They expect to place an .station in" tk?e n??nnraiB.v ' hope to lasd it. in thj.- . C . Do not forjret^at next We* -k is tjouitry Week in TJtr> "County. -?".l plan to attend some ">f the meetings. Monday, 10 a.m.. -?J the Blant? re 'School. Then a visit ti> Air. A. B. Osborne's place at the sfcition. Then to Miss TalleyXai Penrose at ?*oon. 2:00 p.m.. at Eiwn School. Tues day. 10 a.m.. ax ??it?t|e .River School, then visit those most interested in o*.:ltry. Tuesday nnrtt- ? meeting i'i the >urt House for a discussion v>n fall ??nd winter fi tV.inr -t* rOultr*; Wednesday raill he spent *'ith the ; DOultrymen abound Brevard. Some j definite work will be planhe-h J Thursday ? ill eo\*trr frew Brevard 1 to Rosmar territory. A culling demonstration >vdl be. h*l?l at Ros man at 2 H??>Tittg.?r Brevard ; at nighu Friday' w:!I ????ver fr'om-'Rosnian'. :?? | Lake To'sawav territory, with a cui- , ling dem*dBKtrnturi at '.ake- Toxa.- . way SciawJ a . -1' p.m. - i/ requested: another meeting at Brevard will Ik held on Frid; y -aisrht. The weetinv of the pr'ultry grow- t ers last "Thur* i?y r.igit was not at tended 'fv a large number of people, but the interest was gr>v?ii. Mr. J. A " Glazenw. tre Agrioulaure teacher for the w\\ fcrevard High School t was the prrnt ipal < pea r, and start- ? ed a bJi rdntg -whits we believe j wilt help put < ur poultry business on a tinner ba>i Othe meeting! ttil. i be he-it. to perfect organizations and j push yrojWs to dm. potion. Tht home -agent -wil take a Mi 'j week# rest ? her home in Teniies-' see. She-' ha*- ju-t atwut worn her- ! - ? ? ? - ? ? ?-. I self ?ct ">vit;.. tne rush of worklj Over. "two hundred ami fifty chab members to *:ok af;*r along ?r.h other -work ihat is increasing :*ttu?d- !< ily tis too mach for -?me woman to do. T nles> T?.e make orr demur ds on our bt'Hie agent less strgnuoas. we will soon have a record of brviiK.i>^ one down eat:: two ytars. Get 'behind the nanchery ar..i pu>? - it over ; A -j r ? d i"hwstment uuid ?? great nelp to the ''-finnty. STATE FAfR IS NO TO PUBLIC TfrSTITUIlON Ralegh. N. ?\. August 5.? .The N'??rth (.irolma State Fair is 'ndw. more of a public ?i?utution *uta? ever before.' N>t onrv n- it supwf^t ed by public -fvi.ds bet :t i? governed by a Board t>f niret'tiv?'> representing Vorlh Cohi-^c of Agri culture and tfvt Statv lVep;irtn-*vt of ? AgrjetSture: For this reastn. it sho-aW.- be porte<i by people from utl sections^ - of the State and not alone by those ! who live adjacent to Rifetgh. be lieves O. .Ha-X Gardner. pt%*. ident of' the Fair this. year. Mr. Gardner believes that farmers pnrtic.iilarly should start at tnis time t?? select and prvpiire a-tr:: -. :v c ::r-'. worth ! while exhibits for the fair this fall, j This must be cone, he says, if these j -exhibits are to oompefc* succesafullv for public attention and inVrest ?with the amusement features of ??he fair. The North Cartdrna State Fair ts primarily an educational institu fK>n and if it is to fulfill purpose. ' oiiality must be one of the outstand-( h)K considerations m preparing ex hibits. This appiies to the indiv: dnal entries of products in the field ^ departments as well as the conntvy. crops, ho*-tiruitur:;f and livestock individual farm and community e x hibits. sa\-s Prudent Gardner. Th" Sfate Fair this year will run the entire week of October 12.. A number of new classes have been opened for competition, especi ally for livestock growers, and no livestock man need fear that his animals will have to compete this year with the animals grown in ano ther State unless he so desires. I . Special State claj "s have been ar ranged and. prizes ;.-e otfered for the champion animjjis in each breed. e MANbAWtSt MlNii ON BOYLESTON IS SUPERIOR GRADE ? The -old iron dijori-ufccs on Boyles ton Creek, on land? ot Mrs. Altaic Mi-Lean. have b?n subjecte-j re cently to a wry :i>>r -.>ugh prospect and a brdy <>f high-grade fbcniira! nu?pganesc dWlosfd; This -property hiis more thai) bm*e been <*.\sted in a J-'SUltorj way bv both local and -Eastern 'interests.. who;*- side aim was to. pr<?du?'?* lor meta/lung** trade in the ste?-J . industry. .Previous attemjU^ Avcfe discouraged on ?i' count of lack of capital and low I price offered (f r the crude ojru. j Thv .recent. tests. h??we?fe r. Kave shown tbt- ?<?>? to b** a crystalHxed j variety in demand for thf man- I ti/iict t'pv; of .storage batteries. One J of tbe, largest battery manufacturers j >ri ?)>#? United Slates ? having pro- | nou"#x-d t h?\ Bayl?*ston are superior J ??? ;?.?]>? t'tto'itl in the entire. I'nitw" SU??Rs-.' 'J 'bis is i x especial signifie -ncel ?..s. it jr* tints * i the esUiMishm/ nt of a mining a'?d wasfeiug- .olant *nd pnan al*4v a trending and freeing '? it. urf;ttiu M-svw^ I wo >*t" .* .ni'N raK found in the Vv>nttne.? of '.' runsyi- hia whi -h -w?-uhi be used Ivy *an?. *' eompa ny, and effort sb > uld bo niatit to induce t ho <>a.f terj t*%>p]<- Jj locaie a coir p- etc ol ?luinufactiire ::v v?ur locality. A .-.u; stanttal p^jwd' in. r um Voulfl' ?i* ?mfei i ned. The v- >r;h Stat# ' }!**?. ?a.nefe< Com i j; \ :s 4-n;iduvti??r".the: "est's. ?SiiJ PlftAN S .DICE5T OF DCfi NGS AROl'NO ST AXE CAPITAL - ( By M I-. Ship-man > K:. '-,sh. Aatuu?? 17 Wit1- no **!?' r?" !?: the priiy of iw ::iu: no ir.?? [<roMv'<-.: of ;> reduetiart, i.b ; -api'taJ . it v -.uvtsih rfjl vinder.abe nv-if* L- 'VrV.-r ? he?..' rJhe wb ' ? ui'a'dt N of tlis AnoJi? ir t>roc\-s w.x i lAtitt f?*ee of t'h?- cbatf^tres <jf ope.r.?i*. ?'?estrairji of trade. nrei?? Lcd ujrv nst .tavnr In ? WaJki? . t'i?u_*ty ] /rami jury. Th.- case against J*-. j jce maa ifactu-eT^ xnss basl< ned ut a mJus? >n whir.; tbe defeindafits ?* ? ' viMed J ? offer n< . ^wjde-*r?* aftf. r ? .I.t? ijre J^unn iuxti nJeti S>at <>>u ' v 1 issues rvuivee1 n ike prrts?>n: ! ccwld \y prese.?nr<-d >?* ?. f?.uu u ' ii ?? cri;n.rial iiMu*jL?t .arvd tbe | a/il^ released, wrtb lb?- prj.-f ?; | o* civt nction lx brotic^it bv tV*' ! c-'t' actrj>? witV th? Attorney ^Lo-i | eraf who /ntiniSifed *?eh a course in I iiis pee?f to th? jur.v T;i? e j contended that -fyUsenc* .ftad Kein j ad<ii ced * hich i?Jid?t: t" siiow tt c I'wXft- \i?.ai>r i of * <!(in/?ina>iMi in v > ' str Tii; t if i' Jide< <?i h a? 'o? Caj.rii: lee ' ."pnipa.T y ?> sht wrt to he. jJ thoujrh the pr<?s?v-utM*i han' apjfcir : ly e>tafclf?hed :be :rbiiv> rhat ii* ? rict of. ic- had nu?<stl> reacb+?; ,.v ?\v b'uil !?s els. So a |fl?s .wi-j'V i/ays/tk' freijfial. The status quo is ruainttoKed -.a Slate . adminKt ration circle, net nt-arinj: at aJi that vrh*?i the cat > aw.-tv tj> ijm f will play. :H??-retar | England. Pardoi: ^ojiiniisiiioi*;r Si:i> jane other atta?frics of tV Executive j (. ftuur. t re ke?pinj; the rru?jtiiK-rs I ill ?.iM-ratn?i; :.r.c when His JE.vcei [ lcrvj retuvns ?nm a well dtit^rved jtattankou. be i> Hke'y to find n? 5narl ? ! in officialcKm t.h* cannot be 'Wtsily ' ff-und nut. Auibtor Baxter B'urhani loses- %>ne: of his most valuable efficiency *-x the resienarion of Carl K. HB1 wt* leaA-?-s the Department to iTo intv firivau business Septem^?^i? 1. Mr. ijiii has fc-een with the Depa.T-. ment the greater part of three yea.*, j and a iro inker of departviental pla^ of uniform character are attribut able to his experience and ability. A rather breezy discussion* hert j was provoked by tie ruling of At torney (>eneral Bnxsar.mitt tlhat Ev angelist Af. F. Hanj and his Choir leader. W. J. Ramsay, are subject to trie Statv income lax. The attempt to exact this tax meets with scant apr?.-oval-. the prevailing Opinion indi catintr a rather strong' sentiment ag ainst penalizing religion. Tbe point friends of the Evangelist are advanc ing is that the State must be in an embarrassing situtation financially when it feels tbe need of exacting a U?x on free-w|JI offerings to citizens of other slates. This view of the : matter is not confined to partizans ( of the long run by exacting special i i taxes from ministers and gospel ' t ?ingen?. The suggestion is consider Community Meet At Glen Canon Is Huge Success The Community Picnic held at Capon Kails Friday afternoon, August 14, for the benefit of all tourists and visitors of Brevard, was a. most ^successful o*vnt,' and proved 4in withstanding future in Brt;var<i s tourist entertainment program. Numbers of quests .'began to arrive at the Falls by mid-afternoon and the early part of the time was .;?] 'it. i-\ ;b*. .^ounscr o::e3- in '..I: <-u??r-jovful .pastime of wading in the cool, clear water of the stream, he-low the Falls, while others wan- ' dered through the enticing woods or acquired the adventurous spirit and ' * -limbed the steep mountain trails. Later in the afternoon, many of ? those jwosent afforded interest and i amusement to the onlookers by en- I gagiwjr in various games ami con- .j tests, for which prizes were award- ' ed u both men and ladies. The; guessing contest, horse shoe pitch ing. and arcbery contests, ail proved trr<j>t sources of erjjoyjnent. The *>*>?? van i .vlumcipai Band auu?-ii greatly to the ploa.santnoss of tht- -uf ljur by rc nJering numerous selec x.v'jis during tin- afU'iiKwn and v*'eiiiug. The bountiful pic .lie i'.ntci .served . <uv-Lmg lable-s u-a-s a most en jj'.yable Iauiuihc of this <iilr. htful | iftccasjoK. ? The ?ritors' present. a<iot>ted a resolutive < X|?ressi?g app.viial.on to ( the f hanihiv' uf < 'anuiaerce for the warm hospitality extended them .tic this and other occasion-. IT is .th- intention -of the rh;.inhi-c uf ( Ainuiu.rcj* to iuiul such yather mg ?-uch year in U*e future. Oeiiev ing tha* sii'th an ?"?en't beJ/J s. nnuaiiy. ii: J/rwsird will U- most jJconle 10 the A'.e- itors :.:'d Will ' ii>.e>vise li very ivinefirial to t'.i.' cavivMuluty. EPMXClRTH LEAGUE HOLDS D15TR1CT MEETLvC Ths pwiMhly xueet ing th?- dis tnci i'.pw'j'th Le;>KUe Union u>er wit# 'he .ttrevard Leairue .on Thur>. day ?-v er.inr at the Metbodtst churri. Sun*. w: i? -servH.l on fit.- church :.iu . . ;,f:, ' which husihe*; ' ismo.. wa?- j? -id <Juit? .i nurt;lw'- of vistf inp L.eagsers i-om tl>e var.cui.; churches t/ the AyuevilV ? ii.-t' were '.n . ed iin' onjL* unf<""tunate but ta reaLsai-tble tli?e*nior Mcie-a? pla***.' hln*;^.{ on r??r.oi-d * -.uarely again>: the ent .an:.i?tuAt-fd sy.sfc?m of county gov. eiin at in ;t letter to the .Y?rth Ca** >lia;: .ii.^ociitioji a ' County Coinm? siojiers >neet;wg at -Blowing J2ock dry ing the weeJc The (Jovenior dec tart *1 thar bb admnistnvJon is ?-arnest:^ tryiu jr te pUur* the J? late go wrmnerr; en i> snvnd b?isines.; basis artl uiged reformation ir cq.ur? y governent us well. Th- system <:f county gover:^ inenc. thinks ts?e Gp* -rnor. lacks <?? | ,raniz?*<i uni^v under definite .nnd i* ? ,1pon>i.ble executive headship. Dupii > atipr. of effort, overlapping duti - and kiJuiettd .eVfointk't the present 'svstem which should be re, tonne., ? * A conunisskm to study urgent need.. ' ind rK-ommtnd i-ealthy reforms it I KJgges?ed ii) the Governor's k?tter ; i_-epart<f pn^'-sentai ion to the Co m m Lsm*? j\e? ' Atsociatim before, taking lay de^iirturi"? for "the sticks ov a brief "laav'e <tf absents." The tbt- fl torr.eau of the Autonto bib Li cease J3t partRent kept, aheat of Ashe >?-anie last mudh during which ?iflcusix machines w?*e .sttiJen anct j.rd ?eventy-Sve reco.\itred. The D. t yartiuent stresuset the isiportince oi} >*epucting all caw stole? immediate!;, i *.a or<ier to facilitale the work of re ; over?.. The ''piUerex*" Show r ' prefere.uje for Ford cars, forty-niv -f thest disappeared darisg th norrth, wiile fifty-three were reco. ered. oix hundred and fifty-nine applies tions for bat license have been a; >roved by the Corporation Comm is ^ion and eighteen rejected. Li: ? olators do nov .'- and a chart cc f hese positions. Only sober rv leed apply. It is announced by Julian Pric hairman of the Salary anil AVa Commission, that the long expect' report on its "findings" will eady for the Governor c.i his rotu 'o the office around the first ?f Sr mber. The denth of Seereta Rogers delayed the report of t" "ommission which expected to ha ? ompleted it's work weeks' a >, County Poultry Growers Launch Hatchery Drive The first meeting of the County s ; nouitrvmen was. filed with much ten St' and discussions. Prof e**r Hanes acted as chairman, and Iro.. Glazener of the Brevard H.r> School as principal speaker. The object of the meeting was no; , to organize till some definite wo wa.- found for which an organizau. , was needed. Mr. Glazener was n? t , stow in pointing out something trtj work for. and he made an elegant for the e. labl:shment ?f ?' hatchery in this section, and offer* 1 his service as supervisor if the people , would put up the money and put a| hatchery on the High School ground,, as they had where he taught lasu lie pointed out the low cost oi chickens from such a custom hatch 'ery, and the fact, that then* ate I 6 troubles with baby chieken> fi?v i'haviug been stopped. -Wr. viIj./a -? I also emphasised the fact that ?"'* knows just what one is getting ii quality-, and if he does not g<i. quality it is his o*>n fault. Mr. Glazener made this kind of hatchery go wu h large dividends <o divide down at Kllenboro, and had only half the interest there is in the work here As to ci?st of custom hatching, the price charged at Kllenboro was threi ano one-halt cents per eiiiTi ? payed in advance. Around P' [cent of the ..eggs hatched. ( The meet. tig nearing the able ' is v of .iir. (ilszint'i, i?? < >it-< is Y'nigue. Osocrio. i.'.ou ai?i Amnion to :-ee the lioa rii "1 i uraiion p-'jSiiildt secure ih< j^-roiissioii l'or the location oi t!>< c.tu .w ry on the scnoiu grounds. che\ were successful in doing an 5ihe? u cw up FJinsci iption lists to , lUiniM* the haCrheiry I U waA estimate.*! lhat six thou^aJ. I dollars would he nieeded. s*( this wtj divided into J 2f> shares ?>.{ fifty ?t?v iars U*ach. One half - of each sh;ij" to bJ- pajd on ixr before the ;h>i < September. li'i.r<. in oirle'r to bu machines al a 1" per cciu sat im ? The dividends are expected to p. off tkv other luilf. After all debt i are pa it.'. a certain purl ol' the n. | dividend* will j?> t<? -the depsirtmer j of agriculture of the high school I 'finance the wo r? th?xe. and the rt I I jnainder to lu.- diiniltd among th { stuck holders .uro j.ata. The div j ?i?*nds are expi "ted. To reach aroun ' ,u-r ivJJt or st(K-k invested. A ' depends t?u i.uJi -etiings ?<r .Kitcb.'s l The business men of the t ount ? | w'iO have giv?Ti it .a thought leali?. , j tiu't poullzv axd t'irgs. are now brin> j ing more m?uvy into the Count . ! than any other one rami produc | Thi<t it is ?u" -".-viu.'S.ry that is adapl ad to our seciion and should be ei, c<?u.raged. This titcy are doing b putting their Damp on -he dotte linf. Only tur allowed to :u". unp. as it if felt thai the wider th Jifitributrcw the h**.t?rr. litter raetiqjrs wil! be held to di. j cults cold f-UtrufCi- of egjiS. the mark e.tirj; of product* .and buying o 9 Mipp'ies. Tbm organize all in on 3 glreater assottaUcn It interested j! -oe one of the cojv.iflittee for infor f naactjos . SiidS CAPTURES PARTY OF FOUM; HELD ON TWO CHARGE! Tht latest raid1 made by Rura Policeman Si mi eiiiuusleti in the cap Lure of .an Overland .speed true! with two men and two? women whe were stewing corn, an envestigatio proved tlat they also Trad one-half Tallin of vhiskey. As JSims stop ped the trnsk the occupsCrts refused u be arrested so he was compelled o call for hvlp. l*ut finally arrestei rhi'm and brscight them ti>- Brevar, chore they w<-re plact<l in jai' The-j were trie\i before Judge Shu rcrd and all bound over lo court 'hos?- a.-ro.?te l were, Ed^ar Alexan nder ,'ind wife and D. W .Wil!ian\ A)d . wife. Williams was charget' vith larceny. drunkenness and trans orM'ng liquor. He failed to give! ? >nd and is still in jail. FREE C RCUL.ATION ? The Foil '" ? ' caption in a St. >t*vsburg, 'F't.) paper says: "The Sunshi p Paper gives away ts entire circulation, absolutely free to everybody, every day the sun does not shine on St. Petersburg. The record is 81 free issues in 14 1-2 years ? 5 1-2 times a year." STATE BANKERS | HOLD MEETING ; IN BREVARD! i One of the* must important gather . 1 ings held in Brevard this season was ^ the mid-summer meeting of the ; Executive Committee of the North j , Carolina Bankers Association which convened here Saturday. President Thomas H. Shipmai. <<f the State Association was h" t to the Efcei utive CoiJim?ti?*e 1*1"' 1 guests who were her** A bu.--iacs meeting of the committee was held at 10 o'clock Friday morning a;.j which time invitations from vai ( cities in the state who want to enter tain the convention of the State Bankers were received and taken into conderation. Invitations from Asheville, Morehead, Pint hurst, Wrightsville Beacb. Raleigh, air-i J Durham. Following the business Meeting he Executive Committer nerc guc t.- J Ib'es. Shipman at ? delightful lunche on held at the P'vant House. I'1. a<j dition to T'r*.-;. Shipman the visiting Jwkers, the gue.-ts inclu-iyti President E, P. McCoy of the ( jnnJtV her of Commerce. J. H. Piekelsinv.-r PreK??i? nt of the Pirsgah Bank. I vi T Hamlin, \ice_Presklent of th< ?F'isgah Bank, \\. M? Henry, a Vice President of the IMsgah Bank, "Mayo T .W. Whitmirui Joseph S_ Silvei steen, C. Cv Younge, II. W Ewreti W. W. Croushorn, Philip Warrer of the Chamber of Cor-jwu-e, S. t Sterling* Associate Editor of Th Brevard News. Following the luncm*?n the vis tors were taken for a visit t-> ti Everett Farms when- tru y ih-pectt 5 Mr. Eve ret; *s fine herd of cat;! ar | the -Splendid collection of huriti: Uvphies which Mr. Everett has bis gun room. From the Evert' Farms the body proceeded to < aestee Falls and from there t^M Shipiren's country home near fib man where a delightful picnic . t|>. was served by Mrs. Shipman and rum ber of other ladies. The vjsitii bankers who attended the meetir were: Frank F. Fagan of Rock Mount, First Vice-President of tl State Bankers Association. E. i .lanes. Charotte, Second \'ice-Pr ;>? j; dent, W. G. Gaither of Eliza bet j City Third Vice-President. H. t Kramer, of Elizabeth City. Trea urer, Paul P. Brown of Raleigh. Sei retary, John K. Tolar, Jr., of Fa; etteville, John W. Covington < Rockingham, C. W. Cloninger < Greensboro. H. L. Newbold Statesville. I. W. Stewart of Chai Jotte, S. A. Hubbard of Asheville, \\ Fl Augustine. Vice-President of th Merchant's National Bank of Rid mond, L. S. Covington, of Rocking ham, and C. E. Brooks of Bender Bonville. MISS DOROTHY SILVERSTEEN TO REPRESENT BREVARD AT BEAUTY PAGEANT AUG. 20-2 At the regular Wednesday even ing dance given at the Franklii Hotel on Wednesday evening, Aug ust 12, Miss Dorothy Silversteen wu: chosen as the most striking and at tractive girl in Brevard. As "Mi Brevard," she will be Brevanl" representative at the Beauty Pag j | eant to be held in Hendersonvill. August 20 and 21. A great ova tion was tendered Miss Silverstee. following the announcement of this high honor conferred upon her. STREET WORK IS PROGRESSING NICELY The steam shovel which has been at work for the past week or ten days leveling the road on Whitmire street, preparatory to paving same, has finished its work on that street and was moved Monday to Cascade Avenue to lower that street to thi proper level. The . street pavin? proper will begin just as soon n auff cient rain falls to allow th us< of an abundant supply of w: in -jxing the concrete. The c<>; er* sidewalks on both sides \\ ' mire street have been compli ed' -'d construction of walks t: C* -t-1e Avenue was. begun the fir of i? week. Construction work o th' ber street r- outlined on th nc ->aving program will bo takrr up i their turn. The street paving contract wa le* o the Asheville Paving Com paq ? under the suoervision of E. H. Webb, of Brevard, IH? rKAYfcK lUKNfcr. ENJOYING LIFE Of course we all want to -:r, j??v ife in this world, ami equally ; ' course we. want to help other.- t'? joy tln-niselves. Here is a vaijs.ti < Lonic, as described by a wise r ? * l??ntr ago: "A merry heart is y ? i medicii" ." and it i- food as v.- j . medicine, for *"h?- that i.- of a heart hath a continual feast.'' > ' you d'Mif't, the value of the n?t : try it. Hut perhaps you may objec* t* ? a -merry heart can't be obtained will ? and yet it i.- tru< in. this rr.h ter as in others, that "where then- ? a will there's a way." Like |^*. in valuable accomplishments, it ?><*??? - plenty of practice. ,-t difficult <>'? of music that is impossible to ; ' ? ginner, may be easily playvl years of earnest effort, y .So it is with* tW f.-ir n.'jre able aeconvpli-'lvn-'nt of gladnes* " gladness that, -an -hire in the ?Ia "? . ness, whvro. it is most' nteded V>; one ifln .vjoic" where* - rot:. iiii? .vHatewr t<? igh people ..iteii fail to ' it, even then? but a- Mark I"; . J would sav'i "'There's some credit i ? t | being jolly," wh'-r. every! hint /<??; ^ I wronjr. Kvr-n the- easy Vic ?f *. L j merry heart, that ?s uncultiv^f; ? - ; and goes down lie fort- adversity. ? i good medicine. Whut a piea-'j.e ?- is to see anyone with a be.-. ;u:. t.lsmiie, evep thot'gh we kn-ov- *:.? i, | face *.v< :i <>i*' -n iook.- g!?.< ?. j or u i?. IJut -uiier the joyou- ioT ? . j may be depended on. the etT ? *t ! magical. Happy pw.ple are lik< -a. ' sihne. cheering up everybody ar-,u* them. When we nee*, one of * M> ? , glad souls, we rind < \r snule r.-i:: j to match theirs, and we go on way feeling cheered and helped. A PRAYER ON ENJOYING LIFE I 1 O Tbou Giver of J?>y and Gla. nefs. in whom alone i- trio- jo;. i: i true gladness, help u-, Thy * ii: j to be joyous and triad, and a*. >g I others to be so. Thou hast said ' ? ;y ' Thy Holy Word' that wf:?-n the f ?u ie j dations of the earth were laid j morning stars sang together. an 1 Thy Sons shouted for joy. A: ..*? when the saved ai;o gathered Lefo the throne, the tnultitufie which i: man could number, do u ? no; nt; the great hallelujah choruses that}, up to Thee? Did not the wise :iu. say, "A merry heart dieth goi d It ? a medicine and hath n cortinu: ' feast. Grant us that heart Father, that it may Ik- both medicir^ and food to us and other-". Abo- _ all. give to us the far mor ? valu.Ui> accomplishment that can shine in it d; rkness. where it i- most needc< '.-j Make us cheerful. Give ue *J. i learning smile an i i th?- joyous b?? j thai can be dec-ended on. W i w "u!d be like sunshine, che-'rwi ?. i everybody around u-\ We.fcno. I that when we meet a soul o | ?rr.iies rise to match theirs, and w p. c-n our way feeling cheered an- 1 hdpetL Oh grant to u- to be sue glad souls, that we may send a' ?.vi:h whom we come n contact. < their way cheered an. I .'???! pe<l. \\ ? - k it in the name of Him who w; the most joyous of pt r-?nalitie- uj: '? who inspired the* most ;oyou* n-ii; ien. and Book in existence, whos ;ey remains with us. that our it | m'irht be lull always. ? r. n. c. STANBURY MEETING XT WEAVERVILLE PROVING VERY SUCCESSFL. Rev. Harvey Stanbu:;. :s start:.; the <e>. ond wt|*k of a r.. -st succe ? fui revival meeting he!?i in the !? . tent at Weavcrville. Some sevei *? rive converts are repor:. -i up th present time, with if t -re :t a:i(i tendance increasing with t>a<-r vice. It is estimated tha over ' * thvU.-and people were < r wde<l I the tent on Sunday n: ;:u. last. Th_-?day night was IVvvard r.: ' ?at V?eaverville and anproximat . sevtnty-rive people motored over att? -<l that service. The loyal*. . ard t nthusiasm of the Br. vard jvi pie n attendance -added greatly * ? the Interest and serious though ready manifest in the tent meet::n tr the part of the Weav:-rville p-.< rlr. A glorious soul -avir.g time to. Weaverville is predicted as a re?.i! ~ rA the untiring and -ir.' re effort j? Rev. .cfanbun\

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