CANNING TIME TABLE IS QUITE USEFUL Blj|||:Hing and Processing Fruits and Vegetables. Ttie folU'WHi^ time table shows i |j.v hlHtteljins time r?-?| ni r?*?l fur t!te Tnr!-, oils \euetnldos and fririis. and als(? i|ie nine fur proressit in a !i' hath <MtlJit. and a steam pressure <?. inner. The "period* 'j;iv??n in f his i?l# are for quart jars. Add .'U> minutes t ??r L'-?;tHtrt jars and deduct: "? miriuM's f<?r pint jars. Foe a few ve^t'tahles. sn<*h as n>rn. Iwans. pe.'ts arid :ts"|?Kr?t;:tis. the I nited Slates l>ei>ann?eni of Asrii-ult'.uv recommends that when a . hot -water oirtti: I* Usetl iii the South. they he pr.rees.sed intermittently, that ;s, from one to one artel a half hours on three .successive da>s. Products Apples . ? Aprirotji ? Xspitragus ?*o*? ? ??- i ? ? ? BlackbetH*!! --???? ?Blueberries .. . ? ? iSrunscls sprout'-* :<*?uHllpw?tr . -.v ? *:?rmt* ......... I'hrrrl**/-.- ? ? ?? ? "?>rn . ... . . .. ? ? ? Currant? 'I.^vs^t'orrS-s " l,)m? litsp* ? ?Icra IV.U. .'... i.>** h?> .. .; . ? I'ctir* 'Pepi>?T>? . . . ! I'ilVW I<plf3 . Vlwros . . ? ? - < ? yuinivj Sfca>pl>i\rr!?s ,,???? JthobartV, ...... ... .... Sjiinaih or at.y *- ' stritvu i>?-an< ? ? S v\ ^ t u< ' i"-s ? rvninloir's Si>up mixlurr St ra vrWrx :??.?*? CORN GIVES MOST CANNING TROUBLE Speed and Care Demanded in Following Directions. \ T&? parcel . Ac* u).r.ur??- V.. * ; sot-ru- tw srivp- t!n> nvrraj<? ? ! om?- vahru-r J Iran. n"v ?ith?>r > iitjpMr- , fa nr. rJi<-r?*ror^! r 'bo ilK-jl :iIMl }.?? . ;?r. r:i!Ir J ivltu\y oH. Mtii. >:<?(?? fi?is ' itp-si ': uzr ytiil wn-li: >'i\ ? ?..?rr s?-l? 'r??h. ??ndi-r. juh'jt ? ? rn ??> :. ii . 1. .? r.oj ? ?in lit ?! ti:*? '-*.*&.? A t: <-v ;'pr|fn.< ?* ji: ? u :h,? ?>hr >T)<; th?* : ??? ? r?*? ? <>r:> : h;ti ? l?; Hst ir*t ? . ?' u. !*kt. i ? ; . p-orl : f_n ? . ? ? . >1 :?i a <? if :r. ' ??:? ?; '">.><?. 1m*s ? - Nirf- >r::ri ir_*. I*; ?? r?*vU.v Btanc.'v the Cori in Hot Water. * ?1 -fvr T?faV> i :i'. i : ',??? hHjiV.,. 5u.."i;i ??>' .in*] t??V l^fi in rh?:!.ot . xysit'-r "tinr I .j-vmJ;, ' .Tin-. n:tv . >.#rrx sh<>n .'?.! 1W ? ?? i in. a .???-;? .*.?!;< ? fhsi* vv4i;( mhIii u n ' i i.'iif- .jt.jr -f >it ifv * -w If ;? ' w.. il r~ ' '??iMirr }?. i - ? i r .? nv?f tile- jva'i'i . nun;, n ?t r'urtiiic t<> :;i ' "?i 1 1 t lie>.' ' ??? ? j.? ni n'm n Tt?(P V'f "r>rn:. ?1*' 1 1 ? ? ? "i. jil ? r' fn". ir . ill h?\ JaP'fi i ii h A," yflj . ':hti?T ft (>??: ii): ?:ir<-r :!*? in ? ":'tilin?;s.-? ~.Ct is i l>i?n> !i ti ?? ? Cut Fron the Cob. Keww ?hilsk.H .inij " ? . (hoii) .v?<rj? v?-?r, i?n?- '?> ti \ )iinvii.|-? > '<ti .tImp ??<"!?. I ?! {? for .in. 'in.>v;int . in '-"ltl ? water. After -oM dip-, <-iit iy off rob a sharp. i Iii ii-NUj iitlife. ? S'|****?ris requisite ii? sii<-< < an ntn;j of eorn. The .hi be <<J>:aine?l vv-hin i >iy?- person - rite ?-orn.' frosn. th?? Vo:. .. t:<l niii'llwP t! : > the ? oniaiCfrs. I'ark (hf ? ??>rn to "within ; .i?n?; inch >?f i!ie top. A ? J?I ? ?n?- iv\el r?-:i . of salt, .ami oin--ha.lf" traspooo of siijrar to ?n h ?p?rrr. l-'ii] r (t?- jar* w ith ? ttoilinj: w:if?*r. I'm rui>b?.*rv ;;1H {?>!?? in ( to "D'thc jars. \Vir?-ii u>n^ jars with glass tops vvliii-li have win Sails the. top ball only shoiil?ri?e- par j io piare. Place the tilled Jars on falSt- bottom 1 Blarichinsf f Pr! M!nu;?? 1 'r 1 In 2 ( 3 tO; 4 & X?n?* Xu'tt? ? I to 10 ?T ?' "i5" I ;i p^li ? ?"!?? rt^fci ) ? . S'-:ir I Si}} ?? S'mif - *M ?? 2 r.j < 3 c/. 1_-?. S-'t 'ill i'l v I.* n^ts Unasf ' ' .V. ^ ii. n t (1 ! f j J's . * .Yi>n? S 4 .- ?... s '? .? .iojlr (*** t% ^ s I S Processing Hot Pw>? tV?lW llmulfs i ; ?... Crti>kcr Mitiulri T' ?' iljt :? 120 so 1.3 15 120 SO ?0 ix, 1*" U ?12 . ; <?? ISO 2ft, " ?* 1 1 ?6 i.r. ?o IT'\ :~t> it f> i " 5 10 10 :1.S jr. w ;o nv :o so so 40 40 so 411 v" 4 ro 30 4.1 70 "f wmwl ?r ? < ?n r.:? ?n?vr nr in?'"- th?'r jtr?-SN;irf i';ini|i'r. \Vi;h li<- li./f A t.-r Nri'li r.'.n'irr ImfP t!ir> \\;\x> r :i|mvc '}h- tops; f?f flip cnns. WK'.'n |.?TjoiI <?' pn'ffs>.inr i? ^ ? ! i . \ fi?r ' Pack Can n Jars. : start in i ?*? :?^!-?4r flir ,'w i> v i ? If Vtuyi ii 'i ?-'tit ^ * ;?/<?_'> ] ] > 1 1 1 " J 1 ?* linvp^ . !t?? tf r-t ???>? t K?* two. ttiiric >. " :rtl(ttving '?jpl \ . K; i ^ h?VI-t> i", 'M <?? ! liT>! al>ti viM iti;.; ' j?rrtf<s>fM2 [<??: <!?;?. Tijrliun .;!)?? :ar. I I'f'S if IT I'!! ? '"?? Sttt'l W'M ll j|;s" ?>pfnr?? r 1 1 ?? "iii' ?- .* ? '? * Nil) .nt:iv. )?'. pror-^-iiii; isn-'.-. rs>ary u\Mi n ? |ircs>nr?" ?-?M>ky ? r. W ii^n j ?i . ?? 'i^: i;- .?m{. [if<?-<?ss < trrji- Ml iuhn:-?'H tih<l< r T". |><>iir.iis prvvsnr** at -n j Htipri^U%i) ; F 1 Wlirt. iar< ri"HO\Vil -frutii- tlt?v i'-aiin.-r. .Hjlu.-r, ??' rn TJi?*^?;:?TN?'!y. Wrap and btcre . ii Cool. Dark Place. ;n H ? :.rfs? .'???' t?\<f tl)4' mh.J- <:<*:>> ,r: '4 ? ????!. flnrU. dry Custard Desserts "Flo:;:'::1 _ >1 ? _?;? i USt:.n] llr> ' scrt Willi. !j.<- i -h Tvhiti'- s?-r\ ri| . '.o|> /?'f. t)i?* ??iiviard. :if!or li:nin^ ' c< n ? ;i iin'inV-nt in t hf* hot nil !J? lM-fitri: If.o: v>*i.ks ami sn epr w ?*re :?ii'i<-- !. An Knslwii . "trifl''"1 i i>r.sist> "f j.'fi-i s ;tjm<>n<i >'i >l?nnu<! ? in'.flkvoHtl ooiilNNl ?{-??ft <i?>t;u(l. tm<! ?< ??ff *? ? it 1? bits <?f tarj i?-lly >;,"<itif(il> of ' ? V: ? for ).i M..i maio-. \ anilla .?r rHiKi.Iaif rcia'ins. fruit, p-l:ifiit> >?>uffl<*s and ntv< ! jiii?l<Hu--S ?'U> tar?l >iiiji'?- wiil i >?? , if* crv^iu Some Canning Essentials ? n . . fruit t;<liW-s. .. < wLi- h fjm lio mailt' ;ur titflit. KtjUNrr ri:;cs life ;in?i ?*l;isti< irr. ? art' ;iriilV!i ?fliiitn'ss fr<?in si art ti? iiiiisk I (??sit' f<>r :i. Miftin'ipn.t time- n insure [?j><crv;itii?a. Air u^bt :it ^II<1 of tliirk, i!ry storage. Daddy* Eveni ^ ttary GraharuXj Bonner ?/P "u r.?*T ?r **jt\ f* SICK RHINOCEROS I feel so sick."' Rhinoceros in >? "I feel So ?ick. tlrp Tw";>- Horned 7111 >. ? ? . "What Is the matter with asked rlir* other Kliinoceros next "I feel so sick. nit. I ft'H sn si re|w*ated tin- Tw:??- Horned Itliinocj "How do yoli fee! "Where do .'you feel sick? "Witt do you feel sick? "Tell us about il." the Xv I ? ?*r< siijil. "( i(i. neighbor. anil kind K 1 1 i ix ! friend," said the Two- Honied ' wiceros. '.When a creatine is sic? I ran t ans.yer ?iues.tiivn$. "Hi- doesn't kn>>.\ why lip. fwtgl 'lie doesn't kimw much H front anyl j then <>x<v,|)! that hp hurts and i*fl all ever, and feels as .thoup| | couldn't do anything at all. "Oh. it's horrid to ho sick! "1'i.or "I'wo- Horned IMiino.] ' said the othpf RliinorProsl Then tin* Two-Horned Khiii'l ? bpgnn to rough. oh. such a conj It seemed as though lie could his hreath. ho Was coughing sol The k?>o'|.?'r heard him coug| ; came Irti'rryhig to him. ' "V?u. jx'or Kliinoceros. sal ! keeper, "you have whooping col "Those t.erriMc Whooping Wretches I e come to visit v| . ilist as ? 1l;ey visited tlios> i hoys John and his. bahy brother \ : ' 1 , this seascn. "It was dreadful when t lt?*y| J th"<e two nice bovs. ' I heard ;.il.?out it. ! "And t hose jiiean w ret< H i have coax, in bother my po i Hoi"tn?iJ Kii no<>?ro>." j i'iipii. without asking any >|i i or flH?*ijig with him. the.k?| .Ml- e i;:, . c the lv. oil. unci! I.'ll| 'You Poor Rhinoceros.-' Said the Keeper. Motile ?? i ??? j i . i in ? w h i< ? ? 1 w i? ? j in'! j .Itim :] as inin h .is possible. j Nislt! ;i : tor ntjifu av.i <i.: .?? :?-r' day. ' th<' I{ 1 1 i IJ? ?? "t?r? ??i and every ] ? minute which i "lllit sparer the- !;*>?[?- | er **> with ,huii y??k?ia- -?t t. r him ' ' ' ' ' , | ami . senniT ? !i:?t ho >i a>' i : .;??!?? :rs coin fcrttlble In' Williil ' he made ?* h'.MI * i ;u> W'hoopini: ' H ivii'iifv ivrw j ..y isfriiig bini." j- Theiv I he> ?' ifjv. <|;iiw un iu vifod. j nn i yet stM.i iuu ! around in a n I ?ay that they h:jw\ . ? ? ' \ They tb<n:t care "W he:l:i;i- they art* I Jnvited or Pou r t 'lK'Hlr -v p.-r'i-. ' !y furious i ! about is. 1 1 1- argued With 1 1:*- \V fi? 0|>. inc \Yi .'t. l:- > "How- Tin-it fi :i t ? ? I '? '???! !u'r - Iliy*' i ; ? ? i ? : ? thO. Tivu ! i?on:>d - II?: }n< ?? i,> a "< "a p~*. j'toji ?<??;> tti'--- Wliji \ l*f y'.'iir>-*-''- ' ,% I 'l*?U v-l lit <? ?pi r? ir < r?-t ?.?'???s ] did n?>' ? ???are. TJW-a wove l hey iii.ed 'a In* mean, I .. ... J~f ? ? w th?y did s< ?- . .4 : i - i ' J10W >;<?! j was r !i<- ke-per, ami l'a tor Niioiiio. and I the 'J'w o-lbirnod K'lino vm- s. I "Kfot'oi"," I A ** 1 1 ? ?r n ??? I ivhi- j j noceros w ?iijb'5 tr\ to sa.v l?<: ; <:?;n ; I co hk lis. "in n:?? ? II. I "I'leasc indkc liw' ?'?' el i. lioi-'pi r ' | An/1 the keeper .would sax.: -"I .xvill u alio X'"U . well. if tux fmfll eitio nni! j?.?Jr?l i'aro- < aii do, >?>, Ithi- , f \VliOrt the keeper spoke f<> t lit*" 1 \ ii- , i ll'Tllfil Kl.inoi eros tin' lJhim?cros I seemed to feel mo e r[i' "U.";v*_'t;.<l uinl" ni'iri' oheert il. It had becti Shut Y/M'y v with John, and hi?; baby brother. They I ia <1. fell so much hot tor wln-n tin-; ? mother ar their- daddy i>v their > oun^ prainliuotlior hail talkfil t<> . tlu'hi anil playo 1 t) ji!i thoin. After a xvrpU-iioii tinio i>f .siifTrrina For the K hin>K-er?>s In* was HiMtlo all well, ami <>h, how he <lid on.iox I'oins: well ftcain! Never wore two visitors loss want ed. Nexer was any one more. <)?* Ilphtec! to set- thoin limn 'vcre the Two- Horneil Hhinocoros. the kroper an?l IVtojf flnotne. Tuo-Hortifil Hhitiooeros en joyod hei is: well inoro than lio r\.-r had in his life hofurc. fur ho IijhI known what it wa? t" he ill ariil tin* ?reat. ifwit dlflVrifiifp hot ivwi it alii) heinc well was truly remarkable. . | Was Baby Sleeping? Soring, me tnoviij^ ><>hi?- ? . hairs about in readiness lor tho assembly in Sundiiy s?-Iiimi|, a little fi>nr yoar-old lot Ji'riM'eoded to ho heijiftJl hy iluiti^ the same. Since she was ?juito noisy, I said ; -Sh. don't make so much n?<ise." w hereupon she came cFom? tn me and asked with the most oharnj ing innoc?-nce : "What's the mailer. Is the baby sleeping?" sending a great earthquake which opened the prison floors and removed the chains from all hands. The earth quake wag hot a more coincidence. hut a miracle. Karthquafces do not throw nil bolted doors open, and unclayp t}?o f. tiers from men's hands. II. The Conversion of the Jailer (v. 'J7-J1). ? The Jailer's sj in pa thy did not go out very far for the prisoners, for after they were made socUrc he went to sleep. The earthquake suddenly aroused him. He was about to kill i bim-etf, whereupon I'aul assured him that the prisoners were a!l safe. This . was too much for him. What he had heard of their preaching, and now what he experienced, caused him to come as a humble inquirer after sal vation. He was convicted "f sin and felt the need o; a .Saviour. I'aul clearly pointed out the nay to he saved. "Jiciicve on the Lord Jesus Christ." 'Hie proof that the jailer was saved Is three! "Id : 1. Transformation I'rotu Brutality to Ten lerhess (v He who a little -chile ago could with. 1 Impunity Ja.v on the cruel lashes Is now disposed to w'ush and mollify the wounds of the prisoners. Z Confession of Christ !n Baptism (v. JW) Those who have really been convict ed of sin and ha\e CXperiMced the saving grace of Uod delight u? confess their faith in Uim under whatever circumstances. 3. He Sot Meat Before Them (v. 31) 4. Ilis Whole Household Baptized <T. itt). III. The Magistrates Humbled (rv. 30-4U> L Orders to Release the I'risoners (vv. The earthquake brought fear upon the magistrates which moved them to give leave for the prisoners to go ? 2 Paul's Refusal lo Co (v. 37). The ground of his refusal was that their rights as Roman citizens had been viola led. They demanded pub lic vindication The magistrates were guilty of serious offense I'aul was willing to suffer for Christ's sake, but be used the ocjision to show them j that persecuting men who preached the g>spel was -au offense against the law of llod and man. Grace and Glory Grace and glory differ but as bnd and b!ossoifl What is jrrace but glory begun? What is glory but grace per fected?? John Mason. Plan for Every Life Cod has a plan for every life; no life can he truly great that Is not founded on Cod ? 1 Selected. ? i An Act. of Goodness An act of goodness is of itself an act of happiness.? Christian-Evangelist. Paint up! But pay less for good paint Good, durable paint makes things last. Now, you can save a third of your paint cost by using Stag Semi-Paste Paint. Simply mix a gallon of linseed oil with a gallon of this highest quality paint in semi-paste form and you have two gallons of the best paint at a saving of onC'thifd the cost. You save money two ways by using Stag Semi Paste Paint. Mixing as you need it assures frmah paint that goes further and wears longer. There's a "Stag" dealer near you. See him or write na for literature and name of dealer. Hirshberg Paint Co.,*4*?!"* > Saw the End Near "Y?u l>in sit k, Hastus?" "Mnn, All was S" sick Ah in J do I'tipi'rs f??* tun I) fun'rai noii?*?\" t? ??? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? i i i CHILD'S BEST LAXATIVE i ; IS CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP ; *? 4 \ man shouio take <:ire, ab??w aJI things, to have due respo. t f?.r him self. Addison. II l-KHY MuTIlKR! A teaspo,.nful of "?'alifornia Itjr Syrup"' now will thoroughly dean r li?* little bowels au<l in a few hours >< ?ii have a well. play ful child again. Kven if cross. fever is!'. bilious, const ir??ted o r full of cold, children love its pleasant ta>te. Tell your druggist you want only the genuine "< "alifornia l Syrup" which has directions for t allies and i-liildn-n <>f all ages printed on bottle. Mother. you must say "California." Refuse any imitations. LANE SAW MILLS and HOE SAWS are th* ttandard Inprotrd !n rrrrj w*j. E?'f To o?~r*fr. lizr*. io, Frrt Booklet. plBp 4 W?U Co xi mmLh Po=p?. E-'-jiOT. r *?* M~>. Win* Mi!X R*':.' i?. J v 11/ a lUTFn Yoon9 Men fP le,r> IT Ail I LU Ibe BABCLR TBAOE Beat college in the South. Jo!* uwuitinc our irrafiuatps. Charlotte Barber College, Charlotte, N. C. Truckers and Tobacco Farmers \Vayn?* iViiinty, wjtli i:? w>irnlirf ?;! f .l :?r*l l?". ? ti?*:ip ian<!?\ olinrrhfs ?? in><>i< ;i ri<l < '? r* transportation fanl!ti?*s. invit<? * 1 to looatf* Iutp. A crest t how. '<? h'-a'Ieil ?>ur way. A''T ;it nnrt*. ft"r ?? BOARD OF TRADE. JESUP, G*. FREE Write for attractive booklet of Parisian perfume*, powders, rouges, etc. U Wast Mtti St.. Haw York BOURJOIS *!0 V A V.I K V?*V>VV>' >11. K HONK $ : If y??u w!il. h?*'p va;r ' our KUarnr h(t?i*ry t'i? '3- of r vr*. wi:J ?* v?U fv# ;>a:r\ .u!?f S ! "> f - I ? ' '? ' ' T?:?r? ;ru!^r.? .AMKW'AN-WIMNKSK M???mERY M ? H* * r: . |!r?''k!y n. N 7 W. N. U., CHARLOTTE. NO. 35--19.15 Permanent roads '-?re a good investment ? not an expense. One Horse Town, Good'Bye! Any community whose streets are not dur ably paved is going to he known as a "one horse town." When that time arrives Prosperity says "Good-bye, old friend. Good-bye!" People start moving away. Bank deposits fall off. Business in general begins to take a slump, and the place is no longer"on the map." Contrast all this with the city that is well paved. It 6teadily forges ahead over its hard, even streets. Automobiles, busses and delivery trucks, operate efficiently and economically, regardless of season or weather. Business is good, and keeps getting better. Modern, fire-safe buildings spring up. New industries are attracted to town. Plant* and factories arc working full time. Trade at the stores is brisk, and everybody's busy. In short, permanently paved streets and roads are one of the very best investments any community can make. You can enjoy the tonic effect of well paved streets by help ing your local authorities to find ways and means to build more of them. Send today for our fr it illustrated booklrt "Concrete Strtets for Your Town." PORTLAND CEMENT ASSOCIATION 111 West Washington Street CHICAGO A National Organization to Improve and Extend the L sc* of Concrete OFFICES IN 30 CITIES

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