DON'T LAY DOWN ON THE Chamber Commerce VOL. XXX IF YOU GO TO FLORIDA BOOST BREVARD ? THURSDAY, OCTOBER 15, 1925 No. 42 FARM NEWS Ovri'iir to th;- fact that Mr. Am nion is in Raleicii attending the Sfato Fair, he \v;fcs; unable to wriu. J hi> regular art it k- for this weeks is of the \ew>. We may expect ? a crboij-. Yr- ? h?j?i for next week UUittK about the t-air aiut vht' liyyi deas- he '.has' picked, up while there. - Mis- .Via Walkv!. IK monst ration Aereilt. is. :?!>?>. a.teiidinjr. with he; the two. \ reams from- this - CoBQty in the ' elimm;Vt?(>!. - * . * .- ? ' ?" ? contest ? 'u-lji at Asheyitle.. CALVERT NEWS Rev. Wa.'iaor. \ iaHstdl aiuf. fan.niy wore supper jitj* -as >*: Mr,, and .Mr.v tats Mucins. Thyr^fay nijrfn. . .Mry Arthur a:..: Wi k.. AVhit'v t. ?pleasantly -jirin ?i tlnn Sunda'.v ? S* ;hb??l ..-lass sit .. . Wy .lin: ?'!' Sir.. . day: ;\!i v ... t'iv uc?.n*?-j W'-W'-i: /made >n tiu l "Week ?as we i?r icbui'sfi inrstakv- w.t< d%>tjc W i'.ai \yp. iyt %'i i a . v.! ''-Make ; .-ri r-Y:'..U^V ?/, :r?V'i?i"ie.?i V ? S ::v s'tt.. ?f !vtl VU. \>. This \va#>ui: ??? - -i:.*.-. - ' K?i v'.' Mr. and 1i ^fesnalt', \is.uvd. tvUsl'l v hist \vt'(k,- ' '? . d ?U v. ' 1 ?' r.' the -prayer . . TiijrPt.-- :r -Yintny" :r.:>st il -f v. '..'??'M'W-i. Si'.. ? a b:.iv<l >lrs-.' I*; M:>. {?. ?}': Perry it'-'t' ' last 'week. V "Mijtjt". '-Vail. - ^Uite a ?lui... "1' si;!],\r TSurv.i. -,Ver> ? t , jeh v.' . Mvs.c .Ttiib- f - '? .visit;;.!" Mrs. . Wednesday. ? ? ."All's.- Eiljph. .Jj-irbio Hv;.. II. ?*!???< A.-bi-viik'- a' < - .:akt- tier, i:.. ?:. Arihiir \l<?r d;iy ? . . ; .. : i ..'?atk -. ?> r hw^ihi;. -j -? ' ? ?" i W . . . I ii<X: I i .*><> ; .iiur . M;: ? *t*Vll ..'i ? ? itt-.i" . . K*! . '".0\.V\? ' vru-i f B ;s'var'i . I I. ; <x> ?'??a. ...a\. I ?t < "*,a.i tiei - if. . ... . t' ? y of ??. ?'. tv;;-!'iowr?vv*--' ' A : i : Wii ? w:.-h- 'Tlx-: ?> il f.f ?? > - *> ^ ? .!>'<; W. \v.hiinu.'-' i pi ll ,sacee>- ?? ire trip.';h>: rii'ot~or.. : . ./? r ?. U<rv. . ;v ?], .hjs ' " * ' ['^1^ v't'-. S::- /-v.. ' - si I serjiinn; - v. ii." .>?????.- v. ?r'1 ? -li-vv- --"lir- ? !'nw^iwi?s ? '?. '/ '. ; ' . ilrv,. Fiv-fia \.k< t; ' -pent. Sui>iay i wi*.b M?. T; ?i:tUoway. - | ???" . R.--L;-' wh?> >pt-:i.di.,'f5.- ^Hfjte . " in ?? ' rna.Vilia. FIoj::.ia. x". i'v h"rnt; la>:t 'vi -.k. ? Mr. F'. A.M '.".L^a" tjiutlttii bu svmks. trip *o <.!rt-i.-: ? S, . C... -reoentlyJ *? ? i?ejitVwiivir?: all-day > . m ir i n ir - Sunday:.- ,Or!"ii? V Is. . ; A da\% ' and a .tre'nl- ,--i;;-rinir ? .is.: !vs?tWtC-i?dvj \':ctors-ar? *o- -r- : uiiiy ? inviu-.l. '????. j ? n?-r.rr 'tif M-; . ats 1 Mrs. S-arrv Vilj^s- I ? r.r>\ of i. -ht-rrv r.< l.i.' a ?ia*ii^ht?.-.r. .laik Fro)>v'-. has*.- vi^iwd i the folks. >? . leavh'.jr ^ i'wr theni do.' irri the I'ttie -.'of ' potato diiixj'nsr.. ? and ottu-r. ihtHi: . - S?.-enis a- .though (M-opU need .wale;: more | than any ?tinnir else ..ja>.t> now. ? ''.- ? . Mr. tuid >!?:-. J. A. Gbzene.r. of Brevard. Arrhui,- ?and \\\ T. mire .w.-rt- *s>tgi" .of Mr.' and Mfi.' K C. Sunday ':i'jy:u MtJ>. ?J6 i ..a Aikeil . Sf?ent- Sunday, n rent' wit.'! M F. Paxt'on. Born to Mr; .??:d Mr>. .Jake -G? He s - pi? last - wet a -,,'r. ? Mr4--, jj- >. Wr.itmire vr<it!*.i her mother at. Ms a- it ?* n-eeiicly. Mrs. Marshall- flujr.irins ytxju Su: day with relatives at Calvert, . B, Y. P. I..'.- s ? ???oirressi'rir'.'nieei"; wr.h -Miss .? ifayes as. r. Ev?, rylKwiy . . . .,?! to attend. V .'::.tVASD BAND WILL NOT BE DISCONTINUED T M At a busings meet in?r of. the Bre vard Ban?I hdd Tut >day evonintr. it was . unanimously decided to con tinue the o pi -cat Jon of th^ bi?nd n;: der the -Ifi'-a-'.c ivadt-rshio of Pi-.oi". ? 'utter. Everythi-i-riy has -been, satis factorily r.rrar.v 'alid the ruhl"i. ? ran be a^ured of concerts atrair. tuxt urtiiiu'r. At preset 'hi- band is composed t * twenty-foUr members, and. a re* ottesl "is made for additional boys, v. !-io -vouM lik(; to talce advantage of this splendid opportunity for a mu education, and at the same "i ":-' occupy ? r." I r idle Koura. HIGH HAMPTON ESTATE IS BOUGHT BY SYNDICATE The fame us Ui^h Hampton piojH'i ty. in Jackson County, iias-cti into the han<i- of ,-i \vinlivatc within the past wi:ok, The transfer i it-, clinks the h<'tvl ariil ail othVr im proveuie'nts in, thi,s llllou acre*. of most dffirahU ? jr. oporty. H iirh . is located in the; of Sappbijv e.Ount rv. at; ( "... -iur frupi Bn-vani. :V? Mate hichwity \,m. "is. i !?> . 1 -iVat-joii.'is ? >mc fcot iilnnr | ?i .1- 1- >t !. A \ f. iv < T eftiriiieeys. ' !:i ?. - : s arnV Vv^pto.Ls on j ? -????? ,i.' vriirpmoni will i?e | hi J . :ij- -Ito-ltl iViir. . ami, . -afiel* I ho .styn ov .' i.t'-ie, ? work wii! bc'iieifiiii t" miikt- ?m' friis. a:r ou.t^taiHlinjr <lii :t isiir -calV-. CHANGES IN MANAGEMENT OF FLUMMER COBBLE CO. ?L. W. Cubii'o !V<l' his <? vti;>?> ?'?'-} I'ufoMe rrav::; "a ?ul ?; lUif ' s i.o' .fonr.v.r. h-'ino *.?*,?: -k'noxviHe/ I iii-; v !??- f the ma? . i!Si'i.-V"f. j.'i- J-'i-.i. :r.-.< v arid TranftMHrt'.', ?? l :x. u:'<N vt he/ -?imiV; frrm. Maine. for/the . ?? pfv^env. . \ I F:. L. -..MEETS NEXT TUESDAY " h- '. T. !,. ('i.i-s .of c-r;-.-' ( n a'ftc : :>ov>n . '<v:- \v?x ?*-<. u ; '.-v-Vlor:,: i- friu ?? '. h- ?C; v. '? 6: VC: : II": ,1 ?uvk> \v.?f}.h: v- : ?? "7 j"-'-'' ATTENXINC CONFERENCE v. ;k. >i/ Un-;: v.'iJT-i Ti.!; ?' n ? ?? Sv- '? ??.? !?!'[- t<>; :<tt. ? J .-..'. i;v ? 'f. N\<rr?.i 7- ' !- '1.' -rt ??!!;?? \vhi\ li ty vrti-. i ' ? :y ' -V ? !ay . Xfe V'^Y-y lt}i$ 1;, 't !l??. livv;."*.! M- t.h- ' ? ' '. ?' u.i' . ! iti-i y?rur !?? ' 1.-.. : ' . ? ;:a nVo'sl : ? tt'crv.- vCui " j J . i . . j' iia*!' :ir-i ht: iv1* riiy ii{i h :.tvj for V/hi . h -_:t i* .; -hi;Us,i 1 4-t-f*-; ! y 'JVh ^ ^ >4 ?' * {? ?? ?. 1 v . '?? t ?*>? ?? ui-< al 5 ;?a:-; 7. tal- "('? ?? ' ? ^'r.- a! J - . pa^i< >$-y- .itas; : ?'i:" ? .1. YL' fJv'i-ir.fiitjm, ?..?* ? ; j. ; : J ? Stt.^jr'co . v;-oils> <incl:t'ri' - }}aVfe - ailifeji; ? { W.. .S.- :MC .YE- RESIGNS FROM REVENUE DEPARTMENT . ? ?? Si. * >'.? t \'V- . ? ?;! : . >>?;. ' * . . - j tv v\ \ 4 1. .. i j . 1 | ' 1 ' ? ? *? : s $?*.;; , u . ;; ?% : ??? /.. i j 1 y^Aiiy 'v>-- .)?, * . i i . i i jjtiti ii Hum /? ?> k ? ^ r. ' f ? . 1.V.V-" V l i.tiXt. " FRST lYCHM TO 4PPE4R SERE 24 1 '.Thi*.- . l.jvifuni numlv r. 'of thv; " ,-V! -A-intCi >o;?>o:i a:- i; j Uv?-v.t ??!?; ?^:/u'r.^ay vv'otHnir.7 (IcI'.Jhm! ' _',t, at . t h?- hijrh >? h<ioI b'Ui-'Iinsi. : Th.i* n'anjbcr -Avjli i>?>. ia. ihc nai-U!;< ?f . .-j'- nutv; "Twat I-vI]o;V<t- aritj 7a" ?'il!'!.1,"' . :s ? a x-o:hi'iiy ' af !?. .M. '?"??ha.!.' \:h?rrit-a's .iv.'M '{I-; ^' fJaj^Vi-i^h.:.. . ; The w"h' '??<:!) . :rv?vK "Hi *h:- phtj-. 'h?*re' 7"?niV j - h- fvi- nV \< w -v, i'? "h'a'-i a m;--', '^o-vssfal ? ' i ?* -'I ;>op;;hi:"-*ru)i -n llr a hvay. 'Kai' of!- the vast j> an N- v."- V'?rk ; -It ''fy \!vcT:rrv;J t'ha"'.. ?'Tv." F(.-M< v.> an. I a tliH" is on-* 'v-f. *' ami ?v-.-tti<,>l . ro.:u-<liv ? ("ohan ha> ' ?-v, r. -;t-:U!> i> ?-Dlf.'y fa! 1 of wril'i rht-; of iv.i- ':r. I i :h:< alar j>Uty.. . C"aa;i :ayu f- iiovV ! a . i'l. 7v" ' ' Invn ...t- !. '.viih ch'Vt :. ;:.ik . . > tv < ft actio!! .a; \<j: pro-!Ui?>- 0"e of th". niost : Ltrhtful- i o:i... -..f; rvtr^nt. yea!'.-. It ?i>oah?js. -.j:i,?.v hamort'ti.-* . situations. s:>irkl;n{p '-iUnk>K-ai' . aw'i! . sw'if'.-ni' ving arrjon. %' ;v-.: >> s-*' ?:-'V;v ITi-r- L-- what.- York emirs have t'o .-.'i;- - f "Tv. o Kt-Uvws ;i Ciirl ;rr* ' "( fi-an tivti/iilfa! (???nivtly : r<-v< a -hit au^ ?"!;-! vi it.;" '-"DeyigncH f ? ?h?s 'srrfat A W'.r* icaft peor>lt-." ? ?. , ; ?. . . ' V' } . ' v BOUND OVER TO COURT The two ;v?:>uii-- i>n-n of Lake Tox hwuy, who wvrif ? m- <t-il last ? wk "?y I'^IiceinaM for ' the ai!i;ued tv.hiifry of the .? n>s-orics of four ; ? ars 'vh-rvintr t<> 1'. .L. Stepprs. of Bohaney. w<-r.e h<Ftsrd over to. next t--:m of court hy ',7m ! ice ShufOr.l at a preliminrny heariajf Moriilay. Brevard Y oung People Represented In Many Educational Institutions ! BRIEF ITEMS FROM STATE CAPITAL BY . SH.rWA: lialeiirh. Oet. 12: ? The report of t he \\ :ii;V body showed, a>- i>r.-\i-iu !y it.ujieated' in these coiu.Hlu. the major- work of t iit- ('otirmi: sioa w.-js ih >;.orI\in;r otit a standard wave .-rale and i ni) ?ynt'ftsl 'reiruii ! i. i; he 111 . the liltili". Tilt' Want' < Vmnu>>it.n '.abolj. hed hit. mum ^.?.-?^.lail wit h t lP- Dep.:, M.viit of iii .? nrahce. Sii. i'.v Wa j ? t? r. I; Wa?, h,'-'!d .hai safety e.du; at ? ? : 1 :y>o "t's " v. l ie. invert ijra.tors wen Holtlitiir p Mi'.ms which- vov li{ be. aixdisjied is;i : 4iii! t'oriiiiiissioii ordered xho ??.?? ?' i.i: ' iti&s . ' ;:s , , of NvVCt lif r-r. ? Ke.!iu;t;o"n .?f .! OX ?-;|-iari aii r ?"* a.'e- 'ti li!' ??th'T-- ats ? vt red. The t "ta! annual >\'j; t tli'- Sy-ait wuih! . -he. ' $ l .'.'J.'I'J. Tb . Wos'k Hit; ( '?M! <isi.i|i has doiVv. inivV i > ? r. in/. ri Lulat inir' hours, tixjiifr -i-lu iul( > of (?' ?i l'oynii'rit ; :? : i.} ->?: tip v'.a'u' n -is cf nivui 'to ill'. ru-yu * nut ?? '?;*? C?t JJCtKfi' -Tfte . ? H.'l * -idly heM. State ? i-nn'^iyw.-. welv in-;-!jr j>aid\ Jartrc, saja !"??;* :;t!e \v?> k ha.- I?< ? >:-??!??? i Uy . r. iv..y? ij.v it was found ilia' L*i<K ? i f ilii State i ?! 1 1| > 1 < ?> < -i- \y< r ifitr *'he;r >alar ? : and i:-' <-haiiiL'f> we, re made in them. All St:..; > pl< y cos will l)<- required ?>> w.i .h,nj;^ a.iiay i v T four Hours ?? m Saturday . ?? \v':ih.- '-a; six holidays ? a year. 'a t wo vviH.*fc ? i i alioti and. ten. days aJh>\v;i!ir ? "t yicki)*'.- . The fhanfiV'-- -be :omV effective f-M'.rx r :ir-; The State ?!??*; ?< . 'i; ? r.Tjt ;';\ill.'. iiis-jit-vt vv- ?;:;?! ? mark' thV^i- liis yvar to ? ? i-ai.hroaks ? ' ?".f. " -tvs ?:!?> ?i?i .. ' ai l: ' ;-:r.v ujarnio.l the i-.>ua:i;y ? LRi'tUfh' -the- N ? >r? i 1 :r<>: V'j Lm-<!: :i"i juiHutv.l. Aii Stale tlo}>arth>?'al.-- av.i MUs-'irtiV' ' in vcli'-l Oti's * ftta:'' ? ? \vil : ru??ve';io the- e.M W i-j! ?-! .? ifiVtii-.l!' I iu!':i<ic. h? ' 1 * . s? ! * ' ? * ',v !':>( -siiyinir- will.: be es.'iii,' ' ? : ? nnaaUy- a?v<l. 't !'.<?? '.hanyre \vm - -?I !> y / ii ivrniDj' M i' Lt fih, '. T?i? s'sf ps WftiV*. ? tiny! r?yba,U;'?*s v tH .> ? . :? ? . :he winter. Tiny : !*r bureau ?!' , ih<-. ?? ior.artirc'it of- Ucverm* . ;<ori ; :'u' . ry <-f twenty-.' ? ? ii.yrjrt;- ? r!;( '(v.<?'yith ?'! S> a. iKajiH-it.y uf l-i-.M1 ?ars; Thi;!'y-thif< ttV' f))!1' '.y , l? wlyiy! ft-i iiVi ?i<e.!?'s; ?( r. ror.i Unihiii !H'"n;p|is' Mic' i lej)?ij?? meii i " J' <?? : Jiat all thi.-f'j in- i :>i ?'.?!" pM' is. a or1 . to ihc sec.tyohs .yh? re thfe th<. f*'? . are voniniitycv!. The State nej-artnien* of Ajrr ? u! :ure 'a', el-' that Irisli . p?*ii 'O.-M-he^..' ?>'?Tr'.w-,H'ri,ies ...-aaii} eue.'ts.u^ Lte!> are \'<?rth Ca.-'ilijui' ? ruiT ;??( ::test truck erons this year. 1 cafe of fri-it 1 a:i?r t:--!!'*-. ane'ri^ .!r<;a<l"\ been moved from tlv S ii ? ( Im -u: the h.-.rvestin^ -va>.a ; : conrmoditi. s: ? An' .(;pinien r( ie!'.tly i.'\;\,-e y-rt'd i'V-1 Jr K. ('o.^.irin. Uf the liivisinn ? * % <?-? rational ('(iuvation of tin* Stat ? ; of H'uu a.; i'o>i?. after, a t n t < ? ;ht* sa-hoo!v iit' that section is t -. : he -effect that \\'??stvrn' North < 'a -y ? liprt faraters are iimji'is; ' .j>ou|t.!-..y ? rjii-in^- a n:*'.'StiiWe .x: "<-y ia r.?>ai.| roinnvHiites. .Mr. ('Otruins v-'te<i point-- in west in the inier. or* the Live Stork' aiid. . ' A calf to -a!. K - pos!? i?i!) to ,!k?. held \ ii Asia > ? 1 1 ? * . Xiivead'er 1 u to f.-> -.wh'r*' h hooes ti?- ?.!.:? iuji lu-r :iU>n- ? .:...'? hundred boys from the Voetitio ?; sx'hocds. % ? Commi^siiirer W. A. ??(irahar.i. ? ;h?* State IVpanir.ent of AjjntUl ture. is - .led a warniujr to. farn duriii^ the week that seed oa* -? bciiijr tnishraEttrled which he ?'i'.y,r is due }?> the jjre-'it deinand Fuljrhuni oats, a sufficiency of v. !> -Li is no; apparent. He coim>eIs fann ers to beware :in.i{ advises t>Y-:n 4 ? forward samples of their seed '??it t >? his <f.M);ir'.inent for examination. fee!V ' ; :*V I for.' BREVARD HIGH FOOTBAIL TEAM LOSES TO C \ TON Jji'evard Hipii School f?)otbail team lost the first game of the sea son to ("ajitou Hiirh School bv t ht score of 31 to 0. Fifty yooipff people of B.vv;iv are this year atti out <>f low schools and colleges. ar'>i tw r 1 1 \ ! seven educational institutions 11" j rvj'ii e n ted by these fifty HimmUI luii; fit different States an- re])!;" ' sented. and of the twenty-seven ir j -UUuio.ns. ,-i veutveti of them ar colleges or universities. .(>i ih eight Stales. North t'aiolina natura. !y heads the IS', with Snijci ("a:-' Itna runnini: a < Ip^f second. Eh*# j of the fdloKvin^ Stale has .-?ru r< r?;>t-ptative: Georgia. Alabama. T?*h :k ? i'. Ne-.v V.ork. -..\ia- -nehus. ctis. Christ School claims the la.'jr *'t l.nuoi r i.f Kivvard student .iw ;;tjr seven local With ? ' ?" j..', s" . .* ? . ? * -v ' . * -'i Hil) second. haviajr six boys. yn* Mar> iii!! third, having fi vi- i ;yiiis. . ... The it.-.V follow . as >:? ariy '"i" as CiftiUi he Usv'er.faitieti : l.'.figK" Si 1 *<k ? ! . Alii; 1! Khi :i .a' . Jim M'.'-tow, Dntviibi .hint. . i'a 1 ai!ii i'.ii'ic J iT'ik". S.p< ?--?'r Aiac;--. K i Johttsofi.^ :? . if\3 ! ." St at: l:nlvei: ;y. ?. liapel" :,! !i I Low: Kh^Il-h. ? .ir.. J o j'.ii Aie.M,.; | Kcjwin IV r?in>. John \V"hi! v, . K?t" j I . ;e*j < :ii. ia \c ( > ?;, j >?!,i i My. iiilt '""r-iy'V . .dv. ii ! : Kiil'a ' i ii'nry..^' . iijr.'t!- '!'? i- - ii>.; . . ' i'a . M'v'rtle K:iv-iH-tt. A. : ;(%iirifJi ':;i .'r-arbt;rs -t '<) 1.1 i t'rei ? N. i - (itady- K ;.!? ? r:ck. Je;v:a- Aiken. Kl?!-e ? | h&jrrj^ . 'V: ???' .. <i!a^>> K:.L'.i;.?|i. Kl.l:i:ih< th Rat:. ? ! . vt lire Wv'i'IU T Ife.t'J).- t-.leSTe for '...ttjiijilill.-.j ?' Ni>rt-h < na ? ?)i.eir<' \V hV-n. tin i:.i:-.>. ? i-ii'lal* t-h . itja 'Mb ? man. . V, ::k;- V..j-est 'V.lkC'f. Wjike' F-Y.y. i ? ' < ;i. 'Ui < i :ij li.'WJ.lj* '5a'i-V:n \ .Jin- i'fityUit}. . ' . ? j Wi awr < olle^v, \\ ? ;t v Mary {.e\y;-. i' 1 ' j ' i i.'i ;t? i In.- ! irate. i- i iiitla':; ! .?Irc'-ufhoro iiijjii Sc:-. ? >! . (I r-et v., !.? ? ' ? r.?uli:i: i a all." way. - , .v} " s';-. 1 r if:/. . \ \ if|i; -r* ?larl.T.ii.i 1 Ey<yrett:^ u : - ?! Norrittif ar. l 1 t . In- ? ' ' '-4 '.'uHowShm H\ - e. -ii;.? Kass.f r:. S? ,fp r (?.':ls, J! ? lev > >!\ I! . S'.j.- .'ill l'.r.,Viv lelvi. i'iuv. .-'S'-hor.} U?r . ii ' (iersor;vilh-? -F.ntn?vis- Jc ,:-insv I K;?:!i;y Military I'lstjhitc. hvfi'"!. S. < Kohcrf i,!v::i!;Vi,r. ? !;r.' ' i Lowe. . ? r I^eslivtiM ian. <" >lle,iril." '* Mi:it'-!'. < ' ('.? Wiiiiapi fVrkrnj:. .. | Wi.iiiar s illr. S- ! Bracken. ; ? W :Miti >p :1''i'a Hiil. S. ? ? Jfai'^aret Morris. .(Ijicorii' .,C\>l.iejf ?.?*;? < 'ol-umhia^ ' Sf < . p liar riot .Morris. i Kurraan I'niversiiy, (ijye:iv:He. S. ( .- Krm -t -Meri .-ll. IJrejnau- txiiiejie. . (i?tincsviliV." Dorothy Silv<-r>tevsi'.. ('(?luriiiiia I Diversify. -New "Vor!. <.' ity ? 'Mir: am Si'lversti en. \Valtha:v. Si -:???? ?1 for Crirls. \\ ::! ? : tham, Mass. ? Helen Morrow. ' j ?? Peaboiiy ' "ulli-^e. Naslv> illt--. T; 'an. ' ?Alberta Perkins. :" .' '? ?? : ' j .? if- ? A Art Ir.s'titute. (jncinnatV. <)!iio Kenneth Harris. iilisine- ? <"oI!e^e. (iaii~"i!en. Ai.: . Mary (i'aJ!o\vay. Shout'J this ll.H he invu;np!i;{. ? ? , incorrect ift any w:;y; ihe , N v. ' woul i {'.jipm ;.it<- twi" j notine?i < : i any changes or additions. ANo no | [ tifu rit -*f na: t i- ular honors re- I i ceiV'Mi any of tfa<'si' sciait nt- ?i*s ? ?! { :in?r;.. ?; ;,j.'r would be. ap^c.-iate.' , ' ft vv.imM ! i . ? of jffhe'ral interest |>on: , v.c??.; Atibmit a >in;ii..i | yourvsr ru-ople of the i'oi: V I -tad", oiit/.ide thi 'Nnintv. ! I . .- i ;. , . ; MR SPAULDW- MCfNTCSH SUrFERS -iLRV FALL >! ? Spauldintr 'Aleinto h suffered a l?r >k:"i shouh'er bone, when lie f;-!l dowa the stairs into t!;e base ment of liis apartment las* Saturday. HI- was at once removed to Tran j -y''. Hospital. \v he re ho is rvjiiVt | ? ?: . ? be re tif!^ c.m.fortably. PROMINENT CITIZEN- PASSES TKe community was shocked a), saddened when it leai'ned of to SUidden death <?f F. V U'h/ air' Greenville on Sept. 26lh, hi <!<? beinjy caused by a very ajr^revat; i case of blood poisoninjr. , 3>!i\ U'h it m i re had Icen in |>4* >*f* ? health up to a leu days before death, when Ik* was seized with . scvorc pain in hi !. i; f?Wi wis {rnohially inercasj-d arm ? <? became ser; osis. His I$r?4hc?\ ?ia, T. \V. Whitnvire immediately to (?'rccnvilU' and stayed wi';; until his death and e ryt * known to modicaL 'skill \\a> do; save his lif". Amputation of iii- b the knee was decided u!" operation |><*i foniM d. (jiit' Hiv i\" : mire never recovered from ' operation. j His body was brought to ill v. [ and the fur-eral hold in th> t'.ao jChuvth to \vhith he bebmued. j although' it. was rdfrtilijr badly. 1 I ; Llapli.-t . < aun h and by ifcev. A .-in ; : Chappell, pastor of Central < li : v: ' A ? villi*. and Ke?. . 1". K. ? W ? . I pastor of tne'-' I.-revai' t 'MethiM i Oil'. ??!) . :'id i:il rim.i)t wa- held ?the (i i! nie ('eineter.Vi F. v\i|itr.].'. ? belting i j.o! .lln* ':iosi. pi'oaiincaj i i Wi'vt. ? || Nortii i'a;ol>:;,i ^)i{ ? born inathik v ? itjlfj . F;-w. . . I'lSUo. .lid w;> tii'' ??<'>!> of f{ ? j atijrf lai-v Wlainiire. t,vi .!.r. < ; j lK!)7 h. wa malTied ?o A": i f \Vat -.r.-i- ami by lnr had. ' j > R.d,; }-: i i ? ! . : [?survive bin;, iie "r- als" ur<' v ( tw.i bro-. IV. I'. VVh:t?i i.\ |1 v. -; ii: ii : -:<>n\ die-.- T. \\ . : i:?: r<- -< f i:.\ ?vip'd and. ( \ a . -r. ">i ? I'. S. X :???. of ia vvari. Mr. 'vVbCiv.a, KY'.afi . ?of his' life ?. >.. ' JHV. nwVjed ?' sto vUjtK J5. i . , , hi- v.'.'l* in ??'buViiies.-- in" t lia; ci'yv ? "viiV. ??! a. is d. A" :?;.?! i i \ ? (.[ ' .?) :J" ! fri<'i!d. . ;Ha?i ?!.??!. a' - ht Avas famrl'iu.Tty ktVowr. ??llawi ..:;d be w i> jto-^' S ? I 01 a !>! ? nio-k b'-i:rb:: r bad ' u '? kinrl ;i n- 1 frii-i.d!y v.- p?l r* ? of- Ittiiii'ir. was always ? ful. hhd always 'n irood' sidr:- ' b'.'ouL'ht fliet rf tilni'S's thu>e v he was with and v;j> tru- and I to hi? friends. !!?? had a ir.vat hear: .a lid -.was pene "' 1,1 r; tx-njf and his pa--:":jT wilJ . . pailV ih tia- itf a>ah'y py.< . . 'I yhar'.i:' auit" ifje- sar? u'l f 'niuti^s. and he will- in mis 1 ;i)c rtjapV wh-.- kivew h'r> ? anii' lov; him. ( K. K. HOLDS m, PARADE St CUT . . ? : 1 .? ". ? 1 - Pr<d)'ably the lur-.-.-r . r.?wd ? v='r; seen on the streets of !Jrevar>j. a out last Friiiay e.v?-: mjr t" w a parade* acd ?nieet;:ii* of (h-* ? Klu-x kliin. It w.i- ? i:;-.. : four thousand peoait- -w- ?. ? n* ' b streets, all the main ??* t i> ? beinv" jammed, with folks. api>a;- : I the inost' of Brc;v;.rd and a b> ! County pe<?ple. . <"ars weiv in evei*y nook ami -corner., ln-i s ' tafs > he-win^ ?AViie\ :]le 1;< ?? ? i* 1 [viilt\ ? Waynesvilb-: a u'l '?tin-/ I About 12,.r? K!m::s::' -i! an i K' wiiiiii'i! . jnirVhed- ir: '.ill- : : ra':<-. 1'a: of ?".he visit inj; '< :ans mr.?k'd.' The n-. i farmed n<ar Fiarkiin ,:" mar- heti si,ow!y and i I . ? i 1 ?street to' "the" railroad bnd. ?? back to the 'ba||- -TomVtl w;i? !<? b exi-rci?i.*S werf livid. d?snla> ?jrei't-us Anierican .a::-: a. !tej cros;.. At ,t.h?' ball triyund Eu?rti:e D.ti? :. wj>i;th. in chariTv- -of the j ? ? i- i '!. 'Wimr i?ra*.-er ... by a n..> -k. Kla'rsniaii. '?*. Allisoii aiade a n triidu.-li-ry retinatje.4 ai:d i :i ; . - <; ? the speaker of the ev+-:iinir. 1 . Parifrle. of .A^io-viile. who mad. a iinpressive address, setting f . -s. : i | obj< ets and "principles of t h .- !\!;. in a manner that Held tKe larjr' crowd in ' respectful siLace :o- - minutes." - . . At the conclusion of the sac. . *\ jiitjkinjt a huyre cro.,s wa < !iura>.i a aii c.iHjtte a K K a ft.. .-; on - ; he : lope baii >rrou;ids cb?se?l the program ?? the ouhlii. The Klansmeii i'lii i? paired to the Klan hall for a closed nieetinir. As the Antisaloon Leairue figures the Virginia primaries Viraiiiia': Tyvd ;s a swallow. | the rmu mr GOD S WONDERFUL GIFT "For y ars, ' -a. a i\.v<jr,:.e wr^t- ? of miiu>. "i have pray. i that Utiul'i ?rivt> i-| j.-i ..o ilierfll! Jfift ?'!" tli ?>.- . I ? ? ? s r > " :i of the ayiuir. 'Of all th? v ap* , - we \vi"! I. ajraiiV. * v.- .-tr: t; . r none mure ? tTe< * e -han ]?u > :;?l _ bunui:j4 The Ujble is the jrr?*ai J"V. Sot "t:Jy v.i- i "i to rejoice -in. the I. on! i\ ar ? * always mean- :-i *!ii - Wi:U.';is ia tbe !i;rhi, ? :* a paiii a:: ! ? ? in ?<;?:* ?? i da;;u? ? i?ui n.i? ' sinus .are j)irke<? y ..?? ;; ji|? ? ia! joy. i. f. .a.-'.. : ity?be joyful. ? I 'i I" ? ciiyl, ijutur a :: ?> . -. . . . be really ha i.\ . < ? ? i Tint v heir w< " . ? ! ? - s :* ? . cmim :;i. !ii ? I ! ? they h: vi- ? ? ? . " :i ? arid f..! ?? i: >hed. T.ii? ?>.: lie pr ii'is lis the; ^ { . ? J ; ? Vi ? ? V , 7 ji '!. ar ' !' v ? ? < . I * .. | *. 1 . f J. t \v<vre i f !>???; ! I i i n i liiL-; <l.p.\ ' e-i fern. '.v i . *?? , s.ii ? i;y!)ii ;>!??. . r ? ?Si. r^u! ;T!V-- .*.'U -? ? h?' V T ? ' ' fy.!\ ' !i'i ' - ?'? i! i; i> - ? ; . a* ' ? ? ? I- take j . . '?? ' ?? : ?. ' j.Ui?'#c7->. f? r f'hri * ? " ar.?i - airaio. "J ? ?? < ... ' i :?? youi- t ? A PRAYER FOR GODS V,O..CER FUL G!FT () Th<>;. ..'?"i'iher : "" '.l.-i." "Wh??m livu:- ?'???!?% ?. perf<-. t fjf'. 'irive i-. (iron. \vi !???:; y Th?v.>. T v. L'ift of ii. h??:irr ;o;. .. burn ir.: ? :: <??' ? :* \Vcai)oJo v<? can ?%: >! i ayai wroni;;. Heft* us with j-r. . water i.-ut. r,Y the w":!<. ? ' -*r-!v:? i .? for Thy w. ? ' f: !! ? (:5iv#* . ih to <?i?. y ?*ui- I .?''!%{ /.t" i! i. jfJll ?*hi!?i*"; '?> r ? : i ways, "in -h?- <iu i*k :: ? ? the !.s?h*. i.M- s!u> !f. a.: . . ?!; i * II c'uU} ?SM:I ? fejv: . ?! si* hen 'A'* kav< to .? ..!yre .tions aiiil fi.i;e :?<vu i- ?. . .. ?: mai)!ii :? oi ? !. i\> . . comnianfleii u> to ?!o. Thon sirariire" joy ;is a jrift .t.t .Thy rf <?bi. they ?;?u!i: ."!?;ai?) . for thenrpelviv Th-ii * fail them, f' r in T'i< * ???*' Fa*.. .. R!?l in Til'ei ' rariablerie.- ia?mv>* ?'?i iiijr. * U he;, .the;, u ' a' nreaehitiu' as- a: i' . ."t * *? . ivj??ic?- ' that thoy ?? ' "worthy to - ::Ve" v.-* ; for. 1 ?? i.ame? w\'..l th-* ..iv. ? i i ' Ji.-cinli s. I'.a;.!. <ir i :. ? ,.?*ay ? . .??'.??.5. f.*, ?.**!'? take !>U;:-v;r- !?: ir.:;r- i 5:e?r i?. I*ej ' 1 ? *!i" "itstrc -v - t" ?r f :i.*!-t- Ke. * A it \>.;i v.ith '! ? ' * ' tiia"-* it b>. w:ih ! :iv ?:.>( r.nw^ Mav w?- irlory' '??*!? '.'atie-i . that Tiiv i-ewi' r liiay ri'<t a . a that T.h- ). Farh'-r.* . (V infoi tei . t: ay ! ?* ;i'ie ? iii - .liv'inir. o#ur? tly > ?'-**. ; to I i* he a!! tile 'Ta -e. Ante: C. P. V TWO SERIOUS ACCT"?ENTS HAPPEN FIRST OF WEEi; ? \i !> -!???'. :.l the itosiva : " ? ? nin^ E- *.*;;? t ("oiveasi;.* ?. :? i : * l'u* day- lit- rninj; rt-suK^l i;? .the' bumii!^, ??f ?three nil'!*' U??y .'iitihe-. who was vOt'y seriot;-!..* burne?i. ...e* two othir met! with les-* t-ewre i juries. W. !I. hyer'.y. OorvJiuto,- <>;' !.-?? !??cr.I ;'*.*"vj:t tra ti. v: *h." ?*.v? ii\i.a tin cab Tuesday m<'r:Kii-? an I su::t;?in>*<! a badiy fractTi .?< ?: ai : : whit h '.was broken in four ;;Lu-.- ?. He *.*.:;- :rt once' removed to Tra 1 sylva:V;.._ Hospital. On of ? the most annoyinpr thin:;-: in the world is to .be predated f :r an ?. ntcrct-ncvi that iio?.sr.'t turn un. 1

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