HOW TO MAKE TOOTHSOME FRUIT BUTTERS tn Many Communities Apple Butter Is Made Over an Open Fire. JV kwWf; * ? > n ? br ' h" * -i: ?.??!' S-H'-'i l.'"? i-'.m.'nt j ? ? . ? . *? .Wr: ' 1' > ? .? ? ? j ? 'To ai;?:t> p???>p-? frij;: rneims sv*pie J?;i;CtAr and i)<*i?.foc '???&?: l?ni ?"otf ? <*?;'] vvH iuatlv apple "butVr' is. ? ;lSat' :???}???. ?nj?b? p^iirS'ratel- is'. ? atid Tr.ade fr'1/-:!! . iry.ts' 'w-K! * :iyl**i v' f' i " . ir. ?f I '^|farTin??.ot of A-~ ?:id. ir- i ? ? r? Vo:m!ien l?s! y* u*Us* .and wt?!: a-f :? t".v . ? in. .the !>t>! it'i'i ri b*r ???r:' :."?%?? 'he bur: ?:r ; :r . ?r-'. hi v. : :n:i >'!?" :TH" ?/. saiit'e. ?a '..; '!; IS . 'hfrt ftnii^iKjR- *t;f ? ;. .vl.-r ? Wi*it j appb* ' at ' ?rt.\'".,ro ? ???? ia(OT-J n- ? d* ?j.''' J> ? t: i * 1 "?? , ? >'h?T-i ;w;*e :h" tnt*?h>.nf r .??_}.?? c?* { :s"^rif of'.}, persfcujai rh?i/vr niake ? ?.p;aMy. ' jiood }ii;rj#?r. ?;]l>*?' rx\<: ? aivd :!;?? Sutter, when '?'. avjIJ. ? '!>?>. :???." fteMi/'ii* ?' Spplfr ;i ? T.t':e iti fiejui-'ss i? ?i?'*?TUi'injyI it'tvrvn1 s N.V ?>*>!:::^ :ut. V. . \ '/.? ."'" "?'iT:-' ?'?. lit < ? ??' njl ? 'f ??*. ' . ' ? : f -r : ?>>'?.? ' T? t . ?' . L^. : ' ?: :: ?! ? ?: / . ? -'u\ '.{r&to'i ?.?'??V'- yi .- ?> ??-?r.. iv !> r .!??? ,1" '? i>*i? '-v.'* ? mt r.o .f.j aitnQt ...t.'i j?ISp'u*i? ? f^WS- asW /:v;r' >-:'.l'in. ' '..'TIiv? . ix? ;ri:" it. ^ rf "-tlW \V sti:. b'-:r.-*r . '' ?;ixifk?i'l iit st"??riiizt.*(l ?' ? :?<>?' ?? i:irs. ??r lw-niKH.- "i!!y j:trv w!fct( f*i;hrt.v .fir? i nir "? i v??rs: iiff'V ::i a if It. 'is -Vo f?K '.UApt i'-'P. .\v?-*?i;s ??r n* !?<. Apple Sutter Grape JyTce. ii. .i ?r.\p?- ilaVor i.j* '.??xir?"t ;n. applv ^uttwit !5K?v b*- r?htaitfe(|; Uyth* ns?* l??s. '.??'??tivl .Iiito s;tui't >wilt shuui'i ' lit- .a'ldVvl. . Th.*iSi? shi.'Olri c -ok siowly an ^rt^ss. fhen ntain? rs anil s-frjHzt". Pear Butter. Th?; pa irs' shutiiljf h?- rip?>' ??n?Hi?b to On'k vip After I povlcil t' oy arc ?'>r?*l aji?l put in a j.-r<*>?'rvini; k?'ttl?- .vljii .1 !it;V -vVut?frv. aiX'l sNiwiy niiril.' soft. The wjg;Iti-: thi-:k uppb* A into, lemon jui?>e. witii aih^?>r. ?.ionatnon. j or otii^r t?? titste, shoirM b?? w.*ii ?rirrer?.?c^!!s v itij st onds until the skin, slips ? test by rais ins the iVuit out of the water and nibbing the skin between the lingers. I>l{>1he peaehes into ( old water, [?'el, ami pit them. .Well-ripened freestone varieties are best. Mash the pulp, and eook It in its own juioe without add "ingr water. If it is rather coarse, put it through a colander "or coarse wire ?icve to majie a imtter tine testura. To each measure ?f pulp add -a half measure <>f ?' oked either ? whole .,r > ic.>d iji gallon of butter. While still- h".t pack In scalded jars ? >r with t ght: fining fops and |>r '?!" cover uiiji l.ult paraflm. CAN AND SAVE ALL SURPLUS APPLES Many of Early Varieties Do Not Hold Up in Storing. .. .k | 4- ? ? ?. ? t. * ?i * ? J i 'op.*: * n.vBt ; A#i ? S:-?rtn;j ippies fresh t ? >r later use is of course the beSft. ; >? >s<: 1 '!?> \vuy pf. keeping their ;f i! ????an- be done. Many of ? he ' earl-y maturing varieties. How ever. \yill h"t hi?td ?p in storaRo, anil also there are oftentimes windfalls :i Ei ? t i tiipe rf e< -f apples that must K? Msed at; /tarty. 'I? used a' a'!. To -pre "a ;-?f'it;g tb?"sc apples. the I hised >.\'ivv of. AcrS-c.Uiir.e.-sng .?w s ."fii-tv: '.t i :?-( !'tl ? v itr;??5is T':i' yia.t <*a':! lu>r apples, i tt, aji}' ' -11' wh> > ?? "A hwil will result pt^'dU'1^' lliv't ,ro. -form N ,:;u Tr? hoot) ij', 1 ' r' >. :!k?fs apple {jle pr--fet^->imp.!y _;if- .pare. ' . ; ' ?S;di!:.Sl':? <"?? or\ "!;av apprt% r " M v. > ' "in . it is i -v. T ? 1 iwto 'pie. .I'll, this -i-l' a i Kju ,.'ina?'h.". .? ' i Wjliiv i. S ."!7 f4'* ; 1 1 >f 't ? i-i-r- , -??.>:'! ;$ >?-? a'1 ? al'pW-" ; iiV f*v ' 1 ? ? K' * "'i V y "V t-'. i' ? % -ii -f < > ' ? ? Ti ' lt ' ''i-'S ss ^ ,1 pa ?" 'J'"*'-'*' ^ v^Pli ~'a. \taste t,f miiiiifs; i>r ' "?;'n:;;i:.y,.'?i." ? ay:- rs '!'??' ctfh 'i ???'iT!r?-r. . .I'i'dU.'li. In ? torjp- . .uvd a- fhr s'-rvi i.i. ?'anjnwi ;yppM*? may dri-v-vl up f'?r jjv . and sp<'< iai 'o'v.'islon^, by U-inc >!?!''?'? 1 . Avirj'i .;inna' nn.n !r-'p>. \vholthv?d <>f I'iinnin.i; ;< for apples by thf do 'partm^n:., A tv.jtorlv.itli tna,v . b? a . *a ashd-'ofl'or or ii'ft'y r.oyi?r?,^p v?*sso! -of sutllcu'itt df^ptb fur. tii*? jars or i-in.s t<> . i>?? .p?>d. with a rack or fa,'v? hpt.tonr The j>.ro>-sure dinner at l!li! decrees K. may also be used for appliPSc ; v. . ' ? Waen the apples have been ent in I>i?'?es. tl?*y aro usually packed di: rwtlv info the jars and covoreil with boiling hot medium sirup. This is made by bringing to the boiling point one part of >nr Iwirlled -.'apples are <;overed with hot medium sirup and also proc t-ss-vd Jive ti.iiutitvs. When the time is up. remove the jars from the can ner, >e;il airtight at onre. invert, and place out of draft s. Cool tin cans im mediately by plunging them in cold water. All jars and cans should he so marketl that each lot can be identified. Keep them at room temperature for at least a week. Discard any showing signs of spoilage and watch others of the same lh?d ? ?f tl:^ Kvt'ntnc School. Moody ? Illbile In xiitut* of Chicaco.) Uc;. 15-5. W- Mt?rt|-;:NVw?ipap??r Lessen for October 25 PAUL, IN EPHESUS I.KSHON Ti:XT? Acts IV 1-41 TKXTt-"I-*l{ Ti'rU.'-r-i'aar.i rrcachliitf S; trs t'jv a Kiot" j INTK1:'m.K1 >|.?TK ANl> SKXIOU. T.OP-. ! i 1- or OHrjjit. . j Y- 'r\.; i -i.i : \ni> ,\ni lt j vr v/hri-r . ... ? . j X], ?>!{ius: 1 It- had dHi;;ehtl) laiijjht j tin- things of the k'in?wls: only i tfi? baptism of JoltU.- W!;>-ii A'piila j ami Prisejlia h. a:-uit< l?*'I tinto him the way of j ' < ? ? i nmn' perfectly. Il.ivinu tjms oi'iii' i ? 1 1 ? ? ful ler lisht. In? brethren ! -giive him a letter of endorsement as In- h?ssn| .to other fields 1. John's Disciples Become Chris tians \\ v. 17). "I" iese 1^ iH>rij>l*'s hail been lihi'dlt ; onh file baptism ? >:" r^eWtin?'^ H p.rej araih>n f?>r. rlic kin^-loin of tjod. ! i'att; tsuiicht ti:'?*T?i on t'hrKt. j 1. i1.. ' ?!". ri'ivii i' ! lilir a-- the (Mim oil . t-l?? (.fo:^> . vV;h<> n.- ' i prm hied r? ,'ti-ii :"?>:? tf . m, Wm-n r?--'i*ivi*d . r'hri.-T. ran' 1 :hl lt:inds upon tltem ; : I . i I t !'.??>? re ? -??; >!li' ?My Spirit. !l. Paul in Ephesus (vv. ' ?' ?' .??? ? % ? j . V'-j I In it ?>?- Symari'-!"' (\. ?J). ? TJi 'i vi ivy'r#. I'. nil's invi-t- j em/Hi-'' ?>. nile tvns"tol Co to'j . .'hem.- fir's.' - v.i!h_, ;the : His." ? "l-i t ? ~ -w:.s ? fi.ir3>'i?,"i.voii : (?I) fly boldM*'-- r?vilt/.''h! His authority . 'A ,1-. .? ?: llilll. ; (-> J'y oK? \ lj"i!'v ; _Tf*. I? .. ;h . >?: i .*.?!: *!!?? ]??. ^ . .??nI n-iiVon, l\i j" 1 ; i . it Is. n?>r .'??hniish jj v .? *?: t***. '?-? r!y. .\ 'h i.i iy:^<,"iiiu|ih' jitm'-s *? a ' !n;i>t !?i* a>- ?li-p.ilrH'vi hy pv'T- '? siiii>-.i> 'ti;;.. : ? '? I " 1**1-". 'V"ii' t!i|' j. 'tlflU(h?nL i.Iii.1;v, . III.1 '-iii.ii-' II'1! . ills- ' oil iirr-'!:' ? !iii--at>:r?- ' ? ? ? 7 p'flih>>oph,v. .1 ? " i'* tlJ-iiTI 'TI-i* lln>-;.fcV ? : n. :5i!S> i?*H .I'^ris't ?? 2. 1' V il S- !i">i : oij.i- of Xyran . < - . ? i ?>_ . ? - '? . ' 1 1 1'. ?' i^livtii.^ ? tifn i. % ' "V -?f tii" !, Jt'- iiii.'t" :i.-";:r?.Tvr-?V'f'/ ; ?. '/ ? {?.' y-t ?> ?*T" ?-? i ? . * > Vn lV- ? ? .'? * ifi H' ^ .' v* ? ilf I >? ' . I m- > ... -.. l! ? / 111-. God W o'rk rg Filricus by Paul t ?; V .'v l\ A G i;"r;.cus A.vakjViilpj 17 I V. .' f I' M':. An t :t?- otjf i'.f ??!, ?>-.>?? ? . : - . .?: r ' > ?"?--! .' i ? 1 1 La v-' " r-.'i li t?i ? 1 ?t ;n " '. j --'i 2. a 'llr.-'-:,; ' ;!.. >%' 1" "y In-- f .i-:! hi.: h:}i:i 1 "I \truinn ) ? :ro'u <4fi. ' ' * j ' /? ?? ' ?{, ( i;.- 1- M tfli; ill.' r>f I'i.)i'}v .'Art- (\.. If,'. ?"J"hi< t:)?-.i: > l'oriiis' of jiii'uli'ry -iijr i!.-'* -'I .- ami fiui^i'-al. won Is ' T! i'-\ pr'.VV'l ;!i ? u i;ui|l?.'ii"? ihvir tii-; ioti> hy puhii'-ly f?f:riihiy tlu4p ( l^t -Ws i I 1. l';.ri ?>{ the: ? -Silversmith at I l!phf>u> ( v 'S'- 111 ?.. j I. (1) The ? ><-i'-asion (vv. 'J.'M.';). j This was the po'Ver of -the ^osp<:l | in diestrrtyliri: the i'tifantoQ-s hnsim*ss of ? Demetrius ami. his followers. It was j rl-ar to t io iii that idolatry was totter- I lnu btifori' t?,e. jx?wer of the tfospei, r CJ) The Metlm.l <\ v; ?J.*, j I a h'lViliii^ l?Usin? << inan. ' j will >? li!]s;t r>-;'w-;is the stiiy .if ..t ! ' of a. similar n.w '.uv, ealie.l a 'tnwlinc I ar.'l stateil that nitji'h pei^vli- ha/l : h.M-n tiirne'il- tro':n iil"l::try. ami that ' i lie i i.i : i r 5 . ? ? i for t !.-?? r ?:ir? was ma terially wi'.aki-m'il. Me itiipenied. to Jus follow* rs : [ a Up't-Iie ^riiiin f nf luisitii-ss.' sayihs: 'Th;.-. our a: !?: "Ti.e l.t-;i.:ph? of t!;e ?jrreat- tr'j'Mess I'iat-.a shall h?? de- 1 ? -etl" (v. J7). - III.-, -.jk-i-i'li pii'sn d his PSI " : ' : 5 J Christianity rhristtaniry i> men- solieme of . <}i I't-rir.e or of i-jhii-al pi'':s -'iff. hut is ] Instead a kind "f mirai-le. a innvcr out I of nature at el- ahove. desieiidin^ into ir . :? historii a!! . stipernatiiral ' meut on tlie vvo'rld. that is visibly en tered. in-io it, and i?ruani/.ed to Itc an iastitutiviti i li the person of J.-sus < 'iiri^t.? 1 ! , i- ltv.shneil'.' Giving and Receiving ?We. live in a world of ^iivin:; as wt-li oh q1 re . i\ in;;.? American Friend. POINTS ON KEEPING WELL DR. FREDERICK R. GREEN Editor of "HEALTH" i s*. ? I.'i* W '? : fl ?? ?? >i?a ;>??: I ir. ifi ) UNUSUAL FOODS A: X ? ?1 .1 ? ada;;e says'tlrat what is one inin's meat is :i n? ?t 1m*i- man's pol son. TIuk simply means thai ' /?????Is fo tvhich Ui- .m- oiiij'il art* sa t isfae tory. .Mini tliii; ilmsr which art- stninjje to us rr.e generally disagreeable.- Must ? f us have ;iri'finlii*i'S in favor ?>f s ? not. ui the habit "i eat ; j ! Iv\'|?Jti'r??rs -i'ti the inVfiirs. often havo ; la strong- prejudice ajraftist ?>:itin_' ?' , nioiirti"}; meat, largely nil an ?uni ??! 1 ?In* rlosf> resemblance between man . and. monkey Yet rtnost ??f the native Kra-iiuUi .tribe* cat monk-ys habit- j u.tlly and traveler-;' "who havn been able to . net-come their prejudices ha ve ' i'oiimj monkey meaii a \ ??ry aicreeuble ' food. Most persons i'Xi;i'|it our southern m-^roes, have a prejudice ai'itlnsi "]Kisstini.<. yet "possum ni**ut is very much like fresh pork. A favorite necr trapped for their skills in larije numbers ami. pn account ?t' i prejudice. Inrjre quantities of iood meat. are thrtiyh- vii-s: .niin?!.i?T-.- that rh? y have . Si ?? -otrte . a pest No ov cats theni. vet- I'oastofi t. p.ut .-!.i :i:!s >?/ 'alii_M'":'- ?*?r.i ?!, :i!"e ??! . no. j-e t<> ill.y A H ! _ 1 T ? ' : ii;ea* is i:!;e risli. a;, ! >v?:.-n '-ut ?n s!!:':*!:. roll. vi . iii . '?ranker ' '?run .! i ainl ? *?"!.' fast e> liki* -hrea- N-T Ve;l! ' 'lift Is. 1". r.oiT l'*!TS are a letii'io y ." !tlU the -e>r >?' 'he t>??< * :l Til ily is * lir -Ar, i .! alt ' oi;-h It ;s :-;s; as ?0 *?] j-' e;y" as ti:e W iiale aii')'. shark" ;ftieal have been ?Mt\,:i !.y tiie .lapiirvese ..for ?onttrries i'resj;. wa'er. faUs^iii^.-iivln'Tt ??>v.)k'eil a."" aS ?''e! -I:.] ' IV >| ~s cnisVi V^'ttHry ;:t jre.-i; -\ . . in 9;' 'Pay .'J:V^':;liri'.'?-s.:fot- vil:.rt;!. . ,t ? ?'?!'?:!?.-.ii ? vi a r'? -r l.ims V| tu.i ??. . . **4' ; ' > Jys. J 1 1 1 J ? . ?*' * * . n>'. v,'? v!' ? ?t'r'vr.y. . '? -VM*. fjtu*-"* tte .'iv urn ./ U'zi'iiWii . ! i ' :i r? i\ C: ? lETTi NG TIRED \ ' v ! ' VT ' ' . \ v ..?!? ; v '.1 ' : I :\V: .' ? - - . ?. i- - . * i ? '*!>'.? -v; ? . f ; t ? /,;.> -.?????: r\l I je" . tv-.^iey * '.UiO j}?. !.!' ?*. ;?vt. \\ orft v. ?tli-'*itim;';.tmi*v;e-. w./i tiu ' .re1! .lit'.*:' tho Is -ey.-r 1 !? -iU ?'u.fef? irriA ' toiWi - al!-' 'tiaV . u'tjli rhuir: fu'.teis... ; U'liyt :,?! re tin- ', .if fa r-Vii Wliitr ?.!??! wo 'ii.'a:.. ^ ' ??:i w'e -ire "::!l in." an'i . j " -:. v. hat 5? "pp< T\ *1 -ft* US;' ? hi tift Jj'^jjt^pfcP'ii'i we pr- ?!>.:? J.i !y Imivc n?7f. ysafliU'ttou.ii fresh ^ijr <>ii pi:tt:::j i{.. the ot [.el- v. ay roumi. 'we l ave pi 'h ??'??!y ha ! *? ?? tit.te'ii stale a .r We [give -taye.l t'oo l?j%u in roojjjv -jjat were o\J!l tin sha.le't l:cist> or from too strong l.^ht. prt?clu i.i- te^eiv. ions aii?! !:_"its tlial ^sttj.r.ii t!:e <'.ve jn:is< h-s. an>i sn ? make^ rts .tired, or. wlmi'- iust as !?a 1. we aiay have !?een strain ;..' our ey>, ail ?lay. trying ! ? work l>y veak ' iifihT, . ' 1 vVe aiay hnve heen sitiir.^; a!' lay in an tineomtortable chair or :i < iTHinped position that strained ; mi - lir-ed out body. |( doesn't njatier .vheMter this !.app?;ns in tire h? ">::*<*. the | ? . 1 i . i ?. . the shop, nr tho sehool roofi Sit tiau' 1'i'ioii'i in an ats.'Minj'ort.-iltie 'is jli.-t ar- tirin-.', a< \Vorki.!U- too J II . i ir our eiothi-s may Ikixo :?v;i t::i ? oiiii'.iriiilile toi> tiK'nt. or i.'I ;itti:i_', la spile 'f the vast improv ;.t that jm> taiti'n plmv ir . 'i'spei-jV.fJ'y ?\<'ti:en'? I'lothii:^. titaiiy people ?'::i . wear mp'onifortiifde -eiMihiny. e-pe eially . !:r-:?*oiiitV?rt:?Me- .hoes. wl.ieh pinch.-' iiiiid ami cramp tlii> fivr; strain . .the 'leji!es iind. so . a'.ise irrita * i ? -ft and .i'atitfue of tlie ?.\hole lioiiy U'iiv do so inaiiy iu?tn want to take orY !i. siloes as SI 'Oil tlwy U'et iio|n?' at ni^ht? ite, cause tln>ir feet have J.een un?*oiiO:i?rta!d.e ail day. even if T hex .jpln't . n?;ilize' it. We nia.V.hjive lir eh. .sitting. staniURi: t?r : workitii:; pill ions i{| ;iosiT:oii ami lire 1 ^'iit one ^r<'Up of mija I'Jes W'e may have he.-n surrotiiidei; ] ail day by i t-ri tat in_- i ers.--n> .Vny u'a- . ive- are tired out. our resistan.-e is rtiii. '.di.oyn,.'. .-tiriii we tieed ri'-:. l?..a't ? l. restun-l. Itecreatioji will be more*?.!- ' joyahle uftvr the rest tiian before it ? Star C j up stir $595, /? '? Ldn;:ng, Micb. MORE POWER Low~ cost Transportation Star %) Cars Pilcn: /. s. i. M. ?. COMMERCIAL t / J A s . . Road.nT'KR . ... . j< >5 TO( RIV. ....... $5:5 COLPSTLR . 5 C'OCWK ........ : COACH . . . . . . . . y. >5 SEDAN i ... . . . <"5 bURA.N'T MOTORS, Fnc. ij 250 West 57th Srrct-r, New York ? Ij Gfnrral Salts Dept. ? 1 1 , Br t-:v. r- , N-v jrk Dealer, jrJ Srr*. ti( S:j!:obi ::r ? i ? . Qajtu jj . ii. v j Pla*T1: N j I.j">.ng, M ? ? ??% . li. I *?r Words, Idle Words .1 if.?" ?? ' : " V i I !;.f J rt'ifiK \ ?bi : : . . <:? : ifj . !'? > r In-- :, I.- r ; M ill: For 78 Years THnfiini's I'.il; im Myrr'ri b>r.-j. A < . v His Hard Luck I.m-tIv ? }\V?iv ; ? r-. i:._ I ? ? I it hm ? AV ?? M . I s." .. ?' ' ? - jrnimi- ir?>in til ?; ?.i. . ; i' < .t I." ?l;i\ To Have a Clear, Sweet Skin T"Ui-h iii:iitil?-? a lit I ( 'ativiira TaU'liift to a frier -ar' Ev?-r;. win.T" 2pt" t.'i ???!?. ? A?lver: v. H Is Luch ?? i|i { \ > i.'1 ;? ' * ? ** ?? i'*"i - ? ?%"** T . Build t'p Your Health vVith DR. PIERCE'S GOLDEN MEDICAL DISCOVERY If You Would Avoid COUGHS, COLDS, GRIPPE, y A Tonic which Dr. Pierce prescribed when in active practice 60 years ago. In Liquid or Tablets, at your Dralcrt. Send 10c. to Dr. I'l-rc Irv..-: ik>:cl, tiuttalo, X. V . for trial {>?k. 1 iL>! ts. Butter Without Milk nuii.T : i'.'.i 1 ? :i * !?? )?.. .\;'i*l ? a ? ? NHI* H ' - ? I. ? I'. ? ?? ' ~Vi PARKEB '3 ? tfi'iR 4 HAIR L? \M JEt K.-'.'fCsC' .'cauty ay and ? }*u.i :ii. *. ? , * " : t .'?> rr W. i ,? ^ ?? H2NDEKCC R;MS ? ?*% * ? r.T : LAW '? %?/*W f?5ILL3 cJiJ ?20? SAWS orc th' M iril i- 1 l'> :ni-? l\ :nt.i I Mil WI ft X ff- Fi Younq Mt n ;o I ran ?f Alii I Ltf IbeBAHUtR I3A0E Best t;.< South. J.:>- nif 03* i'raiiua:o Charlotte Barber College, ( harlo.'lc, v. C. VI :-iarlotte. " o Ammonia Brcuqht Tears . ?????? 1 i. ' , ? .. . \\ ? ! ? - < ' !; ? '?-? _ . \ ?? ! ? !' !.???! r] ?, ??? !i?* w ^ 'vfr nldren Crijjst I 9 MOTHF.R Fletcher's Castoria is a pleasant, harm less Substitute for Castor Oil, Paregoric, Teething Drops and Soothing Syrups, espe cially prepared for Infants in arms and C h'.ldrcn a!! .?ays look ? < ?r tlie signature of To avoid imitations, ahvay Proven dirrrti^ns on each pac^a .;c PhyjicioiiS everywhere rccomn'.ciid it