OUR COUNTY HAS THEM ALL BEAT IN CATTLE VOL. XXX FARM NEWS The community hatchery that we have been vu.ihy subscriptions, rs now '5.? ;-urev far as sub fibers are cone. rned; ' The next is a im-> t - rt" those. "who have [bscribe :?{ l<> , i',:e. so ?*oi lections 'in start. A t t"i this pur pose will he in !.: :v.ihe Court House on Thursday N v. .obcr oth. -Please remember rhv . auti th.?. hour will be seven .tKvty r'. M. Imjmri that all be- -"'.sent. Question No. 1. Tht most ask.-l ouest ion the past wet k was. AVr\i:. d.. >?"?. rX,*H'-ei core '.. to ope? at? A har.i . . quv iKmi i?V answer. First,. re is'a !a'':e AVV i- j ern crop whit j?<x?ti i.;uaiity. Tht 1*. S. t-oi- :v: ir three billion b'u:helv?: This'.' points To low pric.es. t Vnsidei'able. low*--.- .than last year. On the trth' ? h. we have, a ~ nation in. a W mood to buy. Wheat will !-<>. cheap, ati.l hay *8| bi . hi^h. : < i.c n<l to favor ? .better .prices My .guess i for this < i'U. " ? ^? uiu he >tart at i ! *? ? * r ? ; f SliVui-Si.. v ;?* you cf'rnot. jret thfcv "prive ! v;: v ttiat tw pTtrs- .?? . " pects ;o.r wt : - e;:Xtle anw. -pijr- is ? Kiititj.-' :-The:'?- -; price fc'P. ca'.Ut ' a": eljrhi. -j-nv- ">??*- 1 ' ?'^?Oo.s <tiu;i. ' . ?.an ' ;ref . Ss."?0- fori corn fed to v .: ? a:, this price. ? ?;r ?'-* j : -cts iiiuc-a i'roj.:' . . ? ps.-.i. . . fcoii,i<: | -. a:\' a.Hv;.\iy -ti'- . a- iV.v ? ? -.hv'i.-; j tat her 4. -ke b--v . iUajij ;fC S1.2-'.: . i . ?> ' .. " T>ie VjiUv is .'?"ii ? f .- "!? \.vrn^5'!'7\y??.u ..- " ? f'.tf-'r-J'mihjr iKy-i ? itr H >? be* *??* e,<idt<-' ? . . he. iixty&v "just j,U;v;;-.4 ..T^?v . .hat ? h';.- . u'im-i n'?4%. nftt-FtUJ-.th of ?" r.'-t >:???;< S. ffi ei>n:iU}>i:.::??jU-; '? .:t i:v : at v *imes. ? vV .?* v '? /v. ; ' / . . ? ... ?* ' . ? 'T'-A!-e vr- /ivrtr tb^- Joe 'h:js **?:?' 'V/-- : i-i 1 - , :.?? n. a . tf"So. v>t Oip-j . wtfniv ?:?? ?? o >:? . )>y ; ' eu?'"vr>* ? v' .-"*?! ? - , ,rhT - ;?? *1 ? ' ; ?'? 4 i ? .. ^ . l * ' lit \i;uie:-. .' " V. \.;vr;-:iK rial'y J t ./. ;?ni r-tm;:c;>- ; kJS; j.;<- of erals >oeh;'-at Un?c or asin s. These; to be .\^pri::i.i" ! v, f feeX- o/r; -tfeii ft wii' i'f . }???<!>? . 'St ? at"- ?1.. . Dns<f> t :j.for- -V>K ?::.;,,.v j: -i-?M is |fc(Stse(t ?wOiif weftrhi- '? ?t* '?'>v-V m i; a -n:?.s. .' i " ' :i _ - -t., jfr SHir'* .' Tbt I;. ? . . ion. bu. lit is /:' ! I;." .}!io,v J. ; tna". J lawt . year. ' \ Xorajigiii--.'. who \vns . t . ppr' ?*bu??}re.ti' \V V;^c js h<*-w , .irettirijf j: fl.T.'i i);.!-. ;-K:iP.ui.y<I;-- .This "has t-ause l ".-p<?'iat;V4 ?;?. .li.-re r:--e- V1oM'a>s. !>.' 'ou.-hei. 'bne- ean jfoes? ' V- the end- ? ? . - ~ - ?>?.( . . , . ' 1 1 I i\t" \l. ' .'V.'" : V-v fw'*- ? ? t'.ti* ? ; .' ?; - rye. ?% ... ?' / "i ? ; ? fi'a'lteF ? it ^ thnf aie , ;u-; in.' ?. re "in:"r<M 'pftl ' .'?. ;'.'{j . W.-.t . ,'v :Vi<- : w .{&rfry s:ee.? . s/ticUL .\ Xeep. jiowels open, * "* . . * ? ,? v . . ? # . . . ' GaUI'te I.cslynz Hr. Dui/kw?'.t-i?i will . cest-in^ ' i . : ,e^v!y in t?i'< weeks; aiai ail who > have cattl - . n!aa..c . .'votify .ftje or ? I>r: 'I >U is wviir.!:; ' Tex.* "ay mm i ?* W. W, Have bets? y ? ? ?. . .\i Ray's . ?a c h . returr.-:-.!' 1?'? i-'riday. . Mr. and Mr?. \V. Hv Aitwood lei"" . Thursday f o- van Mtn., Tt>nn.. to visit Mi's. -A'-'.V" ;fs brother. vv!v. i ? ? ; very il! at ; r< -.fit.. . ' ? . ? f ..Born. \V . ;;??{ C?4<- .' ei ; Monday. >> ' . r 1!>. a son. Mrs. K. A \V:Hta:u.^ leave-: Tues day for Sou'.v: Una ? whore sh will sp'i'tl" V'-. ?. r;?i- wc-yks with. !.. . tiv.-'ft. \ l?ittfe'7dBn ;Ri?irers. -who. !kis y in the. Orthxi' di . f- ? ? 'a! ' I" tonia. r< tu' -v ; b'omt dast Saturt'.^y. . Miss W-'ii.. r the I^Q^IC Di? <>:: stration ? A--. Seets ht.r . ? ' Toxaway H - .School FrMnj . eve.h- ' in*. ? . ] Tite 'trtrl- are df'inic sel^ndir' vvo.r-' . with the a: ?' f Mis- W-:'V . i Mr. Bob WiHi.anks. .whe ha;* BdtMl ! working -a: '.Vest Palm' Be :eh. : retume?l home' Wednesday of last week. He fypeets to }*?? b::"k. Voon. Mr. M. ffensley." of A heviUe. spent the week-end with bi> wif-e. Mrs. Hcnsley is spfndtntr the winter wih her parents^ Mr; an<l Mr?. D, P. t Gillespie. CHANGE AT U. D. C LT3RAKY Mrs. J. W. Smith is librarian of j U. D. C.. assisted by Mrs. W. E. Hunt, during the absence of Miss j Edith Hunt, who is wintering in Florida. j Community Hatchery Is Certain; Incubators Are Already Ordered j (My T. A. C^ajne?) Sey.M' > citi?. -.ami'iig whom :rr :h - prominent ami- provrrcssr-' *v -M :.n Transy!y;ii':a 'County, hav >u!v- r:t>c<! over one Hundred ( $50. 1 sh; ?> >?i tho ? immunity hatchery. . hi" ord> >? for i w o ? B u < ? k e ye -Ma 111 - ?h Tn"ub;vi<'r.< has been placed; Thoj are to -shipped the first "f 1 (eceai ber. Each ,f these machines has a ? 1'2,0'?<> eprsrs. ? ' ) ? >*. ? + JJu^fincirtato! ? ?sed in n.eo pew bii. '? on th? I5n v\'il S- T;i cf' i l i.'V ;. is to. br Tinder tht': :?tfrX;'- I- .. H- of \. ? GJasu per. \ i. \_ ieulturai IjrslTUctor. Th . -'.-'hare.':. ' ? i-< ? . ?-* r:1?utv?I t'V : ; and the (rail! : ! ? ' V iii is I'Ji'. T'.is-. \\ ;i! :,r. raenV of" M.crd.Oii. v\ paid :e-. T ?? iv-t tlivit.''- ? *'!<? ? ? ? fi*' *'?\ flu. "of- . shall first if' used- to v. debtedness. *?;h !i' ui> ti 2,>- si.- -r ceht wilt .b. . ?. ;'?? .sbnr'ehob a'-iv;*- . pr? ? A c? a; oil ; m th< Wvica! N live IVrf.va. *\ ' 1 1 i t ? ! S-'h'ool. - I .eholders" i* ct<d to ? . yik- .H0X* ?!r y - :? :'r;r; .?????: ? ; ? iii* !rsss(H*Jlnt ' v . ? , . .-^.V * '?i. C. >.. OSB* ' r- I S TRUCK !N CO, mff V.ITH TR.jy The . - . . : ^iciv C/ a. C) ? :.n' ?' ???' . .toji ? ".vfj <? :T /r!ook ii tho pas.A'njrer ? :i ?!-? ft tho station. -;r "K <?. ? ? Y ou??'* !>a.r-. 44 * . . '.)o, . iTuvk -an y -*r.v'j:v. 'usVid ' tfit'V ?.? '[ .j-. :3b> .('V; ? avohl ;' | -'Thv w::s struvk .j ?-i 'v. ? * 'of if ?? rot::! vr-'i-k. ! .?i the hundrcl or nvry ! ' e)*t!o. 5}? '? ?:! miik- whit h- thi-v ! ?.vt.'!v dtdiV'Ti-'tf to thoir cust.onuM>. i .Vt-rV f->rtur in ly, howevor. both pc- ! i. upa.n*> . os.:apod -uninjured, save for' i s'c-nv irinor i-uts and bruist-s. .Mr. i . v;::tcs -tivit. thf t-rtti'-k: ? .tvru :? ? a. 'a-' iv y -i-'w one. a ? ! )'?Jtro, it hav'v'ic b^e? 'irivv-:^ vo^vu't:)i-'-i; I'1"' ?: t-bnn j rry'tf nvile.^ METHQDIST SUNDAY SCMOOl. HOf-DS. FA^P'^SLL SERVICE Special exerrkes,. were c,:ip<1iK;t?'d ;:t "hi Meth<"li-'., Sunday last ?un<!ny m<.'?t?*nir I'.i honor of Mr. ; Wei eh- GalloWay. \vhr- Tiad be.e'i ' sum* ri-mt^rident "f the S*.i*V(!:iy Sclio : f. r - .-vent eei: y a'*s; and u.h 'is pov' !' se.av.jR j Breyard. . T!u i>pineip;d p?>aki >'? for th>-| :: \va> Iv "f. (';? H.. Tr'>v'br;dv ? ? ' ?. V'.'eavji: . x \'^e^-f. . , . ' ! atyr ? ojf.r-K^ , fir-' n iiuaijita.vi -'v r> \s:':t h . Mr. loway.' '.some twi r,ty years . a.ir?; and <>f his loyal, effi-ient apd unurin^rj -erviee rendered and devotion dis- 1 ehtyed in the hoipe. in business tela- i and all njiittets pertaminir to T'.io ( hureh and Sahday School , . in par'jvtifar. T'.is a?ldr?*<.- was fol ,'onvd by' shor* express^. :r. of a p ??re iaition of Mr. G:.! loway - ' faith ftt! ./-c-rvjee in the ehaveh -a!.id Other v- - . by Mrs. Sarah TayKr. M.r>. H. M, M'*!!<-r. M;:s. Cord' >. Kir.-.-, Mn T. W. Whitmire. Dr. J.'.-p. Za-' :,: v . . M H. l'. fiansoT.' The serv'-v- el?M ?v:th resnornse i>f ;; :T?*ry?'arJ(s hy Mr. Galloway. .V R . \ ND M R S. r ALLC Vv V IT LEAVE DRr.VA-P T'-!!5. WFr After a cohtim?o>. resMer.c*' in Rrevard f. >- nri 'y yars. ? Mr. arid Mrs. Wefi-h (JalJoway leave Thiers- j ''ay of .-'.hi - .week for their new honv^ i'i A^hevi'io. ""r. Gallow.ay will v iti h:< so ? "? Galloway, who h?5 b p -wille for soyie^j n--iiv< !v r, . >.? :r- law ?irm of GaliMvry t. '"?a!' \\. Miss Amelia. U\ei;- dausr >?. n"'! continue her dnt :es as t.- hi r i the Brevard Crarimar P ;>d. spondinj^ the w- ek-ends with h"r parents in Ashe ville. TO B? HELD ERE Rev. \V. A. Maggai, of Kirand Uapi.ls. Mich.. will conduct week .. ? ? .. ' I ?' "" f night Bible classes in the Baptist church beginning Momlay night Nov. 1 tith. j Rev. Maggai is coming here under ' ?the auspices of Mr. Wavnc A. .Mo-. j roe. Pre$byte:'ian Sun lay S.ehon Missionary and promoter of ehii-i ] ivms Suninlcr Bible School. Mr. Haggai, though young sears, s rich in Christian experience/ . iii: : v-rv familiar \vit h Bibl ? Lands. life early year u ???M-nr hi ' "v Syria. V lie h. ? it?i- . 'tis. command several '-"li'ia.-" that iVtaki's' h'rti ?vne of ? u r v\ , i v.nal ?Bible teachers. '% ..? .''?? A rani treat is being jifrorded ? the people ; of- Br< ? v a r; 1 in bejr.g able-' to hear Mr. Hajrgai. Bring your Bibles aijd note , brtiik.i aiid. a mind J. full of liuesiions for- this is a ? where you can a- k questions tba: are >o often- .never :?s1a*?i' 3ETTERMEN.T ASSOCS.V T'?'0;\ ? ' ELECTS NE W OFFICERS j . 'A . ..V ... . ;. ? v " ?'??? ' . . .1 A - .1 'i ? >f the Belter ae: ? ?'in fd '^! ?tui-r;\ ..iter-nocr. new' ".UfT, yetts - lir: Vf\e-: Sri*"'jmg: -year . -v : ?i- . W-d. The dec ion. \va V | ??> low: : Presiih-. it, Mrs. ?>. !.. K.y.\ vicc-pri'jident-. S. v secretary. .Mrs. -Krfcl.'sh: t'.reiv -Mrs. f);<ve flen.'y. .Thi*.. civ-t .? gave Mrs. K.- II: ? X< .?? ' .voti' of thank- rot |ier etfici: <i*y- " vice a--' president of tho Bett- v ,ie;' , for four years. Adjournment was ibade until.' the last Monday in N" vember. . i F1PST LYCEUM NUMBER IS POSTPONED The first number of the Lvt'i un* . whio: Was to o< .ur last Saturday ' wii ; iiuivroidahly prevented f-rotr Varr\ "uc on; the aup?. i-rvti schedule.- The a'lemKev of t!v - ', :: rrivc.i in town ?'?i s.h.-lid time, but owing ;o :t train wreck i enr< .:te. in which all of their hair gage.. containing costumes and see h ery. -vas destroyed, it was -found Hcv-'-'-'.'jry to';. postpone' the criterain- : men; until stone later .int--'; Til .lory-! ;-o!vaiif !< (? - rate frfc ? : h . ? saute.; ]? 'Ol 1 \ "1 ? T '?V>' ' low.-.- an'd a - (lo-l". wii ? viv.-i -it he:-" i;\ the n -ar fit ure. the date'!" : be' ??r.n< unced !:ttei. , AH ; t .el(?t.--|; x'.r^r ;"!i. ly purchase-', will, of 'epy-Vt1!. r . t :li . !\oid good for ihis: cTitcrtariv ] iner* ;vht-n it sjjinea if) Bv-.-vard. ? I< is also stated "ha. tie- nun' '??err * vi r bo given on sonn- nisfht of the wee1: ^ otht-i: than Saturday. BlAmREBSEEZES Mr. and Mrs. Tyra Dttm an and . 'amily visited Mr. Duncan's parents: Sunday. Mr; I. T. Ju'.>ia.- h;.- .in. t r - turned to hi . home here art/ - en-diajr several, .jay- "n Florida." ? Miv; C. :T. SfftftS oX -.Bia'ek MUi.--.-N. ! i". has tue?- visiting I" - raotlu:-; .Mrs. X. A. Norman, of Bhmtyr' . tin- nasi week. Mjf.s Mar/.le ?doodv was dinner ucst. of Misses Belle and Sadie | iovd Sunday. .Mr. Charlie Orr visited -relative ? In thi^ section Sunday ev "!i)ng. * i sc ?ic!l" and Sadie lieed yi* ted' 'ii : ' cousin. Miss Blanch" Ero- ? n Sunday ev< ning. Braadv Duncan, of Palm " -a;-h. F?:-.. re.->>n?lv. vi-:{ his nnr ?ts. Mr. and Mrs. R. V. Duncan. JUNIOR ORDER ^O FOLD EXERCISES SUNDAY. S The local Junior Order will con duet exercises at the high school buildiner, Sunday afternoon, Nov. 8. at two-thirty o'clock." at which time they will present a Bible and an American flag to th<> high school. The public is invited. Engadine Farm Herd Wins High Honors On J 8- week Exhibition Trip 'IS Y r V NEGROES IN 6 WEEKS: - ?' ?????. i TZ ? . I'reston Neely, an AsheviJIe negro ' who criminally attacked V,\s Asheville white woman. Thursda; of last week, was recognized by the ' woman when the two ? met face !?; face in WooKvorth's .store -in Ashe ville Monday afternoon.. :'Thif w- , man at dine summoned oTTie.r .-. wiy pursued the aitacKcr and finally - iveiied i;i capturing him, rnv.ui?. him in frjmt of the postOiTice, afi ?the -negro; had Wen reet>j.;nize<.l at'.' ideiitiiied by the k woman victim. Neely was then taken to the fount;, aii -wh'?r?|i he remained a few mi:; utcj, iiU-r wtiich Sheriff Mitch; !! ordi n .? :fuiir of his deputies T-o,cak< the* ? V ?>. in. :in aut'>iM"i),;.- ?? .State peniv. ntiary al tea ing a n 'nh a>> ' N^ihle oj_f .;?? jail. While a mpb of 200 or more per sons hs.?-i formed or: the Si Monday night. n an a't.?y,nj;-: f.. u:h S . ^-n on h:-^'*'" ?'.?uc!?h. another rikgjri) v.i .-v: Jr.,. ?tins' assault on vuite w ?m-.m one of the principal hu^.r street The woman's liu." had ju-.t stepped inside a store i O' make purchase, ran:* :jhd discovering : h?- avjss'iJ;:u;-; mediately called the a.- -en; ??' and ofiieers. who captured tlie giro, placing him i:i the c mo on a. change of :>t* enip.t- 1-? a The >yo r.aii r. - f i; -<-<t to i l> il m-^ro, Iv'vvever. :l::d the e.ira.U' ;n<d? s<i'(n iiis;!o.:;seii. The alleged attack by Neely w. the third of "iti? kind to occur in' Ashi ville withi:: the past six weeks. WEEKLY TELESCOPE NEWS ?New York. Oct-. ? The heaviest. (?) ? ' <-..?er .-.now storm on ?r;-c--./rd was recorded : today when the city wa covered with a fall of seven incho-. Snow started Vailing yesterday aft-r noon and thf .storm contin.ie<i throughout the night. New Ybrk, Oct :M ? Stiff . i ^ ? in deep mour.-ing, Mrs. Woodrow Wilson, traveling as 'Mrs... K !t*u. Wilson, returned from Europe to night. Mrs. \V dson went over i*: May. listed on he passenger Ii. ; "Klennor Collins". SJ',e spell'. o siderable time. ;n ( ' 'iieva. who. e : attended sessions of the League - Nations. I'. ion- heir, first v:-\. rh*1-"*. every member of toe League r > . as a mark or respect. Mrs. W.l- >. ?it understood, will stay in N.'.v Y-'rl: for several days and then r< turn to her home in Washimno Louisville. K\ .. Oct. 11 ? Prose r ; infaniil'- par:?ij*.?i.< . here ? ha.- a ready resulted in tour deaths. escT znm mew< EAST ^iu' Mr. .Dodd of Greenville, spe ih<- week-end at the place lie bought I recently from ii. F .Whitmire. ] Mr. Martin of Greenville, w. J : ls i a week-end visitor here. Some tiaie ago lie purchased the M. Ii. i.anc*- place fnmi Mr. Ge<\ Mull. Some of our school children were oui of dion! last week <>n Uccoir > ' ' . of having a eharv ?',! ni??slps. Mr. Clyde Jones has return; * ifrom ;???: three-woek trjp to Sou..': Carolina and Georgia. Mr. Sumrv ; 's family wa.; cni! ! to Cedar "Mountairt. last Thurso. ! or v. ?oant of the serious illness of Mvt. Summer 's father. Mr. Biirne . v'ho died Sattriday. Tlis death is v ti;"* i-onmunity. Mi: v;:y Wingo spent the weel; \ :iii with- her grandpr.rentp in !n m:;n. S. C. A crowd of fox hunters were ort East Fork last Wednesday. Th_y had a fine racc ? whether they got the; fox or not. Wo were glad to learn that we j have .the same pastor, Rev. J. C. j Richardson, who has returned to this; his third year of work on the Rosman Circuit. While Mr. Rich ardson is a 1'ull-blooded Methodist, he is in warm sympathy with all de nominations, and that's what all hes have to do to do any good, the movement. churi with The show htiv or s! <; r: shown by R. W. Everett of tlr 1 ointy. - -rety'rm tl ' .\ir.nd"y fi Birmingham. Ah;., where they iin ished tii?> season, with a :-f.' e of honors. Eight fail's were : ? ? . if - eluding Columbus, Ohio, t :i "lis, Jat i;s.?r. I'e.nt;., .\\. v.vi!' . ? anooga, Tcnn.. Knoxv ile. T- i Atlanta, (la., and Bin.fi i:.i Mr, From these fairs ih< hei'd wn ted for honors .alnon.tr the fin "Hi best herds of the breed. Ail \v< : out this year. The State F. Columbus,. Ohio, showed mi.; ? ho: horns than the Jnt< rnationa! Chicago last year. Some .'. IT of this breed alone \yei< compete ' against. Since competition w:;.- ? hard .no herd won as they did. I year. buc the Ecjsa?line he* ... brought home rnrtre hiirh ribbon - rai an.. ii? J the Fyviif St:.t >0111 *pre.<e fit kno.wTo.;:. I 'h- herd w?( ! 7 rU. J '.rs, j V'fifst . . pbicv<. a)>d many . : Offline Rev: lutioji 'and P . Ebgaeioo w< ;'> t wo of.', th.?. <.<a. ing wlj'icf's of the season. ' two 'were ']?- ??fcalrd. but ? ?! fen'ed ? t.h* i'" hph.kSi.' ? "fit other' . Th> ? e * ? ?1 rnwn <;-o- ndvrabi. "coi ? ; j 1 ? ; ? 'thy-., fat. '???? . ??:rna!< and i . >i ? .^? ui .:<?>. < if-' a] Sire C -i. a sii y ? v Her. :: ;? ^*?'. 1C /?}>'( se^bhd.x i.!. in (IroUp- .'V. . IJll * C '.X *- ? ? V. . eight ? !' two year i hampioi's. four br- - ? in Junior yea "Hag h i nions. six firsts, oh ? yearling herd, two firs: . The big white bull l'fil folks are so famili,*1" with. \ of America's lu : v. medium sized iw>>< th::' 'v'ttch like a pi.-'-r*. mo;! popular .m ? otie that. cat.-h>-- r h? e\v? he failed to. w-:r -th.? r !: give a long <i_rh. ? The he; 1 ti.'.i - > cry .u . from the. tin ; r.Toiiih-- ojj :hv r? a;.. Tiu days of August . i ::r.-t ? !i; " <" September were tr; ; j? .lay hevdsmah... The heavier animai had to U.- sprayed wiih water at f ?? t'Sf ;???- ?s.f ht leS"; kt 'b thvlii iji -.-'.v. ' ?i'at]--. ? ? ?. ?: intense heat rflueo.I' iln fh h > that the nerd -til -r.'Avs t hr- ??. One eail dit-i ' >v . :fe p ? ?; r i ; . the prize of the herd was d.;::u< ously near death fi'o;n the .anie. To sum it iif?. the year '.v:1. ; n one of spc'ctacul;;r winnia/. b :i ( lsrjre elasses. and hard hon.-rs. N farm took a greater aiaj-Tity of ribbons than diu Fmradiiu Fa. and from the winning Mr. Kv t has unquestionably the best !?< horn herd in the south, and ir- rea t<i meet any herd aiivwhere. !'? r . tional honors. BRIEF RALEIGH ITEMS *!? Raleiph. C.. Oel. J'i c oiri y between employes n.l Stat ? a.:d. th Salarv ar. i Wave ?'<? r nrssum was the eeat.-r c: in'.r. in Raleigh durintr the prst w l ife irapedy at It-. \ !i -j pitaj '.vhieh took ;Iu toll of a bab\ ? - i ? I life bj but ninp also was the e - - of sympathetic int( re-;r.. The (?ov, . - ! nor made addre-ses during 'he we. ( to the Wire State Fair a- Kai.-iy and the Railroad Trainmen at Charlotte and then departed f- . Ways and Means Committee of Con gress and onpose the inn ???itan> ?? , taxes. The will of J. B. Dtthe m:' public interested North Carolinian because of the large sums whu !: were added to Duke's en dowmc r. fund. The -.will also * make furthe provisions for charitable and reli- - ous objectives in North Carolina. If the Legislative Committee ??f i the North Carolina Education \s-j soefatibn has its way about it .? con stitutional eight month minimum school term will be provided for by the General Assembly of 15)27. The J State Superintendent of Public In struction is backing the suggestion to the limit and educational leader - generally are in heartv sympathy , ' . .. v--v /Vv i .IYER 0 THE MEANING OF JOY "If I fail t?> see,'' .-aid :i writer,, "how a soul, iivii.pr apart ii -ni Go< I can know The Meaning o: .Si?y in in deepest rciiiit; . "i* hov. ' . t hat i.; in ??."?' "i ouch .. '!? ii m c.ii fail to limi it."' Who is ; ?'?!< to c?i tradie* the truism of Kliiiu: "If th< y obey and sei ve Him. they slia.! spnd their years in prosper iy, am. their year- in plea jr." .'' ?T .<? pleasures whieh art t?o<; ;:i f i ? i > His beloved cannot !?? <ie b_. tribulation ami tb >ui i of; r< joiriiiL' in "'t. u1,-: ?.r-i p< . i!j v. h< n outside circuit* ia .????? . ??" ap parently u'cai-oiiie am! try Th. ?*?? --oru.-'thii,.; .-??!? ?. : in the quietly viciori.. . ;i-. : ii.it. are beinp lived out ? j; ma':* Iofm- ? farm ami in many a ur v ? : .-omelh.ntr very heroic i,; acceptance of whateV'-r ? t ; " lit God has chosi r. f< ?r !!i ~ >< rva: i . Will you (i< ; try to r-1) nibr-r you- Vi I .in) talkiv t.? ? y;?a nyay. if you wiil. ma e your lit ? shinimr and jjlori' us'. Uappim hi. I joy nr- not ' : . vao'.v th; lij.' '1 !>:?-<? wi." the1" b; -ko on .(i;un. : ? i it the.'' < ? he- f< low- sake iio ??'? ' ( j >d ?iv? - tiie>:^ pp " they nave jsivcii d--v -1 :? rny-t' riou i!^ can ? n th biltv a), and 1 hi- dark e.-t. > f ,-ni C'.'.v. in? s? ! vicfe necti- i 01 i-i thi-y are hidden in th ' Lord, with what coun .< . ' . light 1 do each thinjr. When Thy least breath -u- tains :?? win? ! ;i;ine and move i.iki those above. \nd with much gladness. Qiittinc sadness. ." il.'iM- mc fair days of ??very niyh' A PRAYER FC?\ THr Mr AN'NC. Oi- jC Y Our Father God. apart from Thee, for ;; v not know The Meaning i-i ?!? ; its deepest reality, but I-, ??!.,? u - live in conscious touch w. j T'i . so we cannot fail to rtnii it. Z1 - us thai the pleasure.-. Y gifts to Thy beloved. < a: : ot b ? - strc.yeii by tribulation. but iiu.t o.; souls, when ??ur out -ide circum stance- are apparent !v -v ?? and trji'r ' inay often :\j >iec . ? truest pro-pvriiy. Show a . our Father, that then i something very splendid in th quietly, victorious lives th.\ intr liv?-d out -mi m ?; ?; - ?'??? ?. farm and in many a .u: *. village ; that there, is somthin? ve y ive.-i , in the cheery aecepauee of .vii;.t?-v lot in life. Thou our t!o?! h:t.-; > !>?'-? for us. Thy servant . \n*l n; I us to accent out lot .' Iff ; !:;??? -f ;i ly. whatever it may oe. lie!; remember that it" w* wiM u make our life -""nun.: .:;d :.'!?? Teach u< that hai'e.ru-s :;r are not the -ame tl-.'.!i_-. th... who t mil their batv ha1 sacrificir:r i':eir ow: w -he lo"es ak' . <io not m Thou pi-Ves; hem > i: Jt< ; thi" hav - vven tr . -u* h u 'i \ dost vrive a mjvti ??;ot,? >c. re* j. that : sweeten ire K" "? and l i iuh' t ri the ?!?.: i;- : ;.'uu : sorrow. Oh! Live to us t hut " mvste:-.' secret j?>.c. so that v a!! oiir vice w. may be assureil that rewards for .?? rvicc need not waited for, but are hidden in service. Hcip us te t!o each ti' tiu we do. with co lira ire :ui?i deliyrht. since Thy least breath sustain.-. oti? winp. to shine and move line those above, and with much j_da<i:;e . ou t - tinjr sadness, make ?s fair day- >i every niirht. ami this we a.-k for the dear Master's sake. Am. a. c'.n "I, ' 'V he o j: 1 ? C. D. C. SPEAKING OF NAMES HOWS THIS ONE ? Heckerson Deckerson. Jefferson, Harrison. Con<los. KoJosity, Valen tine, Volney Orr, son of William Orr. This name is vouchcd for by a prominent citizen. The person in question is known as Volney Orr. son of William Orr, who was raised in little River section. /

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