IMPORTANT NEWS THE WORLD OVER IMPORTANT HAPPENINGS OF THIS AND OTHER NATIONS FOR SEVEN OAYS GIVEN THE NEWS Of THE SOUTH I* Taking Place In The South and Will 8s Found In Brief Paragraphs oreign ? Tie Bulgarians are reported to ? e evacuated Greek territory and the k>v^rnment consequently has stopped - the -advance of Ore??k troops The, troons. however, will hold the posi tions t"h?*y now orctmv until ? Rulpar'.a has replied tin the fireek note Dispatches from : Athens say that the Greek advance into Hiilcaria has ceas ed. However, it is ass.-rted that Bul parian troops still occupy a portion of C.ri'ok territory- n-?ar Demlr-Hisar A dispatch to the T-ondon Daily Ex ? pr?ss from Athetj: . nnronfirmed from ; anv other source, re'ates that the Pttl f <arian charce d'affaires has informed, the Ore?>fc government ? t hat Bulgaria has accepted the indemnity demand? for the frontier incident at DemiT ' Tt^ar - . Th~' American S?hf? Hf fian air squad-, ron. which has been operating with *he French in' Morocco. has virtually finished its far 7> nn for t-h?? present seasoii. Most of its members have ac epted leave to visit ' Marrakech and other point's" bVfor" r^Miniing to. Paris. ? where rh?- unit w IJ -be 'demobilized' early 1ft November ? ' ; France ha* speft/ -more than one bil li6a -francs in active w arfare durimr i ihe past . j?i*.;roov.:.h> - At the pfesen: _ rate of exchane> rhat sum amounts to forty -nine mil! ion dollar^. Lost sine, ??'<*< when causht - in a sever.- sr."w -MriM. Wafriib M-aki;. 14 years old. of Diorite. France, was " * ? .. fori'nd de^d by _??, :arcper? ; - The Scotland S".i.r<l " det/'Ctire fore.' ? antuniBceK the ?' -rr? st of Arthur Mc Mantis. chairman- . ,>f th>) Communist ? Rtirty in Great ? Rri'ain since" jts for mation and JolW- ,Th Murphy, a . frequen? ?tM'Rrr:';,?t'?r :?.v The ..Omiitni* nisst press; on. harces 'iff xt'oHsp'irinS .. to incite s <liri.,n .:n '..mntiny A iivoree has Uy h sranteU to the $<?????><. S;rrt Km! : k. 'from Franz Mo!-', 'nar. rhe pll?ywr&hr.. '.!t is v anmv-infvd ? ar ';t?hdapvst . -The ?l.'.i fee' p%>rnii's the wife to i-onvinii- ??.> ???ear ""he. name of M- irtir' "? ?- ' *?.*. v. >?:; ~ T* 'tA.jx'raril'y "I'-s ?"?n<.nc with' hisf.l rfp, :hr'f> .*irf,-'tofcs.. aitfpcV conwibT-.. ? ; nl . of. the -iicr. ;?<>?> :;ej>T. id with his. r . ai? Jieiir* t $!* ear! of Has.-' . I?).- X -'ld' Viscount Has v?*e<s- ? l.i>p. d -.v :tJ.'\ . i ri>"i:i;i-' Casii! i.. ; . <:*::.t!y: ?' * .'-V;:. . ; V Washin^tcn? ' -TMcrarin. ^ v ' * '-r "n .rr>fV'l.; 'VT:^" ? h.;; : " :V;-';;rK-. :V' -nat^oTr^ ? Sec TOV* ' ?! *nf : * * ?? ? . { ?: i. i ?? . ? - - 3nv.-,r ?'*>'*. - <\h\' 4 ? ? v v*i 1 * I *'r''"y. ?? GV-'.1 it \ '? .:;n Sr-: '? ;? Ifi ' .* i .r j.*? r. -'???? ?* :v? ?"}.*??- r*r\ * 7"*' ? **"?'?*> v.Y v ?? . AY?i t\t y-<*. . f ; I .'P. T) ( > :j i ?? ?; .... ... . . , r: j : f - . . r < . :: | rr> \ I xpp . ? . - V . . ? s ; ijj3 ? f >*t.v '?T*"' V"r.'TY' ? ?' ' i\' l- -:f \v;"':r .("(in ,'fi '.i<; -f' ?? ; '-v-fv'.*? J*^tlj!t 'ti*D jv'a '?.? ,h'-' Ihtis '? lii l" to*. (!ji> -!von^> ? ? I' a'n.> ?' ?' ? whfi >? civ.^-s ? fSMEijitf #? ? jt itii -jincM me V . 'S").a,mV - ~ r r s:'5 : r.d:ef, :P?~vr-.-T>.'-v ? F. : !> "v:li?', Pr.r-f -r. rr> ? . . ? ?- N->',v fl':ttnyv?hir-4j- w'ts* .?-:r'd d- ;? i \ ? ??* <>r! "J ns wh? re h> vr - jw.fetjdia .i-n-ral eohyenti'on " ?.f !h?' FC :>!-?- ? ?<?. ch'freh. 'ite-.orhvr.a?; , '"rn/'oh ? ? '?.? ?? Tlv ofd." } r >?" ";i i' ?he' vv t vr '-f.-r ? ? , ; v > " : 'tTt* tfpon' -irjtft1 h< itisr' 'wh< re ? .?y t:i'1 ?? - ? ? ? ? i!:sr . mini -fe*--- ?. ? -f-i-o -ef v - 'pr** hou?? '? T!?v. I- i-rr. -'-ade 'e?jmriiis"s-infts 'pro; eei<fines' ' acii !k?^. s"^ar mpt/ufWV ? ::n'rs. ? v. : ' ' v. r" a f-:ef'or !::-' -7*i:r:. in ; -f fis:ht'-t<? pre veaf. ebnf i.rn. :? " ? .r: ??? T ("h;rr!es \Varr> n us Htfomey c peral. were dismiaS.i! hy a 3 -to? voto pf the commission " Two A^'T i':t, de^rroyer^ nr?? on -h-'ir way .to th- enst.-rn Me.'ijr??rrane:t'n. ro protec* Anierteai; l:v. s and proper! y ?ieopardfzefl' hv the% Druf^e irihesmen Ft**apc:h wa.Kare near the city of Da- - I'-ascys. -V v*| The supr.'t'V 'c/ni of the . thirty - ?hfrd decre- of the Ancient Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry, south - 1 "rn lurisdi' tiaa, preface! its 'hjenoial session wi'h a ' m*Mn.oriaI service in hr>nor of Albert TMke. who was sover o!s?r srrand' (ommander of the supreme council, southern jurisdiction, from :s"?> to 1^1. Grain exports for the week ending October IT wr> 2.2"?4.PflO bushels "ornpar?*<' with 3. 3)9.00" bushels the week before; ? The jpower- havf Informally warn e-! fin ? c.- a rr< 1 Bulgaria , that -they stop flahtfns hefore their trou bles *et o:t.of hand. Neither nation !:as d> elan d war ? ha if c?-ct:?'r>- of auitatron has ??rinated in t-i - consolida'ibn: of th-r 1- -n R!!-' .'..nuiry Vociety into two r r- ' ? tizatiov- !>y jhe National Council of ' < r.rure:;a?ii-:^l Churches in session !p v.asiiftntun. i : A definite decision has hfe*?n arrived at fiy thv president aaent the Colonel MjJchell airship co?tro\ tsv. Mitchell has -he n called to the hat of judgmen* for" tn> charges against the adniiirs t ration by the war :iiul navv depart ment. aim October has iK?n .set Tor the opening, da:-? of th" coi:-S martia!. He will b-? tri'?d for viola tion of the Mth article of war, a general "catch-all." A new schedule of normal ta.i rates, differing materially from that, pre sented and contemplating the repeal of the earned income provision of the existing law. has been transmitted to the house ways and moans committee by the treasury. : , Domestic ? An average reduction of 29 on al! Da<s*nger automobiles is promised * representatives of the National Aul mobile chamber of commerce if ' federal war tax is lifted on mi products. If the fir?*T Mr* Mlt'-hell had way about it the man who caused a furore in the air. service he w; give her the $1,000 prize he won] stead of to rela^ves of victims ol Shenandoah disaster However, is already collecting $400 a montl^ aiony from the: doushty colonel. Robbers who In Chicago he] *')r->e messengers of the federaj serve bank and escaped with pouches of mail failed to get one for their trouble, federal reserve] officials told newspaper men. The police "dead line" was rj lv violated by a sang who enter/ Nassau street establishment rael Oleet, -diamond dealer, bom staff and rifled the safe of the stock of jewels. First estimaj the Toss were fifty thousand do' Herbert Booth, a son of tl Gen.: W. M. Booth. founder Salvation Army, has been api successor to the Jate; William Jfl Bryan as superintendent of thf ous tourist Bible class of the tenfan church of Miami. Fla. Presence of infantile paral>j l?uisviHe, Ky this fail, which has resulted in four deaths firsi of Sent ember and is coi increasing in the. number ol has ? aused Dr Ellis Owen, citj officer, to' issue an order imi dosing all schools, public. and Sunday schools, attended) pils under IS years of age. Jo-- l?evin and Walter V Vai met', of Pittsburgh, were kilted at Luray. west of Hebn their automobile was struck) S"if?h-.Tn Ohio transportation interarban car at Newark. Oh (\ H. Churchill. charged w itig A W t Texas P< te.i M Marietta. was found guilt i^aPan superior court of manslaughter- and sentenced i'ft : yars. ?/ I'or.iti- I. Brooks Hendei N C ' arher, charged with the slay former Ma> or ? Sani !'r> .son of that city. Wa> 'acquitted . : ? ?? '...'i ? .. >i\*y-fiv.. ' ! iVousand iloUar>\ New V >rk ?<o ' ? anriourvci ?,> paid' . for *-he return of 'he Donah;.- stolen- jew-', ?'?is-' A ?r:i.nd J,' iTy w;!i investigate, '.h..-, rri-1!- -ry, it appearing to. he the ? ritt. < v -r .eornrnit'i'.; in. New ^ -'rk City ? >?' . a ? commission. basis TK-. S'ateyr hiiH- tiii. <?f tit-- Kroi+Jcirilr < rvi<- ?; i"N?"-w York , City ? ' oiit i.riij'd- so'J 1 ?? "1 ' '-a cotiti.nfK '!? '? ' .* ?*? -,n ' 'ijraHi--.- activfti %.t;i'!o.-.:f}joifi: the '? r !. 7>. presid< V of the V.:' i it.';.- ? El i -frjt- ftailw'iy (rOmpapy. or the. h ? t Itpowii figures In t!:** ?: 1,-vA'j tit i!.i.ty ". business in th?i e i a- Milwaukee recently. '?>: >t,-hes to New York uewspap r? ' I. h" A wonii were dr'mpe'i . into rh?> ? i r:d liarely saved. ? dflmken negro; n: . n it'amji- d?*d and. pushed, wom^-ii a asiti. j?, a frenzied dash for boa's ! h?v were si:pp< to han- ? !;?>: 'air, 'I wild "disorder T?;ign> 1 amid s:--;i.k<? . r.d i!ah;e..-.w:hoh.. th'e f "lyd? pas'- ' -tie., r liner Comanche hiintetl . off ' ..?inyi>orf. Ftn . according .to thin!, -two - rvjvors who reach' d New York bv ",rar The passengers w.-r-> .reported \ N-:w York papers to be v> ry bitter in:, I'.- riitneiation ?f the negro; ? ?' ? ' ' -.-i It. A. I\:nlo- h, I,i-'nr.. Ahho't ??' Martin and Staff Serg-ani. Joveph t..- army aviators winging t??teir , u v frot:i. Mitchell Fieii L. 1.. to ? i .a rg ley F'olc!. Va.. were killed wh -n ?:Ue Mart bomber in which t h ? ? y . were flying crashed into a grove of trees :. - r Cape May Courthouse, N. J. , At Haynerille. Ala., a family feud which has raged in Lowndes co'.mty for two years was ended the oWser af frnoim with the killing of Russell Ifaynevill. . las: of a line of well known plant- rs of the district. Green Riv ers. Jr., and his brother. Robert, ltiv- j ? rs. ar?- ir. the county jail charged ' with mvirder in connection with the killing. <Jen. Thomas T. Heath. 91. among } the last surviving brigadier generals of the Civil war. died at his home in Lockland, Ohio, recently. He was ! breveted for gallantry in the battle ' of Waynesboro. Ga Lieut. Fred C. Nelson. ('lifted States air service, faces arrest on a charge of "driving, killing and capturing Canadian goose from and with the aid of an . airplane, near Jefferson City, Missouri. Federal officers are searching for members' of a -'smuggling band which engaged them h: a gun battle the oth er day along -he Itio Grande frontier c!-o:>e to the city limits of E! Paso, Te;:a.?.' Seven smugglers were caught, and two of th^m were wotuided Sev eral escaped Twenty cases of lir;uor were seized FORHADO KILLS 16, INJURES SCORE PIKE' COUNTY DEVASTATED. HOMES WRECKED AND LIVE STOCK KILLED. .Troy. Ala. -Sixi'xat persons were reported killed and more than a score injured by a tornado, which struck I'ike county. Alabama Many homes' were laid waste, causing thousa^pls of dollars damage. Relief measures vver v nnd Ttaken Thi'je German. Ministers Quit. IrtT'liii T: > in" ?!?.'? t of f::v XJ snii;i|i 'r I; They ?fieri' : s?i:h'.i i ho .'in> ; ? ; ,.'?j : V ? . ? ~ : Ii:;; ? :;?? i, ! >r .A ' N . ::iih ??'?? 1 ?' i '? " v - -- 't 'a\ 1 ?'iifi. ? ixiiF." jv.iii ?ary- i*'r:.?is- U.s. ; /'tViav ?. ' h / r^ign at i&m ' : TJrv- it:>- f u;u 5r?h :r>.' ??? it '( ir 'l-nth* . wif} tVJi" til- '. v.iV v-:- .; nori-v jiiijrtir All" tj v. Rtift-; ? r ? r r ?: ?'??o. ? i 'r. .<? ;r?j .>* ;!???< . y ' ~ tsfc rit Unit ? t .nit ;;:.???<! a>- - j . '?! Sooth Aroused Abtut Shipping. V Vi,f\\> ni* :*:?? .^lipping iut^irwT-t' 'A* 'j ?!?*'?? .t:ri gulf r-R'.on'-i hm a :i.i:V>iKii 5::.:r? h.)!'.:: 'mar-: ill'*. policy Will ? ? <?> ?;:?.*? h confer- ' ??onvo*. :?>' i Ji-: '.i-.':* ?.-'iJ .? -next ' JtreSk ' in ' t hiV'c riH'i :?<>:> V tv. 'h.-- < "h.taiber l\nn tOmC of- tin- .1 " ! j 1 * - - ? i '? .Conference's I: h??vi irr.vng (1 for vn nil. 'tli Or'.'J'vr .'lit. ,\.-?v Orleans Xovjr.ber 2. Hou.-:v?ji November and at ? GaUvsnva. tie:- :?!,.< ?i( tli ? e'otj^r-j ( will be snbr.i;'i?ii m nation :.! ::f. rc!tar.; man in. > .??u_.-f.rv ivv. "Thv south ' ti-:!jv is inure -tlsiih ever r.fnci rsiofl w ?h ship'p ne i for inula:;'.. n of a ha: ion ii sl'i':j<p;ug jiqj i< y." .-a itl John W. O'L' ary. pj\i .->ideut j of the national c-hamher < >mtnenting upon ;Bi? forjLh(-!?jMniii'4 "Cot.-, tan, Avhcat. hini'ror. vv^oiisi.. ? I oil an<! meal;, naval Siot'.es airil otlier protUu ts , moving throush southern ports cunsti tute important items in our foreign comnierro; It. is" not improbahly that. ! with, the return of normal economic! conditions in ot.U?-r countries : he. south in cummon with other sections of the country, will encounter growing com- j petition in foreign markets. The main- I ; tenant e and development of its trade wiil depend ill large measure upon the regularly and adequacy of its steam | ship services and these, in turn, will ' depend upon a sound and permanent ~ marine policy." j Woolworth Suffers Loss. Winston Salem. N*. C. ? The Wool worth store, on. North Liberty street, containing merchandise With an esti mated value of $3lM)00; was completely gutted by Jtire wh'ah was discovered about U:ir? oVlork. In addition to the I stock of goods, the basement and the ! grounff tloor of the house are in total ruins. According, to W. X. Hunter, man ager o?: thv. -tore, the loss suffered liy the stock at:d tiu, building, owned also by the Walworth company, is largely covered by insurance. VARIOUS WAYS OF . USING SOY BEANS Appreciated for Their High Food Value. Jf i Preparer by thr I Tjiitf*i* States Department of tilt urr ) Soy Immiiis have bron a staple food product in the orient? As they are becoming hotter known In this country, atid appreciated for their high food value, people are beginning to inquire as to the host ways of cooking Ihein. The ('idled States l?epu.lment of Agriculture says that the yellow, brown and green varieties "of soy beans are excellent for use as green vege tables. and can be cooked like Tiina beans or any other of the varieties of beans used green. I>ried soy beans be prepared in much the same way navy and other dried beans, The beans, however, require longer king and much more cooking than faiuillur varieties of beans. Kit her ssure <-ooker or a tireless cooker be used to ailvaiitage, therefore, [joking them. In general, dried soy is need to be soaked 24 hours and ed for at least 2 hours. The time ?s Considerably with the dryness \i* bean and its variety. It is bet to simmer any soy beans than to them rapidly. Since the soy bean try rich in fat. it does not require ional fat in cooking, but some t>ns prefer to add a little meat fat itter because of the flavor. lasted soy beans are somewhat roasted peanuts in flavor. Soak leans over night. Boll them for one In salted water. Spread in a low pan. and roast in a moderate Sprinkle them with suit while are still warm. ie following recipes suggest uses idled soy beans: Soy Bean Loaf. , |cupfuls boili'd ?y t>?>an* ??upful l>r?ad Irumh* pupful chopped sokrd c?:i??ry 1 taMipspoonfuls '?? t ** a s p O o nful. curry powder I tMSp^nnfiil salt Vi cupful milk I aid the milk, add the flour which been mixed with a little of the and stir until thick. Mash or 'jhe soy beans ; in it with the eel thickened milk and seasonings |l<>rm Into a loaf. Hake in a mod ?>ven.. Soy Bean Vegetable Soup. Iciipfuls boiled oy t/?ns upfuls strained omato pulp cupfuis'T | | c a u p a> o'fuul. ?epper cupful cliopp*''! c??l<'ry 2 i ?? a s p ?> onfuls onii'ti ju 1 1: ? - 1 tva?p<)..<ir'al salt 2 lablrspooti'uls fl"ur !i'ok the -clerv in the water until ler Add the toniat <????. bean ptilp, si-a>oniiii? t-> rite cry. Add the lr which li.'i.s ! K.i'ii in; Ned wiTb a lit wuN'i'. :ainl '.???ok f'4>r tweiity min Use for Leftovers \Vliej| yon ,'fia > e two or. three vese tabb's left pv?vr. ?A.-i- ilnMiglt there is but ju>t a >!>yi>?nlt|j or two ,tf each, combine ' i lit ? ? .i tuacedi?itie >ala.?! fir a hari> -|.Uin. Provide Canned Corn to Help Out During Winter Every housekeeper, likes to have a few Jars of canned corn aiming her .reserve supplies, especially if the corn is grown iu the home garden, ?mt many do not feel quite confident about fan ning it properly. The United Slates Depart ment of Agriculture says that corn <an he safely and successfully canned at home if a steam pressure canner is used. Corn is one of the non acid vegetables which should be proc essed at a temperature higher than ? 1 ? degrees Fahrenheit which is only possible under stenm pressure. The corn should, of course, he as fresh as possible 'when canned. Handle it within two hours after picking, If possible. To prepare It for canning, cut it from the cob without preeook ing. Add half as much boiling water as corn by weight and heat thoroughly. Pack it hot in the jars, add one tea spoonful of salt to each quart, and - tea spoonfuls of iugar if desired. Ad just the springs half way, or place screw tops on loosely, and completely seal tin cans before placing them in the canner. which should be hot. Proc ess SO minutes at 1." pounds pressure, or 2"i0 degrees Fahrenheit. In using the pressure canner, wait until steatn flows fully from The pet co?-k before closing ; otherwise the pressure is no indication of the tem perature. Commence to count the time when the pressure reaches the desired poi*t. not before. Seal glass jars as soon as removed from the canner. The texture of prod- j nets in tin is removed if the cans ! are coo|e<l quickly by plunging In cold water. All cans and Jars should tie so marked that each lot can be identi fied. Keep them at room temperature j for at least a week. Discard any j Showing signs of spoilage and watch others of the same lot until It Is cer tain that they are keeping. Homemade Soap Is Much Harder Than Store Kind Perhaps you have wondered why ! some of your neighbors bother to make ! hbnie-made soap when It can be pur chased so easily. As families increase ! in size. Soap bills usually get to be quite an item, and home soap making i will save to $10 a year. If you will save your grease and meat scraps you will he able to make dozens of bars of fine white soap. If you follow carefully the recipe on the lye label or one in the manufactur- j er's booklet, you will have splendid success. Ton will find that home made soap is much harder and does not wash away so quickly as store soap. Waste grease. 4 as a rule, is of no value whatsoever- except for soap mak ing. When a sufficient quantity has been saved to combine with six <ans of highest -test Ive. you can make do mestic .soap at a cent a bar. On the basis mentioned you would have more than a htH elred bars of pure soap, which would last the average family die year and would .he worth .over S'i If yoti try ir once yourself you will be very much .pleased wirh the results obtained. DROP SHELF IN CLOSET SAVES BIG SPACE A Closet Made Into a Kitchen Cabinet ? Showing Drop Shelf Down. ( l*r?purtrvl by ? th-1 rritrt*<l States I>&partrri*?nt j of AgrtculiDfti ? . j' Haying a closet containing a hinged shelf whirl) <-an !>?? lei down to do i duty xs a counter or tahle is a stood arrangement. When* there is not room for a kitchen cabinet -he closet can I<e made to serve instead. With the shelf up, the door can he shut and the contents of the closet concealed-} e fleet ively The farmer's wife In; Wythe county, Ya., who planned this ! ingenious rise of a closet entered her j kitchen in the county better Kitchen contest, under the terms of which each contestant was to make the most Im provement possible for the lejist out lay. The contest was carried on under the co-operative direction of the I'nft- J ed States Department of Agriculture j anil the Virginia Polytechnic institute. , The closet was titled tip with :i ; hinged drop shelf which rested when down on an extension leg. The equip- | m> nt and materials for baking were ' grouped together in front of the shelf. | scd u high stool was placed near by. ready lor use. (iroccnes were Kepi ? ?i the shelves above, in cartons. class jars. <t other neat. tight, containers. Whatever could lie hung up was placed on nails, on the door or the 'edges of the shelves. < "o??k hooks were kept in a rack on the door. A dish closet with a drop shelf Hose to the stove i.s a convenient place to keep cups and saucers, pitchers, howls, or any other dishes that are often tilled directly from the stove. When there is no need of usins the shelf it is held up with a small wooden catch. A homemade cabinet has a shelf, which is really a biscuit board. Chains hold It In place, and the tilting bins for Hour and meal are also held by chains. The bins go back and the shelf drops down when not in use. cov ering the pot closet below. The same Idea could he followed inside a closet. Precautions should he taken in any case to make the bins mouse and in sect proof by fitting t!:.Mii with tight covers. WRIGLEYS makes your food do you more good Note how it relieves that stuffy feeling after hearty eating. Sweetens the breath, removes food particles from the teeth, gives new vigor to tired nerves. Comes to you fresh, clean and full-flavored. Your heels stay neat and comfortable twice as lonq u/lth ' USKIDE TOPUFTS ASK YOUR BEPAUtMAf United Ststss Rubber Company GET THEM ON NEW SllUliS Your Complexion Needs TITE.SK KXQt ISITEI.Y I'lKK TOILET CREATIONS From the Rue I)* Lh Palx of America "Br Caml Kayecce*' Special Offar Good Only Op to No*. 25th Sp?vlal Regular Price Price ir,% Off Cleansing Cream 50c Uc Nourishing Cream... II 00 flay Oan>tr 1 00. -.J F.ic? Pnurd-r . . 100... . (Mention llicht or heavy wetuh' an<! sha'le ? White, Peach. Fl-sh. (? H;tchel) Toilet Tabl" Cr??m H -Ujf*" J! 00 (Rose nr Tangerine sh? l?) ... Postage Prepaid. CAROL FAYENCE = 2S0 W. 57th St.. New York City . . IS' 11/ J| M T F n Youn9 *cn ,0 L^aro ?T rl 1 1 I LU the 34RBER TRADE Best college in the South. Jobs awaitsr.j; our graduates Charlotte Barber College, Charlotte, V C Bull No Match for Truck KruiJi'' wlfli f<sir :m<l !:?.:?>. an AImT'I' '?!: AtlUU? Untl <\i. i ??<???: .tM'tl I lit* oili'T ii;iy nit ? In- ; it hi i "I ; i rl ? - Ml] tnllu H. Cll.-ijill tuWIl-l :[|. ?. ?R f .r." w liilf !ii'ut_' !?- i i ? ? - a:!i:i<\? .n lh<- ? i ~! ??n?i ??;" ih>r ?-m\. t'->: ;ti! |<i*> !????: ii,> iii Tin- I ; . .iH'l jtTin. ?>" ? I T*?- 1 1 ~;i" > I jIi * .-? <. "I " ?? htl^H v :i)?miI. ;?? nr.-. It - . v.:.* ,;??un i-. . .:!? "????;. - ' ?: Kv ;i ; ; r i . ? I lily ? ? ;:?* ?> f if v\> .|if *. r? ?:?? .[ ? r? -? ? ? ??. ;',.f \ Child's Harmless Laxative is "California Fig Syrup" Kvvit <-.T.>rip:iti"i, fiiv.Tijli ? ?r si -k. ? - : : n- i . hiMr.-n.Iove t.?ki; wcn&ns* "?>U;'??rn!i! i \<> .ith<-r !;i Mil ivf th?* irr.ler } it : !?? liiiwrU mi ni -.?|\ J- sv. ? the <t*?utacri ..:H tin- iz\ and !mw TV'ithoiir i:ri| :rnr i '??niai'i* ni> nar i-nrji-s ..r ^i.mthirit: rup>. Say "? 'ali form a" to >?>nr an<i .?i?I Insisi :i|??n .r.'niiine "t '.iii;.irni:i i'ig Sxriiji" which contains directions. Woman's Life Saver Mother of nine convinced. One dose of Beecham's Fills are the remedy for sick headachcs and constipation. "Your pilU certainly have done 'Wonder*' for rr.e. I am thirty-eight yean of a*e. i-ero mamed thirteen years and am the mother of nine chtldien. "I was fullering from headache) ana consti pation for nearly fifteen years when t hap pened to read one of your 'ads' in the paper. Having a headache that day 1 went to the druggist and bouiihc * box of Beecham's Pills. I took a dose. That dose was a 'life saver* to me. Since then 1 have had no more headaches, end mv health is good. I recom mend them to whomever I meet." Mrs. H. La Vigne, Jersey City. N. J. BEECHAM S PILLS art "life lovers" ? alt i from consult ^on, hU^usnai. tick nes. and ozhrr di&snti aiirnenu. FKIic SAMPLE? Write today for free sample to U. F. Allen Co.. 417 Canal St.. New York Buy from your druggist in 2$ and 50c boiea for c Better Health, Take Beecham's Fills W. N. 'J., CHARLOTTE. NO. +4 -1924

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