ATTEND W. N. G FAIR AT ASHE v ILLE 1-14 No. 4S FARM NEWS By L. A. AMMON Hatchery to be Organized ^ou that have . .-mm:: I for shares! the "(Community -Hatchery, do not.1 forget the meet in ir Thursday nijrht at 7:30. At this time officers wiilj elected, and ct?ninnttct.s appoint-' to do the collect iritr. Also some Vriiportani matters a ? :?> policy and - general by-laws to consider. ? * *.* 'p - . ? V ?. ... v ' ??? . . v . Dogs and- 3Kcep Mr. ? .Jvi'dan tt hv. to&r i ?- puns the < . first uamaicy dpa- ???.. -.He- -was ' . .saij uhcu fiv fouiM i-.u ..the ?avv "e ?liiir??:tj the CmU.T.v t '. ;..ay f>)r kille i animals' was toix S'U ?? .lanuavy,' Now every one ;'is'. responsibly i'v.r what his dojr docs, itid the iio:rta\' goes to' .the >vho.!>. If 1. guess richt. some dotv ind- dofT owt.v: are goinj? to baV< a hard time this winter. .as ail d:i vas*c> can- be col ? Ivcuvi. ip6m . the- . f; of - dog*. ?"* h-y keep dugs -:iu i aiv -.rf'tiic sbet.p kilting: . ?? -It- "> a ''arc cast; where - . . ? n-<I k:il sheep. 1; t: ' :i\v"i L>ioo?'c.<i. ftf - out?. a?*i pbviij.: d. <t'bs> :!ta. st:..; ;hc trouble.. ? ' ?? vTfc'sfeMfp bit >3 .*-Ul and ;i >\i i vs i^aitM . I i.' -j'- the -? iw ; ? Way.-. s<> take ,c;h'v\'> 'your d je.-. <ik !: Ithe u*-.::e rai. ? 'se*.s t>y if V ii% that diogs. mnsr" >?:ha:\ v -.t?u ? ?>.< .\viti". itayv.. .to. My:;: 0-s<-. : sdlcd. will" ' anicuMt to 'mi < lie years tax. ?' ' . . ji' : ;v ; the growv?.-; \Viii hi- wrtKlH?; ??' more elFtjctiv-.? 'ip .v--'. i'*ii ' I' . ?-- .c^-e :i.;uiv ; re&bift>.ss.. 5 ?' ; , 'i; t t/iw-.t ? i U> t "! i n> s' ? ??* : JHWi'." *? C. . \ ' . ? ? ?? ". ' :.a}:ir't ?? <<y'' cli! ? I j Viitt -aftj 'jtte.:\>.-:.?v lat c * * <Ui v*. / ;ulf.x vfc.'j! . . . ?jifi gf t -r.: ? ; l.^iss th. i . >< - * ill -vcu-' wa::; .? Iiinc . 'in .s ? -\\ he . falli i-\i; ?-i.ven :c;. : <?1* ast ? iT have not > i?;r ; yet. . Hpld y^^i'r roii; four -:?? ; . ' '.reir. 5 . . =. ?. -> a;.' f ? i." Jp'fi ????;?*.. M ? :: hiJVS . ? ^ ifyasiv-41 %? '?"?.'He ' . :i : ?;.% ? ? "M; .kai?.y' ' ?U.ii'. svn!/ rr'r - ry ^ ' ?y.rntf? . V: i: v Av-^r' . ;>'f. ''/v.'- ." ih. t'r .. JiLi'&i : .? '."/?? ???.-? .'. about \V;,V. : !c . :'. 'r .r: . a:. : w. be : .. v U;-. .'.:r:?y. CU.-V*, . . ' .-. ; As ".\un..0v.' : ?? ? \vi" . hv- v'/\ -? -tiire'.* ?yvv'" a , s ?. .w?; ; .p?^r-.?:e>.v' "i'.: . U~'r<; ??t;i i f >?wr. Xi.' ak ?" tho.o$atnL ^uVr rv a '.'h m pi .liiou ? v/'-'.t r . t'j\v ? - Jj'aVfe -:?r<?.v*t-n ' ilea'r .'.$?>?? ? ;lT"s v. J: ' ' ' . Ssck Cpws ; The .<? x was uriu.vJx! for; Jju k- ,c* 'W-S.'- .. ^ -irall 't. to SBfi PijJit ? c.'vv. Th( . L-- ravraji .troubled was "? f ij ?; ? 'P.: f , i** " k- . " f.>. " !V ? ?.*'. I'lC ? .? . ? ? il'r hvad-t. . pt??r< : ."i 1 -i T:i Is faM :::: None- !*0ar.'I on ?well Hnied f:< - or where a.-iie> ha-i K- v /: '? ? , ;*:e .;e'aeh' . r.-;ont!!. 'T*<? liroiivV." : ? rnrubaijlv the Causo. r..\\ . ;A> fu>t- >utf* r ?? . A;r lime: r \lfk th?y net ; j:; ? math.. iveeJ th;.r ? yi-\d of -salt?., bottle, and -onic r v?rr hand.. an<; when bossje . srt' A.- Jack .of appeti: >. trivc" her a di?se.. A-.stiteh. in time saves nine, ELEVEN MARRIAG LICENSES ISSUED DLR1NG PAST MONTH The zetf -u-y ,'of <|eeiis . office c?>nie?i -. ; n:a .ria-:e !i< t ?.>< >. during thy - lH.h of Or.tober. nine of whVh sv rssav'l to whit-.- pt-b-' pk a'l f ? . colore* L Th;' li ,ci^nf' .: 1- ?"???.? -n:ed f<>llow: Oct./ 1. ?? Willai'd Wj \'e< "all; Toxaway. to -'.Edith' Sear; . Rodman : Oct. 'I. McCall. H -Tm' Shoe. t?> Sail'- >fc ?K'fhp.ey. . Du var.!; O'-t. Marvin Owen to .Vrru-ra St.:nny. Balsahi Grove* Oct. l.'i, AVe!<-#>- "i'-i f to Eva L. Miller. I.ake T-o^aw.'y: (let. !"'. }'? tr y \. \V. .<>([' t<i X.iopii AVootls. | Vo' ~ M ??!).? Oct. irf. Ffo; i Barnes ; ? to i:a;-v 'h.i'.AV!:1'. Selica: O.-t. li?. Pink Maples zc Julia Bryson. Se-' - I it r. :._Oct. J?i. Fl'cxUi- Nabers to' Julia Baurr.benreV, Saluda;. Oct. 30, 1 Harlin .Will x.o Fl<?y Raxter. Bre \-ard; Oct. -4, Jack S'ijrh to Jennie C unnih'chanr, (col ), BnpRtod : Oct. 27> Avery Morrison to Mabel Hun ter. (col k Pissrah Forest. CO. AGENT URGES ' 1 ATTENDANCE AT i W. N. C FAIR, 10-14 The Catalogue of the Western North Carolina Fair, to be held in Asheville November 10 to 14, is out. and shows much Transylvania cuuii! to ;,i- 'UivrciSJl'.d in. The poultry department offers some '><h| rremimu a.idan excel lent to aove'rt se? lor. price of express and tifty cents entrance Mere those vv lit ? -expect to have breeding st<K.k or baby chick* ens. wiil.timi- a cowd chanee -to' meet those who are itftere fed in poultry. I 1 ercbanee -wtiV will want cocks or j t ocKi rels. <Io limlv thi'ii; over anil | compare with those at home: From observation. we; have just as jji i . >d bii iis lu're - as Buncombe ov > ipLjoioini: . Counties. Ho not ? lit.-; afraid of the e' that is the way-' to naov o;tt where, \x'Uj stand. .Many have shown just fb-r.j the f un. bull f 'uird that they had J . -lit lit . and were :>o?ii :'i j "tilt. >4; .Ar^.'-to !':? :'aW ItTcdinjr. ? 7 TiV t i>ur..\ Ait- ht I'trer-- to help aiiy . who' wish to semi birds to. tie.;.' 'EHct out a . number Of. your I I *. ? ' ' - ? . ' be>i,.' thw; call. ir. your County j ?\r or V.i\ J. A. * 1 1 "1 y y.vii'l 'vci:> yoti irieniiine .- jli>* , "^h'ieh ..ones' to St'Ild. .. V; Fhc c<?'.*n s.h-ovv is . another, ?lepart ;r ??v.; in- .which' we stand excellent j chaiu o p'f- ' vv>r;V?iw*? The .V.ntnty ; A'jv.nt saV -? ra-=t , -.y:;r> >lio"->' .vri|r.-| ? v. ? W vvnat th\ ' ? V*4 'AUilii ' V<' ' AViyl ; : '.-.'.i. ' Uis .-J-' , f; over eatv , - rie 'ear fp- j i:!;- rl'.-iW. . ' \ ? : j The . -ami- , i.- true of s*o-v bean hay. ?.'?K'Ufczi- ? e; ? st?ryli'uii>.: . ? 1 > t"-*, fa 1 ;>i cr?W?. . ....'Tii Ti ' ais^e ?|ppfu;i'ut,.isy :*V?r W] <.?rwv-"ev> - ttf ry? Take "he cab.-'' br.S'e ytvv, i-< 1 . . ? -re ;y '>!>:?; ???JV; j ?? n.' e'euld- elin : a few heads' thu ;' won! i t?e Ik: id. to !'???: '.t. !.v it'i uv-.. ? ' ? I Wi.'- here ar-i. ha\e had A bytv-A" j t hr.nce - ?.ni'?st'. If; ot. j : ; ? ? . i'-Vj ^ '! >;rr'~t!!e. -it wo.u;:{: iriVv" r.oiiiiiy " j b.ook*. ' ; J '? ?> ? ? '?? k vt'-pa.rtmOM "..' . ;r. ; ? ! v- ,'ui e;1:; >hpvv?ntfV'V.i.rt 1 j ie.'- '"-ef rr ijalry. ;iivd h'-fN of all ':!??. Anyone wisinnir t<> >vl{; :hy; /.''.yk .will '.d<? well to. let th p? k::?'-w. what - you ? haVe: frit: ?: ? i.- ::?.'t ? the. r.ibbo'iis. _:.n. ? - ? ::>;?ke ' ' but -tht; ad-; vt r> c'c* ?-*' ; '. All l;blr<\s' that ar* ?? ii;t<*r ste.i .i?t th'-i:"" '.y-Vri: f-.-e'r that, xh'.ry. have. ? a:.-- tri?:t. - "i -';?<u!d send ? r a : ia:.k ' : j. t r it. .ThiyilirtTV*.' .V",'' nf.Av.H ''<? ' frlad to help. As . the i- :rom .the Jnth to ? i 1; h ift ;.\oyem+)er.-.:t is v.ory Mniiort t thaV.-tiH 'w'in e\jviyt ts?" :*;;\e. of jfiiy kia-fi al'/tliv fair. .d<; cide- at . t>nci'.: v- : nil' ?:!it i\ s. ;n'usjt . be n> by the first date. The . i. xhibiti-onsl will be held . :r '?.lie l ? ? i ? ".w:; -'^d . i.""-' <> :? . tTi ' >a ; ? ?roun.'- -" i tV"U (<> '?? ? ; ::i; aatl o.ut. A num!"-.- <*;' i\ ' hibits arf p-xpectv "?<'? t < ? "Ik- ^cjit u Ttansylvat':;*, and it : h' *>v:' ;.t as iiiiny as |>o<si'.<le will jit-'.cir'! SvU.- ? j a. view' to havtrte. a fair f i'.:r '?v.:, J so'n'ic' dav. ? ' I ? ? : y . I CONTRACT LET FOR ! JONES* KNOB ROADi' ? Jj. is -aii! that the cotura, t i'or the loa.-tructym -of t m .retyf'-'f ?.<?<???? SyK:;' to- ,|?. ties' '\M0i1 let. "S.rurdav: by. the owners . of the Jones' Knob Development; to >;nith and ; Bryson for approxinnitely .Slil'o.p'-'n.iTit | '-."Mr. .1. P .H;i:od. !H'a;i' >?J: ' ; he. (I"- i vejopri e?t. was in Sylva. SaturVhiy. | ar.d has. now "rone to Florida. . . j ? - Jackson County J >ur:t;:l. j PRIZE OFFERED FOR BEST BAND ?RACT?CE ATTENDANCE 1 Three p!.zi s will . be ., offered .to the members <>'* 'he Brevard Rami for the best a* tendance at 'he band concerts from 'th ? present time un til Christmas. .-The member hayiU'r a iVr-'rd of fhv'.M ' a tv nda .y dur inir this stat. < i * ? ?? . ? wi." be ?.-warded a . first prize '".of- .vHUM: a set'.ond prize of f"1 will by awa 'ded to t he ,h--.v,'- "ji; ' .the. -.seciobd :T* "t ; and a third prizt i" S-2.,5'" ! for the th.ied best attendance, j 'Ch -se p: 'cs are beinjr crt'.-red by :' ATr. \V. K. U 1 eese, and it iivithrousrh^ hi-; -jener. ity ? nd Vyire tPJ crei'le more .'. inter? < " -::-e nm^ic' ?.>::! 'viriI that this incentive for its- :; enibciv is driven. ? ? l' " ' - v BIG INCREASE NOTED IN P. 0. RECEIPTS A decided plcrease is noted in the j local postoffice receipts of thi. year as compared with that of last year. According to a statement made by Postmaster Nicholson, the local office has experienced this year a twenty-seven percent increase in the jrross receipts over that of a yaa.rj ajjo, . Jn October, 1024. this office [sold $1.70 worth of revenue for deeds, notes, riiort'^ajres, etc. ; whLk j <luriti^ October of the jpr^&rit year ! a total of $364.54) worth was sold. This astoUiidi:??r increase' ii: nu.-'i ness is account for by (the i'aci'-i that, the town has experienced sut h a rapid growth due to the land sales. advertising. etc. Th? real es tate boom in Brevard durintr the season 'just past is thus evidence O^j the fac it hat such a condition does effect the material ..growth of a town. Girl Scouts to Observe National Scout Week (National Giri Scout flYek will V obseTrfvI in Brevard by ideal l aurel Fvoop No. One during the w:">fc of N'ovomber )S-14. This ttaf ion:d or gan r:-at ion observes virion ? '-id weeks, such as Apple Week. Roads Week and Educationai- Week, but there can be no greater week; than that of National Girl Scout ; 'W eek. which, is to Id- observed here next week by the local troop; thi.- Wetk ;t' wijl 1k? r ic In ject of l.aurel Tlooi> No. (lie <?; Brevard to ..'set. fortfi the in^i >, a;:d r >li ies of (Jirl S -out i?:v.. T" program will emphasize. iin. 'Iv' . ties-, t'f (.Jrrl .'Scouting "? j'njVf .Isoniethjtjy: ..f the; methods whjrh . ,i mpl.iyet! to. interest vi'rh things .which will v ,.i live'. M'lf-f- 'lit rol. il'-f ' i.: >i . co-operation. Scouting has for if- chief V'i i:-:' pose ihe |tro.ii!otion of i J-.< - vir tues ' 1 ! Worn;' ti hood. if * : . :!t ?.ne Lii .- .e..' * ! ????ir ?<?:>? . ? 1 to t?; i and country. . \> the dui"', ' of- ill ? in. '.h h'-'-O*. e'.V *i ' th". Sf **' ; t* miitlc v'tht-: ? ir.. way- r < K.% 'J jujrsona! honor and nub!, gooi. A proyrani "f some natur ? !. be put oft- every day during - . th; . week. .'a*, follows: Sen. W.v. at 7:.'{0 . *\m. a union t>':vel'ij v ?.;.!? be held m the new bi;rh bii'l.di'!i'i . ;;t >vii'ci> '?'???: ? ?:*>./ ( 'ni\v!'"f(i. pastor of Br-vartj l'< bytei ian chur h. n ill maV thv principal addi'css,. . iViJinv tit- : CJirl Scout, principles and ?punai-v (Jood music by- lr<c;d talent >v..r !>? furnished at this serv: e. .MendM-. afternoon. at four o' '<' ?!?:. V.ii' I jriVen a tree. planti:>'_' front of th'. nvW 1)'. h ?. 1 "ol t)u'! . All other afternoons in this ;".;: the :lo--:d troop wiil irive ;? displa . ? four i>Mop& in some st >rc \v:: v. At this time . the . trirls -h:.-w'i in paflt'fJfifiiH'' some form e S> ??'?!?? activity. t "h:!t| WelfT.-e wil! b - {he'. ? >f the panto?ti;i5?* ->v Tue-i!i>.y. an thf dis?i:ij;- will b.r ill -'.T< .r?".?v '&:] Pusliell's \yihdo\v: Wcd'M- ? 1 ; y. I'att^rjoTi^ window, they .Will -xi . a '?.h-mojistl'ytion <? V'rst A.u* . ? ':!& . iloiee Xuriinjf; Thurstla;. :n t'luni ?nier-C^bble's ?\Vindo\y. they show, how they learii sewinir and m'Hjn ery: a XJirl Scout perfornVins: the ? cial duties of a hostess will !? 'sh".wn Friday irt the wtadow o; Farmers Supply Co.; Woodcraf ai d < outdoor life will be ctemon*-tr; d i Stii'idard (' Co.'s veind'e-.v Saturday. These w;M ?ive " our friends' ' . -a ? rlhr.ose into what (lirl S.out" a:* ir. What we show thi m. whn/ we. do; will, we hope. . win tv. vv friendv for us. as well as show our old friends that their confidence ::: the Gir1"S has been well placed. Bertie. Ballnnj, Captain. ! Annette I'atton. First Lieut. I AT THE METHODIST CHURCH Hon. Thornwell Haynes will ;rive the address at II Sut.da^. Mr. Hriynes is I'nited St:;tes IS^'o. iv- * ' e r?c*nri*s?ntati\ >? in one .?.nil Was. more re?-ei:t*y f'.?r?u-! (tene ?'?:' for Ri?Ian<t He is a flueii* ? ' ake.-. ?V'th wide travel "'.rd obse~'-af;<-" T'.-'.'rc will, be 'no service. ?> ? the rch. av the ? joining: in th" Union ceryic" . t the new Murh School audrte;ium. Sand:"- Cch" d at BKEVAED B & L 60q INTO NEW QUART1 Thi* Brevard Building arid l| Assi-ciaiioi: moved tin- first (>f j week from the old* off ire over postoffL-e to thei?" nt\v unci lal quarters < n the second floor ofl Tinsley building. The offices I fitted with in|\v and modern e^ [ merit, and the management that it is now better able, witj commodious and enlarged surrq j ings, to serve the needs of ! people of Brevard and T ransyli County. The city telephone office is 1 tained in the same conned both concerns being in charg| .Mrs. H. K. Perkins. CHANGE IN LIBRARY DA' The I". 1). ('. Library will be c only three days In the week du the winter months. Monday. Th day . an p.m. I Saturday from 'J :?{<) tJ F irst Lyceum Numbe^ to be Given Saturd* The first Lyceum numi? r. wliil iyas necessarily postponed two weej 'ago; ' is now scheduled tp appear Brev:>d; Sata.ivluy i-venia; . ji d week. The same number as pr| viouslv advertised. "Two K din and a Girl." will lie presentel Thi: ?? Mie-iy j.'iay ?< r.v v ? v highf ?? nmii ??:.<! -.f. it ha vine had a nvo: successful ?!Vi'-month run.- in hot N< .v < ; . . ' ?? cago. T1; fact . lint it is a (Itoreo .M. ''"ha ?production - . or?an&t i ,-bjr Uiu. K pa ilv "Bureau, make.- of the play al 1 1 l*i -t ; U'.T'--. 1 ? I i . | e'liar rt- hail hoped i- would b sible to have this number apj . Bi*evru*?l . ?">?? ? I'll! ol h.? other. than .Satai 'ay,--. bU:.- *Tri foip-.o :,. (;e the oiyiy op. p d. i i?ipa had to i >!? -r. Th .- n ? r ? he.eivn in trie h-.w ? I i vr!i auditorium. P?-1 \i 1*1' '1 ;n| . K ?h - -SMOKY MOUNTAIN SATIGV-\L PAP..K CAMPAIGN STA'ATE'I I i>i Western North Carolina >>?' I r. I 'campaign which . ii- be .carried j jointly in North Carolina and To: t'..:See to -.'i r.'ai'e ? .. ha... ?"'a! . the ?!i\at Sm.iky v.'oti. i an- v.. i "cted at lacrtihgs of i vprV;; eni; tive' riieri: uoii'ei; of . it i;; -ecu . lr?f the. State at A.-heVllle ??il \\ eufnesvlay. Xuver^hc . !. The t-hil for the meeting was, i sued by Stale Sen;. It Plato ? Kbe- of Asheville. district cariipaigrj i riia,:. The '? e 'i .c ?>.?" . i and women-' wis . hi M separately ri* on at ' *at ' * .* .*s t after .at a . e--i : . ! ?'??vraniJta-i-i'on-' in - each' ti '.vn in thd district >?(! - set up. ' The djslfic eampargti y. hich w.-l! i>* crirr:' ii ?> ''concurrently 1 with thi- Asivvii! ' city, campaign be: f:\-' P-eember Istl Quite .i nund'cr of the promiiien men and -women of Brevard :i\ Transylvania County wen invite to attend, this meeting.' LOCALLY KNOWN YOUNG MAN IS DISTINGUISHED Dubose Heyward. who is we known in .Brevard, having sptj several summers her. >?:i iav Clou -J favni with Mrs. William A. J-ohns./ but now of Charleston. S. C.. 4 recently become qufte distinjruislif in the literary world. Hi< tirst v? ture into fiction, or ;,t leas, his fij Tull-U?n?rt }i novel; ha- ju t been pa lished by the Georvi" !!. Do/ Company, of Xew York.' The hci is called "Purgy."' after the priij pal character, a neyro i)<ggar, the. streets of Charleston. story depicts the grmeseue cbmj of life, presenting him sinf ;is a humail being, il world he does not understand, is a strange arid tragic book, bodying a V'iew of the negro ual in a southern white man. "Porgj*" is a book in whicl South may well take pride, anj author a man who can stand parison. not merely with the bi| the South, but the best in ration. Ned Hawkins says th"re'j some people enjoy readii^ as something that make] ifidM'riant. ? GLADNESS OF SPIfcil It has been inn. said ha ? -look up eonfiot i*i fusly into their via i< i;. ?*. i that He is nl'. . m- ; Inake thcmsejv?-< ti;>h?< (>*?; ? ? v ? f he world finds fault with th? i. ? ? i lu-.l." ^ Thy gloom < f a .-ad and . i Ipirit cannot hold ? *: o.w . t t?ui is flooded with tin- : !. resence of the Sun > f ii -ii ess. Darkness atway- die .vi brought fa."' l?> fart- w,iji adiic ss o* voir l jrt>. j. j ,i ;; ' ? _ >? ? unihli;. a ?. 'i.' ly niakes I h : " - jves. an-.j a!1 ah>. i; i. . a ajrani-t (ii.d. ft a or; I ink that -:ndi t wry lay sin- are inipoi tat.' n> Hi- and |>; - > d er a. cifb -a !: ? I inib'i- we r. ;.ti. "V .?? 1 comiirained. it., <!l pit a ???? .?.? mi. and the !.? d Ii-t-nr. ! : ? i s am< ?? was kir.< !? I." W hid: H;s ; ' nt ! ? 'a ? id a: h i intT-s arid i- 'j '. : I""!; ii - i prxvdfd. !I ir th<- i-orai'i Ih-fui l a<< . i I Robert I ? ? ? i i - .Stev ink that "u.-- ^'i ? ? :? t be han ' . : . h a fat hi ?? h; :r enson beam."- from lr a v c- move ! m?. !' skies o< k? a:.-! nr v.. hi | ! ? \ai.^ ordy Tiv -take hid >1

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