NEWS WANT ADS ALWAYS BRING RESULTS ATTEND W. N. C. FAIR AT ASHEVILLE, 10-14 VOL. XXX THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 12, 1925 No. 46 FARMNEWS By L. A. AM.MON w . ? Did you jriye the cattle their lime Wr2- last week? It' not see that they have some time or ashes in .feed or salt. Doe? net 'apply to those who have been- applying lime . to field yearly. Poultry Association. The ortcani: of the VBrevard fommunuy 't last Thurs- ' day spells trouble and jfrealef::j prortts' for (,-h U".V growe r , Now for tbe."5>ay ?; aril <ellinjc*'nd of the irame. It > ? complicated pn?,ivvt. and needs / thought, and that! amonc ni;.!.;. ? .\oducers. It is. part of the (. V'tir. ' y Virents .plans for the t'onun^ ye;:' . . please let hii.i know " your thoutrh; -. Th? * !?' ^roieets are the most importer <w: What to do with our >urpUi- ? . ? ?? W hat to do with our ehU'ltVitst: And what to do atiott' :>i ;it wholesale prices. ]? opinion, a irenend; .V n.ip is -needed. with ..committee.- . ? 'p : Work o-ut ih? :? ta ' The few. v. :-ni day- f-dlowed by - . a suddeir 5. = >tart iMvr quin/.y :n . piir*,. Sv: > . ? ? failed.. ' to resist u;id we:.; ?. h phneuriiivnia atid. ,dhd? 1 5?> eoniiile loo . close, 'as-. .'."-.e ? - '? - ivise . -?<ern.s lt> invite. >? & '.'iHaj ? .hujvids air .? ri-riv . hat v?'U do pot . 'itllr ? . -? n<s:S -tv m.t -*iy . , ! t>< vir i-v.ouji'h kero-. :?? >1 :'i' . wet .throat, . a.itd ? t * 'r fide. of. thiroatV; .If' "b>v..' fcivg ' i ; r>u j \-fViv Vivks. o.r' UK?:.. ' : '.li< i* bacfof '? ' ;'!?? itouif ;?? . pv?.t \ry ?; ?.??' ??iirvjjie'j ' ?i ', ? ???. h. ,!.??? .;v'wr'?v>- times '.out* 'fry . y- rt'. 'in:oi*. fvr.'l he .\yet ' 'xirfviJ 1 , ; ..'i \ ; ... J"U J" </MK A *.'*?" .*. . ' -\%yi yaj-n v. . ' '' . : ? v - : ' ? , *'K. >talk *'po >.???>{ r.?.\ iihei*- ? ,'V? ?: i : "ipv'-nu's .;*??- >:tU '. 'Vsu iit [hL ?? juj! ? i . ? v 'V ? " ( Trhj n ? ? ?' (V* ji' ? ... ; ."?? '.y II.' Ki'rp 'Erv 0.?t :,r < './???.>;' ? ? ? li ' - T'.- 1 ? ;? :;i; ?' i-.( ? lijease ' ??.a-&y".' , iiilZ . e?.i; ? S.tS' > ' ;i -y-r . . it: t ' ir.i\y ' r- ' ? ''*. ' '-1.- ' i? - "* t'y. k . ' '* - " . j.1 f . .!-hf. ?' * * f ?" mm \ a 1 l' " : ? . ? . - V? "J/.V"'! 'iv*-- ?i) ? >S ? . ? * M ??'V* < .. 5 ?? ? ???? . ?ii v i!< ?? Vjff i hi-idN^ V- ' ? ? : ' "i r .: . t c r 1 926 ? . ? ? .. ' ? , > ? ? . / ;Vf ? .. ?da.y-. \ ('..U'-'y ,.\'jrr 'y :}?? ? V*. "i.- " W; V e ? ? 1 ? , *V ! ? ? ... . yKc,- . .? c atr! build " ? ? ? ^ }.'? :/ ? ? all eoJiH.'-'Ui::." j ' . . Tj "of :sorye ki'^A . ? V ' ? as. . . . . ? . 'd^ .i4; '.i- i '? :? ?"Uits.' '/-? ? ' ? : ? ? , . !?<* ,? ->';rji- -plan-ts.. ?> ? Ir. vv. e!-:. it.V.AViiS t'v V/ .' * - ' * ?ud i/1 ... L\ '? ' ?* . t(f, ?'. '?:? In tK- jviayiri;;-.; ?. i>f'.~.ii ? - : r>.';<*d ' fvu!!s.- '. 1 !(-r; ? \ ?? ip '/ ? t'- ^oys:.Hriiur it; :-?^tve era") i . . v;h'u?ll will '>v. rht.'tiv ? ".andv y.x- "'ed f.,j aCTirr.4.-' ? '? . "'V ' -T-r : . ? v i i -??f- the ? 'cfc u'i. _-V- _ ? ' c*> hi \ . '....v. : ? . ' ? v- ' ' . ' ' pi?tatMO< : - .? ' hrj&*n ^ , '?i r. '-'t lav:. V;. "}j>>es -Y-'l " : ?V " L# uru> i,, V . ..' ?*. :J ; ,hVr' s\ till^h .-.'li: t .;' . a)itirt:A\-."K:c<-he;-y, " " _ . ' ? t'ui \S-\ rr-r.-i sate ? of. as: a' ' '/U ^p-'id. a:^?j-. otfi >. st'ii'^ pltl?i '.- ?? ? ' . pr.wlotfts: for l!/l;!.T."^a*e.. ? X -: ; Ue said nil 1 rft; *'? iatei". ' ' ??. ' l'v; S^lj ? r-h'e ?LsViiit ttts ' C '?> '? " - ?; ??'. i. e-^L" :l-y. iuvts,; . ? 'v':' ' ' ' .'"iir .o.f ,w.o?d, ryi- V ;,-hv :i . d"Uy:r: lififie, 'and oj 'it ? ; . ?.<>? >? 's '. slate f-..'.-in<?re- atten'so'in'.; '??*' ?. h/'ideft y ? of ?>i-'/'..M;?tM?n. .' S?>v. ? '-of these'.- proj'.V's wiH * > i; ? Wori.e ^ ??Ut .with . dub rVM ^o'nio Wfth ^ a. f ew aduit.-. wv; '. ? : nthev ; ? \ pro.1 s will -b?* (^jiuityrWi .'a. . T.h> tin's] resUi;.^ will I v!y (!?* V' -::'d V!> 'the-'" ?Uf*pOTt pf the".'' people; and. County. A ^rr..t sttlie t> y^?ar ' supnf'-i *. on this proj^ram. . v CHAMBER OF COMMERCE MEETS THURSDAY NIGHT Every body interested in the Chamber of Com merce and seeing it func tion are asked to conie to the Court House Thurs day night, November 12, at 8:00 o'clock. H. C. FAIR THURSDAY Fifteen hoys, who are ?student-*, in Vocational Atrriculture. will leaw Thursday nior;uiijjyr to take part in the ' iudirinir contests and deinonst r a tions :|t A-heville. The; . Brevard Hipii School ?:i asked ' ttr .jiiye a demonstration in. iht- SfUction nf si'ivi i:?ni. Alex-. ?aluVr lurtu e.. Rayhio! and Van; vfin-sley are the ? . ; ut. on j this demonstration. .???-. 'o .v. j rhe. advA:na;ce* of tu l ->ei' [ i r.iv seie?'i ion. \ ?,'TIuti j(tU he I'ttv. ;? - ; ? - ri^ented in thf. j.u- ' . Kavh school is c'ltit i >i vv ; ? r- pn-M'-iHatTyes; six f . ???? ar.v ? ?Top- -aiid- -ix -f?.?r . ju i^kyf The hoys ".fivrii Hr'iA ? n?.j ' ?f?r: iudiririsr :;.i*:trm . *:?; . ' <flaz?-iu-r. Walter! ' diaa: ' AJi'i^aii. V:ili y ?*:m . . ' . AS ?li????\. ?????? . ?XtfwtViiv. 'v- . Sosy tali ,i_ ! irf.thv . 1: ? ? Ham ?' 'J^ridpes', t diaries', i ,.!'i:lil. \V::r:v:i' .???? vlt he:'. , U> ''iV-. s.eU'i'te)!.-'' . ? .? ? .?? '?' ?- - ?'?I i- ' ? # ? t V . :ii ' !?j* - v > ; i -? . .- ? 'tn. utis for /i?k- ? 1 'fa-riitvf. "fiV ??? /? : '?! .?k" A.} .t.!hr/k*?t)T, .ViVft** i 1 f? ... J St r, ; .KB : . < ? : g . ! 7<*. !"'? : c ?? ? , k ? ?*?-> 4' \ ? . I -L ,U? *????. '! .'W iiV ;M 'isaiif. f<;:-?h.;-'.- "lif; 0t-?< -Irti*./ ' . "t".";: :iV"."'-Iv?:fvii?: ? ' aial - T 1 tfWfifyvtrt . .int" --v.: i%. i>v' Arfit^it >!; -.(.-.j < .. t' I h ? j; y?;t!:vrv r'f t^r ^vV'-' i', >?'.;? 'op -i ii\ .>t ;i .i'irsft'y . 'term.;.;- ? ' / '?_ ? ? ?' . ' 'f ? ? iin hidv ? vlv . h ;a :\v:'.tt:r . | ? tif. ?}?; ivi\?*.i TJfyjt'-i*.-: '.'anil.. ...O^a^sj'"" . ; It o'rVv half ? ? the | . "it . .''T?v^>yl'vaiii?i'.." ivaehip'^. I . ? ' : ? ' Jiiv'i/c . . j ti c.t ' .. I'vFoiv '-H ?>rh 'Kul t5?." vA|i;r:i o:f i'.-.wa,- -!:if oiu-. tiiVfe ?Mo-' i . ^!r.' Vi.oi.iv -.hy' 'tiiv. - ? I I L'" 1 V :? ^ " AV . "S . . . W i*r. li ; . of .o<vn.ej'-.: ? "f- -t ':t- ro ' il? ? vf- ' . '.if/srfs ie,: \vn . t * .view . I L- '! in'*. Vt-'.v > ... yy:\ f. -.v!-1 I Vijv'hiv r : ?: ai'ktM - J " i ' .is- -%vii tjia? is :!<?' of'; :? v.-i-. .<.'V?-Av*h.' "ii*: - :I i'r-ilv '. ? "-. ..f . Vv ? wii- v '.- V'.' . Uiftl' _vja.v jr ? r^rly ?' hy t'\' W .'vHi^h . i e.fn . T>r.- vtyh ar :.r 'h -:?f ? .' r.ul;. ? ... i . -.' - - j ? r.- ' ; ' .i > ' >( ? pi*. I : !? ft : l.ij':i-i> <? - i'i.: .( ' . {.;< . ?????.'., a ' .'.vl:. : t v ri io ? .r:':::rO!:. A :ui<l -;tV'-' ? ?, . V V lirV' r \\ . ! : . b; -.t. yhar-n; vi jif j-h-.-rvaU^' h;-fi!s. ' ?:v;'_ ?>7.. i-!i' 1. r 1'fvil \< -H kiv<?w:i ' ? ? ? .-r lV TV'-, r,.". wh"'. : i . 1 Ki M'i '!? e.'-.."''V s >\i']l. rr'o.-j-i \ : 'i-' " 't 1;,' Wilj, In? !? ri;. < ?.. !?. w itil. . the1 TWO ? wn A G!R! DFUGHTS. LARCm AUDIENCE Th<v- fir'sT'. l^v^enp.- h.iiuii'-?? ?**. a play ?> ? ir'!-.- I ?; ;?-a,ii.' ; -???jnV /; .Sr> liJitP Isy V,\ eriujr . nrov/^J - ?>- ?t-v- ? tii J . ? f?-H y ?uj<>i ? ? .-'f- -It'. .J<f>>aT'h ... fir.Ti'f avi' . * ii-f i ?; \:i.! -.? ? ?? '!*???? ?.!/??. ' . Iv;:.niay \va< ? '.ay -V* "'an. ! - ; .-v' ? *vr r ? ! : ' wjie., > c\ir^y:<t;' ;ni? Aveil - }tis twv . he'", reye^ :j> -i viviii .-. if! . rvali.sHi' r.:;an ?<??"?: j ?U';. .... '\y:: er is ?<;? -.o'l" .i!V ''s .-ivriohrtlt-y..- {?' . wa ; witha; a ?, iv*i 'J ???! juayj ?. ,d upla ? :i <;;i Tai'v " -'T ??ie?:f<ir,n?';r.s. A . ;i;iil' sn. '.- ;-iat:y<t <n><!io.?-?e i V.: a.I >i to "!jnji>s,t the :? xten< o{ fts s^ati;i?T. 'caeitcit-y. '. SPECIAL TAX ISSUE ELECTION !S CALLED Upon petition of the County Boani of Education; the ( ounty Commissioners, at meeting held on November ordered an election to take place in Transylvania County in order to ascertain the will <>t th people as .o whet re all tax:, hit property and polls in the- i ount., shall '-:?ve a special tax levied . to supplement th-.- si- months fund of the elect.. Wil I6e hel.i at tile usual v?tn. places in the County, on Tuesday. December 1"?.- . A new registration of all t..i? nuairtied v.vurs of' the County \w ordered hy ?* B',ar,! "f r?"U"' sioricrs. Reiri-trai-s and . judges ha. ye appointed as follows: P., .yd D. A. llolliday, registrar ; W ? William-. T-rri}l Middlctoa. j.ud;rcs. Hr.-vard? F. K. '-Shu ford. registrar: K V Veill. K. K '"d- ' BrevaVd No. < W. J?. Price, -h ? j n-Mrar: C. C Yoiurue. .lotni ? Mawvell. judges. ri: :.i, FowtrfS. I'. ' -I'1"1'- ' Irani. Si Mvr. III .fees. . , I . k N-.i? ?"'? Vi,;. r^Sr^- Hra.-k M?>- " V ; \V. Oxveil. iud^c . Ro-'.itfin A- Ncl-.a. nffist.:.,. i;. r, r. i:-l. it t'nV : H VlHojtSedl T- '.'1 Runn-s K.'eKTr. ; ? ? ' i rai* : A . f. V''v IV ^?e,,jU'!v^'. "???*? V K::<al.V' N.v: I : La k-pie. iud'p.r-' Ka at ... N-: :M Y-'.yi- . !"vV0!!; ;3! '' Ka ?! ' '. lv, '?'??? jiidv..':- . '' ' :r,,, K. _ >1. ? ( ;? i: \va; .. Hi ' : ? ?; tn.v.. A 1 ? V , II. "1? I ; : I 1 . s. M. !??? '???? -.? ^udues.- v" .. J ? ' t i ;>*T? . b.: . A-' '? .? ;*? - Of." ? \.!i "an,lV! >. ' ? ( * " i jiidji^s... ;v";V j ;i jj-ce^- jud^?v:. ' \ ? k ? /trarV :-.-v rH!1.. . R Y. NEEL OPENS REAL ESTATE OFFICE ? ;R y'^ ' yw|.; . ci nvci //. j V'lttl. thi' -A* ; r4 ' ? ' j -hui vliis ' w. !: .?"? r' ; 1 "v* J ofurv,,. '^^; .^ndinv:. - ? ?:*.K'nient. .???- . . ?.;? ^ ? ? 1 Yhi- of/ii'r. K . ' V:!: iy< ;.ri .im nt- M V , tuilsu-.^d ';ftTrn:^^. v.. i ha'<Hvu;.d:-iv.o ?? ?-?! '??? 1 - P"' ; f.ii us oVl; j f,:n>v - I ? . <>i'>.-v-hat ? Iri <'1. ? i Wur- . Ah attei^i^rf , ?? ?he . "'"i' e al! h ' 1 h?." r.':-' ?; ;? a- A- N'-'' ; JUNIOR ORDER PRESENTS BBLE AND FLAG TO BREVARD HIGH SCHCO Tr<- .luiiio!- < ? ? r c >M<iuc* /jini.'e-.-ivt- r . i-.c . at t he - 'hi i.sohool- l>u tilling Sui- iay .-..ft- rno?. i ;t.\yo-t'i.' ? .".Tin js< U \vH: h:. i ," I. a- -Kth!?- :tnd .Mi A-Uvneai/ ?ll.e.r ? '-v | pi- i: Y >..T c-ij.- ; ; '{ ???!>??? j, ? i '|-Il!tif;' Su.piT'int ?llili;.'! '!'. <?. 17 ' J. i li si a' fi) . '.iiit?i:-, "i ij f t.^c ipl?v-'- ?-.A--' ' ?f-cW.V hy I ll:- .1 "Ml inr ( I' ll. !\ Mi v. K. >1. i ^Mrh. ' n:\ iur nf" t!n> "Vl'ft h..'*' J t hure!).'-- a . . f.- ?*. "> 1>I?* - ? ? f j after whi'.h !>>? !>>'?? ' nt. t In- !!;i ; J ..ivhich wuVr a< i-?M"' ?' hy Sur>;. .'>V. Iian.; i.:an. in . \ The ? pi i- i'."i (He ll;i!f - way I: v.-. JU"fS>iVci y Hi.-idc !iy I.. ?! i ; .! ? ! .*&:!?{.." ???(;<? pte.,.'; -liy oupt-. ' I lender ?j ir ,hi? H'-'ilit.l ' pV^WM'-' mr-ne: - ' heiiiii ' it! <>>]>' hy - . Kioisi' ii!ii ? V..IS trfeitily onjoVc'I '. . A.t tvhe .cuprlu -;<"i of . ;.his 5e"-:\ ? ? al! i) (?<???( -a} pa's^'ed: ? ? ? ' . 1 \v!i;'' 'tlie :\v;is ./ be'i'itr rais.-d :?> tljo ?. of t1: >? !??. diiri!!v th'.- sinirin^' of "Sta:* Sp: 'l^U d JjJiiiner." Things never are as had :j - t >*oooi. There arc still millions Chicagroans who never ki!le(i ii;>; body yet. ;. r LANS Oi1' liATCHtKY ARE NOW COMPLETE At a 'meeting hel?l last Thursday night, the subscribers to shares in the community hatchery organi the association and elected officers. C. (.'. Vonjrue was elected preside, ru ; Prof. .1. A. Glazener, general ma.:-' 'ager ami secretary-treasurer: arij T. C. Henderson, J. H. Tiiislcy. an R. L. Nicholson cbnipieied t h ? board of directors. A sample of constitution and b laws were read ami aecepted ; few changes, thus avoi<iii?tr a ond meeting for this purpose. The name given the a<soe?Mts ?u was. I5rcvard ' (immunity liatcln . The word Brevard was included i" help locate the hatchery in the -r.ind i if tin- ;)fopb-. dnd tin- word (So ? munity ?vas included. as it b.ip."! ?hat it 'shall be a real comma enterprise. } To conform to tltif other bu ings on the school grounds, and ?? safety and lastiim <|Ualities. i. voted to build a brick house '???? !v. incubators. The association appointed t'ou'ii V; Agxmt Amnion and I'rof. Gl3w.ti !<? culled the .a'J:.-cri|>t ii'ii -. $0 if ? i see them continu. ~?t your 1 book ii.ut and the sr.'i U . ? . Il !u;!y seem a |itt!e early t?. ? ' tbis. i,;,r tW wh' will' wan- ?; e:U'l>* hashing d'.-ne. you . \vi:: well i" sec- o'\ 'V'' "!' I ab(iu> yortr wan! ?; -The ! ?vvatv! ? are ynau- KBO^il - 'v' ? I aid- v.ill ihe manairenu-Mi I \ serv.e you, '] .?????;. ; ' Tin. -a >m><- ration. ?Mi?s " l- & '?) ? the studv ot 'aa't'iT ba^ R Krivdi.?sr p:!)-. T'a ? are.' i'.i h: ? en ihi subject, and our A"/'. , ^eaciie." ?? 'w:!l; rfe', to ?' ???.-? ? ' ' ;f Tho-.. hol.;it:?r shares. .u:-y. :-. .- . { ? ?: j.jj'v, - . . -?.!? 5: rale.. !?>??? :M.b. ? ' n.J i hate-).'' f-; m thvir peiu :;i:i "? : ; .r.e 'eive'i :slv^uld-: be. . "?> . V '* . ' * ? ? ? r , . ? v'f ? ' association ;* < ??-?? ?> - V fr ? I r \r ? iu"-\ '<? ' -j." ,- .v. ?'.!???. v:''; as tr?. .?*>'? '<? ?crafir '?! :i'" ? ilslJ'd'ii'i.eti" . ??i" t^e. boa-' 1 ; '.;?> ?' ' ? w(?rk arti v.'ill ' be. j&jp* la't'.r. thi*i ?a>.'h >b'-s.e .eu.iim!- ? LOC M. FivET.'IT 'ENC?\!" VVRiLCXEO Hr.RE TU'/rO ? Ti>?;-,e.njl(iii if. l'-cal re:c:'. ? t.;-:!,' w-i^V wre-^ed \v ' -ft i.'c v ?''i station -Tut Mi ? p-P* : ' j;;ei?\vc '^ove-ihirfy .'rVlo -^v- "'a.' ?sfiirt'liv: ' . Tw. ? frv.?v . . w<;iV ? jletaidVi'd : but n- :ti>.er v . d i ta :b> i . . ' The y np i r\ - J " ,%v pi ' ' " v'' \ t i ; r i ' ' ove.r . afl'f Tes ?. V *dl\ n t i.i lu \ roi l?e> ''>d ? iv ! ? m: mb. of.t-H *?*v j "The . '??uthb --!; .i .-? -s- ? up in B,n va: d. - bou- ? ? hcurs, until th- de-.'i^k. fr-..-. V-? vii!e:: fe i-ai: ' t in _ " | entfine- \ GIRL SCOUTS SPONSOR UMC MEETING SUNDAY NIG. - ? : The l>>cal- troop of (li'l F;.< fv:mi:cd their Tf ^t. oii.-.erv ::!ic i Natiio'.ab 'Seoul V* i; by .-no*. a^l. tho HU r- ?>' a-. Tav;;< 'rew ;;h:^V ,..:^h^;\ bu>!<'-" V'f-"V*V" iarir^ ^daifonii;:^ m^'riber^' fran the v:ii':ous; chi'i;. :ind. 'h ? ii'iaVio-u- auditorium IjilmrtSt t av i lo it:- ! uni t . *1 ' ScoVJt-i'" 1"< -1-d . i.:: lilK'O!- ^ ^ ? l,vh. '>r and at. - ;.y v; rv:.-.- . u ' of (!-em; ivyejit: , ... ;- j -:i I ?l '? ;?o'w? 'he Hi-! -, and S.. ok- seat in fvo?U rows. A V.'t l!-a'v?v '. '.l !=ro;r/am was ?ut co. si A-n" eo.>-rr:-ra':'- - al sonrin.;.'. ,-pe?. i-d -eie. tioji> by . t s,:!'-ction. by '/'<? SimnsoM r: fjnarVet ,,vi0. it.i l,v .? "1 .j. t Krlvila'ol ?'?'t.. V-b- by :-5';s Ab Ker. aiu'tvrn bv corn - ,-e . reh ^''oir . * "R Pv '}'? ? \v ' ;>y , ^ev. ,VK. ' \V< !. h. ??? "be ?'ethod- * ? ? -.-b, ':hr- ,.v?ir-!n' ' 1':" / ..-a a. ' : '&$$$ " ,,f i.5a:;Giri ?&, m 1 ??iv !>':'"'es, :i.i ires~ ! ? , tro.- b. Kev. V ???on frawt'-r.!. ? the I'i-. sbyte'-i: m ebuvb. and ! diction by r'ev. Monroe, bv-:"l t. M * . ?r'ii "l" v : ?> :? ? y \yp' -a"* ? ? ! 1 ' " ' . p.ihi n-mi iire-bied Q? pia - thi-iuebont 1'v eve.ninj;. T'iie ' Hi- ,fi.?U two p. wl:?-> du not auree wilh-hitn very trying. FORCE ENJOYS HALF HOLIDAY WEDNESDAY! The News force "took off" Wednesday evening for a half holiday, hence the arrival of the News to its readers sooner than . the usual time. (rfiKlOR COO) CONVENES ffl. M wmrsiG mm The regular' Xiiv -.mUt-J >(?(?<< term of court <onv< :n in I: t v ? bt'jjihninjf the week Monday. .'50, an. I continuing for three v..<i The" ;!ir<t wee;. will ? <?\i :? ? cases, and 'ii.e 1:!-" t-tt'M court. -I u<l jrc- \\\ F. Ha ."'!i t.l'. "f ' ! - lottc. w : ! 1 v. :ii J. iV 1 Mess. Jr.. of Marion. . as -???!! and A. K. K\e. of A . ?!!??. a 'i uai eoiuft sif? .rap ?.<-! . At:. more im porta at i i.-es ? ?r (he ? a ?lar will !?? thai of a* Tim i'oniwi ny y . E. II. .Icnuinifs av-i <>:ho rc ? i:v.r Tiv. tla'iuasfo ?? ' timber caused ay the i?iva!: La'; Tovav. ;y dam in lion'.:- pastil a! ?? < ? no ui? trial. CK/ r'AF- i\ CvVMH-iS^.- i>i JZROy.i a .> ? 01 ' T:';' ' . : it eotirimr- under iiK .'r-roOie. "iilice .???'iiill.'" .'if i;; ? *'i ? * ????*? ik; '^y ;.*-?! !. > <.Y?V. ?: a : ;? 'v. ! . > . . '? - *T liuili'mi'. if. va m ? ? ? . ??? "C.n f: * ~ * ?- f - - . ?ft ii.:. li ?>. k' . ;ii>L .-. With qi:.; ? } j-v . yJ v. . . 'has- l?. tov.'i'i i i.. ?it<;i)ari'.ih ykls.-vli .the tin ;; S.'mokv M> uatain- "f . \?* !? vr?*jl '! A ?B'unctffn bis :t; ? to ?' ? f'lio. .am! - . v . . ?easter.ii ? ? i'"U ; .? v:*-' the <ni:: : a ? : ' .V'iri'}! i .. .1..- . 'I 'fta.'sfv. ?.f/>r'' :iu .. : .?The t'ln": ? ? i W fjiaj iniiai.: ? i-.- a;>. h.ttr. : ? Ax !ajii hi'.:i ')a; ' \V. !s: ? .AsHj:v;!ir' ?..:;/? ? ???,?. ? ;in>l . Craiv'^n . T ". :!i r ! main' ie-% '.-vy;-r'i . iflfte ; i '? ? ' "Work' ijv.:r:i-!Mniv fa i ? -i ; ? ? X<?vth .f-'aro!:? It. V/; .!?>?; ,'l i ' "!l iii .a''. <'h:if!t'r i)<lav.. v a" i >? ; - rier v.- W o ? The ir'ioU: i'n.' Tvan.-y!1 (iseif a i ?>' ' C. P. WiLUIN.- HAS CPE MID REAL E5VATF. OFf^CE.. 1$ CITY PRESSING CLy>3 'LA < !. has o.. -a. :: estal< ott k ?? i;i : ~i ? ' !? . ? o, f i'ri . -ia.u' In'' . v. :??? ? '. i;; .!??? oil* to !- ? i i ! t - ' real > I : ?" iiaturi . i he oii.a ? .. the I'ri dii1 rv h; ? own ttUtSilV ? i:a-;- ;:r.. Sir. ?! I; ? - \va> i. ? :i : r< al . state i'i:siiii:s< he--e - <i:tx i i : tr . . ? jvist sunmiei:, in c.onfiev. ???: w ? other joral i-itij-.v'!i--. atai - a ? v liusine.-- for him. eif. BATTERIES STOLEN FROM WILLARD STATION rGl'v Walter Hart laa' . v.- i>a; - e:.!i aonv ;li e's ^'vice ''iiuni of A i'la.'d lialK-iy Siata Tiui: a I" jjvht of last wi'ek, wl: i! ? m av.i <? of che efi-:;>loye ; \v? ' ? '?!" "( floor fin- a few ite-. Tile batteries were -oraw-1 ? day iiionnnf at !1 ? n;a i by Ku jjolie 'mati Sih:s a'- r: t ..."i-.- o owner. Three nieis wi a.rre j i:i connection w-;'-. the ! ! a nre of the hattevies. one 1; j piabt 1 :i jail, the other tv. ?i releases ! on bond. THE PRAYER CORNER THE GIRL SCOUTS Honor js a noble word. Ft is n.?2cl in general for the esteem due to virtue, glory. reputation ami recti- Nj tude. True honor will discover it self by a mind superior to fear, to selfish interest ami corruption: by an anient love for the Suprejne lion/. a;:;J by a principle of uniform' rectitude. it will mafc ? a- n i:her afr;:i>i nor ashamed .?? 01 h.uge our duty. as it r< bit' s both. *?> !?od at-'l man. it. wili :n! '.<< lie magnanimous . . i ; i i ? ? u " bein-i, proud; jtj-f without being harsh: sinipie in our manners, but manly or womanly ill our feelin;.'-. l! is this i:'?bic wrd ?!?;;? Pio (Jirl Scouts i'.-v. i. a* ?: 4"of? of th<-'r T ; "Von ? : 1. To lh> their j)ut\ f. and th? ir < 'oii;;! ry U. .:*?%> >?'iicr i'l-op. Aii Times Tn < Jb? y I ?? . A 'us wha" : I.."' *!:<?.? .ire. A 'i:- i h'? ,ou* '? * }.' '???'? be trtl-'ed. A (.1: i- !<>; A ' t;"5 ?.-*? i: fu! A S-vvs . ? : -A' ? . a. i ; : ; A <i": ! S. . A *i : >'??!? v.*'.-: - I. :ivA '!?'? : '! ?; ? b?-< :u.- J* ||.V! ?"?> : t '? t;?..k ill) at ; t ? ::!<?.! vjti! !.??:/ . rot; jia. ' fy..i w." : - *h'.\ f <? ?1.. f.,; i t . ?? * ?r:. ;.1 . < ! b. r ...I> i'Y have ? :>?iy ?. .rf :? ? :? . !s iinA .ever -y " ? ' < ? -ti.; ? "??1 wi*.!i bi <1 v s '.??! > ? ? it t - ? f"-. ? ' "i r ? . ? .guide posts !' P-arv- [' A PRAYER ,r"OK T rt ( !R! SCOUTS The and es ?T . ? i ? 'T -' t th:.: i. . Thee an i ? tivvir dut; : .. !? r . i ; - * i ? ii - ! ? i : : ? * ! ? > '? to _ri i"i at:.* ?! . ?f 'u: : to '??? foil? : :i ?: ' a {-friejtd .o to ?' ?. <>:? r< wit!: ??* :.1 v.-.\ - * ?.e : x iii'C'ffu! ? **.' a:' :?> - j he <?!??:<!. 4;. I .v???d .ii'.d | di'ed : !*'a"'j "f I':-. < . ? > J' th'-iu iii:i!i?'e ? t ! ? ? : to | woiv. :i "id t * I ' . * :.d t ? ? ? ? i . > at i th- be ? ? !?????? v. *a what thei r.'.vt but til l d< - : ix'. > t>- ? if..- ' ?' * ,'i-i I tveantu ss.' an-! t ? --N ! eejit. ? ov. ;:im icv ; 1 i- ? : ' ? by j thefr admiration.- ?:.!:/ .? :r [ dls*-'USt-? : t.? ????.?*.' ?! jtia'r n<-ichboi':-. i-'.tt 'iv ? r.: ;? jof heart "and i? ?< -- | ner.s : to thin!, every ?' :???? ; ' : lid to Speiui: as nnteH ??? ... ,ey : i ; :!i ' . ? ,ie" eatt W 'h n->dy arte >? ? ;t Getl's i-ir-.-f rf of i ?; r I. on! .if--.! = t*'" - of Go.l the Father, and 1 .? ' sh i' of the I!??!\ . .t.i I I thrni. r.ow and a! > m ? - !>. <*. (h>; it at last. A atuekv mountaineer s- Iv-oi rea?-; - e.?r . . t ed a boy who had . ! ?. ; cvine thai. That no way t ::'!v. ii ten: v I am not goi ivr 'h re: ? on ; Cn'n j: tlrer. : v. e . J Do y; a get the aim nobi)ii\ ,\v;

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