ALL TOGETHER for the Chamber of Commerce TRY A WANT AD for that want of yours vol. xxx THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 1:3, ... - No. 4fi FARM NEWS ? ?* -i By I.. A. A.MMON '? The last wee* ui November is th time that thi frVurity. Ajgeh'ts "are re quired to make out their report f.vr the year. X . week " they all drfcaj. but it must be cionv* anil. to. m:ikt ?ure it is ih>.m -on time they r.'e e'm , phaticallv other. work ih;:?> t?* sit in their "offue atn't yvVn'-iu'h- re ?? or?b, fill out T'f'.vtk" b< i>k> :*>) ? ? jiu a typipwritvi , ) <><?>"- U hen il - through. f' ? New-' th?s .*i;i??>rt .s lit.t. ! o i" nn'u^hi.. It ? tells many tlniurs of -? about, the w. rk in, the .(''inVty. ' ?iiartv n;s|>ecc-. tt. - likc/ a iram< o I the A'^fiii. i ? i thf -ircp . wtfi'k. tiSc j <}emi?nst ? avion- -art t? > -h'-?w oi-\.v ' r ?v:;-y? ' of ?i? : ^iriv-y ef cavi'T' waj : J io.,-rt : Moth.-: Farth . t<? , j ' 'Wg ? S iVT'ls. ?it f j aiway? - ??&*? t m?-*-N?<ls, ami. ihv. 'Jv\v. .wirs. !t . pleas n^, but ?"'? ?? :!w' . tr^w ' vM Usi: ' . * . ; v f I ' In iat'er- a \V . i ?'? *. th.; ,.; VV ? iyr?>\ r?:i ? ."oV^V IkhI. 3JV.. !.'? -1- :K k} 1 " ' -liHVV ' ' V * oy ? ;i -stilt .. P. -**? I "rejK*rV .-. . V;'... .{. ? . 'Mihin ? V i-."? ".'Uj -ks&s? aa^ht 'to '?U " ??aj ham ttv tfo.a rbe , U' '?v ^oi.ijutiuit:..-. lii-. :to iiV'-BUi:>t >'?*?? >:V'iV^y' V mm# ' ? " ? : ? \ :?iv .??f .tfte "<eltw??l . ? * ? " "? . ; ? K >1 *>!???;' ? if ?is^xvv ;!i^'^ .-v-' :'^vn a:Hi" .( *H*r ? ?'.* 5'!' the/.-'.^ ^ are. . ver; W-j " i,;; . ?'? j If- b5as*he>.--. ':;Ap. .-'V7-** '1:i vV: V*'v j:. ' why ":'y ?>??*>?'*?? ; ? -. l v; >'>??? < \vWul- i :> f..." a %???. ? 'jati- v:irt "akc i-'- ? i -ul:th<-: titki-Va ??'VV1;;*" | "then: Ui >V,7" & -the . tier aafc*'>; uirr- ? : | .Corn ' ' ?" ?l-pi : v:eW;' J ' 7 ? " ,.U*, ::.vra^ i-?w-. w.nai.a..;. ?? " .*?.?- . . . . ,Si*t "JiUvs-.--.J- thCT.- ?' he. lit vop ? rime, .^hor: iy ' X?, j \ >v> ??/?'?/' >!v. rVluU-h'-^rSv. IVpnV Wt -U0VV: r^Wl ' ^ : '? ? a; - t riel-i." F-ar-k >b Call-' "V ' ! r '"rtrty >'?. tftf;-?re. :AVv:iC-e sani.- ".-^t Fop:. 'Kox..v. ivy; cuK/ ^b-ar^sUr. . a: ?! v.? j ?" wuntyl ? ? '? The" .'"hiiShest -} l?VVe. '>???<<? <?"'??? Vo' ?v"t ? :!:>??- Wul.?>^T''-?V Ashovil!;-.1 T'i>; rv^-bayer > - ? ? ? \-.hut- ti.-Vy &*?: -v: for". .The." J!AV? .'? W.-ytern ;?"'?;*? V;.! 1 . >a'? uos*.tt" |' -,'?f i)e^1rfb<": .? ? Xhi i.- >{Ut?--.. ".'.nil -wh -fi . 1 . . ?' Cattie Wcr.k Cattle "-are.- v.?-;.k; "-tat- ft&: ?% ".iJryatfh-:-' .Tak- 'a "Hi tie ? bettV"' .W O* ;.heiri .Sr. ;v '-Xlf;; ira?{fvy. .. Watv.ri i fi ? '???' TRANSYi.VA.NIA -COUNTY. SINGING fO ti?. HELD IN BSE^ hRD "SL'NL A\. 2:<; - The- Coua'- >;nir?!>r tV*R.vmtiojj ? bt; h< !' i iif. thVi." AoUss Sii'n?i;?y. Jjh ? ? :?? ??-- . ?. at. ten o- clock a . . ? -.-. ' Th<- .: tiaartt-:;*- > ? art t'\ .'.o*t to !m ? : v..fiit a'li! take 'pa: l' ?is the- exer'vi- ??:' the- VI;. .y:- . Mi'?>. ".Yea:; ? yaariett'e, ' i-r -v;: yijle: S. C. : ai;ake i Qcai tette. Mills River: ?n. >. yu.:rt"Ue, . N, ; 'a qia: ? :.- fr-cia II einii-rson viile. Fr ? ? : Srt>a-n :.hd his (ivo children who lta- siagfes?-, an other > ?? .'t-r- ' ? !. ? other ceir'-muni ^tjes any the' - .:! c??nveutioiv. The public -.<),;.li::lly. '"inviu?4 tc att. n>L Tho>e :>i "charrje. invite - ail to brmn a bas.>.'. !"r ihelnseK-e.s and rsoniv for the fellow, LOCAL MEN BUY SOUTH CAROLINA BUS LINE V. B. MeGan? ami'Y. J. Mct'rary, of iirevarti, havv vt-cer.iiy purchased the Greenville; K.:>ley and Pickens bu> line trom the <->Late of tilt .late F. V. V. hitmiro, -.mi are now oper ating same, havinjr two. close! Hud son cars on th*;'. line. These cars make three- round. .t tips daily.. Con nection is mad.- with the . Brevard n ' ^ ? .. *: ??-*.. Gr? ?t:vr!le bus .itve, ow;n d by Sir. Aiciiana. This ;.ue has been in op c ration i'or some, tuae, givl .j; la ".he public a moans of / Axva- ?? cut transportation- trom Brevard c>? | Greer.vUte. ? \ COUNTY CATTLE ARE TUBERCULOSIS FR?E Last week the State finished the; year-long job <>f testing all the cat tle in the .County to free us froth tijberciilosis. r: our food supply. Tije. doctors report hi:. ! wi;V ? v:ij \ .?!."? reaction.--. I'v - ; V to>\!- 'vij> had the g/vaU r the ? Kjiiiill- :>nCvcU?i '-siajc: . v.. r'.-yd ???: 4 Hogbjti'k next, j T;v .?;?) of i.t.n vanl was .found,' to ! ' \|o t \ ease was , '<? eatlji- having ?.been In t u^iu ' lUf the ' ? ' from oul.siie if: ? Mate, j The' ? > ? U* of 1. ?'>>(? gives th; v'.'M .v levs than three-tcmlu* ?' ? ,-?? -eetVi tli'.'^eforv ?? 'h.'?Uh?K ?s ve :"??}? :i period of. lir't' ! ; ? U: . uKcthv or not the ears v- | : "'. d. The* >"t;.'e yeii"-iharhi??.- .1'" j. /->? iKit'si rs (ki/_ |nwe wishing to "f he ea'l tlf ' oti d to .h"ye T.- $L { V-''< ,':.\en ;i. eH:<MU-.' die a'.'(''.:'j u \ rK ' '. dale t'f tfte eo nvi 4'.- | X ' i. a rjie in. j ..v ?'f?vaeo ' ? aMli.j:?l.-wAV ?' h ?i. up tit a six fc'et-.-Vh ep.- a t<; huK The -ro.'tor. then Onetud; Lac t'o iind ju-t what pa rts of the !.?: iij w< et*V 1 ted. the J' all >>, ; par -e.'.orii ;t?> be' torwar-.ieil * , S.% ?te . eU : inaria.;.. Alt., t>,-. . v..- t >y.j?hjy .? ah,? ?!.i ';.Iuri'\e4\':>tUo .thi* gtvvve ami i .iv' with ;.:ii least .?? 'ill' :-,feel.i'of. ; * V ?? I* ?' * i >\\ ; i >? "> '?'<!: ii.-vti - wt re . ^.ci'th'See1 1 ? -t -v TVi' ?Jti' ovi> r *'??? ivquM . ? ; ? e!; .n up .tite- > bay .. A . ;ii< i:.- 1 : his,- . . S| qddi.r i er'. i'-'t'. | i. S "<e,J :d. ' I'V'.o Wl.l'e foU d i I ?.? i? . '-ibiU . -sJi v; . 'ho I '? t'! -o ???>' h:s \\r?.isfc{. have ?????? H 'J':. t ream. :aii<r the '? >t-'. . eh in i i?u e.,. a.s ei:i!. iren wi r i-."'. th?' vin.yfk'Jv : ? ' ??? ?V.ut:': ;in! ; wet : ? ?e'; !? ' Hi ". !ie<u'fibi>r>. anil. th< . ^t;-. :- '.mY :.t ?' . 'is: . U\ .;lt vaMuv. . ?.?e act- um ?>' ; i : >v"? iv_)?i-4]ijy> o:;!.*-- o- t !'ird: K' - .? ;. v \ ?. <* ; [, .!? ? ; h-I?T-' s ^ * '"4 *y . hi;a'4 ! tl>t ?. ??'< I'itljriri: S.Jtlil , e.e... . : j j-y i*. jf>w -? v'..'..(r ^ ,'i ^Mlv ' ? : t ? ? :. < n?i abvoh ; wv-rhti' . '' ?. ' '?? i< ?" ? <?a* <?t'4 . . ? ? wi:: /hay- t .? ::..??4? '.the:. :i-t. : ri:i" ip1.' rio/ir' in. ]kv. ;-l>iiek\\? : . who - {'ui: hed il: -.ri; 1.V: for hi< .jb?iH?*.';ia | .Vie);t ;.?fh ' X ,-??> a . iew j afte); :.vfc?eb*'.v he '?iR.- izv Mv/tu.y -w.i>Te ,k?; --.'has; . .v i.'ti ? a- ay ledera! uVea: TRIP PLANNED TO MOUNTAIN ORPHANAGE AT BLACK IViTN. A ?i:;'?t.v >f .'??ell eV-;v et to iielo. ?. " . i ^i''uip!^s^ivjiij;- : l>ay' t<> 'the. n * >rj:h:. "a-r' IMaek XltilW r<' ji'm the 4'fnblren . -j:; :'.v,v ? ks^ivitt - 44 ieb.raciop. i BSs orj?1>ii!Wsre iv ui". eh ^.ue o :hv V?hev:!le l're.-by; :y, uiui r lie. u. v :"v 1 -;?> 11 nf-'Kev. ' R. t S . who is ureati y b>'loV< 4} .by il vrivv . k'how htii? ami" wis. 's til fi .? ? 1 4 ? r of the .Moahtaiti Orphai: aue. Though tinder Preshyteria'i ? !:ji!..'ayt lie. ;rt , tile 'n; -'iHiana.uc i> truiy :;??:? - v tai whoM> purpi .?e .if is. '? i;..'.; \i:'i.-;e :.???u.'staH orjiha"? whb: ..o >u'.ier. h4)ni4,v 4>r ih^tituti4>n w... ikli . ,-s ; ->f ei'ee.i. c)i huiatfA -i -a?:.:' .stirl\ :i\. av beb to. the 4>rphar.:i^e. ami the nivse h<?n;e. a ij:a^tuiie.v r.t btl tiding r-r.4-4 Vi. 4 1 abo'ui tilt'ee w-a/s. a^4?. HUBERT SUMMEY PARDONED BY. GOVERNOR IVicLEAN Hubert Suinuie> 01 this couiny, M-ateuivd- in April,- ,!-U24 to serv. two years the rouls for resisting an officer . ...? carrj. a?jf eonveale'4 >r~, wa- ? par?b;:se<i. Monday . by. :tiuve;(vor .McLeviii upon petition id reotr.n. . i.dation of piohiinent I vittalos. . 'm -?1 rs. 1.. r' left Tuesday for CaapeJ liill, where she is to ehaper pne a l.aternity party -on the Uni versity caatpus. .Mrs. Ptishel.1 has a brothei- ana nephew in college at tht University. During Thanksgiv ing week the Tau Epi.-iluni Phi fratei ni*y i.v jrivinj a bo;?.se .'party "it the .frau*rriity. hall. ;uf which Jake >'mi K<hv;'rd ;Patter.v?n are . '.T.hah?day i venu- i the ?;. i.;' : : f at ? 1- gjiviaR a brill at ? i ? u :.liS. I'usheii .will x*^ in tht : ree 'iv ing line. CHAMBER OF COMMERCE NOW OPEN FULL TIME The Brevard Chamber of Coiniacree is vnow. Opjs i: to loo . j public each day from nine an- j t til live o'clock. Mrs. J. W. Smith has been appointed I por:iry ' secretary and will be found in the usual Chamber f . ' ' ' ... I Cynvnu ree rooms at ilte alovc j ? stated hours throughout each. ? lay. i A mass nuvthvi; of all me;'.i- .1 Ners will l>e held Monday nijrhi. November ."50. at .--.eve-ri-ih: ' y ? o'clock at the court house, at ! win li i imt- plan *ir rahs> -'aivrvts Avill ;.Lo nia<ie for a con . ihua: iah of operations <;f i tlii: worthy in1 0' prise. A full attendance -is desired <>? lrierii I ,Viv:. vt ive ^MMuiie : : and- ' . -j I . any "U< in t < .rented- . ?'! the .filtir. ? 5 1 i:xr<^jre^s ^ie'*;"B.?fryarcl" Ctyiiu-;': :] ( l>er of ("' I'V.iiu rcc: ' ';A' ?' cordial ' i .invitation, is especially ?- : . *.? p. ? i - f|!" all ladies. ' v DL. W. H. LYCAY WILL t LOCATE IN GREEN* 1! \\<> ie Mall ' I V' li.'riiudy of \ /man. <rc??rtria. will onc t ;;ti off'n ? oil ' hr * iKlith' floor -'f the Chaiilter o ' vniniU' t*i tiuiidinir in .pov.i i-> 11, (Jreen villc. S < ', about Decern .!> r ?v*? ; v ?? ?? - j . ; U Dr. '.V'lay a 'Viicticimr of leve'n . yV iii' ,e\. ?? ?? .? i. a'^iin of 1 >r W , i >? s Issi i ? ?' the lending IJlhys'cian^ "<i': ! .cv; <i. i: Ml'- 1 h ' "arwu fie i>- ? (;d niettix .1 '? ?us.ii-.'w at Eii-S'-rj' ?.<???? 1 < sit5''^ii;dsva|:'--'Svtvj',:I.-..;Vij>nta''.' i '-a- t't v'raiiu > rjn?r in the. yen. 1 1 ? ! * . c ; he lav war he > \ <?[. < ? .-! in -the medical corn- -m' the \ n;i? ?? t! State.-- AvuVy "A-ft iy* /.* hi*' , '?!???? . ?' t 'tiie. war he iojC.Heil w ?? e'*\ t i \? w ,? 1. , ! > ? ??. 'I c >?. ..1 ?.-.??I >\) tu i ?' .< . . ja ? ? < -hat- 'citv..-;; ' '!%y ' ' ~ j: ??-' f }v i- :m\'v Mio 'V'/ ..t') l <: ? ? -i' '.v.. -Itmri o'i'SV. g vf.-., , .j !i.;. - t'=n ri: - "? . ? . '"'V , .1 . ' 'ia.'. ? vyii r h>. "n .a-a.'.I. v. ' .t- ] 1 ? -ct.' i >n .and . ?\\ j.i' hi; ? t>? J '.ah . . ?|0|f 11^1 $; ; g? soi l) A'u ' h.*'"- been; sjkj n- :<?. .the- ; ' a t the ? .~t)U vj j l.-it .. i -. K. li. f :-h. of . H.r ; - S'. Norton. ,.f St. P?*'rtrr-i.^if'. Fia'.. Although Via,' p'.ir }>:'?? pvc.-' I is' ii< c iiit;'l^'l.' it '? i*- t: .??.A i . ;-a'v Ahojt :j;df >.<{ ?li? ;:a ; '.?< ( virgin forest "'of .excellent-. .Ivnrdwtniii j tipih*-."-. ? o:ic-i:ait lieit:;. . ?-al ?%?? ' he p'....;K-ny :rclb(ies :;li ill Cha ?'?lp'iojj Fibe.- C.r.'i'p'auy . i Transylvania, ru?nViftjj. iVv-ai. ,': | lack^on County line' u. ' ' I the feiiniirrs <>r T<?xaway j 1 ? '!! the southeast and Vo th< ..-v. ?: ' v nieiii r\ ? .??? ttie nonh . ' and | . cast-. . ; I ^ M- ? . h 2 his lai'K tract, bought a. an j. ve.'tmeni' l?v Messrs. Fish; r a Norton. . Coritpills the headwaters <? ' the Fre.ach Br->ad and is beini: tioned in connection with the pro posed Ashtville water supply. A wide .s\v cpinjr basin is covered !?: th-- property*' with an easy i--hut wh<ch makes it ideal for a fare ? reservoir. t't ;i SPECIAL THANKSGIVING SERViCES THURSDAY NIGHT 1 he Brev<?rd Baptist I'hurch \vil' | x hedd their special Thaiiksgivi r Service on Thursday ever.jaj. at 7:-'v'v s,pec::a (iffo'in^ for the Thonais viiie Urphar.asri will he", ::t thi service. JUNIOR RED CROSS CHAIRMAN APPOINTED M iss Kemper, field representalivi for the American Red Oi'ss, with headquarters at Washington, was In town last week in the interests r f the Junior Red Cross. Miss Yi .le Heni-y received official appointment from Washington to the positoit of local chairman of the Junior Re ! Cross, with Mi.;. David Ward :V;v nolnted to serve i?> . this capacity i ?uriufc-. ill ? absence of Miss Henr.v, 1 and to c\.-</perate with Supt. 11 ana man in case any work need be don-.! aurinic the winter . Th- am.ual TuJu'rvulosis Cnri . ' Sf'Hl. is-Iv. i)C(.;i.V i'r. <!???;,* i-.i i}is \Vtu-f; .???! w iii i'..htiiv :o iu; il f hvi'-tmas . dci.\. AImmiiIi u ii1 ><? ip vvi.;. IH < ic tin- jir-.r : ?'???' dur-ingr !? ofaiiiig i I?** ?.?- -,v'. n rhi-fy Vii'iiv .{?* :;:urt !ras? vi (our ii:i !? l- ;:ut ii: y. 'i he m i . v:<'iiiii2 '.li ii . i uujrjU'Ji the r i |rt day/. ' 'm thv various ' . ru i'..:. ;, .!?:>> .if ;iit- iimn. !rv ' y :.|w-pii:T ^ ;.-f Si .;l -Jffpl.c <?*:* ?<?r ? s Jii ha*\'(*v it" !!5i ?> h- :t i-; h. 0 i:oix;ii. ' ;y! v-i. .1 !?.>::<. ;j: ,t ? i . . j'ng. ' !;H?*ra t u-:v f# in ;fe ;t ?, ?a*i<>n.V f.'.r,; futik oth&r V ; u. '? ind.-mours h?- J < i.ii'ir. r v: i: . iiT'Til i:,;.- \ t<i"e. .'nis.. '.i-Hlv -. a;'.; [.? ?;???<! ii ['Hi1-, jij;' denial. k't-iVT-iv' itati: - she'd ih;UriT . ? ?v.nty-frri*. '%?; ??? *::?? ?.{?/..;? eedv ? .1 ?fpjritf ihft .rtt'UF. ait his vt.V.nty ' hrfl i:: i? .to a"n\v -.a .various aV'riv;;:' : v. 1 -j; j-f . .vr. ? .V iu- North. Cart:-. ?> .vulovi -A AvIVk-nt .>?? : r t*1? tiii t.-';? v'. '...; ?v. ? Xai..?-iu-.1 ?Ti.i'M-vvyli -ris. " ? -.'1- Tj)i ?;ai \ ru'j-.. . : :t ?? ii . ll'c ? : ? i y a.JJJO i ?K:. : -bnit. of . u:uls ".-al; '.?:? ! ::>:?? fr< aU r ' i>' I'iiit-ially U't'iiy c<i.-v f. u ? - r s r- ? v. i- ? ? Urs I. V'? . 'Snu: ? ? - ?Ii*-2.' Aima' . T:?. cri y<;-, -;?i ??.'.fkv.v ..I i aMvM l ? ? a -> jr. b >?'.?? -j & mmnk?> l'? rhapv yoti ? i'< ?'a i '? ;? :<jylsi<i!i. via I" In;: "!? :.;syv inttii'Cii .n -v ?SUftl :a:.?:i a r ' :n:t '? vliiji1 pf^vcd ? ri ,i*. rrtni f h.f }i; :.v?i i{ ; oait t'o . Kj,i I'hon].. \\ v f ! . i". all ?!..* to a :? ??Unity. cfM'i l. T.i ? :* '?:? i |>V >-?a LOt '-M-ii t ...i.'"' >?. M- <?n ih<* i :i<! n<?t ju<: . hai<y. in?ii*r: ;kinp -i; : Tht .*'? ,n>" idu*a . fooki! :??- ;-i r ????; :hu. " "t>. bllt :.!tc . \>K i:.i. ? J i; f! tht-ii bunt f\ r'-??0< (aaV * li-anlauii neat! \*:-.* '.hv j-ciifial ilnl ??h-.'-n try ??: h< ? - a .1 m . v. ; tli<- b. st. spiru. .h?- ? -t i. he. H<*;?t rt.iulu t. . : at: hapa;-- ? art'S.' When Air. !>i< - 1 il'u'tt i anu jov.avu th typhi; 5.1 xv ha: >ened? The ?;0!i.!iu:n:ty ' tr elf and <aw tliat a!: w? rt um in'-' . tiid the dreadid <i .-va ? ,\va - u;: fff. ' Coiinertee. school cid tin . roubles Up ih the <;i:nv vw;iy. TIm ilea as lytuh to a ?enuii:i?niiy *? akv hold of .such i.aiiir'Jt>- ar.d >ta hem out instead ??! wa/ntinp for a ajH to have its way, Du and t?e: savins to i>e B'antyi'i 's Bicitp, Then at. B.lantyre tiny are h'a\ :'??? ?ouinjunity meetings the first rrida;. light of i-a.-h month. At the ? r.eetinfrr is where ? ;n.a<:e md to Blantyre's vrlory pi. t r liv being worked out without . r^ if OUtifide ill Ip. .Many other ihinjrs an On . rram /or thi.s winter, and >? 'r. : oas. v ults. tin. l" wiii ' lone. Contrast, this situation with a year i go when Bl.atl tyre's pupa '.iti-m \v: Ut to ai ist half. Ore resok 1VI narkiI,?.?. about this eojHiit?a. "yi". iug down to. 'ru'ck ?n-ttom." vhake-ap did good? it was piair hat some coinniuniiy wort, anus; lone to ke:-p the people fiutn leay ng. Now- ail sel la tt. be . O iteati kt home. Much ?;re<l:t for 1 hi- trft::? .fOn;n:? :ion s to .Vil-S .\iay Cutler pviaeiiai ,.f B,lant\:'e sehooi, an-, ut two able assistants, .Mis-^e. .Viar Bell Orr and Emily Moore. C OF e. BANQUET IS EDGE 3ECE3 . The Chamber of Commerce ...... quel heht at Central Cafe. i evening. Number If, m suceet* in every i.eijtse ^ won!.;. iy ??e Find fi# " . ing th- va :xw " " JVtk'.Iv the number- ?f ? 1 "" u,r?- a.!,:'--' ; 1 1 an< <? ooo; . and i ; ' . > w 1 ? ??', ii ' ' ? ;-.(J After / !i ta-whie., ance ?!:?*- !.JH 'V.'" . . t . i ? I 1 ? r5!! : 1 r%* ? U ' ? seated v *'?" of the ;ifte?'-?i;": ? ?" " Tiv,!V " : -c-h'"-.! Iv " ' acted as . v> ai-i ? 1 taMes. Th<- r ?' ' ?' ; nt^-r ia!.ni-'! v ' ii ^ ? witii a number .-V ' ' y >? ; / ; w'hieh the.* -A e: ? ( q.t ? ?>r:et;?r.- : 1 ' ' ?? . '.\V. ? K, ! ? pre.''.' -A : -a..,/ -::;' Mto&c Muvih--: -1"- ?? / . th-t - ???sU".!-.? 'V--' '? vio^H anu:-y!^7;-: ' y^h;> 'e; ;;a.-i'V-. - * -verrte' Vl>;n. ' v _ hdr.v r' : ' have t ? : tiu: ;,f ' ; ' ' yl. <? tlW' ? ; . . . \ ,, i ,-. ' .', nr. fet:; ' ' ' ; . ; , . 4-v VJ; ' (>i^ ?. Tin- . ? . . ? . f ? ' . ; Me< '???>'? i. ' ' - ji. ... .. Chaml-.-r- ' . ' " ' ?. . . ' ? ? ?.. .*' ? 5? ? ?? ' i ^ ; .1, S. ? ' ? . v.'-v ? i l;. f-' ' Directors: / ? w?- ' ??? . ? . Chamber ' ' ' j . , ] ,? .l-m: ?.f >h.- v -? ?. ? n?iiK. ^re.^'i' ? ??? ??? . i ? liVvi !>TOs ftsMM tna\ ? . ;.the Cl' .-." \Vav? < . I .. . . * ? * V ?' ftYcri'.t" ?' v :V'v " * * jthi' Uiives. | atlli: *?> V ; " ' ' ' . lrepre.-v:itat ?'> ' \0.v t" . ?v>" ? r !' " ' I:; v:ivV'i ..ail' V l! ?' ; -ra t .. ?? ?? ...? ? u t! ?!?'*. : ail <>f ; 5V*. -K ? ? ' J v 1 1 ? expre-.-.--i?n>' 1 ,H : f?r the Chft.- ?- v; _ ' ' ^ ' i;.j , The "? -M l \ ',..? ???* lit i {-*??. . * h* ) ' , ??-? s would hi ^ in thai it ?3pf ?** ?*- ' ! to the .rowlh :a,. ? Brevard. ******* "U\ . ? ;in vxunt,a- i 'v V . social an-! v ' \ ? . nu-eUnr will be t to further. Vr^ ^ '-;V " 'vi,,. Chamber ?? ? ( ' make tina! v>b;! : . ' r I tton. I SEVEN TlKK-'V l (1VF.>. BY JERO dL A. f" - : i i: ! . I* i ? r .lerome u* Ptjsheli . S ?.-j . . Store jr'tv.'> - Tin aftei ii"ot! in tY -it ? .i: store. fitih v. :i: . : vt . < . , i Lcrtvr, ida- Glazt : e:'. 'ir>. uin. . Carl Conley, Ma> hal! Kilfialrl. . ! Pearl Ci'rar.t. Gallowiiy. . The two laUei nanie-i. ?":iv! .n ame number, we-ix Ibutli , :: with turkeys. Eighteen thousami tie!: > v ?>? ? ij?ivcn in this eoutes't, ai i' >oVne l.<|0< j ; people were gat hered ouH.'.e t.:? "! ' store <h:rin>r the tin:-- iht ;-.i I were beinjf prt' emcd. TWO BREVARD BOYS J O'tf CHAPEL HILL FRATERNITY John McMiiln has Uy pledged to the Siini:;: Alpha K;>- : fraternity of Chapel H'.l. a::?i ? ?. En^.ish. Jr. to the v'h: Ta.- .. ???? ity of the same insti utior. i'. hundred and ei<rh;;,-;.\ Unix students were pledged to tn ? . Greek letter organizations, tlx -y ; . loea! yountr men ii^ur;i:tr .?.r..?:i^ this !a?f:e nuinb -r of seiect ir.eii. m mm cm \ THE SPiRiT Or THANKSGIVING "Oh that non wouid ;?r:i t ' ?? I. on! lor 1 Gondii*-. . * I'.-;:! .s It) 7:8. J lKTr . f.??? : i; r-Lt d VIiI'JC It! ti. '???.. Wi- .\a. v.: .''I '"trt i"1' t:." |>;: r ;?<:>?? <" -? ... If. or vvt* llfc'-'i al V' ' (??. : it- r .. . ..: ! t.-x; v:. ?< . i ? i ' o ' >1 ? ? ! . ih?- H? ? 1 1 >j. ... ? Sni.'' f i i .. . )'?> , lu*s .*? v::* . '!? Vt> l . i < '? i* ' ? : !??- J ; .*r%? . ?;iiu* s j. . :*ii ? : ; -iiiji-fui-it . - r. . ? V .. ? ? . . * : . ? * . .. i-* .* ? . ? i i : n, V.i ;v ..!> . ? ? I . . M'J- I j.' 1 i j. I /if itijt J br Ji-.* . ' ' ? ? >' 7 y : .!. ? '. . ? ' it'jx ?! .i. ii ri-ovv:: t .{?I 1 ' u'" V . 1 1 o ?V .liU'.'l a iiu'h * ur i '? t r... llilH Hi!' ' , A PF \ V- !' ?; ,:u 51* ItiiT* .Or . IVING .?!??? t:.> '???- , j r ; -? ... T'.'.rn ; . _v-.-ir.ri ? f). : . . I 'ill . .1 . V 4 .. V 'i'l! ' hi ?. iyid }??? \v : ?? ? . .i I llOlt . ' tj'n i?<u. v. : ? . v ? . ?? yi ? v: ?<? k* "W i 'l- ? . ? ? : t!:<- .V. il V. . f'&M . *. : I." i :. ? ?;n; th?*. ? .. f.?;- . : .. . :? .. , ur. iy i. r - * i ? . t ?j ? !-. ? ? '?'> ! < ??*?::: i- . "ha" - - ..... ?? lliv'rli iV .!?' ' ! ? ?: : ?: A ' * 1* ' tii !.? ; ?; -<?( I * . ? * the a.ic. ;!: ? ? ?: :a.*j .* t<-- <!;? rv ! ? ' ' '??? '? th? i.J? lUi^klV ? ji *' - *11 .. " i? .. .i.:.: i -<f ? .I n : ??,; i< - ? . .<? ? ju-i ? :t 1 " !>U*. ill t til* !' | i ' boaiiiy ;.f :i;?! :. . . fcn^.-v ;h. l.i''. -ii." <?;t\ ' ' *!'i iiHU . Is-' 1 " . i ? "<i f)?r it. itr ?: with u:.' ! t!: ?r rh- !!.!; Ch ? :a!! ' : i:. Kts.^t ? :: *? *.v. . .?iis^.-bU'sVinur :?>' -ha'j if?. h * ? :miVl Pi'v ? ?'?? ?; - - in . p<-av;j| '?!*' :i. l: -..r- ;..i i ?'??? ?*. ? ! 111!" ,v! . ;V' **1. *?.:!! Shu i?- :'i : 1 : - .i if ,i?-. -h:. -of ? :"'*!? : r*vi:-;v j>? :.i\ v-:'i;:v ?..< a' ?' !.-r"<|v-! ity Wi'i. n < ':iU ha?!.- ;:r. J '?? ? ? \C > j'tTi *! .. . ?... i.? ? : ;<??'. \ r" ' 't *. V. : ? tyvi ? A : c;._, BiHLE CI AJSES AT 3AFTIST CIztRCi: HEL.J THIS \V.EE:1 HifelV ci.i ? :ti i! i :U t jii.K '?* t . k ;ii il'.j* r ??haw y ';ii* RfV, .\\ A. f (Ji;:: 1 1..., !?-. Mr. H pent i. ' :;. yf x - i . Syria, a pider i: *. i >i .1 raj ia* - v vh;?*a inakiv a. - :# ? Xut!j;; B.aif V'{:c:<ei. !: f . ii;*. auspices of ,?ir. \\ . A ?>? . ! Prir-iiyif t ia.i Sunday ;ar\". A!! ?ie!u>mina*if".- ? \i |t< atU'iiu vhtSf cla. . an: ^ tI; - f xperif ivi .1 B.h . if. 1 .-. . ?? I itli x 4 ll * is !? ?t . to a.-:. %i'ue.:ti-<n.< V - 'difiiouil pa.-sauf.- ii: 1 h? i 1 A ?;er:i??on viff.- for tht ? arv also hold cai h afu ; . ? :hivt -thirty u f!?ok a: tin- '? | ?--'hurtrh. .Mr. liatrjrai is ?k!i 1 uoP.vlf rfully helpful and i J mcs-ajres. and xnaii> |??c; "" arc , x . ;.ili?!tr thi iasflves of thi.? -i i ??i>p?.'r* unity to learn mort- a ir. Ikr'-fl liUii"-. BETTER'-;.::, . t^T.Tb M O N D A V AF": " ?' \ C O N '.J.* ? ' /? " ? ????! - / . iL. .f.. ?' !? \'<n r Uil, :,i \ 0VI0.K in uld hijrh ijaool building.

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