BOOST FOR THE NATIONAL PARK VOL. XXX FARM NEWS By L. A \UMOX If you have bci-n -n East Fork Fait you. must i\;ivc noticed the ItijW iriiprove.nui!. i:: the. section, and a hopeful sijnlv on every, race. If they had better r>*:?ds they would work put a great -ahation for them selves. ? ? ? . Hard to believe (M seventy tnv years at.o the y : > : 'Returns f r chickens wiui.-tK'y ; have oaid? ?and f.ropi tW ? :rket situation.; should bin . fanc\ prices this year .{ I beir those who . to try a few hundred as an < jerimertt. Even ope - hundred :iid make you enough money to ' an oil brooder. A few bn -.???? b" . unable to. take the share they sit" <-d for in the J li.atcht ry. Th?- -^neS to see the County' V "vnt <? Gfaiener will f?t allowed the ch;:.! This will not appe;1! to many n.-w. but my predic tion >s that, five >< rs from now such an announce:: . iit would bring: out half the town. A money making proposition* If you are interested in trucking try and attend t' r -trucking school December thv six; t ? ? th in Asfieville. The best information* ??n. this subject in the mountains \c:li be there for' '? you. ? 1 Th?. bvst 'offv i s I have received (Jn corn to date- tun >?". "t? for shelled, bagged.- land i?c."\d 'on car. XT. to 90 cent*' for cprv 'shyt'ked or in rhe shuck. ' \ m Vf you are not o 't-ng :axty' cents* for eggs. You-- pvo:.ab!v have not' asked ' for 'rhat.nvuch; -J Experts claim :ht re is no doubt .-bu?'t getting' $1. '(?. for com when fed tit pigs this year. We have pips and corn too. \Vr>> will , try to tret the two together'.' The new homes East Fork look good. Loads of ''.tiding material are moving to a! h . rt* of the coun ty. . Haven't, hears a serious kick about taxes i asc'i tl months, iren eral situation look good. Tnotwasviile Orphanage was lucky to be ai'ie W v-'.T ?' 1.200 bushels, of corn for their ?{??, . here. Their honie crop wa.- a >m p i e to failure Expect 1 1? have t< "r more acres of potato' s grown- :h< e next 'season. "WHAT A >'HAME" Editor Brevard News: It sure is a pity that a keeper, 'of a restaurant sho'.iai be called on to face the- mayor .' "he mayor's court - because he ion-. ??:?<<{ it" a go??i deed when after the "lire- last Monday night, he served Members of the tire department with ho' coffee and .soup after twelve o'clock; Coining, back from the Pee, the engine stuck w the red mud right belo>v- the Stau -s placry ill in a hospital in Charlotte. ShAhas now improved nomewhat, and is her parents in Stanley. COMMISSIONERS PASS TAX CODER SET FORTH FACTS RELATIVE TO SPPECIAL ELECTION , It having been brought to the. at tention of the County Commissjo oi .Trari: > Ivii ia.->;ywty?. ^ "l C MotiOlS eXpres^'d 1>V >on.H: . ?.?> "payers n the < oumy.a- i?? the ciiet; of tl:-- present Local School Tax :rail the election f,v umform tax to V.v I* t -4 ? i i>n December i?th. In order that there be ?luvstlon as v.. what the Tax of T***1" svlv. nra County "hail he h\ the evert of tin- lection in fav>r of the uniform tax. the Boa-.d of '? -mini sicrtiers hereby pass the folloWnv order to take/elf^ m the event that said election shall be carried in favor of the Uniform Tax on Dec. Tath. .r : :\=. ' ' ? ' ' It is ordered by the Hoard, all member* of the Hoard voting for the resolution and order, that in the 'event thai the percent tending School Election to be held Dee. 1 5th. j shall carry as. provided for in j the call of the ehetion. then and in that evi nt each, every and all local tax school districts in the County shall be and xthey ah hereby relieved of the present, local, taxes now; m i'?>n e. and hereafter no local laxes in any district as "l XV h-vied o^OT lecied .-hall he continued. but same shall be and they and each of them , are hereby aholvshvd. and there shall be hereafter levied and collected a tax not exceedi"jr on the hundred dollars worth of property over the t-nthv.; County; tW thv purpos- of operating and maintaining the Public ?<,*tiools ?* of-, the 1,'our.t) . In the event that' the present peiid ;n.- election for the uniform tax shall fail to carry, then tile local taxc which are" and hav. b? en levied and collected shall be and remain as they are now in force. in the various local school tax districts of the (fOUllty. The t'orctroin- "C'K" af -i resoiu lion wa - . duly introduced, voi.-u on and adopted bv the Board of County Commissioners ait their rtuuiai. .0011 thiy session on Monday Dec. < ffl l?pjr>. ? ' >. ' ? G. T. I.YDAV. Chairman, Hoard of County C?mmisi>onvrs. CRIMINAL TERM ENDS TUESDAY PRACTICALLY HUNDRED CASES DISPOSED OF The criminal term of Superior Court of Transylvania. County, j which has been, in session in Brevard, t during the past week, concluded an I eijiht day session Tuesday afternoon. ' The civil term of court opened j Wednesday morning. Practically ; one hundred cases were d:.- posed of > during the past wi-ek. the majority ] of which were cast's violating the j liquor laws. The folio wine is a resume of the ! disposal of eases in the recent criminal court: Cliff Baynard ? Larceny *? months on county roads. Minerva Alexander? Slander, sus pended on payment of costs. Cole Pangle? Transporting, $100 and cps:ts. yVvery Cisson ? -Concealed weapon. $ 1 00 and costs. L. E. Galloway* ? -Assault with a deadly weapon. $f>0 and costs. Cleo Brittain and Curtis Smith Injury to property, suspended on payment of costs. .1. B. Owen? No. *27, 14o, 147, 148 consolidated, one year on county roads*? Suspended on pay ment of costs. J. C. Galloway? Nuisance. $10 and costs. J. .R Manly ? Aid an escape, $50 and costs. Mrs. Cole Pangle? Resisting offi cer, not guilty as to Cole Pangle, guilty ? suspended on payment of costs. J. A. Hicks ? Transporting, prayer for judgment continued. J. A. Hicks and Man- Jenkins ? Y. & A.. $100 and costs. Doc Hubbard ? Disturbing relig ious worship, $50 and costs. Richard Rogers ? Transporting, not guilty. Elza Barton and Vance Vanhook, public drunkeness, $50 each and 1-2 costs. (Continued on Editorial Page) t. FOR OUR CITIZENS MASS MEETING AND MUSICAL PROGRAM You are cordially invited and requested to attend a meeting and musical "program at the new High School Aiulilorum, Friday evening. 2K .nber K . at 7:30. This wjJj be an old-fashioned community singing, se lections by The. High School Glee Club and the Municipal [ Band. There will be several interesting speakers who are well informed on the Smoky Mountain National Park, who will tell us all about the advantages of this very im portant dewlopment. ? Co ;ne and learn the difference between a National Park and a National Forest. This will mean a great deal to our community, come and be informed. R. VV. EVERETT, Chairman. wm MEN ESCAPE FROM COUNTY JAiL; ; NOT APPREHENDED ! SMUGGLED SAW PRESUMABLY USED IN MAKING GETAWAY Sawing- out. of their cell with a s.Hw supposed to have been smuggled to them ir? food sent by friends, and using; a eord to lower them selves from the second story win dow, three white- men escaped from thi' County jail early Sunday night, and as yet have not been appre hended. . The men are Homer Siler of he Lake Toxaway section. John Henry j Rogers, of Henderson County, ami IJoy;. Matthews, of Buncombe; Siler: who was .convicted last week in the Superior Court now in ses sion oii a charge of rape committed upon a young woman of the I.ake Toxaway section about one year ago. was to have been taken to the I State Prison at Raleigh this week. Rogers was awaiting trial in. fed-' || eral court on a charge of violating) the national prohibition law. He i was also wanted in Henderso'r.ville , on three grand larceny charges and ' "rie. charge of assault with a dan gerous Weapon growing out of a shooting .affray in which he partic ipated several months ago. Mat- -J thews was serving a term of >ixty i lays in the jail on eohviction by the- j federal court for violating the . n:;- j {iotial .prohibition law, and had I about -S more days to serve. II < i Ua- also v.a.-iteii by the -iate at l!- y son City for violating the prohibi tion law. Siler i.? a short, stocky individual, weighing about Ilio pounds. , cemplexioned with black hair .and j eyes; is swarthy looking; also hasj . i a mole behind left ear. Rogers is about ti\v i' et six in ches in height, weighs I pounds,] and is also dark cotnplexioned with black hair and eye!?. He has a pe culiar upper lip which i< shorter than his lower one. Matthews is fair, with light hair and brown eyes; weighs about pounds and is five feet eight inches tall. i Sheriff Sit ton has sent die a general real (-state business. An important feature in the op eration of this 'inn will be the de velopment of Lake Sega, which i.- a subdivjfion situated about two miles jfroni Brevard near the Ro - wan highway. There will hi placed on the market for immediate sale. 9 resijlent ial lots at Lake Sega he work of grading the is now in progress. Water, lights and telephones will installed on the property, making 'of it an ideal residential st etion. within a .-oiivenicrt loca lion from the center of llt'oVarr!'. business activities. Jim Mallory. of this firm, conn ? to Bi'i var-.i from < 'hickasha. Oh! a.. U. E. Lawrence, owner of Lake Sega. needs no introduction t< Tram-jivania linci* he -u< - ?e-f County Farm Agent for a number of. years, and numbers his friend.-. it. this County by his acquaintance:. Fur several .'years past lie has been located at Shelby, ?crving a- farm a ire n t of that County. The following is fi Mil a recent riiitio Mountain Herald, wl interest to the many friends of Mr Lawrence: Well. 1 am sorry Mr. R. E. Law rence has quit our county as farm | agent. I have had dealings with a ( great many farm agents, but he is I the most to my liking of them all. lie I has literally put the county on the I may. I hope be has good luck in I bis new endeavors. anil that he will I succeed in marrying a dandy girl ! and will live happily ever after. He is a nice fellow, and penile withal. He can manage a whole county without drinking or cussing, and can be perfectly at home with either the poor or rich. In fact, he made out like he was powerful poor, and now it turns out that iie has lots of that high priced land about Bre vard. and lie is to open a real estate office to handle his own land! He ought to make money out of that. clipping taken 111 of the Kill1/' inch will be of WOMAN'S BUREAU HOLDS IMPORTANT MEETING An important meeting of the Woman's Bureau of t He Chamber of Commerce was held in the Chamber of Commerce rooms Tuesday after noon, with some thirty ladies present, including new and old members. Mr. Draper, of Charlotte, who is ? in Brevard in the interest of the Bre Jvard Country Club golf course, ad j dressed the ladies assembled regard ing park and public playgrounds, tracing in an interesting manner the development of the modem park system and stating the advantages derived by the many cities and town where such public recreational facil ities are developed. The president. Mrs. O. L. Erwin. presided, stating the purpose of this organization to be for civic improve ment. It was voted that the Wo man's bureau co-operate with the Chamber of Commerce in every way possible, but that it function as a ' Continued on Editorial Page) t 0 NEW EUlLDsNGS NEARLY COMPLETED J / LARGE STRUCTURE ON BROAD; SMALLER ONE ON MAIN ,'i handsome new brick building, which adjoins the present post of ! fiee aite and which ha.; !?> en und; ? feonst"Uctiio:; i'oi ' ]i;? t s';; vittii is now nearing completion. The building.. < a tw?-::lory truc ture of red t ..r\ oriek. a frontage ot feet < Brouo treet and estediliiit ' vck ft- 1 - ?.i dan street. One se: 1 1 . ? ? ; . r i building .vl!! 6 ii-tl wiUti.. ... j week as a raft-, known as the Prin cess ( 'afe, forme rly. known as Pete" }Jr afc; .and .n ? r <.i ? p^'etcr Mouiu and CoiViiii.ra. The other arid larger section. witii ] its exterior side running- along Jor- , dan street, and facing Broad. wi.:. j it i.-. expected, be leased by ; tie i government as the new location r'.i the B-evard Post Office, by the I first of the year. This entire building is <..v'n* i ie. N. A. Mull, of -urd. v.h. ?- iijj charge of the const; u >11 work. a - sisted by Hub Alien. ?>< ii vlersoi;- j ville, doing the brick ^ * o : I C. Loftis. .of C*? var; J. \V. Smith as the permanent loca tion for. Smith - Barber Shop, v the other section by the m irtient of the Brevard Rea? ] Inc. The building will for occupancy by the f year, or before. J. \V. Smith and r \l are joint' owner. of. tht " j Mr. McCrary ?? .>.inu t'r er part of *h'- tract to wo*-!-:. ! Tlie brick w- .i>;< ?>? .i. ; V. Allen, of ti- ? . ill?\ and A. M. Case, of P.rev.. doing the car pentry work. Brick was furnished by M^land-DrvMiJilr Brick t ompaiv. . of Ktov.ah. The entire brick work i was, done in '2s bour-, and the, "Udd- ! ing itself will i> y.Oli) i:let? ?: ;m?: j ready for Occupnnc !.??-- ths. ! thirty days ft(i,tir.iilc. tuue work ?. was j j first beyun. I r* ? ; ? IN POLLING PUCES BREVARD PRECINCTS 1 AND 2 MOVE; OTHERS REMAIN j It appearing thai the regular jiot j ling places in Precinct N'os. One and Two, Brevard Township, having ! been abolished because of the re moval of the buildings in which the elections have been held, it is or dered by the Board of Commission ers in regular >e-sion on .Monday. December 7, that the special school election for special county tax called for December 1 be held in the following places: Precinct No.. 1 ? In the room of the Chamber of Commerce. Precinct No. 2? In the office of the Board of County Commissioners in the Coii't H -u.-.. . The election in the other pre cincts of the County to be held at the usual polling places. ? ? ? ? ? ? REV. HAGGAI CLOSES VERY SUCCESSFUL BIBLE CLASSES ? ? ? ? ? ^ The Bible clacs which have been in progress at t he Baptist church for the past two weeks, under th efficient leadership of Rev. Hns(ga:. of Grand Rapids, Mich., had the closing services Sunday night. The classes were well attended from night to night, and those ii. regular attendance were of one ac cord in expressing the opinion that much benefit was derived from t hi. series of Biblical study. Rev. Hag gai has at his command several lan guages and proved himself to the people of Brevard as an exception ally fine teacher of the Bible. He has read the Bibie through twenty times and is able to quote large por tions of it from memory, giving the exact location as to chapter and I verse. Rev. Haggai will receive a j hearty welcome back to Brevard at any time he may see fit to return. A contribution amounting to $150 was given to Rev, Haggai. "The gh^i, is^ Presence < 70V of - oul. that rests upon it floe pressed down under 'pain, a - KvHiln^tinjr Joy of f'hri-t wa .*?' den under a cloud in G"th.M*m.. ? and 011 Calvary, when He felt t ?>!. even His Father Intel forsaken H o His pain was terrible, and ye' * .? joy of which He had so out - spoken to His disciples on that ia-l evening- ".My joy," He jvlled r: And if the joy of Christ's f? i* presence has become the prieel"s' possession of our soul, pain or dark ness cannot kii! it. The black cloud will sur? Iy pass and the sun ? which has never ceased its shining? will seen again. If you are passivp, through the tiiv now, .nul t hough life were a burdei^ wn; ( uld hardly be endured. ri-ii enr at One who loves you js wat.-h \ ? s ler'y ov ;t ! t. ' ? .-?? the G: Relir t -ees j.- gold in -outs, ard i- . billing to b>-e t . yold t the cruelty of too dulji": * '"mess in dealing with ? Buf cannot be refilled if we r o submit to (rod's dear:.: wi: i us, il we persistently sa "Xot Thy will but MIN'E he don-. Yes, we may rejoice in trihu. tions. ami seek to train the uif' a beautiful purity, gazing contii. ally into the Face of the One who-* hand' presseth. sore, yet" very ly, until He can see His Own IJeau* of Holiness reflected in us. an ' can, wifh great joy, take Hi< In loved as pute gold out-of the fu nace. A PRAYER FOR THE PRESENCE OF GOD O Thou Graciou- God. Who a. , full <-f loving kindness and tend? 1 merei">, teach us. Thy children, thi' 1 the great s.cret of perpetual g!a >> ness "is to realize Thy Present:*" ever with us that the cowardly f?*;. of danger. must be destroyed, whe t We know that Thou art close besid-* us. all-loving am! all-mighty to pr 1 teet Thy forgiven children, who ar- - earnestly trying to obey Thee in a.t things." We know -that life has its times t agony. that the soul must pai through the fire, before it ?an purified as silver or line gold. I [ thanks be to Thee, our Father, i have fellowship with t'hrist's suffe i ings. "Who for the joy that wn before Him endured the cross, de spisinjr the shame." And the joy ? His felt presence, if it has becom* our priceless possession, will enabl* I us to endure our cross as we pas i through the tire of suffering. know ! irg that One who loves us. is water ing tenderly over the refining pr< cess, and in love is .purging awa our dross. Give us grace to be glad in th midst of pain and that The Gre:; Refiner sees in us Precious gold an is not willing to lose it by too ir dulgent softness in dealing with u Oh! Enable- us to rejoice in tribulr tions, and seek to gain the gift of beautiful purity, gazing continual! into The Face of the One " who? hand presses sore, yet- very tenderly until He can see His own Beaut; of Holiness reflected in us. His ?*h;i dren. and can, with great joy. tnk? His beloved as pure gold out of th> furnace. Grant this, O Thou Gra cious Father, for the sake of Th> well Beloved Son who suffered^! > 1 us ? the Just for the unjust :< bring us to Thee. Anien. ? C. D. C. CHRISTMAS BAZAAR TO BE GIVEN SATURDAY AFTERNOON The members of St. PhiFips GuihT will conduct a Christmas Bazaar. Saturday -afternoon, from three to six o'clock, at the Appalachian Inn. A variety of pretty and useful fancy articles will be placed or sale.