* ***?"- ' \t ov- . -Vr.-. \?c.Caiti>at'h ;in.l small sv>n. >f vve.-ti nim I'.t.H-ii. Fla., -arriv ed thi< week to occupy-, apartments at- the Hvnnir.^ Inn. Mi.-s Floftr.ce Ke-i: left Wednes day for tn extended v isit with rela tives in Vieksbunr. Miss., New < Vlea?v>. I. a., uiul -otht points in the fourth. Mr. and Mrs. ('. \! Siniard and -Mr. and Mrs. Ot:- S ? ard motored to. AsheytUe one day !ast week. Mr. Klvtht \vas confined at his several days -las* ' Week on ac \mu of iihi, vs. 51rs. Thos. TeasUi- iiirf t wo child ren v of . AshevifJe. are visiting Mrs. Teague's parents. .Mr av.d Mrs. J. M. Kil pa trick. Mr- W. VV. Hartanian spent the week-end in Ashfvfllt with her sister. Mrs. J. T. Bledsnv. at: her home in (akt> View Park. ' P. M. YVrder-y. . u.' : Uncoliiton. visited his mother. Mi - Mamie Verd erv. last week. The many iriends f Mr. R. E. l-awrenec win be iria ; ta learn that he ha.> returned to Brevard to make his home; after rt I > : . .r in Shelby Sir a number Winston-Sale -Sat Unlay' or Av\>unt of her f:ttb? r' death, which . ?>i urred early S;t: .:?? '????>"- morning. f< 'i ?\v.i.ng a !r?feri?5j.' ?Hne.!>s. . 1 -?I : - s Kmnia Hai ??>'-. _of Kruityapd' Ir t'tte. spe::: .{h- *'a i k-end with J he parents Rev. Mr>.'. Wallace H v:h-II. ' t ?! ? A . i.f Cherry- ' tit and JJ" !J. S K; hardsoir. now ? -?>t >ireen>bur. . .attended the Virginia' ? -i-na football v Thanksgiving. < V the ira^e ! Richardson. 1 ?pr -; ??r :?\ as ar honorary member.. of f ?w'veh Mr. \V'-.:tniij?- a niembsr. s Mr> S. < ' Jjuh :>? was removed M day to Br-.-var i Hospital for. < 'Ir- invent. ? ~ i h;' mar.V rrsehd.-. T" Mrs. G. K. - !.. ':-.! <>}) w::! ^ . t>l> .;>ed to learn 1 . t<* * hews- fr?.T. her :yHs of her very 1 V - in: Icc.i": -VM- fat New Orleans, t i.vhcie Xh? -e- .ir> - ai bloom, the dr.; s-. was . : -r;;:r.y.. an?f where anticip.1 a delightful winter. - Si".;* ..-is stoppj-.i. a; the same house ? vvre Mr. a-.: Mr-. H. V.'. Smcdherg ar also spe~.ri:nvr *he winter. Mrs. F. V. Whit-mire, o fGreerville ?? the \? nii with ' her son. H : Id. at ir.,-. -? . ? of Mr. and Mrs. J. K. Waters. ^ Mr. Thor* well Hayes made an in-: ;rin? Jk . ; interesting, address Sunday mor"::;* ' aefore the - adult cLi - -es of trx* Sundav School of the t Methodist cr-_ res. , Mrs. Er' *-" Paxton Ls reported j Ml- ".e ill at -Srev..; J Hospit;d. kw .Mrs X. VI ?r:-:.s iiade a business ^ tri? to Her 1-: - ville on Tuesday. < Mr. and Mr- R. A.. Allen, of Ashe- v vi?,V. spent t^Ce w< ?rk-end with Mrs. j A ; ii's mot;hev? Mrs.- Mabel Kellar.. Mr. and il J. Williams. Mrs. ^ U . \ r i Steve Bracken Mis.- l.racken. in G'reen villf. Sunda. .' . !? Mr. and )!?>. los. Abrams and ?ferj'n and il F ? in.^tem were Hen . ? , i ?:> r>oh'ville s:.-.!vr-. Sunday. ? j .Mis- Leia ?: Mrs. W. W Ray ? Miss r--: Burch. of L;tke ' 1 To .away. ,sp?-- : Tuesday, in town. J * Ci P. W- ..ml Bill Williams > u-.-re j,, Syl; 'i urst of the week,0 <>r busine - - ? i'* Miss Lila ". ".-k iit u'v his au. " ir,. t'ordia Kin^. Mr. anr. ^ J, E. Loftis and e'lildren. s.vrt t-;*- week-end in Ashe ? v lie with i -. L ?fti-' parent,-'. Mr. ar id Mrs. g? h.\ Rev. ar - "?!:>. E. R. Welch, spent "fuesday :t- \-aeville. (iaHowa Nicholson, of Ashevillei visited Mfi . ' Mrs. M. M. Xich ? ?Ison, Su rl'./i I Mrs. Beverly Trantham and Mrs ' Harry Patton were shopping ii lAsheville Friday. Mrs. Carolina T. Dorsett, who ha: been spending the past several mon ths in Brtvard in the interests of hei development. "Evergreen Ridges,' 'eft last week lor Washington, D. C. where she will spend the wintei months. C. K. McX eely of l ake Toxaway. was in town. -attending sevi'ral (lavs last vwi k. Miss Bertu Ballard was -onfineil at her home the past week on ac count of Alness. Mw. Tom Dekel has been substituting a; teacher during hi t' absence. Mr. H. A. Hummer wr\> in Kr.ox villc this week on basinets. .Mrs. -J. M. Zachary is vi^twg friends in Calvert this week. Mrs. D. Wi Moore ar.d Mrs. K A. S.arrette spent Tuesday in Asheville. Mrs. Clarence Poole and two children. Clarence. -'r.. and Dor othy. spvttt the week- in South; Car olina visiting friends and relatives. Miss Martha Boswell spent a few Jays the first of the we??k in Ashe ville. i _ AV Borr. to Mi. and Mrs. Roy Bennett., a: ll:->n. N. )/?.. 'Dl'1 ' " 1st, a son. Robert . \\ illiarii; ? j Bennett .wili oe renie:vbered as M. Audrey Lee Wilson, daughu Mr. and Mrs. T. L. Wilson. Mr and Mrs. Harrison Case and EWO daughters were guests of Mr. .mi Mr>. Can Wnitmire m Ashevdle Sunday. E S. Draper, of Charlotte, was m fown this: week; in the interests of. ,he Brevtard Country Club got ! ?ourse. Mr. Diaper is a landscape lrchitect of Xew York. Atlanta and 'harlotte. he being the ar -hnect ??c the Brevani golf course. G. W Hayes and '.family have noved into : heir new heme in the! u-w subdivision near South Caldwell j treet. Mr>. Mami. C. Verdery and. laughter. Mi - Mary, are now living j n Liheolnt^i. irt order to be with Urf= Ver.i^ryV son. P. M. Verdery. They are much pleased with then ,ew home and vvish to. be remem bered to their Brevard friends. SOCIETY - ? 1 WOMAN'S AUXILIARY MEETS The Woman's Auxiliary of St. j 'hilips church met Thursday alter- ; mm at the home of Mrs. I?. <>? Vard. . , The session was peisided ver by the president. Mrs. L?. <*? Vard. It was decided to conduct a >azaar Saturday afternoon at the Appalachian Inn. and also to give a ?hristmas party for the Sunday School children on the Wednesday ?efore Christinas, at the Rectory. ^ missionary box valued at *'JS.(VD vas sent off to the mission school at >orto Ric . . ? ? | A pleasa:i; -ocial time and refresh-. iH'iits foil. .wed the business meeting, ALMEDA WATERS AND RUEL HUNT ENTERTAIN Aimed. ? Waters and Rui 1 Hunt 'ntertaired jointly with a party Fri iay evening at the home of Mr. and sirs. J. K. Waters. Twenty of their 'bung friends in joyed with them a felightful evening in various glumes irtd music... Punch and cake was; nerved curing the evening. WOMAN'S MISSIONARY SOCIETY MEETS Th> "Woman's Missionary Society of the Methodist church met in regular r'thly session Thursday nfterr. the ladies' parlor. The -e.u ? ;^s session included the usual ? together with reports from the officers of the various de partments. The Society voted to give a shower for the Brevard Insti tute domestic science department, each member contributing a certain needed article. The election of of ficers for the ensuing year was next in order, and by unanimous vote, all executives then in office were re-elected. A mast interesting and helpful Harvest Day program was present One Big Six Coupe For Sale or Trade ?? See *? ? W. A, Monroe Brevard, N. C. ed. those participating being -'v < fleers of the Society and luuerin tendents of the different depart ments. Each one in turn, with a - J few appropriate remarks bearing o? j the idea of Harvest Day, presented to the Great Recorder her gift, sym bolizing by this fruit of the harvest the rich returns yielded by th? va rious departments as carried on u: the mission work. The program al ; ?:?? included an encouraging report ' from, each officii* relative to iii ? ] \ prl; accomplished during the yt? in her respective office. WEDNESDAY CLUB Mrs. J. M. Allison was hostess for the Wednesday Club, at her home on Pmbarte Avenue. Wednesday after noon. December 2. It was voted to give a Christmas stocking ' to ' Oteen. to donate a c in attractive arrangement. The vari ous, games played were novel in that , they all carried out the blindfold idea, and were the source of much amusement and laughter to all par ticipating. Dainty refreshments were served at the conclusion of the social hour, j ATTEND MASS MEETING AT j HIGH SCHOOL FRIDAY NIGHT. mrm brseis The Biantyre |lAnJ.nunity CJu.: ! pa vi- a very intc-ijestmjj play !a,ii 1 Friday night. Quite a nu:r.J>?r \ve.f Mr. ami Mr.\ Belioii LeYI better Sunday < \\.ninjf. Mrs. lilythr read th ? !?? son ami Mr -. I .?? ?. Pirkelslnic-r ,jia<'. an int< : \stingf trxlk oii in!.: .uisisons. The prayer cire'e has undertaken '.o support a native boy of India in a mission school wlu're ho will be iriven ("hi is tian training. Mrs. J. F. Scott visited her daugii- j j ter, Mrs. Guy Newton, Sunday. Mrs. Minnie Hamilton and Mrs. j Terly Justus visited Mrs. J. T. Jus tus SundaV. I?:r. David HolI'day if Biantyr-, ami L'di"i it. of Uityis Ion wen* ??cenly ;nnr-ied. .Mr. ; Jdj-s. Holliday hr.ye ih;- very b?st wishes of their ru:: iy friend.-. Mr. Walter Holtsciaw preached an ijiier - tiii^ .-?erii.jn at Sicfttyn* Sun day n:;?hy. Mr. Jerry Orr visited relatives he." Su;;