When yen have USKIDEMs The Wonder Sole forWcQr r Twice the wear of best Leather Philippine ? Export Rope Kn;h hfuip was the Phitim'i'"- mlamly l;M y>'.ir t" make a it?'!ivs in. r ,ind 00, MOTHER! Child's Harmless Laxative is "California Ftg Syrup" Even eonMipatod, feverish si?k. >-oH<- habies and ? hiWirpn love to take genuine "t'altforn ii l ie Syrup'.' No other laxative reculj?f?^ t?i?; tender lift !e howeis so nicely. 1; sweetens th? ?toma?.-h and starts the Uv? r .ind how e!s without "? griping ? "tiniair.s n<> ::ar ? <#tlfn or soothing syrups Suy "("nll forniH" to vm,r druggist .mi avoid counterfeits. Insist upon seniUce '?< "alifornia Fig .*vrup" > J*i . i? ??ontain* directions. Sen in:: tttit'-hisW. ?>n!-?tininc pj/rts. small enough ff) 1 old ir, the hand ami 'vet <\'ip:thl-e ? ' 1 ghf work, exported ;?nnan>-i Colds Co Stop them today Stop them quick, y ? all their dingers aad daccmfofta-Ecdthefevcr and headache. Force the pcisonsout. Hills break cc--? mi* hours. Thrv tone the whole sr?e^t The prompt, re? Ik hie results have ted ttiHx?n?toe?pkJT then. Don't rely on leaser helps, don't delay. Be Sure ItsUlljh^ Price 30fc CASCAM $ QUININE Get Red Bern With portrait Gains 20 Pounds Naffer knew-s a sick headache; stomach perfectly well, after taking Beecham's Pills. ** I have taken Beechaor/s Pills and NO OTHER MEDIC INE with the best results for .tie past fifteen year*. I ujTTCii taking th?rn tot ?.it hcadachca. tritn ? rAttrrhai tfomic ?n J gcr*rr*J debiii^ Now I don't know *hi? i .\etdachc it, tnu my ?tom?cK perfecr.K -aielL "Iron* a frail womt-i mrifhint leta than t hundred pofendi. I h*vr. become well and health* and tip the Ka.rt ac one hundred acui rwentv ** Mr*. Fanny A. P^rgeta. Mlenca. Ma??. A citan m$? ?ie -neunj a i\\iy. Sufri r-e-i t'orn ceistipafusn. iw:. a biuwnei* and 4.rsc ruion; i iu Ifto-J -.ref ^ item cieari by t.** ujc of i FREE SAMPLE? Write toda\'for free umpt to B. F-. Allen Co.. 417 Oanal St.. New York But from vour druggitt in If and (ft boxes for ^Better Health, Take Beecham's Pills FOR OVER 200 YEARS haarlem oil has been a world wide remedy for kidney, liver and bladder disorders, rheumatism, lumbago and uric acid conditions. HAARLEM OIL correct internal trophies, stimulate vitad organs. Three size-v All druggists. Insist on the original jrvunt. Gold Mex>aj_ SELDOM SEE ^ ? tnc knee Uke thle. but roar hare* may Sav a a bunch or bruiae on hia ink!< hock. knee cr t tlIT.it. * HI will clean it off without lay ing up the tors*. Ko blister, BO hair gone. Concentrated ! only - :>w Jr , p* rcquirfd at an applicat or.. biO par bottle de j llvereli the minister as he stepped oxit. of !ln> J r-ar. .lane and M rs. Sam-iu* Had pre. reded him. "Is jt true the detectives are here and expert to start this ridica .Ions se.ir< h tomorrow V' ' "They're here all right." replied Oliver "One of them .'.tried* to sell you a set of Pickens the other (lay." "What.'" cried .lane, gripping Oli ver's ami "What, that man a detec tive?" She wa* startled. "No Jess a person than Mr. Sherlock Hawkshaw MhJixiA the renowned sleuth." said. Oliver, smiling 'The beast the beast "' she cried hotly, "i ;(i!d remember what 1 said U> the guv about about yout father. I.ord; he ba?J me talking a Mtie streak, f hirn niy f.,ol eyes : You'd th.nk Id hav?? sense enough to? Oh. ?-dl. go ahead and kick me, OtJJe. Higbt.here Just. a* hard as you like.' "' ome on They're waiting for us. You needn't worry, old hoy " Sammy and oiher entered the sit ting room Mr, Sage was standing .vliitotit diiWtlv under the chandelier, talking to ijumpy Mrs. Crimes: the ? igii-t from above f;-|| tijwov her au !>uru. crown, tb.o.ied her magnificent ^oul.lers ai^. arms and then wavered . i ititidly. . almost helplessly, ,JfS ;j firs| ??::ie in '-ontavt with resplendent op. position. The actress was a head tall -r than .Mrs. (Crimes, who nevertheless bravely her ground .-.mi fined ? c? panson with. hII the hardihood ?f the right?Hins Mr. Slue; Witt, a distil. * red and. somewhat em I a rfa-'-aed ex i-re^sion keeping corupij-.y with the -proud and doth w Miiii,.' t'i.a: denied t-. -.bit 'sMmpwl ufK.n his 'jean visage, stood r.r.vs fl,,. r,?,ll( vv.iMi' his. daugh ter anil. Mrs. Sam my i?? yon i r lean to tell m?? Ofjver. :bat :ho-.. blighters in'eud to begin oiue. se.-onds. Ue delected the ? burdetl. trou hied look in hers and was suddenly conscious of what must have seemed to her a serious intensitv in his own. He kn;?w n??w that be was in love :tbat. he always Ibid liivn in love with -lane, that he always would i.e in love with her. He cinpresseil his lips and fought against the >t range Iliad impulse to shout that Ire was in love with her. that she was '?is all his- and that no man shot.M' '?ike her awav from- him. And she? She was thinking of that dry. bot night when he came to see her after leaving his father, out of breath, his shoes covered with fre?h black mud. There had been no rain for weeks. The roads were thick with dust. And Lansing, too. I tad noticed that his shoes were muddy. He had ?poken lo her about them, he had wondered where OUver had been to get into mud up to his shoe taps ! j And she. herself. 1im?I ne\er ceased to wonder. Oliver whs strangely r?-<: dur ing dinner. and' immediately after the company rose frorti the table at its run' lusion l:e asked 'Jane to ii'iiit' wiih him for :i little stroll in I lie open air. "1 want I ?.? - 1 ???*:? W to. you about some . thine." he uf-'od. 'Better thmw sojne thing o\er your sb.ouhlors The nitrlit i :i ir "Qugbl V!e:ided. "Thoy won't mind. t must see \ <piTet| anxiously, as he threw i her wrap over her shoulih rs. "Are you [ eflld?" : She did not reply. He followed her (.out upon the porch and down the steps. No word passed between them until they had turned the bend in the drive and were outside the radios of liEht shed from the windows. He was the first to spenk. "See h?re, Jane," he hhtftfd out. , "I'm- I'm terribly troubled and up set" That was as far as he jnt, spee.-h seemed to fail him. She laid her hand on his arm. "is if about? about the detective; Oliver?" she asked t remu'ously; ? I "Xo." he answered, almost roughly. ( about you, Jane. You've ium cot He Started Violently, the Words Dying on His Lips. to -an>wcr im* Arc you'-going to he ! marrie^?" ' "Ye.s,'~; ?-Jm? said. her voice sn I ? ? w lie sv|| :i hie. They :\\ ill silence for twenty pares or m? ?r??. turning down Hip path that. !ed to Hie s\v;i:ii|i road. "I? 1 ..was afraid ><>." lie mutterd. Then .liereely : "Who are ,\oii ?ottig to j i>isi rry She Sillied. i am .going to tnarr* ; tlie tir>! man who asks ire,"' she r?> plied and. having cast t Up die. was j itiManfly mistress of herself. "I la* you any oh.io.-tion>?" she asked, al most mockingly. If lie heard tliH iiuestion he. paid no [ heed ti? it.- She felt the muscles of his st n?nn foreartri grow taut, and she heard the i|iii<:k intake of his hreath. She waited. She begun to hum a va grant little air It M-eined an age to hec before he "?poke. "Jane." he said gently and steadily. " if you were a than and in my place ? I incan in my predicament ? would jbti go mi far as to ask the girl voii Jove better thai) anything in all the world to marry you?" "There, couldn't he any harm in ask ing her. She could refuse you. you know." 1 "There's, the gypsy's prophecy." he m irniured thickly. "It? it may coin* tri e Jane." "If ? It cannot rornt true," she said: "It cannot. Oliver." "Still it is something to he consid ered." he said heavily and judicially His hand Closed over hers and gripped It tightly. "If you were in my placf wouldn't you hesitate al?out inviting her to ? to become a widow?" 'Ob, I love you. Oliver, when your rob-e *9CJids as if :l s^-i h hi ugh !? it," she wi?|spercd "In m month I will Ih thirty." he went on. his heart an UgU as air. "I might ask her to give nie * tMrty-d?y option, or something like thai."' "Yoi? goose He pressed her arm to bin side, and whs serious when lie spoke again. ?ft- I er :i moment'* pause. "T have never asked a ^irl to marry me. Jane. Never in all my IKe. l>o you know why?" She hurled her fare against his sImhiI* j der. A vast, overwhelming tlirill raced ! through him. His anus> went alx?ut her nnil drew her close. "I never realized If. Jane? I never' even thought of it till Just a little while ago - but now I know that I have always loved you." .j Her arm stole up about his neck, she raised her chin. "I began railing myself your wife, Oliver, when I was n very little girl^ when we first began playing house together, and voii were tny Husband and the dolls were our children," He kissed her rapturously. "Oh. my t.od !" he hurst out. "You'll never know how miserable I have been these last few weeks how horribly jealous I've been. Site stroked his cbeek ? possessively. "I haven't been veiy happy myself." she sighed. "1 ? I wasn't quite sure you woti'd ever, e^er ask me to he your wife" ! "That reminds me." lie cried h<>r isblr "Will you liiiirry rue. Miss I *C? , Sage.' "Of .our e I will. IHdn't I say I would marry the first what was that?" A? she uttererl the exclamation un der lier breath, she drew away from him <|tJi? kly. looking over her shoul der ai the thick, shadowy iin>lerbrush that lined the road helow rhom. "! didn't bear anything." said he, tnrt.ing with her. "It must have been rny heart trying to burst out of it ? sh ! l.isiefi. There is someone over there in the brush. D? o his sneaking eyes, I'll "pon't ! . I>?n*t go down t !>?-re !" she cri"d. clutching his arm. "You must not leave me alone. I'm- I'm afraid, ullic. 1 am always afraid when I am ! near that awful swamp." "I.et's walk down the road a little way . Jane." said he stubbornly. "Don't be afraid. I'll stick dose beside Von." "You won't go down into the sw*mp;" she cried anxiously. "No .lust ab-ng the road." They ran down the little embank meni into the load. After fifteen or twenty paces Oliver pressed her arm warning1? and stopped to listen. Ahead of them. sprue distance away, tli.-y hea ."d to..Kgfls the slow. 'regular tread of a nnrjr walking in the f-oad. Thev st/H>d still listening Suddenly the footf/iIN -eased. "He ki\ow?. we have stopped. ' said Oliver. \cs listening to ,-ej if we are follow , riy She .was vt.'eht for a moment. "You remember /what:* 1 said, about ; being spied uponV'Miver. 1 feel it. I feci it ill! about : Yot are being watched all the time. Oli< er. 1 and lie started violently, the words fly ing on his Hps. OT 'o the south, be yond the almost impenetrable wall of night. gleamed far-off lights in the wiill of Peter Hines' shack. "lie .must have returned." he said. ,n an ?>dd voice. "Those lights^ ? " "Let us go in. dear." she pleaded. "I? I bear something moving among ? the w ?< d> down there. It's grisly, Oli ver creepy." Oliver yielded to her entr? aties nlMl they made their way back to the. house. Mrs Sage was holding forth in her ft i?st effective English when the two filtered the sitting-room.. She (nay have eyed them narrowly for a second or two. but that was all. ?Sarntny Parr, however, who had been >' -serving Oliver very closely, got up from bis chair and marched if?oss the room, his hand e\rended. < 'ongi nt illations, old man i'V he >|'<>uted joyously. And little old Mrs, Crimes, from her place on the sofa, remarked, as she loaned back with a sigh of content : "Well, goodness knows it's about time." Proving that since the entrance of the lovers the great Josephine had tailed to hold her audience spellbound ,lT(i UK CONTl.Vtkh I Very True ?Once the composer .Massenet wa? oinpeiled to listen t ?? a youthful ?ro.ligy :ind give his opinion. "Yon have talent." he said to the little I'ian st. "ami with proper dil- | igeii'-e ami pei sev eranee you ought tc he able to ?"Ob, 1 would love to compose, too," interrupted the prodigy; "how shall i set about it V" "You will have to learn a great deal 1 more ami become older." -p.iti you composed when you were thirteen ." "Yes." acknowledged Massenet, "but I d'idn'1 ask any one h??w to do It." Historic Caboose An obl-time R.-ie railroad lahixtw ?lint Imis Ih-pb !n Aretle nylons for :*!?nr yen rs sits on :i siding alongside tin- Kri?* stiit l*n im Susquehanna. I"a. "M It is tin* f??:low, ins inscription : ; "This en boose .v5i-? loalied Lieutenant I'fitrv by tin- Krle railroad and w?;nt ' on his ?'XtM'filtl in in 1 ?t? ; was ii?''l ?s a df< -kliouyp ,11 t iw ship Wi.hil wanl. and il is 1 lie oYii v rail, nail ear r?pr r " to the Arerie re;: ions," While , sl'ip u ;is being fit toil out , ljonpude tlii' Krle doek in Now York >i arbor. Lieutenant I'eary eaught sijrht >f tin* eaboose ami asked for the loan < .'f it f.:r hi.- t rip. It was in the polnr regions for four J oars mid reeenily :he ru'lmad hftd il retnrneif to be; ised as an exhibit. DEMAND "BAYER" ASPIRIN Take Tablets Without Fear If You See the Safety "Bayer Cross." Warning: Unless you -o<> the name 'T'ayer" on package or on tablets yon are not getting tiie genuine Bayer. Aspirin proved safe by millions and presorihed b> physicians for 2"> y> ars Say "flayer" when yon buy Aspirin imitations may: prove dangerous Adv. Pacer Money Annoyance We wi>!i tin- government. wvubl ?itlx-r r<*<:<'iisiil.-r its decision (" print io more sPi.mio bill* nr. ?? ?e retire i Inise thiit are already in >? r-Mtla i'it:. :;?? we ilo bat?? to r r V so much iirl v money :ir?.unir all the pine. s;iy- ' i he Mli'io State .lottrnal. on lili h t he Vewark (< >hio) Ailvornie r>!-i;itks: 'And ti e ieeiuan a'lii" '-st tie\er !i:i^ the ?fuinc" t?*r it. Ami "ii > tiie o;lo r day J nor ?:re?t c}ir -conductor accused u.-* 'if 'Tying to siiatkh a free ride v lien we I | l;;indeii |i:i,i one."- fmliamip"lis News. ! The Cuticura Toilet Trio. Havintr cleared your skin keep it Hear hy making Oiticura your everyday: ?ollet preparations. The Soap to cleanse , and purify, the Ointment t?? soo?h?- and heal, the Talcum to powder ami per fume. No toilet table is complete without thetn.? Advertisement. Give Her a Chance Stern I \i pa (t>> d:tn*?!it.eri Look lo re. Ktlo l. this >oi;ng t??uu "f-. 'yours i ????no - ;oi. often. What are lii.? inicn tioii<*' ' ICthel (u itb a s nib' at.i! .i shy little "dosM I d??n'i know. pa. Ye-? -i-e. he ?e<'p? ?i-e er jin mm l. it> t I?v- ? I r!: . I M.iiislVelit Journal. The Quickest Way to Beauty. Women arf finding "The' ?,?wi ! Way to Iteniity" in < ?. .f.'s IVat;r I.> tion. At at? drug stores on a money b.'tcjj guarantee. Itemoves l'jinj.de<. Freckles; I'.laekfu ,:d?. Sunbuin and Tan. "fie tier bottle.-- Adv. -' Lift Railroad \ ; **i I ??ell* 'ItPe -eito/t, of *ue \ n '???tiii.te ?.i. "y' *"ai >.'o;oi .? I . Sis j'i' l.inijt -Jjr ;i Ii'gher < !e\ :i 1 ;..ii j >r*?i pVtt it- 0:O|lJ. oj-illg dfo A TV''' by \v;:.ter polttnieil b\ big dajii T.o?v '>e'n'.* !? ;. 1 on if i.e. Jk retiiTi.Vef .!? f-';i!i;jjtert:-. For ?S Years prnj'Ir- !?|V. .u'-ed I'l.int :?! - V .in ?>' ;M< rrli Ifoi < '.it*- Itiirn> I'r:n?<> S M"? ? j i; ? li.'cs. I'.ir .aj:?- .Si ? - V-'v. Padercwslti Likes B ' iards .Vft'ei' the piiiijo ati'd | -oiiii'es.-. I ill |, jit ds ^4?hos ? iiii.ii 'ti 'lie oj.inioi of I'ader e'.\s!:i lb* "lire Silid i' " " 'lie oil gaiti" th.it enablifl liiti ! > > tit';e e/nn pb'te t.iieii' .! re .tf>v "f "PeHrt Sh ? jT/iv^y ' h ?' T ifci?y .;?n. "T; IVar! St X V A Iv Worit> ...*en s' ;ike >> :t ? ??iivi' ? on hrttt -eldoii. .rteitlif>e.\ til' III. Sure Peljef 6 Bellahs ? _ Hot water - Sure Relief ELL-ANS FOR INDIGESTION 25c 3.id 75$ PkjJs.SoW Oerywhew I liKK- KK\I> Tilt "ENCH;. OI'KIHA O* KTUJt Kli'K" and avoid ..^nba rra^m^nt .? h?-Ti 4itt.c*n IU'\ 1^7. ''lurpjiinnt X. II. rt itKIMlKU 1NCUN.I Pi'LlffTH, la% ? v ni id* liens . J I 76 ? W :t?.' l>?born pvUi'tiL fry j: i S^JchftliC N rriit (.??r- v.^rai jflyh S. K-fcrr*?ry I ? ? v-^arT J 10 /lay ? .?#> . \Vi it? f?-! NHa.pU- Miid i ? r r i"?i y ,'rar ft Kin ????! jP 712 Hrnit !. I(i< iiinond, V| \\ I'.l I KK>: < I.I II \? OVKN S K* ? ? *? ?*? .v-tp* ?iur H*r\in InclUfl^ r*wd ji.ic. M-vjfim; and ?> ping. N K WSCIti i*T Or KICK 4 !i r r? ? W:.V ATT. A NT A. ?*.A. \OTfl K: III.W KAII. FIJI.. PROrKKTV OU Nl^itS: ii pi , ? ? I ?? ?] m ? * ? r v i'h <'finb< > Heat'; ?v?. f!nx 04 j?. HiMimh. Fl.> lt? fOr?;nrii Cui'iw lir??ht ?'?? MKN \N|> WOMKN ??.'? m :J b?*a?jttfu! if- ? ??!* i ? ? f.-r-un.-r RikVjj if ???. I.l??rai >n?l f??-f nMuj'!** W* l? ?*.'? AnR A- t'O . 1* Thorn** St VK W V'*llk MM Til I.KOIU.IA IM{MS~;V |:.\- rr* ijifc'h f*i * :i,h :n .<*? M?k si n 1 '"?jn!i?> iliar m i* r:tn *???.] a*. 1 aM r*rt !%??? p? !????? /??! n*n>U? rhi^u*' In MRr frwin ff-i -Mifi- H. fff. . ji, ,'ri|in | i? OC/ to J. iv rn? !>?.. nc:> , Thr.;? f'.iriii* ifr >n fh* l-?-wrt i.f. fhr h;:i:h: |pi| f r?h>tt:ro an*i i.'rv?Jiir ?? l.i'un; :Iui- ' *?f. t??hM?'r*i ror?. i ur.d ir*>rp W rtl>- ?? ??ix#- am! |.vi:;f .-f ?.if: /. that jnt*r#?* >??11 kn?! ?>< tviiV'i >* i! i?i ti ? n arid ????>?-* *?' far ;;*. ?hat ? ill .?i . f ?? f ? y??u* rr,,uf' mi-. t* at \<-u ?. jr. ;??/<. :-i ?'?. pa) ?ITlil V I !!\ .V ! s A ?!?*!. 1 1 ?- i ??n? p.i r , f <'? .i v Id. 'I. 'i^uriC4-** \(.K\T> TO *?KI I \ \y.HX KINK II U? 1 r.< t#c Ik t ? r* ?r r|j< ? '???!'? J*r 120 * ?*..,? ? ? pi- 1 r?**|?l?ro** l*s?r~ frf->. Writ?? A Fl ?'?K\'? \ KSK. !??.'" rtt . N? ! a COUGHS and COLDS ; ?. * i:? - w:fh U"'' ?? H BERENDSIN" Thf t' n? ^ lt#,r??*-I\ ?}* 'Iur?-ii '?'jfr Jh.i> y-iKntrf:, -? ??? !? %'iii ? S**ri'l f??r >'??'!? f #?*(? N ? \v IIK.KKM^IN xi:<0 IHm^ ltKrKI>KM \ I l\ K> VI n \rr H **irv ;l.t ? ? ?? f'% .?n*l '??:!.>!? ?!?*?' ? b*c b* ni) * >? rrf iltiKiit ? i HKMty SI! f ! V v ?' KAIUO SKT IIK%I* rvtoN i rp \ i v? ti fl* *??? V.. h>' in. i: '? . M V ' ll.U!* ? - I | O f c ; i ? " ? .? ll* I ii,* n?? M !.# 4 i) ? i%*? I '? 'H'ifi ' Ul'Hc? tt? ?'>/ ?? \n?.?*^? t . ;? .? t ;.f ? , c. >-?;_.'? I?^ " .' An/; A ? ! ?? ? >h'*\ W : ed Men and Women '"Jh- ' ''. 'n,-* >.'n ;"v ri* T ? ;> I ? ? i ? ? .r - r ? ?< v* * i-V ix.lih***! hf?i? ?! ? :r ' ^ .-v K"^K\ > ' ! K.? '**>'. ' ' V>*t f. f ? si . ? ; r . M . *A ? H-Tk I . f A U|t|M>rluiii,if'> Ii: C ?*ntrr'l im?I voa:li Nnirfiri. t ? ' #r >.jr^ -r?

at ar.ij tr?ui>?r?.- flCt't Single tr"ti?*rs ........ . .. I 56 S'-nd for ?arrpl^* ar.d measuring h'^r. k En WARD "4. iPI'EI. A CO. 1(H) MopUliix Plnrr - llnltimore. Mi Old Folks Need a Mild Laxative -Not a "Physic" DR. W B. CALDWELL AT THE AGE OF 83 Most men and women .past iTftj1 must .'ive t ? ? t he.l>o\\e!s some ras-.nal lielp, pise 1 1 toy suffer from const One mi gift :is u.-U refuse to ai>{ :iii. it is often months ht~ Wore another dose is necessary. Beside*. It is absolutely harmless and pleasant to take. H;j\ ;t la rue fiO-eeitt bottle at any :H>rf that sells mediHne and ji!sf?s< A for yourself. Dr. Caldwell's SYRUP _ PEPSIN