and e;>-j rai. Brevard as : Frit & STERLING Editors ^fiSS ALMA TROWBRIDGE Wws^Editor T.-'-ni'.onc: office, 7i residence, 189 gn ASCRIPTION RATES: ? Payable in Advance) 0 ;?-> ? S ????"ti!-. T :..C ???!*?. T . ... THiU* $2.00 1.25 .76 .60 C *NGE IN POLICY 1>V .. ..... it change in the policy of tl W .??: o evident, starting with th: wi-oiw's issue. The foreign pi ? ? ,u.tcr, which has hereto f>. ,od i'our pages of our to. ' :...i been discontinued and u ht ?r be replaced by entire ly inted material. r, u ...g this change in' policy -v.' .. an eye 5ooHia ?'; interests of our ft. ? ... ? leaders. In presenting to . ... b. re a strictly "home" production in way of a \vf :.i> ? ewspaper, we feel that we ;-.i- : a'oit to meet the needs of tl* :n ty which we are trying to erv . We will thus be allowed more space for local, meaning town ;.n t Voitu:;r news, whereas hereto fore o.-. various occasions, matters of general interest have necessarily l>eon crowded out of our columns al together, or until a later edition. It is our intention, as it has been in the past, to issue each week a publication filled with matters of in terest suitable to every class and age of people ? the farmer and the townspeople, the old and the young. In order to successfully accomplish this purpose, we need co-operation on the part of all. Many are the ways, needless to mention, in which the press and the community may co-operate for mutual benefit. The News wishes to take this op portunity to express to its manj friends, not only in the local sectior but throughout the wide expanse oi its travels, real appreciation for nu merous demonstrations of co-opera tion and support in the past, and hopes that all may work togethej harmoniously for a better and big ger section in which to live. Our first attempt at publishing the entire paper at home may nol meet with the approval of all, but if our readers will bear with us wt will set as our goal the slogan "The Brevard News, best weekl) ' newspaper in Western North Caro lina-" A THREATENING DISASTER It is the expectation that hundreds of additional tourists will visit Bre vard during the coming summer -??a.-un. The paramount question at issue is, "Will we be prepared fo l them?" Are sufficient housing ac commodations being started now tc tike tare of this expeted increase ir. our summer population? It Is true, a few of our public s; iriced and far-sighted citizens are n uking plans for erecting suitable b'.iiioiiiijs to house a portion of this influx of people, but that is not enough. The situation requires im mediate action on the part of many t<> meet the coming demands upon u< as a tourist town. Additional b->arding houses, hotels, light-house k -oping apartments, summer cot ti-gos. are the call of the day, some o- which at least, should be under construction at an early date in or d -r to be ready when the season o-x-iis. Otherwise, we will be called u.'Ott t'i face the humiliating situa tion of, "No room," "Guests turned ai-ay." Early action regarding this all-im >: >rtant matter will not only save tic heretofore hospitable name of o ir fair town, but will, at the same, prove a benefit, financially and otherwise, to the local promoters and all concerned. CANDIDATES NAMED FOR COMMISSIONERS We a committee of citizens, would li'tt to name at this time the follow ing men to be nominated at the primary for general election to fill ti e position of County Commission ers on the democratic ticket: W. R. Kilpatrick, Little River Township; C- C. Yongue, Brevard Township; Leo Case, Hogback Township. in view of the fact that Boyd Township has been represented in the County Commissioners for about tw?futy! years, we feel that the time ! fo? a change has come. - -Committee. - '> &?& ? ? ? ?' ? ?i Iber commerce iCTSNEW OFFICERS (continued from page one) iioiuotion of the growth and pros rerity of the community in which it ,p?rutes. In this, I think that the ecc d will stand without any com ment. "it is not necessary, I think, to go nto too much detail as to the activit ss of the Chamber of Commerce it. iing the past year. Suffice it to ..iiit out a few of the major projects ikrtaken and successfully complet !. And to remind the membership ?l;';,' in aSdition to these major un '-takings, the organization has done thousand and one things of sriialler ?ouient in themselves, but contri ving to the unlimate aim, which as been help to tfrevard and Tran i'.ania County to attain growth >.,i prosperity. "Perhaps the most important thing hich the Chamber of Commerce lid during the year just closed, was .0 foster and really to make possible, >ie very fine system of street paving, ater works improvements, side I valks and curbs which are now either ompleted of in process of being I, ompleted. This organization first j onceived this splendid program of I v.c improvements, apd it was due : no small measure to the earnest [ ,;id patient endeavor of the organiza ion, its members and directors, that ' .revard can proudly boast of being j ne of the best paved small towns in 1 he entire State. "The white way street lighting A stem is another of the accomplish ments to which the Chamber of Com merce can point with parddnable >ride. This very great and import ? lit improvement was entirely the h:ld of the Chamber of Commerce | ?.nd it was carried through the Town j Council by a committee of this or I ^anization, whose work was of very ! material assistance to the town auth i >;;ties in securing the best possible I >rices both' for the material and the | nstallation of the white way system, which is one of the most complete a:id modern lighting installations ir , my 'town in the State. j "The Chamber of Commerce secur ? ^d, and managed the entertainmenl ''of the 1924 convention of the Soutl t Carolina Press Association, whicl ; .net in Brevard for three days, bring ? ing to our town more than one hund ? red of the leading editors and pub I Ushers of- the Palmetto State, ar.t ? which in turn brought about a joinl ? session with the North Carolina Presi Association, then holding its conven : tion in Asheville. This meetinj ; orought thousands of dollars wort! : of publicity and advertising to Bre ! .ard and this entire section, and 1 , have no doubt that the interest nov ' leing shown in this section and thi: ? town by a large number of Soutl Carolinians, is due in no small degre< to the favorable publicity secured bj j Brevard in entertaining the Pres: Association convention. 1 "The splendid newspaper publicitj ' which Brevard has gotten during the past year is due directly to the ' 'hamber of Commerce, which suppli ed newspapers in this and other see ' iions with material, "photographs am' ' other matter which got into theii 1 oliunns. Another splendid piece oi publicity secured by the Chamber oi 1 Commerce was getting several pic 1 'ures, with the line, Brevard, North 1 arolina, under them in the Satur 1 lay Evening Post. The value oi ' hose insertions was several thous nd dollars. The cost was less thar ten dollars. "Brevard's first annual horse show which was held under the auspicies -,f the Chamber of Commerce, was ' one of the most successful event! held in this entire section during the ummer season. The show was wide "y advertised, and brought hundreds ir people to Brevard who would not nrobaly have come to this city other v sc. The show, from the standpoint f interest to exhibitors was an un ratified success, and practically j *?vory exhibitor promised to exhibt srain durirg the 1926 show, some I of them saying they would bring j " number of additional mounts to I the show. "The Chamber of Commerce was the factor to which most of the credit is due for the present boom in real estate which Brevard is enjoy in?. This organization brought to Brevard the first large outside real estate company, whose advertising and activity really started things booming in the real estate field. "It was a! so the Chamber of Com merce which revived the organization of the Brevard Country Club, secur ed a gift of land upon which to build a golf course, and nursed this pro ject to the point where it now is, thus assuring for Brevard by next summer, one of the finest nine hole golf courses in Western North Caro lina, together with excellent club house facilities for the social lif^. of the community an^H snent of summer visitoraJW and many have been done by your org&H during the past year.- ? ?>?? -?M "Now as to the future ? I wiln^ this, opportunity of making the w? Icwing, suggestions or, recommend ations to the incoming administra tion: . _ :'i recommend that the Chamber '<:t Commerce investigate the com mission form of government and he city manager plan, and submit their recommendations to the .i'ganization, who shall then submit : is recommendations to the voters of the town. "Another important matter which .should receive the attention of the organization is that of handling traffic on Main Street, and of the parking problem. Altho the organ ization last summer made every ef fort to have this matter handled in the most practical and beneficial man aer, it was unable to convince the city fathers that its views were wor thy of consideration. The ordin ances regarding traffic, and especi ally regarding the parking of busse;, tnd public service cars on Ma.i Street, should be strictly enforced. "The Town of Brevard should em ploy at least four professional and t'ull time firemen, to be in charge o. the fire department, and to form a:, expert nucleus for the volunteer fire fighting force. At- least two of thisst men should be on duty at fire depart ment headquarters all times, ready to respond to an alarm. "A program of city planning ar.:! zoning should be worked out alio ? dopted, with adequate attentior paid to parks and playgrounds. "A sufficient sum should be appro priated by the town and county i\". the Chamber of Commerce to pu. on a well planned and well thought out advertising campaign. The ten tative campaign planned for the or . ganization last year by Harvey am Company of Atlanta, should, 1 thin": be carried out as nearly as possible. "I wish further to suggest that the . Town of Brevard take such steps a will insure an abundant supply oi . water, not only for the use of th: i Town proper, but so that nearo> developments can also secure watei for skme. "This is a good business invest ment as an income produced for the water rents received both from cor. sumers in and outside of the cor porate limits, and without sufficient water you cpnnot interest investors j to make developments and no tow: t is more blessed than Brevard with nearby water supplies, and the cost of said supplies or watersheds are going up daily and the town should ^ct at once. \ "I also suggest that the citizen: of Brevard and North Brevard join hands and that North Brevard be made a part of Brevard. "No town can grow without tht expenditure of money and the Qitcr ion of taxation is always one wtoic* appeals to the pocket nerve of every citizen and improvements heretofore made and which should be made ir. the furture will demand that a re J valuation of property that is beinj/ ' held for rising prices and which the owners cannot, or will not improve. | nor will they Sell' to someone else who can improve, should receive the , special consideration of the author:* - t ies. "Brevard and Transylvania County need additional hotel facilities both ' for the commercial travelers and for ! the tourists. Another need of our section is more amusements for the visitors. LaWs and swimsn ' ing pools, as there has been a greater demand for swimming than anything else, except golf, and our community is lacking in these facilities. "In closing this report, permit me ' to express to every member of this organization whose efforts and whose ' thought has contributed to ?the siii ' cess of ' the Chamber of Commercc during the past year, my sincere appreciation of such thought sffld efforts, and my personal thanks. In turning over the direction of af fairs to my successors, ? I take this occasion to assure them of my ear nest and sincerc desire to be of whatever service, I can, and to pledge my support to them uncon ditionally." SECOND LYCEUM TO APPEAR THIS THURSDAY The second number of the Lyceum course will appear at the new high school building this (Thursday) ev ening at 8:15. Branch Rickey, of big league ba e ball fame, Who is the lecturer of the evening, has been characterized as a combination of baseball player, law yer, soldier, orator, bank director, ihunter, and student of men and | events. In his lecture here he wijl demand that the game of life be played above board, and will illust rate his statements with thrilling human interest stories from his -base ball experience. w - ,iiE PRAYER CORNER P (continued from page one) ?pscle makers; tests make powers, Ind weariness well won, brings: hap py balm. 'Tis l^etful, coward weak aess, saps our strength and ldlls. ?Ve will be strong. We will be calm. The t^e worry never stirred a leaf, help us to drown our deep then in a sea of trust, on which our carefeed souls shall sail in quietness. We will bt calm. We will be glad of the whole of life. Both bitter rue and fragrant thyme are good, both serpent and dove, Thou madest. Let us drink lifes cup and sip its foam ? we will be glad. We will be great, not in the lit tlness, nor in the mouth of men, but in our work and spirit. Let us not fr M us,V 1 side.] can < vve,win-win? . Then walk, 0 along the climbing i year. For so will wo clasp with love ami power. amTahaliiio^ fear. And this we ask .in No. 6. ? One ten-room House on Caldwell Street ? size cf lot 117\207. This is a great buy ? Price and terms on application. We have listed some exceptional values in Brevard building lots ? Glad to show over these at any time. C. P. WILKINS Real Estate and Insurance PHONE 238 Main Street, Opposite Brevard Banking Co. BREVARD, - North Carolina