which Mi^^eport of $246 in the va.i the amount voted by the so ciety as the special pledge for the coming year. Following :he business, a very in teresting ar.d impressive program on the subject of Stewardship was ?conducted by Mrs. Julia Trowbridge and Mrs. Kollinshead. ENGACEMEN1 ANNOUNCEMENT Mrs. Fannie E. Pope, of Hender sonville, announces the engagement Hiid approaching marriage of her daughter. E:r.el Louise, to Mr. Wal ter Meynardie C'oud, Jr., of Miami, Fla. The uatc for the marriage >vill be announced at a later date. 3Ir. Cloud was formerly of Bre vard, being the son of Mr. and Mrs. W. Jh Cloud, a; id , ;'s announce ment v'U !>= read with great inter - est by his many friends here. MUSIC LOVER'S CLUB Mrs. Walter Duckworth and Mrs. Roy Long were joint hostesses for the regular meeting of the Music Lovers' Club Monday evening, Jan uary 4, at the home of Mrs. Duck worth, on Broad street. Mrs. R. R. Fisher, vice-president, presided over the business session1 in the absence of the president, Mrs. J. F. Zacharv. The specified lesson topic in the musical study the ctub ;is engaging in this year was the j jnaio topiVot tHscussion. The joint hostesses served refresh ments during th ? phasant social hour which followed. SUNDAY SCHOOL CLASS ENJOYS SOCIAL GATHERING The Daughters of Wesley Sunday School class of' the Methodist church were entertained Tuesday evening at the home of Mrs. Parker, with Mrs. Parker, Mrs. T. C. Bryson and Miss Alma Trowbridge acting as joint hostesses. Following the transaction of the regular routine business, a most en joyable social time was spent in PP^^BuT"Mrs. P. H. Ashe, of Greensboro, visited the former's sis ter, Mrs. S. M. Macfie, the past week. Born to Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Owen, Saturday, January 2, a son. Mr. Elzie Shipman, of Florida, has been in town on business the past week. Mrs. Harry Lance, of Henderson ville, was in town the first of the week visiting her two siste*t who are attending Brevard Institute, and other relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Thornwell Haynes have returned from a two weeks' visit in South Carolina. They attend ed the wedding of their daughter, Miss Sarah Haynes, which occurred at Clemson College, Wednesday, Jan uary 6. The Ceremony was per formed by Rev. S. C. Morris, of Bre vard, who is a cousin of the former Miss Haynes. Mr. and Mrs. R. Y. Neel and Mr. and Mrs. Brown Carr motored to Asheville Tuesday night to hear Paul Whiteman. rlra. and le their wr and young people byed immensely the sport of ng on snow the past week. ? Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Kanson, of jshington, D. C., after spending Year's in Asheville, returnj ' to visit Mr. and Mrg,,H? Miss Rose Ranso\ gd with them J. C. Rang with !5me here, who is teac'n :nt two weeks and Mrs. T. M. r holiday season. _ Young and small son . tg Mrs. Young's sister, Mrs. iSummers, at Cameron, S. C. lest Paxton and two young if Rosman are spending some ith Mr. and Mrs. Cos Paxton. J and Mrs. Banks Nicholson and ? left Tuesday for a visit of ] ?1 weeks with Mrs. Nicholson's >r in Orlando, Fla. r. and Mrs. Thos. S. Teague and .wo children, of Asheville, are visit ing Mrs. Teague's parents, Mr. and Wrtrs. J. M. Kilpatrick. ? Miss -Dorothy McKee, head of the grammar school department, was for ced to return to her home in Sylva on account of ifl health. Mrs. R. R. Fisher is substituting during her absence. Mr. J. E. Loftis took his young son, Charles, to Charlotte Tuesday for treatment. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Cooper, of Cohutta, G., will move here this week to locate permanently. Mr. Blanton Mitchell, who is in | business at Tryon, spent Christmas with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. M. Mitchell. T. T. Loftis was in Charlotte this week on business. Miss Mary Maxwell has returned from Umatilla, Fla., where she has visited her brother for a number of weeks. J. W. Cobble, who has been spend- , ing some time in Knoxville, has re turned to Brevard, -and~ is- now eon- 1 nected with the Brevard Realty Co. } Miss Launa Clayton, who is em ployed at the Pisgah Bank, is spend ing her vacation in Florida. Mrs. C. L. Richardson of Marior Va., is visiting her daughter. Mrr. j Ralph Fisher. w ?? . drs. Paul Tignor left by motor for Baltimore Mrs. Tignor's parents. r Kate Starrette left Tuesday an extended visit with relatives Marion. BOARD ASSOCIATED CHARITIES CALLS OPEN MEETING Brevard Board of Associated Charities is calling for a public meeting of all Brevard people to be held at the court house, Sunday ?afteftnoon, January 17, at 3:30. The Purpose of the Associated Charities .is to help worthy people in need, to protect the business men of Brvard from chronic beggars, and to handle local charity in a systematic economical way. This local organ ization is well functioning, and through its means and efforts ap proximately 52 needy families or in dividuals have been rendered assist ance, financially and otherwise. According to the treasurer's re port, a sum of $2267.90 was col lected from February 6, 1922 to January 11, 1926. Of this amount there was paid out through January 1926, a sum of $2133.25, leaving a balancc in the treasury of $134.65. The operation of this organization should not be a responsibility resting on merely a few, but it should be realized! as a community responsibil ity andjbe given loyal support by all the citizens. The officers of the Brevard Asso rted Charities are: T. H. Shipman, president; Mrs. H. E. Perkins, treas jrer; Rev. V. A. Crawford, secre :ary. The executive committee con sists of Rev. Wallace Hartsell, chair nan, Rev. E. R. Welch, Rev. Harry Pern-, Rev. V. A. Crawford, Mr. W. Monroe. Let Us Print Your Sale QUIs Just Married At Seven The Poor Married Man ?Jhe FLORSHEIM SHOE Think Of It! Florsheim Shoes that are worth the regular price any time are now selling at a decided saving. This means quick action if you want a pair in your style and size. YJ} .l-.il.L_ I i ?t Brmrd, in the State of North Carolina, at the clo?e of buiiaeii, December 31(t, 1925. Resource* Dollar* 1. Loans and Dis counts, ........... .1,062,039.09 2; Demand Loans, . . 19,120?70 3. Overdrafts, secured, 8 .... ; unsecured, 11824.10 ;.. 1,824.10 4. United States Bonds ^nd liberty Bonds, .. 17,650.00 6.i All other Stocks, Bonds, I and Mortgages, .... 22,900.00 8. Banking Houses, $39051.75; Furniture and Fixtures, $16453.23; 55,504.98 9. All other Real Estate ! owned, 1,312.10 10. Cash in vault and net amounts due from Banks, Bankers, and Trust Com panies, '. 198,246.79 12. Checks for clearing, 2,870.38 Total, 1,381,468.14 Liabilities Dollars L Capita] Stock paid in, 100,000.00 2. Surplus Fund, 40,000.00 3. Undivided Profits, less current expenses and taxes paid, 1,568.33 7. Bills Payable 125,000.00 8. Certificates of Deposit representing money bor rowed, .* . 25,000.00 10. Deposits subject to check, Individual, . . 553,258.09 11. Deposits Due State of N. C. and any Official . ^ thereof * 14,171.77 ! 14. Cashier's Checks out standing 10,635.85 1 15. Certified Checks, ... 6,120.67; 16. Time Certificates of Deposit, Due on or After 30 Days 312,011.56 i 17. Savings Deposits, . . 186,918.-12 18. Bonds borrowed from Customers . . 5,500.00 19. Reserve for Depreci ation, 1,283.45 Total, 1,381,468.14 State of North Carolina, County of Transylvania, January 13, 1926. I, R. B. LYON, Cashier of the above named Bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. R. B. LYON, Cashier. Subscribed and sworn to before me, this 13th, day of January, 1926. Annie K. Marshall, Notary Public. My Com. expires April 22, 1927. Correct ? Attest: R. W. EVERETT, W. M. HENRY, THOS. H. SHIPMAN, Directors. Wanamaker Said: "No boy ever became great as a man, who did not in his youth learn to save money." Wanamaker made a fortune by his own ef forts, built on the founda tion of a thrifty boyhood. He was qualified to speak. Practically all success ful men say the same thing. As a success rule, thrift is endorsed by Roosevelt, Carnegie, Mor gan, Rockefeller, Marsh all Field and hundreds of other outstanding succes ses. Our safe institution is ready to accept your thrift fund, to guard it well, to provide maximum earnings. COME IN AND TALK WITH US BREVARD BUILDING & LOAN ASSOCIATION In the Tinsley Building HEBE ARE SOME OF THE SHORT-SIGHTED VIEWS OF LIFE: LIVING beyond one's means for appearance sake. WITH increased earnings, desire to increase spending. TOO MUCH SHOW, living for today, making no prep aration for tomorrow. h ALL OF THIS may be human nature, but it's the curse of the times. ^ ^ IT IS THE CAUSE OF ? WANT ? FAILURE ? DISTRESS THE SURE WAY to be prepared for unexpected mis fortunes is to have a bank book in your name showing an increased balance with growing interest credits. USE OUR BANK; it is here for the use and benefit of everybody in this community. "The Bank of Personal Service" 4 Per Cent Paid On Savings Accounts Brevard Banking Co.