\ ) Support Woman's Bureau- in Beautifying Brevard ' > ~ Business is Good in Brevard There's a Reason VOL. XXXI BREVARD, NORTH CAROLINA, FEBRUARY, 4, 1926 No. 5 1 FARM NEWS By L. A. AMMON Variety Tests For some reason one variety of cur truck crops will not Jo as wel. as some other variety under the same soil and climatic conditions Our Mountain Experiment Station at Swannanoa, has been doing con siderable alonj; the line of finding which varieties of our crops do thei best on what we would call second , bottom, and a little on river bot tom. From several years' test they find the following varieties best, but others are pood. Strawberries ? General Dun lap for market, and Klondyke for earli ness. Cabbage ? Copenhagen for macke'. and Charleston Wakefield for earlies; Danish Ballhead and All Season for late. -t? Ballhead is no {rood on black types of soil. Cauliflower ? Snow Ball. Celery ? Giant Pascal and Gulden Self Bleaching. Corn. Sugar ? Norfolk Market, and Country Gent. Lettuce ? Los Angeles Ice-berg. Okra ? Perfect Mammoth. Garden peas ? Thomas Laxton. -Peppers, sweet ? Chinese Giant, Squash, summer. ? Crooknecks best sellers. Tomatoes ? Norton's Wilt Resistant. and Globe for shipping. Beans, snap? Black Valentine .or Red Valentine for bunc!; beans. No outstanding vine bean. Our Knoxail seems good. Beet* ? Detroit dark red. Prices Corn is gaining, farmers holding for, and selling at $l.2a; potatoes, i $2.50 to SI!. 00 ; eggs being bought ] for 40 cents and soid for ?"> ' 1 ; small j ' pigs. 12 1 -li to 14 cents per pound; (! fat pig". 12 I -'2 cents per pound, 1 ' on foot. I ' Time For ? Early lettuce to go in hot-bed : U> ; set out fro?t proof eab'oage; t" s"\\ * seed for medium early cabbage ? ' * hotbed; to set eggs for early '.Toil ers, and early layers; to get in wood 1 for next winter; to clean ditch-*. ; and to repair other things. I ' Car of Cows If you are interested in the i-ar ' of cows expected to be gotten iip . J next month, let me know. Curb Market Much pressure is K itig bsough'. ' on the Home and Farm Agents to ?> start a curb market :'or this sum--, liter, fv ding it will -e'p in the r- 1 ing for extra large numbers of pen- 1 pie. What do yu t h ? t k? i AUCTION SALE AT HUNTER FARM TO BE HELD MARCH 1 On account of the bad roads the ' auction sale that was :?> !>r iu-Jd i:, the Hunter Kami. February ? 1-t. ' was postponed until .Ma rii l?t. PISGAH FOREST EXT. ? PROPERTY IS SOLD An important ro..!\v ? !' til-- " 1 past .week wa? pt:iv!v of the Pisgah Forest Fitiact ? r ' any's plant, located at i'i.-^:;ii Fur; -i. j by R. W. Mayer, uf N.w V.'.ik City.1' W. F. Decker was fori-.i r p ??- ii|. ?????, ' of the concern. The purchase was around S 100.000. The purchase includi-s 27 ucsvj of land. 14 building", a railroad j siding, and all inachitn ~y used 'ti I the tannic extract business. Ti.-j. plant has not been in oper:.tii>n f < ' I I the past several years. It is understood that Mr. Mayer j proposes to convert a part of tin tract into an ideal residential sub division, the property being excel- 1 ler.ly located on the Brevanl-Her.d-. dersonvillo highway, about two miles from Brevard. It is stated that the ! intention of the owners is to leave, buildings as at present located i A 4 ? esr-ahlish a dinen'ion plant Uf the possible establishment 'if ^^Brniture factory at a later date. (Wold machinery and other equip, ment of the Tanning plant have been sold by the present owners, in order to make way for their new plans of developement. > Other officers connected with the organization are Joseph Weisner, general manager, and W. B. Stone, auditor, It is not possession that makes people strong, but action to gain ptgpession. CALL YOUR GROCER FOR WICHITA'S BEST Lawrence Tritt Gets 30 Years at Hard Labor ;tor Slaying William NorriS; Widow Acquitted Dissatisfaction Over Verdict Is Voiced By Throng Of Penpln ? i JurybFor Trial Drawn From Henderson Co, Thirty years in the state prison at hard labor was the sentence passed upon Lawrence Tritt here late Sat urday afternoon by Judge Michael Schenck, after his conviction by a Henderson County jury of second degree murder for the slaying ?f William Norris. on the night of December 27. . Mrs. Naomi Norris, widow of the slain man, who was indicted jointly with Tritt for the murder of her husband, was acquitted by the jury (,n the charge of conspiracy with Tritt. \V. E. Breese. attorney for the de- < fense, made a powerful plea for mercy for Tritt. but Judge Schenck declared that the jury had given him all the leniency he deserved in its verdict, and proceeded to give lefendant the full limit of the law for his crime.. Tritt received the verdict with a i-isible show of relief, his face los .ng the drawn and dejected express . ?io?i so noticeable throughout the I trial, when T. I). McCall. foreman I ?f the jury pronounced the word-; .hat saved his life. Mrs .Norris. on the other hand, lppeared little affected, maintaining m air of indifference, even , when he words that set her free were ut .eretl. Although scarcely ton minutes hu?V >;issvd from the time tin jury in*- 1 ?ived at their verdict, a packed ?ourt room heard the finding <>f the urv. Hisses and murniurings of iissatisf action were distinctly audj ile over the throng of spectators, iisplaying the unpopularity of the ury's verdict. Immediately after sentence was Kissed, Tritt ".vas placed in the ?ounty jail to await transportation o the state prison. Mrs. Nor/is nt' to the home of her- brother, lohert Orr. near Brevard. Before .t-ing locked in bis cell. Iritt as -rivd that he was going to work iard and live right, try' to avoid ?in. and ask God to forgive him if it- sinned. He refused to discuss he matter of applying for a pard?:i ? i" parole after he hail , served ten .?tars of his sentence. Being asked ,vhy he' killed Norris, he rct'usett to mswer. Asked if he remembered .the kill ing. he replied. "The Bible say hat it is ni l what goes into a man [hat io i",.rd Saturday night that Sheriff. Sitton with t wo deputies g-.' iriu-d j the jail a'i night, leaving w.;i: '-hej t'-isoner Variy Su"d:iy !Horni::g for, Biltmore; from which plac. he j was placed on the train, aicoiiiici'.si- J. , d hy Deputy c. W. Fi her for U:> U-igh. About three-quarters of an hou efter the sheriff had left the ja:! with Tritt. an automobile occupied bv five men drove up to the door of the jail and demanded the keys of Mrs. Merrill. She refused, telling them if they wished to see Lawrence Tritt they would have to go to Ra leigh. as he had been gone for some time, and was then on his way to prison. After asking regarding the whereabouts of Mrs. Norris, the party left without being recognized According to T. D. McCall, fore man of the jury, three ballots were necessary to reach a verdict in Tritt's case. The first ballot stood seven for first degree murder and five for second degree. The sec ond stood -two for first degree and ten for second. The third brought the verdict. In hte case of Mrs.. Norris, the first ballot showed nine for acquittal and three for convic tion. The next ballot brought the verdict of acquittal. A total of three hours was required by tb? jury to reach a verdict. Due to the intense feeling in (cort;,v">3 fr J%r"'"rrs* COURT PROCEEDINGS The following cases were disposed j of and sentences passed upon .(urin;; ; the Superior Court term helil here ! last week: Walter Nicholson? ^transporting ? not guilty. Carl Hightower ? carrying con cealed weapon- ? not guilty. Wade McGaha ? transporting ? ?100 and costs. Dude Jones ? carrying concealed weapon ? $100 and costs. Dude Jones ? transporting ? $50 and costs. fVeeman Raines ? carrying con cealed waepon ? nol pros. Dave Henry ? carrying concealed weapon ? $50 and costs. Will Hightower ? public drunken ess? 4 5 days on roads. Bob Goodson ? public drun kencr.s ? 30 days on roads. Dob Goodson ? public drunkeness ? (iO days on roads. Connor Mc-Call ? transport ir.;v? $75 and costs. Connor Mc('all---public druitken ess ?$25 and costs. Roscoe McCall ? transporting ? not guilty. .1 mmie Sledge ? public
  • "i- ? fur l!? ? xfayiMg of William Xerri-. Trt'.i ?vas : n ideal prisoner, acc'rii'nu t i T-isher. handcuffs not being though: liivcersai-y. T. R. DUNCAN HAS FIRST iiREVARD NEWS PUBLISHED Mr. T. K. Dencaii. of Rcutt N> !? ha.- ' Yates for some months past, an-; ;?riov to that time was with Mr. ami Mrs. Z. W. N ichols for a long per iod of years, '-as apprehended for assault on Mr. and Mrs. Avery Casu al their home Sunday night about nine-thirty o'clock, and was late: placed in jail by Chief Barneti. awaiting his trial. Next door neighbors- saw the ne gro looking into the window of Mr. and Mrs. Case's bedroom, and im nediately rushed over to inform them of the fact. Mr. Case ami Mr. Huggins, the next door neigh bor, went out through the kitchen and caught "Doug" while apparent ly seeking entrance through the kitchen door. A struggle between Mr. Case and the negro followed, with th" result that the culprit was ' downed" and held until the ar rival of Ch:ef Barnett, who escorted him to jail. Wher a two-year-old Debator finally -v - bill tl-" money seems - *i. ti . Work To Begin On Different Roads Throughout County WOMAN'S BUREAU HOLDS IMPORTANT MEETING The regular meeting of the | Woman's Bureau was held Monday afternoon in the Chamber of Com- 1 merce room, at which time several matters of importance were dis cussed and voted upon. Twenty members were present and eight new members were enrolled, evidencing the fact that the Bureau is growing in popularity with the ladies of the town. In addition to the regular business, action was taken on a number of matters pertaining- to ;the welfare of the town. Upon suggestion of one of the members, it was voted to undertake a beautifying campaign to include all sections of the town. Id accordance with this plan, the to\v:i was divided into four sections and a chairman appointed for each sectior. with the end in view of visiting ca:?> home in the different sections n>' ! requesting co-operation in the mai ler of beautifying their premise. . | In connection with this, it was voL.-ii I to adopt the dogwood as the town tree and to encourage the planting of this tree by every resident or. property owner, that is providing this plan meets with the approval all y offices on the first flocr of the Whitmire building, being the room formerly occupied by Smith's Barber Shop. The offices of this firm include ,1. D. Caldwell, of Columbia, presi dent and treasurer, having head quarters at Columbia; A. fi. Owings. . vice-president anil secretary, and Ii II. Patton, local representative. The firm handles acreage, resic! ental sud-divisions, and home build ing at Brevard, Rosman and Quebec. ANOTHER REAL ESTATE FIRM OPENS THIS WEEK j The latest realty firm in Brevard is the one opening this week, known as McKinney & Jackson, real estate brokers, with offices on the sccond floor _of the Whitmire Building, above Davis-Long . drug store. Mr. McKinney will be remembered by many friends here as a Brevard dentist of former years. Some men are so very much at home anywhere that they make other feel like company. I USE THE BEST i I V.n.-' I Petitions were filed with the Board of County Commissioners last Monday from hundreds of the lead ing; citizens of the county asking that the Commissioners secure th" necessary funds for doing sum-, really worth while road building ir. the county. The total projects asked for in the petitions would cost around oaa million dollars. District Chairman Stikclealliei . of Ashcville, was present at the meeting and pledged his hearty operation in whatever the count; desired to do along the line ol major road improvement. He stated j that he could economically use this t year in this county $2511,000. (II i this amount he said it was his opin-i ion that $150,000 should be usci' [ in gracing Highway No. 28 } fn. :i j Brevard to the South Carolina It toward Coasar's H'-ad, and S100. 000 in hard sufacing Highway N< . 28 from Bosnian to the Jack:->i:< County line. The Commissions! v. wishing to provide the amount funds th.:! can be profitably am! economically used this year, agree.: to secure $250,00(1 to loan to iiu State High way Commission for the projects named. I Accordirg to suggestions <>f X. ; Stikeleather, the work of graili No. 284 f^oin Brevard to ".lor.!-; Gap" will he let to contracto: : while the work of hard surfacia;i No. 28 from Brevard to the .lackso - j County line will be done by the u. of convict labor as it can be d<-s done later as funds can be sveu" ' [ will be the hard surfacing "f X" i 28} from the South Carolina I. ; I to Brevaid. hard :urfaiit:;r !' I'ickens road from H'Miiian to :!? South Carolina lim-. gradin.: an ' J hard surfacing Highway N?. I'S from Pisgah Fore.-'. to the II; County line. The matter of grading thr* I'' vard- As'leville road by the w;;y ' J the Memorial Arch, Turkey, t . ? j Little Mountain and Boyieston connect with the . road to b<- i -tructed acrcss ? Mills River tow ! ship, which would connect with th I road to Ashcville wa - also tak.m '> I lore the Commissioners and dis-.-y ; at some length. It was pointed o"' | that this road would cost ap;vr-. , imately $.">0,000. and that th" *:? ! combe County cud is now ?. . to within two miles of the I' .-?oh (bounty line and will I., imp'.- ' pleted within thirty days. it ! i 'liclii. 'file pavoi" of th;-' :?>??! ? ) ?he road is ?nhj?I? ted lo withii ft ?> i!!'l"s of She lleild.i;;Mi; count;- :i" Ar-ord'ng to info "i.ation ???< wn -h! ; t ndciivorini;" i'-> their par; ! IHiU 'ii" thro'jgh tivi pavim." orn.'. . through their ? ?cti.u!. and v>i" favor the vol lii'.r of bonds for tiii 1 urpose. A petition signed by nearly tiir ? hundred names, headed by U. Beeves and T. It. Duncan, of thi Boyleston sect !?*>. was presented ' the commissioners at tl'oir moot in Monday. Ny action on this ma*' . was taken by the coir.miss:?ne ' but it is thought quite probable rlv the chain gang will start work ? this road at an early dale. From the register of deeds offii last Monday afternoon teiegraii' were sent to 47 bond buyers a! over the country, who are retires sr. tative of the best buyers in i": United States. The bonds will br sold next Monday. Along with these arterial road improvements, which will be pro vided for by the State through th agency of the Board of Count;." Coin missioners, must go improvement n our "cross country" roads. Thc.-i minor roads are of major import ance in the financial, social and ed i cational development of the whole county. The educational proa-re sivism which has been well begun ir this county cannot, be adequate!' developed until there is great im provement in our system of minor ronda. Our County Corr ^ | ?' i jii' " n* >r>isFi cers ti?v" THE PRAYER CORNER LUKEWARMERS Don't be- lukewarm! The sucitx? was never made yet that had not enthusiasm for its backbone. grow. Do. or think, or say any mortal thing you can to make your corner of the world happier. By and by you will find an little miracle has happened; ;.<-u will lind that every particle of ser vice, every particle of joy; eo-.v particle of happiness and couir.ve which you have given out to others has transformed your obseur" ? ? t" ner of the globe into a lirigl . and shining corner ? a corner ? hedding such radiance and beauty arou.jd, that all men shall turn their to it, for guidance and for ligh'. How far a candle sheds it:. rays! Yes, and the rays stream on even where the light has passed to where there is no need of the sun. The words and deeds live on and are repeated to and fro, ami man can count the fruit they hear or t' e paths they lighten . A PRAYER AGAINST LUKEWARM NESS O Thou God of th" Kai'tif:" ?nn. Zealous, save us from Hii-wa. iii ness, from being neither col.l n o hot. Let us not h< .slothful. weary in well doing, nor doui>'e minded, fo rlhey are mis- -i' all their ways. But give :"-ai at .; earnestness in whatever we say an 4 do. Teach us thai success wa nev.-r yet made that hail not enthus:.sui for its backbone. Let us not think that because v occupy but a small corner in ti ? world ? a corner which the oia '?? of earths inhabitants do no: dr> : .. exists at all. that fur thi* rea ? the things we do and -say a'"! tl. r are not of much account. Let us not despise ?> :ir tf: . ! !? and ideas because they :,,-e ( . but give them breathing spare . i : room to grow. Help us ti> do ... think and say any moi'.a! i !j ? ? ? v i in. to make our corr-v .?>' '.vt.-lfl happier and better .40.1 beaut'''il. Then .^all we find I y a d that an od vice, every partici ? of joy. < rtarticle of happiness .iml eour..- i which we have given o,t: !?> ..i;; : has transformed our ol. i: ? e.it of the globe into : l-rie'e a s'i inr corner ? a comer .-ln-diiir,"- - rad'ai'ce .???id beauty a/oivi'1. tli:.! . men shall turn their . U. A. \i. t'larr ('111!; lue !>"(?:' leiVlitly ts ? ed ?? Brevard. This is a re!' ?? tion. and has the disiiiu'. ! ? in N' 1 1 ? ' Carolina, hence the local .faiilev i known as Chanter ,\'o. :!. l:i er.lei to become a member, i. ' : nc. e.- a u">mb of this newly* organized Ciriritt Club. The officers of the f'haritv Ciul are as follows: 1'. 11. Galloway, president; Fred Stanley, vice-presi dent; C. R. Sharp, secretary; \V. A Lyda, treasurer. REV. WALLACE HART3ELL CONTINUES TO IMPROVE The many friends of Rev. Wall-ice Dartsell will be interested to knov; that his condition lis reported as a little better at present writing. most ?..Iden .opportunity to greatly advance the interests of all the citizenship of the county by givin.c i. > lij-ji- to oi < | r