The Value of a Life Insurance Policy Depends on What It Will Do for You FOR THE YOUNG MAN A POLICY THAT GIVES YOU LOW COST PRO TECTION AND THE CASH AT AGE 65 Xhe Pilot Thrift Endowment Policy is designed es pecially for young men. The rate on the policy is so reasonable that any young man on a fair salary will have no difficulty in taking care of his premiums. The policy offers live protective features: 1 . A practical method of systematic saving. ..'J. Complete lile insurance protection. An income in case of disability either 'it>m accident or sickness. Double benefits from accidental death. 5 . Protection for old age. FOR THE PROFESSIONAL MAN LIFE INSURANCE ON THE MONTHLY INCOME PLAN Monthly income insurance is the safest plan of insur ance known. The average woman who has depended aiways on her husband's judgment in financial matters is usually not qualified to step into the business world and successfully handle large sums of money. The Piloi income plan is designed to perpetuate a man's salary or his income from his profession. You can make the monthly income any amount that you desire. You can also have a policy s? arranged ihat the company will pay your wife a nnuivhiy income in i ase you die be tore age o->, aim pay you uie cash il you are living at that time, thus comoii'iing protection for your family and lor your old age. is t n: /} ENDOWMENT POLICIES OR A CONTRACT THAT PAYS A.N INCOME FOR LIFL BEGINNING AT AGE 55 There are two plans of life insurance which are especially appropriate for . business or prou-ssional women. One plan is the short term endowment plan vi hich givvs to a business woman ;he face van.e of the policy in ten or fifteen years. This Is an ideal plan of saving, ami offers in addition to -lie saving ieature complete life insurance protection. Another pian that is very popular with -business a:-d profess ional women is what is known as the- life iiiy-ome at age This contract provides that the company shall pay a stated income for life, beginning at age the size of the income depending on the face value of the policy. A ten thousand dollar policy . GUARANTEES you an income of one hundred dollars a month for ten years, and for as long as you live thereafter. There Is A Pilot Policy To Meet Every Need Let Us Show You Please send me more information regarding the Pil^l Policy. Occupation J *. 1 was Bom Address Ycurs truly I Name FOR THE FAMILY MAN ORDINARY LIFE POLICIES OR TWENTY PAY MENT POLICIES THAT GIVE THE MOST PROTECTION AT THE LEAST COST The average family man's chief object in carrying life insurance is lo provide for the welfare of his fam ily in case of his death. The Pilot Ordinary Life plan of insurance, including disability and double indem nity features gives you the largest amount of insur ance protection at the least possible cost. If a man is dependent entirely on a salary for a living, it is sometimes best to use the twenty payment life plan so that your life insurance will be completely paid up during the years when your earning power is greatest. FOR EDUCATING THE CHILDREN TWO PLANS SAVINGS AND A GUARANTEE TO CARRY ON YOUR WORK SHOULD YOU NOT LIVE TO SEE THEM THROUGH SCHOOL For a number of years parents, anxious to give their children an education, have been using life in surance either as a means of saving for an educational fund or to guarantee that in case of the death of the lather the funds for educational purposes will be available. What is known as the Endowment Plan provides a systematic method of saving, and the amount of insur ance named in the policy is payable at the age when your children will enter college. The protection plan provides for no payments unless the father dies before the children enter college. In case of his death before the children reach college ;tge the amount of the policy is held in trust by the company until the children reach college age, and at that time is paid in such installments as may be agreed on at the time the policy is written. You can not leave your children anything that will be more valuable to them than the chance for an educa tion. Use life insurance to guarantee them that chance. OVER 15 AN. A TEN DOLLAR AUTOMOBILE ACCIDENT POLICY This policy says: Kov any accident occurring while riding in, op erating, being struck by, being thrown from, adjust ing or cranking, or by the burning or explosion of an automobile: $2,500 in the event you are killed. $2,500 in the event you lose two limbs. $2,500 in the event you lose an eye and limb. $2,50.0 in the event you are permanently par alysed. $2,500 in the event you are biinded. $1,250 in the event you lose one limb. $ S3."> in the event you lose an eye. $ Ii25 in the event you lose a thumb and in dex finger of either hand. $50.00 per week for ten weeks if the atten tion of a graduate nurse is required or you are confined in a hospital. $25.00 per week for the entire period of dis ability due to an accident. $12.50 per week for partial disability for 2(! weeks. $25.00 surgical indemnity for non-disabling injuries. $100.00 identification expense. JL* orv Realty & Insur &"IS\ Yi our Interest Our Principle tt B &T6V8 rOy rr^mirri iv-vr ?, Tv^.T-iTgrr/y,-^- . am gsaryjgCTggciaac tzx Tin*CT.Jx=3S>cw *4?Wlir