TO OUR FRIENDS: We wish to announce to our many" friends that we are now in our new place in the nice jnew building next-door to the Tinsley Building. SMITH S BARBER SHOP John W. Smitl^^pp. Rupert Hughes and Washington. I How Heroei are Made. Iconoclasts. Coolidge. The Ideal Warrior. BY ANTHONY JAMES There are many among the great number of Americans of light and leading who have expressed disap pioval of Rupert Hughes, the author,* because he goes 'about picturing the weaknesses and defects which Ge crge" Washington had in common with others of his day. Some say that Mr. Hughes might be in. better i business. So he might. Others note | that 5ilr. Hughes is tearing down an COFFIN IETRIST# [Rutherfordton, N. C.) Se In (D, N. C. lTURDAY, MAR 6, 1926 DRUG CO. GLASSES FITTED (ired when reading or blur and ended with properly fitted ^ECIOUS possession: ; |s repaired ' .and For Sale *st of Pickens, S. C., near 10 per acre. lid ; good buildings; near | of Pickens; 8-room house: of timber; near school price. Ires on Keowee River; 12 JC. ; good houses, graded Ine^t bottom land in county, ir Pickens, S. C. )od farm see us. I- town property, list it with Estate Agency [TON, Mgr. :OURT HOUSE South Carolina Lynch' s Cafeteria Breakfast 7:00 A. M. to 10:00 A. M. Lurch 12:00 to 2:00 P. M. Dinner 6:00 P. M. to 8-cOO P. M. SOUP, SALADS, SANDWICHES AND COFFEE AT ALL HOURS. Lynch' s Cafeteria Warning!! It has come to the attention of the Bre vard Klan that some persons have been writing letters of a threatening manner to different parties and signing them K K EC. We want all concerned to know that this is a violation of the U. S. Postal Laws, and is a dangerous practice. All letters written by the Klan is on offi cial stationery and under seal of the Or der, therefore easily distinguished from the forged ones. We advise anyone re ceiving a forged letter to mail same im mediately to the Brevard Klan with full particulars, and a thorough investigation will follow. Yours for a better Country by co-operat ing with the legally constituted officers of the Law. THE BREVARD KU KLUX KLAN No. 102. BREVARD, N. C. ideal.'1 So he is. And that is why 1 so many are resentful. The process by which heroes are constructed in the race consciousness is fairly well undersood. Much study into legend and tradition oi the past has taught how kings came to be heroes and often gods, and why it is that to this day there are multitudes of human beings who re gard the emperor as divine, just as, tnc Romans of pagan days thought their emperors divine. George Washington belongs to the varrior type of hero. He partakes a little of the king type, for he was ruler as well as general. The George Washington of this day is not and c-iinnot be the George Washington of his own day. He is the product oi' national consciousness v working <>u the memory of a great man who was supremely useful to his countrymen slid their successors. The strong man, the great fighter, the winner of victories was always a notable man. The worship of such a man had its beginnings when men were primitive, and combat was the iaily life of man. The great fighter was a terror to his enemies, a tower f strength to his friends. In his In the race consciousness there is a latent picture of the great warrior, : great respect fi-r the ideal warrior, j :o a very remote time. The Washington we know is f his countrymen, llis image is j hiselled and moulded by many thou ?and minds, each striving to add I omithing to its image of the ideal sure. It boots nothing that oneel here was a real man, with the railties of a man. The true picture if Washington is the hero picture! hat has been constructed in the ".arts of Americans, the ideal that I las become a part of their nervous ??ganizations, that has a temple ir. lerve center, plexus, or brain. Those who tear down the heroes nd the gods never will be Welcome, :.r, Hughes has been branded ar, an onoclast. And ththae so mm caiodast is an idol breaker. Idols e to be broken however, until they ;:ve become unrepresentative of the eals of which they were once a atisfactory representation, an ade quate symbol. This race consciousness is superior o the individual opinion of the iomenl. It preserves what is useful ? the; sanctifies it, makes it re erenced of man. The great war or, who saved his people in their, ou.- of peril, has always had place n racial memory, and will until war more. I'cry did of In the respect that is paid to Mr. ^oolidge we see here worship propel ?d by race consciousness in its :cipiency. How differently lan.v people think and speak "ooiidge the instant he was elevated y the presidency! Some of his hero vorship is a product of the sense of avbrs to come. Part of it is part an. in origin. The party will profit f its leader is reverenced. Far .ore of it is born of the deep seated r:tinct of the race, which through irany ages, beginning with a time when individual men were far closer to the leader than now have shown reverence for and devotion to per : sons in authority over them, the patriarch ; the warrior king. When |a man is president these deep seated Toolings inherited t'r.m Jl? 'evdays are stirred in many souis, and the president does veritably become to these minds a new order ?>f being; one different than he was before. Mr. Hughes' views on George | Washington's human weaknesses wil: not get him favor with his country- J ir.en. They prope.-ly belong, if they are to be uttered at all, in the books which are read by students. They are not for popular consumption. It 's not the man Washington who is -landered, but a natioal hero whose deal image exists in millions of human hearts. Jan de Bruyn, charged with smug- 1 ;ling. was arrested after a two years I jsarch, when found running a Flor i.ia real. estate office. arcjbfc-tng quickly sold to nianufacterers andicapitalists. lfryou have nn Invention, send na a model or sketches for scuivb aJid report on patentability. Olir book on patents and trade-marks sent to any address. D. SWIFT & CO. 7th & E. Sts., Washington, 0. C. Established In 18C?. . J-. I Try a WANT AD-they bring RESULTS I ?' ' 1 _ Jor Economical Transportation fe/everbefore - Price fcr Price far^Sdue K V Reduced Prices Touring - -$??0 \ Roadster - - ?3? \ Coupe - - - ^45 Coach - - - &45 Sedan - - - 735 Landau - - 7&5 / Vi Ton Truck 3Q5 / ( Chassis Only) J 1 Ton Truck ?50 Think how low the recent re* duction of Chevrolet prices brings the cost of a fully equipped automobile. Com pare what you get for Chev rolet's new low prices with any other car in the world. * Remember that Chevrolet equipment includes speedo meter, Fisher body and bal ' loon tires on closed models, Duco finish, Alemite lubrica tion system and scores of other features essential on a modern motor car. Now more than ever before, check price for price and value for value ? and you will buy a Chevrolet. Come in. Get a demonstration! Whitmire Motor Sales Co. Mam Street, Next to Chamber Commerce Brevard - - North Carolina QUALITY AT LOW CO S-T 'Enamel your floors now For the children's room, or any room for that matter, where the floors are sub jected to exceptionally hard usage, we recommend Pee Gee Floor Enamel. Select the color that best harmonizes with surroundings. You can rest assured that floor enamel bearing the Pee Gee label will deliver a full dollar's worth ol service for every dollar spent on it. Now is the time to enamel your floors, so come in and let us help you select the color.