,-r:. v. >V / Slogans are Good But Hard Work Brings Results To Sell Anything Let Us .. Advertise It VOL. XXXI BREVARD, NORTH CAROLINA, MARCH 11, 1926 . -r No. 9 FARM NEWS By L. A. AMMON (tp .Oats and Seeding ^5 My time for sowing oats, grass and clover would be during the next - two weeks. Sow on as firm a seed bed as possible, that plenty of moist ure may come up. Government experiments show jjjtet it does not pay to turn clean ground for oats. Turning, giv ing about two bushels extra in yield. Disc in or get on the riding cultiva _ tor and plow them in. Or disc and use grain drill. Sow grass or clover after and drag with harrow or brush. Earliness is the secret in getting yields of oats. Take your chance with frost rather than hot weather. Chicken Market The chicken truck was up last Friday and took away over a hun drfSfl dollars worth of culls and dulfe. Hens of the heavies brought 22 cents; lights, 20 edits; ducks. 15. This truck comes as far as Brevard every Saturday, reaching Brevard about noon. Chickens or eggs in coops or cases will be taken back. The following parties have been seen and will buy chickens and eggs for this truck or to be sent in by ex press. Winchester, of Rosman; Perry, of Calvert; Bagwell, of Se lica; Bagwell, of Brevard; Lyday, of Davidson River. Others are to be seen yet. It is hoped to have a regular buyer at every station along the road. Prices will be furnished a week ahead. This program is part of my plans for the year, but any one bidding highest for this trade has my permission to take it in. P'SS 4 , Rather suspect that Mrs. Tom Wilson would like for Connestee and East Fork to know that she can beat them in raising pigs. I will venture to say that no one but John Bishop has beat her yet with a large bunch of pigs. "Grow them off quick is tb? way," Mrs. Wilson says. Spraying Time ? Now is .the time to tune up the spray outfit and give the trees a good spring bath of lime and sul phury Sixteen pounds to fifty gal lons. The demonstration at the Arm strong place, Toxaway, by Lewis Tinsley. sure shows wonderful re sults in killing scale and improving | growth. The first spray is good till leaves or flowers come out. Berries Mr. Henry Carrier cannot see why people do not grow more berries. | and especially raspberries. His set tings yield a good profit. Two days next, week we will have a Specialist in small fruits with us. The time will be devoted to individual work as a beginning, so I will be glad to havo you speak if you would like for him to visit your place. RF,AJmTr .^Approximately one - half million oTjars in real estate transfers were recorded by the register of deeds office during the past week. The deeds follow: (J. A. Thomas to W. E. and Bet tie Bizzell, $100 and other consider ations. 13. J. Sitton to W. C. Fortune, $1 stamp. T. H .Hampton to Jack Page, $1 j stamp. Oat Bryson to J. P. Whitmire, $1 stamp. * O. J. Morsran to W. F. Hollings- 1 w; drants for fire protection. All con struction work will be pushes through to completion as rapidly as is consistent with best results. The present owners purchased this property less than !i year a consideration around S>7.>,000. When the first sections were put on the market some four months ago the rapid sales far exceeded the highest expectations of even i most sanguine'. Within fifteen days $175,000 of Montclove home sites were sold without publicity. A I $10 000 publicity campaign , Montclove and this immediate see-, tion is planned by the owners. | Occupying some 125 acres of th.sj property will be eventually an eighteen hole golf course, of M nine holes are already under ?? ' struction and will he ready for p a bv. early summer. The land for the golf course was deeded absol iu e \ ? the Brevard Country Club, bv the Brevard Development corporation, provided the former agreed to use it solely for purposes of a go "oTan imposing knoll overlooking the estates and commanding a derful view of the surrounding mountains and river ^w 'S ?? statelv historic mansion which p??? -."-.rs Country club, Inc., and used by th. . organization as a club house. use of this mansion as a club o . . was offered by the Brevard Deve. opment corporation lor a peuod two years. . . . The Pinnix Land company, wtau * realtors and capitalists, are se 'n- . agents for Montclove Estates. Hug Finnix, of Pinnix Land eompnnj-. ' president aid trca&uur of the Br vard Development corporation. OUT OF COURT How many of you have ever set- , tied anything out of court? When there's a charming girl, and wealthy father ? Most anything can be settled this way ? even this most vital and serious occurrence in the young man's life! $50,000 damages ! ? COUI.D she pay? WOULD she pay? Some say she paid HEAVILY! See what you think - ? And then settle your own affairs Out of Court. J. E. FRAZIER TAKES OVER LEGAL BUSINESS OF DEAVER J. E. Frazier, attorney, of Ashe boro, has located in Brevard, occu pying the offices of lawyer C. B. Deaver in the Breese building. Mr. Frazier is prepared to take care of all legal business formerly conducted by Mr. Deaver. GREENVILLE MAN BUYS VARIETY STORE BUILDING H. J. Williams of C. P. Wilkins Real Estate Co., sold W. O. Grose of Greenville, S. C., the property on Main and Gaston streets, known as the Variety Store property. The consideration was around $ 1 4,000. C. C. YONGUE WILL NOT ACCEPT NOMINATION FOR COUNTY COMMISSIONER I i C. C. Yongue announces that he will not run for the office of county commissioner bn any consideration, and wishes his name withdrawn from the nomination THE PRAYER CORNER THE GREATNESS OF THE LOVE OF COD I There is a story of a Scottish shepherd who was standing one -Ja.v on the Chevrot ^hills, and endeavor ing to explain to his little son Tlw Greatness of tne Love of (;??(. Pointing north at\d south and easr. and west, he told1 him that the Low of God was so vas* that it reached f>i Scotland and England, across the North Sea, and over the Atlantic Ocean. After the lad had reflect, .r in silence for a moment or two, h said one of those simple ami won derful things by which it is given ?<> children to perfect God's prai-i\ "Then, father, we must be in tin very middle of the Love of God." Both father and child were right It is not enough to realize thai God' Love is for all, it must also l?- r. membered that God's Love is t .1 eaoh. To be matle aware that God i pleased with ME, that His :-iii?i rests 011 ME, no language has been too ardent to express the joy and the strength which has followed tl>. realization of this; that is to ku<- w God. or rather to be known of < It is much lo sec The Love nf f that great love enlei I the soul to quicken tlx- .spiritual 1 pulse and set the heart a-d: ncing. For the Love of God is broader Than the measure of man'.- mind: And the Heart of the K'crtutl Is most wonderfully kind. If our love were but more .-.imp! ?? We should take Him at lit-- word. I And our lives would be all .in. shine, I In the sweetness of our Lord. A PRAYER FOR THK GREATNESS OF GOD'S LOVF. 0 Thou God of Love, teach it. the Scotch shepherd taught in the Greatness of Thy I.ov. M:u we be able to say with the I t:!' !a>i. we are in the very midst U?. love of God. Show us thai i! is it"' enough to realize that Thy l.ovc 1 for all. Let us never I'orgi : t It Thy Love is for each of us. . To be made aware that Thou ait pleased with us, that Tin smile rests on us, no longer is t o ardent to express the joy and the strength which follows the realization of tb> - ? It is to know Thee rather than t > be known of Thee. This is Kvtrnal Life to know Thee, tin- >' ? '1 1 God, and Jesus Christ whom Ttm? hast sent as Thy Messenger. But to be known of Thee, () 'ihoti God of Love, and Jesus ("nr.st tin: Son of Thy Love, 110 lunger is tun ardent to express our joy and our strength which follows its realiza tion. It is much -to see Thy Love re flected all around us but mot amazing realization, when ? v.-n ot? ray of the light and warmth of Thj. Great Love enters our -ouls 'o quicken our pulse" anil set our heart - a-dancing. Make our love more shut .. r. W. J. FORTNER OPENS ELECTRICAL SHOP HERE I W. J. Former has op- tied ail j electrical shop here with suppK I and olfice rooms over Davis-Long ' Drug store for the present. Mr. Fortner is equipped to do all kinds of electrical work, wiring, and general co.uraj.ung. (GIRL SCOUTS ORGANIZE SECOND TROOP IN BREVARD Another Girl Scout troop rag been organizerd which, is knoua a Laut I Troop No. J. The leaders of t!.