Use Trash Cans and keep our Streets clean VOL. XXXI BREVARD, NORTH CAROLINA, APRIL 8, 1926 Let's try to be to all visitors considerate No. 13 FARM NEWS By L. A. AMMON Glad to hear that our hatchery is making plans for selling some baby chickens each Wednesday. Do not let the baby chickens get M ?oo hot or cold. Never above 100 J and not under 90 till they are hard ened off. Many are having the usual losses from over heat or chill. Do not open your box of chickens till you get them in a warm place. One party was said to have showed his to several others parties . along the road. Fear he has regreted it. So far as I can find out we are doing as well or better than any other part of the State. Meaning that the knowledge of handling baby chickens is more common. Soybean orders will be sent off g^about the fifteenth. If you wish to "Jrbuy now, and through me hand me your order in a definite manner. Prices are not likely to go up, from what I can learn, but rather down. That is- why I have not been in a hur ry Enos McCall of Glouster takes a car of lime this year. Last years re sults with part of a car was so pleas ing, that he is planning on liming all his farm during the next few years. "Let his tribe increase." Potatoes are being planted at this time, but the lack of seed is cutting the acreage. Glad so many people are trying a few, and hope some day they will grow enough to market in car loads, and many car loads. The real estate men and our truck growers are not doing so much busi ness. The man who ha* (riven cor. siderable attention to truck has made -the most money and consequently is hard to move. Tom Surrett will farm the Frank J. Case place this year. L. F. Lyday in reporting on sick sow, which we conclude was down with kidney trou ble, says that plenty of good butter milk brought her out and now the proud mother of ten pigs. Chas. Graveley, of East Fork, call ed to tell me that he was doing con siderable veterinary work in his sec tion. Any man who will study and fit himself to doctor stock in a small way or larger, is a great asset to a community. Very often a little at tention at the right time saves an animal. I for one thank him and oth ers like him, and anytime I can will be glad to swap experiences, that the people may benefit by it. Spraying for the scale and body diseases of the trees is now in pro gress. Porter Morgan, Flem Glaz ener, T. F. Galloway, Camp Illahee, Hill Paxton, Mrs. Armstrong, have finished the first spray. The next on, for apples comes just when a ma jority of the bloom buds are out <>u'. not open. This spray is for the ap;>i.< scab, and licc. Three to four peu;: is of lime sulphur ;o fifty icall *?s i< ' the mixture we are using for thi' second spray. Peach tree;, wait this time. PALLANZA PARK CHOSEN A3 NAME FOR DEVELOPMENT . Pallanza Park is the name chosen by the judges in the naming con test for Claud E. NeaPs develop ment, formerly known, as the Hamp ton place. In accordance with previous an nouncement, prizes were given for the best names submitted The prizes awarded were as follows: $25 ? Pallanza Park, Annie Sirton; $10 ? Hampton Heights, A!f Hamp ton; (this name was also suggested by several others) $5 ? I.ingerlong, Butler Doolittle; *"'.50 ? Skyland Orchards. Martha Pinkstoi:; ? Avalon, Lionel Aiken. AUCTION SALE TO BE HELD NEXT WEDNESDAY An auction sale of the Whitmire - .property on Broad street and Ros highway will be held Wednes ^Say, April 14. Seventeen lots will be autioned off, the sale to be con ducted by Burns Land .Vu.tion Co., ' of Asheville. j BREVARD BATTERY COMPANY j INSTALLS AUTO LAUNDRY i OUTFIT TO EQUIPMENT ? .. r The Brevard Battery Company has added to its already efficient bat tery and electrical service a mod- j ern automobile washing, greasing and vacuum cleaning service, in cluding air pump greasing and lubri Atin'g. . ?The company is now prepared to render the best service to its pa trons. BIG DEVELOPMENT I PLAN ANNOUNCED FOR PANTHER MTN.I A tract of land containing 1,617 j acres lying along the Brevard-Green ville highway about seven miles from . Brevard and comprising the entire j section of Panther mountain, will undergo intensive development into a residential subdivision, calling for an expenditure of $1,500,000. Con struction work will begin at once, according to announcement made by one of the owners, H .G. Love, of H. G. Love company, Brevard and Hendersonville. In addition to Mr. Love, the other owners of this vast tract are It. L. Briggs, Asheville, and Jones McCorley, Henderson ville. It is the. plan of the owners and developers to include in the immed iate development program the sur vey of roadways and building of streets throughout the development. The main thoroughfares are to be hardsurfaced, while other streets through the subdivision will be grav eled or otherwise put in first class condition. Other improvements will include water, lights, sewerage and all modern conveniences in keeping with a high class residential subdi vision. The property will be cut up into some 10,000 lots which will be put on the market in units the coming summer season. The Ford and Mc Lemore sales organization, with of fices in Ashcvittg, .Charlotte, 1 ville, Greensboro and other cities, will act as selling agents for the subdivision. It is stated that this organization will have in its employ 200 salesmen and 50 solicitors oper ating on sales for this project. Of fices in some twenty cities in Flor ida will also be maintained, it is claimed, to put this property o tin market. Ford and McLcmore rep resent one of the largest real estate selling organizations in Florida, hav ing been selling agents for numerous developments in that state. Mr. Ford announces that the or ganization will put into the service this summer motor buses valued at $200,000, for the purpose of trans porting prospects to and from the property. Panther Mountain, which is entire contained in the property, arises to a height of approximately 4000 fe.t and is said to be one of the most ii r traetive subdivision sites in West ern North Carolina. From its high est peak it is claimed that various points in Noilli Carolina, South Car olina and Georgia are visible. Many beautiful streams and dense woods are among the attractive features of the property. Brevard Development Co. Opens Office Here The Brevard Development Corpor ation, owners of Montclove Estates, are opening offices at the corner of Main and Broad streets in the office formerly occupied by Pinnix Laiid company P. .1. Mullen is sales manager for Montclove Estates, with W. C. Lyeth, assistant sales manager. In cluded in the sales force are E. W. Scott. E. C .Stowe, O. W. William son, Mrs. Ethel B. Tenney. O. B. Caruthers, who has been with Pin nix Land company, is also joining the Montclove organisation. Others will be added to the sales force within the n<'"t week. The office space is now undergo- 1 ing extensive remodeling, including! interior decorating and new funr t.ure "f the wicU.-r dz.'ijm. An art pictu I \ 10 by 12, painted by Cassidy and >.'ess, has been shipped and will be installed early next week. In addition to the nine-hole golf course and country club already a part of the subdivision, will be in clud d- Also, in the development pro gram surfaced streets, cement side walks. city v. at jr. electric lights, takes, and parks. An expenditure of $100,000 is to be included in the development program. Montclove Estates, it is claimed. '< one of the outstanding subdivis ions in Western North" Carolina i:> u far as scenic beauty is concerned and wonderful possibilities for de velopment. The corporation plans to operate buses between Brevard and sur rounding towns for the transporta tion of prospects. Several buses are now enroute and will be put in to operation cn arrival. fflANY NEWCOMERS NOW IN BREVARD A casual observer one day last week took notice of the license tags on the rear of automobiles which were parked along the streets in business district, and counted li cense plates representing twelve different states, including North Carolina. The twelve states represented were Florida, Georgia, South Carolina, Tennessee, Virginia, New York, Ohio, Maryland, New Jersey, Mich i igan, Texas and North Carolina. With the exception of our own ! state, South Carolina and Florida tags were decidedly in the lead. Not only do the foreign tags show that strangers are in our midst, ba. also the numbers of strange facet, seen on the streets every day are a j strong evidence of the fact, ano j judging from thriving activities among all real estate dealers in th; town, these people, or at least, r, great many of them, are here for the purpose of buying Transylvania property. j WOMAN'S BUREAU TO HOLD CALL MEETING WEDNESDAY; A called meeting of the Woman's Bureau will be held in the Chamber of Commerce room next Wednesday afternoon, April 14, at 3:30 o'clock. All members are urged to be pres ent as important matters concerning the welfare of the town are to be discussed. CITY TRUCK REMOVES iKASH'j Notice is hereby given that the city truck will carry off trash piles from the residences every Saturday free of charge. Those desiring trash hauled off I should notify Mr. DuRant, city clerk, on Friday and have trash piled near sidewalk and same will be called for on Saturday of each week. H. G. LOVE COMPANY OPENS REALTY OFFICE IN BREVARD A new realty firm, under the name of H. G. Love Company, ppencd of fices in Brevard within the past week, being located in a section of the Mull building at the coiner <>l" Broad and Jordan streets. The members of the firm include II. G. Love, of Hendersonvilie, and J. II. Thornton, who conies to this section from Cuba. For ih. twelve years Mr. Thornton Ji.u held the position of vice-president of the Company Armour de Cuba, Havana, Cuba. He will be manager of th< Brevard office, operating in partner ship with Mr. Love. In addition to the Brevard office, the company also operates offices iii Hendersonvilie. The local company deals in a general real estate busi ness. SEVER DEMOCRATIC ' CANDIDATES HAVE ENTERED 'BIG FIELD'! - i Seven aspirants to County office:- ; on the Democratic ticket have a!- : ready announced their candidacy for j election, subject to the June pri mary. A hard tight for nomination may be expected from several- ? two have announced that they "exect to he i nominated and elected" ? while the j other five announced, not niakini. : any bioad statements, are. 'expected' | to put up stiff sights, j The annouiK'. mi-nt:' follow: ! . ?>iu5riff: lick Siiis. Brevard "ov... I ship; Lcaie Gnllow.-y, Gloiici.-l.r. Register of deeds: Clyde Lyda Blythe, Boyd. Tax Collector: W. B. Henderson, Hotsbaek ; Elmer Gillespie, Eastatoa. Treasurer: K. Carl Allison, Cath ay's Creek; Cole I. Lee, Hogback. CLEAN-UP WEEK TO BE OBSERVED LAST OF APRIL The Woman's Bureau, assisted by the Chamber oi'i Commerce, the Ki v.'anis club, and others, arc . sponsor ing a town-wide clean-up campaign to be conducted in Brevard the lat ter part of April. All residents and property owners are requested to <fo operate in every way possible j to make of it the most successful and lasting campaign of the kind ever put on in Brevard. WOMANS BUREAU HOLDS MEETING The Woman's Bureau met in reg ular monthly session Monday after noon in the Chamber of Commerce room, with the president, Mrs. 0 L. Erwin, presiding. Secretary Alexander, of the | Chamber of^ommerce, was pres ent and suggested different methods of advertising to be used in the clean-up campaign, which is to be sponsored by the Woman's Bureau with the assistance of the Chamber of Commerce. It was voted to ac cept the offer of the board of alder men to contribute $50 toward the advertising campaign for clean-up week, and to authorize the Chamber of Commerce to order such adver tising material as will be necessary for a successful clean-up campaign. Since weather conditions were not favorable for the clean-up campaign to take place the first week in April, the Bureau voted to conduct the campaign the latter part of April, making of it an intensive, town wide affair, with the expectatioi. ' that the benefits thereby derived will last beyond the prescribed week. It was decided to have a called meeting on Wednesday afternoon ' of next week to discuss and carry out final details relative to clean-up week. The meeting will be held in the Chamber of Commerce room at 3:30 o'clock, and a full attendance of members is requested. MRS. JACK PAGE TO OPEN BEAUTY PARLOR MAY 1ST Mrs. Jack Page, assisted by Mr ? W. E. Ramsey, will open the Je-Ann_e Beauty Parlor May 1st, occupying a suite o? rooms in the new postofficc building on Jordan street. | Mrs. Page comes to Brevard fron; i Ohio, havi:i<v completed the couk.-I in Marinello ill Cleveland, Ohio, ami later managed a beauty shop ,i;i; Salem, Ohio, and was part owner of the Jen-Rue Shoppe, Lisbon, Ohio. The local shop will be strictly ! sanitary and modern in every way, j specializing in shampooing, marcel- i ling, massage and manicuring. COURT CONVENES THIS WEEK The criminal term of superior court opened here Monday morning, with Judge A. M. Stack, of Monroe, presiding. Practically 100 cases a:e to appear on the calendar, the ma jority being violations of the liquor law. It is thought these cases will be disposed oi- by the latter paijt of the week, when civil court will be in session for a week. Fifteen cases are on the docket for the civil term. The large number of cars parked along the business streets Mo:ida\ gave evidence of the crowds of pco pie throughout the county attending court the first of the week, and also emphasized the already over-crowd ed parking accommodations. AUTHORITIES ASK CO-OPERATION IN CITY PAVING WORK Engineers in charge of the city paving work request that prop; 'ty owners along the streets to be .n eluded in the paving program as.?ist in the work by staking off the space where driveways are to run into the property from the street. The engineers in charge state that this slight effort on the part of residents would aid materially in their pavini work, and would at the same time uv.'id any danger of later re-adju.-t IVU'Ilt. It is also requested by the author ities that the general public use a little more care and judgment in ob serving the barricades placed around the newly poured concrete on side walks and streets. It is quite ossei: tial that no traveling be made over newly laid concrete, and those i!' charge make the request that all bar ricades be left where placed unti removed by proper authorities. The pouring of concrete was started this week to resume the paving work which has been delayed for several months due to the cold and inclement weather. The engi neers in charge state that all th< paving of all streets and sidewalk to be included in the paving program j throughout the town will be pushed ! through to completion now as rapidly as possible. ROSMAN ORGANIZES PARENT- TEACHER ASSO. THURSDAY In response to a call of the Ros man high school tcachers, some fifty parents met at the school auditorium Thursday evening, April 1, for the purpose of organizing a Parent Teacher association. The association was organized with 44 charter members. The fol lowing officers were elccted: Pres ident, Lee R. Fisher; vice-presdent, Mrs. E. R. Galloway; secretary treasurer, A. M. Paxton. Prior to the formal organization, I Prof. V. E. Wessinger, principal of ! Rosman high school, opened the 1 meeting with scripture reading, fol-j lowed by prayer by Prof. W. E. I Black. Following an introductor, j talk by Prof. Wessinger, stating the i object of the meeting, enthusiastic talks on the subject in question wre , heard from Miss Mary Strozier and , Prof. Black, both of the high school ; faculty. Responses from the audi- ' ence were called for, and Mr. J. E. White, who is always ready for a , word when the good of his county, | town or school is involved, made a splendid address. This was followed . by appropriate remarks from Lee R. Fisher and A. M. Paxton. The first business session of the association will be held at the schoo; auditorium Thursday evening of this week, at which time it is expected that many more parents of the com munity will he present and become members of the organization. Chamber of Commerce Is Aiding Community Thoroughness appears to be the i watch-word of the Brevard Chamber ? of Commerce. Matters pertaining I" ! civic welfare and the improvement ! of thq community are discussed i;i 1 the open meetings of the Directors before being given to a committee, | which is usually composed of" m? | familiar with the subject or who j have expressed an interest in i;. j When they report back to thi Di rectors at a following meeting, it if with an intelligent understanding of the matter accompanied by a coin prehensive plan to carry out th de tails of the original thought. This completeness was particular ly emphasized when the Clean-up Paint-up Campaign was being con sidered. Backing the movement sponsored annually by the W omen Bureau, the Chamber of Commerce voted funds for the expense of dis play advertising t? be used in crest ing a greater interest in the cleanli ness and general appearance of the town, a movement which promises ti. be a big factor in giving Brevard a prominent place among the cities and towns of Western North Carolina. When the purpose of the Clean-up Paint-up Campaign were emplane'! to the aldermen, that body immed iately saw in the plan a real servic. to the community and promptly aii thorized the necessary funds to car ry out the suggestions of the Cham ber of Commerce. Of equal importance to the tire county is the movement bein:> sponsored by the Chamber of Com merce to ci e:ite better health con ditions. For the past month toe subject has ben discussed in th meetings of the directors. At rue day's evening session the cominiUc previously appointed to conu.uin cate with the State Board of Ilea-, made a most interesting report. V.' desire of the State to Co-opsriH; j with the town and county author | ties in the establishment <>f a health officer for Transylvania county aoo the State's proposition U> fcia-- or.. ? half of the expense of an offie.-, started a movement which w.! doubtless result in an additional branch to the county's establish', m reputation for educational advance ment. Mayor W'hitmire. chairman <>f th Cemetery Association committee r. ported, the owners of the propert;. selected for that purpose, would s. ! it to the association for cost phu in terest. It was recoinmeiuie.l, ;? small house be built on the proper!; for the home of a caretaker, and a! so that lots in the cemetery he of fered to the public. The connnivte was increased and directed to have the necessary papers drawn wn! ' which to solicit subscriptions to the ; association. THE PRAYER CORNER THE GENTLENESS OF THE SPIRIT "Tho fruit of the Spirit is Gentks. ness." ? Gal. 5:22. , Gentleness is a quality which tlwi Holy Spirit possesses and imparts at our own experience ought to Imv-i convinced us "And His is that gentle Voice hear Soft as the breath of even." So gentle is His action that unless, we give good heed we may remain for long periods unaware of it. J l<r is forever which is in reality t h?? mightest force in all the universe, acts for the most part ? unperceivcd by the world. Readily grieved, yef. patiently persistent, the Good Spirit; of Grace is forever at work upon and within the souls of men, illumin ating, convincing, quickening, com forting. There is reason to think that much of the work is done be low the level of our normal con sciousness, in the mysterious region where memories arc gathered, ami. convictions are moulded, and where the impulses that prompt our activ ities have their beginnings. Who can measure the delicacy of all th---? processes of vital growth? Ilow marvelous the gentleness that is ever so acting as not to interfere with our freedom, while it wins with infin ite patience the concurrence of our wills. It would be strange indeed, of those who are quickened and led by the Spirit were not made partak ers of His Gentleness. To them it is clear that if there are earthly reasons, there are still stronger heavenly reasons for gentle ? ness. "The servants of the l.oni." argues the apostle, "must br Z. - And who can gainsay the aiguinein? If the Master is gentle, tin- <ctvai> who acts for Him, and i.-. ri?:n:.r sioncd to represent Him, MUST IL-I GENTLE. While it is true that ? ?> one will ever be so gentle a.s God, it is true also that the effort to Godlike in- this respect is certain t.? be rewarded, even to a very real measure of success. Even to dtsin: this grace is to have taken a g step towards its attainment. We are bound then to ask our selves the question ? are we gentle We say, "Speak gently, it is belli r far," but do we always try to spea!, gently? Are our thoughts genii--? Is our spirit gentle? Can it be sain, as we grow older, we grow gentler? We must not be deterred by our failures. If we humbly ask for ill ' help that we need, we shall iind '.ii-V our Great Head is ever longing i < incline our hearts to keep His ow:i most beautilful and gracious lai\ ?i Gentleness. A PRAYER FOR THE FRUIT Ol THE SPIRIT, GENTLENESS Spirit of Purity ar.d Grace, i.-.s!.* our hearts Thy dwelling placi-. Give to lis Thy Fruit of Gentlew- ???, "for 'l hine is .<te g.ntie voi-.e iw hear, sofi as the br-.ath of even." that checks ra<h fault ami calm* each fear, and spcal.s of he: veil. Help us to realize- that. Thou tie: Spirit of Purity and Grace. :-r; i< - ever working upon and within our souls, illuminating, convincing, ?? iii forting, quicken'jig them, win:>iiig with infinite patienie the co\. .1. rence of our wills and maki-iv in partakers of Thy Gentleness. Open aur < yes that w?- nity ? clearly that if there are cattiiiy reasons, there . are still strung- r heavenly reasons for gi nt! i< The aspo.-tle tells us thai ":!.e ? r vant of the Lord must he gi-rt'; for if our blessed Lord and M:--:..-r be gentle, we, who are his vants, must be genii-- luii. Give us grace to ask ourselves questions: Are we gentle? Ar? <-ar thoughts gentle? Is oui spirit -. - tie? Can it be said, as we v older, we grow gentler? Let us not be dc-tened by ??-i' failures If we humbly a*k for i ?: -? help thai we need, we shall ii . .1 that our Great Head is even l??i--; to incline our hearts to keep Hi own most beautiful and gracilis law of gentleness. So .-hail ? Gentleness of God make :is. and the Gentleness of Christ make us trae, and the Spirit of G<. .! > ness make us pure. And the |-.i shall be given to the Father, Swi. and Holy Spirit, Amen. ? C. r>. ( . The regular meeting of the l". I*. C. will be held at the Library. uruday afternoon, April 10. at :!;o" o'clock.

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