Clean Up Paint Up and Keep it Up Our Slogan ? Brevard The Beautiful VOL. XXXI BREVARD, NORTH CAROLINA, APRIL 15, 1926 No. 14 FARM NEWS By L. A. AMMON Those selling garden and truck seeds and plants tell me that there is no unusual demand for same, ex cept cabbage. That hardly looks like feeding the expected crowd this summer. A little more on every ooea part will help win the favor of many who want only fresh vege tables.- Let's do this one thing and lord it over Hendersonville and Asheville. Heard of a few seed potatoes in Gloucester, and one small batch on Little River. Let's, put out more of this crop, as the surplus can be sold farther south at good prices. Looks like $2 per bushel in August G. M. Garren, of Biltmore, now State corn specialist, says that the best all-round time to plant corn is when the dogwood is in bloom. A ^ case where our Experiment Stations have found the farmers were right. Plant with the bursting of white oak buds is good in some parts of the country. Chicken Truck Thursday. Prices about the same. Do not expect the prices on hens to last much longer, as the Jewish festivities last only through this month. If you are interested in poultry, you will do well to attend the night school offered by Mr. Glazener, at the High School each Friday night. Practical discussion among the, class will be>one big feature of the night school. Come learn, and swap experiences. Soy bean orders will go off Sat urday. See me or Clyde Ashworth by that time. We are afraid to or der many extras, because of the present state of mind. Few defiin ite orders are in as yet. J Fruit is safe so far, and chances look good, as it is warming up with out a frost in most parts of the county. Rain saved the day, and gave moisture for harrowing and for the seed to go in later. From the looks of apple blooms now, the second spray can be started about Friday. Three to four pounds of lime-sulphur to fifty gallons of water, and if you wish to killice add one teaspoon of black leaf 40 to each gallon of water, and one bar of melted soap will help make the whole spray stick longer. This spray should be aimed at the LOCAL DEMOCRATS START CAMPAIGN SATURDAY APRIL 17 Transylvania County Democrats will take the first step toward the State Democratic convention next Saturday, April 17, when delegates from the various precincts will be selected to attend the county con vention to be held at the court house on April 24. At the meeting to be held at the court house on the 24, a county chairman and other county officers will be chosen. s W. E. Breese is the present chair j man of the county organization and I R. L. Gash is secretary. ' SHERIFF CAPTURES SMALL STILL ON KING'S CREEK A thirty-five gallon still, along with a small quantity of beer and whiskey was captured Friday in "Panel Cove" on King's Creek by Sheriff Sitton and deputies. T. E. L. MEETS TUESDAY The T. E. L. class of the Baptist church meets next Tuesday at the ; home of Mrs. T. L. Snelson, Mrs. Snelson and Mrs. W. S. Price will [ be hostesses. LIVINGSTON CIRCLE CONDUCTS HOME-MADE CAKE SALE \ The Livingston Circle will have on sale home-made cake and candy, Friday afternon and Saturday of this week in the window of Tinsley & Jerome Real Estate office. young unopened blooms, and not so much at the body of the tree. Some trees will be in slight bloom while others will not be near bloom ing, so all you can do is to hit mid i way. Be light in spraying the open | trees as you will kill many bees, and that is against the setting of fruit, and the man who has bees. Our big need as I see it is for more truck and broiler chickens, that we may feed our visitors in a royau fashion this summer. PLANS DISCUSSED FOR ERECTION OF $350,000 HOTEL Several of the business men of Brevard met Tuesday night to dis cuss the tentative plans for a $350, 000.00 hotel for Brevard. The re Isult of the meeting was that a corporation should be formed and that work be started at once to se cure the erection of a hotel at an early date. It is expected that ground will be broken inside of 30 days and that the hotel will be completed during this season. The proposed hotel, which will involve expenditure of $350,000.00, is to be owned and op erated by Brevard people. The com pany will be entirely controlled by local men, and officers of the cor poration will be announced in the next issue of the News. The details of the organization, finance, construction, etc., have been placed under the direction of Mr. Thomas A. Montmeny, whose creden tails were throughly gone into and approved at this meeting. Mr. Mon tmeny has a record for accomplish ments in similar matters that will assure the successful completion of this project. Mr. Montmeny was formerly as sistant manager of the Mizner De velopment corporation, developers of Boca Raton, the outstanding de velopment in Florida; he was gener al superintendent in charge of the construction of the Daily News Tower in Miami: developer of an 80 acre tract that was purchased for one million dollars and successfully developed. Following is the copy of a letter from the Ocean City Bank of Delray, Fla., in regards to Mr. Mont meny. Dear Sir: .vL Replying to your letter of March 31st, asking for information on Thos. A. Montmeny: ? Mr. Montmeny has been a valued customer of ours for the past year, during which time his business has been conducted in a thoroughly sat isfactory and business-like manner. . Within the last six months, the Thos. A. 'M.ontmeny Organization (continued on editorial page) MMMASM Clean Up & Paint Up! f Hear This , Ye People? Think! Act! I Come on, let's put things in order. Our whole city can and should be made as clean and orderly as its cleanest home. Then we will have a safer, happier, healthier city. Ambition in its highest conception is to dream big dreams and make them come true. The splendid ambition to have a city clean and beautiful is soon to become a reality by the co-operation of all the people. Therefore, by virtue of the authority vested in me as Mayor, and with the hearty approval of many far-seeing and zealous citizens, we hereby proclaim the week, of APRIL 18 TO 24 as the Opening Week of a Continuous CLEAN UP AND PAINT UP CAMPAIGN Away with the rubbish piles! Banish the plague spots!. Clean up streets and alleys! Cut the weeds, mow the hwns and trim the hedges! Repair and paint every building that needs it. We need this thorough cleaning and renovation. It is the sensible thing to do ? for the health, safety, thrift, pride and happiness of all our people. It is everybody's job. Every man, woman and child will be expected to help. Let there be no slackers. ( Signed) TO? T. W. WHITMIRE, Mayor. CELEBRATES EIGHTY-FIRST BIRTHDAY ANNIVERSARY Rev. Chalmers Durand Chapman H. J. WILLIAMS GETS AIRPLANE SAFETY DEVICE PATENTED H. J. Williams, of Brevard, has secured patent rights for a safety landing device for airplanes, which practically eliminates danger of crashes caused by engine trouble or j loss of control while flying. The device is fashioned after a parachute, which lies flat ..on the top wing of the plane while not in use. In case of forced landing, the safety device can be placed in use automatically, permitting the plane to descend at a minimum speed. All advantages of the "thick wing" is given, it is claimed, with-] out infringing on other patent rights. Mr. Williams has spent five years in perfecting his invention, two and one-half years of which were spent in the U. S. Air service. It was dur- ? ing his service with Uncle Sam, dur- 1 ing the world war that Mr. Williams ; first conceived the idea of a safety j landing attachment, following a| near fatal "spill" experienced byj him. It is the intention of Mr. Williams' to sell his patent rights; a number j of creditable offers have already j been received by him for the patent ( rights. BETTER HOMES WEEK WILL BE SPONSORED BY WOMANS BUREAU ? i The national Better Homes Weeki will be sponsored in Brevard by the j local Woman's Bureau during the | week of April 25-May 1, with Mrs. j Oliver Orr as general chairman of the movement. The demonstration house will be the center of interest during tlh Better Homes week. This house will be a small residence loaned tor the week, and will be planned and furnished for a family of modest means, illustrating the best that a community can offer in home com fort, convenience, and beauty at ? cost within the reach of families in moderate circumstances. The house to be used for this purpose will be loaned by the Brevard Home Build ers, and its exact location will be stated at an early date. Various chairmen of committees and subcommittees have been ap pointed, all of whom are busily en gaged in making extensive prepara tions for the successful accomplish ment of the various phases of the movement to be included in the week's program. The various com mittes and chairmen include the fol lowing: Better Homes chairman, Mrs. Oliver Orr; program, W. E. Breese; demonstration house, C. C. Yongue; equipment and furnish ing, Mrs. O. L. Erwin; finance, L P. Hamlin; reception committee, Mrs. J. S. Silversteen ; business man ager, W. H. Alexander; publicity. Miss Alma Trowbridge. Better Homes in America is an educational institution for public service initiated in 1922 and organ continued on page two) A TRIBUTE "He was a good man, full of the Holy Ghost and of faith" Acts 11:24. How aptly do the above words, written of that saint of old, whose name signifies The Son of Consola tion, describe another of God's min isters, the Rev. Chalmers D. Chap man, whose eighty-first birthday occurred Wednesday, April 14. Nearly thirty years of this useful and beautiful life have been lived in Brevard. And truly, in him, we have had in our midst, one who has been, like St. Barnabas, a Son of Consolation to many. Coming to Brevard July 11th, 1896, Mr. Chapman was, until 1917> the beloved Rector of St. Philip's church. And since he has retired from the active exercise of his min istry, he has still served his people, by his prayers, by the spoken and written word, by his affectionate in terest and sympathy, and when strength permitted, by his presence and participation in the services he loves. For his is the heart of the true shepherd, and the longing ?to serve is the very main spring of his life and character. In this restless, hurrying age, even in a small town like Brevard, life holds much of turmoil an<l haste. Men and women alike are harassed and nervous, hurrying through the days, worried and anx ious about the morrow. Few in deed are the calm, unhurried souls, free from the fretfulness and petti ness of life. And so, when we meet .such an one as Mr. Chapman, beau tiful in serenity and quietness, c ? comes a sense of peace and refresh ment, restful even to the casual ob server, lovely and uplifting beyond measure to the closer friend. ^ Through the "Prayed Corner" in the Brevard News Mr. Chapman h? cheered and helped heavenward many of his fellow beings in need 0f just such messages as he k co - stantly giving us-words of forth, of hope, of courage and good ? ? And some bear grateful record, that when at times, ^ 4 :mi we knew not how to 1 . ? voiced in the pray ei s, that se.m to have been written to fit own particular needs. ! Of Mr. Chapman's devotion I , i_:? iaving leadership children, and his lo\ing , of them in "the paths of righteojs ncss?" - r^SnrSo. '?deep latitude. ? How many lessons !of gentleness and brotherly k.n.bies , he has taught our little oneM * ha aspirations he has given them ^ thoughts of God and these things Him i The value of these ? * iSL* be * ?But certain it is. that .or a !Kood seed so lovingly planted and j watered, "God giveth the increase, i Forty-nine years of Mr. Chap ! man's long and useful life a'C bccn given in the Episooual y 1 These years have been spent ,n . two churches, nineteen years a. Grace church at Greenville and twent-one years at St. >?P 1 at Brevard, of which church he ha, ' been for the past nine years Recto. ! Emeritus. | The following lines from i Ken apply so fittingly to Mr. Chap man that this tribute could not well THE PRAYER CORNER HUMILITY AND GENTLENESS In the Epistle to the Ephesians, the greatest of his epistles, St. Paul conducts us to the highest vantage ground from which moral man has ever surveyed the panorama of life and the purpose of the ages. The first half of the epistle is occupied with the heavenly standing of the members of Christ. The second half consists of detailed instruc tions in regard to the way in which they ought to conduct theniMilvcs in the fulfillment of earthly relation ships, and in their dealings with tint world. We are loft in no sort of doubt as to the character and tem per which they are found to exhibit. "I beseech you," he writes, "walk worthy of the vocation wherewith you are called, with all lowliness and meekness, with long-suffering, for bearing one another in love. Let all bitterness, and wrath, and anger and clamour, and evil speaking. In put away from you, with all malice; and be ye kind, one to another, ten der hearted, forgiving one another, ! even as God also in Christ hath for given you; submitting yourselves ' one to another in the fear of God." In-short, he tells us ? for hi> words apply to the Christians of all time ? that we ought to cultivate humility and gentleness, dispositions which are clean contrary to the or linary habits of men, hut which are the unmistakable marks of the new type of behaviour that Christianity has introduced into the world. j But this is not all. There was yet another injunction of very great importance. Humility anil gentleness will not suffice by themselves. They may be <-adly wronged, if it can be supposed that they are in any way to be associated with feebleness. There was need t" rescue Christianity from the sus picion that it is not a religit:: and a rule of life for able men. I It had to be made plain, that "gentleness in manner" is by no means incompatible with "firm i'> tin act." Accordingly it ought net to surprise us that the Apostle should have added to his other counsels this: "Finally be strong." (Ol this, I will speak in the next Pr:.-yer Corner.) | A PRAYER FOR HUMILITY AND GENTLENESS i 0 Thou most gracious and ? ci ful God, Who hast not dealt, with us after our sins nor rcwardi-1 us . according to our iniquities, Thou hast shown us in Thy Holy Wor !. by | Thy blessed Apostle, St. Paul, how we ought to conduct ourselvt- in ( the fulfillment of our ?-a.-th!.. 'a I tionships, and in our di-aliiic ith the world. We are b it 'n ? jj-t ? of doubt as to the < I aracti-i nd .temper which we are lumnd ? x : hibit: ! Give us grace to follow un- ri se Is Thou has given hi:: for a'. i.v : children in Christ Jt-.--.i-- "t . % 'k j worthy of the vocation wlier- h ; we are called, with all lowlii:. d j meekness, with long-.s.itl'. rii:v. j bearing one another in . I d bitterness, and wrath, an! 'and clamour, with all Miulio-. . ?! help us to be kind to n'.t* at" r. | tenderhearted, forgiving nr,<. 'even as God also in Cli ' i:;. given us, submitting oui-ilv. ? to another in the fear hi ' Bring home to our heart* , truth of these words of St. i j and grant us strength to show m I for in ourselves as we ought to ? by cultivating humility and gvvli! j ness, dispositions which we k-.-av ? are clean contrary to the or<iir;.ry j habits of men, but which a;v *' i mistakable marks of the new ' ype of behaviour that Christianity ' as introduced into the world. And this we ask in the name of Him. ?'.ho is our Pattern and Example it: all things, Christ Jesus, our I.?,y I, Amen. ? c. n. ??. be closed without including then: They are entitled "The Pastor.'' "A father's tenderness ? a shetir. care, A leader's courage which the c. --.s can bear i * * * * A fisher's patience, and a laborer's toil, A guide's dexterity to disembroir, A prophet's inspiration from above, ' A teacher's knowledge and a Savi-ir's love." ? M. Mel. L

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