Believe in Brevard. Your Belief # is What Counts VOL. XXXI BREVARD, NORTH CAROLINA, JUNE 3, Brevard ? THE City In the Mountains 1926 No. 21 FARM NEWS By L. A. AMMON The vacation was enjoyed very lfct much, and I now live on the same street, but in the last house. Four; hundred feet beyond the pavement. No telephone for a few days till they get me hooked up. The bean beetle appeared on May ?Ahe 12th. last year, but not til! the past Saturday this year. Get the early bird and you will save much work later on. Not many appear-] ing so far. Calcium arsenate is one of the most reliable poisons to kill them with. A pound to a peck of loose slacked lime, used as dust is the simplest way. Porter Morgan is seriously con sidering some Jriegation work to keep his truck alive if it does not rain soon. Others could do the same. H.-vd three years experience irrigating farming in the West, will be glad to help. Mr. H. Garren is seriously con sideling the Federations proposition; as becoming a branch station for buying poultry products, and selling egg cases, and perhaps seeds. The red tape is being unwound now. To handle' on a commission. All the County Agents of West ern North Carolina will be required to attend a meeting in Ashevilie on Tuesday and Wednesday of this week. We hope to get at some problems in a larger way than any one Agent can reach. The first order of s'ov hear.' an here and those putting; in their or-[ der early may call at Ashworths and , late will have to wait a few days for the rrnxt order which ought to be here soon. Th? lack of rain is making farm ing a gamble this \.eur> From every order early that 1 can gel any liirht 1 on the subject, it is not likely to be near so bad as- last year.- Many signs and precedents bear along j educational lines, and in respect to j good roads and health conditions. In j an entertaining manner Mr. Curtis compared the conditions of the past 1 with those of today, stressing the necessity of putting first things first and of. .-feeing prepared in the funda (continued on second page) FOREST HILLS OPEN OFFICE HERE; PUN BIG DEVELOPMENT PROPERTY LOCATED JUST OFF SOUTH BROAD STREET Forest Hills, a close-ill develop ment has opened offices on the sec- j ond floor of the Post Office build- j itig. In this issue of the News will j !> ? found two page advertisements j ; anouncing the property location i and plans of the company for devel opment. The property is situated just off South Broad street, and is one of the most valuable sites in Sown for development purposes. It is elevat ed above the surrounding country with beautiful rolling hills, from which magnificent views can be seen, including the golf course and country club. R. R. Eagle, vice-president and treasurer of the company, promises to have in all streets, lights, water and several buildings at an early ! date. Mr. Eagle is experienced in ! development work and promises to make of this one of the scenic spots of the country. F. F, McGuire, president of the Forest Hill; company, is also presi dent of the F. F. McGuire company, of Norfolk, Va., and is one of the largest contractors in the South, with a two million dollar contract in Durham at the present time. Associated with Mr. McGuire aiv men who have been very successful in their various fields of en deavor. and the financial resources of the company are understood to be large. W, K. Breese, well known attor ney of Brevard, is secretary of the organization. The James B. Mallory company, selling agents for Forest Hills an nounce that sales will be pushed ami that within sixty days all lots will be sold. WORKERS COUNCIL MEETING There will be a Workers Council meeting of the Baptist Sunday School at the church- on Friday ev ening at 8 o'clock. This meeting is not only for the officers and teach ers of the Sunday School, but ali who are interested in anyway with, the work of the Sunday School. A large attendance is urged. WOMAN'S BUREAU MEETS The regular meeting of the Wo man's Bureau will be held in the ("har.sber of Commerce room next Monday afternoon at 3:30 o'clock. Important matters will be discussed r rid a full attendance is desired. PSGE AGENT GRANT SLAIN TEUSDAY EVE SHOT TO DEATH WHILE AFTER RUM-RUNNER V. E. Grant, chief prohibition officer of Western North Carolina, anil well known in Brevard, was shoi a i d fatally wounded late Tuesday right by a bullet fired from the front seat of an autonioble which he i:?- was chasing, near Flat Rock. According to occupants of the car from which the sot was fired, Bur ion Bennison fired the fatal shot after Grant had fired at the tires of the machine in which they were rid ing. Deputy Will Owen occupying the car with Grant, stated that after a chase lasting several miles, Grant, in a burst of daring endeavored to pass the car of the wrong side, at the same time firing at the tires, ?lust as the the two machines were close together, a revolver held hy a figure in the front seat of the car, returned the fire and one of the bul let struck Grant near the right ear, pa'sing" in its path both the driver of the car being chased ahd'Ojvcn who was on the side nearest the rum car. AUCTION OF GLAZENER TRACT j NEAR TOWN TO BE HELD 5TH j The Glazener- tract, adjoining j Lake Sega development, will be ! sold j,;- auction Saturday by C, P. i Wilkins Land Auction Co. The I property is cut up into 35 lots. Construction Work Started On Rosman Lake Toxaway Road BE COMPLETED IN TWELVE MONTHS CAESAR'S HEAD PROGRAM TO START JUNE 28 Construction work is now under way on the project of hardsurfaeing highway No. 28 from Rosman to the ?Jackson; county line, a distance of 17 miles, according to a statement made by T. II. Shipmari, chairman of the county road commissioners. The highway was graded anil wid ened to 30 feet some three or four years ago, and the two creosote 1 covered wooden over-head bridges ! are now completed. It is thus ex- 1 pected that the actual work of hard surfacing will be pushed through to i completion within twelve months. The paved road, which will be of penetration macadam, the same type as is now in use on the ten miles! from Brevard to Rosman, will lit i when completed 16 feet .-in width, allowing an un paved space of seven : feet on either side. The cohstru: tion work is in charge of C. Walker, division engineer, of Ashe ville. This 17 mile .stretch of highway will be constructed at a cost of $100,000, which amount Transylva nia county lias loaned the state j highway commission. The paving | program is nuide possible by the re- j cent $250 000 county bond issue, j The remaining $150,000 of the appropriation will be used in grad ing highway Xo. 284, a stretch of 1! miles es lending from the city limits of Brevard to the S;".iLli Carolina line leading, toward Caesar's Head. Contract has. been l?ath house and cabins, making an ideal arrangement for the handling of a mixed group of students. The dining hall is between these two units. The cabins are furnisher' with comfortable, sanitary beds, will: good mattresses. 1 The swimming pool has been en larged and improved with io:k lined sides and bottom. A scientific method ha sbeen worked out where by the temperature of the mountain i stream water which supplies the pool : has been made more suitable for in- j tensive water instruction. The1 pool is provided with 1 00-yard j straightaway and two 50-yard j straightaway courses, each with reg ulation turning boards. Three reg ulation intercollegiate diving board - and platforms and one regulation Olympic nl 0-foot board have been j put in place. The institute will be conducte;? without profit, the faculty servinv without remuneration. As an aid to the comfort and wel fare of the girl students who will at tend the institute, a mature woman, having the title of Doan of Woniei. will be appointed by the director. Certain rules and regulations as lai. down by the director and dean o women will be strictly enforced a the success of the institute depei:'! upon the co-operation of the st>: dents with the directors. Normal courses in Firt Aid to tii' injured, life saving and water safe ty, swimming and diving) boaUvor!. and canoeing will be given. Student attending the institute will be lim ited to one hundred, the re<|uii minimum age being eighteen. At plication blanks and more xpivifi information may be obtained b> writing the Brevard Chamber ol Commerce. J. W. HARPER BUYS PANTHER MOUNTAIN NEW SALES OFFICES BEING ESTABLISHED Panther Mountain Estates. Cor: I prising nearly 2,000 acres, and situ- 1 ated on the Greenville-Krevar. j highway between Caesar's Head an Connestee Falls, formerly controlled by Ford and conmpa n y, has bet bought by Mr. J. \\\ Harper. i>; i ^Brevard, who is pushing this de-j velopmc-nt forward by contract ' for ali roadways and streets, map;, ed out by th.' engineering force. Thornwell Haynes still remain, president of the organization an.: Jack B. Mitchell sales 'director. In addition to the offices al -a.-lvi established in Asheville, i>rev..t :. Greenville, Spartanburg,' Union, and Gaffnoy, new offices are. bei". opened this week in Anderson, Char lotto," Greensboro, High Point, and Winston-Salem. The Hendersonville office, it; charge of Ira D. Wiivginton is being operated with II. G. Love an.; Company, corner of Third Avenue and Main Street. PRESBYTERIANS HOLD LAYMEN'S MEETING Laymen of the Presbyterian church met Sunday afternoon at tlu church, with E. W. Blythe presiding over the meeting. Visitors present were Mr. Smy'h. of Hendersonville, and Mr. J. F. Lancaster, of the Maxwell Training School. A splendid address wa-. given by Mr. Smyth, followed by i lengthy discussion led by Mr. Lan caster on his subject. Some twenty five men of the church were presen THE PRAYER CORNER THE MONTH OF JUNE What does tile word June mean? It comes from Junus, the name of ;i Roman "gens" ? and a "Kens" way, roughly speaking, a clan, the indi viduals of which joined together gentiles. Each "gens'" was made u)i of a number of branches or families and each family was made up of in dividual members. Thus, in oiden days, "June" would tell of related life. And this related life is j ust what we are learning so much about if. modem days. This is just what the Christian faith teaches us for a!' days, "No man liveth unto himself." He cannot really lie an independent atom, even if he would ? any n:oro than the particles of water in wineglass can be independent of each other. Christianize the old thought", and the root idea of the church is clean. The church is a big brotherhood, made up of branches or families each family being made up of .?> dividuals ? of individuals i elate:! ! make his individuality ? pos>ri:i<\ There would me nothing in.ln du.ii about him, unless there w re o.hcs from whom to distinguish hl'ii. A ;:i even his individuality as fa - a - \.o can grasp it, is largely the sum .0V1I of a whole pedigree of i 1 1 > I : % V o p tics of which he is the re-rika-i*. product, father, mother. ?'?. - father, grand-mother, gse.:t v. father, great grand-mother, i on. June, "the gens," thi n, fixe- thoughts 011 "family life" in t'i< ? broadest sense of the word, vv In-: ? :? it is our own individual family, or the family of the human race, or t'le church which God's Book call- "ft* family for which our Lm-I -.i'-.'.n Christ was contented to i?- <;?? trayed." A PRAYER FOR THE MONTH OF JUNE Lord of the days, and liio'.ih.- years, bless this month 0!' to our friends and neighbe.v mi , to our people everywhere *h:oi;uhi>Li. our beloved land, and the Help us to remember that it tell l.-. of related life. And this !?? j.j-t what we are learning so mui'li-aix jt 11 these days, and what the ( hi - 'r.n faith teaches us for all <|j.y. aat "No man liveth unto hiit:.-< !f." 've cannot be individual atoms. e*u if we would. Let us never forget lhat ?.!:!? !- t i-o root idea of the ehurc:-. . 'hi; i* -'t big brotherhood, made 110 of In..:: li es or families, each t'ai...|y ivin;? made up of individuals? of jjn: ,v >.1 uals related to each oilier by s;1 rit ual, a:- by natural birth. Let us ever remember thai fixes our thoughts on family lif- in the broadest sense of the wort:*!, whether it be our own individual family or the family of the human r:Kc, or the church, which i' 'tie family for which our Lord .)?? -t'a Christ was contented to b .? bet ray. d. Oh Grant! Most Gracious (.?>?! in Whom all the families of the e:.?"li are blessed, that the spirit of ."V ing service may spread from )v t to heart, and bring with it. not ? ?y zeal, but. joy, and peace, and har mony, and oneness in ("hiist, th:e' great work of love l-p do, in i name of our Lord . .festt.'. Chn?ty Amen. '? - ? C. 1). C LAURjEL TROOP GIRLSCO'JTS ON CAMPING TRIP FOR VV?L? About 20 Girl Scouts 1 f local I.aurel Troop lefr Monday 1 a week's camping trip to !I :>i .;>? ['? - ture, near Lake Toxaway, wh< >. e they will remain until Saturday. Those accompanying the ?/. I; Were their leaders, M i"s Boriie Bui lard and Miss Annette Pat ton, aiso Mrs. II. A. Plummer, Vernon K.:..'.:r and F. R. Nails.